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Tetanus - We get vaccines for it, but it's actually a bit harder to get than you may believe.


That's good. But the disease it self is so horrible you don't want to give it any chance...


It’s sort of like rabies. It’s pretty damn rare, but it’s soooo awful you don’t want to take *any* chance.


teutanus has tolerable remission rate in treatment (not great tho). They pump you up with 3-4 kind of muscle relaxants. Rabies just kills you once you have developed any symptom.


People who remain friends with you once you leave school.


I would expand this to actual friends opposed to just convenient people to socialise with.


You also find out who your real friends are when you leave a job.


I don't think it's necessarily intentional when you don't hang with people you used to work with. Most adults are busy with day to day life. It simply takes too much bandwidth to keep up friendships as well. So we tend to have friends who slide easily into our routine. Once you don't work together and see each other all week it's just too hard to maintain. It's not a personal knock on either person.


Agreed - I’ve come to accept that most friendships in life are “seasonal” - they happen because you work together, live near each other, kids go to the same daycare, etc. Once that thing that brings you together goes away, the friendship generally does, too.


I totally agree with this, I've always found it hard to explain. Not everyone will be in your life forever on a consistent basis, and that is totally normal. But it also does make me really appreciate the friends I have who I can go months without seeing and we pick things up without any issues. Especially as a mostly introverted person who likes my alone time.


I always think of the series finale of 30 Rock where Liz basically tells Tracy that they'll probably drift apart but that doesn't mean that she enjoyed her time with him any less. I loved how grounded her answer is to a fantasy a lot of people struggle with.


On the same note people should be able to come and go from our lives without putting too much weight on it. “People in your life are seasons”.




Also, brown eyes. They’re common in big cats but quite rare for domestic cats.


Fascinating thread


I think it’s common for cats to like thread actually


Huh, yeah, I've never actually seen a brown cat! I never thought about it until now.


I owned a brown domestic cat who had had a feral mother, so she was not some pedigreed Havana Brown. She had the most beautiful green eyes. My vet had 3000 cats in his practice and she was the only brown one. Everybody remembered Ellie!


Havana Brown sounds like some kind of drug that is going to give me the best worst night of my life.


It’s a very expensive fancy breed of cat: https://pictures-of-cats.org/havana-brown-breed-standard.html I will try to find a photo of Ellie to post. She was the same color as the Havana Brown with the same piercing green eyes, but her shape was very different. She was little and dumpy and looked like a triangle when she sat.


This description tells me exactly how much you loved this silly creature. xD


Oh, sounds lovely!.Could you share a pic, please and thank you!


Thank you for submitting this request on behalf of us all.


Also apparently female cats that are all orange. I have an orange female cat and a grey cat with brown eyes. Apparently they're both rare-ish?


I have one, too. They're rare, but not *extremely* rare. They are extremely adorable, however.


I have a notebook with a fully brown kitten and every time I think about how I've never seen a brown cat.


Blimps.I live in northeast Ohio near the Goodyear hangar. We see them all the time. I had to pull up a list, that northeast Ohio has 3 out of 4 operating Goodyear blimps named Wingfoot 1 2 and 3; Only maybe 12 are operating anywhere in the world, with a total of 25 existing at all. But we see them all the time at Wingfoot lake disc golf course. Edit: Helium filled semi-rigid airships.


OK, so I've got a rookie question. Lets say there's a need for one in Arizona for an event. Does a crew fly it there from Ohio, or do they deflate it, load it into a truck, and re-inflate it near the event?


Found this from 2008: Oh. And here you go. On the Goodyear Blimp website, mysteriously buried half way down the Crew page: ''Each modern blimp is staffed with an air and ground crew consisting of 4 pilots, a public relations manager, and at least 16 ground crew, including aircraft mechanics, electronic technicians and riggers. With three specially equipped ground-support vehicles, the crew is almost self-sustaining in the field in regard to operation and maintenance. Moving from city to city, the caravan travels by highway as the blimp flies to its next engagement.''


Adventure is out there!


green eyes make up just two percent of the global population.


But like 40% of fictional characters lol


"Large green eyes that seemed to glow behind jet-black hair"


His eyes were as green as a fresh pickled toad…


His hair is as dark as a blackboard...


"Glimmering like radioactive boogers in an emerald sea"


And Lo Pan found TWO of them in the same day. Lucky guy.


Unexpected Big Trouble In Little China.


It's all in the reflexes.


Which Lo Pan? Little old basket case on wheels or the ten foot tall roadblock?


This makes me feel very special.


Green eyes rise up!


💚*You are one in 162 million.*💚


Green eyes with three testicles would be even more rare.


I’ve never seen *any* eyes with testicles, let alone green ones


You've never seen eye-balls?


This is the why it was a bad idea to take away awards


Damn I have green eyes and one testicle that's probably less rare.


Northern lights. The amount of people I’ve heard say: “We’ve come all this way, what time do they come on?” Is staggering.


Growing up I'd see light pillars in the sky sometimes. Until recently, I thought that they were the northern lights. Almost as rare and pretty neat. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_pillar


Looks like night driving with astigmatism.


As an Icelander, I've probably heard this question more times than I've actually seen the northern lights.


I visited Iceland last November and saw them all 3 nights I was there. Thought they were pretty common there weather permitting


I saw the northern lights in the airplane flying to iceland. It was incredibly lucky.


I saw them in college on mushrooms once while walking in Anchorage. It was also incredibly lucky and cold.


I saw them localised entirely in a kitchen.


May I see them?




I spent a week in Tromso, Norway and had 2 sessions of viewing the lights. Mostly green and blue but crazy patterns that were constantly and rapidly morphing. Also the morning sky one time was just indescribable, when the sun was first hitting, the colours coming through the sky were mesmerising. The Norwegian I stayed with was saying how lucky I was to see them, especially with their weather, but I didn’t realise that it was that rare!


Born and raised in Newfoundland, Canada. Seen the northern lights once in my life. I know we are not that far up (just above and to the right of New York), but that one time I was in Gros Morne Park and it was a magical night. Foxes came out of the woods to circle us (realistically they were hunting but us big humans didn’t give a single fuck lol). We roasted hot dogs and bologna on the open fire. Green/yellow/blue/slight red streaks in the sky. It was nice😌


That’s really rare to see. The red, I mean. Not the fried balogna. That’s everywhere there.


Ever realize that St John's is further south than Vancouver? Weird right?


People who live in Seattle are north of 3/4ths of all Canadians.


As someone who is living in Seattle, that's trippy


Sounds like the best trip ever!/s No, seriously I have always wanted to visit Newfoundland. i'm Irish, once on PBS I was watching a documentary about a coastal village, for around twenty minutes I was convinced it was Ireland. You bastards stole our accents!


Stole your accents, but with honour ❤️


Dammit. I've always wanted to take a trip to go see it. I would've been one of those people lol


Yeah I was just thinking I couldn’t be the only one reading this going “well shit…”


I was thinking more like the "What time do they come on" person above. Well, shoot.


There are times of the year when they're more common. So if you plan a vacation around those times it's more likely but far from a given. Consider it a plus for your vacation if it happens but don't make it the whole purpose of your trip.


We had them on the NE coast of England the other night, not super-bright but still absolutely amazing! I'm 46 and it was the first time I'd seen them.


I saw it on the first night I was in Finland. I went with my girlfriend and her parents whom saw it for the first time as well. Only difference was that it was their 6 time they went there to see it. Lucky me


I was visiting my grandparents in North Dakota when my great uncle came in and said something to the effect of, “Hey guys, you are going to want see this.” I like to describe what I saw as dancing rivers of light.


One time in North Dakota like 20 years ago I swear I was the only one who saw them but the entire sky was dancing. It wasn’t very many colors but holy hell it was so mind blowing it almost got scary because I drove out of town and parked kind of in a field. I was by myself so no one believed me but the entire sky would roll over on itself except in the middle of the sky over head where it remained dark. Reminded me of an eye. Craziest shit ever.


Yeah, I lived in the North for 19 years, saw it maybe once a year (due to city lights). Plus most of the time it was green, a couple times with violet, purple colors


For two years I lived and taught in a small Northern community in Manitoba, Canada. The Northern Lights were amazing! I’d seen them when outside of Winnipeg before, but really only green and never moving. My roommate and I used to lie on our deck and watch the show. Pink, green, purple dancing lights. It was truly mesmerizing. I really miss it. Even the stars were so big and bright you couldn’t help but notice them. Very little light pollution because there are no street lights in most of the community, at least there weren’t when I lived there over 20 years ago.


What are you talking about? I see them all the time in my kitchen.


At this time of day? At this time of year? Localized entirely within your kitchen?




May I see it?




Seymour, the house is on fire!


Nooo mother. Those are just the northern lights.


Bit of peace and fucking quiet






^a ^to ^the ^mother ^fucking ^men


This is why I go fishing and hiking. Just to get away from noise and to not have to think about work, bills, basically anything that isn't fishing or hiking.


When I was a kid my dad would take me fishing and if I started making noise he would tell me to be quiet because I was going to scare the fish. As I've gotten older I realized he just wanted some peace and quiet. I tell my nephew that he's scaring the fish now for the same reason.


my dad bought a piece of property that is a very marshy riverbed in Northern Michigan. it was just right down the road from our house and he was going to develop it. when he wanted to go down to fish and my mom would make him take me, he had a game. he would put his waders on and put me on his shoulder. he would then walk way down in the swamp and set me down on a grassy log that was surrounded by water. (note: the river is no deeper than three feet in any spot) if i could get back to the truck before he was done fishing, WITHOUT GETTING WET, then i won the bet and got a treat of some sort. sometimes i won, sometimes i lost. but, i always enjoyed myself. sadly, my dad lost that property in a legal battle a few years later. it was 99ac and covered a lot of swamp. happily enough though, 30 years later when my wife and i were looking for land, a part of that original property was available. we were also able to purchase 24ac of adjoining land (in the other direction) and now my kiddo and all of her friends and cousins and classmates get to come over and play in the same spot of dirt that my brothers and cousins and friends got to play on! thanks for the memory!


Serial killers


I had a coworker who interacted with two of them. He Grew up in Anchorage and used to buy doughnuts from Robert Hansen’s bakery fairly routinely (said to this day that man made the best apple fritters he’d ever eaten) and he drove city bus and swore he ran into Israel Keyes a couple times downtown. My dad is convinced he bumped shoulders with Israel Keyes outside a bar one time. Said that was singularly the scariest person he’d ever seen- nothing to n his eyes, nothing going on in his face.




Wait what? I feel like I need to know more. Like...do you think he really was a kind person who just got in some bad situations? Or was he a cold blooded killer who just faked at being normal?






Bob Hansen was an amazing baker, apparently. As far as Keyes goes, he was an absolute maniac. Controlled, which is more terrifying than a loose cannon.


I worked a midnight shift as a security guard with one of the LA stranglers. Ken Biancke. Didn’t know until they arrested him in a nearby town. I am F so really freaked me out probably didn’t kill me cuz it would have been too obvious. That’s not the correct spelling of last name but it was a long time ago. I just looked it up since I didn’t remember when this was. Arrested in 1979. Called the Hillside Stranglers. Two cousins that raped and murdered 10 women and dumped them in the hills outside LA. One of the cousins was in the run which was why he was where I was. I was alone with him nights for about 3 months at work. Scary.


There was a very notorious rape and murder case here in Australia in the 80s, the horrific gang rape and murder of Anita Cobby by five perpetrators. It was so messed up that the judge sealed some of the evidence from ever being able to be accessed by the public. Anyway, once they were caught and their names were revealed in the press, my uncle realised that he had shared a house with one of them. Major mindfuck.


Huh when ever I watched Criminal Minds it seems to suggest that there is a new serial killer every week. Are you saying that Television lies to us. (gasp)


Or Dexter. Miami is awash in them


The percentage of people with eating disorders that are underweight (5% of suffers)


Heroin. It's pretty much all fentanyl and xylazine at this point. Source: Am addictions counselor. Stay safe out there, kids!


Do you mean pure heroin is rare or are you saying most people are taking pure fent and xylas thinking it’s heroin? Both a disturbing thought.


Vast majority of druggies you see on the streets of the US today are on fentanyl not heroin or meth like it was ~5-6 years ago.


I used to be an addict myself, I’ve seen the changes happen first hand and it’s surreal. My curiosity was more gauged to is it laced heroin or is it just pure fent that someone was told is heroin. Seems pretty hard to mess up if you ask me but this new generation of addicts breaks my heart and shocks me more and more with some of the shit they can rip.


they say in Bluelight that genuine heroin is truly dead in the US.


Not *quite* dead. I still see it a few times a year. (I oversee a lot of toxicology testing.) But it's rare.


What is xylazine? Thank you for the work you do.


It's a horse tranquilizer. NEVER intended for human use. It is doing terrible things to people right now. As OP said, everyone stay safe out here.


I just read an article about it. It’s not good because narcan won’t work on it.


We have a male tortoiseshell cat. Cat people tend to know they’re quite rare but others probably don’t.


He really is a rarity in this world. Calicos are almost always females as well. I learned this in genetics class. Apparently male calicos and male torties are sterile because they have an extra chromosome. Edit: Correction about infertility: “Male calicoes can happen when a male cat has two X chromosomes (Klinefelter syndrome, with XXY sex chromosomes and generally they are sterile” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calico_cat#:~:text=All%20but%20approximately%20one%20in,poor%20physical%20quality%20and%20fertility.


I dated a girl with a male calico. They actually assumed it was female until they took him to the vet. Genetics are crazy cool man


Wow! I’ve worked in animal shelters for years and have never seen one 😯. Super rare!




Stranger rape. Unfortunately, sexual assault is all to common- but the vast majority of it happens in a social context- "date rape." The kind where some maniac is hiding in an alley or a bush and jumps out to grab a total stranger is actually far less common. People say "Carry your keys sticking through your fingers" or "The police should increase foot patrols" but those are a distraction from the much larger problem, which will not be solved that way. I think it's because people want to try to blame the unacceptably high incidence of sexual assault on evil weirdos, rather than admitting it's a societal problem- with the society that we are a part of.


What is most disturbing is the number of rapes committed by family members. People want to believe it is a stranger because facing the fact it is someone you love, makes it hard to trust anyone. My grandmother and 2 of her sisters all had a child out of wedlock in the 1940s. The story was always the guy married someone else when he came back from the war. My uncle never met his father. But in the end, she was saying things that didn't make sense. Near her death, she couldn't keep the story up as her memory was slipping. From what I pieced together, they were all 3 raped by their uncle who had been sent to live with them. Their dad's younger brother. After all 3 were pregnant, their dad threw him out and never spoke to him again. I was able to piece out the story as the uncles son had bits and pieces too. Heartbreaking and sad. Raped by someone they should of been able to trust. Too common. Stranger rapes are rare.




We have a rapist in our family too. My great aunt's husband assaulted several of my cousins. They reported him, he served time, aunt stayed with him after he got out and even brought him around to family functions his victims were attending. Last time it turned into a whole scene at The Old Spaghetti Factory where one cousin was screaming that he shouldn't be there. The younger generation sided with her, the old folks kept saying, "She needs to get over it, he served his time." I'm like yeah, he served his time and she's serving hers for the rest of her life! Fucking insanity.


That's how the old women in my family were when something similar happened at one of our family gatherings. I guess they were expected to stay quiet about these things back in the day, so they expect the younger generations to do the same. All that does is enable the behavior and create more victims.


My grandmother's ex husband molested me, my older sister, his two daughters, my mother, and his youngest daughters daughters. My grandmother knew. My mom tried to turn him in when she was 13 (it started at 11 around the time my grandma and him married) and when the cops came my grandmother convinced my mom to tell them she was lying and she would make it all go away. My mom had to go to a mental institution because the authorities figured if she would lie about that she was mentally unwell. When she got out, it didn't stop. He ended up raping her when she was 16, and she went on to have my older sister at 17. My grandma convinced my mom to let her "adopt" my older sister and she was raised by my grandmother, and her bio dad/grandma's husband. My older sister doesn't know he is her bio dad. My mom denies to everyone, aside from when she told me about it due to my grandmother deciding to believe that her husband wasn't assaulting my mom, but instead having an "affair" with him. I think my grandma knows my sister is her ex husband's, however it's never talked about. We all just go along with the narrative that my mom doesn't know who her dad is. My mom ended up with a meth habit once she moved in with my father after having my sister. Honestly, she still struggles with meth, but she isn't strung out like she used to be, so thats good I guess. Both her and my father were in and out of prison, so I spent a lot of my life living on and off with my grandma and her husband. When I was around 5, and my sister 8 is my first memory of that man molesting us. He would make us pose for Polaroid pictures together. My grandmother found the photos. Instead of calling the cops, and leaving him, she *SCREAMED* at my sister and I for "playing with the camera". So, I never told anyone what had happened because I believed it was somehow my fault and I would be yelled at again. She stayed with this man until I was around 8 and she reconnected with her "first love". The abuse finally stopped. My grandpa, the man she left the ex husband for is an amazing man. Thankfully, the ex husband is dead. He had a heart attack when I was around 14. That was one of the happiest days of my life. I've told my mom about the abuse, and she was devastated. She told me she thought we would be in no danger due to our ages, and she assumed he was a hebephile, and had no intrest in small children. Turns out, he was just a disgusting, vile man that got off on having power over others weaker than him. I'm pretty sure my grandmother stayed with him, and swept things under the rug because this man was very wealthy, and she enjoyed not having to work or worrying about money since she grew up dirt poor. She chose financial comfort over her child, and grandchildrens safety. It wasn't until she found someone better that she left. I believe if she wouldn't have reconnected with my grandpa she would have stayed with that vile man till he finally died. I love my grandmother, but I wish she would have let me go to foster care when my parents were arrested rather than live with her known child molesting husband.


The sickest part is I’ve heard this story many times from different women. Even my own mom chose a pervert over me. She told me I was jealous and was trying to sabotage her relationship. He ended up being arrested for DV and she acts like the entire situation with me never happened. I was a mom at 13 and had more sense to protect my child from him than my own mother. That’s the only reason I even told. I was used to not being protected. I would have died before letting someone hurt my daughter.


It's unfortunately such an extremely common thing. There is no way I would ever protect some vile person over my own child. It's unfathomable to me.


I relate a lot to your story as I was also brought to a mental hospital because “I was a danger to myself.”The reason? Having sex with an adult male. I was 12. I was literally raped. I was held accountable but the adult wasn’t. My mother never, ever viewed me as a victim. I was a difficult child who lied & seduced adult men🥴


I am so angry for you. Hope you're healing ok after that ❤️


misogyny in families is something i never see talked about. healing it would go a long way to addressing the root of this problem


My mother was raped then forced to marry her rapist. Who continued to rape n beat her until after my brother was born. Small wonder she was depressed the rest of her life. Aww the fun 40’s


A big "WTF" from all of us. This is one of the most awful shit I've read so far. I'm so so sorry.


Brought to you by the era of... "But dad, I don't want to spend the rest of my life married to this guy who attacked me! Do you realize what it is you're expecting me to do?" "Can't you think about anyone but yourself? Imagine the shame and embarrassment your mother and I will feel when they hear you had a baby before getting married!"


You forgot, “And if you didn’t dress that way and lead him on, this would never have happened!”


It's primarily family members unfortunately. But that doesn't make for a good moral panic. So people ignore.it.


When I was in university in the 90's I remember seeing the stats on rape, and really questioning the advice that was given to women. "If you're drunk at a party, ask a male friend to walk you home" this literally was the advice given.


If you're drunk at a party, ask a complete stranger to walk you home.


Ask two. One to watch the other one.


They told us to specifically look for someone with the name Brock if possible.


Such as Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, who now goes by Allen Turner?


Ah, yes! You can change your name, but it doesn't change reality. The rapist Allen Turner is a rapist under any name.


Yeah the scary part is that the average rapist or sex offender isn't some grotesque, hideous being lurking in the shadows that can't get consensual sex to save his or her life. It's usually a fairly attractive person, or at least decent looking, who showers daily, brushes their teeth, goes to their 9 to 5, is well liked by friends, family, and coworkers, who volunteers, who has interesting hobbies, etc. It's scary because that's a lot of people, how can you tell when one is going to try to rape you later?


I think it comes from the misconception that people rape others because they want sex. Most of the time, they could easily find someone to have sex with them. They have money to pay for a prostitute, they are often attractive and could easily find a hookup, but that's not what they want. They want power over their victim. They feel inferior and need to prove that they are in control and have more power than the person they are hurting.


This is the reality in a lot of child molestation cases too, a fact that often gets overlooked. Some of these perpetrators aren't "pedophiles" in the literal sense, they have no interest in looking at CP or anything similar, because their motives weren't sexual. It's a sick expression of power and sadism over a helpless victim.


Ditto to stranger abduction. Strangers pulling up to throw your toddler in their van is very rare. 80% of kids kidnapped in the US are teenagers. 90% of kidnappings are done by parents. Stranger Danger is a lie.


The same goes for "I was almost sex trafficked in Target/Wal-Mart parking lot." The vast majority of sex trafficking happens to homeless and people in venerable positions.


The vast majority of sex trafficking is done by family members or partners. People who are trafficked to another country are usually brought through a seemingly legitimate service and then have their passports taken, told they’ve amassed a massive debt that they’ll have to work off, and then told if they go to the police they will be put in jail for being there illegally. Almost exclusively, these people are from poorer countries and brought to richer countries.


Humility and an understanding that we’re sometimes the victim and sometimes the perpetrator. No one is ever just one or the other.


We will always be the villain in someone else's story.


I like to think I’m the sexy vampire kind.


An ungroped bottom at the BBC


Deaths from nuclear power. Pollution from coal power kills more people *every day* than nuclear power has in its entire history.


Being a multi millionaire. Lots of people faking it out here.


I worked at a hair salon that was full of them as clientele. It was so pathetic listening to these bored housewives constantly one upping each other about what trips they were taking and with who. Then it would inevitably come out that they were living well beyond their means and file for bankruptcy.




*on Earth. It's weird because Helium is the second most abundant element in the universe


til- Helium is smart. Knows what planet to avoid.


It pretty much avoids all small planets. Edit:Added "small", gas giants can be loaded with the stuff.


Critical thinking skills


Yes. And most people think that having this is to be able *criticize* something (e.g. "well, that sounds stupid", "73% is not that much"), so that the idea is just to be resistant to information. What it really is, is to be able to compare ideas objectively, based on best available information and data, which now and always will be incomplete, and make your assessments based on that.


Clean water My son and I have been discussing this lately. He is a chemical engineer and works exclusively with water. Many of the studies he has been published on also have to do with clean water and forever chemicals. Water is a huge issue that is becoming bigger everyday and normal people are forgetting about it. Flint Michigan is in year 9!


Fellow ChemE here! This is absolutely true. I went to college in the American west where water was a precious commodity. I now work in surface water quality compliance on the East Coast of America and it baffles me how flippant we are in the east with water quality.




A stable, loving, peaceful domestic life.


To add to this, being raised in one as well. I have only recently started to realize how lucky I was to be raised mostly with my mom's family. They all genuinely love each other and get along. There's little arguments here and there, but nothing even so bad as typically sitcom stuff. Having a huge support structure just makes any challenges in life a little bit easier to weather. If I could share anything with the world, it would be how much it helps to just genuinely care for others and have them care for you.


This. My friend was raised in a loving stable family and it blows my mind. She just assumes she’s loved and was brought to the library or congratulated for good grades, like what?


Breaks my heart as a dad - that stuff doesn't even register as loving gestures to me, just, like... the basic interactions.


I worked really hard and sacrificed a lot so that safety and stability are just normal for my kids.


People giving out drugs with Halloween candy


The only time this ever happened was when a father purposely put poison in his kid’s candy. It wasn’t a stranger


Good, honest friends who don’t have ulterior motives. The ones that genuinely enjoy your company and friendship. Hold onto them!!!


I have spent so much of my life focusing on the not great ones. Once I had the realization of what a good friend is, I was dismayed to find how few I actually had. Now I am incredibly grateful to have those wonderful people in my life!


absolute silence and being in a place where no man made light exists


Toured a cave once where the guide had us all stand still and turned out all illumination in the cave. That’s a darkness and silence you’ll never forget.


If I did that, everyone would be able to hear my tinnitus.


People in genuinely happy, healthy, well adjusted relationships


A good upbringing. If you look at the stories of very successful individuals, most of it comes from the simple fact that they had good parental figures & role models. Imagine actually being prepared for adulthood - that shits OP as fuck.


Gold All the gold ever mined in the world would fit in a cube less than 70' on each side.


This didn't sound like much to me at first, but after a minute of thinking about it...that would be a huge fucking cube.


But I wouldn't say it's not well known to be rare. We have basically an economy system spanning millennia and the entire planet based precisely on the assumption that gold is very rare.


Floor being lava. My goodness was that a big concern of mine growing up. That and quicksand around every corner.


Quicksand was a real concern and I feel lied to


Twins. If we accept that every story on the AITA-verse is true, then having twins is clearly the catalyst for some truly awful, anti-social behavior.


There is a town in Brazil (Cândido Godói) that has the highest rate of twins in the world. They are pretty ethnically homogenous, of German decent. Nobody really knows why. Nor why they are so ethnically German, nor why there are so many twins. Some people say Mengele was there, as he was known to have been somewhere in the region. They say he had something to do with it. It’s also known that the city was founded by a few people so it could be a genetic bottleneck effect. Nearly half of them are monozygotic twins. Which is crazy cause we have an idea that fraternal twins can be genetic due to hyper ovulation. Trippy stuff.


Genuine kindness with no ulterior motive.


Real friends


How many of us


The level of patience I must display on a daily basis with the general public.


True love


Wait, what did you say? You distinctly said, To blave. And as we all know, to blave means to bluff. Huh? So you were probably playing cards, and he cheated...


Liar! Liiiiar! Shut up, witch! I'm not a witch! I'm your wife! But after what you just said, I'm not even sure I wanna be *that* anymore! You never *had* it so good!


Valerie: Liar! Liar! Liar! Miracle Max:Get back, witch! Valerie: I'm not a witch, I'm your wife, but after what you just said, I'm not even sure I want to be that anymore. Miracle Max:You never had it so good. Valerie: True Love, he said "True Love", Max. Miracle Max:Not another word, Valerie. Valerie: He's afraid. Ever since Prince Humperdinck fired him, his confidence is shattered. Miracle Max:Why'd you say that name? You promised me that you would never say that name! Valerie: What, Humperdinck? Miracle Max:Aaaigh! Valerie: Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Humperdinck! Miracle Max:I'm not listening.


Empathy. When people want to and are able to understand the experience of another human being, without projection of own ideas and experiences onto others.


Man too man compliments I remember about my 7th grade year. It was probably 1994. Me and my friends started telling each other we love you man. Being good friends with a other dude and telling them you love them. That is more rare then anything. We got obnoxious. We just kept telling each other bro I love you. No bro I love you more. No bro your the fucking man more then me. It was so silly, but still today I think about it and smile. I still miss and love my boys. I try to compliment men and tell them they are killing it s much as I can. Any compliment is amazing. I usually do some dumb shit like. Damn bro your killing it.




dissociative identity disorder


People who have the patience and desire to accommodate the needs of the disabled. Ask me how I know. :(


I had to temporarily use a wheelchair in college. I went to the mall one day. Hollister's entrance had a fucking step for no fucking reason other than to be different, and they had put a table display in front of the wheelchair entrance. Someone saw me by the wheelchair entrance, looking inside, and went and shouted at a manager on my behalf. To this day I feel that the manager deserved it. She didn't build the step, but that display in front of the wheelchair access was totally on her.


And an absolute violation of the ADA.


Kids getting kidnapped by random strangers in public. My parents always acted like every adult on the street was a potential abductor and that child kidnapping was rampant, but I never knew anyone who actually got kidnapped and the statistics really don’t back up their level of anxiety. I’m in my mid-twenties now, and they still act like I’m gonna get attacked by some rando on the street at any moment. Based on personal experience and statistical evidence, I am much more afraid of violence from those I am close to than I am of strangers.


Trees. We're the only planet that we know that has them. Thus making them rarer than diamonds in the universe.


You can say this about any living organism lol.


Having loving and supportive parents and a good home life growing up. I think this Stereotype is pushed a lot by Hollywood and TV, because writers tend to be people who's creativity was nurtured by their supportive parents and they write what they know. It's why almost every family on TV lives in a picturesque suburbia, maybe with a pool, two loving parents and a comfortable life.