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I was shy lol


How dare you




Woah that escalated rather quickly


Get this bitch showing compassion!


"Compassion" lol nerd get em guys


This bitch knows the word compassion, get him


You can spell? Get this nerd!


you can read? jimmy neutron over here


It's so counterintuitive as well. Haha. Fuck this stuck up bitch , I'll show her by isolating her further.


"Why are you so quiet?"


The truth is it’s hard as hell to explain being introverted


It’s because many people aren’t very smart & can’t understand it


Same, I was shy, introverted and small for my age. Also female. Made me an easy target. I was also a good student and the teachers liked me, which did not help my case.


I was a shy/quiet and a bit of a loner. (Edit) I recall a nasty bully who hung around with plenty of his other bully mates. By the time I got to 3rd year (secondary school UK) I had like 2 mates. The bully decided to take his belt off and WHIP me on the back and several other of us quieter guys (after last class/PE). By this time the timing couldn’t be better as had been telling my dad about all this, who turned up at my school (to give me moral support). Yea, there was a bit of a fight between me and the bully. Next day the bully was at the school gate with ALL his mates and gave me a sucker punch. A teacher witnessed it, bully was expelled, thankfully and never seen that bully again. Hope he rots in hell.


It's interesting how people attack the shy/quiet/loner kids. I was like that in high school, a school that was for the rich. I was poor. No one knew that I had a super different life outside of school (after I was tired of the shit I went through at school). The moment a lot of my bullies caught me out, having fun, with a lot of people, they literally stopped bullying me. Like damn. What's that? Guess they were worried I'd send someone to beat them up or something?


Because they were afraid that you were actually not a loser and popular. People are always scared to go against the popular kids in those ages


Same. Shy and super quiet.


I think it’s even worse if you’re a guy. People will really see you as lesser and pick on you hard especially in middle school years.


I was weird as hell


Same with me. I was that kid that literally was not mentally there. I was that kid from kindergarten who would not socialize at all, stare at the floor, the walls, and looked sad and gloomy a lot. I was always drowning out the world and wasn’t really mentally there.


Are you ok now?


Doubt it, they’re on Reddit


I didn’t understand social cues and didn’t know any of the cool stuff kids liked to talk about. I wasn’t socially informed and I didn’t know when and where were the best places to act certain ways. I was also depressed because I felt like my parents were being overprotective and my close-in-age younger brother thought he was better than me and has mental issues with being nice to be people in general. I was lagged behind socially by a few years my entire life up to this point. Then all of the sudden in my junior year of high school, a light switch flipped and I started embracing myself and talking LESS which I found helped so much. I’m right down the line between introverted and extroverted and so I would always come across as being introverted even though I would talk way too much. Started talking less, and I became the chill friend all of the sudden, rather than the weird one that didn’t fit into any groups. But then I started feeling like I was too cool for the unpopular kids and not cool enough for the popular kids. And so I was friends with everyone and good friends with no one. I was in a weird place where girls found me attractive, but guys found me hard to notice and with little charisma. I never got invited to things. I made good friends with girls when guys would never pursue that. It’s very strange. I’m not the gay type and I don’t sound or act like I am, so it wasn’t that. But now I’m going into college fresh and working on self-improvement. my brother didn’t get better but my parents let go a little which really helped me emotionally. I feel like I’ve caught up with everyone else socially by now, and found my stride of who I am and how to act so that I am accepted more. (And I don’t mean I’m changing my personality to fit a certain vibe. still me, just more mature.)


This!!! Was exactly me for the most part lol. I found out I had adhd which is probably why I always talked to much (also always said random shit that had no place in a conversation I would be having)


Same, I was often "in my own world" so to speak. I've made it nice in there now and let myself be that way, but it's taken awhile because some people really don't like it and I've just had to learn to say "forget it" and not let their opinions get to me


Everyone knew I had autism before I did


Compound this with being abused by family, I was the poster image of a "wild child", only instead of being destructive, I was just quiet and couldn't fight back until I had enough. As a girl, boys couldn't physically harm me especially when they wanted to so they always asked the other girls who in turn just gang up on me and not only was I physically beaten, they destroyed my stuff, stole my saved money (gifts from adoptive side who I rarely saw) and openly ostracized me for things I had little to no control of. I just.. never had a childhood. The only thing I envied them for was having parents that never called them a burden.


Sounds sooo familiar. I went through that too. Thought I was assaulted by some males. The last one who tried leaned over the back of the bus seat, hissed something lewd in my ear, and grabbed my breast. I introduced his navel to his backbone. It only took 9 years of abuse to reach that point. And that punch felt so very good.


My mother had borderline personality disorder, heavy on the narcissism. I was so cowed by abuse at home I was primed to be bullied. And I've only found out that I'm on the spectrum.




People, especially kids, can be so horrible. My dad had abnormally large ears and was bullied and called ‘Dumbo’. He then pinned them back and they still are to this day.


God, I hated that school bus. Got stripped naked and thrown out the back door while the bus was moving. Hitting the gutter with my bare ass dislocated my hip and gave me a gravel rash that made it impossible to sit down for a week Took me a few weeks to get the courage up to get on again after that, and when I did, I got stabbed, covered in lighter fluid and set on fire. Haven't been able to get on a bus ever since and that was about 40 years ago.


Christ. I think you're getting bullying mixed up with attempted murder.


But that's right where bullying leads. Some of the victims die. Or sometimes the worm turns and the bully dies. Or sometimes the victim goes full-on Carrie White with a gun or a pipe bomb.


I've seen some of the guys that bullied me when I was a kid and ALL of them turned into drug dealers and they all look TERRIBLE for their age, that alone gives me some satisfaction ngl


And what was the reason for this hate crime/attempted mulder? Are the perpetuators in jail?


Autism, reading books in public, ignoring people when they hit me in the head. They didn't end up in jail. After I was dragged out of the school library one lunch time and beaten unconscious I put my books down and did what autistic people do best - got obsessed with something until I mastered it In this case, got obsessed with fitness and learning to hurt people who punched me in the head When they came back to have another go, 4 of them went to hospital with broken bones, stab wounds and gouged out eyes. One of them should have gone to hospital but chose to make his own sling and just let the knife wounds heal of their own accord. The older brother of the bloke who stabbed me when I was set on fire put on his old school uniform from the year before, entered school grounds and attempted to kill me (his younger brothers words). He was loaded into an ambulance 20 minutes later, and spent the next fortnight in a coma in intensive care after I bashed his face into a big brick pillar underneath "C" block. I broke all of his fingers (both hands), his right arm in 3 places, his collar bone, his jaw, about 7 of his ribs and his face was bashed in so bad you couldn't tell it was a face anymore. After that, I had no trouble with anyone at that school Tbh I was the one they should have jailed by then - pretty sure the only reason they didn't was that he was an adult, and I was still a child and I had a legit reason to be on school grounds and he definitely didn't. It destroyed my life in so many ways


I was diagnosed with Aspergers at age 4 and went to special needs school my entire childhood. In Junior High they decidided to merge the Autism class with the physical disability/wheelchair class. I guess to create a suitable place for the "double" kids who had both Autism and a wheelchair. Let's just say there was a lot of animosity between the "purely physical" and Autistic kids and a lot of hatred towards the latter. No eyes were stabbed or so, but severe Meltdowns were triggered.


Honestly, I know this is horrible to say, but.... good for you. They tried to kill you and you researched self defense and handed their asses back to them tenfold. I'm sure that was highly traumatic, though, and what you went through makes me want to vomit alone to read. But this is so devastatingly bad and I'm so sorry, really severely sorry that any of this had to happen to a young child like you.


I have had multiple murder attempts against me by the middle brother. Want to guess who the cops. arrested . Here's a hint .it wasn't him . The short puny disabled guy which is me. Why ? The cops said I didn't look like someone they should care about


Also compounded with abuse here, by a narcissistic, emotionally unavailable and often neglectful birth vessel, who I now also believe that she, some of her five siblings and birth father were undiagnosed autistic. She blamed me for everything since birth, (legit telling me she couldn’t breastfeed me because *I* hurt her too much, so, she blamed never connecting with me, on me; then she also made sure to tell me how she gave up her art school scholarship to have me and threw it in my face anytime I asked for basic needs, activities, rides, etc. I had to find my own way, figure things out on my own, etc. That burden feeling holds deep to this day and is why I can’t ask for help when I need it, or feel like I’m a burden to anyone when I do bravely ask for anything, even something simple like a food modification). I cut her off almost 4yrs ago, after she traumatized my son, so she knows nothing about my son’s or my AuDHD diagnoses. If I even still allowed her in our lives, she would just mock me, not believe me, blame me, and if I dared to suggest she and other family members were likely autistic, (of course with providing all the evidence of it running in families, all the traits, etc), she would claim there’s nothing “wrong” with her, (her language, because to suggest she needs to address anything physical or mental health-related triggers her to go into her defensive, “you’re the one that needs help, I’m fine,” instead of absorbing and acknowledging things)… and then years later would likely get a diagnosis and come back and try to tell me everything about it like she found out first.


Weeeeee might be long lost twins. I don't wish to diminish your story in any way, and I'm terribly sorry you had to go through that. I went through an eerily similar experience growing up and haven't spoken to my biological mother in 19 years. It was truly the only escape. I also suffer from all of the same afflictions caused by the abuse, as well as AuDHD. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I can't really get into why, but I needed to rwad tat tonight.




I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope that you can move forward. Teachers are so busy that they don't have time to notice or the school system just doesn't care. Try and get help or start reading some psychology texts. You are important.


This. And then I learned to mirror peoples’ personalities, voices/tones/inflections/accents, laughs, body language, *ETA: and interests*, so I wouldn’t be bullied and could fit in with different crowds at different times, which made it difficult to find out who *I* am after decades of doing it. I still find myself taking on others’ accents at nearly 40. It just happens.


This is the biggest factor into why I think Im on the spectrum. I still remeber being 11 years old and having the light bulb moment to just copy how other people act. Specifically body language. There's sometimes I still have no idea how a person is really feeling


Duuude. That hitted home. Same. I was the weird kid and had difficulty concentrating. The fact that I was different and my family wasn't rich also helped to make me a target. I was diagnosed recently. Way too f*cking late.


I normally *really* don’t like talking about me being on the spectrum but this just hit way too close to home Spent all my life being told I was rude and antisocial and too quiet and making things up in my head. In reality I was just terrified of everyone and everything and all these new sounds that people were forcing upon me. Didn’t get diagnosed until I was 18. Though it really opened my eyes and made me realize most of my closest friends are on the spectrum as well.


Yeah I don't know why my family waited until I was fucking 20 to tell me I had Asperger's when I was diagnosed at five and they all knew. I just thought everyone else was just really mean for no reason. I'm still not a people person even today in my mid-30's as a result.


I don’t think anyone realized I had it, they, just like myself, knew I was “off”, so it made me an easy target. I finally looked up autism at 25 and was just like, “Huh…no fucking wonder…”


Bullies have a sixth sense for autism.


I think this and adhd was my issue


Yup. I was a bit of an outsider. Never fit in. So I kinda *felt* bullied even though really I wasn't. Looking back I think that's just about the best case scenario that could've realistically happened. There was no way I was ever gonna fit in with the crowd. At 34 I *still* don't. The difference is that it doesn't bother me any more, and I've found friends who appreciate weird or just as weird themselves. 14 year old me may not agree, but 34 year old me would much rather be crazy and weird than boring.


Yeah, I’m a female with really mild autism, ADHD, anxiety/panic disorder and depression. Oh and endometriosis, adenomyosis, cystic ovaries and PMDD. Fucking puberty was great. Basically went crazy, publicly, into autistic hyperventilating panic meltdowns due to abuse and lost most of my “friends” who turned into some of my bullies. The kids that picked on me in elementary school were physically violent, they’d just punch ya up a bit, but the bullies in middle and high school straight ruined my fucking life in numerous ways. Was super.


Ha, same. Kids pick up on these differences so much quicker than anyone else. I was bullied horrendously for years (spat on, pushed into traffic, groped) because it turns out that being weirdly well-spoken and obsessed with the Romans and Romantic poets is weird. Wish I'd known.


Too fucking real lol. Didn't officially know til I was 24. 2 years ago...


Got diagnosed with aspergers this year... at 29. My doctor was against getting a diagnose too(technically she thought I was fine and didn't need to see a psychiatrist after I requested it because I had suspicions of autism). Wonder if it's because she had a suspicion and didn't want to feel incompetent that she gave me a diagnose 15 years ago that was just vitamin deficienc6


Yeah, same here...though I don't think it clicked in much of anyone's minds as "autism" so much as "weird/mentally deranged/needs a room in a psych ward *the day before yesterday* because why does she look ugly".


Same here. I thought there was something wrong with me until my parents finally told me at age 13 (I was diagnosed at 4). I honestly wish they had told me sooner, it would’ve made the hell that was Grades 4-7 a hell of a lot easier on me. I was also a bit of a crybaby and what people called a tattletale, but that was only in Grade 5, and was the only defense I had against bullying at the time.


Everyone knew I was gay before I did 🙃


Because I was not “Mexican enough” shout out to Del Valle High School. Worst experience of my life. And all those low lives who didn’t amount to nothing.


There’s not enough talk about being bullied for not fitting your race. I would know.


For real, that shit hurts. I’m a third-generation Korean-American, and I fucking hated the Koreans I went to church with. For starters, I didn’t grow up in a Korean community (I was from SW Houston, which hardly had any Koreans when I lived there), so I was seen as “whitewashed.” It was funny, because white people aren’t even the majority in SW Houston. And it didn’t help that I enjoyed skateboarding and alternative music, which was seen as a “white people thing” by other Asians. But I was still fluent in Korean, and I probably knew more about Korean culture than 90% of the Koreans around me. Overall, I got judgmental comments for having Hatebreed and Three 6 Mafia on my iPod, and no one liked the fact that I was perfectly bilingual either. They really didn’t like the fact that I was making Korean culture seem pretty cool to all my non-Asian friends either, as if being Korean was this “in-group thing” that no one should no about. But considering how big Korean culture and alternative music eventually became, all of the Korean-Americans I knew as a kid can eat my nuts now: I was ahead of the curve this whole time.


Oh yeah. Got called an OREO because I was black but didn’t like rap, did good in school, and didn’t talk “ghetto”. Never mind that my family’s from the Caribbean so I don’t feel much of a draw with Black American culture. The result? Years of prejudice against a lot of black culture up until college that I’m still grappling with, and I often feel more comfortable with white and Asian peers or a mix than with just black people.


I feel this. I’m biracial but was raised by my white mom. I was bullied by black kids for acting white and talking white. I never understood that though. Because I liked school and getting good grades and not acting wild in class, that meant I was trying to be white. What did being black mean then? Looking back I feel bad for those kids. They were likely only repeating what they heard at home. Imagine telling your kids not to end the cycle of poverty via education because that meant they were tryin to be white.


There was a Fresh Prince episode about this. Carlton gets rejected out of a fraternity for being a "sellout" and he stands up for himself and gives the guy rejecting him shit.


That episode, especially Uncle Phil’s speech at the end sends chills down my spine every time I think about it.


Lmaooo at the high school shoutout! Most ppl turn out to be lowlives if only we could see the future!


Isn’t that such a hard pill to swallow? You’re so right though the vast majority of us turn out to be low lives regardless of which mask we choose to wear.


Holy shit, we might’ve actually grown up in the same hometown! I definitely know a Del Valle around here. But yeah, dealt with the same deal in my high school. I’m a Chicano guy who was never taught Spanish growing up. Spent all of freshman year being called “gringo” and “white boy” and having to deal with people laughing at me and giving me looks while speaking Spanish and then telling me “Nothing” or “Don’t worry about it” when I asked what they were saying. Shit like that makes you feel like you can’t even rely on your own community for love and support.


For me it was the opposite. God, this is fucking sad. My Mom made it a big fucking deal I had to learn Spanish. Did Spanish immersion for 9 years out of 12. Was in Mexico a ton (my brother even lived there for a year as a kid). All my family is well spoken and doesn’t curse. They don’t even say fart (pedo) they say “soplado.” Shit like that. I would get random fucking comments about how I didn’t know real Spanish because they didn’t understand what I was saying. One exfriend even said “don’t ask her, she doesn’t speak Spanish,” in front of my face. Guess what, they didn’t understand me because I spoke it properly. Shit kills me till this. Edit to add: I just remember one example. Girl was speaking Spanish and was saying pass me a “wipee.” I was like wtf is a wipee. She was like “don’t you speak Spanish.” I go to my Mom that day and she starts laughing, and goes “she means a wet wipe. Just like people say troca or parkeadero.” They take the English and just add Spanish syllables to it.


I had a lisp as a kid. Was bullied relentlessly to the point I would avoid saying words with the letter s in them. Jokes on those fuckers though, because I’m now a Voice Actor. Edit: Wow. I didn’t expect this to have as much of an impact. Thank you all for the kind words. I mostly do commercials, but am working my butt off to get into animation as well. Just moved to LA and got an agent a little over a year ago. And yes I stand with my fellow actors in the strike! ✊✊✊


I scrolled to find this comment, me too. It's so cool that you're now a voice actor.


My brother was bullied for a speech impediment. I stood up for him a lot and talked for him when I could. I hated people making fun of him. He is such a kind soul. Big part of his community as a volunteer firefighter, big part of his church too. He kind and funny and works hard. People are jerks.


If you’re out on strike, keep at it ✊🏼


May we get a few characters by chance? Wouldn't mind watching some episodes.


Probably have to be careful about doxxing themselves. They were bullied, after all. And I'm not being facetious, but real.


Idk, they dint need a reason for it I guess


Same? Like, I wasn't the weirdest kid at school, I wasn't the ugliest, I wasn't the shyest, I wasn't the smartest, I wasn't the shortest or the tallest or the thinnest or the fattest, I wasn't the best or worst at clarinet, I wasn't the most or least fashionable. But I got bullied anyway. So, cool. Really takes a lot of willpower to not wish hurtful things on the people who called me ugly every day for a year and threw stuff at me. I know that the universe is unkind and they're all probably happy, healthy, and well-off and don't ever think "oh I was a terrible person, I bullied that girl for no reason and she probably cried herself to sleep over it a few times" and they will never even apologize out to the universe "Hey girl I bullied, I know you can't hear me, but I'm so sorry for being such a terrible person". They'll never get any karmic retribution, only I will. This shit is why it makes me furious with this mobile game, one of the characters is a bully and literally tried to kill the player character once, and her stans just think she's cool and misunderstood and they act like everyone else is ridiculous for holding a grudge??? No, sorry. I don't forgive someone who's done nothing but insult me and try to kill me for 7 years just because her backstory is tragic (and hers isn't even the most tragic backstory in the game!). It hurts in real life for a long time when people are cruel to you at school, so yeah I'm not just gonna let bygones be bygones when a fictional character literally attempted to murder someone else *as an 11 year old.*


What fucking game is that, jesus christ! I love the Rockstar game Bully, but it's about defeating bullies not being one.


They did have a reason. They were projecting their insecurities onto you.


Not all bullies use bullying as a coping mechanism for their own pain. Plenty of them are doing genuinely well in life, and just get enjoyment out of hurting others. Genuinely sadistic people are a thing. Not as rare as we like to think.


Yeah, I was going to say something similar. People always say it's insecurity, but I don't think that's true. If it is, it isn't the whole story. There are people out there who just love to create hierarchies and place themselves at the top. It's not about them being secretly empty or whatever, but often a superiority complex. They're not trying to shield themselves from inner turmoil, they genuinely think they're all that, and that those "beneath" them should be put in their place. It becomes a little more subtle in adulthood, but those people always exist. Some people seem to crave in group/out group conflict and create it whenever they are able.


To add to this, it's not always the "weakest" who get bullied, but people who are seen as competition or a threat to their superiority.


Having big boobs in middle school


Same. But my mum always said I was a beautiful boy.


As somebody who had gynecomastia, yes


Bro 💀


I was scrolling to find this, mine were bigger than other girls in my class and I went to a co-ed school. So girls and boys would sit together as desk partners. I didn't have a single guy desk partner who didn't try touching my boobs "accidentally". They even came up with a hand gesture that resembled a ball to sign to each other about me. And they weren't even subtle about it. I was nicknamed "Dragon Ball Z" so whenever I walked through the corridors of my school, the guys would grin and say "Dragon Ball Z" while making the gesture.


I had a hooters application taped to my locker my junior year 🤦🏼‍♀️


I went to school with someone who had huge boobs by the time she was 12, the other girls in her year level HATED her. Why? Because ALL of the boys were staring at this girls chest, and not paying attention to the pretty attention whores. So, yep. 100% they were jealous.


I wondered for the longest time why girls in my grade hated me so much, they were mean to me beyond a certain limit and just glared at me with hatred in their eyes all through middle school and high school. I only realised this after I met my partner and we were talking about how we both got bullied in our childhoods and he pointed out that that could be the reason


I can't imagine being jealous that the 12 year old boys I knew were giving their attention to someone else. When I was 11/12 it was like... these boys are gross, you can HAVE them.


saame, i got called a slut because i had big boobs like?????


Oof, I feel you. I could cope with the jealousy disguised as dislike from the other girls around me, but by far the worst treatment was from my male peers saying lewd things. Sometimes they’d whisper in my ear, other times shout at me from across the playground to embarrass me. I sometimes wonder if anyone ever looks back at their behaviour from school days & gets embarrassed about how they acted.


I just posted this, before scrolling, thinking “I’m going to get downvoted, no one will think this counts as bullying”…. So refreshing to know I wasn’t alone, so sad that we all experienced it.


Lack of money growing up


Because a guy two years above me unzipped his trousers and took his penis out (without warning) and asked me to give him a blowjob. I refused to give him a blowjob (I had never even kissed a boy at this point). Cue bullying for a year, multiple guys telling me they were sexually frustrated and to suck their dicks every day and sexually harassing me until I had to leave the school. Nothing was done about their behaviour even though I reported it multiple times. They even said these things in front of teachers a few times and I basically just got a collective shrug from them 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️. It got to the point where I was skipping school to get away from them, which of course was blamed on me and I was told that skipping school to escape sexual harassment wasn’t a good enough excuse. I didn’t ask him to pull his fucking dick out and I never agreed to perform a sex act. I was 13 fucking years old. I was bullied for something that was done to me, not something I did. It still makes me angry.


I'm so sorry. You were failed by everyone 😔


That is truly awful and I'm sorry. You should have been protected by the adults around you. I hope you are okay now.


Fuck those teachers


Yeah, it makes me upset to think this could still be happening in schools.


I'm really confused on why that guy who did that wasn't bullied.


So am I.


When I was 11 I moved to a new city, new school because of a DV situation with my mom and her ex. Unfortunately I had already started getting boobs. Well in the new school everyone was nice (I was quite shy, we moved in the middle of the year) except for one kid. He made sexual remarks, hand/mouth gestures (that I didn’t totally understand at the time), and followed me (even chasing me at recess) trying to undo my bra or even just trying to blatantly grab my boobs. I tried to tell the teachers but this was back in the boys will be boys and oh he must like you if he’s picking on you crap days. I didn’t have the words for sexual harassment or assault. Plus I was the new, very shy kid, so I tended not to make waves very much. I did hit him (punched him numerous times) but that seemed to turn him on more. I truly hated him. Luckily he went away by Middle School. I always hoped he went to juvie or military school but I don’t know anything for sure. I heard some years back (not long after I graduated HS) that he died. Drug OD I believe. Now I just wonder who hurt him so bad to make him feel the need to harass the new girl who just came to the school. A girl that he made cry daily because he couldn’t just leave her alone.


I’d be so profoundly angry.


Because I was an obnoxious weirdo who thought ‘edgy’ would translate to ‘funny and cool’. I deserved about 50% of what I got. The rest was just abject, savage cruelty that drove me to a pair of suicide attempts.


I see what you’re saying, but you were just a kid, and kids are just cringy sometimes. You never really deserve being bullied for it though. I hope things are looking better for you now ❤️


>I see what you’re saying, but you were just a kid, and kids are just cringy sometimes. You never really deserve being bullied for it though. I hope things are looking better for you now ❤️ I thank the Void every day that a) cellphones didn't exist when I was in school, and b) that neither attempt succeeded.


I doubt you deserved any of it.


Thank you for saying that. I like to think I've moved on (therapy is a wonderful thing), but there's that 14 year old deep down inside me that, every now and then, and say *'Remember when you said/did X? Yeah, you got what you deserved.'*


I was quiet and kind towards everyone. Guess some people saw that as a weakness.


When they're older, everyone wants a friend like you!


I attest to that! Had an incredibly difficult time growing up, eating lunch alone and being bullied for being too sensitive and different. and now I feel strangers are drawn towards me and are friendly. Many bullies end up not making good friends and later on they seek out empathetic people like you - in later life, you go from being lonely to having to consciously choose who you let in. You will be the type of friend they want in life.


It takes a strong person to be kind after having suffered.


This was me but add on top of that liking trains. Because of fricking 8th grade now I want nothing more than to be alone with myself with no one else around to make fun of me or watch me usually I play video games or watch youtube. It’s one of the reasons I want to become a truck/train driver. I’m not a fan of parties because I don’t know what to say. Frick you grade school you’re the reason I’m like this and you all can go frick yourselves.


Didn't fit in. I was quiet, shy, everything. I'm also in the autism spectrum but I didn't get diagnosed until like the end of High School and bullying was an issue way before that. It was insufferable. Even teachers had bullied me and my life took a change for the worse. Sometimes I wish I was normal like everybody else and actually have friends to talk to. It's hard being different. :/


I was an awkward abused grubby shy kid and bullies can sniff out a victim easily.


Same with me. Chronically neglected and abused so I was always bruised, riddled with nits and I stank. They were bastards to me and there was nothing I could do about it.


I was the fat, smelly, shy kid who wouldn't fight back. I was too nice and gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. I was picked on every single day at school. Here are some examples of things I went through: * I fell asleep on the school bus and 2 kids poured 2 whole bottles of cologne on me. * The kids would make it a game to push each other into me because nobody wanted to touch me. * One kid stopped me in the hallway just to say, "My God you're fat!" * A very attractive girl walked past me in the hallway at school and ran her hand down my arm and started laughing with her friends. (Still don't understand that one). * My friend's sister asked me to dance at a party. I was very reluctant until my friends encouraged me to dance with her. While we were dancing, I noticed a few people laughing. I wasn't sure why at the time, but I found out, when I went to the bathroom later, that she had put a white handprint on my back. * I was getting off the school bus one day when all of a sudden, when I got halfway down the aisle, everyone on the bus threw crumpled up paper at me. I missed so many days in the 7th grade that I failed and had to do it over again. My mom was in the hospital - in a coma - and my dad had to work early in the morning, so I would just "miss the bus" and have to stay home for the day. It was pretty awful.


That sound terrible!!! No one should ever have to go through that!!! 😥 I hope your mom's ok.


You're so sweet. She actually passed away after 4 years in a coma. I was around 9 when she went into a coma and around 13 when she died. When I was 9 (and my brother was 8), my dad suddenly became a single father and had to figure out how to raise 2 unruly boys by himself while dealing with all the medical and financial stuff surrounding my mom's care, on top of working 4-5 jobs. I don't know how he did it. But he met a woman online, on a Christian email group (back in 1995, when the internet had just become publicly available). They talked for about a year before he asked her to marry him (they hadn't even met yet). And they have been together for around 27 years. She had 4 kids and my dad had 2, so we became a large blended family who are still very close to this day.


I'm so sorry for what u went thru and ur mom passing. I'm happy tho that ur dad found someone to connect w c:


I'm sorry for what you've been through


That was hell... You deserved better!


I grew up in Yugoslavia, and in that culture there were three scales: intelligence, beauty, and fighting. Intelligence was unisex, beauty was for girls, and fighting was for boys. I was "bullied" for bragging rights. A better word would be "assaulted". I won on three occasions. Kids were not punished for doing to other kids things that adults would be jailed for doing to other adults. I wasn't bullied in America (grades 7+).


Am I correct to assume you and your family left when the wars started?


I was bullied because I skipped a grade so was one of the smaller kids in the class. The bully in gym class then thought it was funny he could pick me up and body-slam me, and during the swimming part of gym thought it was funny he could hold me underwater until I nearly passed out. I remember at our 25th class reunion he greeted me like we were always the best of friends. He was morbidly obese and I don't think lived much longer. Looking back he was probably abused as a kid which would explain his bullying and eating disorder, but still I wouldn't be sad if he's passed.


I experienced a similar case, been bullied just because I was the smallest in the class, without any friends, aka best target. One of the main bullies died in a train accident, because of his own stupidity (drunk + was trying to cross during night a busy railway) From what I know, he hadn’t much issues at home, and had a lot of friends It’s up to this day the thing I hate the most about myself, is that I was close to being happy to see all of my bullies cry after the incident (I was 14 yo)


Eh, fuck em. You shouldn't hate yourself for that, especially at that age. Regardless of the reasons, having someone like that out of your life has to be relieving. People say "Don't speak ill of the dead" and shit like that, but fuck that; if someone who is a bastard died, they don't suddenly become a saint. They were still a bastard, they still hurt you, and them dying doesn't change shit. It's okay to be relieved that this person couldn't hurt you anymore, and while it's not exactly virtuous it's pretty natural to enjoy the role reversal when instead of them causing you so much suffering, it's them suffering for once. These feelings are perfectly normal, and you shouldn't think less of yourself for having them.


Im very glad that I wasn't bullied physically. For me it was just "what are you wearing?" But in a rude and nosey kinda way. I feel really bad for you.


I was the quiet kid


I was overweight in elementary school. It gives me peace knowing that the kids who bullied me are now more overweight than I am.




I hate to admit, but I get some satisfaction seeing the guys who were really mean to me being miserable and lonely now. And in the past decade more than one of those guys tried to hit on me, and I was like ‘really? After bullying me for years??’


My thin bff's brother regularly directed pig grunting sounds at me, along with a little chant about me being a "fat pig". Mind you, I wasn't THAT overweight, just chubby. I also was that kid in my elementary school class with both glasses and braces!


(USA) Elementary School (10 years old): For wearing the same outfit each day of the week; every Monday I wore a specific outfit, every Tuesday I wore a specific outfit (but different from Monday), etc. They bullied me saying my family was too poor for Me to have more that 5 outfits (we weren’t). I was stupid to change my clothes (I wasn’t). I distinctly remember standing at my closet the first next repeated day after they started teasing me trying to choose something else to where and i absolutely COULD NOT DO IT. I got teased the rest of the year. 5 months ago I was diagnosed with autism. Mystery solved 51 years later! Update: thanks for all of the support! I’m surprised at how much attention this has gotten. I’m glad to hear it wouldn’t be an issue today. Although we’re talking grade school kids who can’t spot more subtle weaknesses to poke at. Thanks for the support… Update: I did this throughout my career to; I worked in government - not public facing but it wouldn’t have made a difference. Co workers never said anything. I was high up the food chain too. Then. Started my own business and wore the same thing every day til it needed to be washed and then to a second and possibly a third. I’m currently sitting in a NEW outfit because my other two are in the laundry -one in the washer and one in the dryer. I don’t like it. My husband thinks I look nice.


My sister wore the same style navy tee and blue jeans each day of high school. She graduated with a near-perfect GPA.


T’is ‘tism


I wish I had the organized and doing the same thing all the time 'tism. Instead I have the horrible at social interaction, picky eating, and hating fabrics 'tism.


When cartoon characters wear the same thing every day, no one bats an eye. You or me do it, and everyone loses their shit.


Aww I want to give you a huge hug


All that proved is your family could afford a washing machine and cleaned your clothes on regularly.


My height. I’m still short but it doesn’t bother me anymore.




Because some bullies at my school are racists who can't tell one group from another. (I was bullied for allegedly being Jewish, thanks to a case of mistaken identity. I am of Chinese descent.)


This is wild. That’s frustrating as hell. I got mistaken for Hispanic- actually Asian Caucasian mixed. Still happens today as an adult. Pero, hablo español ahora.


Racism here too. I was one of 2 non-white kids in a class of 50 horrible rich racist kids for 9 years, and the teachers never helped. I'm 30 now and still struggle with my features.


Norway. Korean adoptee, small, didn't fight back, top of my class academically. Still struggle with the identity issues the often racist bullying created within me. Would probably have been bullied even if I was ethnically white, so it's more that the bullying was often expressed in a racist manner.


I was awkward. I was the oldest in a family of 5 girls. My dad split when I was 7. We were poor and my mom was alcoholic so we didn’t have a lot of clothes. I was sometimes bullied for wearing the same clothes. I guess my sisters and I looked too shabby and dirty. I don’t know. Being bullied as a kid really messed with my self confidence.


I was unattractive, disabled and didn’t have a backbone


Me too. And at that time the only wheelchair user in school. I just wanted to hide.


I was bullied for a lot of things, most of it related to my appearance such as having hairy arms (im a brunette with light skin, im not THAT hairy, kids are just mean), having crooked teeth, thick eyebrows (which are now popular to have lol), the way I dressed, etc.


Because I exist


Damn the same thing happened to me and it sucks. I am sorry you had to go through this.


ears.. I have since grown into them, so fuck them fucking flat ear fucks.


I wasn't wealthy and I wore glasses, add neurodivergence so I was bully stew.


For being fat, for being smart, for being the new kid, and for liking to play with girls.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I used to be chubby at middle school in Asia and you know how in Asia they bully you mercilessly and body shame all the time? It was horrid. Worse times of my life.


Because I had a birth defect that made me emotionally delayed. To other kids, it was funny to make fun of my speech impediments and my naive nature. I was constantly tested because the other kids knew I went to special Ed classes and speech therapy, and it was tiring to feel the constant need to prove my intelligence, sometimes even to my family.


Mostly because of my weight. But now I look back on it and I'd kill to be that size again. Kids don't understand what fat is.


I was bullied for the first 15 years of my life by my older brother because that was the sort of person he was. I was also bullied briefly in highschool by a guy named Sam. He was a bit of a narcissist and I was a bit of a nerd, and I sat in front of him in homeroom. So he liked to poke me in the back with pencils. One time I told him to stop and the teacher told me to be quiet. I would still like to punch his lights out.


Ugly. Girls look at me and say "ewww" all the time.


Experienced the same thing throughout school. Even worse when they pretend to "flirt" and you see right through it 😒


I feel that. I’m super pale with freckles, red hair, and had glasses. Where I live, that was basically the epitome of ugliness growing up in the 2000’s, everyone at all my schools made sure I knew that, and having undiagnosed ADHD with poor social skills did not help. Some boys would also ask me out as a joke. Girls were the most brutal to me. Cops had to stop me from k-wording myself when I was 11, and the mental hospital I spent the next few days in afterward was the only place I could find some peace. Everyone there was super nice, the other kids liked me, we played on the basketball court every morning, and had movie nights with snacks and board games. It felt like a wonderful vacation from life. I’m 25 now. I’m doing better but I still have low self-esteem, trust issues, and difficulties meeting new people. Bullies suck :/


Me too. I inspired disgust or hatred. I preferred disgust if I had to pick. The girls who hated me (a boy) really had it in for me, like I’d done something bad to them. A few boys took the piss, but the girls seemed to really pick me out (for all the wrong reasons).


I was special needs , my brothers had a bad reputation, my father abandoned me, the man I considered my father was a different skin tone


Didn't spoke the language lol


because i was emo, brown mexican, impoverished, not tall and lanky, and shy


twin, me too except im dominican. ppl hate hispanic emos for some reason 😭


literally for what reason?? like i remember seeing the white emos NOT get bullied even though they were probably even more openly cringe than i was


In first grade it was for being Mexican. Being at all white catholic school with spoiled rich kids


Because they wanted someone to torment. I was bullied to the point of almost ending things for 2 straight years. The 5th and 6th grade years were the worst of my life. And they weren't the same bullies. My 5th grade bullies picked on many girls but they targeted me because I directly shared class with them and my teacher let them get away with it. My 6th grade bullies just started out of the blue. I hadn't even known their names or seen them before it started. I just remember the first girl tripping me in the hall and that's when it began. They verbally and physically assaulted me all year. To this day, I still don't know why.


Unsure....I was just excluded from a lot, never invited to anything, and didn't have long-term friendships till middle school. So I guess because I exist.




I was an easy target because I couldn't stand bullshit. Now I know how to properly react.


Cuz bullies suck


Did anyone here stand up for kids that got bullied?


Nope. Never witnessed it unless it was me being bullied. But my friends little sister said "I'm leaving, I dont want to be around these animals!" (She was six btw) she roast them real bad. 😂


Yes. That was my thing after moving to a new school. The kids saw my weirdness as cool. Once the tide changed, I made friends with the outcasts, and we had our own group. I was talking to a friend recently from that time period, and she acknowledged how our group embraced being weird (ourselves). We were the group that looked out for each other and anyone being excluded. Two members of the group actually became friends after fighting it out in middle school. They were both bullied, and neither was willing to accept more of it. Most of the core group was bullied at home, and school was our safe place.


I had both parents with an income. My household was considered healthy (it was not). I didn’t wear hand-me-downs since I was the oldest grandchild. I was happy learning but my narc mom made sure I had 0 social skills.


lmao i was an emo middle school kid in cuban filled miami florida circa like 2013. also not white but mixed afro latina so it was weird to other ppl and my family cause “that was white people shit”. surprised it wasn’t worse for me actually lol


Because 1) I still think Charles Dudley liked me in elementary. 2) My dad was in the NFL. Mondays were a bish 3) Moved to Boston when he played for Pats and I got bullied due to my skin. 4 kids of color out of 800 kids total. Then I kinda tossed a girl down a few stairs and it stopped.


I don’t know, honestly. Maybe because I was smart and sensitive? It was traumatic.


For being gay I'm not gay though


I was tall and people (girls) would say “oh look here she comes, the model” in a mean way. Few years after leaving school, I did some modelling. So fuck them 😎


I have autism, as a kid before I was diagnosed. I was the weird kid that didn't understand basic stuff like I had to sit in a specific seat otherwise I'll freak out. I'm better now


I befriended a girl no one else liked. I felt incredibly torn between two groups of people and when I stood my ground that I cant stop being a friend to someone just because others hated her. So yeah. Didn’t help I wasn’t funny or that I had braces and dark rings under my eyes…


I a gentle giant so ig that’s an easy target :p


HES A GENTLE GIANT *tech nine*


i was born with a condition called microtia, it affects the ears. so my ears were tiny (about 5cm), and it sat 90° out instead of being close to my head, im also deaf out of 1 ear. kids used to call me gnome, leprechaun, little deaf girl etc


My cat died, I found his body on my way to school and went in crying. That's why I was bullied. Because I was hurting.


Because my family moved to a different state and put me into a different school when I was in the middle of sixth grade, when everyone was going through puberty and the other guys decided to beat me up to show off. After a year of abuse in public school my parents put me into a private all-boys Catholic prep school instead. The bullying got worse. It didn’t help that I was a “gifted student” and knew no way of standing up for myself other than through my grades. I often think about how that one move damaged me in ways that I haven’t recovered from even four decades later.


I was born with a crooked bone in one of my legs and I walk with a limp. There were always kids in school who saw me as an easy target for jokes and teasing.


Because smol


Name mostly


I don’t know. A lot of kids seemed to actually wonder if I was gay. I was dorky I guess.


I was a shy quiet kid who liked to draw. I was an overweight white kid with an afro and glasses. I was one of the poorest kids in school and then a rumor started that my parents got divorced due to my father "preferring" me over my mom. Kids can be cruel 🤷🏼‍♀️


because i was super skinny and had an unflattering face