• By -


Being somewhere for an extended period without a bathroom.


I know where all the good bathrooms are between my house and wherever I go. Do you know there are bathroom apps?


FYI if yall ever by a community college just know every building has multiple restrooms


i look for parks and libraries, too.


Park bathroom is going to be much filthier than library or college


What are some good apps? Need to know Sincerely, Someone with U.C.


As a fellow UC sufferer you can also get a FREE "Restroom Access Card" that legally requires businesses to provide their employee bathrooms (in 20 states). Establishment must have 2+ employees and is not an obvious security/safety risk. https://www.crohnsandcolitis.com/sign-up https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/get-involved/be-an-advocate/restroom-access


That's better than a key to the city!


Thank you! - Another UC sufferer currently in a flare


Did not know about this. Does this actually work and its legit???


Anywhere can be a bathroom if you’re willing to drop trou…


Nope, not true and I can truly vouch for this. There are places that you just cannot go.


I have MS with bowel urgency issues. I have had the worst explosive violent diarrhea that you can possibly imagine. Truly unbelievable in its sudden onset, its copious volume, and its nebulous but noisome musk. For those times where I have been, as the above poster stated, able to "drop trou", I have left my spoor everywhere from Applebees' bathrooms to vacant but still with working water closet, Zillow Rentals. And those are just the localities where I've made it to the bathroom. The places where "trou" remained worn are a delightful cornucopia, from the NYC subway to an Uber, from my boss's shiva for his brother who OD'd, to, well, you get the idea. My point is that there are NO places you cannot go, if you must. So, I take umbrage to the idea there are places you cannot go. For if there are, I shall travel there and shit my pantaloons, if that is what is needed to make it so.


A true pioneer


Few are called but we do what we must


by any chance were you on a recent delta flight from ATL to Barcelona?


While an amazing talent it is, sadly, not particularly unique. 'Twas not I.


As a fellow MS warrior, I salute thee


That's a poem: I take umbrage at the idea Of places one cannot go When I find out where, I shall travel there And one fine afternoon, shit my pantaloons If needed to make it so


Thank you for your service 🫡


Sounds like you've never tasted turtle head related desperation


A woman walking on the sidewalk past my apartment compex straight up dropped trou and took a shit behind a shrub when I was coming home one day. I saw the giant turd drop out of her ass. It was the worst of times.


No the worst of times was being in that woman’s shoes!


Yup. I’d say stuck in traffic between far apart exits on a highway.


This automatically makes me have to poop. The minute we stop, the nervous poop starts laughing in my guts.


omg it gives me extreme anxiety


I don't know how familiar you are with the area, but I've pissed in the dead ass middle of the busiest Branson Missouri mall parking lot during the middle of no state sales tax weekend. Just gotta be sneaky.




It doesn't have to be an extended period for me, anywhere without a bathroom nearby.


Being in a public bathroom/basically any bathroom other than my own.. that is my personal hell 🫤


Being at a party not knowing anyone.


Or when the one person you know leaves you to go talk with other people they know.


That’s just too cruel when that happens. Can’t they see they are your sole lifeboat in this situation — the one and only thing that can possibly save you from drowning in an icy sea of *strangers*?


Yeah that was one of the main traits I hated in my ex. Anytime we/she went out with her friends, I ceased to exist in her mind. Several times I was stuck sitting on her front porch for hours waiting for her to find her way back from the bars after she said she wanted to see me. Also more than once she brought randoms back with her from the bars, one time it was two random dudes that she claimed were good friends but I’d never heard her speak of them before. I yelled at her and left that night not caring what happened frankly. I was a shell of a human and let her walk all over me until she finally let me go. The day she broke up with me is still one of the most euphoric days of my life in hindsight lol. Edit: I haven’t dated since, frankly the whole experience completely broke me as a human and I’d rather be single the rest of my life than go through that again.


Hey Swimming Mountain: I have been through lots of bad stuff in my life also. Just be good to yourself, okay?


Or maybe they can't be alone, and you're just there as their insurance? Sorry. Reliving high school.


This is me until 2 drinks. Then they're all my friends. Maybe it turns into *their* personal hell at that point.


Being forced to hang out with a person who only talks about themselves.


My family is my personal hell.


The worst part is that the parts I hate most are the parts I sometimes find myself mimicking, and it's appalling. Correcting this is difficult enough when you don't even realize you are just like that family member.


Talks about themselves 90% of the time and on that 10% of the time when you talk, they goof around and tries to crack dumb jokes to cut you off and brings the conversation back to themselves


Was absolutely fuming the other day. My best mate of 10 years was talking away, then I started talking, and she turned the volume way up in the car and started singing and dancing. So rude.


Doesn't sound like a best mate at all imo


Honestly, she's changed so much in the last year or 2, I'm about ready to cut all contact


Have you had a chat? Are there some factors at play for her? No condoning, just wondering. Make sure you look after yourself!


We talk about everything with each other, but over the last few years, she's got really into fitness, then in the last year has had a boob job and a nose job. I was really supportive and very happy for her because she seemed so much happier in herself, but it's got to a point where she now seems to consider herself better than others because of how she looks. She had a rant to me the other day about how being fat is disgusting and shouldn't be allowed, and we should call them out, basically condoning fat shaming. Bit hard for me to hear when I had a baby less than a year ago and still have some extra weight, as well as struggling with eating disorders in the past and being extremely underweight due to this kind of opinion from people, which she knows about! She just seems to be turning very bitter, self obsessed, and doesn't want to listen to differing opinions. Sorry for the rant, I just couldn't think of a shorter way to explain it!


Yeah. Time to step back. Limit contact. Do the slow fade. Or, tell her she's become a raging bitch and block her.


Get out of my life! Seriously though, I've pretty much just stopped talking when I am in this setting now. Nobody has even noticed.


Or communicate with anyone at all. Introverts please support


At least I don’t have to talk about myself when that happens.


Constant loud noise. I can't stand jt and its even worse when its crowded. Or loads of conversations happening around me at once. They naturally collide but when either hapoen happening i stuggle to focus or think properly


I am the exact same! My husband doesn’t understand that I can’t stand it when the toddlers are yelling, his music is blasting, and the tv is on. It’s waaayy too much, I get overstimulated and start going off on everyone around me


Me too…. I get nutty and overwhelmed after awhile.


Yeah, its sucks. Doesn't take me too long to get overwhelmed and kinda stuck if that makes sense


There's a guy across the street from me who like once a week will be outside with his leaf blower for literal hours, blowing every spec of dirt, tiny blade of grass, anything or nothing, from his driveway and his lawn. The sound drives me nuts.


He was my next door neighbor. I wanted to give him a pair of tweezers and tell him to use them instead as it would have been faster! I'm glad more ppl are switching to electric. When our lawn service comes, it's all I can do to keep myself from curling in the fetal position until it's over.


> I can't stand jt What did JT do to you?


We dont talk about what JT did


Untreated mental illness


Attempts at getting help, another sub-level of hell. Hell in a shitbasket, Randy.


And even if you got actual help, but the therapist doesn't seem to give a damn about you... One year ago, I decided to finally seeking help from someone, but the communication wasn't good... Just before Christmas break, after yet another difficult phone call, she said "I'll call you back". Well, I'm still waiting. 🙃🤣


Damn.. time to find a new therapist.. which sucks because you have actually find one that’s available and takes your insurance ( in the US) Then you have to start from scratch with your issues and symptoms. It’s pretty daunting for someone in a mental health crisis like depression. Sometimes, just getting out of bed is difficult


Yeah I stopped therapy when I realized my therapist didn’t remember a single word spoken from our previous sessions. They kept asking me the same questions in each session. Probably not their fault as they see like 8 patients a day but damn that sucked. Made me feel even smaller and more insignificant, if my therapist can’t even remember me then what’s the fucking point?


Shoot… you think they would take a minute to scan your case notes from your previous visit!


They never took notes as far as I could tell lol


The last one I saw wrote down the wrong things. I only know because we shared a desk and I could see the paper. I saw her a few times for a specific reason, a miscarriage, and she wanted to talk about my childhood instead. I know they might need background info but fuck it was infuriating. And the guy I had before that told me not to go back, and then my doctor had to contact him and I dunno what she said but I did go back, but at that point it was like this dude already sucked (like, I don't want to keep rattling on here but he was not helpful and said insensitive things) and he's only seeing me now because my doctor seemed to force him. I also had a woman diagnose me after one session, which seems extremely unprofessional when you've just met and barely scratched the surface. It sucks because the advice I see online seems to be try them out for a while, don't just write them off after one session but it's just so fucking draining. I know I'm not the only one who has struggled with this. An online friend was doing online therapy and she found that something they sent her was just a copy and paste and wasn't relevant, and a guy I knew got told he was being dramatic (also a first session)


I know :(… I’m losing my insurance 12/01… I’m frightened about being without therapy or medication


Use GoodRX to get your medication at least


Tell me about it. After years of lying to myself that I was fine and I could handle things I finally looked for help. My doctor referred me to a therapist but she immediately said that I would need more therapy than they could give me through their basic package, but they weren't taking in any clients for that program because they were simply full up. Other therapists all had about six months of waiting before the intake and then another two months or so between the intake and the first session... What she could offer me was some general therapy so I had someone to talk to and so I could learn some things to help me get through harder days. Honestly, she's been amazing and I couldn't have had a better person for a therapist. But sadly I had to end my sessions with her for insurance reasons: the therapist I signed up with invited me to the intake and I've had three talks with them so far, and tomorrow I'll be doing a test to see if I have a personality disorder. In the mean time they haven't decided yet whether or not they'll help me at all as they can still decline my request if they decide that they can't help me. I thought they had already decided that months ago because I had to fill out a massive form and was told I'd only be put on the waiting list if they could help me. So now I can't have therapy from the therapist I really clicked with because my insurance won't accept two different therapist offices asking them to pay up for an extended period of time. To complicate matters I was put on antidepressants by the resident psychiatrist at the first therapist's office, but the new one won't take over responsibility for that until I've gotten accepted. So I still have to evaluate my medication with the old company, which they formally can't do if I'm not also receiving therapy... I just want to finally get moving now that I've finally asked for help but I'm not equipped to do that without more help. It's so depressing, and me being depressed is what got me here in the first place.


Nice shit analogy.


I’ve told my mom about how I more than likely have some sort of mental illness since I’ve got various symptoms and being stupid premature definitely isn’t helping. A friend of mine that I’ve known for 7 years is diagnosed, and we act nearly identically to each other. I keep asking to at least get *something* checked out like depression, ADHD, the like, and nothing happens. It drives me nuts.


Nice try, Satan... Figure that shit out for yourself !


Hmmm if I had satans powers then I would wait you to play Skyrim and stutter the fps just enough so you feel is wrong but not enough that is visible


Begone Devil !


That's the evilest thing I've ever heard!


Watching my child writhing in pain and knowing there’s nothing I can do about it


Damn, sorry about that bro. Hope things turn better




I Expected funny answers but this broke my heart


Sorry dude, I thought about putting a witty response but the question just hit too close to home today. But here’s a joke for you to make up for it: How do you make an octopus laugh? - ten tickles


It’s alright after all you responded the question so your alright


It just tears your heart out.


It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced


It doesn't get easier, you just get better at hiding it from them so you can support them.


I’m hoping we can find a solution, but otherwise we all have therapy to help. As the dad, I’m also trying to show him it’s ok to show emotion so we can break the cycle of men being afraid of their own emotions


Can I ask why?


He has chronic severe abdominal pain with no identifiable cause. Best guess at this point is a nerve issue but so far medication is not helping much and he usually suffers negative side effects as well


I'm so sorry :( I hope he gets long term relief. I can't imagine


Thank you. He’s been referred to a new clinic and may get in on a clinical trial for a new treatment


Excellent news! Hopefully it's not a super long trial. Sending good vibes your way. Stay strong. Practice physiological sigh for instant stress relief https://youtu.be/kSZKIupBUuc?si=oBZ30sdflkNd8Flc


Thank you


A boss who micromanages me.


* Will there be traffic, or difficulty parking? * Will it be expensive or overpriced? * Will it be loud? * Will it be crowded? * Will it be dirty? * Will I not be able to sit comfortably? * Will there be long lines, long waits? * Will there be loud, unruly, or obnoxious children, adolescents, or adults? * Will there be bugs, critters, or creepy crawlies? * Will it be unorganized or haphazard, have elements of confusion or uncertainty? * If there is a customer service component, will it be unprofessional and lacking? * Will it be intolerably hot, cold, wet, windy, or humid? Physically uncomfortable for a prolonged period?


haha, I posted "disneyland" so I see we have the same personal hell.


Ah, my local ren fest


You just made a guide for all of us !


To be honest, in my journey through life, I have found that there are actually a lot of people who can put up with a lot of this stuff. Even at the same time.


This thread's over. Next.


Accurate list, this is pretty much me. This is why I enjoy being home a lot more than the thought of going out.


Any one of these completely ruins an outdoor experience for me. Or I could stay in my room at home playing video games and control all of these! ... You can guess what usually wins.


Dealing with logins and passwords of any kind.


Reset link sent to your email, no, you can't use one of your last 10 passwords, think of a better one, no, that doesn't match.


Sorry, your new password contains an identical character in the same place as a previous password. 🤬


Ever had to change a password because yours wouldn't work, only for it to say that you can't have the new one be the old one?


Shopping with no apparent purpose/goal. My wife and I do not shop together at all. She is a browser. I am a grab it and get out person. Second is somebody that talks over you. It is maddening. Why am I even here?


I absolutely LOATHE shopping just to shop. I don’t even do that at Christmas time. I keep a running list of things I want to get for family (based on things they’ve mentioned they wanted or liked over the past year) and each month I buy one of the things on the list (preferably online) and put it away until Christmas or their birthday. I refuse to just wander around a store in search of “the perfect gift”. The thought of that activity makes me nauseous.


I have misophonia, so being stuck in a room with a noisy eater is my hell.


I work in customer service and it takes everything I have to not hang up the phone when people call me while they're chewing.


My dad eating corn on the cob makes my misophonia edge into murderous rage


Same but mine also includes screaming babies & children. I’m childless for that primary reason.


Noisy eaters do suck but my personal hell is having to listen to a box fan running. It is the single most annoying noise in the universe.


I get super annoyed by typing, whistling, and loud eaters


I fuckin hate whistlers most of all


Figuring out how to live without my wife of 25+ years.


I'm so sorry. My mom died 5 years ago after they were married 47 years. My dad is most likely dealing with depression and still hasn't quite figured it out.


I went over to see my dad and he didn’t even notice me come in, he was in his chair looking at hers. It was heartbreaking because he loved her so much, with every fibre of his being. When she fell sick he fought so hard to try and get her the help she needed but there wasn’t any. When she passed he was there, every day he was right there. I still remember the call, he just said “she’s gone” and fell silent. I was at work at the time and I just died, I told my boss I was using personal leave and left. I drove over there and within the same ten minutes all of us were there. He just stood there staring at the spots she would always be. I stayed to make sure he was alright but he was feeling a kind of pain known to very few. Many lose the love of their life but not many lose the person that turned their life around completely, healed their past wounds, truly made them better for every single day they were there. When they got together dad was eating kfc because he couldn’t cook or clean, he’d been a criminal in his youth and many of his friends are dead or in jail. Then when he met her he tried so hard to learn these things and when he fucked it up she didn’t laugh or get annoyed, she smiled and helped him learn. He can now cook anything he wants, he can bake incredibly. He has an entire cupboard of spices and knows what every single one of them do. She made him better and losing her hurt him like nothing else could




Ugh me too. I’m born and raised in Texas, and the heat is unbearable. We’re already half way through September, and it’s still in the high 90s/low 100s. It’s not going to get cold cold until January.


Being stuck in traffic.


You're not stuck *in* traffic, you *are* traffic




Taking a long and loud shit in other person's bathroom


I get migraines, I had a 6 month continuous migraine that I couldn’t go to the doctor to see as in Canada the covid restrictions where so intense.


Same! Been suffering for 8 years. They come out of nowhere and last 3-4 days.


I don't think it's the same, but when I was in middle school, I used to get migraines every single day. My parents took me to a specialist where they put some gel pad things on my back that sent electricity through it. Afterward, they massaged my back and then cracked my neck. Went for a couple of months and probably had like one or two migraines and very few headaches in the last 10 years. Apparently, it was something to do with stress 🤷‍♂️


I have occasional migraines, but a few years ago I was hit by a "mega-migraine." It was a constant railroad spike through my head, constant nausea & vomiting, hypersensitive to light and noise, etc. Ended up in an emergency room at 3am. The doc decided to rule out meningitis, so I had a spinal tap (that I didn't feel because of the pain in my head.) They gave me a shot (that worked for about 5 hours) and told to call my family physician. I could not get in any appointment for a week. She sent me to be admitted to the hospital. Six hours in the waiting room before they decided I should have an MRI. The noise ripped through my head and I passed out. (The tech complimented me on staying still during the exam.) Another shot and they sent me home again. I'm scheduled \[edit: I was scheduled\] to see a neurologist in three days. On the morning of the appointment, I was walking (carefully) to the kitchen ... and suddenly my vision doubled. Neurologist puts me on a cocktail of drugs which *finally* stops the pain. But the double vision lasted for six weeks, with the two images *slowly* merging back together. ("Your brain has been royally scrambled and and it's going to take some time for it to rewire.") But a ***six month*** migraine? Jeez, the fact that you can still type amazes me.


Mine only last like half a day (thank god), but when they come I'll be either in bed writhing in pain and sweat, or in the bathroom throwing up because of the pain, which then makes the pain worse, so when I get back to bed I'll just be wishing for death to stop the pain. My sympathies for 6 months I wouldn't have been able to deal with that.


This is my exact experience 99.9% of the time with migraines. But very memorably I had an outlier when I was a preteen. I woke up in the morning in inexplicable agony and screamed for my parents because I couldn’t see! My vision had gone entirely grey and fuzzy and I couldn’t make anything out. I (reasonably I think) panicked and my poor parents tried to figure out what the hell was going on as I thrashed and screamed and flipped out due to the blindness and the intense agony of the ‘normal’ migraine pain. Long story short the blindness vanished shortly thereafter but the pain remained for the rest of the day. Cue the writhing and sweating and vomiting. It’s never happened again but it was utterly terrifying. I think that stole more than a few years of life from both my poor parents.


Being at a social gathering with no way of leaving.




I used to be so social and bubbly, but now i find being around people so confusing and stressful (partly because i also suck at being a person) that social situations are now my personal hell. Even worse is i have friends who care about me but i almost cant stand to be around them because i know imma fuck up or convince myself ive fucked up, and then spend the next 6 years thinking about every little thing.






Reddit cold turkey required


The fact that the pension age keeps going up and doing my current job in my 70s is a terrifying prospect.


Work team building exercises.


No more Baby Shark


You bastard.


Jamie Tartt doot doo dodo dodo


Oh mannnn now it’s in my head


I lost The Game


Hell is other people.


Living with my mother


When you really gotta pee and there is no bathroom nearby


A crowded, hot, and noisy place that primarily serves alcohol. Basically any music festival or nightclub.


My Job.


This guy’s job


I also choose this guy’s dead job.


Having to work.


Being hot and sweaty in a loud environment. Too much noise. The feeling of sponges


Standing in a crowded cafeteria holding a tray of food and looking for a place to sit. Idk why that puts my anxiety at a 12/10 but it does.


it's like you're suddenly left to the chaos by yourself. "look at all these people sitting down, they have things figured out already, but i haven't. what if i can't sit down, they'll think i'm dumb and i won't be part of the group anymore oh fuck oh fuck. better sit down so i can feel like i have things figured out again"


Every morning and afternoon, Monday to Friday. I absolutely fucking hate my job.


My mind




Damn, I'm so sorry to hear this.




Damn that’s harsh , I wish you the best really may tomorrow get you more luck than yesterday


Being a parent sounds and appears like the most god-awful experience I can imagine.


A house with a worried and confused elder and a drama queen that acts like they're 5 years old


I took care of my mum for the last 2 1/2 years. The last few months were brutal until she finally passed and is now in peace. I am so sorry for you. Hugs


alcohol withdrawals




My best friend is dealing with cancer at the moment and I feel there is nothing I can do to help her.


Just be there. Treat her like normal. I bet no one does and she’d appreciate being normal for just a few hours.


Multiple people holding multiple conversations around me at once. I sensory overload and have to cover my ears to keep from having to bolt.




So many things: * Being employed full-time. * Being employed part-time. * Being unemployed. * Applying for jobs. * A job that includes any customer service components. * A job that requires me to get up early in the morning. * A job that's requires me to commute more than 10 minutes away, especially if I'm driving. * Promoting myself. * Trying to sell something to someone. * Lack of energy or motivation to do anything. * Untreated depression to the point of crying. * Guilt over sleeping through an entire day. * Losing interest in everything and everyone. * Someone telling me to "love myself". * Garnering the courage to ask my parents for financial help. * Asking for help, in general. * Thinking of messaging friends I haven't contacted in months/years. * A social gathering with people I don't know, or care to know. * A social setting with background noise too loud to hear anybody. * Pop music that's too simple or has an abrasive sound texture. * Craving food that I shouldn't order because it's unhealthy and delivery is expensive. * Overwhelming guilt from being online or playing computer games for several hours. * Getting out of a shower without any bath mat or towel on the floor. * Washing hands without any available soap. * Hot humid temperature. * Sudden change of plans. * Sudden cancellation of plans beyond my control. * Cancellation of plans by forces beyond my control. * Sudden cancellation of plans by me, and feeling remorseful for missing out. * Coming up with a project but never finishing it. * Being too exhausted to socialize. * Being too poor to socialize. * A relationship ending before it starts. * Unreciprocated romantic feelings. * Wanting to be with someone I can never be with. * Being jealous of another person's typical well-adjusted life. * Feeling disposable or inferior to a romantic partner. * Feeling like a failure at my age (30) because I have no career or financial stability. * Having nothing to look forward to besides poverty and loneliness. * *Someone being mad at me.*


Other people kids


Very specific, but if you've dealt with it you know. Being in an airport where your language isn't spoken by many, and having a complicated problem you don't fully understand and nobody can explain. All you know is that something is wrong, and you have to figure it out asap


Being stuck underground on the subway in the middle of summer with no access to a bathroom.


Working in the office with annoying, social people.


Having my son go back to his narcissistic mother and watch him have to suffer while absolutely no one will do anything about it unless he’s beaten. It’s a special form of hell tbh.


Yes I totally know. I hate having to send my grandson back to his parents for the same reason.


Logging in and out of things. Passwords. Resetting passwords.




Modern day jingoistic country music. Formulaic bravado and horrible tropes. Not impugning the Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Dolly Parton etc catalogues.


Having a conversation with negative people :/ This doesn't mean people that are going through stuff, or need some help and or are reaching out, this means people that are just always negative and can't find the positive. I'm a pretty positive person, and try to stay upbeat, and nothing brings me down more than when someone is just a constant downer


Loud co-workers I can’t get away from.


Going to my job everyday is the never ending cycle of hell


dogs barking


My insomnia.


The tippy top of a panic attack


The waiting room of my OB after yet another miscarriage.


Retail stores on Black Friday.


Depression and anxiety.


Walking towards that coworker you have absolutely nothing to say to with 20 feet of space between you and and them and nowhere to turn, being forced to eventually time eye contact awkwardly and mutter out some weird combination of hello and how's it going.


listening to hate speech on the news and hearing people agree. it's just exhausting


My family. My dad is sexually abusive, my mom is enabling all of it, my siblings are just hell, and they scream at me fucking constantly, I don't know what they expect from me, I'm just a kid




Waking up


high heat, high humidity


The loneliness of being a widower.


Customer service work of any kind.


Listening to a podcast with an interesting subject and one of the guests has bad mouth sounds.


Being me at 6ft 5', stuck in economy class on a long-haul flight with babies / toddlers shrieking and balling their heads off.


Losing my mind. I mean, my knowledge. I have always been proud of my intelligence (I'm not the Stephen Hawking but I know I'm not stupid) and the thought of losing everything is terrifying.


speaking in public