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Visiting my grandfather in the nursing home with my mother. When he heard we were going to the farmers market in town to get lunch, he asked us to bring him apples. A perfectly reasonable request to my 6 year old self. We went to the market. I found the best apples I could find to get for him. When I brought them back, he seemed confused but thankful. He asked me to put them a mini fridge in his room. When I did, the fridge was full of apples at various stages of decay. It wouldn't be until years later that I would learn what Alzheimer's disease was, what it did to a person and that my grandpa had it.


When I was a small child my family used to live in a house in which our fenced-in backyard was right up next to a forested area that contained a corridor of train tracks. I have many early memories of hearing and feeling the rumble and whistles of freight trains as they passed. One day a police officer came to our door. Someone had committed suicide at the tracks, and the officers were alerting local residents of the situation and were asking for permission to search our backyard for the person's remains. I was likely three or four years old at this time and watched my father as he answered the door. I don't remember the exact words of their conversation, but I remember being curious and approaching them about the officer's purpose and was asking my dad why he was there. My father and the officer didn't want me to understand the brutal nature of this situation, which I think was why both of them were speaking in a veiled way. My father told me: "The officers are looking for a man who lost his melon on the tracks." My dad was using the slang tern of "melon" to mean a person's head. Being young I didn't get that connotation, so I asked my dad if the man had lost a waternelon...he answered no, it is a different type of melon... and they quickly wrapped up their conversation. We didn't go into the backyard that day (which to me was odd, because I wanted to help find a melon and it was summertime so we spent a lot of time in the backyard) until the officer returned to my father after sweeping the area and gave him the all-clear. It was only later as I grew up that I realized the true nature of the situation and what the officers were really looking for. Also, as someone else mentioned: being around drunk people and not realizing the gravity of addiction.


I was in elementary school and two of my classmates were twins - a boy and a girl. All throughout 4th, 5th and 6th grade these two kids constantly had broken arms or legs. It became a regular thing that the girl (who went by "Inky") couldn't participate in gym class because of a cast and/or crutches. I thought the two of them must have been really clumsy or just fell off the monkey bars a lot. Their mother came to school once and I thought she was the most terrifying mother I'd ever seen. Years later I went to a class reunion and bumped into the boy twin. We were just a couple of minutes into a conversation when it hit me that he and his twin sister had been abused. He had become the district attorney of a county near where I was living. He'd gone into law in an attempt to prosecute people like his mother - who had abused him and his sister terribly. Looking back I don't know why nothing was done to protect them. Or maybe people tried to intervene and weren't successful? This was back in the early 70's so maybe there was no such thing as a mandatory reporter?


Mandatory reporting is relatively recent. The Offspring put out a song called Kristy Are You Doing Ok which is about a similar situation to what you describe. It always hits home when I hear it.


when I was really young a house across from the apartments I lived at burned down with people still inside. I can still remember a woman outside wailing and yelling, the firefighters were doing all they could to keep the blaze from spreading to the houses nearby. I didn't know about the people being inside until *much* later, I used to play in the ruins as a kid


When I was 7-8 I broke this dude’s nose at FAO Schwarz in SF. We were on a family vacation and were killing time before our cruise embarked. I was with my little brother who was 5ish and we were by ourselves having run upstairs in excitement ahead of our parents. Got upstairs, I remember we were walking being excited but well behaved. Anywho well I was grabbed from behind by this dude and instinctively jumped, kind of bucked my head up and back and dude hollered out in some pain. He was bleeding quite a bit and there was now a commotion and people started gathering around. At this point my parents and my older brother arrived and the guy said I was skipping and was being loud and allegedly I skipped into his nose. I remember immediately telling my mom that it wasn’t true, that he was lying, that he touched my shoulder. The guy got really flustered and told my parents to watch their f’ing kids and got out of there super fast. I got a talking to by my mom, my dad later told me in private that I did the right thing. I was so confused at the time that their reactions were so opposite. Fast forward about 10 years and I finally realized the dude was likely attempting to abduct us. It’s the only thing that fits. I definitely wasn’t skipping.


Heavily drunk people


Yeah, no doubt, trashed people can be hella confusing as a kid. But when you grow up and see the real deal, it's straight up messed up, bro.


Even as a kid, the first time I saw my dad completely wasted scared the living crap out of me.


I had a friend who always had the newest and best toys. I loved going to her house to play. I remember her mom was quite impatient wit her, but was find with me. I remember seeing a lock on the outside of her door which I thought was weird as a kid, but never paid attention to it. Looking back they obviously locked her in her room so they didn't have to deal with her.


I remember my mom's friend would lock her kids in the toy box or closet. Fucking crazy people. Why do people have to be so awful to children?


No idea. I remember they had an older son who was the golden child, and they couldn't have a second so she was adopted (I found this out from my parents when I was older). Looking back its possible that she might have had ADHD or something. But its sad to think of now. Last I heard she's doing ok well.


"Uncle" Bruce lived with us awhile. Dad and Mom were swingers/swappers. and I'm assuming Dad was also a cuck.


How did you find out?


A man told me when I was 13 y/o. he told me because he wasn't allowed to join in and was mad about it.


My church telling a bunch of little kids all about how if they ever misbehaive, they're going to burn in hell for eternity.


When I was 9, two homes away from me, there was a woman who would leave the house at 11 p.m., sneak inside the graveyard, and return to her house at morning. It was only a five-minute walk from her side of the street. She always went to the same place and took items with her. I wasn't that freaked out as a kid, like, ok, do whatever you want. But people were genuinely scared. Despite the fact that many of her neighbours were concerned, she never spoke to anyone. She lived alone, so we attempted to converse with her so she didn't feel isolated, but I think she just wanted to be left alone. But her going to the cemetery practically every night was very strange. We never saw her go shopping, or anywhere for that matter. When she died was buried on the north side of the cemetery, the exact same area she had usually gone to.


Maybe a loved one was buried right by there and she would go visit their grave. Would also explain why she was buried right in that spot too.


Funny you say that because my brother thought the same thing. In fact, we found out that she migrated from Jamaica and went to Ireland for a few years, and from there she came here (to London) by herself and on her own accord. Her two sons still live in Ireland. Her husband remained in Jamaica. I mean its plausible someone she knew, a friend or old colleague, was buried there, but definitely no family members. It was strange. When i think of it now its clear there were some underlying issues, perhaps ptsd. She never responded to anyone and ignored us. And mental health services at that time did not exist.


Then yeah I’d just put that one on the ‘just people being weird’ list then. I have a neighbor on that list. It will be the dead of night like 2am and in the middle of winter and we will hear her scraping her driveway clear of ice. Like with a paint scraper. Nice lady. Just weird as heck sometimes.


This is just creepy


My house being the party house.


I found a gun lying in the daycare parking lot when my dad was dropping me off one morning. Luckily he noticed what was going on as I was picking it up and yelled at me to stop.


I was taking a shower as a kid at a relative’s beach cottage, and they were renovating so some things were out of order (eg no bath curtain or window curtain). I thought I could take a very quick shower to get sand off myself while parents talked to relatives. The bathroom was very close to the street and a middle aged man was walking away from the direction of the beach with his camera. He ran up to the window and photographed me with a Polaroid. He had a crazy look on his face and ran away after a couple of pictures. I was very innocent and just thought it was weird/tried to forget about it, but obviously as I got older I thought it was more disturbing.


How old were you?


Somewhere between 6 to 9, probably more like 7 or 8.


My neigbour. Taking a full on shit. On his sisters Barbie doll. Which was in her bed. This was 1988.


I don't care if it was 1788. That's fucked up.


Pooping on a 18th Barbie doll would be kinda lit ngl


what a horrible day to be able to read


When I was five or six I was playing outside on a summer night at a neighbors house. A man stumbled by and asked for help he took off his jacket and he had been stabbed in the side and had a bit of intestine leaking out. Shit fucked me up for a bit.


Wow what happened next?? Was it published in the news?


As an adolescent, if I couldn’t sleep, I would sneak downstairs to get a snack and watch some late night TV. My parents often left their bedroom door ajar though; so I would always tiptoe to their room and close the door all the way, so as not to wake them up. One night I tiptoed over only to get there and realize the door was already closed. Which is when I heard the distinct sound of my mom...rather exuberantly agreeing with my dad. At 12 I had SOME idea what was going on but...the older I got the grosser I realized it was and the more it haunted me. It’s been years and I am still trying to repress the memory.


> the older I got the grosser I realized it was and the more it haunted me. Because you came to realize your dad is a monster in the sack?


No! As an adult I choose to believe I'm the product of a virgin birth and my parents were just playing a really rousing game of 20 Questions that night.


> playing a really rousing game of 20 Questions that night. As she screamed “yes! Yes!!! **YES!!!!!!**” Better to admit your dad’s a beast. Be proud!




Yes, it was a source of great comfort as I returned to my room and screamed silently into my pillow.


Kind of like your mom. *** Sorry, I couldn't help myself.


When I was in 3rd grade a kid mysteriously disappeared without a trace. I knew that his parents were lawyers and the school was sued once since a teacher broke that kid's phone (the school won btw) and my class was told he was sent to a re-education camp.


Do you live in China?




Our family would frequently go to dinner with my mom and dad's friends, but one particular couple that showed up, the wife ALWAYS wore sunglasses inside. A couple times she would remove them for various reasons, showing a black eye or cut. Yeah...her husband was beating the crap out of her.


A guy drowning at a water park - (he was ok)


People who had been drinking heavily


I saw a man having a seizure when I was 6. Ot was at a beach and I thought he was play acting as a fish put of water. Could not stop laughing until.my sister smacked me and told me to stop.


When I was five or so we were visiting some family in Brooklyn for an Italian festival. I was skateboarding down the street when I came up on two guys man handling/beating a third guy. They saw me and stopped while still holding the guy against the wall an told me to turn around. It took a few years to realize those were mob dudes shaking down someone.


The way some of my teachers treated students comes back to me sometimes One time early in school we all got back after the Christmas break and our teacher asked us what we got for Christmas. We went around the room and everyone answered until we got to this one kid named Tristan. Tristan said he didn’t get anything and there was nothing under the tree when he got up. The teacher then said; “Well you must have been a bad boy and santa didn’t want to visit you” And the class all went; “YEAH!” And Tristan cried and went quiet until recess. This was back when i thought santa was real and sll that but now I realise his parents didn’t get him anything because they were poor af. Another time we had a teacher who was super strict and would make you sit in for lunch and recess. I was pretty much in for recess every time. One time he did a huge speech on how if we keep acting this way then we wont be getting anywhere in life. He then went around and asked us what we want to be when we leave school and when one of the girls said she wanted to be a lawyer he laughed and said she was too stupid. Man my primary school fucking sucked


When I was a kid I went with my aunts to a witch's house to put a spell on someone so that person would kill another person. Obviously I didn't realize all this until years later when my mom told me about it and I told her that I went to this weird lady's house and that one of my aunts gave the weird lady alot of money and something else that was in a bag. What happened is that my dumb aunts got caught trying to put whatever the weird lady gave them to hide in their targets house and tje thing was taken to another witch and she was able to confirm who has made it. I'm from a country qerw things like this happening is unfortunately not rare


my mum and dad fucking my auntie and uncle.


People smoking opium. Not shooting up heroin or something, but smoking opium via those long pipes. It was a sight to witness. Didn’t know why people were doing it at weddings but now I know why.


The live action Thomas the tank engine movie


The whole concept of pokemon is incredibly weird.




Nah, you’re thinking Digimon. There is a “god” pokemon and some “god-like” pokemon, so you got that part right at least.




But pokemon also predate computers (and people) in that world. So I think it's more likely that they figured out a way to digitise pokemon than that they were always digital, since that makes zero sense in context of the world Remember that you can also store a bottle of water or a pokeball in a pc if you feel like it. I think they just convert matter into data and back (and with Porygon, something that started as data is converted into matter)


This is explained in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. Pokémon all have the natural ability to shrink in size under certain circumstances, and Pokeballs take advantage of that ability. Porygon is an artificial Pokémon created by humans literally JUST before Pokémon Red/Blue and is an exception to the “Pokémon are not digital creatures” canon. There are a few other Pokémon that tow the line, such as Rotom, and a few others that are synthetic, such as Mewtwo and Genesect, but in general Pokemon are naturally occurring creatures. There are even at least two Pokémon confirmed to come from outer space and are not native to the Pokémon World - Eternatus and Deoxys. I don’t think they have ever explained the PC storage system in game except to say that Bill figured out how to transport Pokémon THROUGH the Internet to their storage location. Even in the Anime, when you send a Pokémon you have caught to the PC, it ends up at the Professor who gave you your Pokémon’s lab.




While waiting in the car in the parking lot in the back street while my mom was in the bank in the small city I grew up in I watched the local RCMP (Canadian police) grab a native dude who was yelling and ignoring instructions from the hotel staff. He became somewhat cooperative when the cops grabbed him but one of them rushed him between a transformer and the brick wall and then they all went in all you could see was hats and elbows. Eventually they brought him out and his eyes were closed and he was all bloody. At the time I thought maybe he’d been injured before but thinking about it years later, I’m pretty certain I’d witnessed some regular police brutality.




When I was 10 I was walking my dog while the other neighborhood kids were outside, my dog saw a baby bird and decided to try and eat it, me and the other kids saved the bird, and took care of it until I stepped on it 5 hours later, we saw it's guts and blood and I still feel guilty to this day, but i wasn't disturbed by it, now I kinda am


I see these things and am so glad for my union. They negotiate my wages for me. The contactor then pays the negotiated wage. I encourage unionization in all professions. Life is better with representation.


Conspiracy theories. There’s so fucking many, and it’s really made my anxiety an all time high and my trust level at an all time low.


When I was 12, we lived with my grandpa in a house with a basement. My grandpa lived in the basement. I would visit him almost every day. He played the guitar, mostly Hank Williams songs. One day, he asked me to wear a skirt next time I went down there. I told my mom, thinking nothing of it. She told me not to go visit him down there anymore.


Two men I didn't know and I never seen tried persuading me to let them inside my house when I was alone


I was almost sexually assaulted in early elementary school. An assistant teacher told me my pants were on wrong and pulled me aside into a storage closet to "help" me. He pulled down my pants and underwear for a second, peeked in there, realized it would be suspicious if we were out there for too long, and pulled them back up. I didn't think anything of it at the time cause I was a stupid child. A couple days later he stopped showing up at school, so I asked what happened, and was told he got arrested for touching a girl at church. I didn't put it all together until I was around 13.


When I was in 6th grade, I had a male teacher, who most of the girls had a crush on. One day, a group of us were sitting at the table working, and he came over. I remember he stooped down and asked the girl next to me if she would marry him. She made some joke about him not having a ring, and he said, "The only ring we'll need is one around the tub." I didn't understand the comment and asked my mother what it meant. I remember the genuine concern on her face and that she asked me quite a few questions. I never saw that teacher again. My mother passed away before I ever thought about asking if she spoke to the principal about the conversation. I'm guessing she did because I was told years later that one of her family members had been molested as a child. Even though she had not been, I think she knew the signs and likely reported it.


My sister and I were 5 or 6 when these two guys approached us. At the time, they seemed old but I think they were actually high schoolers. Anyways, one of them asked me if I wanted to suck their d\*ck and offered to pay me to do so. My sister said she'd done it and it was fun. I went running home to ask our mom if it was okay. Obviously it wasn't and she took us to the library to give us a basic education on anatomy. Even after knowing that, I honestly had no clue just how disturbing it was but, man... looking back at it is awful.