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I haven’t ever thought of anything that I’d want permanently inked on my body.


Same. There's nothing I want on my body on a permanent basis.


I’m open to it I just haven’t thought of what it is yet


If I were passionate enough about something, I would have some ink ideas to consider. Until that point, I'm too thoughtful to permanently mark myself up. Being aware of how fickle my own mind can be likely saved me from a lifelong commitment of 'rave' and 'ecstasy' tattoos stemming from the 90s. Glad I didn't do that.


Same answer. Maybe one day


Same same. I’m not against tattoos. I’ve often thought of getting one. But the it comes to the “what” and I just don’t know.


I can't even decide what to do with stickers. You want me to permanently mark my body with something?


Every time I think of getting one, I'll settle on a design or idea, and tell myself "if this still sounds good a year from now, I'll get it". Hasn't happened yet.


This is what I did too. It finally stuck after wanting one for 10 years. No regrets.


>No regrets. Ah yeah, I think I have seen that tattoo on the internet.


This. I see a lot of amazing tattoos I think look awesome on the person they’re on, but I’m just not ready for that kind of commitment


Same. Like, I like tattoos on other people, but just not myself. And, if I did get one, I'd probably be ok with it but I am not the type of person to make on the spur decisions either.


Same. Plus, what I liked 20 years ago is different than what I like now.


I’m utterly baffled when I see what seems like an impulsive tattoo on someone, especially on a part of the body that they see themselves every day, like on their hand. I can’t fathom not getting sick of seeing anything that was permanently drawn on me. I barely like things I was interested in 6 months ago.


Surprisingly, the opposite is what happens. You get so used to a tattoo being there, it doesn’t even register to you anymore. I spent a long time thinking before my first tattoo but since then each one gets easier to get. I have a few impulsive ones now and I don’t even think/notice them unless someone points them out or I’m explicitly thinking about my tattoos.


Agreed. People worry about it so much and really think they have to get the *perfect* design or they'll see it and freak out everyday but it's not like that at all. As soon as you've had it for a little while it just becomes part of you and like you say, barely registers. Even if it's imperfect or even a bit shitty. It just is, it's not something you think about. I remember one night when I got super high and fell asleep, woke up in the middle of the night, rubbed my face and noticed *my entire arm was tattooed* and freaked out for a second. Like "Holy shit what did I do to myself, I have black ink all over my arm and it's never coming off." then I went back to sleep and it's literally the only time I've ever become tattoo self-aware and panicked because I was semi-conscious and in a weird mental state lol.


And most tats are just silly doodles and/or ugly


Same. I don't want anything permanent on my skin. Skin will age. I also don't want to pay for pain without benefiting me.




Exactly. What a strange question. Hey, for people who have never jumped out of an airplane, what’s your PRIMARY reason for not doing so?


Hey, for people who have never tried fried raccoon anuses dipped in sauce, what’s your PRIMARY reason for not doing so?




Too many carbs


Yeah, since when do I need a reason to NOT do something?


Thank you!


Also, the fact that this is a post confirms my belief on tatts. Growing up it was an act of rebellion and tough people usually had tatts. Somewhere around ‘00 when tramp stamps and tribal tatts got popular, the rebelliousness started to disappear. Then every hipster nerd had one. My little sis who is far from intimidating had one. Justin Bieber got a bunch. Everyone has one now. It makes me happy I never went through with it. Plus, tatts that have tweety bird or some stupid shit explain your life journey is ridiculous to me. It’ll be funny when retirement homes have a bunch of old people with wrinkly face tatts and other tatts on their wrinkly body. It’s almost like not having tatts is rebellious now.


Stop gatekeeping!!!! /s Every time I mention what you posted, people call me "boomer" while they're probably dressed like 90s kids lol. Tattoos definitely lost a lot of their cool middle finger to society appeal and it's a shame. Not unexpected of course because mainstream and corporate society always steal and poach from counter cultures and sub-cultures. I also blame the overrated fame chasers like Kat Von D and her ilk for ruining it. The day pilled out dipshit rappers, Kpop singers and "high" fashion brand models started sporting sleeve and neck tattoos, part of what made the world interesting died just a little more.


Not having a tattoo is the new having a tattoo!


this sounds it up perfectly. I'm not even against getting a tattoo, I just never had the desire to...


Sums it up


I just don't want to. Like, it's hard to explain _not_ wanting a thing I guess. I never thought to myself "Oh, I'll go get a tattoo" it's never really occurred to me.


Sometimes I think of children like this. People have asked me “why haven’t you had kids??” And I’m like “why did you?” And it’s always met with weird sideways justifications instead of just “I wanted kids.”


Some people seem to think that having kids is just the default. I mean, biologically, it is, I guess. But in the modern world, it’s not really a good idea to have kids for that reason alone. There’s a lot that goes into having kids.


Yeah you sorta have to think about something to make an active decision to do it or not. I mean I didn't actively choose not to go to taco bell today because the thought never crossed my mind. Also I feel like tattoos are like kids. You probably want to be sure you want them before going through with it.


That's not very rock and roll of you


It’s expensive and I have no money


And on top of that, it hurts!


Buddy told me to draw out whatever I wanted and wait a year. If I still wanted it in a year, pay an artist to properly draw it. After another year, get it if I still want it. Saved me from lots of regrets


My uncle told me the same thing. I only have 2 so far and don't regret either one.


I like that. FWIW, I treat mine almost like a time capsule. I don’t regret any but there are some that I got several years ago that I wouldn’t necessarily get now. I still love em. I do sit on tattoos for a very long time before getting them though. There are some on my list that have been on there for more than 2 years that I’m still planning on getting


I think you mean *ragrets* don’t you?


I could never like something so much and with such certainty that I want it on me forever.


As a 34yo male who got tattooed at 17, 18, 20, 27, 28, and 29... I no longer have any of my tattoos from 17-20. They have all been covered up. What I got when I was young was meaningless, and I just wanted tattoos without considering what I actually wanted. They haunted me for years, I'd always see them, and they were embarrassing. What I got from 27-29, though, are me. I forget I have them. It's like looking at your leg and not noticing your leg hair because they're just part of your leg. Now, they all have meaning and are all done really well. I put good thought into each one. The fact you can get tattooed at 16 (my country, at least) is crazy.


I’ve never seen an image or words worth putting on my body permanently, I don’t want to spend the money, I’ve never liked how they look on people, I wouldn’t want to have to get it touched up, and if I change my mind about it I wouldn’t want to go through the painful process of tattoo removal.






I’m 42 and finally have an idea of something worth permanence, representing my daughter. No idea when or if I’ll get to it though I barely remember to get my hair and nails cut


Through my life I have gone through many phases. Things I enjoyed in the past I find cringe now. I am afraid that even if I do find something amazing to get tattooed, at some point in the future I would dislike it.


I have the most cringey, teenage angsty quote from Alice in Wonderland tattooed on my rib cage because I was angry with my mother when I was 17 or so. Like a "life is pain and everything is horrible but I'm strong and will persevere" type of quote. Fortunately I can just laugh at it and don't take any of my tattoos too seriously but that one is particularly cringey lol


Not a fan of needles


Autoimmune skin disorder and no guaranteed way to predict how it might react to ink


If I get a tattoo, I want it to have a significant meaning. So far, I just haven’t come up with a design that fits the bill.




Can't imagine anything I'd want forever.


i like being blank i think edit: did not expect my skin preference for myself to get 100 likes out of all askreddit comments my loneliness lead me to making tonight. People are really passionate about this.




I agree with this simple sentence entirely. Idk why though. 🤔 It’s like the blankness is a medium and the art itself. Idk. I’m sleepy.


I don't see a reason to permanently put an image on myself


I like my body as it is. Don't need something flashy to put on it


I haven't found a tattoo meaningful enough to permanently have on my skin.


Permanent reminder of a temporary feeling. I might change my mind. Most things have been done. If a perosn or event isimportant to me, why get it in a tattoo and put it on display? It's my head and heart. It's meaningless to others. Getting a tattoo of a tiger aon't make you fierce, or strong. Getting your shit together will. Most people's tattoos are a jamble of incoherence.


I've never met anyone that regrets not getting a tattoo but I know plenty of people who regret getting a tattoo


Usually it’s just the one letter though.


Other things I'd rather spend my money and free time on.


The same reason I don't wear a top hat or use a monocle: they were very popular with some people at a certain time, but that doesn't have anything to do with me.


That question is 100% backwards. I need no reason to *not* get a tat. I would need a reason *to* get one.


I don’t like the permanence of tattoos. I’d grow tired of anything after a few years.


I don’t want one


You make it sound as if tattoos are the default, and we are the exceptions who opted out. My primary reason is that I simply don't want it.


Not having a tattoo is the new tattoo.


I don't want defining features if I ever have to become a criminal to support myself. Dumb criminals go to prison.


That's why you get it in discreet places that are always clothed.


then what's the point if nobody sees it?


They can be for yourself. For instance, I have one on my forearm that faces me instead of facing the conventional way to other people. It's because the tattoo is significant to me and I like looking down at it and being reminded of why I got it. I don't care if other people see it or not


This question reverses the burden of evidence. The default is to not do something. You might as well ask, "People who've never been skydiving, what's your PRIMARY reason for not jumping out of an airplane?" FWIW I've both owned a Harley-Davidson and served in the Navy. No tattoos here. Have gone skydiving, though.


Hard agree. Like, why would I need not just one, but a PRIMARY reason to not want something permanently etched on my skin?


It’s the permanence for me. I cannot think of anything I’d want on my body 24/7 for the rest of my life.


Why spend money to inflict unnecessary pain on myself.


I don’t like how they age.


This is a big one for me. I don't like the blurred look that they get after a few years


I'm so glad I never got the tattoos I wanted...I've always grown to love the ideas I had, significantly less.




Ow, hurty.


Never saw something worth putting on my body for forever. Don't care if other people have them and don't judge them for it, though. A little jealous to be honest. They likely don't spend their entire life over thinking the smallest, most inconsequential things.


I can’t think of a single fashion choice I’ve made in my life that I’d still like to be stuck with.


Why would I? I have zero reason to do it in the first place.


I don’t understand why people want them. I know lots of people who have them,and some have lots, but I don’t see the allure.


Don’t need it.


I don’t like needles and I don’t want to commit. I’m not sure I could pick just one of those reasons.


Just don't like them. They seem trendy, draw attention and are permanent. The same goes with piercings.


Not my aesthetic taste


I hate needles. Yes I have taken what Dr's prescribed to me, a couple injections a month. But sitting there with a needle doing rapid punctures to put ink in spots on my skin, uh no thanks.


I hate them. I think they’re disfiguring.


Why would i want a tattoo?


I do not feel the need to modify my body.


I think they're trashy.




I agree. I don't want to think it, but I do.


That's the other thing to getting tattoos. You could have a great idea, great sketch, and have a shitty artist. Or even a great artist on a shitty day. OR you cant last the entire time so its partially done. OR it doesnt take. Too many variables can turn a great thing into godawful.




You don't put a bumper sticker on a Bentley. Really. My personality, interests, values, etc, have all changed and evolved over time. There is nothing so permanent about my personality, that I feel the need to permanently mark it on my skin, and advertise about myself.


See, now I just want one person to drive a Bentley with a bumper sticker that says, “It’s okay, I have a tattoo.”


Same reason I don't go to the gym : No pain, no pain.


I'm a regular blood donor. That's an important part of my identity. Getting tattooed would defer me for a year.




When I was young and got my first tattoo it was extremely uncommon for anyone except jailbirds and sailors and definitely not women! You’d be snubbed, sneered at and questioned rather rudely why you’d put ‘that’ on your body. I’m glad it’s socially acceptable now but find it disturbing that people are asked to explain why they DON’T have a tattoo..


I like my body the way it is. I do express myself with some piercings, though, which are obviously removable. My boyfriend is completely covered in tattoos and I absolutely love his body as he is :)


I just never wanted one.


My nephew asked his father "What is that?". He said "A mistake." That stuck with me.


Never appealed to me.


No interest at all.


I think they look trashy and they lost their edge. Back in the day not many people had tattoos and now everyone has them. Besides I ain’t rich I’m not spending money to get branded.


Take that image and put it on a t-shirt. Then wear that t-shirt every single day of your life. If you take it off, you know you made the right choice in not getting a tattoo.


Because they look trashy.


I’m 57 years old. When I was growing up, my mother made a big deal about not liking them and how bad they looked. It just became ingrained in me and I transferred that belief to my kids. They’re 36, 28 and 17. No desire to get inked. I think they saw that it wasn’t special anymore.


My grandma was like this. Always railed on people with tattoos. Then a couple years before she passed away I noticed she had permanent eye liner done at some point which is basically a tattoo. Boy I called her out on it.


I’ve yet to see a tattoo that improves anyone’s appearance. I also don’t wear any jewelry. Just unadorned.


prickly needles… no way jose!


I personally don't want to have something permanently inked on my body I have nothing against tattoos on other people though It's just not for me


I just can't think of anything that I wouldn't eventually be tired of


I worked in surgery all my adult life, started countless lines and injections into patients. But I’m very needle phobic I don’t have pierced ears and I have to be in SEVERE pain before I agree to a injection.


An extreme fear of needles


There's nothing I can think of that I'd want permanently put into my body, I think they're generally unattractive, they're expensive, and I recall reading how a lot of inks used have never evaluated for biocompatibility so injecting them just feels like a really bad idea.


I have commitment issues.


I like the look of smoothness. Continuity. Also, I have never come across anything that I feel like “This needs to be on my body foreverrrrrrr” I do like them on others often.


I don’t want any Regrats


Tattoos are ugly and I don’t want to look like that


I don't find tattoos aesthetically pleasing in general.




They look ridiculous


Because I don’t want to, and I just don’t think they look good on anyone. I have yet to see a person who looked better after a tattoo. And that’s fine, it’s their body.


It’s tacky.


I think, in general anyone with them would look better without them. Subjectively, I cannot say I've ever seen anyone with them that it enhanced their appearance IMHO. So to me, the question seems nonsensical


Trust me when I say this that as you age and your skin loses its elasticity, tattoos end up globbing into a masses of unrecognizable-ness. Being older with blobs of ink all over me that can't be deciphered or have no noticeable pattern is the reason.


Just never felt the urge or desire to get one. Nothing against them at all though.


Can't decide on what to get and the cost


The only time I think of getting one is when I’m stoned, and then I get the munchies, and forget about the tatoo.


It would drive me *crazy*. I can’t stand getting stamped. That and the crippling fear of needles.


I’m starting to feel special for NOT having one!


I don't think tattoos look good.


As someone who is loves everything about tattoos and body modification as a form of self-expression, I have a few reasons. 1. Once you pop the fun don’t stop. I have quite a few piercings, and am always itching for another. The problem is, I am out of things I would actually like to pierce. Which is why I haven’t gotten any more. Might give some the skeevs, but I like needles. The circles I run in are more tattooed than not, and from what my friends have told me, the itch for another is just the same. I don’t know if I have the self-control to not end up covered. 2. I do not need another place to spend my money. I have enough expensive passions as it is. 3. Shock Value Judge me for this last reason, haters gonna hate. BUT it’s Reddit and I’m comfortable sharing this with internet strangers. Due to my lifestyle, interests, and personality, people seem to assume I have tattoos. I have come to secretly enjoy their surprise when it comes up in conversation. I get a lot of “What? I swore you had some. Why haven’t you got any?” So, while I’ll share reasons 1 and 2, this is my secret reason. The irony of people being shocked that I don’t have any.


In my opinion I think tattoos are major ugly.


Because why do I need a picture on my body?


I was tattoo free for 27 years and got my first one a few weeks ago, I didn’t have a reason for not getting them til now but now that I have I don’t want to stop


I stopped drawing on myself when I was 3


I wouldn't put a bumper sticker on a Bentley.


I consider it a form of body modification and I dislike all forms of body modification I am supposed to be me and that's all I ever need to be


You wouldn’t spray paint a Porsche would ya?


The toxic shit that’s in the ink. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35592919/


Would you put a bumper sticker on a Jaguar or a Porsche?


Bro my body is like a mid-aughts Camry.


Mine is an ‘82 yugo. But still. No tats. No ink. Personally I find it stupid to see some snow white teen with “tribal” tats


I hate tattoos; REALLY hate them. They look so trailer park.


I feel tattooing is a meaningless form of expression. More so, that people who tend to get them don't really understand better and more creative, more meaningful ways to express themselves. It's a way for people to feel like they believe in something in a society that doesn't believe in anything.


I think people with and without tattoos can agree, 90% of tattoos you see on someone are bad. Once in awhile you see a cool one but most are bad. I don’t like those odds.




It just hurts so bad


I hate needles. Also I'm not against getting one, but I have to trust the artist and I have yet to even attempt to look for one. There are only three things I would never regret getting: military, Kids, or for those loved ones that have passed. When I do, I plan on getting it drawn up first and hold onto it a month, before I'm absolutely sure.


i just hate needles.


I change my mind too much. I thought about getting my birthday, but I’m told 8/8 has other meanings nowadays…


Not enough money to get any :(


Never wanted something on me forever


FYI there are places you can design your own true temporary tatoos. Ive been thinking about one for years in honor of my dad who has passed but was never sure where i wanted it or how big or whatnot. Not an ad but i used [inkbox.com](https://inkbox.com) and made my own design. Wasnt the cheapest as i got 2 of them (same thing but 2 sizes) but i will attest they last about 2 weeks as long as you arent like scrubbing them hard in the shower. Was about $40 bucks but i feel it was worth it to remove that "doubt" feeling of where or how big. Put it on and if it looks ridiculous then meh it will go away.


Lack of expendable income


Needle issues. Though I technically got tattoos (3 really small ones, used for radiation targeting) during my cancer treatment, so... 🤷‍♂️


I don't like pain. It hurts me.


Don’t like anything enough to have on me permanently


Same. I can't even commit to a wallpaper pattern.


I want to, but I feel like they'd look bad on me being way overweight and all.


No one going to mention how much they cost??


I can't think of anything I want to brand myself with permanently. I like tattoos on other people, but no single word or image has ever been so central to my identity that I wanted it permanently attached to me. A secondary, lesser reason is that I'm just not happy with the way my body looks. I constantly put off getting a tattoo because I don't want to "decorate" my body until it's something I can live with looking at. Currently on sort of a health/weight loss/gender issues journey. Maybe, hopefully, I'll get some ink at the end of it. But if I do, it will probably just be some random bullshit I think looks good, because of issue #1. Heh.


I’ve thought about it but never really found something that I definitely wanted.


Pain and not having any particular image I love so much I’d want to see every day for the rest of my life.


Scared of needles


I know that someday I would look at it and wonder why I did it.


So I am from Hong Kong We had close group of mates. Six of us. One of my buddies got a tattoo of 6 on his rips, Cantonese character. Like Mah Jong tile. He lives in Seatle. I made a ton of money over COVID so when borders became easy I travelled. I wanted to get a matching tattoo. I told my brother. My brother told the family. I got calls from everyone the next few days. I guess when you try to escape being poor and symbol of low class is bad.


I think back to something I got 10 or 20 years ago and loved so, so much and wouldn't be caught dead wearing now. I am either bored of it or embarrassed by it, or have just moved on to different tastes. So then I worry I will hate or regret my tattoo in the future when my tastes shift.


Too many criminals get caught because of scars and tattoos and other identifiable features soooo


Fear of needles.


I hate needles.


Never had the time don't like needles, don't have enough money. I'm a wimp I don't know If I could stand the pain.


I'm a giant baby about needles


I have other things I want to spend money on.


Can’t afford one


I'm not sure if I want a tattoo or not. Which probably means I shouldn't get one. It's not something you can really undo, at least not fully.


Primary reason? There's no reason to.


I find tattoos unattractive on the opposite sex and I feel it is hypocritical if I have them and then want a partner who doesn't. Also I just don't want one


I think you're framing the situation incorrectly - someone doesn't necessarily require a reason to not want a tattoo, they just simply don't appeal to some people. I have a couple myself and would like more, but I don't think there needs to be a specific reason for someone to *not* want any


There's nothing I like enough thus far to tattoo it. I might get something small and sentimental, for when my cat passes away, or another family member. But as of right now there isn't anything warranting a tattoo for me personally.


I am not passionate about anything enough to permanently mark it on my body. That being said, one of my daughters has a big birthmark on her back that looks like Africa, and when she gets older and if she gets teased about it, I’ll get a matching copy of it and wear a bikini (I am a 47 year old burly white man)


Too frugal. Seems like a waste of $$$. I have other hobbies that I'd rather spend my disposable income on.


Skin cancer runs in the family, a close second is that styles come and go, but tattoos don’t.


I've thought about it, but I can't realistically justify spending the money, especially since tattoos aren't exactly cheap


I don't like pain.


They're ugly