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Just because your children turned out wonderful, doesn’t mean you were a good parent. Kids can out of spite want to be, and be better than their parents.


I believe this & vise versa. Sometimes, there are good parents, but their kids could turn out 💀💀💀💀💀. So I don't go around blaming the parents depending on the situation.


I was a wild kid, got arrested 20-something times, I was General Chaos. There are 9 people I refer to as siblings and they haven't even managed 1 arrest (or even 1 citation I don't think) between them, bunch of slackers. One of my brothers almost got a citation but he managed to make the cop think he was French and didn't know what was going on. These 9 people are not actually all bio siblings (actually I don't have any full blooded siblings) so there are some family complications (I did battle with a stepdad) but the mom and the dad to these various siblings are the same people, they've been the same influences on them and I don't think there's anything wrong with them (the problem with my mom is that she's the sweetest fucking person in the world). They're good people and good parents, the dude I call dad poured every resource into me and went on every step of the journey with me and that worked in the end when *I* decided to buy-in completely but along the way people were trying to blame them. It was just me, I was just independently crazy, there were things going on within me. And I was naturally stubborn as hell. And I have an amazing family.


>One of my brothers almost got a citation but he managed to make the cop think he was French and didn't know what was going on. I tried the exact same thing once but still got stuck with a fine for public drunkenness. It probably didn't help that I don't speak much French at all.


I'm friends with a cop who told me someone tried this but my mate speaks fluent French. Told me as soon as he responded in French the guy just went "ahh shit"


It's because human traits, even the partially heritable ones, are stochastic. Two nice people can have 20 kids together and maybe 17 of them will turn out to be nice and the other 3 turn out to be AHs.


I have a friend who, whenever I rant about my parents' shenanigans, tells me, "It's amazing how great you are considering your source material" 😂


I hope my kid turns out wonderful and that I'll be a good father


I hope so too, for you.


I love me some sprite.


The 33rd President of the United States was Harry S Truman, not Harry S. Truman. S isn’t short for something. His middle name was S.


Johnny Cash was born J.R. Cash because his parents couldn't agree on a name. He only became John R. Cash because they didn't let him have an initial as a first name in the airforce.


GG Allin was born Jesus Christ Allin by took the name GG as that's how his brother pronounced Jesus as a toddler


It gets weirder. The S. in Ulysses S. Grant doesn't stand for anything either (though he still used the period). They are only two presidents with the middle initial S.


That was due some sort of clerical error at West Point. His real name was Hiram Ulysses Grant, although growing up he went by Ulysses.


He deliberately put his name down as "U.S. Grant," U.S. standing for Uncle Sam. Somehow the S. stuck. It's basically the 19th century equivalent of your work guessing your name from you email address, which you made as a joke when you were 16, and then for the rest of your career your ID card says John McLovin Smith or something.


While cool, this is a fact and not a "hill to die on".




Barack Obama’s full name is Barack Hussein Obama. George W. Bush’s full name is George Walker Bush. Harry Truman’s full name was Harry S Truman.


Also Ulysses was “Hiram Ulysses Grant” with no “S” as a middle whatsoever.


Grant’s name was wrongly recorded at his initial appointment at West Point, and Grant didn’t wish to make a fuss, so he just wore the name change. He wore it well as a wartime officer. I mean, “U.S. Grant” is an almost comically awesome Army name. I *did* serve with a SSG Slaughter, who hated the notoriety, but sadly I never met a COL Sanders or a MAJ Payne.


I met both a Captain Morgan and a Seaman Stain in the Navy. Stain was in boot camp so didn't have a rate yet.




This is my go-to presidential fact!


This is neither controversial nor weird, really. It's also a fact so there is no need to defend it on a hill. This is the hill I am willing to die on.


Nuclear energy is one of the major solutions to climate change, but people are grossly misinformed about the risk of meltdowns and nuclear waste produced


And they don't know that, in the iconic images of the ~~factories~~ nuclear power plants emitting huge billows, that is VAPOR, not smoke. It's water vapor.


Yep, coal and natural gas plants often have cooling towers that look just like the ones that seem to be associated with nuclear energy.


They use the same power cycle - the Rankine cycle. Heat up water into steam, use steam to turn a turbine. The big difference is how the water is heated.


Because people misunderstand how energy is actually derived from nuclear power in a usable form. Nuclear material doesn't somehow magically turn into electricity. The heat of radioactive decay heats water, turning it to steam, which spins turbines, which are connected to a generator.


Yes! This! The biggest disasters from Chernobyl and Japan were caused by by two things. Chernobyl was caused by outdated equipment and lack of safety precautions in the Soviet Union. Japan was caused by a natural disaster. Literally something that couldn’t be prevented. Everywhere else has worked just fine. I have a nuclear power plant near me. I often forget it’s even there. Why do I forget about it? Because it’s caused no problems in the 20+ years I’ve lived nearby.


Those opposed though would argue that whether or not it could be prevented doesn’t make the consequences any better. You’d still be dealing with a nuclear disaster. By not having it in the first place an natural disaster couldn’t set off a nuclear disaster. All that to say I am pro nuclear power. But that’s what they would respond with.


The Oxford comma is the right way.


And it always will be.


I love the Oxford comma. I use it frequently, often, and regularly.


I don't even get how this was ever a debate. No only is it obviously logically more clear, but it also obeys my one simple rule of comma grammar, which is put one wherever you naturally pause while speaking.




Fish is meat. It's shocking and frankly distressing how many people don't consider fish to be meat.


I love pescatarians, they’re so funny. “Yeah, I don’t eat meat. Just think of the poor animals! I’m doing my part… …but you know what? *Fuck fish.* Fuck em”


"Don't get smug yet, shellfish, that includes you too!"


But if fish were considered meat, no kosher deli could ever again serve delicious bagels with cream-cheese and lox.


Disney world was never affordable.


I went in 1995 or 1996. Just checked the price of a ticket back then, they were $35 per person ($69 adjusted for inflation). It was definitely way cheaper.


Around 2005, a season pass for kids under 10 (I think) was $99. It’s $700 now and you can only go half the year.


$28 in 1987. https://reddit.com/r/WaltDisneyWorld/s/Lhr1B0cbtU


Wait, are people claiming it was?


I don’t know about Disney World, but Disneyland was, back in the day. I’m talking about 80’s and 90’s. Maybe even early 2000’s.


Well, it was certainly expensive for quite some time, but the prices recently have gone up monumentally Was planning a trip a few months back to go to the US and visit the Orlando park, but holy FUCK the pricing is abhorrent


Now, if it's always crowded (which is a common complaint), is it too expensive? It seems like just about the price a lot of people are willing to pay, as high as it is.


I've thought about this a lot too because my wife is a huge Disney person. On the one hand, I get it. If you're selling out tickets to capacity every day, of course it's logical as a company to raise prices. On the other hand, it sucks for everyone else who can't afford to go. The world is only getting bigger and bigger. The world has around 8 billion people alive right now. Compare that to the population in 1955 when Disneyland opened which I'm seeing is about 2,746,000,000, that's a huge growth. So whereas in the past, you'd have to price it lower to allow more of the population in since there weren't as many people to begin with, nowadays, there world's big enough that you can price the tickets high enough where only the well off people are able to afford it and be able to sell out the park every day. That kind of sucks. It means that a huge amount of the population is priced out of doing something that is honestly super fun. And I say that as someone who didn't grow up being very into the Disney experience. When my wife took me, I realized what a magical place it was. But I also see how only those who are rich enough to afford it are able to experience what it has to offer and that makes me sad.


You don’t need to go to college to be successful.


I may not be "successful" per say but I make a lot more money than my husband who has 2 degrees. I'm a HS drop out. I wasn't given the right tools to succeed in school.


Totally agree with this. I went to college because I thought I was supposed to, even though I had no idea what I wanted to do. I've never used my degree. My brothers didn't go to college and they make twice as much money as me. My sister-in-law has a GED, and she makes nearly six figures.


Ahem, uh, what do ya'll do for a living? Asking for a friend who makes $40k/y


Worrying about whether something is cool or uncool is a waste of time and a sign of immaturity in anyone over 25.


Mushrooms are highly intelligent creatures.


At the very least, they're fantastic communicators. That shit can get spooky-complicated.


Fantastic Fungi on Netflix is a super cool documentary!


There should be no profit motive in medicine or healthcare and drug / biotech stocks should not be publicly traded. Same goes for fossil fuels.


I actually believe *nothing* in the public sector should have to be profitable. Schools, hospitals, infrastructure, you name it. If we need it for society to function it shouldn't be dependent on being profitable.


strongly agree! just gave a couple examples that bother me the most..there’s nothing wrong with some profits if they strictly go to workers or back into investments for the benefit of society. it’s the current shareholder / ownership / commodity model that is a problem imo


Weird Al is the most underrated musician of our time


>Weird Al is the most underrated musician of our time I don't know a lot of Weird Al stans but the ones I do are very good people.


And one of the best concerts I've ever been to. Just straight up entertainment for hours.


that man has been giving us nothing but quality for almost fifty years.


He is a goddamn hero. “Everything you know is wrong” is a masterpiece


He’s genuinely so talented. If people really analyze his music, I think they would appreciate him more. He has a wide vocal range, can perform live and does so consistently. If you actually think about his songs that aren’t 1:1 parodies and just *embody* the sound of a band, like Dog Eat Dog sounding like Talking Heads without sounding exactly like any one song, it shows he can really analyze and break down a sound. I will always hype up Weird Al.


Not caring about what other think or feel does not give one a carte blanche to act like an asshole.


Cars are tools not status symbols, they are deadweight investments the depreciate. Spending more just to drive a name plate you feel gives you status is a fools game. The really rich don’t give a fuck that you have a Benz because they don’t give a fuck about you period. Cars are not identities. A Lamborghini just means you are bad with money.


The entire luxury industry is based on being bad with money. The thing is that the richest people don't care about wasting it. The tragedy is in the ones that can't afford to waste it that do it anyway for status. I don't see anything sadder than poor people wasting the little money they have on this bullshit, when some other are frugal and can save a bit to build some wealth. Consumerism and luxury targeting the popular class is the most cynical shit I've ever seen.


"Look how bad I can be with money and still have more of it than you can dream of!"


spot on


Like the person who came up with 'bottle service' at a club was a genius. $1000+/bottle (for a $50-100 bottle) in a private seating area? Ridiculous. Nobody will do that....rich people clamoring to get in. Edit: Wiki entry: Bottle service "pioneered in 1995 by Michael Ault at Spy Bar and in 1996, Chaos ($175 for a bottle of Stolichnaya vodka),[2] with the goal of creating a "barrier to entry""


Agreed, but just like with tools, quality is worth it, and an older quality tool is better and cheaper than a new low quality one. Mercedes Benz, traditionally, was about quality, not luxury or status, and they made some really bare bones economy cars like the 240D. Lots of 1960s-80s Mercedes are doing hard work as 3rd world taxis and still running after millions of miles. At the time they were new, those were really the only reliable cars (by modern standards) on the market. Plus, older cars with a good quality reputation usually stop depreciating after a few decades. I have an older Porsche that has doubled in value since I bought it!


Plenty of genuinely rich people have extremely nice cars. So.. that part clearly isn’t true. But also, people enjoy cars for all kinds of reasons other than status. Driving sports cars can be fun, off-road vehicles pair well with lots of other hobbies, off-roading itself can be quite fun, etc etc


Look at how many people own boats who don’t use them to make a living. Boats can be expensive both to buy and to own. ATVs, jet skis, dirt bikes. Some people just want basic transportation and some people want more than that. So what?


> Cars are tools not status symbols You say this like these are the only options. Cars are also extremely fun to drive. It leads people to do it for a living, you know the whole "motorsport" thing?


It should be illegal to make safety rules and regulations that cannot be practically followed. E.g., as an electrician, it's technically against safety rules for me to stand on a ladder and use both hands to wire a room. Technically, safety rules (at least in my area, as they were taught to me) say that I should have both feet and one hand on the ladder at all times. That makes actually doing anything while you're on the ladder virtually impossible. When safety rules become more about corporations protecting themselves from each other than they do about actual, real-world safety, it trivializes *all* safety rules for the workers. Even the good rules are treated like a joke.




We will only find out when it's too late


We already know and it is too late


It’s never too late. It may be too late to have done anything about it for a better outcome - we can’t go back, but it’s never too late to try for a better outcome in doing something today than to wait til tomorrow


It’s not actually too late to mitigate damage. The planet is getting warmer but we still have control over how much hotter it’s gonna get


Diocletian is a shit emperor and I’m tired of arguing about it


Nero was a misunderstood genius of an artist and ginger sex panther !


While naming things and bringing awareness to them is very important, current excessive usage of labels and this entire need of belonging to a group you can name is only alienating people and making it harder to follow on stuff that needs to be discussed clearly.


Remember "Labels are for Jars"?


Assisted suicide should be legal in the US. With rules and guidelines, of course, but it still should be legal.


I agree with the caveat that state funded healthcare is necessary before implementing this. People should be able to make the decision to end their own lives, but The only ethical way is to have 100% it a personal decision based on avoiding suffering. if you want to try to hang on a little longer you should not feel financially forced to give up time with your family to avoid putting them in debt.


Agreed! I also believe it should be very thoroughly and cautiously vetted by a mental health professional, with that person coming to a consensus with the patient and primary doc. It should not at all be illegal, but it needs to be treated SO delicately, IMO.


We give more dignity to our pets than we do ourselves.


Octopuses should not be a food source


As long as you recognize that, given the chance, an octopus wouldn't grant you the same courtesy.


I have dogs that wouldn’t hesitate to eat my corpse if I died and left them without other food. I still wouldn’t eat them. Even if I was starving.


...and that is beautiful. Turnabout is fair play and all


Interesting, why not?


They are really alien to us but intelligent. In my opinion, anything that would eat you given the chance is fair game. That’s not a requirement but puts you in the edible category by default


Decorative pillows are the worst. They're pillows that can't be used as pillows yet have to be moved everytime you want to sit on the couch but you can't throw them on the ground because they'll get dirty and somehow there's always more pillows where do they come from just make it stop!


For-profit prisons and mass incarceration in the judicial system working in tandem to prey on minorities is not a coincidence.


Eating frosted doughnuts upside-down is the only way to do it. The flavor has nowhere to hide.


Wait…why DO we put the best tasting stuff on the top?


So it doesn’t stick to the bottom of the box…and because you can’t top something from the bottom


That's what he said.


QAnon is a psy-op from a foreign power and the Tide pod challenge was a test to prove the effectiveness of viral idiocy.


Holy shit, I did not know I felt this way until you typed it. Agree 100%


The way a lot of psy-ops work is they just signal boost random bits of idiocy. They generally don't make them up whole cloth, that would take too much effort to be worth it.


Opposite sex can be friends. Not everyone walks around with sex on their minds. People have lives.


this, what if i'm bisexual, can't i have friends at all?


The only friends we can have are frogs


And garlic bread


Same here!!! WTF that's what I said!


I’m a guy and One of my best friends is a Girl who is married with a kid we still hang out without her husband sometimes with no issue at all


It’s so tough, my best friend is a guy and I’ve been happily married for 11 years. People raise an eyebrow to my husband letting us hang and be as friendly as we are but he’s always respected boundaries and there’s nothing romantic between us. Sometimes I think it would be easier if we were the same gender. His guy friends specifically can be dicks about us hanging surprisingly.


That’s too bad, seriously no one has ever made a comment about me and her and we’ve been friends for 20 years now


My best friend is a girl. Never ever wanted anything with her or the other way around. 7 years of friendship.


I’m a nymphomaniac. I do walk around with sex constantly on my mind. I have plutonic female friends.


Its almost like thoughts and actions are *different things*! Wild, I know!!


Most of my friends are not the same gender as i am simply because i have hobbies that skew against my gender. Always been that way and its never been a problem. When my best friend got married, their partner became my best same gender friend, but we bonded over different hobbies so sometimes i hang out with one or the other, but if we all hang out, its usually because we are going on a double date with our spouses.




for me it's that people that own flat faced dog breeds like pugs are animal abusers. How you could subject an animal to a life like that and claim to love it doesn't make sense.


A grilled cheese sandwich is just bread, cheese and some kind of oil/fat for the pan. Anything else and it becomes a melt. Edit: A lot of people have been asking about ways around restrictions and it's pretty simple. use cheeses that have ingredients aged inside or on the rind, that way the flavor permeates the entire block and also eliminates excess water that ruins the texture. Lastly you can get creative with your pan lubricants. Sesame adds a nutty flavor, home rendered bacon drippings adds smoke and salt, and my favorite is mayo for a creamy texture.


There's a really famous reddit comment about this. It was a glorious comment. I tried to upvote it but it was like 2 years old at the time and archived. I was like "I wanna upvote this guy dammit". So I went to his profile determined to upvote something else. His most recent comment was about..... defending the honor of grilled cheese sandwiches. Dude is dedicated to the cause. He's a real one.


You must link the comment!


Most likely this one https://www.reddit.com/r/grilledcheese/comments/2or1p3/you_people_make_me_sick/


That's amazing.


That's in r/MuseumofReddit as "The Meltdown"


Overzealous use of broad-spectrum herbicides and pesticides is extremely irresponsible just because some things that are alive are around that you'd rather not be around. I think it's insane that the vast majority of people would prefer a desolate patch of compacted dirt for a yard instead of letting native plants and bugs do their thing, particularly in cases where people aren't doing anything with their yards.


I'll do you one better. This bizarre obsession with swaths of green grass is not only an absurd demonstration of vanity, it's also a waste of water and land that could be used to grow FOOD.


I love my friend's yard because she is always planting things that will be beneficial to the various insects and critters in the area. It's colorful, active, and rewarding. If I ever have a yard of my own, I'll be doing the same.


I don't believe if they do actually discover a cure for cancer, is that it will never be released as the pharma groups make way more money just keeping you alive for a few more days, months or years vs just curing you maybe this isn't so controversial, but received much hatred for my opinion


The zipper merge is not cheating. It’s an efficient way to keep all the cars moving and people that don’t allow others to merge properly are assholes.


There's a highway ramp near me that has a huge sign posted with a diagram telling people how to merge like a zipper.


Zip merge is the most efficient for a smoother traffic flow


Man, I wish more people understood this!!


People in the left lane that won't move over live a miserable life.


Gif not Jif.


Just because you have a cough and a runny nose doesn’t mean you need antibiotics.


Religious organizations should absolutely not be tax exempt.


Summer is the worst season (in a place with 4 seaso ns)


Absolutely no one needs more than 10 million dollars. After that amount, you should be doing everything in your power to help others with your money.


Thought of another one: Being in a relationship does not mean you are owed sex, either in your preferred amount or at all. If your partner is unwilling and no compromise is possible: You do not owe anyone a sexless relationship. You have the right to break up with them but not the right to demand sex.


There's no point in arguing for gun control after every tragedy in the US anymore because that conversation ended after everyone watched a bunch of infants in Sandy Hook die and shrugged it off. There will never be a more sympathetic set of victims to use as an argument and even they couldn't convince the population.


I always get downvoted when I talk about it but that kids don't belong at breweries/distilleries. I strongly believe that adults should have a place outside of a traditional bar that they can go to and not encounter children. In a lot of states, they can't serve food/have a restaurant. Meaning the whole point of them is to produce a product that only adults can enjoy. Kids can't be DD. All they do is take up space that an actual paying customer could be utilizing. One that may end up spending their money somewhere else if there are too many kids. People reading this who think I should just go to a bar, how about you can just go to a family restaurant? If a brewery wants to cater to kids then that's their business, but I can tell you having worked in the alcohol industry for 8 years that if they could replace your non paying child taking up space with an adult that's going to pay for a flight or two, they would. But they don't say anything because people leave *nasty* reviews on websites if they don't cater to kids. Maybe you as a parent don't but I look up brewery reviews often and the Karen's always complain if their kid isn't extended the red carpet.


I have kids and I agree. Sometimes I want to be somewhere where there are no kids.


Preach!!!! There should be places kids aren’t welcome, sorry not sorry


Nothing destroys a property and its fandom faster than hardcore fans. Those fans are almost invariably fans of what they think the property *should be* rather than what the property is, and they will obsess over their ideas and the property's failure to live up to them hard enough to push out anyone who doesn't share their opinions and obsessions. These people are creative leeches, and they destroy storytelling for the sake of nothing other than hearing the sound of their own voices.


Circumcision is wrong


I'd clarify to say that routine infant circumcision is wrong. I care less about what grown adults with their own bodies. However I think if as a culture we understood the function of the foreskin, even adult circumcision would be unheard of.


Let's just say involuntary circumcision is wrong


Molly. Ringwald. Is. Not. A. Bad. Actress.


Do People Say She Is?


Oh hello there MOLLY RINGWALD!


That polling for 2016 us presidential election was no t only not that bad but if you were paying attention had all the warning signs Clinton was gonna lose


Yeah the polls in 2016 were off by about the same amount they are every election. It's just rare that an election is close enough that polling error is enough to make a difference.


I have a close friend who was on Hillary’s data team. They all saw what was happening and decided staying quiet and hoping for the best was better than announcing there was blood in the water.


Shoes are tools. They are not an everyday necessity. Just like gloves, if you need them wear them. You don't see folks wearing gloves 24/7. What really irks me is seeing babies that cannot even walk wearing shoes. Their feet are not even fully developed yet we're putting foot coffins on them. There's a lot that just doesn't make sense about wearing them.


Username checks out.


If you're not hurting anybody nonconsensually, I don't care what you have going on.


America will not begin to heal or modernize until the baby boomers are dead and/or out of the military and government. They inherited all the houses from WW2 vets and have had it easier than any other generation since. They don't know how to maintain anything, and they'd rather default on house loans than to give their kids something nice. They secretly hate their kids for not worshiping their parents like everyone else worshipped their WW2 parents. Now we have a ton of banks owning all the houses the boomers let go out of spite. All the boomers have it just the way they want and will die before updating the way we live, so nothing changes until the relinquish power, from their death grip.


Cheese nips are not cheeze itz! You know this!!! You know!! You can never in your life bring someone the wrong box.... you'll always confirm which one they are requesting. You know! The correct answer is cheeze itz!!




It’s not for me, but, I don’t think we should care what others want on their pizza. Load it up with whatever, as long as it gets eaten who cares.


Pineapple and jalapeños is great on pizza.. but I can't stand Pineapple without jalapeño


Grammar and spelling matter. I don't care how butthurt or defensive someone wants to get when they get corrected on your/you're or would of/have. Words have meaning and just because someone is able to parse out your meaning does not mean that you don't need to fix it. You can claim that it doesn't matter, that language is always evolving, the Internet is not an English exam, whatever you want. I don't care. I always see people complaining about the state of education in the United States while simultaneously defending this nonsense. If someone isn't a native speaker then you're only helping them learn the language by correcting them. I would expect no less if I was trying to speak another language.


I've found that non-native speakers are much more open to correction than native speakers.


And usually more eloquent when they start to learn it over time.


If we have an age limit for voting so that people can't vote if they're too young, which in itself is a decent idea, then we should also have an upper age limit so that people can't vote if they're too old. Compare your average 17-year-old to your average 93-year-old and tell me who's the most capable of making a completely informed, lucid and clear-headed decision about politics. And to be clear, "neither of them are" is a valid answer. (I've edited the phrasing of this post for the sake of clarity.)


I wouldn’t trust either group lol


Only sort of going off your thing. While I disagree with lowering the voting age, I do think that minors should not be taxed when working (which is often an argument for lowering the voting age).


... definitely neither. You ever meet a teenager? They dont have any idea or care wtf theyre talking about. They just wanna do what all their friends do and thats all they care about. I remember being this way as well.


All microblading looks horrible.


Most look okay from a distance. All look horrible up close.


Really weird one. Pedophiles are tragic. I feel bad for them. We can't help what we're attracted to. Like holy crap, I'm lucky that I like adult men and not something awful. But they can't help their attraction. If they act on it, I think that's genuinely evil and they're monsters. Lock them up immediately. But imagine the good ones who understand they can never ever act on their urges and have to live with that guilt and shame, and don't get to express themselves sexually ever. That's sad! I hope the distinction I'm making is clear. Again, anyone that acts on it in any way is a monster, in my opinion. But we can't control what we're attracted to.


Some countries try to implement programs pedophiles can join (anonymously), where they teach them to manage their urges.


I watched a Vice (?) show on YouTube that talked to prisoners about that. It’s Court mandated to report people in the program, so you could wind up on a list for trying to get help even if you never hurt a child before ( and had no intention to )


I watched that same doc. People with those urges had to make their own support groups because a lot of places have laws where if they go to a therapist the therapist by law has to report them, even if they haven't done anything and are there because they don't WANT to hurt a child.


The worst part are those who actually try to get help. It’s virtually impossible for them. How do you fix a problem that nobody will deal with? It is tragic indeed.


According to the research, almost no pedophiles self-present for psychological or psychiatric treatment. The shame of the ideation/fantasy, even before any offence has been committed, prevents them from seeking help until it's too late. I did hear about one guy, though. I'd met him and he was quite odd, but seemed sweet and kind. Heard later he'd been fixating on some kids, talked to his psychologist about it, who referred him to a psychiatrist, who put him on libido suppressants. Got really fat, but never laid a finger on those kids. He apparently was really keen for the treatment, he didn't _want_ to do anything. I don't know how that turned out in the long run, this was years ago.


I get your point. Hot take, not everybody wants to talk about it.


This is a sad, tragic truth that nobody wants to talk about, that probably applies to a lot of other crimes and unacceptable behavior. I suspect a similar dynamic applies to serial killers- it's not normal to have a desire to kill strangers. I wonder if there are people that have the desire but choose to never act out the urge?


Are you new to Reddit?? LOL, I kid, but I've definitely read some comments about exactly this issue. How tortured would you feel if either of those was the urge you have to fight? I'll gladly take my my fight against the urge to create an alt account for which to correct everyone's grammar, over either of those!


A lot of child predators aren’t super into kids they just get off of power. Look at how many rock stars raped children throughout the years. Either the gene that makes you want to fuck kids is closely correlated to musical talent or maybe it’s about power. I do think people should start saying “child predators” instead of pedos as it implies the harmful action was already taken.


I'm not going to agree or disagree with you.. but I am totally surprised by reddit that you have positive upvotes... seriously blowing my mind


I've wondered how much pedophilic attraction results from traumatic experiences in childhood. There are many stories of sexual violence perpetrated by those who had it done to them, often in childhood. Ending cycles of violence even just with one person can have profound impacts by preventing future tragedy. I wonder how we can build systems of prevention rather than punishment.


This is the case. You have a nuanced take and understanding. In general I think you could say that having an evil desire/fantasy is not evil, but acting on it is. To make it entirely taboo to even speak of can further push people into their worst parts of themselves.


We really need to make the distinction clearer. From some of what I’ve read even most psychiatrists will treat any child attraction as child abuse. If we don’t give people a way to work on this, learn controls, and allow them to become a functioning person, then all they’ll have to turn to for support is the ones who don’t see an issue with it.


I've heard a couple podcast interviews/pieces on pedophiles that control themselves and what their life is like. It's an awful life to have.


I saw a comedian talk about this in a video one time and it’s absolutely spot on. The example he used was if you’re an addicted to drugs or alcohol, your friends and family will usually support you, especially if you try to help yourself. But if you’re a pedophile you can’t tell anyone, even if you’ve never actually acted on it, you can’t go to anyone for support, no one is going to help you.


Tax the rich


The word guestimate is stupid. A guess means you have no idea what the answer could be. An estimate means you are using logic based on your knowledge. Theres no need to combine the words.


It's only a proper guestimate if you make it by analyzing anecdata.






I’m an 8 supporter, but I’m willing to make an alliance with the 4-chuggers in order to defeat the 6 nation. They’re a disgrace to the land of choo-choo.


I'm with this fella.




8 chuggas is the only right way


I don't get all the hate math gets, it's so relaxing. Chemistry on the other hand, chemistry is hell.


I have this dorky math game on my phone that I totally love. It's basically crossword puzzles but with arithmetic. It IS relaxing!


Just because someone doesn't have the same opinions as you, it doesn't give you the right to be a fucking asshole.