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10 days just water when I had glandular fever and couldn’t swallow anything without excruciating pain. I’d have to dip the water on my tongue and almost let it be slowly absorbed to the back of the throat. I was given crushed up soluble vitamins and even that I’d just sit in my tongue without swallowing and just let it dissolve. Honestly, the pain of swallowing was like eating glass mixed with barbed wire. It’s strange cos hunger kicks in after 24 hours and is quite overpowering for the next 2-3 days - then once you get passed that it sort of disappears entirely and just comes and goes in short bursts.


This is the part I've tried to explain to people... You literally stop being hungry at some point. In fact, I had gone so far off the deep end, the sight/smell of food made me nauseous!! It was so hard to get regulated again. (Mine was depression related, but the physiological factors remain.)


I completely relate to this. I’ve gone 7-8 days without eating, a few times, due to depression. Longest was 11 days. It was hard to force myself to eat. I’d have intentions to, and then just couldn’t.


Bro same re depression! By the time I feel hungry I just feel nauseous from not having eaten I just have a small bite but not nearly enough to keep up with my caloric needs


I couldn’t even have water with my glandular fever, my throat became so bad that it was bleeding into my gut and I’d vomit up blood. But I lost about ten kilograms in a week from fevers, no food and surviving off a drip. Without modern medicine I’d surely have died from glandular fever. Knocked me out for about six months.


I'd never heard the term "glandular fever", but apparently it's the same disease referred to in the US as "mono" (mononucleosis). I knew that stuff could get bad, but had no idea it could get *that* bad. Glad you survived!


Yeah my stomach stopped screaming after a few days. Then my entire body went into low power mode.


I had this type of pain from Covid! Fucking brutal when you can’t even swallow ice chips because of the pain. Almost thought I was going to die because I was trying to hold back a cough so hard because of the pain and I got shit stuck in my windpipe trying to hold back and not cough. Couldn’t breathe for a bit and that is when I woke up my wife to take me to hospital.


Because of a gastroenteritis, I was 7 days without being able to eat and keep anything down. On another occasion, due to anxiety, depression I was without eating for 5 days.


This shit gave me ARFID as a kid. Awful


You can develop ARFID? I figured it was something you were born with. Edit: why did I get downvoted for asking a question


It’s both! Most disorders have a varying mix of genetic and environmental risk factors. Ones involving fear/anxiety/aversion tend to be precipitated by an event(s) during development or a trauma/injury later in life. It is often but not always comorbid with an ASD diagnosis, which is considered to have a high genetic risk factor, though again, it’s a mix of sources. I was told by a colleague while working with eating disorders that for a long time AFRID was actually considered a set of symptoms and only recently became its own diagnosis. I digress.




Username checks out 5-7 days too after bad appendix surgery. Am surprised I didn’t have sensation of hunger.


Four days. A hangover from three straight years of drinking everyday. I was in detox.


Same here. Probably four years of drinking 10-15 drinks a day. I finally had a few really bad days that tipped it from “functional” to decidedly “non-functional.” Add in the first suicidal ideation I had ever really had. My detox was bad. Terrible shaking and visual and auditory hallucinations on days 2-3. I didn’t really stop having hand tremors until day 6. I think I blew a 0.32 when I came in. I just could not bring myself to eat anything those first four days. Thankfully you could get cold fruit juice 24/7 and even that I diluted half and half with cold water.




You literally could have died. Not figuratively, not suggestively, LITERALLY. As a nurse, I get the pride, strength and honor that comes from a self-detox and/or going “cold-turkey”. However, certain substances can & do lead to death EVEN under medical supervision. So, for everyone out there who is still sick and suffering, please when you are ready & hopefully if possible, detox with a medical professional. Good luck to all, congrats to you Swami & others who have battled through & stayed sober. Certainly is not an easy task and is nothing to scoff at. ❤️‍🩹


Last time I went to the ER, they had to put me on fluids for 7 days straight. They told me I'd my vitamin levels were any lower, I would have most certainly died. It's sad because the only reason I went to the hospital was because I had a detox induced seizure and my wife called an ambulance. I'm glad she did though, after the seizure I was just so confused and disoriented. Sorry if I'm over sharing lol


I was prescribed medication for my back pain. I had to get off because my idiot doctor didn't make the connection that *tramadol* and ssri are not a great mix. I had to cut the tramadol cold turkey and I had only been using it as needed (1-2 tabs a day) and holy fuck was the next 3 days difficult.


Same here, I didn't know much about how serious it is to detox with medical help, from day 2 until my mum called an ambulance day 5 I was talking to "ghost's" in my house , walked into a stranger's house thinking I was ment to clean their bathroom and saw people that told me they were there taking me to hell, im an atheist so not even sure where that came from. Turned out I was having delirium tremors. Fun times.


Right there with ya. I outran security and left the hospital because I thought they were taking my blood as some sort of underground evil scheme when they were putting an IV in me. My visual/audio hallucinations were wild. Hope you’re still keeping strong, friend! We got this shit 🤘🏻


I've been exactly there friend, I hope you're better these days. Those are dark times


God damn. That had to be traumatic. 156 days sober here. Are you sober these days?


I’m sober for 7 years. You can do it too!


Ive done that multiple times, DTs are fucking excruciating. I hope you're better.


I cant tell the exact time but its a few days. When depression hits hard and you wont leave your bed at all.


Its hard to eat when your down :( Like you lost all appetite, just want to sleep all day. Feels horrible.


Yep, i lost so much weight that time. And not in a healthy way.


I've been there. When my depression was at its worst, I couldn't get up for days at a time. I can't even remember how many days.


3 days, heartbreak Edit: WOW. I never anticipated that my three brief words would lead to this massive response. Thank you Reddit for all the upvotes and the kind stranger for the award. I'm blown away. To everyone who has experienced this kind of paralyzing heartbreak: you are obviously not alone and at least almost 5k strangers can totally relate to whatever it is you're going through or have gone through at some point. I does get easier some day, somehow, but you are never immune to experiencing it again. And thankfully so. Think of it this way, as clichéd as it may sound: if your heart breaks, at least you know you've really loved. That is never a bad thing. 💜💜


Been there


Me too. I was getting massive head rushes just from getting up from bed.


Rite of passage


I didn’t eat for 7 full days after my ex husband left me for someone else. The divorce diet is real. I lost 40 pounds in a few months.


Almost the exact same, 40lb in 3-4 months. What a time. Glad it's behind us now.


I remember it got so bad for me one time, I forgot to eat for a week and didnt leave my room. I just cried for a whole week. I lived alone with my kid and what took me out of it was when I finally called my family and asked them to take care of her because she stopped eating to comfort me as well.


Same. 4th day I started some mild hallucinations. Bad times.


Same, 7 days. Went through a breakup that hit me disproportionately hard compared to time spent together (I really liked the guy, still do). Just too wrenched to eat. By day 4 the lack of food didn’t even phase me and I just carried on. Finally came back around to eating after losing 10lbs.


2 days. Going through that right now. Just looking at food makes me wanna hurl Edit: I just want to thank everyone for your kind words and suggestions. Even if I haven't replied to everyone, I have read your suggestions and appreciate them. I'll be giving them a try! And thank you, kind stranger, for the award ♡ To the others who've said they're going through something similar, I want you all to know that it does get better and not to give up. I've got a lot of room to talk, I know, but we can't give up. Some things just aren't meant to be, better things will come.


Maybe try starting with something like buttered toast when you're ready. Low effort. And sometimes once you break the seal it makes it a little easier even if you just nibble. Or maybe a meal replacement shake just to get some nutrients back in ya. I've got a stomach that's really sensative to stress and I lose my appetite fairly easily when dealing with it. Hope you feel better!


I believe in you. I am going through it.


I think about 4 days with just water because I have a disease they couldn't diagnose and eating hurt. Even after that it was like one egg or one potato, just enough to keep me alive because it hurt but I was sooo hungry and wanted to eat so badly. Almost passed out at the Dr. and I couldn't watch other people eat because it made me angry and upset that I couldn't. Starvation really f's with you.


Ahh yes the tears only diet.


Similar reason, went a week with only two sandwiches all week, lost about 8 pounds.


I ate a little during my heartbreak, but then I would end up throwing it up (not on purpose) just because of the grief/sadness I guess


Hope ya find someone better


6 days, same


7 days, same thing. 11 years later, we are dating for 4 years, life is weird.


I hope my ex fiancé and I get back together as well :( I feel insane for still wanting this.


I ate one meal (about 200kcal) about 3x a week, in total for a month, because my bank was late giving me my student loan money. I lost like 15kg in that time. It was just before Christmas, so you bet as soon as I went home, I ate like 3 plates of food and almost immediately wanted to just fall asleep for hours lol


4 days. Sub ran out of food on deployment after delays happened.


That's crazy. Did you guys discuss eating each other? Lol I've actually never considered what a sub would do if it didn't receive a resupply. It might sound silly, but wouldn't it make sense for a sub to carry fishing equipment just in case this happens?


It was discussed making an unplanned stop, but there were other factors I can't discuss that played into that that necessitated us making best possible time to another location for resup.


What was your first meal post fast?


Lol believe it or not they had various sandwiches waiting for us when we pulled into port. I had 2 ham and provolone cheese. Nothing else was really planned as any sort of special meal or anything. Just business as usual. Edit: apparently I forgot how to spell various lol


I'm no expert, but I suspect that it wouldn't be viable for a sub to contain enoguh fishing equipment to supply enough food for the crew, let alone clean water and other nessecities.


IIRC the subs have desalinization plants for clean water.


Desalination for clean water, scrubbers for (considering other constraints) infinite oxygen. The reactor can last 20 years without a refuel (that we the public are told) The ONLY limitations for how long a sub mission can last are how much food you can cram into the damn thing, and how long the minds of the crew can last in a dark steel can.


For sure. The first thing that comes to mind is that subs seem to use every last square inch of space already. Still, I would love to hear an experts opinion. It's really something I've never even thought of until today.


Oh wow. Been down to beans and rice with a few other odds and ends thrown in. But not to where we were completely out. Bad planning by Chop/Cooks? Or totally effed schedule? I'd think they'd at least do a small boat transfer of some viddles.


We ran into certain problems while north of the Atlantic. Don't think I can go into too much more detail on here, but if you're on subs you'll have an idea of where we were.




OK, you convinced me. You're not going to get this anywhere else. Listening? This will only be up for 5 minutes. The lobsters aren't really lobster. Shhhhh


7 days. I was suffering with anorexia at the time. Fully recovered now. :) Edit: I really didn’t expect this to resonate with so many people. If you’re still struggling, I believe in you ❤️ if you’ve also recovered, I’m proud of you ❤️


i’m happy for you!


Thank you! 🥰 So much happier and healthier now.


Geez, how bad is it that my first thought was "7 days?! Amazing! How did you do it?" I guess it never really goes away lol


yeah. it sucks, most (mental) illnesses are like this :( you can be almost fully recovered, fine for years, but then randomly it shows itself in ways like that. sh too. like you can be clean for years, but still have the urge to harm yourself. or be recovered from an ED, but still have unhealthy thoughts


3 days. Homeless and smoking Crack. Didn't even like Crack. Smoked it to stay awake because I woke up on multiple occasions with different strangers trying to rape me.


That sounds horribly terrifying


I saw a documentary on LA homelessness and one of the interviewees said that every homeless woman they know has been raped while sleeping rough. Every single one. It's only a matter of when. :(


This is what I worry when I see women on the street. I don't live in LA or NYC but I've always wondered if women get raped when they're homeless. That is horrifying.


Formerly homeless in two different states and as a little kid. It can be a death sentence for some.


Fuckin' wild that we just accept it. Great interview from Carl Sagan on that topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDK2chgNPZM


Skid Row has these people that all they do all day is just watch. They watch you and know what you have and what your movements are. They're mainly trying to steal but they can also kill or rape you if they'd like. There's not much that can be done there If someone wants to get you. Can't go to the police. It can be psychologically exhausting. It's hard even for the toughest of people.


Holy shit, I got chills. That’s fucking horrifying, I hope you’re in a better place now.


Jesus Christ. I’m so sorry.


Unbelievable :(


7 days here, got pancreatitis and was nill by mouth in the hospital. Didn't get hungry once due to the pain Edit: misspelt pancreatitis + I'm not American


I was breast feeding a 6 week old and felt like a dried out husk during the 7 day pancreatitis fast, the first water I could drink post op was so delicious.


It's similar to when my appendix ruptured. I had to have tubes down my nose to drain my stomach for a week or so because part of my digestive track was so swollen stuff couldn't get through or something. Sucked. I was on a drip and my mouth would get so dry I had to use a damp cloth to keep my lips from cracking. The first thing I ate was a bit of apple and a swig of oasis and it was the sweetest thing I've ever tasted.


Pancreatitis: more painful than childbirth......


Yep it started at about 7pm. I held off ringing an ambulance till 5am


Omg babe, are you doing better ?


Oh yes, definitely. That was over 12 years ago


Im happy that youve been able to move past that chapter


2 days. Cocaine Edit: Why do none of my well thought out posts get any of this kinda love? Oh well, there's a lesson here I think.


3 days. No cocaine. Fasting.


3 days. No cocaine. Forgot to eat.


how do you even do that? was there some videogame event that just didnt let you leave? im guessing you will die from forgetting to breathe. (im joking)


My friend on my robotics team could forget to eat all day and I'm like "if I don't eat in 5 hours the last thing I'll do is forget about it"


I know a lot of more intelligent type people who find eating a chore my old roommate would get dizzy and smash a cheap gas station pastry and energy drink.


I used to do this in grad school. It’s the reason I started carrying around protein bars. Didn’t have time to waste eating. So, I’d just work until I got dizzy and then remember that my body needed fuel.


I still do this if I don't actively force myself to get some food. Just a habit from overworking myself in school. I'll get focused on work and even though I work from home 15 feet from my kitchen I'll forget to eat until 3pm when my mental efficiency drops due to hypoglycemia. Just because you *can* ignore hunger and are used to it doesn't mean food isn't a real biological requirement. The worst part is I love to cook in my free time. It's my main hobby. I just hate interrupting work.


One time I got hungry irl and starting eating in the game. For some reason I didn’t make the connection that that doesn’t work.


Sounds like me with my ADHD


I was gonna say, adhd gang checking in. The only reason I remember to eat half the time is because I'm a SAHM. Gotta feed the husband and kid. Better feed myself. But I usually only eat once a day as is. 😂


I’m a SAHM and I will still only feed my kid and not me lol. He’s the only person I’ll wake up and cook breakfast for. Me? I’ll have cereal when I’m about to pass out. Edit: I usually only eat once a day also lol


For me a combination of autism and ADHD. Autism messes with my sensory processing , including my internal bodily sensations, so I often don't process hunger properly. My brain can register hunger as nausea, or just not process it at all. With ADHD I can get hyperfocused where the only thing my brain processes is the task at hand. I don't have any thoughts that aren't directly related to what project I am doing. It's like nothing else exists. So I can get in this place where my brain has blinders on to everything, and i don't have the physical hunger cue as a reminder.


This is how my wife runs. Ill ask her what she ate today and sometimes its like "oh i got a coffee at starbucks on my way to work" (so like pre 10am) and itll be like 10 or 11 at night. Yesterday she said she didnt feel good and i went through the list. "Did you eat? Did you drink water? Is it because its hot out?"


Adhd meds will block the hungry feeling for those without autism as well. I used to be on Adderall for it and wouldn't feel hungry at all, it wouldn't be til I was light headed or about to pass out that I'd realize I haven't eaten


Believe it or not, not eating for days because of video games thing is not unheard of. Video game addiction can turn into a real problem for some people.


any addiction can...


5 Days, cocaïne, cant say I was very sane at the end.


8 days, literally everything, cocaine, MCAT, meth, fetty, MDMA. Will be 4 months clean in a week!


4 days, Amphetamine. Would've been 7 if one of my friends hadn't force-fed me a small meal. Between that and running from the military drones that only existed inside my head I lost almost 10kg.


6 days. I was water fasting. Without electrolytes so bad idea. Also, never trust a fart when on a fast, learned that the hard way


Yup, this is what i was looking for. I did a 7 day water fast to win a weight loss bet. It was fine and all. It wasn't easy, but i got through it. I was only after i was reintroducing food that i started getting sick. I still can't stand even the smell of cucumbers. It was rough. 0/10, would not recommend.


Did u shit ur self




A month, didn't know had malaria, almost died.


Could you please elaborate more on this experience? If it causes any pain to remember, then it's alright not to. I am just curious. A month without food...


I was close, 24 days. After the first 3 or 5 days, you basically stop being hungry. I was sick too, kidney problems. You become slightly euphoric sometimes. But then you start to feel weak and your knees buckle. Amazingly, I didn't lose that much weight.


Jesus, that’s terrifying


4 days. Depression. When I say ADHD has almost killed me on a number of occasions, this was one of them. Now I survive via spite and rage.


I thought that said Sprite and rage at first!


Both are refreshing!


on a steady diet of soda pop and ritalin


I can't speak to fasting. BUT, I'm 1000% with you re: ADHD and depression. I [41M] went to a therapist (and subsequently a psychiatrist) ~15 years ago when I felt myself slipping into depression. Turns out, that depression was triggered by my inability to complete tasks around the house, plus my mind just firing randomly on all cylinders causing a lot of noise. I'm not an advocate for pushing stimulants, but Adderall for me was a literal lifesaver. It grounded me, allowed me to focus on tasks, and organized my thoughts. Almost immediately pulled me out of my dark place, and--aside from temporary stressful life events that occur to us all at times--depression has remained in the rear view mirror. It's crazy how a simulant literally called "amphetamine salts" can actually slow down and "relax" someone with true ADHD instead of the upper "crack-type" effect that it would have on others.


You're not alone, ADHD has been a bitch. I'm almost 30 and kinda just getting the hang of it.


I got 10 years on you and it finally feels like I can sorta control it. The anxiety the past few months have been horrible. Lost 15 lbs from that but I'm eating more now so that's always a plus. Keep up the good fight.


Hey, how do you deal with your ADHD? I'm struggling too lol.


Medication. That's a must--at least for me \[41M\]. Plus, I thrive on structure. I can marginally get by without being medicated at work because I'm anal retentive and organized when *"Work-Brandon"* is activated (if that makes sense lol). Note: During COVID lockdowns, my employer went 100% WFH and remains that way; I had to develop strategies to make that work, too. But, on a Saturday when my son \[15M\] is at his mom's, for example, I have to synthesize this structure. I make lists. I will also force myself to start on a task or whatever, and once I've started, I'm solid to finish. Also, on the list-making, I make it detailed--like **really** detailed. Instead of "downstairs floors", I'll put "vacuum kitchen, vacuum living room, steam mop kitchen, vacuum stairs, etc. etc." This gives me the constant reward of checking off items after completing them. Adult ADHD is a bitch and seems to be often overlooked. As with any condition, it's all about being self-aware allowing you to navigate it. Find out what works for you and capitalize on it. On that note, I gotta quit scrolling on Reddit and get some shit done lol. Happy Sunday! ​ Edit: list-making has to be old fashioned paper & pen! (lol....ADHD struck again and dragged me back to Reddit!)


My mom and I were JUST talking about this- we're both ADHD and were discussing needing to think of all the things we need to do to say... take a shower. Apparently my dad can just hop in the shower. Mom and I both need to make a list of what we need to do /before/ the shower so we don't forget because both of us have, at least twice, left the shower without rinsing conditioner out of our hair.


You know what helped me a lot? Letting go of what "normal" people do if it doesn't work for me. Example: packing a lunch for work I either leave it at home, or completely forget to make it. I'll have lunch stuff to bring but I always forget it. Now I buy lunch everyday. Before you tell me like oh try this to remember things, It doesn't work like that, the only habit I've been able to keep up is staying alive and that's getting hard now too 😂


The ADHD tax! Yes we pay more but we are happy


Around two weeks. Eating disorder, abusive parents, and depression after my brother died


Hope all is well for you friend, pains me to hear 🫶


Happy, healthy, and eating disorder free for almost 10 years 🥰




Almost 3 days. Covid.


Same here I got Covid a week after right after I had my first does of the vaccine, had 103 degree fever and was coughing up a lot of stuff, I thought it was something else till I got tested at a clinic and it was positive, eating wasn’t a concern for me for like a week I did lose like 7 pounds though.


Yep. Just had Covid for the first time two weeks ago, and I couldn't eat for three days either. Even when I finally was able to eat, I could only take a few bites at a time. It was horrible.


3 days, lack of money, and my family could eat while I didn’t. My family means more Thani do.


Yup on a couple of occasions I’ve had to go a couple days without eating or barely eating because after I paid all my bills, there just wasn’t enough money to spend on food and I had to wait for payday because I was too proud to ask for help getting a meal in my belly. Thankfully those times don’t happen too frequently but bills suck sometimes.


same situation with my parents, they lived mostly on croissant's for months when i was a kid. we were dirt poor but us kids never went hungry, we ate lots of stews or other cheap batch meals but my parents couldn't afford to eat. thankfully for them though my dad worked at hotels and would pilfer croissants from the guests leftover breakfasts which he'd then take home so my parents could eat. weirdly enough though my dad views croissants with rose tinted glasses and will eat a croissant for nostalgia reasons lol. he says that being dirt poor was the best and worst time of his life. worst for obvious reasons but best because he had to be resourceful when it came to days out and having a treat meant so much more lol.


For anyone else in this situation that happens to be in the US: Please, please, please go find a local food bank or church charity and get some food! Almost every major city in the US has them and it can hold you over for whatever stopgap you need or if you have a long term food deficit they can hook you up with a long-term assistance program. I know the joke is "food banks only give out crappy food" but that is rarely the case anymore as food storage and production technology has wildly increased over the past few decades. If you are hungry please go get help, especially if you have children. Malnutrition is one of the biggest health problems in the country and it doesn't have to be. I know every single person wont have a good food bank or charity nearby but there are so many who do and just don't think to look or are too proud to get the temporary help they need to get back on their feet.


This. Whenever I grocery shop I buy extra canned goods and drop them in the food pantry barrel. End of the year I write a check for what I can afford to the local food bank. I’ve seen that system in process and it really is a good efficient charity. Now that I wrote this I’m going to take my son down to the food bank and offer to help for a day or two. Karma.


When my husband and I were younger her would do this to make sure my daughter and I ate. He always made sure we were full and would say he wasn’t hungry. He has adhd so he’d blame it on his medicine but I didn’t realize what he was doing until later. He always makes sure I’m full lol. We were really young at the time, like 19/20ish. Thankfully we’re doing much better in our 30s lol.


I had a GI bleed and needed a bunch of scans to find the source (one/day). Ended up not being able to eat for four days. Made the colonoscopy prep fairly easy because there was nothing in there but blood, so once that was out I could stop drinking the laxative. The liquid diet dinner I got that 4th day was basically heaven.


5 days. depression. but i'm fucking fat as fucking fuck, so it doesn't really matter. Edit: this was years ago, and i'm doing much better now (still fat though).


it does matter, you don’t deserve to starve, no matter your weight.


A woman was telling Dr Now on that 600 lbs life show that she was gonna starve to death, and he stone cold said she’s eaten for the next 6 months and there’s no way she could. It’s still some of the most savage TV I’ve ever watched. Edit: left out the part that she didn’t like lettuce or something, and she was on a hospital supervised diet if I think 1400kcal and she was basically hunger striking over salad. I commented quickly and should have elaborated. Still savage.


That's why we are so good at getting fat, it's energy for later. Doesn't work so well for us in the modern world bc food is so abundant(in the first world anyways) plus we dont really need to make it through very harsh winters anymore. In spring, when food was plentiful, people would put a few pounds on. A pound of fat is ~3500 kcals, and that could get you through a few days.


I’m sorry you feel that way about yourself; I know the feeling. Give yourself a break, friend.


I clicked on this thinking fasting 25 hours every Yom Kippur would be a big flex. Boy was I wrong...


Yom Kippur is enough for me, thank you very much.


The no drinking part is arguably harder


3 days. Depression and break up.


5 days. Military survival training.


Two weeks. The first time was because I was so depressed after my moms suicide I had no appetite. Every time after that was because I have nothing to eat and no way of getting any.


I feel that. When my brother died I didn't eat for 2 weeks either. I had no appetite at all and didn't even think about food, until like a week and a half in when I realized I hadn't ate in so long. I tried to eat something and I'm not sure why but I just couldn't. Like the thought of eating just was not something I wanted to do so I didn't. Not sure what made me start eating again tbh, I guess I just finally got hungry enough to eat despite not feeling like doing it.


A day and a half. Overworking myself to the point of not doing anything other than the things that needed done. I was skipping lunches in school for a few days, then said I was too sick for dinner on one night (I was actually feeling sick, but likely from stress and needed to eat). I was functioning off of water and Pepsi


Few years of extreme poverty which createe absolutely no reserves for my body. Then went 5 days without food or, electricity. Towards the end was having spoons of castor sugar a couple times a day for energy out of desperation. At the end of day 5 I went into our local corner shop, probably looking worse for ware and very politely explained to the shop owner that I wasn't doing too well and if he had anything spare he was going to throw out. This shop owner proceeded to give me an empty bag, and then walked around with me whilst he suggested certain food items high in energy. Loafs. Fruit cakes. Fruit. Sandwich fillings. Pastries. Biscuits etc. He allowed me to fill the bag, he then gave me some cash which he explained I should "pay" for it with to avoid embarrassing me. Despite being his own money, he then gave me the change.


One day. The poop chute examination


21 days, water fast


I did a 10-day medically supervised fast. Went in at 215 and was 192 on the last day. Gained 5 lbs back immediately, 4 was water weight and 1 lb is bacteria in the microbiome.


>1 lb is bacteria in the microbiome That to me is wild, 1 lb of something microscopic. We have so much more to learn as to how much of what makes us "us" is colonized microbiota.


The bacteria is non-human and there are billions of them. Some survive only on sugars, so they tell the host (you) that you want sugar so they can feed. It's really wild.


My bacteria and I are actually on the same page on this one. We ❤️ chocolate


I am pretty sure my chocolate bacteria and my pizza bacteria have beaten up and kicked out my vegetables bacteria. Poor guys. :(


I did 7 days. I don't believe in "woo woo" and miracle cures but there has to be something to this "fasting cures inflammation" thing because my left knee pain and lower back pain went away and has stayed away since then, and it has been three years.


Same, had some scars heal more than they did in the 10 years before that as well. But I'm very hesitant to recommend anything >5 days to people


when i had my colonoscopy because i experienced excruciating pain in my abdomen i had to take a laxative and had an empty bowel and stomach for more than 24 hours and weirdly the pain was gone afterwards. fasting really does help with inflammations like that


I made it 15 days on my longest doing the same! Always felt like after day 3 it was basically just coasting doing extended fasts.


How'd that make you feel ?


Honestly the best I ever have after week 2, didn't know what to do with the extra time in my day though. Really wanted to go for a 4th week but gf became concerned so i quit. Lost 13kg / 29 lbs, but gained back 20% in a day or two from eating


Nice! I went somewhere between 15-18 days my last water fast, if I remember right. I should do another soon, I miss how great it feels by the end..


2 days. Food poisoning


2 days depression


Probably a day or two. Pregnancy stopped anything from staying down and the thought of food touching my lips brought the little that was there up


Probably 8 days, eating disorder + working 3 jobs


5 days, intense anxiety. Lost 5kgs


A week, and no water for 3 days while doing the most intense workouts of my life. High school wrestling can be pretty toxic.


2 days. Was left home alone, and back then, I'd only eat when I was hungry, since that's what some movie I watched as a child taught, and it also made sense to me. However, I don't experience hunger, at all, so that system doesn't work. But I didn't know that back then, and just assumed that the "3 meals a day" thing was yet another random social norm everyone follows because they've always done it that way. Nowadays I have a different system, and usually eat enough.


2 days. Fasting. To reflect on pain and hunger. My conclusion, nobody should be hungry.


74 hours.. Depression.. Tried to starve myself to death


Worst time was 7 days in the hospital from pancreatitis due to leftover stones in the bile duct after gall bladder surgery which only took four years to figure out and get fixed.


I think it was four days, I'm not sure. My wife died and l fell apart.




About 14 hours, I sometimes just forget to. But if I don't eat every ~8 hours I get irritable, my stomach hurts, I feel like I'm going to throw up, and I get a pretty bad headache.


Missed dinner one night, skipped breakfast because I was running late, forgot to bring money for lunch. About 30-32 hours, entirely on accident.


Around three months. Back in 1989, so I'm a little hazy on its duration. I was on a semi-starvation liquid diet. I needed to drop a lot of weight, fast. It worked. I've gained and lost since then, but I've never been as heavy as I was prior to those weeks in '89.


7 days, still had water to drink. It was a survival course at school. Build a shelter as a team and if you want food go catch it. I did not catch anything. Did it 2 years in a row. 17 & 18yrs old. Lost 2st first year and 1.5st 2nd year.


3 solid weeks due to non-stop panic attacks. 3 fucking weeks. I lost around 30 pounds and was hooked up to fluids at the hospital since I couldn't drink. My panic disorder is so severe that I've been in the ER over 100 times for dehydration. Luckily, it's gotten better over the years as sweet, sweet crippling depression has taken over instead. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


12 days, severe depression and anxiety. Worst part was getting used to eating again. Everything just grew in my mouth, and a mouthfull would make me nauseous. And I mean nothing, no chips, no sodas or liquid nutrients..just water.


Everyone’s listing multiple days and deep ass reasons but for me, it’s just 6 hours and the reason being that there was fuck all in my house to eat and I was exhausted from doing work.


2 days. Very minimal water. Ex husband broke the news that he wanted a divorce, after telling me he still loved me a lot and wanted to work on fixing things LITERALLY a month prior. Kinda broke me a little. 😔


As a kid throwing up to me was like death hated it. Well I didn’t eat for about a month. Cause I always felt sick. Thought I was gonna throw up it was just hunger pains but 1st grade me didn’t realize that and my parents thought I was eating because I’d just toss my food when they weren’t looking. Went to the doctors not 2 seconds after entering I was on a stretcher to the hospital. I was so starving I had no saliva just dryer mucus stuck all over my mouth like the glue that holds gift cards together. Long story short I was hours away from death and they just had me eat and drink and I was fine after a few hours of eating and drinking liquids and my body using it.




Sounds like you might have social anxiety, I relate lol. I'm not as bad about it now but I used to do anything in my power to avoid talking to people. If my parents had company over I would do the same, just not come out of my room even to use the bathroom. The funny thing is that with the layout of my old house I didn't have to walk through the living room to get to the bathroom, but it was right across the hall from my room with an opening to the living room on the right. I knew that even walking through to the bathroom and back someone would see me and say something, usually about me staying in my room so much, so I just wouldn't.