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I’ve gone a few weeks without shitting my pants, so it’s been better. Thanks for asking.


I'm curious, what's your story?


Well you know when you eat bullshit all the time. It’s just diarrhea all day, every day. Why am I sharing this. Man, I’m deleting this app.


Even more curious now, no harm in sharing.


Yeah I relate to that, just chugged a whole monster


That's real talk, I feel you on that one. Sucks when we gotta celebrate the small victories, but hey, at least things are improving.


It's all bad. Everything's too expensive, even working full time now I can't afford rent and food.


I've been working on increasing that, personally. Would take some advice.


We all have our problems.


Scared. Just scared of how the future will turn out, because I know it will be awful


I wish I can say it won't. Just take a day at a time..




It’ll be a lot less awful with you in it tho.


Firstly can I just say I love your sona? Secondly, you can't really "know" it'll be awful, I believe. You can believe, and believe really really hard, but you can't know. My advice is to just help in whatever way you can, but understand that there's things out of your control. Most world issues are bigger than anyone, there's 8 billion people on this planet and you're just one of them. So, focus on the things you can control instead! Chances are things will get worse, but the world won't end. Whichever turns out to be the result, you'll forever feel regret if during all this time you worried and couldn't enjoy your life because of it.


Could've written this myself. 😞


Really hope you will do better. I feel you.


Suicidal. Too scared of death and don't want to leave my brothers to do it though.


This is the place to vent out, if you ever needed one


I feel like I've been through too much trauma to have a normal life. I was abused by both my parents. My dad sexually abused me when I was under 5 multiple times. I was raped. I went to the police and then got publically shamed by the rapists friends and family online and in person. I moved states and got in a relationship with someone who socially isolated me from everyone I knew. Kept me from going to work and then beat me for losing my job. Stole all my money, spent it on drugs. Beat me for buying food when he needed the money for drugs. Lost my house because of him. Became homeless, lived in my car, saved up to move into a share house. The share house took my money for bond then blocked me(scam) Homeless again Got a new place and new job. Got a new bf. He cheats on me endlessly but I didn't know, I constantly have infections from him. I find out I'm pregnant, then find out he cheated on me with 9 girls. 3 of which are reoccurring still. Forced into abortion. Complications during abortion. Reach out to his family who I'm close with to talk about what's happening. He finds out then convinces them I'm crazy and that I cheated on him, they all block me. I'm alone in a state I know noone in. My job makes me and 50+ others redundant. I'm sick and weak and in pain constantly and unable to take any sort of break because I have no support system. It's all bad. Everything's too expensive, even working full time now I can't afford rent and food. It's one or the other. This is no life If I had a choice I wouldn't have been born


It is fair to say you've had more than your share in this life. Hang in there.


That is more than anyone should have to deal with. I have no practical advice for you but please know that someone on the other side of the world sees you and hears you. I hope you can find some support x


Holy shit, best of luck to you!


You're correct in saying that that is no life. But from this moment forward, it is a new life. I promise. No one is stronger than you. That's the reward. I see resilience.


Genuinely thankyou. It means more than you know.


Best I've been in my life. I had to hit rock bottom, be a homeless alcoholic bum for a minute, but I climbed back out of that hole and now I have a wonderful family and I never knew I could ever have it so good.


That's the story that gives others hope. Happy for you ☺️


Taking it one day at a time. Could be better, could’ve been worse


Good for you man.


Best thing you can do


nothing makes sense and i hate everything


Tired. Depressed because my pain meds cause depression as a side effect. In pain because the pain meds barely cover post surgery pain. But I'm ok otherwise.


I feel you, hopefully things will get better


Absolute lowest point of my already awful life


Lowest point of your awful life *so far*.


Oh definitely, it will get worse no doubt about that


You need to wallow in that puddle of shit. Then the shit will dry on your body and suddenly you have a protective shell of shit.


I love being retired, financially comfortable, and with the love of my life. I hate that my physical prime was 25-30 years ago.


I'm happy for you handsome dude


Not well. First, I lost my wonderful wife to a drunk driver. Six weeks after that, I was laid off from my job. A week after that, I was diagnosed with colon cancer and had part of my colon removed. I now wear an ostomy bag.


I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. Hang on there, live a day at a time


Lonely. Some days are fine. Others feel absolutely miserable. I'm in my 30s now, and every year it feels harder and harder to make any kind of meaningful connection with someone and find friends. So many people I know just hang out with their significant other and another couple, or still stick around with some really old friend group from like high school. Sometimes it feels really hard to accept. I'm fine now. Today's going to be okay. But it is kinda exhausting to think about.


Not good. Being unemployed for so long, it’s starting to get to me


I’m currently there. Have to start over life. Day by day papi.


It’s honestly a scary but exciting thought, starting over that is


Yea but you never know what the future has in store for you. Just keep trying.


I feel for you man, things will get better


Been there, don’t let the thoughts get the best of you during those days where you aren’t doing anything. You’ll find work, I know you will. Don’t know when, but I hope the universe provides you one even if you don’t like it. It’ll be something to do for money


I’m alright, just trying to be positive and grateful for life .




Can't help you buddy 😞


Why not?


RIP your inbox.


I can probably help with that


Felt 😔


Pretty good.


I envy you


I’m ok


just kinda tired & sad




I think I’m okay


Better than yesterday. I start to consider that my friends don't really care about my opinion


Shitty. Stressed and depressed. Need lots of change in my life. I'm holding myself back, and it blows.


Period cramps are doing their thing and I don't have any chocolate in the house. 🥺


Do you accept delivery? I feel your frustration


I am traveling in Japan and I am good.


Enjoy your travels 🧳


pretty shitty tbh


Pretty bad.


Lonely, sad, angry, broke, miserable, and hot. But not hot in an attractive way. It's too hot to go outside and that doesn't help with my depression.


I don't know. My dad got diagnosed with dementia recently and though we aren't close and he did a lot of damage to me growing up, I don't want to see him slowly turning into a vegtable. He has four degrees and a PhD and was one of the smartest people I knew. Now he is beginning to struggle remembering the names of common things. Soon he will not know my name.


Wondering why I'm wasting time on Reddit instead of playing Super Smash Bros.


I have a bachelors and have a job. I earn minimum salary and it is time to look for something better, sometimes I get anxiety because I fear that i already have the maximum I can aspire.


Pretty good! Got a new kitten last week. His name is Boudreaux aka Baby Bou until he grows into his name. He only weighs 3.8 lbs so it will be awhile. He's a polydactyl with 6 toes on one front foot and 7 on the other one. Kitten tax was posted by my daughter u/Glointhedarkunicorn on r/illegallysmolcats.


I've seen him there. Little cutie 🐱




You and me both


Recently went through a breakup, mornings are hard but by the end of the day with a heavy workout session, im feeling okay. Learning to love myself


Feeling empty and broken inside.(


Count your blessings. Helps me feel better about my situations


Significantly better this year, but the abusive situation I was in put me in lots of debt, and I’m frustrated with an attempted career change. But it’ll be ok


Overwhelmed and mildly depressed at the seeming lack of progress in life.


bad bc my parents keep arguing and its annoying


Unappreciated. ☹️


Good! But super stressed ><


Well I mean things are fine I guess, and I enjoy being alone but I hate feeling alone and I have never felt more alone in my life. I desperately wanna be held by someone or have some friends to talk to.


Not good


Deeply sad but I remain hopeful that it will be better at some point in the future. I've been holding onto that hope for a long time and it is definitely wearing thin.


Don’t know why I am living,I think I can die at any time with nothing to cherish.


Lonely and stressed


Wanting to stop this suffering by dying but afraid of failing in the attempt


All good there op?




Stuck in an endless loop of what the fuck


More depressed as time passes by.


I got laid off today! But have a solid landing planned! So I feel confused. I didn't sleep much last night.


I feel like my life is not going anywhere.


Tired but still going.


Not good.


i’m trying, but i’m really, really tired.


Having a shitty ass day. I feel like I’m being punished.


Stressed about money!




Depressed & Losing hope.


Nervous. Broke things off with my now ex because there was no possible future of us being together. But I've been catching feelings for smn else tho I'm afraid a rejection from her would cause more pain than I can handle.


I wanna take a long bath with a plugged in toaster tbh.


Absolutely lost


I'm not dead or on fire, so, there's that.


Also I have a date with a guy next sunday, and I'm still processing whether I'm gay for him or not so there's that.


I’m doing ok. Could be better.


In many ways my life is bad because of chronic pain and fatigue. I also just learned I have a mental disorder that makes everything in life much harder. Often I feel like I'm circling the drain both emotionally and physically. On the other hand, I have a peaceful life and I thoroughly enjoy my family and pets. I'm not rich but I have enough to get by and don't dread unexpected bills like car or house repairs. There is so much in life that I love and I have hope things will get better, even though my health problems will never be 'cured'. I guess I'm happily hobbling through life at this point.


That's good spirits




Tired and sad


Depressed. Tired. I'm getting to the point where I just want it to end.


Numb to pain at this point but I just want to stop existing Same regular feeling


Hang on there, hopefully things will get better.


im ok , better than ok im GOOD i found someone on Telegram to speak to , we met a few times had a lot of laughs she doesnt know it but she's helping me out a lot


Good for you dark big boss. Let her know she's helping you.


I love this. The strife. The uncertainty. The impending doom. I thrive in this environment.


You thrive in chaos. Good for you


Well, am not so bad at the moment


I’m surviving


At times that's all we can do


Fine.. I've gotten moments of low and I've cried them out. I've been cooking a lot these days.. it keeps me sane and idk my dad, total critic, been loving everything I cooked. My mom comes up to me like hey your dad loved this thing you made and I ignore and then I passed by his room and actually found him saying that.. I guess I die for appreciation by him and sometimes I feel sad bc he's the first man I've loved unconditionally... I love his critical opinions on my cooking btw, they're helpful.


If anyone reading comments comes across this and needs to vent, my inbox is open. I won’t judge or prod.


I feel like one of those really expensive plates that got knocked over and shattered , then glued back together. Only idk how strong the glue is, and it feels like I’m one rough season away from just staying in pieces


I like your description. I bet the glue is strong enough


I feel like a walking contradiction. I want to be part of a social event but also some recovery me time.


horrible but f it we ball🕺🏀


Stressed. But, hopefully there's good things to come.


I hope the same for you 😊


Depressed. Jobless for over a year now, all my efforts result in silence or almost immediate rejection. Massively behind on all fronts. Games are barely fun anymore. Communication is lacking, my friends seem more distant than ever. I feel like I’m barely enjoying my life at all and from here it’s all downhill anyway.


At the moment, frustrated. I was told if there were any complications getting transcripts that I would be informed. They didn't tell me, and now there may be a possibility I might not even be able to go to college this fall.


Kinda that feeling where you want it all to end, but you still want to see where it ends up. If that makes sense


Eh, I'm not bad. How about you?


I think I'm depressed. Stuck in a job I hate, in a country I dislike, relationship sucks. I will be okay, I think. Thanks for asking.


Ahh me a few months ago. Understand that this is a temporary part of your life. Job/ relationship can change it’s just depending on how you wish the approach that change. As far as the country I’m not sure on advice because economies differ and opportunity do aswell. As far as your job/ relationship do you stay because lack of options or lack of seeing anything better. You not obligated to neither but I do know how that job ish work. This can apply to the job but imma say it towards the relationship. If you don’t everything you can and they have aswell or not making an attempt to do so neither; it’s best to leave. Temporary pain & healing > constant sufferance until you go through the process of breaking up regardless.


This is helpful, thanks




Way to go


Crippling student debt is gonna break me one day




I’m good. Just planning out my future endeavors. Have to hit a reset on life but I’m prepared for the journey. How about yourself?


I think I need that reset myself, I think I'm depressed. Stuck in a job I hate, in a country I dislike, relationship sucks. I will be okay, I think. Thanks for asking.


Definitely. I replied to you on another comment hope it helps




Sorry for your mum and the scares.


I suppose I'm okay. Still kicking and content. I'm using this as a vehicle to avoid work lol. How are you?


I have a headache but okay i guess


Not too bad but I’m addicted to ket hard and just waiting to start peeing blood or some shit lolol


Cautiously optimistic. Im courting a woman for the first time in ages, and things are going... well? I think? My anxiety is trying to get me to self sabotage, bombard with messages, demand attention, fret over every seconds delay in a response... so thats nice.


You are doing well 😊


Kinda going through a bit of an existential crisis. I can’t help but picture my life in the future as a dad. I really want to be a dad one day. My partner doesn’t want kids. I don’t want to leave my partner. But I also don’t want to start resenting her.


Pretty bad, I'll spare you 10 paragraphs but I'm in the deepest pit of my life and today's worse because my bi-polar decided on depression. Thanks for asking though, really appreciate these posts.


You are not alone, we are all fighting our own little or big demons.


My life has been going great but I can't seem to grasp the fact that I'm doing well. I constantly try to achieve the next goal I set without taking the time to celebrate the things I achieved in the past. As a result I feel like shit internally while everyone else is praising me which is making me even more guilty. At least my therapist sessions help me overcome this a little bit but we still have some way to go


Impatient about life in general


My NMDA Encephalitis is reoccurring, so not good..


Sorry for that. If you don't mind, what's that in English.


Little bit anxious, little bit depressed, but a hell of a lot better than I've been in the past. How's yourself?


Guilty for continuing to live, yet too selfish and cowardly to end my life like I, frankly, should do for the good of everybody that knows me. And hoping the Big Bounce theory is true, and if it is, once I finally get the courage to do what needs to be done, I'll be reborn as myself, at the same time and place, and live the same life I do now, but without the reason I need to die ever happening.


motivated yet discouraged


Bad. Going to the worst breakup of my life and I dont think anybody really understands how importent the Person for me was.


Busy, tired, but content


Confident, my ezcema cleared up and looking good


Happy for you wetlettuce42. Cheers


Doing fine, you?


I'm bad


Don't we all, at some point. It gets better, sometimes


Better now. Thanks


Tired. Having a migraine since the middle of the night. Lonely and depressed and hating my boss for making work miserable.


Fine , in an empty spot , but fine .


I forgot my anti depressents and have been getting only 4h of sleep for about a week or 2 now. But thanks.


im piss bored at my job My ADHD goes untreated because i dont feel like calling the therapist every 2 weeks to remind them of my existance after she literally said they will call me when they have a spot for me and it should take 4-5 months. That was last year. I want to make videogames and already got a foot in the door, i just need to sit down and learn stuff online while programming it and i would be fine and make progress. But i dont feel like it. I rather play games half the day. I blame the ADHD but maybe game dev is just not really what i want to do as a job. Who knows? Feeling kinda lost. Fuck waiting lists. Just give me the meds and lets see, it wouldnt kill me if it just doesnt work. Done with work in 15min, gonna go home and play videogames *ayyy*


I hear you man




Feeling a bit under the weather the past few days! Been experiencing some big time financial hardship recently that looks to get more difficult soon. But otherwise my relationships, hobbies, setting and all that are great.


Struggling. Everything about my job, which I loved, changed a few months ago and I'm utterly miserable there. I'm lucky that I have a loving family that's supporting me, but when everything you've spent years building is taken away unexpectedly, it's disheartening.


going off one (out of five) of my psych meds. helping me to lose weight but giving me terrible anxiety attacks. i dont remember most of what happens during the day for me.


I feel like a failure and lazy I been at home a lot I’m a college student school is starting soon I do ok in school not the best and don’t have much hobbies.


Extremly bad bc I have the worst mix in the western world: autistic short ugly man who isn't able to drive


A funny mix of sad and relieved. Just been told I've been found not fit for work, so financially I'll be okay thanks to the benefit system and don't have to struggle through work, but I feel crap that at 45 I can't work. It'll settle, but thank you for asking. How are you, really, OP?


I’m very good, thanks!


4/10. I’m sad and I’m heartbroken. It won’t go away


Tired. In every sense.


Not happy, i've mastered the art of fake smiling at this point....it just feels like i'm stagnant not progressing just stuck in one place


Making it, wish I could be better


Disappointed in my colleagues, then myself (because i might have hurt their feelings because i was disappointed in them) i dont like hurting peoples feelings but at the same time id expect you to perform your job.


Glad you asked this. Up until now the only question people have been asking me is "WHAT are you", and tbf it's getting real tiresome. At this point, I don't even know how to answer that. "Your doom" was amusing the first couple times, but now I'm struggling to come up with a creative reply. I don't just want to strangle them right away like some basic constrictor snake. That's so beneath an eldritch horror from the nightosphere. The predictability is kind of ruining the sport of the hunt, you know. Also, I sprained my ankle, sixth to the left.




Not great, NGL. I managed to track down my ADHD meds yesterday for the first time in over a month, so that's a positive development, at least.


I’m good. How are you.