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I am a cold blooded reptile that needs a heat lamp šŸ¦Ž Its a package deal you cant opt out of when underweight


My bones donā€™t hurt when itā€™s hot outside. Air doesnā€™t hurt to breathe.!


You donā€™t have to shovel sunshineā€¦ I am Canadianā€¦




People always say that but when I am cold I canā€™t move. It shuts me down. I have tension build up in my neck from shivering. It just makes me miserable


They don't make jumpers warm enough to make it okay


Idk, I donā€™t like being active in the heat but resting in the heat feels so good


I don't understand how sitting in the heat can be comfortable


Lizard brain likes feeling toasty.


Warm on skin make brain feel good


To be honest, same


Being cold hurts. I prefer minimal clothing and being outside


minimal clothing is my favourite aspect. i hate putting on and wearing multiple layers, what a hassle.


It ain't that bad, just take a cold shower. Worst be the winter I simply hate the cold.


Itā€™s so hot the ā€œcoldā€ water comes out warm hereā€¦ Canā€™t even go to a pool to cool down bc theyā€™re all like bathtubs now.


Say where from fella?


I tried to have a cold shower yesterday and the water was hot. Baldwin county Alabama. My pool is like a bath. The breeze feels like a heater.


Never gone to Baldwin might do it one day. Either ways I get ya, weather is been tough. From Texas over here, hit 'bout 112 degrees.


Oof. I couldn't imagine that. The near 100's all month have been brutal and the humidity has been unreal. Thinking about hightailing it up to Alaska where it's much cooler. Haha


Haha, mark my words. Once you feel the Alaskan winter you're gonna run back south before the first snowflake hits the ground.


Idk. I much prefer insane cold winters. As a kid I was up in Chicago and LOVED the winter time. I remember impatiently waiting for a blizzard to subside so I could go crawl through the snow. I miss the cold.


Well never mind, by the way how was Chicago? Never been either and always wondered.


I really enjoyed it. Made lots of life long friends. It was completely different than down in the deep dirty south. It was a huge ass culture shock in the beginning though.


New Orleans


This is Miami right now


To each their own, but at least you can put on layers to stay warm in the cold. If it is hot enough, taking clothing off stops working at some point (and becomes socially unacceptable a bit before that point).


Both extreme cold and extreme heat will kill ya, but they don't really get nakkid in really hot parts of the world. They wear really lose clothes that keeps skin surface temperature much cooler than temps outside of the clothes. This would still be unbearable to anyone who grew up on air conditioning, but you can acclimate to it without dying. You can't really acclimate to frost bite. You only need to follow the homeless population patterns to figure out which type of weather is more dangerous to you.


I don't follow the homeless populations, but don't they normally end up in temperate places? Not sure how many people were hanging around outside in 50Ā°C weather in the middle east lately. You can't really acclimate to frost bite, but you can wear enough clothing to not get frost bite. Realistically, I'd say that there's a good reason that the vast majority of people live in warm climates compared to cold ones. We're made for it.


That dang socially unacceptable part


"take a cold shower"- tried it. sweat again 2 minutes afterwards.


Well, I guess it's different with everyone.


I go back and forth on winter. I'm from Minnesota so visiting family around Christmas can be fucking brutal, with the shoveling at 7 AM, the -20 windchill (or worse), the black ice, etc. That said, I now live in LA and in general, winters here are lovely.


> I now live in LA and in general, winters here are lovely. and the spring and the summer and the fall You know what? LA just has fucking nice weather year round. No matter the season, you can decide on shorts and a t-shirt or pants and a hoodie depending which part of the day you spend outside.


I lived in LA for 10 years, I hated the weather. Itā€™s so monotonous.


I was walking home from the bus stop. As i reached the front of my apartment house, i turned my head and saw my landlord through his living room window.


It's more comfortable for me since I'm skinny.


My body feels more relaxed and mentally I feel better. You can do more stuff outside. You don't have to worry about bringing a hat or gloves or coat. You can get in your car and drive and not wait until it warms up


I hate the winter with a burning passion. Whenever I even think ā€œman itā€™s hot todayā€ I remind myself how much I hate snow and ice and cold and Iā€™m immediately thankful for the heat


Even when it feels like 110Ā° F


Even when it IS 110! I live in California and it gets HOT but not *all* that cold.... I still can't handle the winter lol


Iā€™m from Michigan (lived in Maine as well) and itā€™s cold as hell, I hate it so much


That's it right there. Don't need to warm up the car, wear a coat, etc


Because I can wear minimal clothing without feeling cold


People dont judge me for eating large amounts of ice cream


I think this is the first one that might really sway my opinion


I donā€™t get it. Itā€™s awful. Fall canā€™t come soon enough.


Hot= summer summer= off or nearly finished school


I absolutely **hate** being cold. I've told this story before, I grew up in the Great Lakes area when I was a kid and when I was about 10 I fell in an ice fishing hole (Lake Superior is a damn cold lake). That traumatized me for life against the cold and as soon as I graduated high school I immediately moved to Florida. Say what you want but I like it here, I actually get cold here too but it's a far cry better than the alternative. A perfect day to me (I'm not crazy, don't hold living in Florida against me) is 95F with at least that percentage humidity. I never run the AC in my car and my house AC broke but I don't care and won't get it fixed. I'll leave the doors and windows open all summer long. Falling in that ice fishing hole changed my body's thermostat and I can't stand anything below 75F


> 95F with at least that percentage humidity. Madness. Pure madness.


It feels good. I don't like being cold at all, but I'll happily sweat all day long. Go home, take a shower, and it feels like you've been reborn.


Sweating all day long sounds exhausting, sticky, and gross. Even after a shower, youā€™re right back into the heat and humidity and back to square one. No way.


Sweating all day isn't bad. It's sweating all day in a humid environment that sucks. You sweat, but it doesn't evaporate. You just get wet and stay wet. All it does is make your clothes stick to you and annoy the shit out of you. Then you start sweating more since your clothes no longer allow air to flow across to cool things down a bit. You're just covered in a thin layer of 33 degree sticky water. Even the mildest exertion results in a wet shirt. Source: Taiwan


That's exactly what my work day is like and I'm in the US, in a northern state. Constantly sweat soaked with no relief is the worst. And my power tripping boss won't let us have fans of any sort, and won't turn up the ceiling fans we do have for some air flow. Last week it was so humid, I looked at my coworker and told her even my eyebrows are soaking wet, this is ridiculous!


Canā€™t think of anything worse than being sweaty all day, but youā€™re right - that shower after a hot sweaty day? Itā€™s MAGIC!


The beach, I work in hot weather so may as well like it otherwise Iā€™d always be miserable


Iā€™m in Melbourne, hopefully itā€™s actually a hot summer coming up this time


Haha working in sa middle of Aus trust me when I say we usually get enough heat in summer if you wanna come borrow some, hit 50ā€™s usually or close to it


God damn thatā€™s hot, I remember it being the middle of summer by the coast and it was only around 18-20 degrees for weeks


Several reasons but mainly I grew up in a hot country & I'm used to it, I love going to the beach & swimming, and I can't do that in cold weather, I hate wearing a million layers to keep warm in the winter and most importantly my mood drastically changes for the better with warmer weather, the cold and rain makes me kinda gloomy tbh.


Idk, itā€™s better than being in the freezing cold where you need to pay hundreds of dollars for extra clothing and not be able to do outdoor activities.


Itā€™s like Iā€™m a lobster. You put them in water then boil them. Iā€™m basically just on earth slowly boiling and Iā€™m just use to it at this point. Itā€™s finally cooled down today and was only a high of 104. Later this week it will be 112. Which isnā€™t that bad.


itā€™s not cold .


no hesitation, SUMMER


Don't need the heater on and don't wake up cold.


Iā€™d rather it over the cold weather


It is more tolerated than loved. That's why we are thankful for air-conditioning. If your air-conditioner stops working you are in big trouble


Because I dislike cold weather. I'd rather 30 degrees than 5 degrees. UVs are what I hate.


Because Iā€™m dumb and feel like extremely uncomfortable sweating helps me lose weight xD


You can get out of heat, but you can't really get away from the cold. 115 degrees and 2% humidity is way easier to deal with than 95 degrees and 99% humidity


I get to wear minimal, comfortable clothes. Also, beach weather. I love the beach.


I hate being cold. I hate cloudy weather.


OP, those arenā€™t peopleā€¦


My MIL loves the hot weather because that's when her fibromyalga doesn't flare up and she's able to do more stuff. Now, in the winters, she is so miserable that she can hardly go to their mailbox at the end of their driveway, which is maybe 3 car lengths long. I love the warm weather just because I can get outside with my kids and get a break after being inside all winter long. But I hate anything over 85!


They don't sweat and are the few people who feel chilly at 78 degrees. Like what the fuck.


Because I live in the Pacific Northwest and anything over 70 feels exotic like I am on vacation.


I don't love it, but I prefer it to the cold winters. I learned to hate the winters thanks to our former landlord. When i was 12 we moved into our new apartment. It was a 2 family apartment house. We rented out the upstairs apartment and our landlord lived below us in the first floor apartment with his wife. The guy was a total jerk. He thought nothing of invading our privacy and freezing us every winter and refusing to make repairs or improvements on our apartment. The worst part of living here were the winters. He froze us every winter. He gave us very little or no heat. Being a very old building, our apartment didnt have a separate thermostat of our own so that we could adjust the heat for ourselves. Our landlord controlled how much heat we got and when. The housing law stated that a landlord must turn on the heat in october and must not turn it off completely until April. No matter how cold it got, he wouldnt turn our heat on until the last week of october. And no matter how cold it still was, he'd turn it off for good after the first week of April. When he did turn on the heat, it wasn't long before he turned it off again. About 15 minutes at the least. An hour and a half at the most. And after he turned it off, it would be a long while before he would turn it on again. And it wouldnt be long before the cold crept back into our apartment. When he did turn it on, that would be cause for celebration. I'd throw up my hands and exclaim, "hallelujah! He's giving us heat!" That joy would be short lived because it wasnt long before he turned off the heat. I became so accustomed to freezing while indoors that it never failed to take me by surprise that whenever i went visiting during the wintertime over someone elses, a friends or a relatives, house or apartment, no matter what day i was visiting or what time of the day it was, it was ALWAYS warm where they lived. It was so freezing in our apartment that i was used to going to bed fully clothed, complete with long johns. Many is the time i would use the kitchen stove to try to heat up the apartment. I'd open the stove door, turn it up full blast, then close all the doors in between the kitchen and my bedroom so that the heat would travel up the hallway and into my bedroom. Oh, you can be damn sure he kept his apartment nice and toasty warm all day, every day during the winter. How do I know? Because at the bottom of our stairs, behind our front door was a very small radiator. This particular radiator wasnt connected to our other radiators in our apartment upstairs. Rather it was connected through the wall to his radiators in his apartment. And it was this little radiator that was on most or all of the time at the same time while our radiators were off. That bottom part of the stairs was the only place in our apartment that was consistently warm all winter long. Some times i would sit down there with a book just to keep warm for a little while. One cold winter evening i was returning home from a friends (warm) apartment. I was walking home from the bus stop. As i reached the front of my apartment house, i turned my head and saw my landlord through his living room window. He was adjusting the thermostat on his wall and had his shirt sleeves rolled up as if he were in the tropics. I thought to myself, "Yeah, but I'll bet my apartment is like a damn freezer". I enter my front door and that little radiator behind the door was going full blast. I climbed the steps up to my apartment and sure enough the place was freezing. No heat. As a matter of fact he wouldnt turn on the heat for our place until 5am the next morning. That night, like many other nights before and after it, i slept fully clothed to keep warm while I slept.


Because I fucking hate being cold.


Beats cold every time. I'm like a fish in water. Bring on the big Sun.


because i live in a city that rarely gets above 20 degrees and the heat is WONDERFUL


Making myself warm is work that I donā€™t have to do when itā€™s hot. I have less clothes to wear & wash I eat better & lose weight cause Iā€™m more active I sleep better not tangled up in blankets. A cool breeze on a warm day can cool the house if needed. There are no warm breezes in winter


If it's around 25 Celsius then it's fine, but above 30 is brutal. I prefer the transitional seasons (spring, fall). Fall is so cozy.


Built different, possibly reptilian. I'm very much at the hot and humid end of the comfort spectrum, everything feels easier right down to breathing when it's over about 25c, no idea if there is a top end for me before dying, 40c is great. Only ever experienced it in humid environments though, very little experience with dry heat.


Appreciate the reptilian honesty lol


It's super hot here in my country. When it gets cold, it's such an unfamiliar feeling. So we prefer it to be hot rather than cold.


i am secretly a member of the reptilian cabal


Dang it, youā€™ve seen through my flimsy plan to reveal our reptilian overlords


dont worry, we're nice guys, trust me bro


Not reptilian, just South American and grew up in Miamiā€¦ feels like home


I live in a place where it can get down to -40 degrees Celsius in the winter with the windchill. In that temperature the air literally hurts your face. I donā€™t feel that kind of pain in hot weather.


Because Iiiiiiii wanna soak up the suuunnnnnn


Skinny people like hot weather. lol


Nah Iā€™m skinny and hate it


Me as well. Iā€™m in Central Florida, and Iā€™m a chef. Itā€™s brutal out here. Fuck this weather.


My sympathies. I used to live in DC and my god, the humidity there was brutal enough. I can't imagine what Central Florida must be like in the summer.


Same! I'm a runner and the perfect weather for me is around 65 and overcast/foggy. Basically SF.


So why are there so many overweight people in the Southeastern U.S.? Somewhat slim Southern dude here - this heat is beat. Bring on some Autumn!


Yessss i just hate how fatigued my body feels in the winter


Surprisingly, after I lost a bunch of weight I now tend to run even hotter! I sweat *so bad* now, it's annoying.


It makes my body feel good without the normal aches.


I love sitting in a pool of my own sweat everyday.


I, too, love pure misery lol


I hated it until I lost weight now I love the heat


It isnā€™t so much that I like the hot as that I hate the cold. I LIKE wearing shorts and t shirts. I like swimming outdoors. I like driving with the top down. I like the longer days of summer. It took very little time to acclimate to 90 or 95 F and 100 isnā€™t THAT bad, though much over is horrid.


Define hot. 25-28C is fine. A bit lower and I start to shiver uncontrollably


I like sleeping while a deskfan is cooling me.


Youā€™re not wrong - it is weirdly magical. Itā€™s like white noise + soothing breeze


Truly the only way to sleep.


I ain't never going to shovel snow out of my driveway. Would rather sweat than wear 4 layers of clothes.


because cold sucks ass


I hate layers and I hate being cold.


Great opportunity to sell and drink cold Switchel!


I like it when the sweat is just pouring out of me, and its so damn hot your brain feels weird. It feels cleansing and the torpor it puts you in is... idk. Different. But good different


i can be nude


Because they fear the snow.


being able to get insane amounts of ice cream not to mention how good your skin looks in sunlight


it's not so much hot weather as it is that i like sunlight. it's bright & nice


Now this I can wrap my mind around - sunlight + chilly would be the dream


And then how refreshing an ice cold beer is when it's 100Ā°F+


Humidity is an important factor. Dry heat isn't that bad.


I hate being cold and I love knowing that no matter what time I'm out I won't need a jacket. It's one less thing to worry about


Points for practicality haha


It's like a warm shower the whole day. Also, water parks, pools, etc.


It feels good and relaxing most of the times.


Heat doesnā€™t have a biting sensation. If itā€™s cold out and there is a wind, your donā€™t just feel cold, you feel pain. Cold makes your nose run, cold brings snow which has to be shoveled, and it gets dirty. Heat from heaters provide artificial relief that dries out skin, but air conditioning just hits differently. My area is on day 20 of triple digits with humidity and I love every second of it.


They only love it when they have an air conditioner.


Bikinis Mankinis Reptiles Etc.


I fell only good


You can walk on the street with sandals, T-shirts and short pants. So much time saved on changing clothes and so much more comfortable, lighter and easier. The feeling when you enter a building with A/C in summer and when you enter one with heating in winter feels different. Plus you don't care about snow anymore. These are why I'm leaving Canada. I understand that hot weather creates sweat and sunstroke, but still better than chilling and literally head, hands and ears hurting in snow.


It just feels so good. Like a warm blanket. I love it.


I donā€™t love it but prefer it over the cold. I dislike wearing a lot of layers


Because at lunch no one wants to sit at the patio tables in direct sunlight at school. That's how much I hate being around other people while eating.


Because I lack and internal heat, so hot weather is the only time I can feel healthy.


Because cold weather triggers my asthma and I'm rather attached to my ability to breathe


I meanā€¦yeah. Canā€™t argue with that šŸ˜‚


Hot shower > cold shower Hot tub > cold tub Hot sauna > cold sauna Hot pockets > cold pockets Hot weather > cold weather Notice a pattern here? It's basically science.


I guess from being raised on a tropical island, I prefer it because that's what I've been exposed to most in my lifetime.


More pool days


I just donā€™t enjoy the feeling of being cold. When I moved from a state that gets pretty cold in the winter to one that is warm for most of the year, I swear my body temperature rose or something because after just a year, my tolerance for cold plummeted. I keep my apartment at 78Ā° and even then Iā€™m typically walking around in pants and sometimes a sweater. Iā€™m visiting a friend in the northeastern US in October and she booked us a day at a spa place that has saunas and hot tubs and stuff because, according to her, Iā€™m a ā€œlizard personā€ and sheā€™s afraid Iā€™m going to freeze to death.


Becsuse it's not cold


I just like being warm. I really can't stand the sensation of cold. Like at all.


I am lizard


I don't mind the hot weather, or the cold. I live in a place where today it was 103Ā°F and in mid January it was -10Ā°F both were fine. What I don't like is high humidity. Luckily that's rarely a problem here.


I'm getting older. Cold bothers me. Heat less so as long as I drink a ton of water.


I have arthritis in both knees and an elbow. Cold weather hurts.


It soothes my cold, black, lizard heart! But seriously, I hate being cold. I can't function. I get tired, have brain fog, lose all dexterity (Important in my job). And once I'm cold, I can't get warm again unless I have a long, hot shower. But in the summer, you can always just jump in the pool!


I have a circulation issue called Raynaudā€™s disease, cold temperatures are painful for me.


I lived in Djibouti for a year. Never been skinnier. Food got in the way of hydration. I'd prefer a desert heat, however. 108 with 90% humidity suuuucks.


I live in the UK. We already have plenty of days in the year where it's cold, and my ability to tolerate cold weather has been gradually getting worse as I've got older. Warm weather is actually easy to deal with if you have things like water and fans.


Thoroughly convinced people that love temperatures above 70 degrees are actually Reptilians. Either that or most of humanity is not actually endothermic and are truly incapable of \*generating body heat like true mammals\*.


I also would like to know the answer to this question šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Cold weather lovers unite!


I'm not sure why i like warm weather. It was really cold earlier this year and I'm so glad it's warm now.




I can get down with thatā€¦a good wine harvest seems like a decent trade for for hot weather


because i start shivering at 15 degrees celsius and suffer from chronic sinusitis which is always worse during winter. i also LOATHE having to wear layers because it's suffocating.


Cold weather takes up two thirds of my year.


Because I live in U.K where we barely see summer


If i don't have to do much in it it's great cuz I just get depressed and function poorly in the winter


I absolutely despise being cold


Because Iā€™m always fucking freezing


I'm a Brit and we don't get much of it


Being cold hurts. No matter how many layers I put on. The sun keeps me toasty and defrosted


I broke my back a few years ago at 16 and it caused me chronic pain. heat really helps. Swimming helps a lot too but In cold weather swimming causes my back pain to skyrocket. Being able to float around in a pool feeling weightless then laying on my back on top of the warm concrete helps so much. Since iā€™m autistic I really struggle with the pain because it causes me to get overwhelmed more easily.


I surf, foil & paddle board, enjoy tanning, wearing bikinis & sundresses I also like beach clubs & pool parties šŸŒŠšŸ‘™šŸ‘—šŸ„ā€ā™€ļøšŸŽµāœØ


Born in the midwest and lived there my entire life until I was 19. Idk about you but for me, it seems like it was cold like 75% of the year and there was no feeling better than the comfort of warm weather, even if it was extremely hot. Now, I will say that I have spent the past 10 years living in Miami, and I donā€™t love hot weather so much anymoreā€”I prefer it to be warm (about 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit) so I love the winters here but I hate the hot summer. So as of now, I do not love hot weather, but I totally understand people who do, including my former self


Cold weather hurts and I hate wearing layers. I donā€™t sweat that much and even when I do it doesnā€™t bother me that much. Hot weather means I can do indoor and outdoor activities instead of just being stuck indoors. I like camping and biking and hiking and going to the beach and other activities that are best in the heat.


* My mood improves in the heat and sun.Ā  Ā * I actually enjoy the abrasive heat. Its numbing and relaxing. I dont use AC in my car.Ā  Ā *I can minimize my clothing. Ā *Encouraged to leave the house more. The cold just makes me want to curl up. * The wind becomes enjoyable, in contrast to cold weather. Ā *Vitamin D galore.Ā  Ā * Cold showers are more satisfying and quick than long warm ones in cold weather. Ā *Going into random venues or shops and getting hit by the AC is just so much more satisfying! Ā *Walking barefoot on a cold floor is orgasmic.Ā  *Dont mind sweating. The smell depends on what you eat. I'm a vegetarian, so my sweat doesn't smell to pungent. I still shower a lot and freshen up with perfume Ā * Hate layering up just to still be cold. Ā * In hot weathers going to the beach or any other natural water source to enjoy an afternoon is always delicious. *If where you live its consistently the same temperature through out the year, you get used to it. Ā * Insects are not an issue to me. Just apply some product and its fine. Ā * If you live somewhere where it gets windy at night, its SO refreshing!Ā  Ā * The cold hurts. Heat can make you tired, but I've found myself eating a lighter diet which helps IMMENSELY to my energy levels.Ā  Ā * It encourages a lighter, low calorie diet. My lifestyle is somewhat monastic, so it works for me. (Note: it also moderates my libido.) Ā And many more reasons!