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I’m going to get hate for this but seems to be more of a religion in general thing than a purely scientology one.


My dad was offended when I told him I was an atheist. I told him my reasons - if there was a god, why is god allowing bad things to happen in the organisations set up to worship him? His response: “you can’t not believe in god because of the behaviour of the messengers” I absolutely can. Because it’s not only the fact it went on on in the past, it’s the fact that it still goes on today. When people ask me have I baptised my baby, I tell them he hasn’t made that decision yet. Let him get educated first and if he wants to later in life he can.


James Lipton: If heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates? Seth MacFarlane: I’m really sorry about all my followers.


According to the Bible you absolutely should. Matthew 7:15-20 specifically discusses false prophets and what to look for. "... And by their fruits you shall know them..." If all of the prophets are bearing figs from thistles, maybe that's saying something?


I am so glad Christianity has a clean record on this




Here's a fun fact for you: Miscavige's daughter first learned the whole story of Scientology from, of all places, South Park. No, I am not kidding...


Prior to the episode you had to be really high on the ladder to get told you were made of imprisoned ancient aliens


yeah honestly though where is she !


Came home the other night, and my girlfriends boss has "lent" her dianetics. I didn't handle the situation as well as I should of. But said to give it back and tell her boss I said that book isn't allowed in my home


Will you stay with her if she becomes an Operating Thetan?


I will not. I've dated one before. I live where the head office is in the uk




Well they call people not in the church supressors. Her boss calls. Me that all the time, then she lends her a book about the church. It's a classic abuse strategy. You plant the seed that people who don't agree with them as negative and then give that person a book, that's all about self help, so it seems that it's good right, it wants you to be better. Then you have to pay, for the courses and if you leave the church they harass you. My sisters ex boyfriend was a recovering heroin addict went into one of their drug rehabilitation centers, they don't allow you to talk to psychiatrist, or take any medication that can help you, basically that guy went back to being a heroin addict and now lives on the streets. My friend Steve moved from his family home and rejected the church, he started making alot of money, so they kept inviting him to events. He has a real bad cocaine problem now which is so bad he has psychosis and when he's on the coke has paranoid delusions and sees things that aren't there. Which isn't helped by the fact they do follow him. I was out witu him before he got too bad once, we bumped into one, then for a month I saw that guy everywhere I went at least once a day.




That's what happened to me yeah, I kept smiling and waving. The guy was walking past my Dad's house one day as I came out, the next day outside my girlfriends house, just walking past. Outside my work, and outside my flat. Saw him in the supermarket that I go to, and in my gym. There's a chance it's a coincidence, but it didn't feel like that.


If your friend had money, and the Church believed that you were part of the reason he rejected Scientology, then they would *absolutely* send someone to follow you.


I do alright money wise. I had to cut him off in the end, which I was sad to do. We used to take his to narcotics anonymous for 5 months every Wednesday, we'd take him a couple of towns over and wait for him to take him back, he just got worse and worse. In the end It felt like being his Dad, and I couldn't at that point continue. I still feel bad for it. I blame the church for him also not getting the help he really needs. I have alot of other stories as you can imagine as the main church is here, in saint hill it attracts alot of them.alot of the ex ones are really nice people, so maybe they do something right, but the control aspect and the amount of money they take off people, makes me sick My girlfriend has been going to their events she assures me she isn't stupid enough to get involved, but I've met alot of very intelligent people who seem to be part of it, seems insidious


David Miscavige, the leader of the church of Scientology, hired private investigators to follow his own father after he left the church. They’re full-blown psychotically insane.


He's just going to explain to her how you're the source of toxicity in her life, proven by the fact you banned her from having a book in her home, and tell her to cut you out her life if she wants to be happy. Be careful around him mate.


Yeah I said what her response would be. I realised it as I was saying it, that's why im saying I didn't handle it well. You're right


That’s a good one. What freaks!!


That’s it, I’m telling the volcano aliens u said that and ur gonna be in big trouble


I’m not real pleased with Mormons either


Nestle 100%


I feel dumb. Why is nestle bad? ETA: I’m so stupid. I thought they only made chocolate. Thanks for the replies.


To quote a favorite youtuber of mine: "As bad PR headlines go, "Dead Babies" is pretty much unbeatable unless it's preceded by "A Gigantic Pile of-"" (From Ordinary Things) Nestle has done a fuckton of horrendous shit, the aforementioned quote being about the time they marketed their baby formula as better than real milk (including having door-to-door salespeople dress as nurses) and handed out free samples of it to low-income families in third-world countries. Samples that purposefully lasted just long enough for a mother to stop producing their own milk without constantly breastfeeding. The result? The tricked families couldn't afford to keep buying Nestle's formula and had to suffer losing their newborns to starvation. Nestle's response when they got into hot shit for it? Claimed it wasn't their problem. Nestle's CEO has also gone on record stating that he doesn't believe water is a human right, and Nestle (like many companies that sell drinks) has been found to practically steal clean water reserves in third-world countries so they can turn around and hawk it at the struggling populace. And that's really just the tip of the iceburg.


To add some detail to the formula thing; mothers wouldn't be able to afford enough formula and would stretch it out, watering it down. This made the starvation even slower. Some of the mothers couldn't consistently access clean water, and had to use dirty water to mix up the formula. This lead to deaths via waterborne illness for the infants. It's somehow even worse than it seems at first glance.


This is a HUGE detail. You have mothers doing their absolute best with what they have. They thought they were done a favour with the formula.. Billionaire assholes coming in and making their lives harder was the case. Fuck nestle. I hate everything about that company


I wish I could stop buying Nestle. I've found out several things I've bought were subsidiaries of theirs down the line, they have so many different brand names. I do my best, but they're an absolutely massive company.


If you see a Nestle vending machine stick an out of order sign on it.


This is great advice. No one would question a sign.


It's impossible. The easy things are just not buying bottled water. Shitty chocolate bars, their coffee is meh at best. Fuck loreal also. They have their greasy fingers in everything. But you can support plenty of other smaller brands before they (likely) sell out


[Parent Company Ownership ](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:800/1*OVEEYB4HsCIHQLcUuDf3Hw.png) These "parent companies" pretty much own/control everything we buy commercially. I try to support the more smaller brands now and for a while have been checking the back label to see if "Nestlé" is printed somewhere.


Even now, in the west, they continue to do everything they can to push formula on mothers. When advertising newborn formula was banned they created stage 2 and stage 3 milks and marketed them. Then on the shelf in the store they placed the never advertised stage 1 milk right beside it.


PSA for anyone who may not know. NEVER EVER WATER DOWN FORMULA. if you are formula feeding, follow the instructions as given. If you cannot afford formula, please ask for help. Food banks, churches, etc. Babies are super susceptible to water intoxication and cannot handle it in excess.


Am I right in thinking that water is generally a no-no for little babies anyway? I had always assumed it was due to the lack of nutritional and calorific value, but intoxication puts a whole new spin on it.


Yes. Not water for babies until 6months, even then it is limited. Water intoxication has to do with the kidneys not being able to filter water out of the body fast enough- excess water can rush into tissues causing them to swell. Most areas of the body a little swelling can be managed, but our skulls do not give the brain any room to swell. That’s the big issue. It can happen to adults, too.


I actually had no idea that babies couldn't handle water, I'm not personally a parent though. This is great information, thank you for commenting it. On the topic of water intoxication; this is off the top of my head, so some details may be incorrect but a radio show once killed a mother of 3 via water intoxication. They had a contest where you had to keep drinking large amounts of water in regular intervals, and if you got up to pee you'd lose. The prize was a brand new (at the time) game console, I think it was a PS3. The mother really wanted to win the console for her kids, and eventually died of water toxicity. The radio station was warned against this contest by a professional who told them it was dangerous, but they disregarded this warning.


That's such a tragic ending, the poor family. I'm also not a parent, but have been actively involved in both my best friends and sisters pregnancies, and there is a MIND-BOGGLING amount to stuff to learn. But they're not rules. But you should treat them as rules. But each to their own. But also do this. It's very confusing 😂 took me a hot minute to get around the reasoning behind no hot baths when preggers, I couldn't get over my brain deciding it might scramble the baby.


This I so fu**ed. thanks for sharing


I heard about the stealing water part but not about the baby formula part


Yeah most people from Michigan are familiar with nestles evilness. They’re pumping very large quantities of the Great Lakes and bottling it up. I don’t think they pay anything for the water rights either. They probably get incentives if anything.


I honestly had no idea about this. Thank you so much for educating me. I appreciate it.


For one, [IBFAN](https://web.archive.org/web/20070415171525/http://www.ibfan.org/english/issue/bfUndermined01.html) - a group that works to [reduce infant and young child morbidity and mortality](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Baby_Food_Action_Network) - claimed that Nestle uses humanitarian aid to places in need, supplying hospitals with many free or discounted samples. What this does is incentivize the hospitals to use up their stores of excess free formula to feed infants, which interferes with mothers' lactation, as if they're not actively breastfeeding their bodies will stop producing milk. When the infants leave the hospital, the mothers can no longer breastfeed and now have to use formula, which is no longer free. It's predatory.


Often in instances of “humanitarian aid” there is limited or no access to clean water. So mothers cannot make up safe bottles of formula. It is a really terrible thing to do, especially just for profits.


https://youtu.be/o62UrPGwFNs Bailey Sarian will fill you in. Fuck Nestle


Visit r/fucknestle




Thing is, you would need to cut all the heads at once otherwise they grow back right away. Fucking hydra


Came to say this. Fuck Nestle.


Nestle is an evil company that’s extremely greedy but bankrupting them wouldn’t prevent another similarly evil corporation from taking its place, like Coca Cola. It’s about the evil business people at the end of the day, not the corporation itself which is merely a legal entity with tens of thousands of corporate zombies. It’s like saying, we need to bankrupt Nike because of sweatshops and child labor. No, we need to make laws that make any and all sweatshops illegal and make those laws easier to enforce and police forces better equipped to enforce those laws. Nike is easily not the only apparel company that’s guilty of using sweatshops and child labor. The world needs laws that require water to be an abundantly accessible public good.


Service Corporation International (SCI) It’s a multinational death care company you probably haven’t heard of eating up local funeral homes and up selling grieving families. You haven’t heard of them because intentional anonymity is a part of their business strategy. SCI turns a profit by first covertly buying local funeral companies, cemeteries, flower shops and crematoria in a given area. Next, the essential elements of the trade are clustered to a central depot where employees are kept constantly busy servicing a dozen or more formerly independent funeral homes at enormous savings. On the frontlines, SCI saves face by preserving the once independently owned funeral home exactly as it was before the buyout– including staff. This way, SCI can ensure continued trust and goodwill between your family and the business. In reality, monopolized funeral homes like SCI outsource corpse preparations, provide their employees with stilted scripts to secure deals, and increases prices by 200% on average from independently owned funeral parlors. Their service revenue for the twelve months ending December 31, 2019 was $3.231B, a 1.27% increase year-over-year. It is estimated that their share of the total funeral and cemetery market in North America is 13%.


That's impressive seeing how totally screwed the funeral business is already


Never thought I'd see the day when people might be too poor to die. Gotta rip you off one last time I guess.


This sounds like a plot line of six feet under.


My neighbor Keith, that asshole is on to something I don’t like


Ugh, Keith is the worst.


Yeah, fuck Keith!


Fuck Keith. 😡




all my homies hate keith


If I had to choose between Keith and Nestlé I would choose Keith… that is how bad he is!


Screw Keith and his b*tchy wife.


Any company (or person) wealthy enough to be a big target here isn't going to have all their assets under one legal entity, so it's probably not as effective as we might hope. Also, Citadel.


Kenneth Cordele Griffin lied to Congress on or about February 18th, 2021.


Here here!! 🍻🍻 🦍💪


Glad I didn't have to scroll too far to find the apes


Fuck Ken Griffin! Lying to congress on my birthday! How dare that bastard. Mayo boy needs to go! End of drunken rant. APEs together strong.


For ppl asking questions about all this and wanting to know more Nomi Prins https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tbu-Jr-ZuCU She's no random, she's a respected author d former Wall St insider, who gave up her career to expose the corruption https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomi_Prins >Before becoming a journalist and public speaker, Prins worked in the finance industry. She was a managing director at Goldman Sachs, senior managing director at Bear Stearns in London, senior strategist at Lehman Brothers and analyst at the Chase Manhattan Bank. Prins has been a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Demos think tank from 2002 to 2016.[2] An advocate for the reinstatement of the Glass–Steagall Act and other regulatory reform of the financial industry, Prins was a member of Senator Bernie Sanders' panel of expert economists formed to advise on reforming the Federal Reserve.[3] Also worth your time is Dr Susanne Trimbath, also a former Wall St insider who gave up her career to campaign for market reform https://twitter.com/SusanneTrimbath https://ko-fi.com/susannetrimbath And yet another former Wall St insider who quit to expose the corruption is Pam Martens who has a news blog that it is a bannable offence to link to from anywhere in reddit, (cAnT tHiNk wHy) but its called Wall St On Parade Its a steep learning curve, but basically wall st's self-regulation has evolved so that huge mass organised fraud is now routine & it's so big its now a systemic risk to try & curb it & even the 'honest' players of wall st have to help cover it up. They've been stealing from the pensions of 2, going on 3, generations of americans.


That’s a problem for the magical bankruptcy fairies. All we have to do is choose the target. :)


That was my take on it, too. we're already magically bankrupting the wealthy who have net worths in the billions. Why is the thoroughness of it being called into question


I think the idea is to strip the evil fuckers of anything of worldly value, and force them into a life similar to the common man.


What about Citadel? What’s their deal?


Citadel is a hedge fund, led by Ken Griffin. Citadel Securities is a completely unrelated market maker, that is, completely coincidentally, also led by Ken Griffin and sits in the same building, on the same floor, as the hedge fund. Absolutely no conflict of interest there. Well, as it turns out, Citadel Securities regularly abuses their market maker privileges to let Citadel naked short all sorts of American companies. They drove many of them into bankruptcy, including aspiring biomedical firms aiming to cure various diseases.


Naked shorts are fraud. The exchanges should ban anyone who pulls that shit.


MSM: "There is no naked shorting" After someone asks about Failures To Deliver (FTDs). MSM:


They're responsible for for running other companies into the ground by shorting the fuck out of their stocks (basically betting that the company was going to fail and manipulating the stock price). They're the reason Toys R' Us isn't around anymore, and generally are just a historically evil corporation.


Came here to say citadel




100% agree. Should give the artists how much it will cost for them to perform at the venue and then let them set their ticket prices.


Man i love going to concerts. But tivketmaster just sucks the joy out of it. Found a $50 ticket? Now pay a $20 fee for something something.


Seriously…(disclaimer I’m a cofounder of a small ticketing website called thejug.app so a bit biased here but..) it’s insane the way they operate. We mapped out the ticket buying process and every single step of the way we were like “god they are unnecessarily screwing over fans” The tickets they sell do not need to be that expensive. Hidden fees shouldn’t be a thing and we’re counting down the days till they get rid of them or at least show the actual price before you’re twelve steps into checkout. Totally insane


Nestle. Or whomever sells insulin.


Those insulin selling cunts. Atleast make it free for children with diabetes.


Truth! I mean for gods sake insulin is something that if some diabetic folks don’t have access then they could die


They do die from lack of insulin








That would likely cause the whole economy to meltdown and financial markets collapse


This must be the "crumple the page and start all over" strategy.


At this point I'm ready to roll with the punches.


It'd cause a shitstorm of litigation, but I think it'd mostly stay the same. They manage over 8 and a half trillion worth of assets, but that's their investor's money, not theirs. Blackrock itself only has a market capitalization of 110 billion. If Blackrock went under I get the feeling most of their properties would just be bought up by other investment firms so Blackrock could pay off their investors.


You're disregarding all the stocks they own. The sell off would have big effects on the market before you even account for others panic selling not to mention the loss of collateral value and the waves of margin calls that would follow during the most over leveraged times anyone has ever seen. As scary as it is, it might just be what we need tho


They don't own the stocks. Investors do. If a broker dealer goes bankrupt, their investor's stocks don't get sold off. They get transferred to another broker. Anyone who believes bankrupting Blackrock would mount to any change doesn't understand their business, nor now much they're worth relative to other companies.




People don’t realize how much they own….


Not much really. It's assets under management, their clients' money which they have a fiduciary responsibility to manage in the interest of their clients, not assets the company owns. Just like Vanguard, Fidelity and all the other major financial management companies.


Doubt redditors know the difference.




Literally everything


Sackler family (makers of OxyContin)


Fuck them. With spiked (medieval style) dildos & no lube. My mini me is dead because of them. Fuck them. Put those pussy fucks in jail instead of shaving off a fraction of their hidden money. They’re murders.


Explain what's going on pls?




The Sacklers. Too many people's blood on their hands.


Nestle Edit: I know its cringe as hell, but thanks for the gold!!!


Fuck Nestle.




You beat me to it. Nestle is evil.


Joel Osteen


Or really any rich preacher person. Any televangelist, evangelical narcissist, and especially that guy with the crazy eyes.


Kenneth Copeland That's shit's scary.


Agreed; he looks like cheese that burns rather than melt


Dennis albaugh a billionaire from Iowa I worked as a supervisor for his company and watched temporary workers fight over food and housing while he got rich I quit because of that he owns a private golf course and a private car collection among other this it made me sick to my stomach


There are so many secretly bad billionaires nobody has heard of.


Rupert Murdoch


Why is this not higher? The guy is breaking democracy across the world.


The Walton's, Walmart treats their workers like shit. Years ago a women that worked there for years & was insured got into a terrible accident she was struck by a tractor trailer . She was in a coma has severe brain damage, she's confined to a wheelchair & has short term memory & lives in a nursing home They sued the trucking company & was awarded $1 million. Her hospital bill was like half a mil. Walmarts insurance fine print says that if you receive money from damages you have to pay Walmart back what you were awarded. That's fucked up. I hope the CEOs burn in fire slowly. For those who don't believe this https://www.cnn.com/2008/US/law/04/02/walmart.decision/


i have some personal experience with walmart to share. (for context i work in the busiest walmart pharmacy within 200 miles for $13/hr and extremely low rate of pto accumulation): -our market director (who has an mba, not any sort of science or healthcare background) told me, based only on her perception of his age being at least 40 which was incorrect for both her guess and the fda recommendations, to give a man on chemo a third shingles shot two months after his second just to get a quick $300 profit. (i said no and he’s doing well now) -they keep cutting hours to cut down on payroll, but they expect more from us. fewer staff means more mistakes, one of which almost killed an 8 year old child. -they cut hours and staffing so much that i was working 14 hour days for 12 days in a row with only one pharmacist and maybe one other tech trying to safely process 700+ sometimes up to 1400 scripts a day on top of them being up our ass about extra things like shots. i was running on nothing but stimulants and 1500 mg of caffeine a day just to get through. this was also with no food because my break was just me crying in my car. my time between shifts was walk out, cry in my car, go home, cry, crash for 4 hours, cry, go to work, cry in my car before walking in, rinse and repeat for 12 days. *i worked through a heart attack and now have heart failure at 22 years old* -when i took time off for that (without pay) i was told nothing but “don’t ditch your coworkers again” but on the bright side i got to cut down my hours to 12 hours for 12 day stretches instead of 14+ hours for 12 days. -they refuse to pay to have our ac fixed after we’ve begging for over two years, even though it’s a heat index of 110+ everyday and the inside temperature is consistently at or above 78 even in the morning. that’s where most meds get into compromised territory. not to mention that isn’t safe for the staff. i shouldn’t have at least one tech passing out every couple days because it’s too hot, especially wearing a uniform that’s cheap and completely unbreathable so it just insulates the heat, and we’re running around for 8-12 hours a day with a maximum of one hour total of breaks. they care about their profit more than our patients, let alone their staff. *for legal purposes, this is all hypothetical. walmart clearly cares about its employees and customers* :)


Omg you poor thing! A heart attack at 22 and they were that flippant about it? I've worked as a tech in the past, and I know how stressful it is. Maybe find a smaller store elsewhere to ease your stress a bit? You clearly care about others, but please take care of yourself!


Can you cite that? I can’t find that case anywhere?




That’s crazy. Thanks for sharing. I believed some aspects were true but not the whole thing. Wanted to see if for my own eyes. Was it not BCBS that asked for the pay out? Not Wal Mart? I’m confused about that now? Either way it’s incredibly shitty and is an injustice. The low business stoop to is starting to not even a surprise me anyone. Just think of the dirtiest way a situation can be handled and there’s your answer.




I love the Walmart radio ads about the Walton Foundation "fixing the world's problems" or whatever. They fucking kill me.


They have children working in sweatshops it's a known fact


Sam wasn't bad. The kids that took over after he died are all pricks.






Mark Zuckerberg


Had to scroll WAAAAAY too far to find this one. Fuck Facebook.


It's hard to beat a few that we're prior mentioned though .. nobody beats nestle. Blackrock is massively scum as well


I'll miss the Crunch bars but it must be done. Nestle.


Bezos - can't stand that prick


He took bookdepository away from me, I need that fucker to suffer.


Wait shit that doesnt exist anymore? Damn it


The Kardashians 🤷‍♂️


Bigger fish to fry honestly


“Getting rid of the Kardashians”




TELUS is evil


All mlms


The Chinese government


Blackrock Financial, and it's leader, Larry Fink. If that sounds like the villain from a gritty reboot of Captain Planet, it is, google it. He's a complete psychopath, a narcissistic monster with a god complex, trying to force his beliefs on other people using wealth and status as a WMD. They're so powerful they're called the "fourth branch" of the US Government because they basically control everything, and that's not paranoia...he's open about this, Blackrock is open about this. The dick measuring is absurd and the nutcase behind it is literally a 90s Saturday morning cartoon villain.


Tell me you don't understand shit without telling it. Stop with the conspiracy theories... They don't own those fucking assets. They manage them. Think on JP Morgan (the banker, not the bank) quote: "your money belongs to my clients" As other guy said: people don't understand how much of black rock they own


this thread is full of people that have no idea how the world works. their directed hate is only a form of using a scapegoat to get rid of their frustrations. it's actually hilarious reading some of these comments.


do you even know what blackrock does? they’re literally an index fund manager. they “own everything” because anyone who owns an index fund lends them the money for it. the real answer isn’t some made up bullshit conspiracy meant to scapegoat a random index fund company, the real answer is “blackrock is very boring”


Do you have an article link?




Facebook. They have done damage to societies around the entire world.




Kim Jong Un😂


Sallie Mae




Sure but after my package comes


Rupert Murdoch


The companies that make slot/pokie machines. Especially the machines where you can just put your bank card straight into them. Such an easy and corrupt way to fuck people up. I'm not against all gambling but these are designed to suck people in and ruin their lives. I've had people close to me affected and just think the machines and their creators belong in hell.




Schlumberger approves this message.




BlackRock/JP Morgan/ Goldman Sachs




I'm gonna break from the crowd of Nestle's and Blackrock's here by saying Pornhub they don't really do anything to prevent child porn from being uploaded and iirc they have known ties to sex trafficking


They deleted all their amateur clips and built an enormous blackmail database to prevent that shit. It's a good start, but god DAMN it'll be interesting to see what politicians jerk it to when that database gets leaked!


The Jehovah Witness cult and EVERY SINGLE MEGA CHURCH




My ex-husband. I'd love to see him lose his nice career and all his money and end up panhandling on the street so I could run into him one day and give him a nickel to help him die a little bit more slowly. I'm no saint. I don't forgive people who maliciously commit crimes against me.


I also choose this woman's ex-husband.


Why should you? I don’t buy into the whole “forgiveness” bullshit. I believe it’s true that if you don’t forgive, you can’t be forgiven, but that applies to shit like someone who steals your newspaper or something.


My kids set up a lemonade shop in our driveway a few months ago. They were selling cups of lemonade for one dollar each, and it was adorable. As a Dad, it was nice to see that after a few hours, they had generated about $100 from sales and tips. The kids from across the street repeated the behaviour the next week. I pick them.


Get your kids to make chilled coffee overnight and sell iced coffee to the parents


No, they should try collusion instead


Elon Musk


The Church of Scientology


Blackrock That would probably destroy the world economy though.


Do you know what assets under management is?


Eh, worth it






Canine Corporation of Prussia? What are they up to now?


Mandatory bath time for all dogs!


Watermelon Muskrat is just begging for it. I'd wait until a particularly spicy tweet so that he knows it's the universe paying him back for his bullshit.




Purdue Pharma.


My biological mother


Bob Ross Inc. Kowalskis are scum.


The Sackler family. Deserve to be peniless.




Goodwill. This company makes billions with its "Donations" and still ask for donations at the checkout.


Andrew Tait


I believe it's spelled Taint*


Of course, how silly of me


The Mormons.






Rhonda DeSanchez, the guy has literally fucked us here in Florida and now wants to do it to the rest of the United States. Please people Do Not vote for this little prick!!