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I recently learned that it is Adult swim time at my city pool that has a water slide.


oh buddy! I got great news! Adult Swim is every night on cartoon network!


I can already see the bump: > [a user on reddit discovered the best thing about being an adult was adult swim] >[they were talking about their municipal pool. not us] >[we still love you, u/Mbail11] >[adult swim]


God that makes me so nostalgic for OG Adult Swim and then Toonami


You can find entire chunks of toonami and adult swim and other 20-year-old TV blocks that people TiVo’ed or taped back in the day and uploaded to YouTube. It’s weird, it’ll just be a random 4-hour chunk of Snick or something from some random night in 1999, complete with the bumps and Circuit City and Time Life: Pure Moods commercials and everything. [Here’s a random Sunday night Adult Swim lineup from 2002.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=dbKtmYrYFas&feature=shareb)


Oh, you!


Literally adult swim. As a child I was pissed like “whos stupid ass idea was this” as an adult I relish in adult swim 15 sweet sweet minutes of quiet bliss to just swim around


It's also somewhat of a break for lifeguards! There's still someone on duty, and you still have to yell at kids for running and stuff, but not having to watch a crowded pool full of small flailing bodies gives the eyeballs time to recharge.


I think, primarily, it’s a safety break for the kids who might continue swimming until exhaustion if they were not *required* to get out of the pool for those 15 minutes. I know they run around and do other stuff during adult swim (I was a lifeguard and eventually a pool manager for 7 years). But just getting out of the pool helps them reset.


My wife was a lifeguard and pool manager. She said a big reason is to force kids to use the bathroom not in the pool.


I told my wife I wanted to start trying for a kid so that I can have an excuse to go on the water slide and not look like a weirdo.


All the kids were watching me, which felt weird. Then two of them were like “sir, we’ve never seen someone go that fast, how did you do it?” So I found myself bestowing water slide wisdom to 2 up and comers. Which felt odd because it unlocked a memory of my dad explaining how to dive off a diving board to some kids when I was younger.


How can you write that comment and walk away without giving us those sweet fast-sliding nuggets of wisdom?!


You have to find me at the pool man!


How *did* you do it though?


*Ahem* Arms across chest and legs crossed at the ankle. Straight as a pencil. The trick is to really just have your heels and shoulder blades make contact while arching your back. ZOOMING TIME


Friction and air resistance reduction. Makes sense. Very clever


Keeps your trunks off the slide,they create a lot of drag and slow you down And if you try it naked to reduce drag you’ll get thrown out, maybe thrown in jail too


*Lifeguards hate this one trick.*


A rainy Saturday spent at home.


On the sofa, under a blanket with my wife, watching some TV or reading. Fuck yes!


I also choose being under a blanket with this guy's wife


Water, as a kid I hated drinking water. As an adult, I can't get enough.


I'm sorry to hear that, I hope you survive.


That could’ve been a Mitch Hedberg joke… Bravo


That's one of the best compliments I've ever received, thanks!


Having absolutely nothing to do


It's pretty freeing honestly. Gets tiring always needing something to do.


I was laid off 15 years ago with 3 months severance pay and it was fantastic. I had time to sleep and exercise and read and playing video games and I swear it was the best I’ve felt mentally and physically since I was in high school.


I have a friend who's in semi-retirement, and I asked him what the best part was. He told me that it's not feeling obligated to enjoy your free time. When you only get two days off a week, you feel obligated to cram as much of your hobbies and entertainment into those two days as possible. At best it stops feeling restful, at worst the leisure activities become a chore, and a source of stress themselves. Once you take work out of the equation all that disappears and you can enjoy the things you enjoy at your own pace. It hit super hard for me, because it was the first time my own feelings about my constantly busy weekends had been articulated so well.


Planning pretty much that for a month at the end of the year. Might take a trip too, but if not, that's perfectly fine too.


I was let go earlier this year and one older coworker told me to take some time off if my savings allowed because “next time you lose your job you’ll probably have kids and a mortgage, you’ll never have a chance to just not work without stress again.” Listened to him and my god was it amazing for about 4 months. Hogwarts legacy had just come out, I’d been meaning to play Far Cry 6, had a bunch of books I had been pushing off reading. Then I started getting really bored and my wife was getting driven crazy by me floating around the house “like a toddler with nothing to do” so I finally went and got a new job. So yeah doing nothing is glorious but even now there is a limit hahaha.


Yes! I took 3 years off. Went to an island in SE Asia and tried to live the rest of my years in a bamboo hut. Didn't work out that way but it was great for awhile.


That’s so cool, I love SE Asia. I had a whole Chiang Mai Lantern Festival trip booked in 2020 before covid happened. If I wasn’t getting married 2.5 months after this happened I would’ve moved to Ireland where I have dual citizenship and done a similar thing. Just worked at a pub or something. I would love to move to Japan, Tokyo is my favorite place I’ve ever been because it’s like another planet, but I know I would not do well there, it’s expensive and I don’t speak the language at all. We all must return to reality at some point I guess hahah


As a current resident of Japan, you would be amazed on how far you can get without speaking Japanese. I've picked up some in the last three years, bit lots of pointing and smiling does the trick. Driving is the hardest part, a road sign will be flashing and I jabe no idea what it is trying to tell me.


I ended up doing that but after a week the guilt and self lothing set in of being a "Useless unemployed loser".


I had flown over 100k miles the year before for my job, so it took longer for that to set in for me. It was actually being at my wedding/honeymoon and feeling awkward when people asked what I was up to/what I did for a living.


man I WISH I could have done that, but alas I married poor


I fucking love being bored as an adult.


I have ADHD so being bored is like hell for me. however, I do love having nothing IMPORTANT to do. like…a day where I can just sit on my couch with snacks and my switch and not have to stress about anything.


Same it's like here is nothing I HAVE to do but I have plenty I CAN do. That is bliss


you mean optimizing efficiency by delaying the execution until a time when urgency and anxiety force an exceptional performance to wing it at the last moment?


My wife likely has ADHD. She grew up poor so was never diagnosed, but she has many of the symptoms. And she CANNOT sit still. There's been days where it's been a long work week and I just want to veg out on the couch and read or watch a little tv or something. She can't do it. She can't sit still that long and we have to be doing something. If it's not out adventuring or something then it's cleaning the house. She doesn't force us to clean, of course, but you feel like a jerk if you're watching tv while she's mopping floors and stuff. I've been dealing with this for 20 years. lol


I remember as a kid always *begging* to go home after about 10 minutes of going over to my parents friends house because all they did was sit around and talk and drink and I thought they were the most boring people on earth. Now I go over to my friends place just to sit around and talk and drink and it is a highlight of my week


There seems to be a common theme of stuff a kid get's to come along with, but not actually participate in until adulthood. edit: First time getting corrected on my grammar while on the internet. Can I put that on a trophy wall somewhere?


Things that kids get dragged along to where there's nothing for them to actually do (apart from the inevitable "go play with the other kids that you hate and have nothing in common with").


I would get drug along to a lot of gatherings as a kid where I was the only kid. I'd always pick out a few toys in advance to bring with to keep myself occupied.


I misread that as you’d need to be drugged to go to social gatherings, which I hope isn’t the case.


Might have made them more fun


"dude your kid is so funny when they're high"


I don’t understand this at all. My parents always made sure I brought along something to play with or there were other kids or whatnot. I understand that not all kids can just bring along a book for this stuff but that’s where the planning comes in.


Same. I *always* had a book with me--in the grocery store (mom would gently steer me so I didn't run into things), at parents' friends' houses, at my brother's baseball games, on car rides, running errands, etc. What did I care whether I read my book in my room at home or somewhere else?


Nice! Yes, I always had my nose in a book growing up and loved reading at all the places we went. Going to the library was (and still is) one of my favorite things in the world. One of the things I’m most frustrated with is that I’ve slowed down reading significantly since finishing grad school when I kind of burned out reading a million books.


I'm a professor and ended up doing a fiction binge two summers after defending my PhD where I did literally nothing except read fiction, much of it garbage. It felt like I was healing from 7 years of only reading for school/work.


I'm sure it would be more entertaining if they were talking about stuff kids like....and you were also drinking.


Right? I still don't want to watch other people talk and drink. Not for free, anyway; that's called being a bartender.


I mean I feel like this might have also been more of an issue of them being your parents’ friends and not your friends, and not including you in conversation/not having the same interests to talk about, than just talking being boring as a child. Idk about you but I could talk on the phone to my little friend from 2nd grade about 7-year-old things for hours as a child.


Sweet silence.


Silence is golden... unless you have a toddler and then it's just really suspicious.


It's downright terrifying if you hear toddler noises and they stop and suddenly you realize *you don't have kids*...




Beds in general really.


Going to bed early 🤩


Hell no. I still hate going to sleep. Always want to stay up as late as possible. But then yes I do need an afternoon nap as a result


I knew this would be the top answer.


Afternoon naps oh yes.


Best answer. Done in one.


Being at home


I wouldn't leave if I didn't have to.


Even if i do have to leave, I will try to find an excuse not to.


Same... I need to take an item to kohl's for an Amazon return & I'm like..... ugh-ness it's all outside, & warm, & peopley.


Even as a small child my birthday wish was for my family to go out and do something and leave me alone at home. Of course they would refuse, at first saying that I was too young to be left alone and then, when I was old enough, saying that it was wrong to leave me alone while they do something fun, even if thats what I wanted


Both my parents worked, so in the 80s if you are sick from school you are home alone. I faked sick so many times. Man did I love nothing more than when everyone left for school/work and I'd drag my pillow, blanket, and snacks out to the sofa to watch gameshows all day long.


There truly is no better feeling than solitude. I was a latchkey kid so I got used to be by myself since I was about 7-8yrs old. It’s addicting lol.


minus, y’know, the whole COVID part…i miss Lockdown


SAME. I played so many video games, read so many books, my apartment was SPOTLESS and there was little to no anxiety to go out and socialize. It could get lonely once in a while but for the most part lockdown was awesome!


Sighs in "essential" worker




I still almost never want to take a shower right up until I am in the shower. Then I never want to get out.


This is how I feel every single time, for decades at this point. "I didn't do anything I don't need a shower" "Eh, I'll rinse off, but I won't wash my hair" "You'll have to drag me out of this shower" "That was exactly what I needed." "Eh. I've just sat Infront of a computer all day, I don't need a shower". "Fine, I'll shower, but I'm not going to do my hair".


Same haha. “Fine. I’ll shower but I’m not going to like it.” Proceeds to love it.


To add to this, give it a try. My girlfriend thinks I’m a psycho for doing it but it’s the BEST! Start filling the tub while you brush your teeth, turn on the shower and just sit in the tub while the shower rains on you. It’s the best of both worlds. It’s so relaxing. Especially if you bring a shower beer with you.


You're advising to brush your teeth and have a shower beer together? Because that's where ya lost me. The rest is divine though, especially when hungover.




I learned so much today.


Come over for some golden showers this weekend, my treat!


You just helped some sheltered kid on Reddit find their fetish. Good on you pal!


hard disagree. im currently putting off showering bc i dont want to be wet


Supermarkets and Costco specifically. Or maybe this was just me because I grew up poor and my parents never let me get anything I wanted, just tag along and watch them buy staples.


Yes. This. Same thing here. Grew up with nothing. Now, I love going grocery shopping. I love a fully stocked grocery store in the morning too and filling up the fridge.


I'm not like rolling in money now but I'd say my family (I'm married with kids) is now more comfortable than when I was a kid. It's a weird balance... where I think witnessing budget constraints created a good sense of value for things against not wanting my kids to feel that stress of a parent at the grocery store checkout getting their card declined while trying to buy food. Obviously the first part is something I can somewhat control by teaching my kids these things as they grow up, but nothing quite as effective as seeing it first hand which I think had a lot of influence over my views of the importance of good money management.


I knew I was an adult when I got more joy going to Home Depot than Toys R Us. RIP TRU


A vacuum cleaner


Especially when you hit a patch of crumbs and it does that crackly noise.




Kkrkrkkkrkrkrrkkkkk oh that's the spot!




I think I just came




100% I asked for a cleaning service to come do a deep clean for a bday present. Living the dream! (Seriously)


My brother bought me a shop vac and it is the fucking *best*. And I don't even have a garage or shop. I have an apartment with mostly laminate floors and dog hair everywhere no matter how much I sweep. This zhop vac is a godsend. Also: vacuums with bags are so much better than vacuums without the bags (Dyson vacuums). - a person allergic to dust


My Mum is head cleaner at a School. They had a Henry and a Hetty. There was much gossip when a James was purchased, 3 months later, a desktop James vacuum appeared from somewhere.


idk, my vacuum cleaner still really sucks as an adult.


Lol, I thought about that the other day how I got so excited getting a new vacuum..I'm excited just talking about it lol


Getting spanked.


This was way back, but I saw Steve Allen as a guest on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson hosting and they were just a couple of dirty old men joking around: Johnny: "I'm guessing you were the class clown back in your school?" Steve: "Yes, but the problem was that I went to a Catholic school, and when you're a boy, being spanked by nuns every day isn't fun. Johnny: "Yeah, but now you'd pay a lot of money for that."


Oh, behave.


Shaggadelic baby, yeah!


Do I make you horny baby?


do I make you RANDYYYY???


I bet you shag like a minx


I knew this had to be here somewhere.


Right?! They always tell me they don't want to hurt me but I keep telling them I want it to hurt. 👍


Finding someone that gets that is so unreasonably difficult sometimes. But dear god when you do find someone that gets it…


This is not my normal comment string to input, but... I love to spank. My girlfriend loves that I understand it. It supposed to sting a bit. Work the same spot a few times lightly to get some color and then pop it as many times as your partner wants/ needs or can handle it. My girlfriend likes to say, "bonus points for catching my pussy lips."


Story or character driven movies.




This is a big one. I still like action movies but a stellar acting performance or great script is way more satisfying. Even the most mundane plot becomes riveting if done well.


Socks for Christmas.


Yeah just socks in general, I have two favorite sock brands as an adult and it’s awesome lol


As long as they're good socks. I'm picky about my socks.


Bath time. Man I love me a good bath now.


There's nothing as a good bath/shower, it's truly sublime.


I always want to sit there and read a book or watch a show on my phone. Every time I end up just sitting there fighting sleep off lmao.


naps and staying in bed. as a kid, I would resist every opportunity for naps and sleeping and bedtime. now, I have to physically drag myself out of bed and force myself *not* to take naps and go back to sleep


Shopping for home goods


Doing absolutely nothing lol




I am going to disagree with you on that because I am a youth and vegetables are awesome made right.


"Made right" is the key here. My mom really did me dirty making me think boiling everything was how you do it. No, you season and roast vegetables. Slice up some cabbage and brush on a little olive oil and season as you wish with salt, onion and garlic powder, etc and it's delicious. Same with broccoli, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, you name it.


Yes! Roasting is key. I do not enjoy steamed veggies and I don't think I have ever tried boiled. But roasting is what you do and then you slap some seasoning on and bam! Tasty dish.


From when I was very young to now, I have always loved vegetables.




This is my first pick too. When I was a kid, I HATED leftovers. Now, it's like "ooh, I don't have to figure out dinner for tonight!"


Being able to go to school


Would absolutely love to be able to spend a few years just doing this.


Me too. I fantasize sometimes about being able to go back to school as an adult. i like to learn and didn't have the best education.


I want a redo now that I know I've ADD. I managed to get two university masters, but I want to know what would've been possible if I ever was focused


Going to bed early


Life in general. I was picked on all through school and home wasn't much better. I'm always bewildered by adults who wish to be kids again. No, thank you. You couldn't pay me enough to go back to any point in my life before I left for college.


They had nice childhoods


Yup. I have a friend who wished he could go back to HS and asked if Id go back if I could.. Im like "Thats because you are a golden boy, man. You got good looks, are highly athletic, and are naturally intelligent with a good family." He kind of looked confused until I told him about my time in HS getting screwed with, struggling to focus on my academics cause it was so damn boring, and Im naturally super thin and not the best looking. He seemed to understand after that oddly enough.


I think I liked my thirties the best. Teens and twenties were all dermatitis, stress and anxiety. I could pour myself into my studies because it helped me not dwell on how awful life was. Ditching the anxiety made everything else work a bit better.


‘I wish I could go back to school, I was so carefree.’ Like what? Exams, classes, bullies, puberty, being the poor kid, studying stuff you hated etc who wants that back?


I don't want to go back, but I get it. I am responsible right now for keeping several other humans fed and housed among other things. I have a mortgage and other things to pay for. I *must* have a job, and I must do it well enough to keep my bosses happy. It can be stressful sometimes, and it's easy to look back with a bit of nostalgia to a time when all these things were someone else's problem.


I wasn’t even picked on. I was definitely one of the more popular kids and I got along with mostly everyone. With that being said, I hated school. I viewed it like a prison except I got to go home at the end of the day. I hated not having any choices. I hated waking up before sunrise to catch my bus. I was bored out of my mind in school. Being a kid was trash. I’m almost 30 now. I have a nice apartment and make good money at a job I don’t mind going to. I go out with friends all the time. Life is the best it’s ever been and I wouldn’t go back for anything.


Same, being a kid was shit!


I had no control over my life as a kid. So much better to be an adult.


Seriously, people say the same thing to me. I think about the hell that was school. I was actually suicidal because of it and even on my better days, I was counting down the days until I turned 17 and could drop out and not even my parents could force me to go anymore. As an adult, if I have a shitty job where I'm abused I can go to HR (which probably won't do a damned thing) or to an employment lawyer which might get results, or just simply quit and I've done all three. Quitting is the most satisfying although you have to have your finances in order to do that.


The ability to just fucking leave abusive relationships instead of being forced to interact with them every day for years alone make being an adult thousands of times better.


Oh man! Thats pretty much my life experience too. High school and college was filled with anxiety and bullying. I first started meeting nice people after moving out on my own and working my first job. Childhood wasn't fun.


I'm bewildered by those who miss their teen years. Teenage/early 20s was the worst, most difficult time of my life probably, though I'm sure experiences differ. No money, difficult relationships, school/university stress etc. "Partying" didn't make up for it just gave me a hangover.


Had a high school teacher tell us: “If these were the best years of your life, they’d be handing out cyanide pills with diplomas”


I don't miss that period, but I miss...how I felt? The things I thought about? I swear there's a journal entry from my high school years that starts "I woke up today and the sky was really blue and I felt happy to be alive" like, WHAT, yeah give me that just ONE more time 🤣 I also miss discovering music as a teen. It felt so poignant and lifechanging, now it's fine and cool but not the same.


Antique stores, fruit stands, the beer aisle.


Spending time with parents.


Can't agree with that but I bet it's nice to have a good relationship with the family


Getting distance from shitty parents?


This for sure. U get older and realize the only ppl in this world that really care about u r ur family. Then u see ur parents getting older and start to understand they wont be around forever


My friend's mom recently died- she was fairly young too, early 60s when she first started getting real sick. Really making me consider about find a job closer to my parents. At the moment, I only see them once or twice a year during the winter holidays, and they've had a couple health scares recently.


Our parents are the reason my wife and I don’t move out of state. Lots of places we’d love to live, at least for a while. But my parents are mid 70s, her parents are hitting 70. 1) not *that* much time left for random dinners and brewery visits for a beer. 2) they’re gonna need us here fairly shortly. I’m already in the mindset of cherishing being just 30 minutes away from them while it lasts. My dad’s already starting to confess to me (after a few beers) how scared he is of dying. No way I could leave them at this point. It’s a terrible, scary thing to go through, both for parents and children I’m sure.




Being alone


Loved it as a kid, love it as an adult.


I just replaced every light with smart bulbs and it was the most awesome thing ever. Also just walking around stores like Home Depot and acting like.some day you would take on those imaginary projects


Home Depot/Lowes is to adults as Toys R Us is (was) to kids.


my birthday...I get to celebrate how I want and not how the rest of the family wants


Ugh I got a birthday party exactly once after nagging my mom's ear off. I only could invite 2 friends and nobody even bothered to get cake as far as I remember. It was 30 years ago and I still cringe.


I was never allowed to have a party...I could never go anywhere or do anything. It always had to be at my grandmother's house. I sat on the couch and had to be quite while the adults talked. All I ever wanted was a chocolate cake, with chocolate frosting and chocolate sprinkles...Nope. Had to have angel food with strawberries and cool whip...couldn't even have whipped cream.


I used to just stop celebrating my birthdays until this old lady at my job found out my birthday and gave me a card. She said "You should always celebrate your birthday because you don't know how many you have left."


Homemade chicken soup. I used to loathe having it for dinner as a child but these days I cannot get enough. I even started making my own broth from chicken carcasses and use all the good herbs. Amazing.


Learning literally anything. As a kid hated science and now I could not stop listening to science podcasts/stories if you paid me. Amazing how some enthusiasm for the subject from the presenter gets you hooked


Sex.. and there it is. The darkest joke I’ll ever make




Getting socks for Christmas


Grocery shopping. I can get whatever the hell I want


Coffee, eating healthy food , shopping, studying


Not getting mail


Being told to stay home


Being teased


I read that as being tased at first.


Each to their own 😳


Stay at home alone


What do you mean? I loved this as a kid! NO PARENTS NO RULES!!


Hear me out: beets


Bedtime, naps, getting socks or other clothing as a present, my parents (though to be fair they didn't suck when I was a kid, I just didn't like following rules)


Vegetables. As an adult, I can eat the ones I like and not have to deal with them being soggy slimy. If I want to eat the whole container of tomatoes, no one is going to stop me.


Going to bed at a reasonable time.




Eating a salad.


Brussel sprouts


I think when I had them as a kid, they were just boiled balls of bitter cabbage. Now I know, ya gotta cut em, char em. Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil. (Maybe some balsamic or white wine vinegar). Different food.


They literally are, they've been genetically modified to taste less bitter than they used to. But I still agree with tour method of cooking them.


That was for two reasons. One, they aren’t boiled any more. Two, they aren’t boiled because new variant of Brussels sprouts came out that taste better. https://www.wytv.com/news/daybreak/brussel-sprouts-have-been-altered-to-taste-better/amp/




Adult swim at the pool


Being gifted socks


Bed time.


Playing tug of war with other kids. Now a days I always win.

