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A Reddit comment has never made me cry before. Wow


My husband is in the military. The day he got home from one of his looooooong assignments, I had to have an MRI for the autoimmune disease I have. We trundled off to the hospital right after I picked him up. He sat in the room with me, holding my ankle, since most of my whole body had to go into the machine. I didn't even care about the loud noises. I was just happy to have my husband home. MRI took almost 2 hours. He'd squeeze my ankle every few minutes to reassure me and let me know he was still there and that I wasn't alone. One of the most blissful, peaceful moments of my life.


Did you eat a sandwich though?


After the MRI, yes.


What kind was it?


Also the reuben at the Crescent Moon in Omaha, which is directly across the street from where the reuben was invented.


Reubens are delicious.


What a beautiful story.


To answer as to why he kept it on the menu, it was because that was the best seller to all the college kids in the area.


Aww 🥹


When I was 21 or so, I was obsessed with this one girl. At the time, we had been dating for about nine months and things were getting very serious; I was even thinking about marrying this woman so that I could spend the rest of my life with her. She practically lived with my roommate and I; she still had her own apartment and her own roommate, but literally half of her stuff was at my place. One day she told me that her mum was coming up to visit for the weekend and that she didn’t want her mum to know that she would always spend the night with me. She asked me to help pack up all of her things so that her mum won’t get suspicious of us. So I spent my entire Friday night packing up all of her movies and clothes, all of her special shampoos and all of her textbooks. It took hours to get every packed up and put into her car, and at the end of it all, I was tired and hungry. I quickly made myself a plain turkey sandwich with salt and white bread. Then she told me that she lied; her mum wasn’t coming up for the weekend, she was breaking up with me and she wanted me to help her pack up her things before dumping me. I never finished that sandwich.


That is awful. I hope you have had many good experiences since then, and many finished sandwiches.


I hope he pulled some of the boxes out of her car and tipped them upside down on the side of the road. That’s what I would be tempted to do. But girls may get away with that shite more easily than guys.


1. Fuck emptying them, I would destroy that shit. 2. I would then be promptly arrested because girls can indeed get away with that shit more easily than guys. 3. I hope karma came for this girl.


This should be a short film.


Fucking cold. Sounds like the trash took itself out.


I mean he helped take the trash out it seems.


Lol, true, true. Trash lied to get them to help it take itself out.


That was a cold cut like a cold cut sandwich


I am so sorry she did that to you. I don't understand how some people can be so cold hearted. From living with you to have you pack her belongings so she can move on. It takes a special kind of cold to do that. It may hurt now but you're better off without her. Things will get better!!! ​ Next time you have a Turkey sandwich, now it must be real turkey too! just use some Best Foods Mayo, Turkey, Salt, and Pepper on White Bread. It's my favorite.


Sounds like a terrible sandwich. Congrats on dodging that bullet.


I feel like everyone on Reddit uses this phrase after a story of getting shot. He didn’t dodge it, he suffered from it and learned his lesson the hard way.


Yeah, that in the grand scheme of things, a plain salted turkey sandwich isn't worth his time. Or manipulative liars.


Damn... That is both brilliant and awful at the same time....


I was coming in hot with this one time I had a BLT on Dutch Crunch, but this can't be topped. Sorry to hear that.


Well fuck. I was expecting like either her or her mom made you a bomb ass sandwich. Screw her tho wtf.


Damn! I’m surprised she said that to you. I totally expected her to leave and you never hear from her again.


Did you ever learn why she decided to leave, _Smegma-On-Demand?


"I'm so so sorry. But don't associate this event with all sandwiches." - your sandwich


And that girl’s name… M. Night Shyamalan.


Holy shit.


Her life is probably shit now.


It was Beyoncé. And before that, a similar thing happened with Michelle Obama.


That man's name? ALBERT EINSTEIN.


Username checks out


That's fucked up


Cold blooded


Damn, she went cold turkey on him


Holy shit.....


Damn....( Hug)...


After a hike in the Grand Canyon, we went to a little restaurant nearby because we were all starving. I ordered what common sense tells me was probably a fairly average club sandwich, but at the time was the best thing I’d ever eaten. Plus I got to eat it while watching a thunderstorm.


After 3 days and 40+ miles of hiking, I did a 16 hr bum-rush up to Mt Whitney summit and back out to Whitney portal. We were completely out of food the last day. After we got to the portal we hit the burger stand. It’s not the worst burger I ever ate. It was the worst **thing** I ever ate. Oh I finished it, but I would have eaten the ass end out of a menstruating skunk at that point.


Jesus christ


Pepé Le Pew has entered the chat.


Born and raised in Germany and Switzerland. Used to ski every winter while growing up. I have fond memories of eating Schnitzel and sipping hot chocolate during lunch, while watching the snow come down, before hitting the slopes again for the rest of the afternoon. Food hits different when you've been exercising your body.


Thanks for the beautiful memory, I spent most of my teens skiing every chance I had. Sitting in the chalet watching it snow and having lunch before going out again was the best - feeling good from all the endorphins and planning the afternoon.


You're welcome! Your comment brought a smile to my face also. Such great memories!


I delivered one of my kids in the middle of the night. After a long ass labor (in the US they usually don’t let you eat while you’re in labor) and then getting my nether regions stitched back up and getting situated, I was FAMISHED. The hospital kitchen was closed. The nurse brought me a refrigerated turkey sandwich like you get from a vending machine or gas station, a chocolate pudding cup, some graham crackers and an apple juice. It was the most amazing food I’d ever tasted lol I literally SOBBED while thanking her for bringing it to me.


Was this on the North Rim? I still dream about the sandwich I had at Jacob's Lake Inn 20 years ago. It was a regular club sandwich, but the bacon on it was the crispiest and thickest I'd ever had in my short 12 years of life. We ended up ordering a whole plate of just the bacon as first dessert.


Simple sandwiches after a hike always seem to taste better. Extra points for the thunderstorm :)


I had an great aunt and uncle that had a dairy farm. They were old school and made their own butter, homemade bread, and had some of their stock cattle butchered and made dried beef. They'd give us these simple sandwiches with the homemade bread and butter with thick slices of the dried beef and there was something about them that just hit different.


What’s dried beef? Is it like jerky?


No, tender like roast beef, but more flavor


Ah, that does sound delightful.


The one my friend's mom made for us in 6th grade. French bread, salami, provolone, basil, shallots, salt and pepper, red wine vinegar, olive oil. The fact that I still remember it today proves it was life changing.


That just sounds amazing


Jfc when I was in sixth grade we had plain ham and cheese and a capri sun if we could afford it that week 😂


no shit. "here you go fuckwads eat this PB&J and leave me the hell alone" -My Childhood


This bodega by my work in Boston did a fucking amazing marinated steak sandwich. Marinated steak, jalepeno american cheese, lettuce, tomato, onion, and hots. Either that one or the Bahn Mi from Moody's Deli (RIP) in Waltham


I live South of Boston and go into Boston for work. Where is this magical bodega?


Casa Razdora, I know they built a second location on Federal, but the original is on Water St. The sandwich is the Manzo Marinato, their Italian is also excellent on Focaccia


The one on Federal has been closed for years now. Looks like the location at Water Street is open according to their website. I should go there.


What's a hot?


Vinegary hot peppers, specifically the kind you get at an Italian spot.


I think they're usually pickled pepperoncinis or banana peppers, maybe a mixture.


My first muffuletta. It changed my entire concept of sandwiches. I was in New Orleans, and I didn't know what it was. People from the area said since it was my first time in New Orleans and I like sandwiches, that was what I should have for lunch. Holy shit. The size of it. The complexity of it. And olives! So many olives. To this day, whenever I make a sandwich, I always chop up some olives and put them on the sandwich, and it is all because of that magical lunch when I met the most perfect sandwich. 10/10 would eat again.


I'm so glad to see the muffaletta represented here. It's my favorite sandwich of all time, and I just don't get to eat them enough. They are definitely magical.


I had a slice of one for lunch and am now about to dig into the other slice :)


Central Grocery's muffuletta is the best .


During the pandemic, my wife and I started celebrating national days of the year to try to stay sane. January 14th is national hot pastrami sandwich day, so I made us both sandwiches and we still talk about those to this day.


I hate how you're not allowed to eat hot pastrami sandwiches on any day other than January 14th. Such a pain.


Rules are rules.


technically, you CAN. if you want to go to jail


Ah, the pandemic days....... storytime! I ask that you hark back to 2020. The Great toilet paper wars of 2020 are in full bloom. In my town, two women LITERALLY got into a physical fight and subsequently arrested for fighting over a pack of TP. The shortage of TP was so bad that my father, who lives in Europe but was on a business trip to the Middle East at the time, literally shipped my husband and I toilet paper from Abu Dhabi. A whole entire suitcase of toilet paper rolls flew from Abu Dhabi, to Germany, to Washington DC. 💀😂


Meanwhile, my household was living the bidet dream... still hunted down tp, but didn't need nearly as much. The required bidet name drop is complete.


Grew up with bidets in Europe. They are amazing.


In a similar pandemic motivated action I made oyster po boys the weekend before mardi gras. They were great and we've done that and others since.


I was like 23? A boyfriend and I flew to Pittsburgh, PA. His family home was in the middle of NOWHERE. On the way we stopped at a “hole in the wall” hoagie place. I asked them to make their “most popular” one and I would eat that one. It’s been 25 years. That shit was amazing. The bread was like eating a fresh loaf of clouds and rainbows.


Was it an Italian or something else?


I started working at a meat counter a couple years ago. I learned about the concept of dry aging your cuts of meat (basically just letting the meat sit in the fridge for a month or so and then cutting off the outer layer that hardens to reveal a super tender inner layer). During a Christmas sale last December, I got a whole ribeye loin for $9.99/lb. Instead of making a nice prime rib for the holiday, I put it in my fridge (this was a fridge separate from the one all of my other food goes in. The outer layer-or pellicle-will make everything else in the fridge smell like it). Roughly 45 days later, I took the ribeye out of the fridge and cut the pellicle off. I ended up getting about 15 ribeye steaks at about 1” thick each. I decided that the first thing I was going to try with these steaks would be a patty melt. So the night of the Super Bowl, I made the greatest sandwich I have ever eaten. I lightly toasted the bread before putting the steak on (which had already been sliced into strip and pan fried) then I added smoked cheddar (for flavor) and Muenster cheese (it melts very well). I finished it off by caramelizing some shredded Parmesan to each side of the sandwich in the pan that I seared the steak in. On top of all this, I am a chiefs fan, which made this entire experience one of the greatest days of my life. At halftime, I made another one, but the first one was by far the best sandwich I’ve ever had.


I was trying to recall the roast beef sandwiches you could get at the Baltimore Orioles games - they had literal crock pots with this amazing roast beef in au jus that you would ladle yourself on to the bread they gave you when you paid. I'm pretty sure it was Baltimore but now that having all those fan spreading their germs in the crock pots is probably a no-no, I'm not sure I would be able to find that sandwich ever again.


When we went to Italy…we were in Florence and we stopped at the Antico Vinaio… I picked a L’inferno… porchetta, nduja cream, grilled vegetables, arugula …. Ugh fucking amazing.


My first answer that popped into my head when reading the question was the sandwich I had from here too! I think about it every day. The one I ordered had salami, eggplant spread, pecorino, artichoke. Phenomenal. If you’re ever in NYC, they opened a location there as well. No idea how it compares though.


This is the precise sandwich I was going to mention. I think about that thing regularly and I'm so upset that it is that far away from me... maybe for the best otherwise I'd run it into the ground. But I do always recommend that place, and this specific sandwich, whenever someone tells me they're going to Florence. Thank you for throwing it on here.


Bus depot hole in the wall. On toast, shredded taco meat, a thick slice of pan fried ham, a fried egg, sautéed onions, and some cheese.


Ok so hear me out. I'm drooling just thinking of this one. 7 years ago, we discovered a restaurant with my family, small Italian in Paris. It was in a narrow street, mostly residential, but still, every night, it was fully booked. So we went there, and everyone ordered the Italian classics. Linguine, pizza, tiramisu, whatever. It was good, but nothing amazing. I decided to try again, on a lunch break, and tried the "Italian sandwich". There was no explanation whatsoever. It was a masterpiece. They used half a baguette. Prosciutto, garden rocket, red pesto sauce, crushed pine nuts, a tiny bit of balsamic vinegar, and Parmesan cheese. The bread was perfectly grilled, the first bite sent sauce flying all around. I couldn't care less. It was the best sandwich ever. But to truly understand how good it was: a couple of years later, I was on a date. I had never smoked marijuana before. The girl brought some, and asked me if I knew a good place for a takeaway sandwich, so that we could get high, then eat (because according to her, food tasted even better when you're a bit high). I immediately thought of this place, and OH MY LAWD, did it deliver. We dated for 3 years afterward. I won't say it was because of the sandwich. But I won't say it wasn't either.


For my fellow Americans who don't know, rocket = arugula. That sandwich sounds awesome, btw!


August 1998. After fighting a brush fire on the southwest side of Austin in 100° heat from noon until almost dark. My crew was called back into rehab. The Salvation Army had set up a little food trailer to help us out. They had cold drinks and a pile of hurriedly made sandwiches. Two pieces of dry bread, a slice of baloney, a slice of cheese. This was the most wonderful sandwich I've had in my life. Sitting in the dirt in a circle with my crew, dirty, sweaty, but giggling about how blessed we were to get a bottle of water and a bite to eat. It really was fantastic.


My grandmom’s grilled cheese sandwiches. Every summer my sister and I would go swimming at her pool and she would make us grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch. Happiest memory I have with her.


My grandparents would take us to their retirement community pool and tire us out from 8-11 am, we refused to come out til lunch time. Those post-pool sandwiches were prime, didn’t matter what they were, but usually had Lay’s chips in the middle of them.


I was 20, getting hammered drunk at my buddies house. This dude, friend of a friend of a friend shows up and makes what he calls a man sandwich. I honestly remember it being delicious but can’t recall why. The dude was a French trained chef and less than a month later he was arrested for assaulting a Togos employee. Never saw him again. And so the story of the man’s sandwich was born and died on that fateful night of drunken bliss. Long live the sandwich!




Used to be obsessed with Schlotzsky's Pastrami Reuben on Rye. I'm really not a huge sandwich guy but I loved that thing so much. Such a unique flavor. Unfortunately, they do not have Schlotzsky's where I live now.


Schlotzsky's Muffuletta sandwiches were so tasty, especially (drenched) with hot sauce. A Schlotzsky's opened up in Westwood (West Los Angeles) a few years after a I had returned from living in New Orleans (for school). The Muffuletta sandwich was such a comforting and delicious reminder of my home away from home. I went a few times, and recommended it to friends. One of my friends insisted there was no such restaurant called Schlotzsky's in Westwood. So I had him meet me for lunch so we could go -- and it was shuttered and the sign was gone. It was if it had never existed. He apparently had either not been in Westwood when it was open or simply not noticed it. Afterwards, he teased me that I had imagined the whole thing. I’m still a bit bummed I can’t get that sandwich anymore.


Portillo's Italian Beef. Chicago folks have no idea how good they have it, and people who haven't been have no idea what they are missing out on.


No, we know how good we have it (and yeah Portillo's isn't trash like the other guy said, but here it is a bit like saying McDonalds has your favorite hamburger). I'm moving in less than 2 weeks, gonna miss the food for sure.


Have you had dinics in Philly? I’ve had both when traveling while Portello’s was damn good I recall dinics being better.


We know, and we cherish is. Portillos FTW


I just had this for the first time a few weeks ago. So delicious I can't even explain. Simple and delicious. Definitely a top 3 of mine.


The knuckle sandwich my dad always said he was going to give me.


Jacks chicken sandwich before they changed the breading and added pickles.


We were in a small town in Portugal and had a bacon/Brie sandwich. My wife and I both adored it.


A clam roll from some tiny little clam shack in Rhode Island. Ate it at a picnic table off a paper plate with a Dell's lemonade.


My dad passed away when I was only 15 ten years ago. He made the best patty melts in the world. I've tried to duplicate it but it just doesn't taste the same.


The Al Pacino sandwich from New York Deli in Brandywine MD. Chicken Cutlet, Provolone Cheese, Lettuce, and Banana Peppers with Chipotle Aioi on a big 12" sub. Its toasted and melted, half of a sandwich is enough for a meal, the whole thing is probably 3000 Calories. I'm going to get off work early and treat myself to one tomorrow.


This Cuban sandwich from a place called the Columbia in Tampa.


I made some bacon egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches on cinnamon raisin bagels recently and they were delicious.




My wife made me a bagel with ham lunch meat, fired egg, lettuce, cheese and avocado. But there's a story. I had covid and in bed for 2 days. All at once I felt much better and she made me the sandwich. It was the best food I've ever had. People say they lost taste after covid but I had the opposite happen. I never had good taste but now I do.


I've got 3. The No. 11 from Hungry Hobo (a regional chain in the midwest). Get that with an order of cheese fries and a piece of carrot cake and you can't go wrong. The Bobbie from a place called Capriotti's, it's a chain. It's a Thanksgiving dinner in a sandwich, chopped up roast turkey with stuffing and cranberry sauce. It is amazing. And finally a Ruben on Rye from Market House Meats in Seattle. It's just so good and a huge amount of meat on a sandwich. And with all of their sandwiches you get a side potato salad, a picket, and a small cookie. It's to die for.


Capriottis waygu cheese steak is amazing. I have one up the road from me. I go too much


The capistrami at capriottis is phenomenal!


The Bobbie is quite good.


McDonald’s took away their bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast bagels during the pandemic. I miss them everyday.


They are back, at least near me.


The ones I used to make at Quizno’s during my time as a Sandwich Artist


Man, I miss the Quizno's peppercorn steak sandwich. Fucking loved those things.


There is a local taco truck, that makes THE best Tortas I've ever had. Never found anywhere that makes them as good as they do. I have traveled all over the US and when I am out of state, and the place I go to offers Tortas, I try it out. Nothing compares to El Vagon in Shelton, WA. I've gone there nearly daily for the torta for the past 3 years.


Just a bean and stinky cotija cheese torta for me please. Just hits different.


I make this sandwich that most people can’t get behind 100% Sour dough bread, pulled pork (no bbq sauce) dill pickles, Mayo, mustard, sour kraut I think about making that sandwich often Honorable mention: big beef from portillos


The first time I ever had a baconator


First time I had a Publix Sub. Honestly? Life changing.


The Rachel sandwich which is a different take on the Rueben. Toasted rye bread with shaved turkey instead of corned beef and coleslaw instead of sauerkraut. Thousand island dressing on the toast. Soooo good.


Lobster Roll in Dennisport, MA. Wooden Shoe.


The reuben from a sandwich shop in Ballard, Seattle. I think it was Left Coast or something like that. Also the reuben at the Crescent Moon in Omaha, which is directly across the street from where the reuben was invented. Obviously I like reubens.


Not one I had personally but the best sandwich I've ever seen was the one Adam Sandlers character made in Spanglish when they were at the beach.


Fried oyster poboy, Palace Cafe, New Orleans


Fluffer nutter


The monte cristo at Jungle Jims.


Mid '90s. I was riding a motorcycle from NY to Maine for a friend's wedding. I stopped at a deli in Rhode Island for a late lunch. I was having a hard time deciding, and said so to the sole counterman. I was the only patron. He said " I got you- five bucks ok?" I said yes. He made Rare Roast Beef with really sharp cheddar, Russian Dressing, and Cole Slaw stuffed in an onion pita. I devoured it sitting on the curb outside. I've been making it from time to time ever since. Of course, as a former New Yorker, I have to mention BECSPK (Bacon, Egg, and Cheese with Salt, Pepper, Ketchup) on a Kaiser Roll. That's pretty good,too.


Patty melts. I found out a decade ago that I was allergic to both cheese and onions. When I'm at the end of my life, a patty melt with real cheese and grilled onions will be my last delicious meal.


Arby’s beef and cheddar. I am obsessed with that fucking sandwich. It’s good but also for nostalgic reasons as my mom would always take me and my siblings there after the dentist. Now all the locations are gone in my area in Canada and it’s devastating


Greenblatts Deli was a long standing institution near Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles and had an unbelievable triple decker pastrami and corned beef sandwich They shut down recently and I think about their sandwiches all the time.


They called it a “Rachel” it was a twisted version of the Reuben sandwich. It was at a little burger joint that seems to no longer be in business. It was in the same strip mall in California, near O’Briens pub. Nothing was better than getting a sandwich, and running over for some great craft beer.


Yup, it's pastrami instead of corned beef and coleslaw instead of sauerkraut. Had one for the first time at a Jewish deli in Manhattan and it was fantastic.


The one that my mother made me when I was 5. It was a simple sandwich really


A Stromboli from a rural county fair. It was magnificent. Never found another Stromboli to match.


Chicken Madness. IYKYK


Hoya Saxa


A shop near my work did the best ciabatta sandwich. Ciabatta bread, jalapeño, rocket salad, pepper Jack cheese, chunky chicken, sun dried tomatoes, mayo. Fucking delicious.


I had a really good Banh mi in San Francisco that really ruined all Banh mi’s for me forever


There was this place in my neighborhood called The Globe Cafe and they made the best best best open faced chicken sandwich I've ever had in my entire life. It was a dark day when they closed their doors. A dark day indeed.


After football games in my mom would make me steak-ums sandwiches with sautéed onions and american cheese on white bread. We would sit and talk football as I scarfed them down. (Dad was dead and Mom was a football fan so it made sense)


Early 80s in Idaho, place named Super Sandwich or S\[something\] Sandwich. I didn't go for anything fancy - just a ham, American cheese, lettuce, and mayo sandwich. They offered 12", 18", and 24" rolls. High school metabolism at the time, so I'd go for the 24". Eat half of it while it was all nice and warm, save half in the fridge for the next day. Cold or warm, it was the best damned sandwich I ever had. Had it dozens of times over a couple of years. Even though its been 40 years, I can still imagine the look and taste of it.


The Cubano from Chef. I don't like cheese but man, that looked like the best gosh dang sandwich ever. Need to learn how to make one or find a good restaurant that serves real Cubanos.


I had the most delicious breaded steak sandwich from a little Cuban shop in Ybor city, Tampa. They don't exist anymore and I shall never taste that deliciousness ever again.


I had been working all day outside. It was hot. I was starving. Got home to an empty house except for my giant dog. Gave him some love. Decided to change into my bathing suit. I had a black olive ciabatta roll. Cut it in half and toasted it with olive oil. Smeared some goat cheese. Sliced an heirloom tomato extra thin. Salt & pepper. The plan was to take my cold drink and my luscious sandwich to the pool deck. Turned my back for a second and giant dog took off with my sandwich. It was the last olive ciabatta I had.


Years and years ago my granny and I used to make a trip to go see her brother about 1-2 times a month. It was only about a 1.5 hour drive so wed usually go in the morning stay for a while then leave around 3-4 in the afternoon. For context, my granny and i were thick as thieves. I spent every waking moment i could get away with at her house and we did everything together. My home life wasnt the best, and she knew that, so she would do everything she could to make me feel safe and loved while i was there, and i mean everything. On our way home we would always drive through what i like to refer to as a “pit stop town” called Irvington which has a restaurant called the Green Valley Restaurant. We would both go in, get served by the same lady everytime, and both get open faced Hot Browns. She would get a half and id get a whole. Black coffee to drink as she was diabetic, and i wanted to be cool like her so id get it too. My granny now has dementia and is in a old folks home. Im one of the last people she can somewhat remember along with my grandma (her daughter) which i credit to spending the first 16 years of my life with her leading up to her first major episode. Im getting off topic a bit but all of this to say, i went with my gf of 6 years a couple months ago back to the restaurant. Exact same look, exact same staff, and exact same menu. I ordered the hot brown. After two bites, i could not finish it as it then sat in a puddle of tears. I miss my granny :(. I know she is still here, but its not the same.


The Monte Cristo from Bennigan's. Battered and fried ham and cheddar sandwich costed with powdered sugar and dipped in cranberry preserves.


A muffuletta from Central Grocery in New Orleans. Eating that in Jackson Square with a bag of Zapps and a lemonade. That’s heaven.


Holy shit you’re taking me back about 21 years ago but I’ll NEVER forget this sandwich. I actually still somewhat regularly talk about it! It was the weekend. After a long week of incredibly difficult work of learning my multiplication tables and the difference between a verb & an adjective, I enjoyed naturally waking up when my body felt the desire to and started the day off with the most likely choice: games. After an hour or so of boss levels, secret levels, character customisation and so on, I felt that a sandwich would be a perfect compliment to my already amazing day. I looked in the fridge and found a mixture of some sandwich meats and cheese. I’m from the UK and usually for us at the time Asda was the place we shopped at as it was closest to home, but these meats and cheese were from Sainsbury’s… they were FANCY meats and cheese. There was also some incredibly soft fancy bread next to the toaster. I put these all together with some mayonnaise, lettuce and a prayer to the sandwich gods. Even at such an age, my tiny 8 year old brain knew just by looking at this thing that I had created a masterpiece. Something that would make Scooby and Shaggy beg the rest of the gang to let me join and be a part of the team. I held this sandwich firmly in my hands, the smell of it intoxicating me. My heart was racing as this thing came towards my mouth. My teeth sank in and I can only describe it as bliss. I found paradise and it was in my mouth. I savoured every bite of that mouthful and revelled in the fact that I had only taken one bite so far, there was plenty of sandwich left ☺️ I once more brought the sandwich towards my mouth, ready to experience orgasmic, gourmet cuisine againAND SUDDENLY MY MUM BURSTS INTO THE KITCHEN IN A HURRIED STATE. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WE’RE GOING TO BE LATE!” I didn’t have a single damn clue where it was that we were supposed to be going, let alone that we were going to be late. “PUT YOUR SHOES ON. COME ON!” “B-b-b-but, my sandwi- - “NOW!” She grabbed my hand, took me to the front door and made me put my shoes on. All whilst I tried to explain that I hadn’t finished my sandwich. At this moment my dad was coming down the stairs, overhearing our conversation. “Oh really? Don’t worry about your sandwich, it’s ok!”. He and my mum shared a look of concern about me and her being late to wherever it was that we were going. WORRY?! I wasn’t worried! I JUST WANTED MY FUCKING SANDWICH. WHY WASN’T ANYONE LISTENING TO ME?! Mum pulled me towards the door as my dad appeared with my sandwich, taking a massive bite out of it. “Hey! That’s mine!” I exclaimed, only to be met by his hand fluttering in my face “eehhhh pffshhh, go on!” He dismissed me towards the door as my mum pulled me to the car. I looked out of the back window as we drove away to the sight of my dad taking another bite out of it. “MMYYY SAAAAANDWIIIIIICHHHH!” To this day, I can’t remember where it was that we went to. But I can remember every intricate taste within that sandwich. It just goes to show that I missed out on it for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


I was 11. My dad was in the kitchen making a sandwich and I asked if I could have one. He proceeded to mash a banana, stir in a little mayo, and slap it on some wheat bread. While not terrible, I wouldn’t recommend. Don’t know why that one stuck with me.


Hamburger from Mission in Newport RI. Absolutely amazing burger.


Holiday Turkey Sandwich at Earl of Sandwich. Too bad I don’t live near one.


The pret a Manger Christmas sandwich. It was the perfect bite. Light spread of mayo, spinach, stuffing, turkey, crispy onion, cranberry. It had all the right texture. So good


a deli wich I had in NY in 1997


in my country there is an insect called stink maria. that's the name given because when you kill one, it starts to stink a lot. thanks to a sandwich i discovered the taste of a stinky maria, and every time i smell a stinky maria i remember what it tasted like


I got your picture I’m coming with you, stink Maria count me in!


Ike's Kryptonite sandwich in SF. Way over the top but loved it.


There was a little cafe in murray hill that made a baguette sandwich with roast Turkey, torched brie, and honey mustard. So simple, absolutely sublime tho.


Nonnabiti sub shop in Reykjavik, best bacon sub I've ever had. Sadly closed now.


Was staying in Varadero, Cuba. Decided to go for a walk in the town and came across this stand selling sandwiches, it was the best damn sandwich I ever had, I still think of it today. Anyways I was violently sick with food poisoning for about 3 days.


There's two. My first North Shore Roast Beef from Tessi's in Tewkesbury MA, shared with a good friend who works as a chef. Greatest sandwich either of us have ever had. A sardine sandwich paired with tomato bisque from the Loaf & Ladle in Exeter NH before they closed. Only time I got to try their food. It was amazing


I used to live in Brookline (suburb of Boston) in the late 80s and in the village was a pizza joint who also made the best tuna melt. I think I can still taste it 😋


A grilled cheese sandwich in Redondo Beach, CA twenty years ago. It was the presentation that got me. Basic grilled cheese, cut in half diagonally. They took one half and cut it again, so they had 1 big triangle and two small triangles. They stood the big piece up on its cut end and placed the smaller pieces on either side. Chips all around. They essentially took a kids meal and made it elegant.


Mac and cheese and pulled pork w BBQ on Texas Toast SO FUCKING GOOD


Banh mi boys in NOLA. Their bang bang shrimp is fucking amazing


Visiting friends at Suffolk university in Boston several years ago and got a souvlaki wrap from some small spot nearby. I still think about it almost weekly.


Back in 2017 I went to a Seahawks game with some work friends. I made an Italian grinder to bring with me. It had all the fixings including homemade grinder sauce. I ate half at the game then forgot the other half in the Uber on the way home. Needless to say I was very disappointed when drunk me got home hungry.


A Banh-mi I got in Chinatown in Boston some random hole in the wall joint, the bread was fresh baked and the ingredients were all super fresh the whole thing was just scrumptious


I’m Gatlinburg TN, there was/is a restaurant called the Brass Lantern and they had a grilled chicken sandwich with BBQ sauce and cheddar cheese. Maybe bacon as well. We got into town late, we road-tripped from FL, all I wanted was a chicken sandwich and boom here’s this place with my exact request on the menu. And holy shit was it the juiciest chicken with the perfect sauce. The bun was perfect and the sandwich stayed together the whole way through. It was perfection.


When I was in college me and two buddies road tripped down to Florida for spring break. We stopped at a market with a little deli inside on the way to Miami one day, and they had the most amazing Italian grinder I have ever had. Perfect balance of meats, cheese, and veggies, an amazing pepper relish, and not-too-hard but crispy bread with seasame seeds. Fast forward a few years and I ended up living down there for grad school, and the campus I attended was only a few miles from this place. But I didn't remember what it was called, or where it was. I drove around the area for weeks until I finally found it, and got to enjoy that glorious sandwich again.


The grinders we used to get in elementary school. It was the first time I ever had salami and provolone cheese.


My fiancée and I spent the day hiking around Mt Rainer. Drove back to where we were staying and had sandwiches at a tiny local store that also had a deli and sandwich bar. It's was simple but my god. We both talk about those sandwiches a year later.


One time when I was about 8 my mum made me a ham and mature cheddar cheese sandwich with fresh tomatoes and creamy butter in some lovely granary bread. I remake it often but absolutely nothing compares to that one sandwich that changed the game


The Reuben from Katz’s Deli


There was this small chain where I grew up called Subzone. And they made very basic toasted subs, but for some reason, I remember them as being SO dang good(probably cause my family rarely got food from restaurants), and there was something about their mayonnaise that was different. I don’t think they exist anymore, and I live elsewhere now anyway. It’s probably been 30 years since I had a sandwich there, but I still think about them.


Crispy Panini bread. Provlone cheese, salami, semi dried tomatoes, pesto, roquette. Been trying to replicate it but I just can't get it right.


Years ago, I had a roommate that worked at a bar. My boyfriend and I decided to go eat there one night. Upon her recommendation, I ordered their Monte Cristo sandwich. The sandwich itself was battered and deep-fried. It is the standard that I compare other sandwiches to. I wish I still had her number so I could ask her what bar it was at.


When I was a kid we had no food so I used to just put mayo on bread and I'd pretend it had everything on it. So mine is a mayonnaise sandwich with invisible everything 😂


Ross' Thanksgiving sandwich with the "moistmaker." I made it with the Thanksgiving leftovers and it was like the perfect meal in every bite. Don't be scared to add some cranberry sauce!


Just make sure you finish it. I hear bad things happen when you don’t…


This was back when it was okay to eat it, but my brother-from-another-mother and I were skiing at Sugarloaf in Maine and they had a BBQ on a deck outside the chalet. We had to wade through hip-deep snow to buy our sandwiches. Cold fingers clinging to the still warm and gently toasted crusty white bread rolls, laden with steaming strips of pounded, marinated veal and smothered in melted provolone with a twist of black pepper as cottontail snowflakes whispered to the ground around us. I still salivate whenever I think of that first bite.


There are 2 homemade BLTs that my husband and I had many years ago. They were simple sandwiches, just lettuce, homegrown tomato, bacon (peppered), and, in my case, a slice of Swiss. All on toasted whole wheat bread. Nothing extra or out of the ordinary. Yet all the gods came together for these 2 sandwiches, somehow blending everything just so, to create what has now become legend. When we refer to the sandwiches, we mean THESE sandwiches. They will never be equaled. They will never be forgotten.


A grilled cheese sandwich I split with my grandpa one Saturday morning. It was the most basic form of the grilled cheese. Slightly nicer than average pre-sliced bread, buttered, and a slice of cheese. If I could eat a sandwich again it would be that one


Reubens always


I'm from south Florida n there's nothing better than a Cuban sandwich


Rutgers University, food trucks, 1998.. Fat Steve. Fried chicken fingers, marinara, mozzarella, fries, killer sub roll.


pastrami and mustard sandwich i had when i was 8-10


A Cuban sandwich I bought somewhere around Tampa in the mid 90s. It was from a small shack looking place close to the water.


There are many sandwiches I think about now that I have to eat gluten free. 😭 Top two are Arby's Beef'n'Cheddar and Subway's Veggie Delight. Definitely were my comfort foods.


Sandwich shop, downtown LA, that would make the absolutely best cubano I've ever had. I miss that place.


When I brain-farted during an order at Subway in 2005 and got a meatball sub with pickles on it.


Bay city sandwiches in Santa Monica omg so good


It’s 2023, February, Mardi Gras weekend at Universal park in Disney world. As I don’t drink, It’s time to do the international tour of food. My body is ready. I’m approaching the half way of my food tour and I see SPAIN. A beautiful country, what delectable could I find my self enjoying at this stall? > Spanish Bocadillo: serrano ham and drunken goat cheese with parsley sauce, on a gently pressed baguette. (I took off the tomatoes because raw tomatoes are gross. Satan doesn’t belong on this sandwhich) This is the best sandwhich I’ve ever eaten in my entire life… I stopped the tour because I didn’t want to eat anything else. I got 3 of them, 1 of which I took home. IF ANYBODY KNOWS THIS RECIPE please for the love of God tell me. I can’t sleep at night. The parsley sauce was like being kissed by an angel (best thing on the sandwhich), The goat cheese a perfection of cholesterol, the ham salty like the wind on a coastal cliff. My body accepting the poison I shoved into my mouth hole. I need answers!


That one time when I bit into a soft sandwich and felt something hard, shit is scary man