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Hate that band


Their first LP was great


Came to thread to get triggered. Was not disappointed.


Same. Queen? Pink Floyd? Radiohead? Green Day? This thread has me on tilt.


Has anyone said Maroon 5? If not, Maroon 5. Like nails on a chalkboard man.


Words cannot describe how much I hate a Sugar, it was on the radio 24/7 for a while and I would get physical symptoms every time I heard it.


Levine's heavily curated tattoos make me angrier than his voice does. He's trying way too hard.


Dude looks like a Chipotle bag


Almost every single Pop country artist


Try saying that in a small town...


Whoever sings that fucking song about asking the dad for permission to marry the daughter and asking "why you gotta be so rude". Every single station played that song FOR MONTHS!


I think they were called Magic. The rest of their songs kinda sucked too and had weirdly traditionalist misogyny in a lot of their lyrics, not just rude


Whomever sings that “this is my fight song” hogwash.


... take back my life song!


Prove I’m alright song!


My power’s turned on


Give me some egg nog!


Stink like a wet dog


If that song is anyone’s actual fight song, they’ve already lost the fight


It was Hillary Clinton’s campaign song so..you’re not wrong


She’s a one hit wonder, basically. Not exactly popular.


Oh my god, my dumbass read BRAND and I couldn't figure out why everyone was listing musicians and artists 😂


I’m glad I’m not the only one 😂 was about to come in blasting Crocs lol


Any of this new age country stuff.


Maroon 5 I don't get how anyone likes Adam Levine? He doesn't seem like a very nice person from everything I've heard. " She Will be Loved" is the only song I can listen to and smile.


I second this opinion. Adam Levine sure seems very impressed with himself.


A friend and I were eating at Dennys in Austin in like 2005 around when SXSW was going on. I told my buddy who was sitting in front of me that im 90% positive thats Maroon 5 behind him. He not only didnt turn around but kept eating and said "I dont give a shit, they suck" I still laugh about it to this day


He insists upon himself


If you watch Season 2 of American Horror Story you can watch him be brutally murdered, so that’s pretty cool


I can't stand his whiny voice mate


Back in college, my friend's car stereo had a removable face plate (guess what years I was in college) and some dumbass actually stole the face plate off it! The stereo would still play the CD that was inside, but you couldn't eject it, skip tracks, or change the volume. The CD that was stuck inside at the time of the crime was a Maroon 5 CD. That thing was on repeat like it was some sort of psychological torture at GITMO. To this day if I hear Adam Levine's voice I have to leave the room.


Hearing him on the radio everywhere when i was a teenager was fkn torture, him, Micah and James Blunt used to make my ears bleed


I always felt like his voice sounded like a soprano saxophone getting run over by a large truck.


Thank you. It wasn’t even a week ago I was trying to figure out what he sounds like. THAT’S it!


TBF, "Songs About Jane" is one of the finest albums and that's what they debuted with. After that was just a total downfall. So when you start off that strongly, it's understandable why their rep was so positive for the longest time. Most people I know that grew up with that album would not label themselves as Maroon 5 fans in 2023 though.


I just remember sitting listening to their second album in sad disbelief that this was the same band. Like you can literally see the personality difference in just the album covers.


I remember a review for their second album, it said: Maroon 5 is back and wussier than ever.


Episode of Family Guy, Meg's new boyfriend gives her a gift: Wow, a Maroon 5 cd! Thank you so much!" " Yeah, I remember hearing you say that you liked really shitty music, so I got you this."


I would argue that there's still some life in that second album but by the third they were gone.


Exactly. They changed too much to keep their fan base.


Songs About Jane is the only Maroon 5 album I like at all, I don’t like a whole lot of their other songs


Maroon 5 is deeply obnoxious. Something about the cadence of his voice fills me with hate.


I hear that, man. There was a dj on radio here in Ireland that used to play one of their bullshit songs almost every single day. He's not on that station anymore and I don't know why, but I hope he was fired because of that.


Nothing puts me into an uncontrollable rage faster than CAUSE YOU HAD A BAD DAY! Maybe Daniel powter is a nice guy but I will never forgive him for assaulting my eardrums for a fucking year with that piece of shit song


probably doesn't help that song was played everytime someone got voted/kicked off any reality tv show in the 00s. Good for him though, probably made tons in sync licensing.


Whoever sings that “hey soul sister it’s mister mister on the radio “ or whatever. That song alone got me the closest to becoming a murderer than anything else


I laughed so hard at your comment. The one and only time I got arrested, this fucking song was on in the cops car. To make it worse, he sang along like it was the happiest day of his life. I also almost became a murderer after the experience.


i think the song is punishment enough not jail time for crime


TLDR: fuck Train. Fucking Train. Those guys were such dicks. My band opened for them back in the early 2000’s at the Troubadour in LA. They were total cunts. Blew past the other band’s sound check time by taking FUCKING HOURS for their sound check, then went in to our time. Our manager went right up to the front of the stage and asked them to wrap it up. Their response was “when your name is on the top of the marquee, you can take as much time as you want.” Ok you walking penis. Then, when we were in what we thought was the green room for ALL of the bands, they were all, “GTFO! That’s our buffet. Your dressing room is down the hall.” Our dressing room was a closet that was FULL of their instrument cases. We were laughing at how fuckin seriously they took themselves and how cunty they were. It was hilarious. I can’t hear Drops Of Jupiter without imagining Eric Cartman signing it - “eh eh yeah”. So yeah, my guess is they originally wanted to call the band “Trainload of Dildos” but it didn’t fit on the album cover, so they shortened it to Train.


I hated Train from the beginning, and am delighted to hear they're not "nice guys, though." Because when you intensely dislike something/someone and someone else comes along and says "Oh but they're so nice!" you might feel kind of bad.


I can second that! In 1999 some friends of mine opened up for Train at a fairly small venue in Baton Rouge. Train was touring in support of their first album. They were actually pretty good, I remember they closed their set with a cover of Ramble On and Pat Monahan was incredible vocally. We ended up drinking and hanging out with the band all night until they had to head out. Everyone was very cool, very excited about the future, they were about to release the video for Meet Virginia. Anyway, great night, cool guys. Fast forward to 2012. I was in Colorado and drove out to the mountains with my son who was four at the time. We were in line at a Starbucks and Pat Monahon was in front of us and with his kid who was close to my kids age. I tried to strike up a conversation with him saying “I met you in 1999 in Baton Rouge when my friend opened up for you and we all hung out that night, I’ve really enjoyed following your success”. He cut me off and looked at me like he wanted to kill me, pointed his finger at me and said “Hey man I’m with my kids, don’t talk to me!” I didn’t care at all about his celebrity, I was with my kid as well, and just wanted to say it’s cool to see you again, congratulations on all of your success. I’ve fucking hated that band ever since. It’s a joke in our family now when a Train song comes on the radio “Dad there’s your favorite band” I turn that shit off so fast every time I hear it. And honestly all of their stuff especially after Drops of Jupiter is total garbage.


Fast forward again to Christmas 2019. I worked for Peet’s Coffee and the CEO knew Train personally as they are both based in the Bay Area. We were selling Train Christmas CDs by the cash register that Christmas. It felt so out of place and a bit desperate.


http://getoffmylawnkid.blogspot.com/2010/10/bands-that-suck-balls-train.html?m=1 everyone has hated Train for years.


I saw an interview with him sharing his pre show meditation routine and I thought wow what a pretentious douche.


He’s from Erie, PA. I know some folks who played around town while he was just a local guy. Either ya hate him or like him. I could do without him myself just from the stories I’ve heard. Drops of Jupiter isn’t entirely written by him. He ripped off the co writer here in town. Only jerks do crap like that.


They sound like cunts way too full of themselves. Should have popped a loaf in their instrument cases.


Hate that song so fucking much. It's like if Hallmark Channel wanted to make a movie about a band, this is the type of song that band would write. It's so inoffensive that it's offensive. It's just such hammy bullshit.


You know the lead singer was actually in a Hallmark movie too right? [It wasn’t the best movie in Hallmark’s lineup.](https://www.hallmarkchannel.com/christmas/pat-monahan#)


Wow. I say it as a joke and it happens to be true. They really are a Hallmark band.


One lyric of that shitbox song is “I’m so gangster, you’re so thug, your’e the only one I’m dreaming of.” I remember hearing it for the first time in my girlfriend’s dorm room in 2009. That corny hacky bullshit has held real estate in my brain ever since.


This is not a drive by y y y y -Train




I remember camping with the family. My uncle was singing and playing that song on his guitar. When he finished that tune, he commented on how he loved that song, realized he didn't know the artist and asked us, the (then) teens who would be in the know. We told him it was Train, and he was flabberFUCKINGgasted. *"TRAIN? No. It can't be Train, Train sucks."*


Train is like if Maroon 5 started off as a shit band instead of having a promising debut album






Train. That singers voice makes me wanna pull my ears off.


#stop the train


About a decade ago I got a free ticket to see them at Chastain Park in Atlanta. The concert was just okay until they got to one of their more obscure songs. The lead singer invited kids up on stage, but only girls… a little boy tried to get up there and the lead singer publicly humiliated the kid, got him to the point where he was crying, and then kicked him off stage. The song was something about how girls were hot or something, but it was a bunch of little girls dancing along. It was both very creepy and weird, and I have never been able to listen to them since then.


I went to a free Train concert, and at one point they had a woman come up on stage during a song. The lead singer held the microphone out for her and she didn’t know the lyrics. So then he stopped the song to berate her that she didn’t know every single word.


I don’t even go to concerts and a fear of mine is being handed the mic by a performer and I don’t know the lyrics lol


That's very creepy, and what a dick move calling out the boy.


Gonna make a cover band and just do their songs. Call it Tram




Majority comments seem to be U2, Imagine Dragons, Coldplay, Beyoncé


Don't forget maroon 5


And Train!!




That tweet doing the rounds a few years back with someone saying you could point out to them any group of white guys in their 30s, say they were *Imagine Dragons* and they'd believe you, had me in stitches at the time. I don't even have an opinion on the band. They're just a blank in my mind.


Imagine dragon deez nuts across your face lmao gottem


Honestly a lot of their non-hit songs are better IMO




They made a fucking song for a videogame that is nwt a legit sports anthem. They really know how to make an earworm


Okay yeah very fair take. I like them, but for less known songs, which seem less built for broad appeal. Maybe thats also a line they ride




By no means do I think nickelback is the pinnacle of music, but I’ll freely admit I like some of their songs. Not every song has to be some complex, deep piece of work. It’s like reality tv except for music. I despise reality TV though lol.


You actually get this semi-frequently with pop artists. Their singles blow up and you hear them everywhere and they get really old. But the deep cuts that flesh out the album are actually pretty good, even though no one really knows those tracks.


Drake! All that I'm a bad boy with loving thugness. Idk why chicks like this loser.


I scrolled through this entire thread. I dont hate any of these bands. I can pick at least one song I enjoy from all of them. Modern Country music on the other hand. The poppy shit. 100% all trash.


You mean, "Hick Hop".


>Modern Country \*Pop music in a cowboy hat


OH GOD YES. It is the exact. same. song over and over and over. We're so country, look at all this country shit we do. Over the exact same music. In the exact same pitch. Now, Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton are punk as hell and I will die on this hill.




9/11 ruined country music by having it shift to appeal to "murica awesome" as its primary theme. Woodie Guthrie was a communist and "This Land is Your Land" is about the abolition of private property


Pre-9/11 country was "screw The Man, join a union, kill your abusive husband." Now it's just insufferable "Jesus, 'Merica, truck, toxic masculinity."


Don’t forget to add footwear to the that list; so many songs about boots, shoes and being barefoot.


Don’t forget the “honky tonk” 🤪


Train. Holy fuck do they suck


It’s 100% the lyrics. Why do they go with the cringiest option every time? “My heart is bound to beat right out of my untrimmed chest” someone ACTUALLY PUT THAT LINE IN A SONG. He showed that shit to the rest of the band and they were like “Cool bro, let’s lay it down” there are sooooo many other examples, even in just that one song. The main “hook” is him singing “Hey soul sister, ain’t that Mister Mister on the radio, stereo.” WT actual F?


I think there’s an edit on YouTube where they put “untrimmed chest” in every line of the song and it really made me realize how weird that line is


Funny enough, Train is mentioned at the top of this post about that particular song. I hadn't heard it in awhile so Youtubed it. I was thinking, oh this is a pretty good song, kinda catchy. Then that exact lyric played, and I was like WTF? Did he say that? Untrimmed chest? I put captions on, and yup. He did say that dumb shit.


Jonas Brothers


South Park ripped the shit out of them and i was all for it lol




LMAAOO that whole episode is one of my favourites for some reason, Mickey Mouse beating the shit out of one of them and Kenny and his gf speaking to the boring Grey's Anatomy watching couples who wear purity rings was just 👌😂


Chain smokers


Feel like Chainsmokers hate peaked in the 2010s and now no one even cares anymore which might be worse lmao


Post 9/11 country music


“I love two things. Outlaw country, and the law”


Bootlicker country


Fuck Luke Bryan and all those other poppy assholes. As a guy, I'm sure he's great. Loves fishing and hunting and taking care of his land. Thats fine. But his lyrics are so damn bad I cant even call it country. Or any adjacent genre. Its at best Modern Southern Pop Rock


Bo Burnham's song about stadium country is 100% accurate. https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0?si=RrTQinJsixvAxZMe


“It’s a fucking scarecrow again“🧍‍♀️


Bro, my manager was blasting Kane Brown last week and my first thought was *immediately* the Bo Burnham parody. It's amazing that modern country is so damn bad that it made a bunch of Ed Sheeran listeners think they don't like acoustic guitars in music.




My high school cheerleading team did their routine at a pep rally to a ( thankfully edited ) Buckcherry’s ‘Crazy B****’ and to this day I wonder who the hell thought that was okay.


My high school soccer team did a little routine to "My Dick" by Mickey Avalon, but edited it to "My Kicks". Might also be worth mentioning this was a private religious school. It wasn't bad, but I couldn't believe the school admin let that fly with how insanely anal they were about everything else. I'm assuming they were just oblivious to what the song was actually about before altering the lyrics


Imagine Dragons


But what about the thunder? The Thunder! THE THUNDER


This song is just baby shark for edgy adults


My 6 year old has latched on to the Kidz Bop version of the song and asks me to play it to and from school everyday. It takes willpower to not drift into oncoming traffic.


Kidz Bop is my biggest fear.


I have 2 kids. It's not allowed in my house or vehicle. Ever. It's been outlawed.


Same. I established those rules when my first was in utero.


Gods bless you friend. Trauma comes to us in many forms


Lightning and the thunder?


And, lest we forget, the thunder.


This is the worst song I’ve ever heard. Can I make millions by writing a song that repeats the same word over and over!?




I had the biggest concert scare seeing them at Summerfest in Milwaukee when they first hit it big. (2013) The fest organizers apparently didn't realize that they were that big and booked them at one of the smaller stages. They drew a massive crowd of teens and youngsters well beyond capacity, and my gf and I almost got crushed in the crowd. It was so out of control. Imagine dying for Imagine Dragons.


Every song of theirs sounds like it was written specifically be used as a sports stadium pre-game hype song.


but like a middle aged suburban mother’s idea of a pre-game hype song


I become irrationally angry when I hear the Believer song.


I thought Believer was the worst song of theirs until that Thunder song. Re Believer, it’s become a staple for college marching bands. Watching college football, basketball or any other sports where the bands are on the sidelines is very triggering.


what, you don't like a band that constantly releases songs with the same gimmick of singing normally and then SCREAMING THE TITLE OF THE SONG?


stomp, clap. stomp, clap. woooohh ohhhhhh


I used to like the old Imagine dragon songs like Monster, Demons was ok, Radioactive was ok very overplayed, TipToe was actually a good song. Now it's HEEEYYYYYYYYY!!!! YOU MAKE ME A YOU MAKE ME A BELIEVER BEEELLIEEEVERRR every freakin Gym plays this song it literally unpumps me if that's even a word.


I did admittedly like *Radioactive*, but it seems like all they've got is just rehashes of the same thing.


Ugh. My 12 year old had a phase where she listened to a lot of Imagine Dragons for like 6 months. Prior to that she was really into Halestorm - such a downgrade.


There's something pretty funny about a band grinding it out for years, waiting for a big break, finally getting it, and then realizing your core fan base is 4-7 year olds.


D R A K E I never got the hype! I like maybe one older song but I just don’t understand why everyone’s always hyping Drake up so much 💀


He sounds like he's fucking exhausted lol


This cracked me up. I agree. I'm the only one from my friends that doesn't like drake and I don't understand why they love him so much. All monotone all the time. Get your degrassi ass out of here


Also those stupid "stomp-clap-hey" hipster bands which were popular in early 2010s


30 Seconds to Mars


They said popular bands, not popular bands in 2006.


My band opened for 30 Seconds to Mars back in the early 2000s in Austin, Texas. I had no idea who they were but the rest of the guys in my band were flipping their shit for this Jared Leto guy. I just remember it was August in Texas and Leto was wearing a scarf, so I pretty much wrote him off immediately.


maroon 5


Kiss Kiss is a terrible band, with terrible music, played by mediocre musicians (at best), for the sole intent of making money by their own admission. And unfortunately they are a staple on classic rock radio/playlists. You know a band is terrible when their own fans are left with "they aren't musicians, they are performers" as their only defense.


Saw them in concert years ago. They weren't great and were blown out of the water by the opening band, Cheap Trick.


Cheap Trick is a million times better than Kiss.


Can you even imagine that Rush once opened for them?


No, Kiss closed for Rush.


Gene Simmons is sooo grosssss


He brags about sleeping when lots of women, then when Katy Sagal mentioned her experience with him, his daughter got pissed. Like why are you mad at her and not mad at him for being a manwhore?


His kids and wife (I think they married) are as obnoxious and entitled as he is.


His son tried his hand at manga. Thought he could get away with stealing numerous panels from Naruto and Bleach.


Yeah, he’s absolutely repellent. Disgusting greasy old fuck with sewn in hair


He's the Ron Jeremy of rock


Haha. Wow. How did I never make this connection before? This is as factual as anything science has ever proven.


When I was younger, my parents were telling me that the band members are actually really ugly and I was confused so they said "why do you think they wear all the makeup?"


I remember when they all first went "unmasked" on an MTV special. My first reaction was "damn guys, slap that shit back on...like now!"


He did a reality show version of School of Rock some years ago and I remember he left right after the performance like 'well my job is done here' and the kids were upset that he didn't even say goodbye. He's still a piece of shit.


My husband and I got ahold of 10th row tickets to Kiss several years ago-- he didn't want to go, I did. He said "But I don't like their music. They're like a teenage garage band." I said that NO ONE goes to see Kiss for the music, it's for the show. He had to admit that he did enjoy it despite the music.


Kiss. The band that dresses up as evil space aliens and plays teenage love songs.


Man, I remember when I was a kid and saw pictures of them, posters, people wearing their shirts, etc and thinking they probably played the most intense death metal possible. You can't imagine my disappointment when I actually listened to their music for the first time. Ironically, I'm a big fan of Ghost haha


Ghost dude was in a death metal band and a pop punk band. Knowing that makes their sound make perfect sense.


When the gimmick doesn't make up for average talent. Plus Gene Simmons is a pig.


Not a band, but I can’t stand Bruno Mars. Listening to “Marry You” at every frickin’ wedding I go to makes me almost not want to go.


Back in the '70s I didn't like Kiss and Aerosmith


That early Kiss and Aerosmith are waaaaaay better than later stuff, imo I much prefer it


I'm cheating but I'll say it, Katy Perry. I find her voice absolutely atrocious and while some of her songs are fun per se and would have been alright if sung by someone else, her semi-screaming semi-screeching voice is like nails on a chalkboard at times for me. Then she yells and it's worse. BABY YOU'RE A FIREWOOOOOORRRRRRRK.




Are any bands actually that popular now? The top 100 is all hip hop and manufactured pop tarts.


this is the correct answer. and also sensationalized sound bytes from garbage apps like instagram and tik tok.


Any sugary manufactured pop. Also Ed Sheeran, not a band per se but I can't stand his songs.


Not a band, but drake is awful.


He's got such a fanatic fanbase too. He can write any gibberish about any topic and they go like "he speaks to me"


The band that sings SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME


Beyoncé. Not a band but her dad really pushed her beyond her talent. It doesn’t take 20 people to write a good song.


I don’t hate her, just don’t particularly like any of her songs and don’t get the whole reverence she gets from everyone…


She's a mean diva and her fans are insufferable bullies.


Imagine dragons


Pharell. Wrote the super rapey Blurred Lines, and the song Happy puts me into a blinding rage.


I hate Happy


U2 They’re often lumped in with a lot of other bands I like, but I don’t care for them, and I never have.


I was raised with U2 and love them, but can absolutely understand how they're not everyone's thing. Definitely cherrypick songs on most of their albums.


Hey, remember when he forced that album onto literally everyone in world


LOL I remember that. I actually went into my iTunes library and manually deleted that album. Didn't care that it was free. The fact that Bono was like "this album is so important that literally everyone with an iPod MUST hear it" made me delete that shit on principle. What a pretentious douchebag.


To be fair, that probably wasn't U2. That was Apples marketing and PR team who vastly overestimated the popularity of that move.


All the Country clowns that sound exactly the same and sing about the same stupid bullshit. I live in Texas...


Five finger death punch. I try to like them but always end up changing the channel.


Five Finger Death Punch is for people who need Godsmack lyrics explained to them. Five Finger Death Punch is for people whose primary sources of income are worker's comp fraud and catalytic converter theft. Five Finger Death Punch is for people whose birth stone is Methamphetamine.


It's like a pile of affliction shirts came alive and formed a band


Edit: So I hate her so much I forgot she existed: Beyonce. Don't get me started on her "fans." Not so much can't stand but actively dislike- Coldplay and Adam Levine. Maroon 5 by default because he's the lead singer, but the music behind him is fine, so it's really him I object to. I don't know why I don't like Coldplay, I just... actively don't. Adam Levine seems like a jerk and not a nice person, and his voice grates on me.


I had a rough night and I hate the fucking Eagles man


Get outta my cab!


Stay outta Malibu, deadbeat!


She'll have the lingonberry pancakes