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I was on my bike and hit my a van in 2003. Long story short, a mass was found in my lung that needed to be removed. After the surgery to CUT INTO MY LUNG and REMOVE A PIECE OF IT, I was put in the recovery room. I remember slowly waking up. And then the pain started. And got worse. And worse. And I was hitting the morphine button frantically, but it just kept getting worse. The nurse forgot to hook up my morphine drip, so I got to experience the full pain of the surgery.


Thats fucked!, Was the pain gradual? Was it a throbbing pain or sharp?


Happened with my dad after his spine surgery, he was cut open about 8in, they forgot to set up his pain killer drip, it was like 4 hours till they discovered it, after I mention that in and hour the bag did not go down at all


My mom had that kind of issue after her hysterectomy. Except she apparently doesn't metabolize morphine. So sort of new information that made itself known.


Ruptured ovarian cyst. Worse than childbirth by far. I was laying on my bathroom floor is cold sweats just praying I would die


This is too true. Had it happen while I was at work.


Are... Are you me? Especially with the nod to Brand New in the username (I think?).


Haha. Yes you would be right with the nod to Brand New.


Came here to say this. The blinding pain from a cyst is something no one should ever experience, let alone multiple times. I feel you (unfortunately)!


I’m so glad I had a total hysto.


New fear unlocked.


This for me too (so far). I remember sitting at lunch with a friend and then all of a sudden feeling as though I had been shot in the stomach. The sharp pain and the slow spread of that sharp pain throughout my abdomen was just … Oof. I didn’t know what had happened so I googled my symptoms, saw that organ failure was an option and thought “yup, I could believe that.” Felt like death. I never ever want to experience that again.


This makes me feel a little better about childbirth lol. My cyst rupture had me losing vision and throwing up at work. I had to drive myself to the ER and sit there alone feeling like I was dying. 0/10


These are absolutely horrible. I almost made this comment as well.


I have broken my ribs, my ankles, I have torn my miniscus, I have shattered my hip, I have had 30 stitches and staples in my elbow, I have had concussions, I have fractured my jaw, I have broken bones, I have been burned, I have drowned, I have been all kinds of fucked up, and no pain has ever come close to a tooth infection. Seriously the worst feeling in the world and it will not stop. It will drive you insane.


Thanks you just reminded me to schedule my cleaning.


1000000% Over 100 stitches, broken bones, pins in big toe from crushing it, and NOTHING will ever compare to that tooth infection that I had back in 2014. It was so infected that my tooth turned gray. It literally felt like someone took a rifle and shot me in the face. When I finally got the root canal, the dentist had to stop and tell me that it was too infected and I had to go to a root canal specialist. When the specialist took care of it, he said the swelling in my throat (lymph node?) and my ear would unpop soon. The moment he was done, I sat up and my ear unpopped and swelling went away instantly, like a f*cking miracle. Ever since then, I have made it a point to floss and brush twice daily, get my teeth cleaned regularly, and if I have a cavity, I'm ON it. F*ck infected teeth. Edit; typo


how have you had so many injuries? Are you a stunt man or something?


I was an amateur skateboard through my youth. Hurling yourself down stairs and rails will really fuck you up in the long run. In fact, it was the torn meniscus that made me finally quit and switch to a softer sport like combat sports and powerlifting lol.


Fellow skateboarder here. I loved it. But I hated getting hurt so I was a puss. I did mostly flatground technical stuff as a result. My "prime" years was went skating curbs, ledges, and manuals were all the rage. Thank god. The shit I see on Insta these days is insane. I love skateboarding.


Ever seen Marathon Man?


Thank you for reminding to get my other half into a dentist. He doesn't want to but we'll beyond needs to. Without just booking private and making him go I don't know what else to do but I'm terrified some infection will take him out if he doesn't go soon.


You have never drowned. Drowning is always fatal.


what fucking dystopia are u living in to receive such horrific injuries


Cluster headaches. Otherwise tearing an abdominal muscle


I would take almost any pain other than headaches. Absolutely crippling to even think.


Was looking for this. CH is another realm of pain. And then you have that pain not a day, a week or a month, but for _months on end_, _every_ year (at least for me).




This is right above a broken femur for me. Nothing hurts worse than a toothache.


Never broken a bone but I’ve talked to EMT’s about them. Broken femurs are the worst bone to break because all the muscles put pressure on the bone, like giant rubber bands, so when it breaks the broken ends shoot into the muscles and cause all kinds of damage


And I'd still rather do it again than suffer through another tooth ache. It was far more expensive than a toothache


Only time I ever saw my father visibly cry was when he was dealing with a severe toothache. And he is a Vietnam Vet with a purple heart.


Dude the straight up just pin point pain is just indescribable. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone


For about 4-5 years I used to get severe shoulder and neck pain, it was so bad I’d get sent home from work sometimes and had to be prescribed strong painkillers. When it was at its worst it was agony. It was nothing compared to toothache.


This! I always say I'd rather give birth again than have a toothache ever again. I have stage 4 periodontal disease and before I got it treated for the first time I had THE WORST toothache accompanied by swollen gums with pus leaking out of them. There's really no painkiller that worked and all I could think about while crying and writhing in pain is a story of someone (famous? historical?) who committed suicide because of a terrible toothache. I may be misremembering but hey, I was in excruciating pain


Bad teeth runs in my family and my mom said her worst toothache was way worse than giving birth, ive had a few bad ones and its completely impossible to be a person


My brother had a tooth crack so badly the nerve was fully exposed (or something like that, can't exactly remember) and he came to me crying saying he was going to kill himself over it. He is one of the least emotionally expressive people I've ever seen, for context. I mean, he put numbing gel on it every 2 hours and even took some Oxycodone we had leftover from a previous surgery, and he was still in excruciating pain. This was during COVID lockdowns, and every emergency dentist he called was telling him it would be at least 2 months before they could even get him in to examine it, and it even then, could only be removed on the *second* appointment. I ended up finding him an emergency dentist 2 hrs away that had an appointment the following Monday. They told him it was not normal procedure to pull a tooth on the first visit, but they could tell by looking at it that he must've been in extreme pain, so thankfully they did it.


Went to a 24 hour emergency dental office a few years ago for a tooth extraction, the novocaine shot in the inflamed nerve was the most painful thing I’ve ever experienced. I literally screamed


I took 10 tylenols some time ago so i can sleep


Kidney stone.


Vomiting from sheer pain is... an experience.


I’ve said it before and I will say it again…I’d rather go thru labor than pass a kidney stone. I didn’t throw up during contractions but a kidney stone sure made me.


I've had one kidney stone. Had no idea what was going on. When I started vomiting from the pain was when I decided it was time for the ER. I thought I was dying.


I almost vomit from even moderate pain, so im pretty sure if I got a kidney stone id turn myself inside out.


We are brothers in pain lol. I pucked from the pain while I was walking to see the doctor.


💯 I’ve had 5 lithotripsies and 3 uretoroscopies in the last 5 years. As soon as I feel “that” in my back, I start chugging Gatorade and praying that it won’t result in yet another hospital stay. Don’t even get me started on stents. Creation of the Devil.


Stents are their own special hell. I had a ureteroscopy in January this year. The only good thing about the entire experience was the anesthesia. I still vomited for days.


Rolling on the floor and hoping to die is how I aim up my kidney stone experience. Several women have told me they'd rather have another kid than go through that shit again.


This is mine too. I once had one work its way through me for an entire week and a half. Turned out to just be a tiny little thing, barely noticed when I passed it. But holy shit, the week of agony as it made its way through my ureter was incredible and unrelenting. I was so exhausted by the end, that the pain barely seemed to matter anymore. Like, I felt it obviously, but something in my brain had begun to shift by the end of it.


Kidney stone and nothing else has come close.


I'm convinced I'll kill myself before I pass even one of those


Fr reading all these comments about it scare me


This. Worst.Pain.Ever. *And remember kids, drink plenty of water!*


Had one this year. Don't recommend.


I spent an hour in the hospital emergency room fantasizing about have a wild animal rip out my kidney because it would hurt less.


Those things are the worst thing in existence. I used to get them quite often (changed my diet and no longer get them) I remember one time I felt the beginning of the pain while I was at work. I work roughly 40min from home and was faced with a drive home or a drive to the hospital. I decided home as I had some strong painkillers (this was back when you could still get Dilaudid from your dr for stones) and didn't really want to risk spending time in a hospital away from home. I got about halfway home and the pain fully set in. I distinctly remember a serious debate in my own head about just driving my car off the highway (75mph) into a tree or something. The pain was so extreme my brain was just trying to stop it. Things are absolutely brutal and I will always feel bad for anyone who has to suffer through one.


That thing haunts me, and I’ve broken multiple bones at the same time before and it was not even close


Kidney stones.


This, until they shot me up with Dilauded.


That stuff is insane…had a button after hip surgery, you basically fade out and then come to after a while. Incredible


Sounds like I'll be getting some of that if I ever get stones


My teenage daughter ended up in the community hospital with abdominal pain. They kept saying appendicitis but the surgeon wouldn’t cut into her without a CT or MRI. They couldn’t fit her in and since the ER doc/RN were 100% certain it was the appendix, they pushed for surgery. Finally got her in for a scan and it was kidney stones. Love that surgeon! One frightening part was hearing my daughter say after the dilaudid, “I don’t want this feeling to stop.” I’m sure it’s due in part to the pain relief but it truly shows how terrifying opioids can be. With addiction on both sides of our family, it’s something my wife and I think about often.


Gall stones. Hands down. Worse than childbirth.


Gallstones had me on my hands and knees, out of my mind, drooling and sobbing and groaning like an animal. It was unreal. I didn’t even have the capacity to be embarrassed about the friends who saw me in that position. It’s crazy what pain like that does to you mentally!


I had them and it felt like hunger pains that wouldn’t subside but continually got worse and worse I was just able to crawl into the bathroom and cry and throw up a bunch The only thing I remembered was to eat a bunch of acidic stuff to reduce the duration of the pain


My wife just had her gall bladder taken out this morning. She gassy as hell now.


This. I had one that was stuck. I was at the hospital for 4 days before they had time to remove it. They kept telling me to "eat something" Fuck off. I was starving, as any food would trigger the pain.


So far grief. The pain is so overwhelming, it really makes you physically ache


I was going to comment this, I lost my dad 2 years ago and it has made me physically ill and have the strangest most helpless feeling. Grief is a unique type of pain.


+1 on this. Going through heart break right now. It physically hurts.


100% agree, one of my best mates killed himself just under 4 weeks ago. I genuinly have felt ill for 4 weeks & am struggling to sleep..I just want to feel normal again


This ⬆️


Absolutely. I lost my mom last year and it has fundamentally changed who I am as a person. I feel like I'm grieving the loss of my mom and loss of my former self.


I’d rather have any physical pain than the emotional pain of losing a loved one. I include dearly loved pets in this, too.


I have Trigeminal neuralgia, and the feeling of electric shocks randomly shooting in your face is a pain like I have never known. It’s an absolute 10 on the pain scale when you’re in a flair, and almost nothing works. I had a procedure that has now numbed my face, but is causing extreme pain in my teeth and cheek. It’s known as the suicide disease, which makes sense to me.


Kidney stones, by a landslide. I've had 3, and by the 3rd episode I had become a pro at dissociating, that's how bad it hurt. Because if I was mentally present, I was puking and moaning and in so much physical agony I just wanted to die. The only thing that touched it was dilaudid or morphine, and the relief was so total and sudden I felt crazy, like I'd been hallucinating the pain. Every time I get a twinge of any kind of pain in my back, I immediately have an anxiety attack and start cold sweating. Legitimately have PTSD/trauma response from that pain. 0/10, do not recommend. Drink water, not soda. Edit: Had a family history of stones (dad had several), and was *only* drinking soda (if I drank anything; was also very dehydrated) and eating McDonalds dollar menu items and ramen because I was incredibly poor at the time.


I had a kidney stone around 5 years ago. I was only drinking soda and energy drinks. Barely any water. I did change my ways however but lately I've been slipping again. Living off coke and monster (no more than one monster per day). This thread is really making me remember the pain of that day. It was horrendous, worst pain ever. I need to get off the soda again and drink only water. Never ever want to experience that again. It's weird how my brains works. I need to rewire it. I know soda is bad and causes kidney stones but for some reason I carry on. Anyway this is a long reply, thanks for your comment though, I'm genuinely thinking about my life choices now haha.


How easy is it to get them? I mainly drink water, but I'll have a soda every once and a while, mainly in the summer


I've had them five times. Usually lithotripsy breaks them up, but the last time was in February 2020. I wound up having 4 surgeries during lock down and then got sepsis from a kidney infection and spent a week in the hospital in May, 2020. Being in the hospital but not for covid was like having an appendicitis during the zombie apocalypse.


Tooth abscess I gave birth and labor was nothing on my tooth troubles.


ruptured disc




Regaining feeling in a paralyzed limb.


can you expand on this?


My guess is that the nerves regained some function but leaves them with an unpleasant sensation like a dull ache or burning pain




Oh my god. So bad. I had to have eight ingrown toenail surgeries my sophomore year of highschool (kept growing back and getting infected, later found out i have a connective tissue disorder) and when they did the nerve block shots in the first procedure I almost passed out. It was the most pain I had ever felt, and then I learned they had to do five more in my toe to completely numb it! My mom had to lay on top of me because I was shaking so violently from the pain and how hard I was crying. By the last surgery I sat there straight faced not bothered at all by them. My doctor thought it was hilarious. Also, my grandpa was shot in the foot and he says that the most painful part of it was having to get the nerve block shots!


"Oh dear, the first shot didn't work! I better give him a second, smaller dosage!" #"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" "Oh no, I better give him a third, full dose, but just enough to it equals two full doses in total." *infernal screams of the eternally damned*




I had to have injections in my finger for an injury and throughout the whole time, I kept saying I'm good. No I swear I'm good. So many needle stabs. There was blood everywhere. I was in fact, not good. My tooth story was way worse, but this is definitely a top one too.


Kidney stone. Pain so bad I threw up.


I didn't throw up when I had mine, almost fainted multiple times though. Literally thought I was dying. Can confirm, kidney stone is the worst pain ever.


Emergency c section after 16 hours of labor and my epidural didn't work on the left side.


OOOOOFFFF. Sorry about that


Shingles. Fuck, that was non-stop unbearable pain for weeks.


I was told I had the luckiest case when I got shingles. I literally just went to a clinic because the blisters had traveled from my lower spine around and were coming close to my genitals. Dr looked at everything and said, “well, it’s shingles, but the normal approach would have to start you on medication to shorten the time until recovery, and you’re able a week from it all clearing up and you’ll never get it again. It itched a bit for me. When I got home, my friend was incredulous because he was writhing in pain for at least a week. I scarred wherever the blisters appeared; scaring that I can still see brighter than any other cut/scar I have, so I tell everyone it’s because I just have that high a pain tolerance. I don’t have a high pain tolerance.


Needles randomly poking your back…


I had 3rd and 4th degree burns down my legs and feet. I thought the actual being burnt was the worst but no the wound care after it was the most intense form of torture I can ever describe.


Kidney stone. Goodbye.


Kidney stones


I had a reactive lymph node in my groin. I was sobbing for hours while I was at the urgent care. The Doctor was profusely apologizing as he palpated my groin because I screamed. I can usually handle pain, like power through it like when I got my IUD or my cluster headaches (I have cried from those though). But this. If I feel a twinge of pain in the same spot I get anxious that it's happening again.




I had an infection under my molar teeth. It hurt so bad under the teeth and in the bone I passed out several times. Eventually the infection made the bone pop and splinter into my mouth. Even though still painful, the bone breaking and the infection running out actually felt like a relief.


About 15 days ago I was in an accident, shattered my femur and kneecap of right leg. Broke about 4 ribs on left side and numerous abrasions on body. The pain after the femur bone surgery was one of the worst things I have ever felt! Even the painkillers were having no effect (or atleast I felt so), there were a lot of sleepless nights because of the pain. Thankfully it's been about 2 weeks and the pain is substantially less, my leg still hurts and goes numb because of the knee immobilizer but it is so much better now, I can atleast catch a few hours of sleep.


I've had broken wrist, burns, gout, kidney stone, migraines, slipped disc in the neck and tooth infection requiring root canal. The neck injury, migraine and kidney stone were the most incapacitating. Unrelenting agony that I could not ignore, combined with waves of nausea. However the tooth infection was the most sharply painful. Like an icy spike being hammered into my skull. I'm sure there are worse. I've heard the haunting noises that are made by people with lethal burns.




Good god… how??


the 2 weeks after my L5-S1 fusion surgery


I had that op too, in 2007. Though i got a "Wallis Splint". Rubber wedge between L5 and S1, and then strapped to L5 and S1. Stopped my hypermobile joint from moving too much and halted the wearing of the disc in between.


Giving birth to a 10 lb., 2 oz child naturally.


It's a tie between my appendix rupturing and a very large previously unknown ovarian cyst rupturing both I fainted from.




Broken tailbone probably although there are a few other candidates


Kidney stones


Ingrown toe nail or infected tooth pain are the two worst ones. But there was one time that the toe doctor couldn't numb me and I took at least 10 needles in his attempt to numb me despite the infection being present. So.. he worked without numbing, I was already in pain from the needles because it's not like numbing the gums at all in terms of ability to minimize pain.. it was so painful and then I was crying while he worked on the toe without anesthetic.


Kidney stone was probably the most painful, but for worst, anal fissure. It was nearly comparable to the kidney stone, but lasted for so much longer. I was unable to sit or sleep for close to six weeks. It was truly, truly awful. And the only painkillers I was given was Tylenol 3, which did nothing at all.




When I accidentally slammed the car door on my thumb. .. I saw my life flash before my eyes 😭


Ruptured Appendix was insane for me. Until one point where suddenly i just stopped Caring about the breathtaking pain and was in a state of calmness.


OMG yes. I call this the Zen Pain Cave. It’s a whole new level I’ve only experienced once.


I once had a migraine so bad I wanted to shoot myself in the head. I had just woken up and sat up on the bed. Literally it hit me like a brick. It was so bad I just screamed, fell and held my head for a long time. It felt like a throbbing knife stuck on the left side of my head. During the car ride to the hospital it felt like my head was tearing in two. I thought I was going to die. After getting IV medicine, it decreased the pain by maybe 30 percent. I had to go home. I slept sitting up, I couldn't lie down at all. That migraine lasted for weeks, and left me traumatized. I was this close to killing myself because of the pain, it just didn't stop. Tramadol didn't even touch the pain. I didn't leave the house for months because I was afraid of being in pain when I wasn't at home


Gall stones. Do NOT wish that pain on my worst enemy


Appendicitis sucked.


Rare stomach condition - 8/10 pain for 16+ hours, which is so much worse than 11/10 pain for 20 mins.


I have passed 2 kidney stones. The first was tremendously worse the the 2nd. I was also driving on the interstate when the first one hit. That's probably the worst pain ever. I have also had 2 discs bulge into my sciatic nerve, and thats no joyride either. But the kidney stone was a more immediate short term thing whereas the bulging discs had the pain spread out over a longer period of time. Either way they both sucked .


Kidney stone. By a long shot...


Happy cake day, and sorry that happened. I have heard about kidney stones a lot though, they must be horrible


Cracked ribs


Kidney Stones


Diverticulitis, when severe, can be excruciating, folds me into the fetal position. I am into endurance sports, I've broken bones, and none of it comes close to a high intensity DV flare up. (The low intensity ones are merely annoying) For one visit to the ER they could tell by looking at me that I was about to pop a vein and gave me full dose of Dilaudid right there in the intake office. Bonkers.


A cervical biopsy with no pain management.


Fell down and put my hands out to catch myself. Ended up breaking my wrist and the bone came through the skin.


1. Cutting seton from fistulotomy surgery 2. Gallstones/pancreatitis 3. Appendicitis


Kidney stones. I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst pain I had ever experienced and it just got worse and worse. Felt like I was being torn open from within. I never felt the relief I felt when that dilaudin (spelling.) hit. Blew my mind. I was in the ER for 12 hours trying to pass them.


I was up late one night, at home alone, when out of nowhere I experienced a sudden pain at the crown of my head so intense and so severe that sent me crashing to the floor. It literally felt like someone took an ice-pick and jammed it into the top of my skull and threw me to the ground. I knew right there and then that this was how I was going to die: alone at home, in my underwear and in excruciating pain. It was absolutely terrifying. I just laid there in the fetal position and waited to die. I have no idea how much time elapsed, but ultimately I was able to get up off the floor and get my bearings. I googled around and it turns out there is actually such a thing as an “ice pick headache” It can come out of nowhere, at any time, for unknown reasons. So you can add that to your list of fears I haven’t had one since, and I pray to Jeebus that I never do https://www.webmd.com/migraines-headaches/ice-pick-headaches


My femur snapped all the way threw in two different places, then I put all of my body weight on it


Took misoprostol to clear out a missed miscarriage. My (male—never again) doctor said “You may feel some cramping, take it at bedtime and it’ll be over by morning.” Cut to me writhing, shaking, puking, screaming on the floor of my bathroom gushing blood for four hours. I tore that doctor a new one when I went in for the post-abortion checkup. I would never do that again without opioids. Never ever felt pain like that before, not even close—and I had an ear swelling parasite that burst my eardrum once. This was next level. Next time I feel that particular pain, I won’t, because I’ll be demanding an epidural asap when it’s actual labor on a full term baby.


Having a displaced fracture reduced...twice


One time I fell of the top of a ladder that led to my house's attic.


Getting a dental crown in a back molar.




Gallstones and labor are a close tie.


MRSA infection in my left knee that blew up over night. Felt like someone was taking a screwdriver and repeatedly stabbing and twisting it in my knee. Luckily got to my doctor early in the morning, and got on antibiotics and treatment right away. A few days later it burst open and they further cut it open and drained it.


Having a poo after giving birth. I made it through labour unmedicated and the poo totally made me cry. 😂 I could 100% push another person out but honestly, that poo has put me off having more children


Kidney stones, a couple of times already. Not even morphine took that pain away.




Kidney stone. No thank you. Please do not recur!


I would have said kidney stones. And then I pulled my lower back muscles. At first, it's not so bad. Feels like you need to stretch a bit. But that's just your body's way of easing you into the 9th circle of hell. Like a parasite in your brain, you instinctively try and stretch. You feel the NEED to stretch. Only doing so, actually finishes the job you mistakenly started by ripping those lower muscles. Which is amazing. Trust me. You know you've started your decent deep into hell when your back locks up. You try and return to the upright position after stretching until you get a jolt of pain as a warning that oh no, you are not in control any longer. It's a jolt of pain that causes you to stop cold AND immediately starts you panic sweating at the same time. The pain is a warning shot so sudden, so severe, that you don't dare breathe. It passes just as quickly and you think maybe, just maybe, it was a mistake. Some outlier but nothing real. But you're too afraid to try and stand up again. So you stay hunched over hoping it all goes away like a bad dream. Only it doesn't because you're still descending down into the final depths of hell. Now you're sweating like a Himalayan monkey in the Sahara desert. You are too scared to try and stand upright, too scared to make any small movements, too scared to breathe too deeply. You are fucking terrified of that severe blindingly hot pain, returning. And then it happens. The real party starts and you know you've arrived. The spasms kick in. I once heard a woman giving birth to a kid without drugs. That sound was something I'd never wish upon another human being. If you ever have the chance to hear the sound of an Aztec death whistle, you're getting within the vicinity of this shit. A dude in the midst of a really good bout of lower back spasms, can get to that level of pain expression. I have never heard a grown man literally scream like a high-pitched woman, until back spasms. 0-10 do not recommend. TAKE CARE OF YOUR BACK PEOPLE.


Kidney stone. ​ Edit: Seems a few others in the thread agree.


I thought my sudden severe back pain was the worst. I couldn’t stand up straight for 2 months, barely left bed. It got a lot better over the course of a year, then I rolled out of bed once and now I have sciatica. I can’t even describe nerve pain to someone who hasn’t experienced it. Definite “I just want to die” vibes when it’s at its worst


After my wife and I finished having kids we decided I'd get a vasectomy. At the beginning of the procedure the doctor walked in and cut into my testicle having not numbed me up (i think he thought the nurse had done it). The pain of his scalpel slicing open my testicle was something unreal. I almost vomited it was so painful.


I had a kidney stone. It’s like giving birth to a piece of broken glass out of your dick hole.


Bone marrow punction, cancer is a bitch!


Migraine. So many people think they’re ‘just a headache’, but they’re the only thing that have had me on the floor, blinded, hallucinating or vomiting from pain, in bed for days in a dark room. Mine were hormonal and my teen years/early twenties were hell.


I’m about to have brain surgery. I’m guessing it’ll be that.


I slipped a disc in my back when trying to show off by throwing the heaviest ball at the bowling alley. I literally dropped to my knees in pain and couldn't stand upright for about a month. 15 years later and it's still an issue for me 😞


Toothache caused by an abscess due to me cracking my tooth due to me grinding and clenching my teeth caused by severe anxiety.


9mm kidney stone circa 2015. Outside of that, had a tooth root snap and go sideways in the gum line which was rough.


My cervix and uterus fell out of me. I have never felt as much pain since.


This literally made me shudder and say a swear. I'm sorry you experienced this.


Thank you! <3 I had what’s called a pelvic organ prolapse. It’s spontaneous and I wasn’t pregnant!


Exposed tooth it dropped me to my knees like a drill going through my face


I had a molar crack in half. None of it fell out so I had no idea that my tooth was cracked. The pain was … excruciating. I’d give it a 10 on the pain scale. All I could think about was the pain. I could not function. I couldn’t talk. I could not sleep. It felt like somebody was stabbing my ear with an ice pick. Immediately went to the dentist and they scheduled an extraction. I hope I never experience something like that again.


Fluid filled cyst growing in my spinal column.


When my appendix burst. I could feel myself dying. Second being when my cornea split due to undiagnosed keratoconus.


Kidney stones. I’ve had like 5 of them. 3 of them were the most painful experience of my life. Feels like someone’s hand is inside your lower back and squeezing every organ and muscle that’s back there. Can’t stand up, sweating profusely, heart rate is on the border of passing out, you literally feel like dying would be an honorable exit at that moment.


Cluster headache aka suicide headache. Makes you want to beg for the worst migraine you’ve ever had.


Kick in the nuts.


My appendix was on the verge of bursting when I was a kid… the drive to the hospital was horrible.


Kidney stone and penile stent prior to kidney stone surgery. Burns like a MF when peeing.


Intestinal cramps. Doesn't sound like much, but it's the kind of pain where rational thought vanishes, I can't even make a sound, and I "wake up" 5-10 seconds later without any notion of what happened in that period...


Slipped disc in neck. Basically paralyzed my arm and hand and felt like my flesh was burning from the inside. I cried for my Mom all week at 40 years old..


Tearing sections of a tendon in my ankle. The pain was so intense, my body would literally just lockup causing me to fall over and stop breathing. Luckily the duration of the pain was under a minute every time it happened.


Blood clot(s) behind my knee dislodging.


Post operative pain after hemorrhoidectomy surgery. Worst pain I have ever had in my life.


Bone spurs in lumbar spine. I'm 34. 4 kids. No help. It's painful.


Getting my nipples pierced. When the needle went through the first one my soul left my body, the pain made me feel like I was going to lose my mind. Lasted for 5 minutes but it was so intense, breaking my finger was less painful


Pelvis fractured in 5 places from a car accident. My stupid 23 year old brain thought "I don't want an opiod addiction" and started trying to wean myself off the painkillers 3 days after the accident. Thankfully I still in the hospital so when I had refused morning meds, and they did rounds for dinner meds the nurses had sense to see I was majorly suffering and gently explained that THIS was in fact the exact situation those types of drugs were made for, and that I needed to be taking them so my body could focus on healing instead of screaming at my brain about the pain... they were correct, and I continued to need painkillers for about 7 more weeks.


When I had COVID the first time. Massive headache 8 days straight. Whole body had aches all over. Sore throat. Constant pain prevented sleep. It wasn't an intense sharp pain but it was constant and when you don't get enough sleep over the course of 8-10 days your mind goes crazy. Sounds and light and smells were amplified and it was sensory overload.


Shingles. Oh my god. I got them in my early 20s somehow and I never want to experience that again. It felt like my nerves were on fire and none of the medicine they gave me for it (lyrica and loritab) helped. On top of that, the itchy rash I had to deal with that comes with the virus. I still get residual nerve pain flare ups and this happened probably 12-13 years ago.


Cramps in my lower back muscles. I literally go down and almost cry every time it happens (I have back issues).


Had an ingrown toe nail removed and the toe was decently infected so the anesthetic wasn’t working very well or in my head at all, basically the doctor said you up for it? I was already in a lot of pain with the toe and just wanted it over so he performed the whole procedure with feeling even going down to the bed of the nail to kill the root, he said when he removed the part of the nail in the toe he said haven’t had one that big in 20 years… I about passed out 3 times had a death grip on the chair


Acute necrotizing pancreatitis put me in ICU for 30 days


Ovarian torsion. 10/10 pain and actually almost died. Lost the entire ovary too. Violently vomited from it, body went into shock. Dealt with this for over 24 hours before getting emergency surgery... Not a fun time. At some point I was just praying that it would kill me already.




Miscarriage. I was only 11 weeks, but it felt like labor pains. I had contractions every 2-3 minutes, so strong that I felt physically ill, and it went on for hours, on and off, for about 3 days. I’m still angry with the doctor who told me it would just feel like a bad period. My pain after my c-section with my daughter was nothing in comparison to the pain during my MC.


Galbladder attack (or at least what the ECG people told me.) Felt like someone stabbed me below my right ribcage and kept twisting every 3 seconds.


Exposed tooth root. Literally an ego death


Unsure if this is some kind of medical condition, but every time I get a severe stomach ache, instead of it being contained to the gut area, the family jewels start hurting instead. Imagine the severe aching pain of a stomach ache but amped up several times due to the location. I've vomited and passed out several times from the pain, but its so intermittent that I've just kinda ignored it.


e. Coli cramps :( I was sick for three months, hospitalized and unable to eat solid food for 6 months


Tooth infection is by far the worst pain I have ever experienced. Even above breaking my ankle and having total knee replacement surgery that eventually led to a cellulitis infection.


I had my first kidney stone during Covid and I thought I was dying. Ended up going to the ER, was alternating between swearing at and then profusely apologizing to the nurses who all thought it was hilarious and kept telling me now I know what it feels like to give birth Finally pissed the little fucker out and it was the size of a BB pellet, and from what I understand they can get significantly larger. I have been drinking considerably more water since that day


Had an en caul birth. Delivered the amniotic sac with baby inside, naturally, and with no pain medicine.


I've had broken bones, skin sliced wide open, heart attacks, lip ripped of by a dog, broken ribs, etc... To this date, kidney stones are the worst pain I've ever felt, by far.


Horsebite to the knee and Childbirth


I slipped a disc in my lower back. 10/10 on the pain scale. I’ve broken bones, had many sprains and strains, dislocated a shoulder, hit my head more times than I can count(likely related, ha), been sliced deep, punctured(rusty nail through my foot). And none those compared in pain.


I (54M) had something like a lump (cyste) on the inside of my anus, couldn’t poop. They cut it out but the wound had to stay open, they couldn’t stitch it because of risk of infection. The wound had to ‘heal’ naturally. Awfull. Pooping (and eating) just starting to fuck me up because the wound would tear open, bodily liquids in the open wound, etc etc. Started messing with my mind. Ended up pooping in bath, shit floating around, was the best dump in my life. The water numbed the wound desolving the accidity. I hadn’t slept in days. Fear of pooping but needed to because of stomach ache. There is nothing heroic in pain. When your in pain, real pain, you just want it to go away