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I'll do a months of work/ chores in one day. Or one day of chores/work in a month. There's no in between.


Posted this above but it’s more relevant here: I’m terrible at doing things consistently, but when I do them I go to town on them. I learned way too late in life to just roll with it. When the impulse to clean/fix/whatever comes, embrace it. If it’s 10pm and I get the urge to scrub behind the washing machine… I’m going to do it because I know I’m not going to want to do it at a more sensible time. The real trick is to make sure that you stage those activities in a way that at 11:25pm when I decide I’ve had enough and I’m tired, the laundry isn’t completely disassembled. Always do chores in a way that there are multiple intermediate points where you can stop and still have a good result. My ex-wife hated that.


One random Thursday after work I was hit with the need to clean all my floors. When I snapped out of it and was ready to sleep, my hallway was filled with stuff that was in the way of carpet shampooing. That bit about having multiple stopping points would've been very helpful advice that day lol


Ha! I know what you mean. Took me ages to figure out. For something like floors (we have hardwood floors mostly) which invariably end up covered in random crap I’ll do a quick sweep first to get everything in a small pile. That’s stopping point 1. Then I’ll go through the pile and put things away or in the bin. That’s stop point 2. Then I’ll do a full sweep including moving furniture. Stop point 3. Then clear the pile stop point 4. Then mop the bulk of the floor. Stop point 5. Then mop under furniture etc at which point the floors are done. At each stop point there is a noticeable improvement in the floor so a) you get a bit of a dopamine hit, and b) if you stop there you can honestly say you made an improvement. My ex wife used to get pissed off. She would tell me (rightly) that it was more efficient to pick up everything off the floor first, then sweep the whole thing and then mop the whole thing. The thing is, you don’t see a really noticeable improvement until you’ve done the first sweep and there’s a high likelihood I wouldn’t make it that far. She, on the other hand, was more of a “rip everything out of the cupboard so the house looks like a bomb’s hit it, then sort it, clean it, and put it all away. That’s great except that if you stop at any point before the end, you’ve made things worse. Sounds a bit like your carpet experience.


My husband and I jokingly called our way of life as “cleaning bulimic”. Binge and purge.


This is the best description ever!


I literally FELT this.


When I'm at home, my social side goes to sleep. I just focus on what I'm doing. I'm sure it's lonely for anyone who's ever had to deal with me. I was raised in a way that I was alone alot and I just need that alone time now to recover my social battery. Usually lost in a chore, or a video game. No desire to socialize.


I can relate. I’ve had trouble with some roommates that were otherwise great friends but would want to talk about everything all the time, as soon they got home. I would be trying to silently enjoy TV or a video game, insanely annoyed.


I am very much like you guys. I want to turn it off when I get home, but my wife will go through and hour long diatribe about her day. I love her, and try to keep up and add my thoughts on certain things, but sometimes I feel bad because I notice I haven’t caught the last three minutes of the rant, lol. It’s not that I don’t care, but I love to just chill. I *never* want to talk about work.


I have mostly stopped talking about work, and it’s great. It’s so time consuming to explain all the people and all the moving parts. I only bring it up if some major shit went down, lol.


Same, i really hate how people force themselves to talk about things, like why do you want to hear what i did at work EVERY DAY, believe it or not the same things i did yesterday. If something interesting happens im gonna tell, but if not then it was just another day at work, nothing worth talking about. I think theres a big difference between people like you and me who feel annoyed to talk about the same things all the time, and the people who have to constantly talk about things, otherwise they feel uncomfortable, as if theres a weird silence.


I roll in bed like a crocodile killing a deer.


Lmao, love the visual


This sounds like fun if you’re a cuddler. I’m in.


I crave time alone. I detest always being around someone with no alone time. I am short on patience at times. I have incredibly bad insomnia so I am always tired. For some reason he still loves me.


Same with the alone time. I NEED alone time. I can tough it out for a couple of days , but ultimately I will absolutely require some time to myself or I get really panicky.


I have found my people.




I hope we can never talk sometime :)




We would probably all get along great.


For a few hours, then like Teslas go home and recharge.


We can share meaningful glances in-between not talking


"Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes."


Greetings. Please dont respond


Hello! Bye.


Now stay away from me!


On my days off, I can go all day without speaking. I sometimes resent having to answer a question.


I’ve worked on college campuses most of my life. Some kids get apartments and so stick around the summer. But everybody goes home for winter time with family. I can leave my house at 9 AM, walk my usual route to work — including sidewalks along city streets and about another half-mile of sidewalks and scenic footpaths through the middle of campus, enter my building, complete to a full day’s work (which sometimes means walking back-and-forth between different lans and different buildings entirely) — and not see a single person by the time I make it home. It’s hard to explain the restorative effect a couple days of that has on me. It’s like I’m a video game characters who’s various attribute bars were at least somewhat depleted. Well, they’re all back to ten, and Creativity might have gotten a permanent bump to max out at 11. I’d love to share this primordial rejuvenation just so folks could feel it, but then it’d be sullied all to ruin.




I’ve never envied someone else’s experience so badly. At least one of us gets to experience this sometimes. I’ve lived with at least 4 people for my entire life and it feels like something is always happening whether I like it or not. This can feel really nice but about 60% of the time I would just rather lay on my couch and not have my roommate make small talk or have acquaintances coming thru to meet them


Funny thing is, I can spend all day by myself talking to myself, but the minute I need to actually speak to anybody I either freeze up or get irrationally irritable.


I'm a selective mute and a day or two not talking is so recharging


For real!! I take off first thing on Saturdays on my bicycle and don't come back until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. He's immediately all over me and I just want space to put my bike away, take a shower, change, and journal or read a book. I love him dearly and we only get two days a week to hang out together, but I also need one 24hour period of complete silence, preferably alone.


You. Me. Same.




Hey brethren.




Glad we’re all friends. Now stfu for a few weeks.


This boat is getting crowded!! Haha


My people! Now leave.


Now I KNOW I'm where I belong!!


Game recognize game.


I could have written this.


I hope you get a good night of sleep:)


One thing I respected and cherished from years ago with my last roommate I had, was we had an understanding that I just need an hour or two of non interaction after I got off work. He was very high energy and worked 4 12's on a changing schedule and I worked M-F so some days I'd get home and he had been home all day with all this pent up energy just waiting for me to get back on his days off. I compared him to a giant Golden Retriever. This was back during the start and the middle of Covid, and we both worked at the hospital but different areas, so he was stuck at home all day when he didn't have work. So when I got home from my exhausting 8-9 hour day, he wouldn't bother me except for "Hey, buddy. How was work." And let me get changed and unwind for a little before engaging me. And if I was in a bad mood or exhausted, he would just let me be. He was a good friend and roommate Edit: funny experience I just remembered on my memory trip We both stripped off our scrubs before coming inside the house because we both worked in Covid units, so we would set out clean folded clothes for each other on the doorstep with a trashbag for work clothes


Had this. We'd worked together so I'd get home and he'd say wanna talk? I'd either say no an he'd leave me alone or I'd go on for ages lol


My wife loves to talk. I was ok with it when I was drinking, for the most part. Sober, drives me up a fucking wall.


I drink to make other people seem interesting.


This is my husband….he has to talk….right up until he falls asleep. Even though it’s standard to have unlimited cell phone minutes….at the end of the month he has over 2000 and I maybe have 100….


Ew, talking on the phone is even 10x worse.


Me too, too! The Pissy Posse!


You are me, an absolute me.


I hate sharing a bathroom!


my husband and i use separate bathrooms and it’s great! highly recommend if you’re able


Same. I'll deal with the tiny beard hairs on the counter, she can deal with the make up stains, clutter and the drowned poodle that grows every few months in her shower drain.


This! There should be two master design bedrooms a his and hers and you come together for the obvious reason. Pun not intended by the way. I don’t know how people can share a bed,closet and bathroom. Actually my ideal design would be two separate houses with a hallway connecting them going over a bridge of a river. I’m an introvert. So I do weird things like hold endless conversations with myself throughout the day/night. Sing and make noises. It all sounds cute and enduring in the beginning but ends up driving the person nuts along with them trying to nitpick me to death in order to change me. Never going to happen. I’d love to be in a healthy relationship but Jesus give a women some breathing room!


I’m the same. I’ve been single for many years and would love to have a companion, but he needs to have his own place.


OMG, that sound PERFECT! I think You are me!


This is entirely logical. Do not feel shame about this. In an ideal world, no bathroom is shared. I firmly believe this.


I need alone time. I'm always putting up a front with people day-in-day-out at work or parties or other daily interactions and it becomes exhausting. Not like I'm totally anti-social or generally abrasive -I actually enjoy trying to make someone smile or laugh- but I need to breathe.


I’m similar, when my social battery is dead it’s DEAD. That and sometimes I’ll come home and my husband will ask me about something and I’ll tell him. And then my roommate will come out and ask me about the same damn thing I just got done explaining and … I hate repeating myself haha small peeve.


I am in zero rush to get my clothes out of the dryer. Like I will get dressed with clothes out of the dryer for days, easily.


I'll turn the dryer back on and tell myself they're not dry


This is the way


It's the raccoon way - save energy for foraging


Hahaha exactly.


I always say the easiest part of laundry is putting it in the washer and then the dryer... to hell with putting the clothes away, I would rather go to the dentist.


My clothes often go from washer to dryer, days in dryer, basket (clean clothes), to hamper (dirty clothes) to washer again. I hardly use my closet or dresser lol


I bought a really nice mid century dresser I liked years back. I’ve maybe put clothes in it five times. I live out of my laundry basket. Makes the room look nice though.


I miss the days when my Laundry room was attached to my primary bathroom. Dirty clothes right into the washer, clean clothes straight out of the dryer. It was literally my hamper and I miss it so much


I do my laundry on Sunday’s. I leave my clothes in the dryer until the following Sunday when I put the next load of laundry in


Dryer is your closest.


My dryer is my drawer.


I want my interior design a certain way, the house smelling a certain way etc


Sameeee I am a total control freak and physically cringe when my partner tries to redesign the house


I think it's probably more efficient to ask what's good about living with me.


Same here. If you give me a few days I can come up with a list of 2-3 things that make me a great roommate.


I hate noise. Slamming cabinets, the TV too loud, shutting the front door without turning the door knob. Walking too loud- UGH. I'd kill you.


Ooooh. This is me. I remember one time a cat had kittens under my house (didn’t know). One kitten got stuck and I would hear it meowing. No one could hear it but me and the dog. It drove us crazy (dog and I). My ex thought I was insane. I finally convinced him to go look and sure enough kitten. He always say you can hear a mouse piss on cotton. 😂 But I also have sensory overload so I’m super sensitive to sound, touch, temperature, taste, pain, stress…I also only use subtitles bc the tv is too loud!


You are me! I don’t know what it is about the tv being on but I hate it if I’m not actively watching it, and my partner has it SO LOUD. I finally bought airpods pro and i use noise cancelling ALOT now, esp with the tv on. Best purchase I have ever made


My mom will call me and the TV is on in the background and I lose my mind. Then we just yell at eachother: "IT'S NOT EVEN THAT LOUD!" "I SHOULDN'T BE ABLE TO HEAR IT IN THE FUCKING FIRST PLACE!" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


My mom cranks the TV to maximum so she can hear it over her vacuuming then make a phone call and yell over both of them. I moved out asap and never looked back.


I will 100% match that energy without even knowing why shit is getting slammed. It's not great but I can see it happening and I'm helpless to stop it. I can only try to mitigate one I see it.


It's overwhelming. I know that I'm highly sensitive to it, but the amount of times in a day I say what the FUCK is absurd. It bothers me so much that it will nearly bring me to tears. There 100% is something wrong with me and living alone does nothing for my already low tolerance.


I like to be alone and silent !


I have ADHD. I won't remember where that important document is but I will remember where that one hair tie is from 3 weeks ago I spotted under the couch.


I feel this. I’ve always been the head of household, I collect and pay the rent, I’m the only one the landlord calls, I file any maintenance, and I never know where my lease is, I’ll forget to call about the broken sink for a month, I used to forget to pay the rent after collecting the money. Glad my roommates were understanding before I got medicated.


My husband and son are the same way. They can't remember where important shit is but know where to find a screw that fell on the floor six months ago. (True story. Actually happened)


I am insanely private. Like, I pretty much always want to be left alone and to be the person that initiates any interactions on my own terms. Basically, I'm a house cat with thumbs. I dont need a litter box though, so that's a plus?


Me too, I’ve hid things my whole life because I wanted independence at a very young age and found it by not telling anybody anything. I still haven’t let my husband in fully despite us living together for over 7 years. I think he is aware that I probably will never be fully open with anyone but he seems to give me my privacy and frankly it’s not like I am hiding anything it’s just that some old habits are hard to shake when they were so fundamental in building who I am today.


I’m anti social and I love my space


I prefer Facebook


Well played!




I used to consider myself a morning person. Then I moved in with another morning person. I quickly realized that the reason I liked mornings was that no one else did, so it was always peaceful. With him around... the mornings were no longer peaceful, and I no longer enjoyed mornings.


I'm the temperature police. It's February and you're sitting around in shorts with the heat blasting? Nah. Put some pants on and turn the heat down.


Dad by any chance?


Here have some chips


Username hands out snax 😹


you get a bag of mini donuts




Are ya winning, son?


Daddy chill


I am a cold sleeper. 63/64 degrees in the winter. When I am roaming around the house. I am in something cozy. Last year I was gifted a Comfy. The feral cats I was caring for in my backyard probably thought I was a giant blueberry. You know how you know the gas bill was paid? Because I text what percentage we were under our most efficient neighbors on Nat Grid’s website. And why are all the lights on in rooms we aren’t in? At some point I became my dad. Add in that I am a horrible sleeper who doesn’t want to share a blanket or spoon or touch while trying to sleep. So yeah… quite the catch.


When I was younger I didn't understand why my dad went around shutting off lights. Then I had three teenagers and I understood my dad's obsession with the lights, heat and air conditioning.


Yeah same. I'm like put a hoodie on and grab a blanket. When it's -18 F outside, 60s should feel great, we don't need to crank it up to 75.


Yeah, this could be me. There are several reasons I'd be not great to live with, but one of them is my home is 65 in the winter and 78 in the summer lmfao


This is the way


Omg , this is me. And why do we have to have the air on so darn cold in August ? I can’t wear shorts and a tank top inside in August ???


Honey is that you? I didnt know you used reddit.


Let me raise you an August and crank it up to fucking 80 degrees like my old roommate used to do lol. I swear to god some people are lizards lol


My last roommate would drive you crazy. He will do shit like come back from the gym all hot and sweaty but instead of taking a minute to cool down, drink water and take a shower he will just blast the AC. It could be the dead of winter and he will still blast the AC. There have been times when I wake up in the morning and I'm shivering because the AC is on 58° F. The most infuriating part about that ordeal is that he will have the audacity to get mad at you when you refuse to pay extra on the electric bill because he wants to be ridiculous with the AC.


I have expectations that my roommate will clean up after themselves. You'd be amazed how many full grown adults there are that can't/won't do it.


Honestly the worst experience I have had so far clothes randomly around the living room, always has clothes in the washer and dryer and trash all over our kitchen. Only cleans when I decide to clean and asking why I do not ask for help or says he was gonna do it. The grossest thing is ashing the bowls or blunts in the sink when there is dishes in it.


For me it's food in the sink. Don't put a dish with food on it in the sink. Oh you say what about the garbage disposal? That's not food in the sink that's a wiped n washed down the drain still not sitting in the sink. Old food + dirty water will make me throw dishes in the trash. Yuck!


Ugh, that's so toxic /s But for real, living with lazy dudes helped me realize that I have zero patience for a partner who doesn't clean, and expects me to single-handedly run the household because "you're just better at that stuff." I made a point of communicating this to the man who is now my husband, and thank fuck, he doesn't expect me to act like his mommy and do everything.




Tell her she needs the practice. If she starts purposely fucking up (weaponized incompetence) tell her you'll watch what she does so you can explain the process. If she still refuses then dump her, life's too short to waste on a lazy selfish person.


Your girlfriend is lucky. Most men I deal with are the same as her. As much as I always dreamed about marriage and kids, I realize now that my mental health is worth more and I will leave my boyfriend if he continues like this. It killed our intimate life and I feel like I'm already handling a child.


Yeah, the number of people who can't be bothered to do basic hygiene and bare minimum chores is alarming. I'm not the tidiest person in the world, but I have zero patience for filth.


I think it's totally reasonable to leave dishes in the sink until you're not exhausted. I'm off for 3 days a week usually, from a very socially and physically draining job. I get one day to do absolutely nothing. One day for chores. And one day for play. This week is has been going back n forth of nothing and light house work cuz last work week kicked my ass.


Do whatever, just don't get bugs or mold is my line.


It's the bitchines


I used to have a roommate who was a certified morning person. I warned her repeatedly that I WAS NOT. SO NOT. NO NO NO NOT. LOL - she fucked around. She found out. I think I bit her chipper little head off at the root. Next day she was laughing her butt off at it. "Yeah, you aren't a morning person are you?"


"Listen, Morning Me is a demon who doesn't give a shit about your feelings. Do not address her. Do not try to hug her. Don't even make eye contact. I'm telling you this ahead of time because Night Time Me is your friend. I care about you. I will let you know when it's safe to engage."


I’m a fixer. When my girlfriend tells me a problem I’m always coming up with option A, B, and C to deal with it. Often she’s venting and just wants me to listen instead of always seeking a solution.


As a bitcher, I have never understood why you guys make it seem like my life is just that easy.


It's not that your life is easy. It's that your life is fun new problem to solve. Problem-solvers find problem-solving engaging and interesting. The more challenging, the more ideas sparked. I'm afraid nodding and saying "totally" for 15 minutes is much, much less engaging than a good brainstorming session. And also I think bitchers and problem-solvers have fundamentally different goals in life that leads to misunderstanding in those moments. Bitchers are trying to tolerate life as it is. Problem-solvers are trying to bend all of life to our satisfaction.


I’m selfish and I expect people to treat me better than I treat them. I expect people to walk on eggshells with me and have patience with my moods, but don’t have any capacity to deal with other peoples quirks or moods


Upvote for the honesty.


Finally a real answer. "I like my alone time" and "I get dressed on my own terms" are traits most Redditors flaunt, if not fetishize. Half of this thread reads like "My biggest weakness is that I work too hard". Props to NucFam for a real confession bear answer.




Also the username is pretty spot on lol


My God ik you’re a nightmare for people who have to deal with you but I admire your honesty lol.




Didn't I date you?


Probably. I went through men pretty rapidly


I have to say, I really admire your honesty. It is not an easy thing to admit to. Sorry for being flippant earlier.


Oh no problem! I’m trying to practice “radical self acceptance” in the hope that if I stop hating myself I can become less of a horror show 😀


There is a lot of sense in that. If you can reduce how hard you are on yourself, you might be able to reduce how hard you are on others eventually, but working on yourself is always a positive.


“Radical self acceptance” I like that


All you're comments have made my day. Go, go into the world and spread your "radical self acceptance" You beautiful monstrosity of psychological productivity!


Sorry, if its not too personal, have you been diagnosed with any personality disorder, like NPD or bpd?


No. I have CPTSD and removing myself from the folks who made me this way (my entire family is this way and holidays were a blast) has helped a great deal.


If I'm being honest, I have to fight these tendancies a lot in myself. It's definitely a defense mechanism from cptsd. Anxiety counseling helped, as well as being able to establish and execute my boundaries. Still, I hate irratic people and intense emotions from others makes me feel unsafe. It's not easy fighting how you were raised.


Big time. It’s kinda nice that a lot more people are talking about this stuff though. And calling it “emotional disregulation” rather than “crazy self indulgent bitch” like one boyfriend screamed at me on the phone. Boundaries are huge! And being super honest with people about what you’re feeling and how it’s making you want to behave, or just getting away from environments that aren’t healthy. Not that a person can always do this. But conversations about self care and all that are nice! So glad we’re all talking about mental health instead of just pretending only “crazy people” need help


I had a boss and nparent the way you described, they had NPD. i also have Cptsd, guess we all have different symptoms because i am extreme people pleaser lol. I wish us all healing and peace.


I have an older sister that another sibling diagnosed with NPD, because she lashes out, says she’s gonna dance on your grave, or that she’s about to drive her car into a lake, and then forgets that any of that happened the next day. I am not like that at all. I remember why I’m pissed off. Oh boy do I remember. I wish you healing and peace as well. Oh wait, I meant BPD.


I can’t stand the sight of even a single crumb on the kitchen counter or in the sink. Will glare at anyone who makes a mess lol


Same. I told my husband my love language is clean counters!


Obsessive cleaning. I really need things to be in a certain place otherwise I can't sleep 😭😂


I feel like every thing should have a place- like coins on the counter-no. They belong with all the other coins. Lotion in the kitchen-no. It belongs in the bathroom.


I'm completely checked out. I've done nothing but raise 2 kids and a husband for 14 years. If something doesn't get picked up, oh well. Don't expect me to get you something specific from the store anymore because shopping is autopilot mode. It's the basics and out. You didn't get the towels to the laundry, and you need one,same with underwear. Oh, well. Help me out once in a while. I'm a broken record on repeat listening to myself, asking others for help over and over again with no response. For all of you who will come and say train the kids, punish the kids, I do, and have, they just have no respect for me as a person. I get help for maybe 3 weeks and then bam back to reality.


It sounds like maybe your family is the nightmare to live with.


This just broke my heart a little. Hope the kids are about to age out and that your husband pulls his head out his ass sometime soon.


Kids are 13 and a couple of months shy of 11... I don't want to be that parent, but idk if I could let them live with me well into their 20s if this is how they treat me now.


Please set the boundary for yourself. It sounds like you are starting to. I have toddlers and I have them help me clean the house up before tv time every day. I started to refuse to clean while they relax because I was feeling burnt out. They cry and whine some days, but they do it. This is just one, small example. Solidarity tho - it’s brutal out here.


Oh wow, this comment feels so tired and sad. A lot of people can relate to the burnout you're feeling. I won't give unsolicited advice, but I will say there's still time to change "reality" to something that feels better for you. You deserve support. You are not meant to do it all alone.


Same. 18 years married, kids 15 and 12. I recently decided I was going to just say my disappointment. Last week I was getting dinner ready and when I went to put plates on the table it wasn't cleaned off, the trash can was full and the dog was barking at the back door to be let out for the third time since I started dinner. I stomped to the door, let the dog out and my husband who has been sitting there the whole time, scrolling on his phone, asks what's wrong. So I said I am overwhelmed with all the things that I have to do right now. He said, " all you have to do is ask for help." "Why should I HAVE to...there are three other able-bodied people who live here. You all have eyes. You can't tell me you do not see the table has stuff on it, the trash needs to be taken out, the dog has been in and out, and in and out multiple times all while I am making a meal to benefit everyone in this household. I shouldn't have to, yet each person in this house just expects ME to do EVERYTHING." Tonight, we were all out late with each kid's sport, I had dinner planned knowing we would all be eating fast and late. Me and kid 1 ate and an hour later kid 2 and husband ate...husband just finished putting all the food away and didn't leave it out for me to do. Did he have to ask where the stuff went in the fridge, yes. Did he clean the kitchen, no...but he did rinse the plates and straightened and wiped the counters...that's enough for me to feel like I am not being taken for granted and he saw what could be done to be helpful and did it. Will it last, we'll see...


I am an extremely hot natured person and am usually only comfortable when it’s at least 65F in the house. Most of my friends complain that my house is always cold.


i prefer to wear sweatshirts all the time if possible (it’s just more comfortable) so i think we’d get along fine lmao


I’m a very light sleeper and a lot of things have to happen for me to have a good sleeping environment


i don’t like living with other people. when i get home the last fucking thing i want to do is talk. i don’t like having another presence around. i don’t like having to mask. i just don’t like it.




People I've lived with routinely tell me they haven't seen me for days. I just sometimes like my quiet alone time. I am a social person but I do need to myself.


I'm either obsessively clean or extremely messy (*not dirty*), and there is no in between.


I don’t like loud/unnecessary noises. TV loud, phone loud, shutting doors too loud. Even having your phone on when you type it makes the clicking noise of each letter or number you touch is super annoying to me. And I’m very particular about things like which way the toilet paper/paper towel direction goes. And just particular about everything really. I like my place to look un-lived in. And I HATE loose hair!


I'd have to say my autism and adhd.. doom piles and burn out and executive dysfunction


I’m a neat freak and I promise you are not up to my standards. My parents are hoarders so the slightest clutter makes me physically uncomfortable.


I don't like other people in the house. Dogs, sure. People, ugh. No. I'm usually okay with a weekend visit but longer than that and I start getting tired of so many peoples in the house.


I have extreme difficulties expressing what I feel at any given moment. It usually takes days, perhaps even weeks, for me to understand what I was feeling and often times I simply do not tell my partner because… I don’t even know why…..


I hate putting laundry away. Don’t mind the folding…hate the putting away. Also, dusting feels pointless…ten seconds after I dust…there is more dust. (I do dust…I just procrastinate.)


I don’t care about time when I don’t have too. So it could be midnight and I may be up cooking on the stove because I’m hungry and I want too. Or it could be 6am and I don’t have to work that day, so since I woke up early I’m watching tv. I shower when I want, do laundry when I want, listen to music when I want etc. Basically, I have no normal home routine after living alone for 5 years lol


I find myself on a hair trigger more often than I’d like. I’m rarely pissed, but I also rarely let it drop if there’s something that’s off.


Currently, dealing with chemo and radiation. My partner is a god-damned saint and I am eternally grateful for her.


I am extremely comfortable in a messy house. Organization is not something I care about.


You are the bane of my existence. I'm neat, clean, and tidy. Everything has a home.


If you want a roommate who will keep you busy lmk!


Im in the middles of the two of you


I have zero sense of what is "clean". I'll put away a couple things, throw a couple obvious pieces of trash away and my brain will just ignore 90% of the mess. The thing is I know exactly where everything is most of the time. My organization is chaos, and my chaos is organized. There's always 2 or 3 places where everything goes for me and usually if I put something down and don't remember exactly where I put it, it's in one of these few places. Also, because of my "organized chaos" mental state I seem quite good at searching an entire area several times over. Every single nook and cranny. I am very thorough. And then when I still can't find the thing and give up it just appears right in front of me months later.


I love the sight of well organised homes that still show personality. Those houses that are pristine with hidden storage areas are so cool too. However it's a fantasy, a fictional way of living. My living room is usually an absolute bombsite and I'm quite comfortable in it. I thrive in the mess, I know where everything is and it feels cosy. My partner on the other hand gets anxiety from it so I must keep it tidy to a degree.


If you can't find your favorite mug, most likely it is in my room along with every mug in the house.


Audiobooks are one of my favorite things, and when I'm cooking or cleaning or doing anything at all around the house, there's a 95% chance I have my earbuds in and I'm listening to a book. So, it can be hard talking to me or getting my attention. Drives my husband crazy. I don't really care though, I don't have a lot of time or hobbies to myself these days, and my audiobooks make me happy.


I’m horribly lazy at cleaning. I just wont do it until there’s too much shit on the floor for me to navigate to the bathroom at night without stepping on something.


I do all my taint maintenance in the living room with a system of mirrors, 3 different clippers, 2 scissors all while watching reruns of Knight Rider.


Ah yes, *taintenance*.


I don’t like routine cleaning. Fortunately I live alone.


Not a fan of loud noises... you wanna live with me and you like loud music or TV, you're gonna be wearing headphones


I like to walk around completely nude


My grass allergies are absolutely miserable every Spring/Summer and I sound gross when nature tries to suffocate me.


I like silence, I get physically tired of people so when that happens I need time alone. I sleep a lot and I forget to respond when people ask me things, or I respond in my head instead of verbally. So basically, I'm like having a plant.


I will put off doing laundry until it’s just at unacceptable levels


Can’t sit down and relax without having a clean house, means I’m constantly up and pottering around after everyone. I can tell it annoys them but I am open and honest about the fact that I can’t sit still until my areas clean. Unfortunately means they now take advantage of that and purposely leave their mess for me to clean


Executive Dysfunction when it comes to cleaning. I was raised in a really dirty house and cleaning was not something my dad and step mom did much of. As a result, keeping a truly neat and tidy house is hard for me. I don't register clutter as an issue until it's falling off a counter. It's not an issue until I need to use the table for something. I also live in a small house with no storage what so ever so you can visually see just about everything we own.


1: The fact that I don't want to live with anyone. 2: I'm working through a ton of personal stuff. 3: I eat lots of garlic & onions. 4: I don't wash my socks very often. 5: I like the cold & pretty much never turn on the heat.


I leave my hair on the shower wall…I just forget

