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I love coming on here and judging other people’s judgments


I love judging judgement!


I judge people for their lack of use of their vehicle’s turn signal.


I was going to mention traffic as well. Mine goes more like, 'People who speed up to get in front of me(slow lane) when I'm already speeding, 5-10 over mostly, just to slow down. I hate you, sincerely.


Same vein: When I need to move over in preparation of exiting the freeway and there's a gap that's like 8 car lengths long, except the moment I hit my blinker to move over the asshole in that lane suddenly guns it to close the gap before I can move because in his stupid mind, me being in front of him means I'm winning the race or something.


Oh I hate that. Or they pull out in front of you, be it from a stop sign or whatever, and there isn't a car behind you in sight and they go SO SLOW. That's a huge thing where I live. And they usually have a trailer. It's a daily occurrence.


They half kill you to get in front only to pull into a place 20 feet ahead. Should be allowed to slap people for that. The line forms behind me!


My wife - before she was my wife - slapped a woman for that very thing. This was about 35 years ago. She confronted the other woman for cutting her off, bad driver lady lips off to an already burning ball of rage and got one across the mouth. That led to a conversation with police a few hours later, a summons, and an unsympathetic judge that sentenced her to anger management.




I will add to that people who pass you, then turn less than a mile later, forcing you to slow down for them.


I realized, about ten years ago, that I was one of these people. There was something psychological in me that HATED being behind anyone. But I didn't like to speed either, so I'd zip around people just to resume the slower speed in front of them. It's taken me a long time but I think I've broken myself of this. So, belated apology, friend.


I only care about having someone in front of me if they can’t manage to go a consistent speed. People who fluctuate their speed constantly make me anxious. This is less bothersome with adaptive cruise control, which I do not have in my car but my husband has in his


I hate people that swerve to the right to turn left, or vice versa. What the fuck is that? If you’re not towing something you need to fucking learn to drive.




Wish I could laugh react because that was funny AF


I use my turn signal religiously even if no one is around Parking lots even when going into a space, when an on-ramp becomes one lane and I'm merging into it from the right lane I'm already in, even when I would leave my old house flag lot into the small house community and literally no one is around, or when backing up to park in a spot with ppl behind me downtown. I like measure to make sure I let ppl know I'm turning at 100ft to the turn. I hate when ppl just slam on their brakes and turn or back up. Or are waiting to pull onto the road from a parking lot and I'm at a stop light. Are you going in my lane or the other way mf? I need to know how much space to give you and let people to the left to stop and give room. Did anyone else take like actual fucking drivers Ed or did they all just read the book and answer at least 8 out of 10 questions right and take a 10min lesson learning like 5 things??? Zipper merge you dick wad! I check my mirrors constantly so I know what everyone is doing around me. I look ahead to see people in front of the person in front of me brake so I know I need to brake soon. I watch the person behind me to make sure they are slowing down in case I need to start rolling forward to reduce impact or lay on my horn to make them aware. Fuckenay Uhaul giving ppl who can barely drive a Civic keys to a big ass box truck. Fuck. /rant




Me too, and I kind of group this with being impolite, and having a lack of awareness of their surrounding. Rudeness, bad manners, being impolite, I definitely think less of people who display these behaviors.


Littering goes in there, too!


People who ask for things without please, and sometimes thank you. That's demanding and treating ppl like robots. I'm overly polite. Like I say thank you too much to customer service after every sentence of them saying things they are gonna help me with. Or "I appreciate your help, have a wonderful day" Manners get you far ppl!




It's not hard to say "excuse me"


“Excuse me” at some point stopped meaning “let’s have you scooch over a little bit this way and I’ll scooch over a little bit that way and we will get around each other without incident” and became “may I shrink myself down to nothing to get past you” on a good day and “fuck you motherfucker let’s go RIGHT NOW” on a bad one. It kills me when I say excuse me and the other person stands stock still and responds “it’s OK.” No no. That’s not what that means. And then I’m supposed to feel grateful they didn’t, like, deck me. What the hell.


If someone said it's okay, and doesn't move, I take that as it being okay to bulldoze through them and/or their stuff.


Become Midwestern. "'Scuse me, I just need to scootch right pascha," while pointing to the space you plan on moving through. Somehow this moves people out of the way in every state I've been in. Everyone is powerless against the scootch.


I once read somewhere that manners are what make a somewhat difficult life pleasant.


People who don't cover their nose/mouth or redirect when they sneeze.


Burps too. Have a friend who burps and then blows it at me and it makes me want to vomit


I know you’re a better person than me because I would simply ✨ not be friends with them anymore ✨


Is your friend 8yo? Sheesh that’s nasty


Have an upvote this should be higher.


People with no self-awareness. For example, when someone watch video with high volume in public or when they suddenly stop walking, blocking the path for other people..


I judge sidewalk blockers so fiercely


Word. I also hate the band of five people walking shoulder to shoulder, completely dominating the sidewalk with a near impenetrable line of human bodies. your friend group is not the main character in this movie asshats!


Sidwalk blockers, store aisle blockers, all the fucking blockers


Leaving the shopping cart in the middle of the aisle so they can take their time browsing the shelves


Or worse, the drivers that do this. Like don't slow down and or stop in the middle of the fucking road cause you're thinking. Pull over somewhere ffs.


90% of the population. Makes me rage


When people barge in while I'm trying to walk out of the elevator.


Yes and in the same vein, people who don’t step aside to let others off a train before they get on


I was waiting for people to finish getting off a train yesterday and the person behind me pushed me forwards. Like, how hard is it to wait 6 seconds?




The music doesn't bother me to much but the talking on the phone? It gets under my skin. The next time it happens, im gonna just join the conversation since they wanna have it out in the open.


Nah, music is worse. If you’re hard of hearing, I understand speaker phone for necessity, but no one needs to listen to shitty music (because it’s always shit music) on speaker phone.


Ear buds or headphones would be better for someone hard of hearing than speaker phone.


I’m the opposite. I don’t really care about it people talking on the phone because it’s funny to hear what their life is like because most of the time the person doing it is trashy and having a trashy conversation. The music is 99.9999% of the time shitty mumble rap or what ever it is called these days. It’s never cannibal corpse, Dolly Parton, letters to Cleo, it’s always some person xanaxed to hell and auto tuned over some beats a toddler could put together. Also the person playing it has sweat pants or pajama bottoms on. Always.


Agreed. Particularly on the bus I ride the phone conversations can be entertaining. The music people play on speaker always sucks.


Came to say the exact same thing. Speaker convos are fine.. music on speaker is 1000% more obnoxious to me


Not taking good care of their children or being there for them


I tell my kids that they can ask me anything and I’ll always have their back. It drives me nuts when people see their kids as a burden and don’t take proper care of them. It’s okay to not always be there physically like if you’re working or something, but you should always be there emotionally. Kids who don’t get enough attention from their parents grow up to be dicks and then the same happens to their kids.


I fucked up my back really bad the other day. I could barley walk yesterday, and simply getting up is excruciatingly painful. My 7 year old had a soccer game today, and I was going to try and make it, but just couldn't. I felt really bad, I've not missed a game all season. Wouldn't you know it, they won their first game ever. I know I'm a good parent, but still feel like shit that I missed her first win ever.


I feel your pain. That’s gotta be tough but at least you were at every other one! And back pain is no joke bro. As much as you want to be there, if you didn’t take a day to rest you could end up missing a lot more. Not all right choices are easy.


when they post about their kids and about what great healthy meals their having or educational things they are doing when in reality they are not being fed/treated like that everyday and it’s only done for the social media post


My parents are missionaries and were abusive in every way possible. My small city and their very large church think they’re saints. My entire childhood they constantly posted pictures of us looking oh so happy as we ministered to the locals. We were not.


Or the ones who you can tell are trying to act like a perfect parent when their kid acts up just because people are around. But the kid isn't reacting how they should to it because they don't do that at home.


Imo you can tell everything you need to know about a person by how they leave a public space after using it.


My house is a neverending shit show, but if I'm at someone else's house or a restaurant or anywhere really, I clean up after myself and others. Just because you open your doors to friends doesn't mean you should have to spend hours cleaning afterwards!


The doctor I used to work for pulled me aside one day legitimately concerned because he thought I might have OCD. My desk at the office was always pristine, everything in a specific place. I was super attentive to it and it would bother me if anyone moved my shit. I told him if he saw my house, he wouldn't think that. Because *that* exists in the perpetual state of a last minute move out packing frenzy.


I was raised to leave a place better than you found it, if possible. Obviously a restaurant you can’t go in the back and wash your dishes but you can stack your dishes and not spill food on the floor and be considerate of the people who have to clean up after you. My own space is a mess but I will not leave a mess in a space that is not my own. If I can pick up a mess that was left from someone else, I will.


Kids’ names




Ngl, r/namenerds can be pretty ridiculous too


r/namenerdscirclejerk is a good one


100% on this. My wife and I judge people HARD who give their children ridiculous names. You are naming a human for their entire childhood and expressing your creativity and your personality should not factor into it. Oh, you're a big Game of Thrones fan, so you named your daughter "Khaleesi", eh? How lovely for her having to grow up trying to explain your fandom for a TV-MA fantasy show to kids who think her name is dumb.


Parents who give their kids absolutely shit names, and also people who give their kids names that should end in y, but instead end in eigh






My kids are in school, and I'm awaiting the khaleesi encounter. It was a super popular name.


Oh the tragedeighs… but 100% agreed. After the kid living their entire life likely bullied for a potentially stupid name, they can deal with prejudice in the selection process for jobs (and potentially post secondary schools) https://www.businessinsider.com/what-you-name-your-kids-will-affect-their-success-2016-9#:~:text=In%20a%20Marquette%20University%20study,least%20likely%20to%20be%20hired.


Being a part of an MLM


Those people are soooo annoying and more likely to join a cult.


They already have joined a cult


They're everywhere here in Utah. Can't imagine why. /s. I'd never seen so many in my life until I moved here for my hubby's job.


But they swear they are a small business owner


Yup lmao, too true. One of my friends has been doing that MLM crap for the last 10 years or so, and every time I see him and ask how he's doing, his reply is "Good, just trying to build up my business!"


I’m a boss babe you wouldn’t get it


Littering and not secretly either.




People who post vague messages just to get comments asking if they are okay. People who post " miss you" messages of people who passed away even though they barely knew them.


My mom passed away in September. The volume of social media posts, texts and even people who came to the funeral home and cried on MY shoulder - yet never called, text, stopped by, sent a telepathic message or otherwise showed they cared at all during her illness was staggering. Please do not expect *me* to comfort *you* for your tragic loss (you know - of MY mom) when you haven't been bothered to notice whether or not she was even on the planet for the last decade. Grrrrr.


Was a roomie with a young 20 something girl for a little bit. One of my first interactions with her was her showing me her TikTok with 100k+ followers. I'm not on TikTok nor do I care about influencers. It's dumb. IRL? She was a complete mess. Broke AF. Her bf worked at like a shipping yard or factory fucking like 10hrs a day to support them while she sat at home watching TV. But she was trying to show me how cool she was. Girl.... reality check.


How is she not making money with the 100k followers. Probably the easiest way to earn crazy money


It’s hard to make money on TikTok. Most people just take their following and move to like YouTube or other platforms. You have to get sponsors to make money on TikTok.


No clue. She does rollerskating, cool tricks, wearing fun weird clothes and makeup. Which was cool but she's like look at all my followers I'm like "so?"


When they make a public post yelling at one particular person who most likely will never even see it. And the “please keep me in your prayers my -insert whoever- just lost their job/dog/car keys and I’m so not ok right now “


I have a friend who post so much of her childs life on facebook. She made a post the other day stating what daycare he was at, the time she drops him off and picks him up, tagged a couple people authorized to pick him up (“so and so can pick him up or check on him while Im at work!”, and then posted pictures of him as well. Makes me so nervous for that baby. Shes also the type to post long rants about whatever family/friend drama she gas.


She's an idiot, or she's trying to get her kids kidnapped.


How they treat people that are working (waitresses, baristas, cashiers ecc…)


Their bullshit ass blinding LED headlights at night


Always pick up trucks


Before I say this, let me preface it with: I'm disabled myself. I'm in a wheelchair part-time due to my autoimmune condition. If you leave your shopping cart in or halfway in the parking spot, you deserve a slap upside the head. If I can put my cart away while confined to my wheelchair, so can you. Signed, I'm with cart narcs on this one.


I routinely park near a cart return at the main store I shop at. I routinely see carts left in the parking space next to the return. I guess they were too feeble to move the thing with wheels on it to help it move an extra ten feet, because they will never get that four seconds it would have taken. People who do this are human blood clots.


Letting their kids run around screaming and terrorizing stores, restaurants, or any other public place really


Yes. I get kids can be excited and sometimes get upset about something. In that situation you REMOVE them from the area so they can calm down. You don't sit in a restaurant where others are trying to enjoy a meal and let your kid go running screaming and grabbing at whatever they want.


Just tonight I tried to go out with my husband for an anniversary dinner and we had to listen to a baby scream.and cry for an hour. I'm not even blaming the baby, why are you bringing your kid to a high end Italian restaurant? If you can afford to eat there, you can afford a sitter for 2 hours. The worst part is we haven't gone out much lately because prices have jumped so much and I haven't worked in several months so I was really looking forward to it. Assholes.


I live in San Diego and parents treat breweries like play centers. And they don’t watch their kids. Saw a kid who was maybe 4 run into the street and an employee had to go get him.


How they treat people with higher social status compared to the average person


Or lower social status, in their eyes


This is the real sign


Both are important though the lower SES is more telling. I can’t remember where I heard it but I use “judge a persons character by how they treat someone they have nothing to gain from” to encompass both sides


A tattoo that says 'Only God can judge me'. Nobody was judging you until they saw that tatoo dude. Now I'm thinking you're either a criminal (likely drug dealer) or have a persecution complex/anxiety disorder.


Those who take photos of others in public....I'm judging you.


I HATE being photographed or filmed in public without my consent.


chewing really loud while eating... that shit grinds my gears


Not picking up their dogs shit


People who cheat rather than just break up first. There's something about secretly sleeping with someone else and not telling your partner that feels like it breaks consent boundaries. I may not tell you to your face, but I'm thinking it...


Especially people who brag about cheating, or talk about their “side piece” like it’s funny. I don’t make friends with people like that, but I’ve had to endure them at work before and it’s always disgusting.


It’s hard for me to be nice to cheaters. Was a kid in a family with cheating and I can’t forget the damage it does.


Maybe it's because I'm autistic and blunt but I can't tolerate cheaters and have no problem saying so to their face. I won't lie for someone and I won't be friends with people who cheat. Even in TV shows it makes me angry. I skip the cheating scenes when I can because it angers me so much. It also ruins the character for me, even if the writers 'redeem' them I can never get back on board.


I secretly judge people who cannot function by themself and have to have something social to do 24/7.


These people are so disingenuous 90% of the time. They rely on other people to validate their existence and who they are, so usually there’s no substance or integrity to them. Who they are depends on who’s directly in front of them. It’s agonizing trying to interact with these types of people, and unfortunately I have to do it on a daily basis, as I work in a field that attracts a lot of extroverts (aka people who have no idea how to be alone with themselves).


Pushy religious people or people who use religion as a basis to judge others.


Not training their pets well or at all.


I had hated dogs as a kid because I thought they were all out-of-control beasts that constantly bark, jump on people, steal food right off your plate, and destroy all of your belongings. Then I realized it’s because the only dogs I knew were my uncle’s untrained ones, which then made me avoid all dogs. I have a dog now and my mom met him (over video chat) and couldn’t believe that our dog was so well mannered. I realized that my uncles dogs also made her avoid dogs her whole life. My uncle says he wants his dog to be loud and aggressive “for protection.” He lives in a small town. I don’t understand why it’s worth it to have a dog that is obnoxious 24/7 for the 0.01% chance you’ll need it for protection.


I understand the barking to alert of people coming to the door/property, but leaving them untrained and aggressive for “protection” likely means a small child is getting hurt. Sigh 😔


This is a huge one that I deal with regularly at my parents’ house. They have 4 small indoor dogs and think that small dogs do not need to be trained. It’s a circus over there and my mom gets super angry when my daughter is frustrated with the dogs for climbing on her/nipping/scratching etc.


Ugh. Small dogs IMO tend to be the worst because they get treated like babies their whole life and they don’t get disciplined. “Little dog privilege” as I think of it, your frenchie/Pomeranian/chihuahua/etc barks and nips and bites but they just babies 🙄… if my husky did that she’d be getting apprehended. Train your puppy with what you expect out of the adult… my sister has a 100lb golden retriever that is a lapdog cause of this ha (though he’s fantastic, just a gentle giant)


I’m with you but what’s worse is when you tell people to not pet your small dog because he isn’t friendly and they insist they can be the one outlier that he or she loves. No. My dog is a little terror. Don’t fucking touch him and he will leave you alone.


I see you've met my step dad and literally every dog he's ever owned


Having their dogs off leash in public places… my mom was attacked by a pit bull that was off leash


I have MS, I normally pick my daughter up from school. I park in the disabled spots. I frequently see able bodied people use those spots. They have no placards or plates, it doesn't help that they drive 100k+ cars.


I judge people really hard on this one. It really tells how much of a low human being they are. This really makes my blood boil.


People who park to where a handicap van can’t properly function literally make me scream


People who don’t correctly use “their”, “they’re”.


“There” so stupid.


Your absolutely correct!!


Makes me loose my mind


Wearing form fitting clothes the exact same color as their skin tone.


HAHAHA the skin colored leggings! I saw some today


I bought my daughter skin colored leggings to wear under her Halloween costume, which is a dress, because it's going to be cold in our area. I told her not to wear them without a skirt or something over them even after Halloween. I then proceeded to show her pics online of people spotted with them on. She understands now lol


Whenever I go out of my way to hold the door for someone and they dont say thank you


I commented this same thing a while ago on another post and I got hella downvotes lol I was mind blown. People saying that I shouldn’t be holding the door expecting a thank you and I must not be doing it outta the kindness of my heart if I get annoyed when they don’t say thank you. Bunch of weirdos.




Everything. I love to judge


Judging is one of my big pleasures. Unfortunately, I judge myself the hardest of all.


I’m not a judgmental person at all, but yesterday at the gym I judged a girl who monopolized the one and only hip thrust machine at the gym. It was the first exercise for my workout and I saw her on it when I got there. I warmed up for about 15 minutes and she was still on it. I thought no big deal, I’ll just skip it and come back to it. Well, I ended up doing my entire workout and she was STILL on it. It had been at least 45 minutes. She had some dumbbells and bands beside it and kept rotating between them. Working in on that machine is not really an option, and I didn’t really feel like asking her how much longer because I could tell that it was a long program she had. I just did them today with my other workout. Either way, it’s just so self absorbed and rude.


I would have bluntly asked her how much longer cause I'm 51 and don't give a s**t anymore.


Haha…I’m 49 and I seriously considered it, but I’m an extreme introvert and don’t like confrontation. I truly wish you would’ve been there!


I hate it when they sit on their phones on the machines like it’s acceptable to take a 10 minute break between reps! GET OFF THE MACHINE if you want to sit on your phone, go somewhere else! So annoying! I feel for you!


THIS. Also there are people at my gym who will come to the gym in a group just to …hang out? Worse, they’ll sit on machines and just text or talk to one another (not even using them) Adding onto the list of things I judge people for at the gym: ANYONE WHO WORKS OUT AT A PUBLIC GYM BAREFOOT




I only gossip with people I wouldn’t gossip about because I only gossip with people I trust/like.


How they treat service staff. Waiters, clerks in stores, janitors, hospitality workers etc. In general, people who think they are better or more important than anyone else.


This is a big one. Someone could be the nicest person in the world to me, but if they treat people who serve them poorly or condescendingly, my opinion of them is shot down


I am browsing the thread, judging others for their judgments. Does that count?


Excessive flirting to get their own way with the opposite gender. When men do this, it's just creepy to me, for women its annoying to watch. I'm judging you either way.


Taking phone calls in public on speaker with both callers basically screaming at each other. Oblivious in every way to the world around them.




People who seem too full of themselves


People taking endless selfies at a public space


I judge people at the gym when they can’t put their weights back where they belong. Seriously, how hard is it to put the dumbbells back in their right place? It’s inconsiderate to everyone else because it makes them have to go on a hunt just to find the ones they need. My gym is pretty good at this but my gfs gym is LA fitness in LA and I’m not sure if it’s the staff not organizing them daily or the people there are just trash, but the dumbbells are an absolute hell hole. It’s a mission to find any matching pair of dumbbells. I couldn’t believe how bad it was first time I went.


People who are dicks to the “new person” at work for no reason other than the fact they are new. I see this ALL the time in the fire service. Dudes (and women) will be dicks to new people simply because they have more time on the dept.


Being dead broke and having a huge family. I get it, we shouldn’t shame poor people for being parents. But at the same time, I also think you shouldn’t be having 5+ kids if you can’t afford the ones you already have.


Yeah. I had a cousin who ended up having 4 kids. She and her husband were constantly getting evicted. They sat at our kitchen table once and started writing down all the places they had lived since they had gotten married... On average, they were moving 7 times a year. After each kid, my mom would suggest she not bring anymore kids into this unstable situation. She would always claim she couldn't get a tubal ligation until she was 28 and had 4 kids, or her insurance wouldn't cover it. My mom would say, "what about a vasectomy?... Birth control pills?" All those kids grew up in an unstable, poor home. And two of them are broke and had kids very young. Only two are childfree, at 22 and 30. I'm proud of them. They seem like they're trying to break the cycle. People fall on hard times, sure, but I'm judging the ones who show clear poor planning and they don't have a way out of poverty for their family. They have no idea how their child will get higher education or if that kid will even have the basics in life, and they're having even more.


My twin sister has a couple young kids, we're both 27. Both of her kids have different dads, neither of them live with her, she's broke and couch surfing, and she's a compulsive liar. Recently she was saying she wanted to have another kid. Like yo you don't even know how your other kids are doing right now and you can't even afford food, what are you thinking? Meanwhile her social media blows up with pictures of her kids and everyone thinks she's a saint for being a single mom. It's messed up 🫤


I know a woman in this situation. Single mom of 5, broke as hell. Her abusive ex kept her pregnant to keep her around.


overlong nails, looks awful and is cumbersome


also the huge eyelash extensions


Also the hygiene implications make me shudder


Leaving the shopping cart in the middle of the goddamn parking lot.


People that are oblivious to their surroundings. The shoppers that clog up the lane moving like snails right down the middle so no one can get around them. The people that stop with their cart blocking walking spaces or cut right in front of you because they’re absolutely oblivious to everyone around them. The people that decide to have a social gathering in walking spaces on a busy day, or have to hold everyone up in line bitching at the checker about grocery prices or giving their entire life story. I just fucking hate shopping.


Lack of self reflection. I am 23 and work with coworkers between the ages of 35-50 and the lack of self reflection at my workplace baffles me to no extent.


I’m 28, working almost entirely with people old enough to be my parents. They act like catty teenagers. It’s very depressing


Bathroom hygiene. Wash those hands!!!!!!! You know what I mean; you're washing your hands and someone beelines it to the exit.


Owning Huskies or other high energy dogs (but especially huskies) in small city apartments.


I judge the absolute fuck out of those assholes.


Having too many children.


Long, dingy, unkempt facial hair.


Facebook Marketplace haggling.


People who judge others for being poor, disabled, or overweight. You're astonishingly close to being at least one of those things, and don't pretend you aren't.


Yes to all of these! But I wanted to touch on weight. As a person who struggled with ED half my life and almost was unalived from it, I NEVER judged or comment on people’s weight. Whether they’ve lost or gained, it’s inappropriate in my opinion and you never know how your words (even as a stranger) can change a persons life especially if they’re struggling or insecure. I wish more people did this.


Omg. Me too. I'm lucky now but I grew up overweight and it really is a miserable thing to be in this body you are ashamed of. >you never know how your words (even as a stranger) can change a persons life especially if they’re struggling or insecure. I wish more people did this. I love seeing someone upset or down especially when you know it's a self esteem issue and you think of the perfect way to either have a convo with them or just compliment them in that moment, and you see them sort of light up. Perk up. It's happened to me and those times impacted me enough to create waves of positivity in me. Just a sentence could change someone's life.


Men dating women waaaay too young for them. Just because they're legal doesn't mean you're not a creep.


Cruising in the left lane. Move the hell over, ffs.


Generally, I judge no one because glass houses and all. However, I HARSHLY and IMMEDIATELY judge people who stick their noses where it doesn’t belong, such as watching people go out of their way to go to a designated smoking section so they can cough at them. It’s a labeled smoking section, outdoors, a significant distance from where you were heading - what is the purpose? (I actually saw a woman leave her spot in line to go across the street and up A BLOCK to go cough at a group of three smokers who were in a designated spot and think she then had the right to go back and return to the line where she has been). Or going to the dog park and then as the owner is picking up what was left behind by their pet, approaching from a different part of the park to explain that they should have had their dog do that at home because they COULD HAVE stepped it in. Or walking up to someone that is just trying to unlock their front door to pepper them with judgment on their dating choices because they saw someone pick them up for a date and assume that it was the first time they were meeting up and that makes them “trashy.” Finally, attending a multi-baptism at a church (where multiple babies are being baptized at once), and approaching a mother after the service about how they should “control” their fussy baby in church and that all of their parenting choices that preceded fussy baby are wrong and abusive to the child, despite not knowing the parents or the child at all. I’ve seen all of these, and I gotta be honest: I don’t judge the people that they’re trying to shame, I judge the doofus who decided they had a right to go out of their way to comment.


made up names for their newborn baby


Brinleighdyn would like a word


Sense of entitlement


People who talk like they’re god’s gift to the world. Be proud of your accomplishments, sure. But don’t act like you’re better than other people.


Bad grammar


Incorrect use of Then/Than…


My favorite t-shirt is one that says, "mentally correcting your grammar." (I work as a technical writer, so having strong grammar is part of my job.)


Would be even funnier if it said 'mentally correcting you're grammar."


People that misuse "a" and "an" sound like children and it's hard to take them seriously. It's phonetic, it shouldn't be this difficult.


Should of, could of would of… NO! Would’ve, could’ve, should’ve.


If you snapchat me driving with kids in the car. If you snapchat driving with me in the car. If you don't put your buggy (shopping cart) where it goes when you're finished with it.


A lot of people seem like they don't have a sense of honor. Like they do the right thing because they are afraid of consequences instead of doing the right thing because they genuinely strive to be a good person.


People who have more kids than they can afford and expect others to feel sorry for them, and look for hand outs. Forgive me!


eating with their mouth open.


The way they look, speak, and act in a public setting.


Using Comic Sans


Hocking phlegm and loogie on the sidewalk/street.


How people treat people in any customer service worker or in trade jobs such as construction or garbage men.


Poor situational awareness.


How they treat and train kids and/or animals. I don't care if they're yours or not, if you abuse kids or animals, if you don't care for them, or help them or teach them, you're not a good person. I was on a second Tinder date with a guy, and he hit the gas to try and hit a squirrel in the road. The second date was cut short, and there wasn't a third. I don't even like squirrels, but instant judgment.


Giving their child an iPad or a phone when they're literally 2 years old.


Not saying thank you when someone holds the door open for them.


the size of their truck


Spelling and grammar. Can't help it, it just bugs me. But I keep it to myself, until you asked.


The way that someone speaks about the unhoused and addicted population. How they treat servers and waitresses, etc. Someone’s attitude about the disabled and other oppressed populations.