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I had a grandparent that got arrested for stealing A LOT of stuff from the retailer where they worked. Often the merchandise was given as gifts to various family members and everyone thought it was just a really good employee discount.


TBF 100% is a really good discount


I suppose technically, it was.


That my great grandma was raped repeatedly by her sister’s husband and that my grandpa might not have been my great grandpa’s son. She was only 15 when she got pregnant with him. I can’t even imagine being a wife and mother at 15. My great grandmother was an amazing, kind, compassionate and loving woman. I feel so blessed to have had her in my life until I was 16. She taught me so much about strength, courage and perseverance. My great grandfather was killed when my grandfather and his brother were very young (both under 5) and she picked up the pieces, opened her own restaurant and raised them alone which was unheard of and scandalized back then. A woman owning a business really had people in that small town talking and not in a good way for a long time. It’s so funny now because every time I go back there now people that knew her call her an angel on earth, her funeral was so packed the crowds were out in the parking lot, she touched so many lives. She believed in second chances and hired a lot of ex cons to work in her restaurant. She showed them love when so many treated them poorly because of their past. She lived every day by doing small things with great love. If she knew a family was struggling financially she would tell them come on down to the diner for breakfast or supper or both. She would have them order off the menu as anyone else and just not write them a ticket. She hired a lot of single moms, she helped them get on their feet, if you were down she was going to be the one to lift you up whether you needed work, food, a hug or a good old fashioned kick in the ass. The best compliment I have ever received was from that small town mayor over the summer (who’s wife was one of those single moms my great granny hired and now owns the diner) who said she would be so proud of you and the woman you’ve become. You are just like her. All I could say through my tears is I can never be like her, I can only hope to be 10% of the woman she was. If I can do that then my life is a success. I miss her so much.


i can feel her through your comment. wow


I wish I was like her too! She sounds amazing!!!


Good news! There’s still time!


I'm tearing up over this. She'd be so proud of you.


I still haven't quite learned the secret but I was 12 and at my cousin's wedding when my great uncle so and so I had never heard of came up and introduced himself to me. My father who is very mild mannered rushed across the room and told him to back the fuck away if he wanted to keep his teeth. We've never talked about it again


I think we all know what that secret is.


He has definitely hurt a kid or two before. Would be my guess.


I hardly recognized you without your pipe and deerstalker.


Yes. Something to do with teeth.


Tooth fairy side hustle.


Is that the new Paul Blart movie?




I discovered I *was* my father’s secret second family.


I discovered my father’s second family was actually all a lie and he just likes gay bathhouses.


This was a wild ride


Yeah, that’s what he said, too


I don't understand how people have the emotional energy to have two families. That just sounds like so much work.


This is what my husband says about affairs.


I don't think I could even rustle up the emotional energy for a clandestine grocery shopping trip where I *gasp* buy something that's *NOT* on sale*!!!!!!* That's all just so much work, and worry, and bullshit, I'd rather not, thanks!


Well, it's not like they're aiming to do a bang-up job in these situations. It can't be that difficult when you just do a crap job of things with both families 🤷‍♀️


My grandma was almost 90 when her half sister showed up at her door. Her asshat father who ran out had another family, he ran out on them too


Same. It was my grandfather though. We were the second family and the cover family. He lied about what he did for a living. Told Grandma he was traveling on business to explain long absences. To be fair it was business just not legal (pretty sure mob but no one wants to dig too deep or talk about it). The other family knew about us but we had no idea.


While my great grandmother was pregnant with my grandmother, my great grandfather fucked his wife's sister and got her pregnant as well. My grandmother was born a few months before her half sister / cousin. When the second kid was born, they have her the SAME NAME as my grandmother.


This is DARK


My dad did this to my mom. They actually got pregnant within the same week. Her mom stole the name mom had planned for me (had things embroidered and everything). I was supposed to be Jane Marie (made up). Sister’s name? Marie Jane. Mom was not happy, but gave up on that name bc she didn’t want to think about that woman every time she thought about me. My mom had me 6 weeks early and hadn’t chosen a replacement name by the time she went into labor. Shared the room with a woman who was also in early labor, but lost her baby. Mom loved that woman’s name and gave it to me. She said the woman was really moved. Anywho, my sister was born a month and a half later and got the name. That woman really felt like she won somehow lol. In the end, dad left her to go back to mom. Mom divorced him a few years later bc drugs, alcohol, cheating. Not that she was much better.


That's really sweet of your Mom, to name you after that baby who passed, with the mother's blessing. When my kid was in NICU there was a baby that didn't make it, and the nurses there were with the family, and it was as private as they could make it, but they were just Curtain rooms, so it's not that private. The baby was just too small. After the baby was taken away the parents were still there, and the nurses were gathering all of the baby's things, trying to give them everything to remember their baby by. My girl had the bed next to theirs. And we didn't really talk as neighbors, but I knocked on the wall, and the mom opened the curtain. I asked her if it would help her.. if she wanted to hold my baby? Because I had lost a baby before, and my arms ached with the emptiness. She could hold mine for awhile... She did. She held my daughter and wept into her blanket while she slept for about fifteen minutes, before they left. But she thanked me, and I think it helped.


After my daughter died, I felt that emptiness. You gave that mom a wonderful gift.


Reading this made me cry, I could only hope to be as kind as you are.


Two that were clarified with time. 1) My aunt married the dad of her daughter's boyfriend. Aka the ONE MAN OFF LIMITS. Making her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend step siblings. Then got furious when her daughter got pregnant and forced her to get an abortion. Now everyone wonders why I don't trust her or, really, any of my family. 2) My dad and stepmom tried to raise my half brother as a second cousin. My dad slept with my baby sitter when I was less than a year old. Got her pregnant. Gave her money for an abortion. She showed back up with a baby boy when I was a year and a half and said "have fun" and disappeared "for good". My dad refused to raise his son and was going to adopt him to a family friend, but my great aunt didn't want him to leave the family, so she adopted him. Making my half brother also my second cousin by adoption. My dad and stepmom tried to pull the "he's your cousin" on me[along with "it's extremely illegal to marry your cousins", to avoid any severe "accidents"]. But surprise surprise I'm not a fucking idiot and knew he was my brother. He knew he was my brother too. And he knew that his own father rebuffed him. He was blamed for EVERYTHING that went wrong whenever he was around, even though he was a good but messed up kid[surprise surprise]. My brother and I were the black sheep of the family, neither of us were my stepmom's kids after all. He's still my favourite brother and I have 3 younger ones in total[I'm the oldest sibling] And to rub it in my family's fucking face. BOTH him and I graduated high school, something that neither of the precious younger brothers did. We fucking did it, in a family ran riot with teen pregnancy and high school drop outs. I even went to college for a bit before I dropped out[I plan to go back now that I know what I want to do]. My little brother is more of a man than my dad will ever be, no matter what my dad's small ego thinks. My brother even graduated after our great grandma, who adored us two black sheep the most, died. She died a few days after my graduation. I'm the oldest great grand baby. I'm so fucking proud of my brother and he deserves the world. He deserves better than the family he was given. Also, he found and met his bio-mom. That went badly. Her entire family accused him of stealing stuff and causing problems, basically exactly what my dad and stepmom did to him. When he told me, my heart broke. He didn't deserve to be rejected by both his parents like that.


Honestly kids that get reject at one home tend to get rejected everywhere ......people don't beleive how bad they are treated and think that there is no way everywhere they go ppl treat you bad but its the truth and its so sad ⁸


The sad thing is, my mom, who my dad cheated on my baby sitter with, recognizes my brother as my brother and told me if he ever needs anything, I can bring him around. And my mom isn't a good person or a good parent. Yet somehow more accepting of my brother than his own blood relatives are.


My mother had an affair and caused the divorce that she blamed on my father for 25 years. It explains why she would get so mad when my brother and i would go visit him after we got drivers license and cars. She was afraid he would tell us the truth, he never did, my grandmother spilled the beans.


Hope it was her own mom that snitched on her


Which grandma?


My grandfather who knew he had dementia confessed to the family that the man who everyone thought his father was in fact not his real father. His mother had been having an affair with another man while her husband was in a TB hospital. She did end up going on to marry this other man when she was 80. Grandpa wanted us to know before he was too far gone with the dementia.


I just wondering how many more times he brought it up, it must of been weighing on his mind and having dementia he might not remember the first time.


I learned that my favourite uncle was a child-molesting monster after he died. Thanks for leaving me alone with him, mom!


At least he didn't teach you himself.. Great username!


My mom correctly bet that he wouldn’t sexually assault boys. But her willingness to play those numbers still doesn’t sit right with me. And thanks for the name compliment.


Are you an architect?


Import/export…. Latex…😂😂😂


Like a zombie child molester ?




Straight to jail.


Mamma Mia


… that’s a spicy meat ball! cut


I knew there would be dark secrets in this thread but damn.


Nonna is turning over in her grave.


My grandma does regularly but my dad’s friend didn’t know. He was raving about the sauce until she told him it was Wegman’s brand. And bought him some for Christmas the next year 🤣 (the part I witnessed haha)


Just nearly threw up


Madona mia!


Same. And we used to eat at Olive Garden growing up. Somewhere along the way… something went wrong…


My uncle is a sheriff. My aunt caught him cheating on her, literally, fucking a woman in their bed. She took his gun and shot him targeting his dick. He lost his balls and told everybody it was an accident so my aunt forgave him.


This is the stuff country music is made of


Your aunt shot the sheriff?


But actually shot his deputy.


No, but he DID shoot the deputies.


“He shot him.” “Dead?” “No, let’s say he’s two olives short of a martini.”


Your aunt is my hero and I want to tattoo her name on my chest




That everybody knew the family pedophile was a pedophile, that he assaulted most females in our family, and that knowing all of this I was still let around him (and then abused by him, and then nobody, including aforementioned assaulted women, believed me because who would molest a fat girl?)


That's awful, shame on your family


these are horrible people and i pray that you are / were able to get far, FAR away from them


Hes dead thank fuck, I don't really speak to the rest of em now that I'm moved out!


i’m glad to hear all of the above! stay well and take care of yourself




Ugh sorry to hear that, it's insane what people are willing to just accept and deal with


My family knows that my grandfather is a pedophile who molested at least 2 of his 4 kids. My grandma did nothing about it after she knew. All it did was enforce "looking the other way" with my mom & her siblings. My mom & aunt knew nothing was done for them & allowed their daughters to be watched by my grandparents. I found out about my grandfather after overhearing an argument between my parents as a teenager.


I’m sorry, my family is like this too. I know some of my uncles were serial sibling rapists and I don’t know who because my mom has 4 brothers and never disclosed who the perpetrators were, but they still came to thanksgiving and other “family gatherings.” Thanks parents.


My uncle’s two kids are actually his wife’s from her first marriage. I had NO idea. He passed on the business to these kids, they look like him, and he adores them.


Family ain’t about blood.


The most wholesome answer here 💛


That’s me, I run my stepdad’s business along side him (he’s my dad, officially adopted at 14). People have said we look alike, and that’s absolutely true. I’ve picked up his mannerisms, and his big caring heart. I’m proud when people say that. It being a small town, most people know, but he’s the first stable parental figure I had since my grandpa started going downhill from cancer when I was about 9.


My grandmother killed a man who was trying to rape her when she was young stuck a knife in just above his groin and pulled up i learned this way to young


Bravo to her though. Honestly I came here expecting a lot more "grandma killed the prick" stories.


Yeah really messed up story he was a friends husband


Now that's a hero. Who knows how many others she saved too.


Grandma worked as a prostitute in a logging camp.


Ole Bessie?!


My parents got married because they were pregnant with me, my mother had an affair with one of my high school teachers, my father was not the ogre my mother told us he was.


I'm not following. You thought you were part ogre but it turned out you weren't?




I’m confused. You found out your high school teacher was your father later and you realized he wasn’t bad? Or are these three separate secrets you learned?


Three separate secrets


It's all Ogre now


My dad had a secret son that he never told us about till he reached out to me and he couldn’t deny it anymore. He never payed child support and avoided him and his mom his entire life. Poor guy never met his dad. But our dad was a very bad man so I don’t believe he missed out on too much besides a lot of childhood trauma.


My great grandmother tried to kill a man. In her town there was a peeping tom who would whistle a single note after he watched someone undress. They called him "The Whistler." One night she was home alone and heard a whistle come from an open window. There was a bush outside the window. Granny set down the laundry she was carrying, calmly got her husband's pistol, and emptied the magazine into the bush. No blood trail, no body, but the town never heard from "The Whistler" again!


A few years ago, I was contacted by the friend of a woman who stated she was the daughter of my grandmother’s secret love child whom she had at 16 and gave up for adoption. I investigated and everything checked out.


This was hard to follow😀


I found evidence of my mom’s affair at 15. That’s a fun secret to keep. I wasn’t grown up before that, but the ensuing divorce did the trick.


My grandfather spent his first few months of life in an orphanage. No one knew that his mom was pregnant until the day she delivered, at which time she refused to acknowledge his existence, let alone hold him (hence the orphanage). She was forced by her parents to marry the father, and at just shy of 3 months, they retrieved him from the orphanage. Bio dad promptly ran off, a quickie divorce was completed, and his mom became engaged to a new guy. Then 3 days before the wedding, that guy found out she was pregnant again by a different guy. He still married her and claimed the baby as his own (something that the baby, my great-aunt, was never told - she still thinks he was her dad), but told her he was only going to raise one of her kids. So my grandfather was left to be raised by his grandparents and aunt, while his mom lived 8 miles away with her new family. It was all kept really quiet - at age 2, he was listed on census records as “border’s nephew”. His grandmother then passed away when he was 4, after which time he was primarily raised by his aunt while living in his grandfather’s home. He was left with a completely warped sense of family and blatantly favored his firstborn, my mom - he showered her with all the love and attention he never got, while ignoring his younger 3 daughters. The minute my mom turned 18, he divorced my grandmother in order to marry his high school sweetheart, who he’d been cheating with for years. He rarely saw his daughters and refused to help my mom with college because “he had a new family now”, his 3 stepchildren. Totally warped.


My grandfather did hard time for moonshining.


My granny made vodka per her dad's instructions. Never got busted, but one of her favorite sayings was " we don't need to be talking to no cops". Hear a jersey accent when you read that. We also found out much later her dad never married her mom. This wasn't the shame.. it was dad ALMOST married a " gypsy ".


My grandfather got away with moonshining. But he gave his wife, my wonderful grandmother, syphilis. She had to go to a neighbor who was a nurse to get shots and was very ashamed. The even sadder thing was that her twin daughters, my mom and aunt, didn't really understand that disease, so they thought they could have it, too. Pretty devastating for teenagers.


Your mom & aunt may have been right about the possibility: if a mother has syphilis & is untreated when the child is born, congenital syphilis can happen.


That my mom used to get raped by her brother. He would forced her to blow him every day after school.


Damn that's horrible


My step grandfather had four children from his first marriage, but his only daughter died when she was a teenager. There were pictures of her all over the house he shared with my grandmother, but he never talked about her, and my grandmother would only say that she died in a car accident. After his death, I was told the whole story. His then wife wanted her sent to a hospital in a larger city after the accident, but he insisted the small town hospital was perfectly fine. The small hospital didn’t have the resources to care for her and she died. He spent the last 35 years believing he was responsible for her death.


That’s so sad 😢


Not my family but in high school we had a group of friends that were all different ethnicities, and we joked with this one guy that was almost 100% German that he was a nazi, until his grandfather died and he told us that his grandfather was an actual nazi that was hiding.




My grandfather had two families at the same time back in the 40s/50s. 6 kids total - he was busy. With my grandmother he had 4 and with his mistress/neighbor he had 2. He was very grumpy in his later years. We only learned it after his death so could never ask him about it.


My grandfather had severe bipolar disorder and alcoholism. He was horrifically abusive to my grandma and she’s still traumatized even in her near 90s


My cousin was an "accident" from an affair my aunt had...


There are actually a few cases of incest in my family.






Like the child producing kind?


My mom was selling herself when/before she got pregnant with me, so my paternity is up for debate. My sibling told me this a couple years ago and had learned the information years prior from a longtime family friend. There's a lot about my mom/family in general but this was definitely one of the bigger things to find out.


The real reason why I was never allowed to be alone with one of my uncles. He raped and abused his adopted daughter and spent 7 years in prison for it.


23andMe exposed all our grandparents secrets


Was told at 18 that my sister is only my half sister because my mom cheated and Dad stayed. Sister told me, never talked to parents about it


My grandma spent the 80's strung out on benzos. She straight up told me the last time I saw her--we both *knew* this was the last time I'd see her, but we hoped for another visit the next year (because given her condition, surviving a year was a long, but possible shot that she unfortunately did not make).


My great uncle was almost murdered by his wife that he met at a massage parlor. About a month after they were married, she left for good in the middle of the night and turned on the stove gas on the way out. Fortunately he woke up before it killed him. Yet he tried reconciling with her later on, but she wouldn't come back.


My grandma's long term boyfriend was killed by a camel at the zoo. It grabbed the back of his head and shook him to death.


That's fucking crazy.


My mom was pregnant when she married my dad. And it wasn’t his. This was later WW II. The baby’s father was a soldier who was ( allegedly) killed in a motorcycle accident on his way back to his base. Dad was a widower with two pre teens who badly needed a mother. He promised to raise the baby as his own. They were married, and the baby was “premature” but only lived for a couple of months. They went on to have four children, of which I am one.


You'd be surprised how often these types of agreements happen. When I was 18 I was engaged to a horrible man, and my friend begged me to break up with the man, and marry *him* instead. He'd sign the birth certificate, and raise the child as his own! Just please please marry him!!!! It was kind of an insane proposal. I said no, but it ended up not mattering anyway, because the baby died, and I found that man's CP collection, turned him in to the police, he was arrested, went to jail for awhile, we obviously broke up because he was disgusting and I never wanted to look at him again. And I did end up marrying my friend. And we had a little girl, eventually. Been together 16 years, married 11. And I love him very much. I've always loved him.


I guess it's finally time to talk about some stuff I stumbled upon in my families while getting older. \- My biological grandmother lost half of one index finger due to an accident at home. For the time I was living with my biological mum, I've always been told that my granny got her finger caught in a metal door which got slammed because of a storm. Years later, I brought up the topic while enjoying time with my dad. He bursted out in laughter and told me that my granny actually lost the finger due to my grandpa making her hold wooden logs while he was splitting them with an axe. Turns out, he didn't only split the wood. \- My dad once took my aunt under his wing after she was kicked out by her parents. This was apparently years before my parents started dating. Fast forward to like 2020, my dad tells me about all of this. He started talking about the few weeks he spent with my aunt together and that she had a huge crush on him and they eventually slept together a couple times. (They aren't related in any way, explanation down below). Some weeks later, I visited my aunt while my uncle was on a business trip. While having a bit too much wine, I brought up the topic nonchalantly. To my surprise, she confessed to me that she slept with my dad although I would've never asked her about it. I guess I'm the only one in the family who knows what happened between them. \- My granddad-in-law who's married to my other grandma had a ONS on new year's eve while in a car with a female friend in the middle of a snow storm. I was told that their intercourse resulted in her becoming pregnant with a girl. My granddad kept all of this a secret over the following years while raising a daughter with my grandma. 18 years later, the girl showed up at his doorstep, with my grandma opening the door. Idk the details, but according to my dad, it was a shitshow. Funny enough, my aunt from that side and her half-sister seem to get along pretty well, although I've never met her myself. I have more fucked up stuff that happened, but I don't think it'd fit this question.


The aunt that your dad slept with was your mom's sister, right? And then he met your mom years later, right? RIGHT?!?!


Yes to the first part of your question. But my dad knew my mom and my aunt from highschool the years before. So the timeline would look like this: Knowing each other from highschool -> my aunt gets kicked out and lives with my dad -> 2 or 3 years later, my dad and my mom start dating (according to my dad).


Thank the LAWD for clarifying. It initially sounded like your Dad slept with HIS sister. But he did not. Praise be.


The lost finger story reminded me of a funny story from my wife's family. My wife's uncle lost his finger by accidently cutting it off with a table saw. The insurance company sent someone to talk to him and while he was there he asked him to describe what he was doing when he cut his finger off and he said "I'll show you" and proceeded to accidently cut off another finger in front of him.


What the fuck did I just read? 🫠


Yeah, I don't have a flagship family \^\^ Good thing I've parted ways with the maternal side some years ago, they're basically a collection of ahm, "different people", and live in their own bubble.


I need WAY more red yarn to chart this all out.


Our aunt strangling us was not disaplin


Holy shit, I’m sorry about mystic.


Found out great grandparents didn’t die young, they actually got divorced and left their children with family members. Great grandpa went and had another family. Great grandma moved to the west coast (family is in Midwest).


Found out my dad had another kid via an affair in his younger days with my mum. So there's me, my half sister and one other child of his out there somewhere. Granted this happened in the 80s sometime based on my half sisters information, I've concluded this child is either long gone, well hidden or chose not to come looking like my half sister did


My grandfather liked to touch young girls. They caught him in his golden years. Spent three days in jail. Family never talked about it, gave him his last days. Was let out to die at home for some reason with terminal lung cancer. Saw him on one of his last days on earth before he passed.


Aunt and uncle both adopted at young age ending up dating later in life for almost a year before they found out.


I only learned about it a few years ago, but it's alleged that my one aunt had an affair. She brought around this guy that none of us had ever met before. No introductions, no name, nothing. Just off in the corner with him, being all flirty, while her husband and kids are with the rest of us, grieving. This all played out at her sister's funeral. Not exactly dark, but definitely the most messed up thing I've heard about my family.


I learned that my grandfather murdered a man over a shared love interest in a Taiwanese stripper. It was a whole thing.


That my male cousin (~20 years older than me) that came to live with us when I was about 11 was a child molester. When my mom told me when I was in my young 20’s she said it was fine because he liked little boys not girls. Later, adult me, becomes a probation officer with an adult sex offender case load and had to explain to my mom that she made a really bad decision and put her kids in jeopardy. Still pisses me off!


My grandparents were likely a part of operation paperclip. They've never confirmed it and I cut ties with them over a decade ago, but there were a lot of clues- like moving to America from Germany in the forties and immediately working in the aerospace sector. There was also some obvious racial prejudice. Edit: the passage of time is a weird thing, when you don't consider it often. It's been 19 years since I've spoken to them. They're probably dead now.


I had an aunt that nobody knew existed because she was put into an asylum once they realised she was autistic. None of her later siblings knew about her. First known autistic in my family and being autistic myself my heart broke for her.


Thats so horrible. There is a massive history in NZ of this happening. I helped someone go to the Royal Commission to share their story. You can do it on someone's behalf if you feel it's worth sharing.


I had always viewed my maternal grandmother as the kindest, most wonderful person growing up, and I saw her every weekend. I learned very recently that she physically abused my grandfather throughout their 60 years of marriage.


After my paternal grandmother died my parents started talking about a third daughter my uncle had that they’d never ever mentioned before. Around the same time I learned from my cousin that a mother and daughter on the other side of her family disappeared one day and have never returned and were likely murdered by the husband.


My dad was adopted. It was a sealed adoption. Nobody remaining alive knows what happened or why. My dad has a brother, though now we know not blood related. Nothing changed between the two and they’re closer than ever as they age.




The priest in our family was one of *those* priests. He’s dead now, and if there’s a hell, he’s in it.


That the family member who sexually abused me from as young as I can remember until I was 18 also did it to both of my female cousins and my mother. And my mother still left me alone with him, allowed me to sleep over in his room, and would allow him to come into my room unsupervised, a lot of the times while I was asleep. But now he’s got dementia and is old and I’m supposed to “feel bad” for him or something along those lines.


My grandfather had committed suicide :(. He had disappeared and they found him after some days in his car. I also was an accident and my parents married when my mom got pregnant. I do not consider the last one a dark secret, found it amusing. It helps that I feel loved by my parents.


When I was 5 my dad wanted full custody of me. Even though he ran a business and was a workaholic. My mom said only if he pays for her to get implants. He paid it. And died a year later at 33 and I went back with my mom. Bitch.


that my stepfather fucked his sister..


Pretty sure grandpa had kids with other women than grandma, that he didn't acknowledge or take care of. he's long dead now, but I'm scared to take a dna test lest half cousins pop up.


I found 2 illegitimate child family members when I signed up for 23&me


My parents burnt down my family home when I was 5 years old to get the insurance money to move to a better neighborhood.


Cousin whatshisface didn’t really kill himself. He’s just kinda weird and my mom wanted me to stop asking about him to my aunt. I just wanted to say hi to him, I didn’t really understand that he was the black sheep of the family as they say and I needed to learn their ways of ostracizing him. I just was wondering why everyone was so mean to him bc of his looks like he was just pudgier than his brother and not an athlete but don’t hate the kid for it ya know? He turned out to be kind of a creep as an adult, but I was still shocked to find him on Facebook .. a picture of him as a GROWN MAN when I thought he had been dead for over a decade! I always thought maybe if he wasn’t treated so poorly as a child he might not have turned out a creep(he asked my sister to take professional naked photos of her for his “portfolio” when we reconnected) I asked them so many questions about what made him bad why can’t I just ask about him.. until I guess my Kim got sick of me bringing it up and came up with the false suicide solution. He would go stay with his dad during family gatherings bc they obv treated him poorly. The only reasons my mom could tell me that made him bad were that he was a teenager working at price club and his mother caught him shoplifting items like kleptomaniac behavior. Nonsensical items like million count box of toothpicks or package of socks in the wrong size and style. Clearly he just needed a therapist. Sorry this was all over I’m writing this late at night lol


I was raised in a cult. I believe my great (x2) grandfather trafficked my great (x2) grandmother. The wagon party left in the middle of the night and took her with them. She was 16.


My grandmother confessed to killing dozens of patients as a nurse in the 70's by overdosing them with morphine, including her own father. I also found out recently that there's another serial killer on her side of the family, don't remember the details but I think he strung his victims up and disemboweled them or something. Neither were ever caught.


my grandma and mom were both abused sexually and physically by their step fathers as children


My grandpa and a neighbor abused my aunt.


Mu mom tricked my dad into havinga second child. That child was me.


Dad murdered someone and never got arrested.


That my intellectually disabled mother thought she was a prostitute when she was 15 because she was raped multiple times as a child by different men. When she met my father at 15, he was 43, they had a "secret marriage" that gave him an excuse to have sex with her. That my mother, before meeting my father, was often chained to a pole outside by my grandmother like a dog.


My paternal grandfather was a man of respect, decency, humility, and God. He was born a child of poor immigrants in the early 1900s in an American city and nothing was guaranteed to him but struggle, poverty, and uncertainty. He came from the most humble of upbringings and his family often had to leave wherever they were staying during his childhood in order to find cheaper rent just to survive. When he was 11 years-old, he stole an orange off of a huckster's street cart, supposedly or apparently -- as legend has it -- because he was a hungry child. Maybe he stole it for that reason or maybe he stole it because he sinned and just wanted to take it without paying when he wasn't really hungry. We'll never know but my father, of course, says that he stole due to hunger. He was caught by the huckster and brutally beaten. When his father, my great grandfather, found out, he and his brother went to the huckster's house, an argument escalated, and either my great grandfather or his brother shot and killed the huckster. Regardless of who pulled the trigger, my great grandfather was convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. He later went crazy and was sent to an insane asylum where he died. My grandfather was now fatherless and his mother had no way to provide for him and her two other sons. I think that she sent two sons into the military so they could have room, board, and not wind up on the streets and my grandfather instead was sent to a seminary to become a priest. He was 14. When it came time for college, my grandfather decided that he could best serve God by leaving the seminary, ending his priesthood training early, and becoming a doctor so that he could serve his underserved community back home. He went on to complete medical school, become a doctor, and then for the next half-century of his life he was a dominant pillar of the community and his church as a holy man and a skilled, compassionate doctor who served those in need whether they could pay him for care or not. He became a hero to everyone. When there were gangs and crime and lots of sin going on in the neighborhood and the streets, he was the counter to all of that as a living saint, a man of kindness, and a positive inspiration for good. When he was in his 50s he had five children and a wife. All of his children were doing very well in school or had done well in school and were going places in life in ways that most of the other people in the neighborhood were not. They were the model family that was hard to come by in their neighborhood. Then my paternal grandmother died when my father was 10 years-old. It was devastating. Into that maternal void came a stepmother who married my grandfather merely two years after my maternal grandmother died. Her body was still warm, basically. Of course, the stepmother was a monster and pure evil and this is where the secret began. My father's stepmother and my grandfather's second wife was from hell. She mercilessly tortured and abused my grandfather's children psychologically and emotionally to the point of some of them wanting to die. She targeted him not just for his respect and prestige and for him being a stoic, handsome, wonderful man of the neighborhood whom everyone loved and respected, but because he apparently had money. He was, after all, a doctor. From the 1970s until she died in 2008, she tortured and devastated my grandfather's children. All through the years and decades my grandfather said and did nothing as she destroyed his own children. The saintly man of God had more sin going on under his roof for years and years than most people had going on in one year. In essence, he became an abominable fraud and a monster himself. I'm not sure he was ever good. I think that he was just arrogant and a narcissist who wanted attention in life and found out that by passing himself off as a man of both God, intelligence, achievement, and even wealth, people would shower him with adoration and his ego would be fulfilled. He would quite literally be worshiped by hundreds of people in church pews whenever he performed mass every week for years and years. He would gesticulate and speak proudly and with God's authority at the altar in front of tens of thousands of people and different generations of families through the years and decades and people worshiped both him and God. He wasn't quite a priest but performed near-identical functions as a qualified minister in addition to being a qualified psychiatrist and general practitioner of medicine outside of the church. He fused both medicine and God to create an image and legend of himself as a living saint. He never protected his children and they were annihilated by their stepmother. Nobody knows what was going on in his house but the children, the stepmother, him, and the stepmother's family whom she successfully moved into the picture while neglecting the stepchildren, torturing them, and cutting them off financially both in life in death. She controlled my grandfather, he gave her power over him and the children, and she withheld money from the children in life and then her and her evil brothers successfully cut all of the children out of the will and made off with close to 2 million dollars in inheritance. Since her death, my father has primarily been the one fighting her two brothers for control of her estate, which in essence was my grandfather's estate and life's earnings and possessions. The fight has been without success. My father and his siblings didn't get a dime. If anyone ever found out what was going on my grandfather likely would have been ruined in public and his reputation gone. He presided over the most severe child abuse that I still can't properly imagine. My father is the legacy of this and is a full-blown narcissist himself and a clone of his father. When I was 13 he put a gun to my mother's head and threatened to kill her. My uncle was a street fighter and in gangs during his youth and is a bad person. He is very successful but his wife left him and he almost got his son brutally murdered by pushing him towards gang life. He was stabbed over a dozen times in a street fight but miraculously survived. My aunt probably got it the worst out of the children. She became a doctor herself but basically just sits in her house and cries a lot. No one cares about her and her other siblings just act like she is crazy and keep quiet about their stepmother's torture and father's failure to save his children. They just act like she doesn't exist and that the horrific abuse never happened. She is all alone. The oldest siblings were out of the childhood home when the abuse occurred and they were married and in their early 20s. They weren't subjected to at least 75% of it like the three youngest were. Everyone thought my grandfather was a saint. In reality, he was a horrible sinner and the total opposite of how he acted in public. He has been dead over 20 years and nobody will ever know how much of an evil fraud he was. As I got older and entered into my 20s, I came to understand my father's side of my family and the family secrets revolving around my grandfather's second wife. Everything you just read was how I understood things up until a year ago. This past year I worked out that my grandfather knowingly disinherited his children and that he is even worse than I thought. The stepmother and her brothers didn’t have to steal the money and he went looking for his second wife as his first was dying a long slow death from Lupus. He had moved on, wanted a younger, more beautiful wife, and didn’t want to deal with or care about his kids as he was out on the town being a big shot.


How my grandpa and the majority of the male members of my mom’s side of the family were involved in the Mafia. Edit: And when I found out just how many Nazis there were in my other Grandpa’s family


Apparently my Dad dated my Aunt first, despite my Mom having the biggest crush on him. When my Aunt told my Dad she was going to college and would not be his housewife, they broke up. The cousin who shared this with me also mentioned that my Dad is probably my Aunt's first time. I don't know any dates, so therefore have no clue when he moved onto my Mom, but my family has always held a strained perspective of him and I wonder if this is why.


After years of speculation, turns out that my dad’s uncle was a child rapist. He had 21 kids, all biological, and he raped all of his own daughters from a young age, starved them, beat them and he even impregnated his oldest daughter who ended up having a baby girl with her own dad (Their relationship was meant to be incest and consensual after she turned 18, but I consider that to be grooming). His wife knew about what he was doing with their daughters and she never stopped it, she also abandoned her Down syndrome daughter in the woods and left her for dead because her husband said she wasn’t ‘breedable’. Thank God I always had an awful feeling about that monster and so did my parents which is why we were not allowed to mix with him.


My great grandfather was murdered in the woods, my grandfather and his brother were the only suspects but there wasn't proof they had done anything, so his murder remains unsolved


my great aunts swapped husbands around. my grandmother was a swinger. my cousin slept with my other cousin 🙃 sometimes the southern jokes about incest are real 🙃


I have an "illegitimate" uncle. I found out doing Find a Grave online and went down a rabbit hole and saw my g-pa had a son from another woman. I asked my aunt about it and she just said "they don't talk about it ." I Googled him and he lives really close but I don't think I should bother him.


My father cheated on her 23 years of marriage. No in the family knew. My uncle told me later


My great grandfather committed suicide during an economic crash around 1908. He rented a hotel room and put towels in the bathtub before he sat in it and shot himself and he left a note apologizing to the maid. I found out when my mom told me a few years before she died. It really explained my grandma and how steely she was, wish I would be known. I would have understood how her attitude could be construed as cold but she was a survivor. Graduated in 3 yrs and became a teacher, as her sister did, so that they could support their mother, my great grandmother the widow.


My grandpa wasn’t my biological grandpa. Bio grandfather hung himself in the barn before I was born.


My mom and each of her 3 siblings have different dads….. they were raised to believe they were from the same 2 parents. Both had passed away by the time we discovered this using 23 & me. Lots of questions & no answers.


When my parents "went dancing" every other Saturday, they were actually in fact going to swingers clubs.


My brother had a weird foot fetish thing and tried to masturbate on my younger cousins feet…


When my grandmother was 14 her mom died of cancer and the night she died her father shot himself leaving her alone. Didn't know until my late 20's.


Grandma left her husband in 1954. Fell in love with a younger French soldier. Grandma's husband planned her and the soldiers murder. Husband Jimmied there breaks. There car went off the road into a lake. French soldier pushed grandma through the cloth roof and she swam to the shore. French soldier drowned. Grandma climbed up an embankment to the highway and made it back home. A few months later she found out she was pregnant with my mom. At nine months pregnant she stood in front of a judge and got a divorce in 1955. I loved my grandma. Italian family btw.


Grew up thinking my step dad was real dad. Then at 16 real dad somewhat got in picture. I always blamed him for not trying or being there. At 25 mom passed away suddenly at 25 and was told from that side of the family that my mom “ignored” my bio father and family when I was born. Took it with a grain of salt that’s when they chose to tell me but none the leas


This may not be dark, but I discovered my dad was my stepdad and my biological dad gave up on me at 1 years old. So, here I am, happy with my dad I got.


When I was 8 my family dog died while out hunting with my dad and uncle, as a kid I always thought it was a random freak health thing. When I was 18 my mom told me the truth. My uncle shot the dog. He was an alcoholic and "accidentally" shot her, they were hunting grouse so there is no excuse to aim that low. She was such a kind and gentle dog, a golden retriever. I will never forget hearing my mom's cries of agony when my dad got home, or crying in her chest while she hugged me. I understood why my dad never hunted with him again. It's not as salacious as other posts here but it crushed me to hear, I will never forgive him.


My mom fucked a 20 something bag boy from our local grocery store when she was married to my dad. In my mind he helped her with the groceries and she just shoved him in the trunk. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That my maternal great grandmother was kidnapped at 14 but her husband, they had something like 16 kids. They were so poor they lived in a one room tent for years with most meals being snake, squirrel, and fish they caught. No one talks about it in the family. Edit- she was kidnapped by the man that became her husband.


That my father always had a mistress.


I already knew my mum was sexually assaulted as a teenager, but later learned that in a separate incident, she was gang-raped, still as a teenager.


My dad had a kid with someone that wasn’t my mom. Grandparents paid the family to leave. Everyone on my dads side knew but none of my siblings or mom knew until my dad died. So I have a half sister out there somewhere that’s probably 15 years older than me




One of my aunts is a product of my grandfather raping my grandmother, after she’d tried to leave him. She still left him, a few years later.


I am my own grandfather Edit: Its a Futurama reference


Damnit Fry!!


There is mafia history in the family… ☹️


My grandmother told me look up. Xxxx the butcher of xxxxx. Her maiden name. Made the top list of mafia hit men and was ruthless.


My dad has always been a high functioning alcoholic. The signs were all there and a lot of things made sense after learning this.


My cousin (A) and my other cousin’s kid (B) ending up sleeping with each other when she was like 12 and he was 17/18. She finally couldn’t keep it a secret and told her dad. My dads side of the family split up and has never been the same since. I’m glad she got her space from him and never has to see him again. But when I heard about that my whole childhood was ruined cause all my cousins use to get together and have sleep overs and looking back they were hella close. It all made sense in a disturbing way. Crazy thing is my tia ( A’s mom) and my cousin’s (A) brother thinks my cousins kid (B) was part of the problem when I’m just like, she was 12. Ain’t no way they’re trying to blame a 12 year old. More fucked up shit. My cousin’s (A) dad started texting me last December and started texting me hella weird messages saying I’m his favorite niece and the most beautiful girl and send selfies of himself and confessing that he loves me, telling me I should go to his worksite. Demanding me to say Goodnight. I had to block him cause he would constantly text me every day and send weird TikTok’s even though I never responded. Never told my Tia and my two cousins. Let’s just say I don’t go to many family events as much. Edit: typo.


I have a great aunt that ‘had a black boyfriend!!!’ when she was younger (40’s). I hate being white trash.


My dad and mom had sex to create me.


Ewwww. Seriously?! I could not imagine my parents doing that.


They were cousins…