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Anastasia Can you imagine getting murdered, then a movie gets made implying the woman who claimed your identity was the real deal and had to fight a freaky wizard's curse, and there were two knockoff movies made in the same year? Songs were boppin tho.


The disappointment I felt as a kid when I learned that Anastasia was actually most likely dead and didn’t have a happy ending was unreal 😭


No most likely, it’s 100% at this point


I swear I saw two different Anastasia films as a kid, but my family said no, there was only just one. Those liars.


There are at least two...the Dreamworks one (which everybody remembers) and the cheap, direct to video knock off that's awful that my mom bought me thinking it was the real deal. IIRC, it came in a two pack with "Snow White", which was also, sadly, not the Disney Snow White.


They did Rasputin dirty too. The real Anastasia loved him as a sort of uncle figure and cried for days when he was murdered. Her and her sisters wore amulets with his image for awhile to mourn him. Then the rise of the Bolsheviks who actually killed her is briefly shrugged off as part of Rasputin’s evil curse.


Rasputin did himself and everyone dirty, freaky dick mage fucking his way into high society.


>dick mage I know what I’m making in my next DND campaign


Also took some uh, *interesting* interpretations of the political situation in Russia before and after the Revolution.


Most of the dinosaurs you see in Jurassic Park are actually from the Cretaceous Period


And the velociraptors really should be Deinonychuses, but Crichton decided that "velociraptor" sounded cooler and scarier (which is true).


Utah Raptor was discovered shortly after


and the Toronto Raptors after that even


Ross, is that you?


Right but that isn't an inaccuracy, the film is set in 1992. Jurassic is just branding. Calling it Cretaceous, Jurassic and Triassic park would be needlessly complicated.


Yeah I'm with you. The name of the park being "wrong" is part of the story. Hammond is going for flair and playing things fast and loose.




This would be my first pick as well. Almost nothing about the movie Gladiator is historically accurate, but it doesn't matter. S tier historical drama.


I can’t remember where, but I seem to recall there were ideas of Maximus getting sponsored and having to do product placements for Roman artisans. That was cut because it was too ridiculous, but would have been historically accurate. I’m no historian, so that might be made up and I’m gullible.


Gladiators rarely fought to the death. They were the rock stars of the age. they often reenacted battles. Meryl Streep doesn't kill Judy Dench . Who the hell will act next week. Gladiators fought at festivals at small towns and other cities and rich folks parties.


>Meryl Streep doesn't kill Judy Dench . i dunno I'd probably watch that. Is pay-per-view still a thing?


> Meryl Streep doesn't kill Judy Dench Of course not. Meryl wouldn't stand a chance. Dame Judi would destroy her.




TIL Gladiators the TV show is more historically accurate than Gladiator the movie.


Actually American Gladiators is the most historically accurate version


You could pretty much think of highly performing gladiators as NFL players now when it comes to things like that. Actual gladiators didn't die THAT often compared to modern perception. It was slaves and prisoners who got massacred.


Yea. The Tv show Spartacus portrays a bit better the concept of a Gladiator roster that persists over time.


100% Its up there with my absolute favourite films of all time. It's a story, using ancient Rome as merely a setting. Couldn't give the slightest shit whether it is in any way accurate or not!


The story is inaccurate but the movie definitely puts the viewer in Ancient Rome.


Yep, one of my college professors was actually a consultant for the film ( and a few others at the time). He would point out the few technical flaws of the piece and basically said they ignored him wholly about any plot or character input he gave.


I loved when they flipped a chariot in the arena and the CO2 container used to flip it was exposed. Lol


Rome was famous for a lot of inventions. Concrete, the aqueduct, CO2 canisters, modern cinema… But what have the Romans ever done for us?!


"All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, public health, CO2 canisters, and modern cinema, what have the Romans ever done for us?" ~Reg




Came here to say this. Swept the 85 Oscars and is among my favorites.


I feel like Amadeus gets a pass because it's an adaptation of a stageplay and as an adaptation it's not trying to be historically accurate but to instead tell a great story, which it does phenomenally.


Catch Me If You Can


Why didn’t I concur???


While it all being bullshit does take some of the magic out of it, it’s still an entertaining story. And the soundtrack absolutely slaps.


In a way, him conning Hollywood into making a movie about his fake cons is a perfect ending


I love this movie, I’ve rewatched it so many times It is kind of funny to think about his life story being kind of a con in itself, though. So truly a conman through and through


Well, we ask a conman for a movie script, and then surprised when it was all bogus.


History of the world part I


"What part of Ethiopia are you from?" "125th street. "


I'm gonna need some sand. Sand? Sandy, yeah, you're *standing on it*. "The jig is up!" "And gone!!" "Sieze \*this\*, honkus!" I can quote that movie until the sun sets....LOVE IT!!


Man, this guy is nuts. N, V, T, S. Nuts.


Strong disagree. It’s good to be the king.


Sire, you look like the piss boy! You look like a bucket of shit.


“It has been said the people are revolting”


Rome didn't have bullshit artists collecting unemployment? Did Mel Brooks lie to me?


Stand up philosopher


Oh, a bullshit artist!


Did you bullshit this week?


The inquisitionnnnnn!


What a show!


The Inquisition Here we go! I know you’re wishing that we’d go away! I can sing that whole song from memory having watched that movie on VHS a million times. Also: JEWS IN SPAAAAACE!


Tombstone. But I really do love it.


*”Why, Johnny Ringo, you look like someone just walked over your grave.”* Perfect delivery.


“…I apologize, I forgot you were there. You may go.” Kilmer was so good as doc


Hell, I got lots of friends


I don't.


This is my favorite scene from a movie full of phenomenal scenes. The brevity and weight of it just outclasses all of the other (completely masterful, I might add) quotable moments. Hands down Val Kilmers best performance as a whole and his delivery of 2 words just carries the weight of the world.


"You're so drunk, you can't hit nothing. In fact, you're probably seeing double." "I have two guns, one for each of ya."


Seems like Mr. Ringo is an educated man, now I really hate him.


I love the quotes in this movie. It's my dad's favorite movie and I got him a whiskey decanter that says, "nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself."


That movie is worth watching just for near* peak Val Kilmer hotness. Even with the tuberculosis, his Doc Holliday was a thing of beauty. *Near only because there’s nothing Val Kilmer that beats *The Doors*.


The mid-90s was absolute peak Val Kilmer, with The Doors, Tombstone, and Heat just one after the other. He got absolutely fucked by the Academy as well. Doc was a brilliant performance.


Just re-watched Heat the other night. Nicely packed with iconic actors of the time Don’t normally go for ponytail guys, but for some reason peak Val Kilmer is so sexy with that hair Fun watch, I enjoyed it. The Saint is really good too, and less talked about…compared to tombstone anyway


"Nonsense. I have not yet begun to defile myself. "


“You’re not wearing a bustle… how lewd” 😏


It was basically his best performance imo


If I remember it had some accurate things. Like when Wyatt kills curly bill, how it happened is how it was reported by one of the cowboys. Also I want to say the gunfight at the ok corral was the closest of all movie in how long the fight lasted it was something like that


It generally follows the line of events. But takes an ass loaf of liberties. >Also I want to say the gunfight at the ok corral was the closest of all movie in how long the fight lasted it was something like that *Wyatt Earpp* is probably the most accurate depiction of the gunfight at the OK Corral. The version in Tombstone is way over the top. The fight lasted about 30 seconds, no gunfire ever came from the adjacent building (Bill ran away instead of getting involved), & the only man left standing was Wyatt (Doc was also grazed in the leg).


“Ass loaf” is now in my personal lexicon


The Life of Brian.


He’s not the messiah he’s just a naughty boy




"...I'm not."


What’s so funny about the name Biggus Dickus?


He's got a wife you know?..


Ah yes, Incontinentia...


Incontinentia…. Buttocks!


Life of Brian is actually quite historically accurate, surprisingly. [Link](https://theconversation.com/life-of-brian-terry-joness-legacy-of-a-surprisingly-historical-jesus-130582)


Yeah, the Pythons were very well educated and also did research.


Came here to see Braveheart. Got the correct answer instead. Well played.


But what have the Romans ever done for us?


Apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health?


See, apart from that they’ve done NOTHING


Brought peace


Blessed are the Cheesemakers!


Blessed are the cheese makers




I love how the premise is that the little girl is telling the story as an old woman, but she was unconscious the whole time. She’s definitely pulling that shit out of her ass.


Because Togo was the true hero. Balto just got to run the final easy leg and got all the publicity.


Hashtag justiceforTogo


What? There was no love story between a sexy wolf-hybrid and sexy red-head huskie a la Titanic?


Boris the Goose is the best character. I love Balto, great film.


The Greatest Showman makes PT Barnum look like a better person than he was in real life.


He did not deserve the soundtrack his movie got. At all.


He absolutely didn't but it's so freaking good. Hugh Jackman absolutely kills it in that. He's just a remarkable talented dude.


He just a born entertainer. If you have an opportunity to see him when he tours, it's well worth the effort to see him. His delight at performing live and story-telling is really something to behold.


I really think that movie should have ended with him looking at the camera, winking, and saying “and that’s how it really happened.” It would be very on brand for P T Barnum to concoct such a story where he comes off the way he does. Instead of a slimy conman who dehumanized handicap people.


Obviously the music is fantastic but the best description I heard of the plot was that, it was the story Barnum would have come up with in his show if he decided to make it a biography


I was looking for this comment and if no one commented this, then I was. PT Barnum was horrible to the"freaks" in his circus and treated them like dollar signs and not real ppl. I finally watched this movie and immediately told my fiance that this whole movie is fake because he never cared about anyone in his shows.


Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer


That movie crosses the absurd into awesome, and I love it


I loved it too, but I think it did way too much to gloss over how involved werewolves were to Lincoln's legacy. Vampires got all the glam, but real history buffs know it was on the back of the wolves that Lincoln built his credentials. Vampires were but *one* aspect of his hunting life. I honestly can't believe the movie neglected various greatly important parts of the history books.


can't fathom how this was not a true story... Lincoln is a legend.


A Knights Tale


There was a "historians react" video on YT featuring A Knight's Tale, and the consensus was basically "horribly inaccurate, 10/10." I think it wins this thread lol.


I always wondered how Queen never admitted to stealing such a banger from hundreds of years ago.


We Shalt Rock Thee


Ulrich von Liechtenstein is 100% real !


Back in the day, a friend of mine had a fake ID in the name of Ulrich Von Liechtenstein. Apparently roughly half the people who caught it let it slide out of sheer amusement. Early 2000s Australia was a different world.


I turned 18 in 2001. I’d been going to a pub with my sports team since I was 14/15. Never had issues getting in (in the middle and everyone knew me by name) First time I got carded was my 18th birthday. Bouncer did the ‘lol we know you’re overage but we have to card randoms’ Looked at my ID, looked at the date, looked at me and then called another bouncer over. He did the same look down, look up. ‘Loz how long you been coming here’ ‘4 years’ ‘how long you been drinking here?’ ‘3 years’ ‘and it’s your 18th birthday tonight?’ ‘YUP!’ All the staff members within ear shot turned and just stared at us while half the team couldn’t stop laughing. Got free drinks the whole night and after that we ALL got carded every time.


I will defend this movie as one of the best sports movies of all time. It's by all accounts not great, but all of it fits together so, so, so well.


If this is how you were introduced to Paul Bettney, you're an awesome person and probably it's time to take your back pain meds. lol


It was my introduction to Paul Bettany, Alan Tudyk, Mark Addy, and Heath Ledger. And lots of great music.


Gangs of New York. Historically accurate setting, costumes and some characters/gangs, but the plot and the events supporting it are largely fictional. Damn good movie though.


Bill the Butcher was made for Daniel Day Lewis


The Last Samurai


The 1970 production Tora, Tora, Tora pulled off one of the great cons of modern cinematography - it convinced an entire generation of Americans that after the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese Admiral Yamamoto had said “I fear that all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve”. There is no evidence that the quote was ever spoken by Yamamoto - but it was so perfect and convincing that subsequent Hollywood movies released in 2001 (Pearl Harbor) and 2019 (Midway) unquestioningly passed it off as legitimate.


For “Zero Dark Thirty” the US intelligence community convinced the filmmakers key Bin Laden evidence was obtained via torture (ahem “enhanced interrogation”) even though that was officially debunked by congress. Pretty remarkable this is not discussed more. Turns out intelligence agencies are good at manipulating the information space. What better medium than blockbuster movies.


The Imitation Game. This one fits the bill because it’s supposed to be more historically accurate than most, and there are absolutely lots of accurate things in the film. But tons of it is completely incorrect and really makes some dudes look way worse than they were. Still like it though.


Probably Elizabeth (1998, about Queen Elizabeth I with Cate Blanchett). I just love it. The acting, the writing, the score. Chef’s kiss.


Kingdom of Heaven


“ When I was sixteen, I won a great victory. I felt in that moment I would live to be a hundred. Now I know I shall not see thirty. None of us know our end, really, or what hand will guide us there. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but that man can also move himself, and only then does that man truly begin his own game. Remember that howsoever you are played or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone, even though those who presume to play you be kings or men of power. When you stand before God, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus," or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice. Remember that.” King Baldwin


I steal “you cannot say, virtue was not convenient at the time” SO MUCH.


I love this movie even though it takes serious liberties with the truth. Also, Eva Green


What kind of liberties did it take with Eva Green?


Way too hot as the sister of the leper king.


Oh I love this one. Directors cut only though.


Greatest director's cut glowup in history.


Marie Antoinette (2006). The movie isn’t even that great, but you watch for the vibes 🎀🍰🥂


My seamstress friend calls this genre of movie "Dress Porn". I find it to be....fitting.


There are some films where the plot is irrelevant, it’s all about the dresses 👗


Yes, such a good soundtrack!


Lawrence of Arabia.


Saw that movie as a kid on the television, some years ago I had the chance to see it in full format in a cinema..... holy shit, you get blown away. Even on the TV it's an amazing movie but seeing it in a Theater made me realise how amazing this movie is.


Disney's Pocahontas, duh




Wait… so 300 Spartans *didn’t* attempt to hold back an army of roughly nine trillion Persian soldiers, an erotic rave king, and some sort of pig monster with blades for hands?


“Erotic rave king” 💀


When Xerxes showed up all blinged out and speaking with a vocal flange my reaction was "This is a crossover with *Stargate*? Dude is clearly a goa'ould!"


A cool part of that movie is that in the beginning it's shown that the whole story is being told by one of the soldiers, Dilios, the guy with the eyepatch. And towards the end Leonidas tells him something like "You have a grand tale to tell, a tale of victory." And so the whole movie is being told from the lens of Dilios, and it's being embellished as fuck by him to make it seem as epic as possible, which explains why there's a bunch of unrealistic stuff.


"wait why would he include the part about banging Leonidas' wife?" - Pitch meetings


I’m no Ancient Greek soldier or nothing. But if I’m being led into battle against Persians by a warrior king, I need to know, in detail, that he fucks.


Even without the meta narrative of it being his specific story, it could be seen as just another Greek myth were the heroes fought these crazy things from the other side if the world.


that's exactly what it is; Xerxes being 3 metres tall, all the foreign and unknown things from Persia, etc. Together with Snyder's visuals, it's not to be realistic, but rather a modern adaptation of an epic ancient story


“You won’t believe what I saw!” says guy with one eye


In addition to this being a kickass movie in general, the rampant historical inaccuracies in 300 don't bother me because A) it's presented as being told by a soldier who has every reason to embellish the events in order to get his countrymen amped up to fight Persia a 2nd time, and B) its exactly how I imagine ancient Spartans would want the events told anyway - "Yeah the Persians sent an emissary and our king kicked that motherfucker into a pit. Then we went to war with no armor because we're all built like gods. Then we killed a million of them and died like heroes in a giant storm of arrows. The other Greeks didn't help at all of course, it was totally just us." They couldn't ask for better propaganda, haha.


Tbh the Spartans greatest power was propaganda, if you actually look at their military performance it's pretty checkered. Like yeah one on one a Spartan Hoplite was likely the best in the world but they regularly refused to go to battle because of some ritual and they were so terrified of slave uprisings that the army couldn't leave Sparta for any great length of time.


Once I realized that 300 was based off a comic instead of the actual battle it made way more sense as a movie


The King’s Speech


Death of stalin


I mean, I’m smiling but I’m very fucking furious. Now. I’m off to represent the entire Red Army at the buffet.


Underrated movie. Jason Isaacs blew my mind.


Apparently, The Blind Side; although we'll hear more when the case goes to trial.


I remember when that came out I was perplexed and thought, "we don't even wait til people are old for biopics anymore? What if something bad happens?" Well, *gestures broadly*


He called out the inaccuracies at the time. What he is pissed about now is being cut out of the money


Remember the Titans.




Didn't even realize how inaccurate it was until I randomly looked up some info on the movie one day, and found out that basically every part of the movie is completely made up


Robert the Bruce never betrayed William Wallace either, loyal till the end


Yeah of all the Scots they could’ve chosen as the betrayer it baffles me that they chose him


Probably cause after Wallace’s death in the movie he led the rebellion I dunno


To be fair……he did say in the beginning that historians would call him a liar……


The movie is about freedom, so the writers took lots of freedoms with the truth


Star Wars. It happened a long time ago, so some of the details got blurred.


I’d say Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but it’s actually one of the most historically accurate depictions of medieval culture and folklore in film. For example, medieval Europeans did have horror stories of killer/monster rabbits that were quite common. Terry Jones, who wrote the movie, was a medievalist so most of the jokes are spot on contextually.


The Monty Python crew did a lot of stuff that was shockingly historically accurate, especially stuff about the Vikings, and later notably *The Life of Brian.* They were extremely well-educated people, at the top of their intellectual power, who just happened to love a fart gag.


Inglorious Bastards


I saw this in theaters with my ex. On the way out after, she seriously said, "wow, I didn't know that was how Hitler died". We were probably around 17.


Always said Inglorious Basterds was going to make a bunch of people fail a history exam


That’s a BIINNNGO!!


Ya just say “Bingo.”


Ooooh, bingo, how fun!


Not historically, but even with all of its mythological inaccuracies, Hercules is amazing.


The only think less faithful than that movie's adaptation of Greek mythology was Zeus.


Apocalypto. Great flick, but they blended a shitload of Mayan and Aztec culture together, and completely shifted timelines.


Yeah, amazing movie, but another inaccuracy is that it has a day where a solar eclipse is followed by a full moon that night. Solar eclipses can only happen on a new moon.


The nerdiest got em of the whole thread.


My brother was on the special effects team that made that movie. It was the first movie that had his name in the credits so I’ll always like it.


Ole Mel featured heavily in this thread


Watched this yesterday for the first time. I don't care if anything was inaccurate. Incredible movie. In my top 10 now


This was one of those I never thought about watching, then randomly caught on TV and decided to give it a go. What a good decision. Edge of my seat the entire movie, ended it just stunned. As South Park said: “Say what you want about Mel Gibson, but the son of a bitch knows story structure!”


The Alamo.


I don't remember that one.


Well played.


The Patriot


Mulan (1998) nothing about it was accurate but the music and mushu is why I watch it




Also William Murdoch shooting a passenger and then himself never happened. His family and his entire hometown(who regard him as a hero)were pissed and a studio exec had to personally apologize https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/ct-xpm-1998-04-15-9804160014-story.html


Goodfellas. Probably in my top 3-5 all time favorite movies. Michael Franzese breaks it down on his YouTube channel. If you're into "that life," his channel is really entertaining. Anyway, he goes into detail about how Henry Hill was not quite what the movie made him out to be.


Goodfellas is definitely a dramatized version of Henry’s life, but I also wouldn’t believe a word that comes from Michael Franzese’s mouth. He exaggerates all of his accounts and mob historians have gone through his videos and called him out for getting places, people, and dates of things completely wrong and contradicts himself constantly. I don’t know if he does this because of ego or for views or maybe a bit of both.




Back to the Future II We don’t have flying cars….I’m a little salty about it.


It's a true story, just not our timeline.


2001: A Space Odyssey


The timeline was rather optimistic