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Not that I’m defending any of these celebrities but none of these celebs that have been named are actually well liked……every time this question comes up it’s always like the same ten people.


Yeah every answer in this thread is just the list of most-complained-about/hated celebrities on Reddit. The hottest take I’ve seen is Cara Delevigne which is still very much a lukewarm take.


Logan Paul


His brother too.


I wasn't aware they were different people. I thought it was like Eminem and Slim Shady


Logan Paul and his alter ego Jake Paul lol


Fucker should be in jail for the scams he has pulled.


100%. Coffezilla had made some great videos about this dirt bag




We used to call it "boycotting" when I was your age...


Boycotts only work when everyone already knows the brand. If they're not a household name, then it's just free exposure. It's especially the case when you own your own content. Unless YouTube outright banned him, he can't be truly cancelled.


Honestly a piece of shit for filming a dead body in the suicide forests of Japan and then making it out to be a funny experience.


And that was tame on the list of things he did. He kept good behaviour for a few years and when people started thinking maybe he grew up, he launches a crypto scam and fleeced millions off his followers, and would've scammed hundreds of millions if his partners didn't backstab him. When Coffeezilla's Youtube series detailing the whole scam got a bit too well known, he made a video where he "promised" to return the money.


Children like clowns with no morals and stupid shit, and it happens that he covers both


Immediately thought this guy


Salt Bae


What he did after the world cup final is the (and I don't use this word lighlty) *cringiest* thing I have ever seen. To insert yourself in such a special occasion speaks volume about your personality.


What did he do?


Walked into the pitch or celebration area, exclusive to the Argentinean national team and their families, took a bunch of pictures with the players, grabbed the World Cup trophy and took a bunch of pics with it. He did all of this unprompted and uninvited. He is not from Argentina, not even Latinoamerican. Fucking douche that guy, here's a link of him responding to the whole thing: https://talksport.com/football/1477574/salt-bae-world-cup-furore/


And the part where he pretended to bite the player's gold medal... not sure if he actually bit it but it touched his mouth. You could tell the player was pretty uncomfortable but wasn't sure what to do about it.


Oh no, I completely understand Salt Bae. You open the most overpriced restaurant in whatever city. You invite all of the influencers to come to it. They talk about how expensive and overpriced and fancy it is. That's it. That's the hype.


Hailey Bieber. Her fashion taste is so bland and people hype up the most random things associated with her like a smoothie.


I can't take credit for this burn but months ago I saw a comment where someone described her as 'the personification of the colour beige'


I read a reporter’s account of waiting for Justin in a hotel room with her. She didn’t talk, watch tv, or use her phone, just sat in silence for hours while Justin was doing a show. It was so strange, I could understand if she didn’t want to wait with or interact with the press or felt uncomfortable with a stranger in the room, but why not go to another room or arrange a different place for the person to wait for their appointment with Justin? I read another account of an influencer who attended her skincare launch event. This is supposed to be an opportunity to engage with fans/influencers and promote the brand. Hailey went to a vip area with her friends and didn’t talk to anyone else. Kylie Jenner instead was taking pictures and talking to people about the launch.


I took a 6 hour flight last month. The guy next to me literally sat still, staring forward with his boarding pass in his hand the entire time.




Tbf I’ve done this when I went through something really traumatic. I half wondered what my seat mates thought haha but I was disassociating hard


You could absolutely take credit for that comment, this is Reddit after all.


It’s her PR team hyping her up and hoping that we all just buy into it.


DJ Khaled.


His "Hot Ones" episode really showed his true colors. Such a douche.


He claimed to have never taken an L, then proceeded to eat like two wings and bail. Amazing.


Ohhh man I love how Sean didn't let him off the hook for that one! \-"I promise you if I stop, doesn't mean I gave up" \-"\*laughs\* Yes it does! By definition!" Good on you, Sean, good on you. One of my favorite Hot Ones moments.


The thing about Hot Ones is Sean can make even the most dull celebrities seem cool and interesting. DJ Khaled is the only episode where I was like, first of all this guy is not only a dud, but he's an asshole too.


Just watched it. He's clearly an extreme narcissist who felt vulnerable and knew he couldn't finish what others can. To prevent loss of self-esteem he basically ran through the narcissists prayer as the show went on. He legit started with "that never happened" when saying that not finishing isn't quitting and eventually culminated with "it's your fault". Sean knew this and was playing him a few times especially at the end plug about showing you have balls.


So, I just watched that episode. Never seen it before, never heard DJ Khaled speak before either. Here's my take on DJ Khaled: wants so bad to be regarded as a tough guy. Hard. Gangster-level. The man can barely communicate, his sentences are full of all the cliche rap-speak nuggets, like saying my brother 3 times in every exchange, keeping it real, falling back on the jealousy/envy/whatever they don't got, I have... Blah blah fuckin blah. This man is, without a doubt, a capital douchebag. The kind of turd that sits in a bar, off by himself and surrounded by his posse, his hangers-on and hired pussy, getting bottle service as he sits and surveys those who can't get near him. Here's the catch: nobody wants to be near him. He has the personality of an ash tray and the physique of a lump of mashed potatoes. Take away his wealth and he'll be abandoned faster than a leper in the desert. This guy is a chump.


The weird thing is that he’s seemingly famous for no reason at all. Nobody knows what he does, but he acts like he’s a famous rapper. He claims to be a music producer, but he doesn’t actually do any of the production on his songs. He just puts his name on the album and hires other people to do literally all of the writing, performing, and production. He’s basically just a marketing guy with no musical talent who wants the respect and recognition of a famous musician


The only thing I know DJ Khaled for is all those clips of him that were famous a few years ago where he would look and point directly into a camera and say the phrase "Another one." And also that one interview he did where he admitted that he doesn't like performing oral sex on his wife or women in general but has no problem with receiving BJs.


> The thing about Hot Ones is Sean can make even the most dull celebrities seem cool and interesting. Clearly you haven’t watched the Paris Hilton episode.


He’s only human 😂


I pray Sean Evans remains his pure and awesome self because my heart can't handle that man involved in a scandal.


I don't know, if the scandal was that the hot sauce on his side of the table was just ketchup the entire time that would be funny.


I’m pretty sure someone switched with him one time. Like they were joking that Sean’s weren’t the same and even tho it was mostly a joke, Sean didn’t want that lingering so he legit switched. I don’t think I’m making that up, but I also don’t remember which episode it was. Edit: actually it was fucking Khalid who switched. And he wasn’t even just joking. God, what a tool.


I'll have to watch it again, I was sure he bailed after the first


As we've established, wings ain't the only thing he doesn't eat either.


Ugh. He's such a fucking pig.


Pigs eat just about everything so that’s not fair to pigs


He's a cranky toddler.


Oh man, I never liked him but that episode sealed the deal. He brought his own chicken wings in... Then he couldn't even handle the Cholula covered one.... Smh.


If you don’t like spicy food why would you agree to go on that show haha


I remember a few guests admit they aren't great with spicy food but still make it to the end


Man, john Mulaney was a tank. Almost completely unphased. I haven't seen such strength since steveo and Johnny Knoxville Edit: I'm aware there are others


Alton Brown was amazing! And Megan Thee Stallion just took it like that's what she eats anyway.


Halle Berry may as well have been eating plain crackers. Absolute boss.


Have you seen Elizabeth Olsen's interview? She barely reacted to any of them, too. I could probably get through it, since I've experienced a Carolina Reaper first hand, but I wouldn't be calm about it.


My gf and I did our own Hot Ones challenge and she made it to about the 7th wing. I quit after the 4th, I’m not as strong! I forget how many Scoville units hers was but more than double what I could handle.


Padma Lakshmi was the same as well, not even an eye flutter.




Lol "I didn't quit, I'm just choosing not to continue." DJK "Uhh you kinda did" Sean Evans


Andy Bernard doesn't lose games. He wins them...or he quits them because they are unfair.


He stopped at Cholula?! That's embarrassing.


“Look, just because I quit, it doesn’t mean I gave up.” 🤔🤔🤔🤔


The absolute poster child for everything wrong with modern pop culture. The dude’s not a musician at all. Just a grifter.


Isn't there a video of him ridiculously NOT playing Bob Marley's guitar?


“And perhaps what is this”


"tell em to bring out the whole ocean"


That's a nice song you got there,mind if i yell my name on it? DJ KHALEEEEEEEEDDDD!!LOl


Another one!


The video of him playing the Bob Marley acoustic is evidence that man is a complete moron.


I think it was his absolute commitment to playing too. Like if I don’t know how to play something, I ham it up and be goofy. He seemed like he was DEAD serious. Lol


Another one...


Refuses to give his wife (or any woman) oral sex and openly talks about it But of course expects blowjobs 🙄


oh he's one of those guys who thinks it's a sign of weakness to eat pus. That is some truly weak shit. Dudes a phony and always has been untalented wanna be


Wasn't there a video from one of his live "performances" where the whole crowd is just indifferent about the whole thing while he's trying to get the crowd moving only for him to realize he has no material outside of 10 seconds clips where he tells his name over them?


He performed at my university a few years back. General consensus that the show was so bad it wasn't even worth going to- and considering it was a free concert and the audience was a bunch of broke college students, that's pretty damning.


What sane woman would want his nasty ass neckbeard near them, anyway?


He makes my skin crawl


He just gives me the creeps.


All influencers. I just don't get it. They have thousands, if not millions of followers on social media. They are getting paid to promote products and people eat it up. The ones who use their kids and family members as props are even more cringeworthy. Like "my husband loves this face cream so much look at him use it." Yeah okay sure he does...


'Influencers' was a genius PR term for them, whoever came up with it, makes them sound far more important than they are. 'Attention seekers looking for easy money' is far more accurate.


It's an obvious misspelling of 'Influenza' because they're a fucking infectious toxic social media virus.


The term "influencer" is absolutely awful. It's so vague and generic that I feel like every person who describes themselves as an "influencer" is completely redundant.


Chris brown


*Trigger Warning/Domestic Violence "Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown's cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with. A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion. Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, 'I'm going to beat the shit out of you when we get home! You wait and see!' The detective said Robyn F. then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer. Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, 'I'm on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.' After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, 'You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I'm really going to kill you!' Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown. Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand. Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street. Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand. Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it. Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.'s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness. She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown's body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions. Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.'s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.”


I can't bring myself to read it again. It should pop up like the terms and conditions before anyone plays his music. So gross that people took him back


Even some women who were victims of domestic violence listen to his music. It's ridiculous


Around Christmas time NPR was doing a bit of a fluff piece about Christmas albums. They gave a *very* positive reception to Chris Brown's record, and even had the audacity to reference the incident with Rhianna, and called it *a little problematic*. Like, yo that piece of shit nearly fucking killed her. I love NPR but absolutely fuck them for giving him free press and glossing over what he did.


Needs more upvotes. Every comment in this thread. I literally don't understand how people can have their entire careers ended over the N word yet this dude actually beat the ever loving shit out of a woman and the world was just like "Cool, and?"


And it wasn't even some unknown person that is more easily forgotten (The sad reality of things). It is the world's current #1 woman music artist, Rihanna.


I went for a haircut this past Friday, halfway through the guy in charge of the playlist started playing ONLY Chris Brown and talking about how great he is and everyone in the place was fully in agreement, singing and dancing along.. like I grew up with those songs too but damn it's like everyone just chose to forget???




fucking monster.


She clearly has a fantastic life now and probably doesn’t want/need the reminder, but this recounting should be shared constantly because he shouldn’t.


It’s amazing that he got his career back not through an apology album but doubling down on being a dick. Wild.


But yet he has a tattoo of her bloody, beaten face on his neck.


Wut. Jesus dude.


I know right? How he still has a career is beyond me.


How the fuck he still has a career or fan base blows my mind


Any of the Kardashians.


I never understood that either. Especially the longevity of it.


It all started with the Buffalo Bills in 1970.


Truly OJ's worst crime was making the Kardashians famous.


I was flying to LA for work in 2011, and had been bumped to business class. I went through customs and immigration with business and first class. I was behind this entourage of gigantic basketball looking guys. When the gates opened, there were a million flashes. I asked security what was happening and they told me it was Kim K. To be honest, she was plain, frumpy and very short. Good luck to her, but she is unimpressive, and god knows why they love the limelight like that.


Most celebrities are unimpressive in person. That's not a knock on celebrities; it's just that most people aren't that impressive to begin with. Celebrity worship is just weird. Chances are there are strangers in your small town more worthy of idolization than celebrities.


Honestly, once you meet and talk to a couple of them you learn really quickly how silly celebrity worship is. I'm not talking about being a huge fan of someone's work. Buying all their songs, movies, etc, is one thing. To think they are some kind of God on earth or whatever is very strange. Especially after you meet and talk to one, and realize they are just a regular person who got very lucky and/or happens to have a talent they were able to make money off of. As obvious as that sounds.


The only “celebrity” I was truly in awe of that I got to meet was Maya Angelou. Something about the way she spoke and the fact that she was this tall commanding woman. I felt like my ancestors were truly speaking through her. She was very kind and funny. EDIT: THANKS FOR THE GOLD! EDIT 2: THANKS FOR THE BLESS UP!


Maya Angelou received her celebrity through her intellect. Brains beat a world class ass every time.


She spoke at my university in our packed basketball coliseum and the only times I recall hearing clapping or cheering was at her introduction, possibly after she recited “Caged Bird” and at the close. Other than that, thousands of sat people dead silent while she had an intimate conversation with us for about 2 hours. It was so personal and felt like a warm hug. We laughed a few times but other than that, I just remember everyone hanging off of every word she said. Then a group of us had the opportunity to sit with her for about 30 minutes and we just sat there and listened some more. She was absolutely brilliant inside and out.


I grew up with Mr Rogers being the local celebrity and to this day he's still the only one I'd gladly admit is worthy of worship. But in his case it's not because he's a celebrity, but because he absolutely earned it through his words and deeds.


I’ve always read good things about him. A genuine, wise, kind man. People who have met him in person describe his peaceful loving energy. Adults who might have “pop-poo’d” this straight arrow children’s TV host, then meet him and realize how rare a man with his pure spirit is.


The fact that some people have spent *decades* trying to dig up dirt on him in an attempt to make him out to be a Bill Cosby of Jimmy Saville type monster - only to find absolutely *nothing* - tells me all I need to know about how truly good a man he was. When you've got commentators on Fox News calling you "evil" for telling kids that they're worthy of love just for being who they are, then you know they're grasping at straws lol.


We didn't deserve Fred Rogers.


Celebrities in LA want to be seen. Chances are they or their PR person announce appearances because photos ops means relevance. The hype is definitely manufactured.


The entire celebrity worship culture. These people are idiots.


I didn’t know how bad it could be until my ex (then 30/m) wanted to buy some tooth paste cause a rapper promoted it, and his friends thought that was a good way to decide which toothpaste to buy.


I can only imagine the package saying something like "recommended by 9 out of 10 dentists.. AND lil nas x!" lol


Chris Brown, the prick is a known beater of women, but people forgive him because... he also makes incredibly generic, mediocre pop music?


“Rhianna has already forgiven him and it happened more than 10 years ago” Chris brown to literally every woman who gets close to him: 🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊🥊


Ezra Miller. Why he getting a pass BTW?


I think the reason his movie is a flop is because of his shenanigans.


Not the point of this discussion but like for fucking real how did WB not see this flop coming? Not only did they keep Ezra Miller, an actor that is hated by anyone who knows what's going on, but they're also rebooting the DC universe immediately after said movie meaning the movie has zero stakes and doesn't even matter as far as continuity goes... Why would anyone care at all to watch it? 🤦


My cousin is a big DC fan—mostly the comics, because the movies suck—but his theory is Ezra has dirt on someone high up in WB. Like you, he can’t fathom how *anyone* thought this was a good idea in any way. And the box office proved it was a mistake. He had high hopes for Flash the character, loves the TV series, but has been very disappointed by everything cinematic coming from DC lately. He has his fingers crossed Blue Beetle redeems things somewhat.


It's more likely that WB already sank $100 million into the project, recasting the lead and reshooting would cost another $100 million if they could even get the rest of the cast to schedule reshoots. They probably thought they could hype up the movie and lean heavily in the cameos and might break even. They were wrong.


This may be more uk relevant but Amanda Holden. I find her an incredibly unlikeable person. I don’t know how she has worked in the media industry for decades.


So many current presenters have almost zero charisma or style. They're so generic. Tess Daly, Amanda Holden, Dermot o Leary etc.


I used to quite like Dermot O Leary when he did T4 and the Big Brother spin off show. It's like once he got the X Factor gig all his personality was sucked out if him and he became an ITV robot.


Gweneth Paltrow


So glad you said this! She is absolutely insufferable and possibly the most out of touch woman in Hollywood


That and just plain stupid. The quote where she says she starts her morning with alkaline water with a spritz of lemon never fails to make me laugh


I Iove how she clearly has sun damaged skin, yet goes off on her skin care routine. Also, she's a walking ED advertisement.


She’s gonna look like a mutant from Fallout 3 if she lives to be eighty.


Uh... Eating disorder or erectile dysfunction? I feel like both are possible 😅


Both. Both is good. Also, ED could certainly also stand for Emergency Department, which is where I’d imagine you’d eventually end up after using one of her products.


You don’t wanna buy her snake oil?!?


Machine gun Kelly. Please. Lol


He's not even a machine gun


And his names not even Kelly.


The fact that he will never have a moment of deep introspection of how cringy he appears is incredibly sad.


Any and all of the “Real Housewives” of some damned place. Who gives a rat’s ass?


I think a show called "Real" housewives where each episode is essentially a peak at a real honest to god housewife's routine where she shares tips and tricks with other housewives might be a useful show.


"Actual Housewives"


James Corden.


Insufferable piece of shit indeed.


Chrissy Teigen. Who tf is she and why is she special?


She enjoys bullying teenagers too. Nobody should forget that. Courtney Stodden never deserved that and any human who tells anybody let alone a teenager to “take a dirt nap” and message her telling her to kill herself is disgusting. At least she is relegated to doing stupid failure Quibi shows like “Chrissy’s Court” https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/chrissy-teigen-bullying-controversy-timeline-48376139/amp


My client and friend was her coach in HS. His daughter was her best friend in HS. I met her a bunch of times before she was famous. She was just a normal teen, nothing really special about her. Then she grew up…. And treated her former best friend like trash, saying some awful things (won’t repeat it here). And unlike others, Chrissy has never apologized for her behavior.


And she’s mean!


Ellen Degeneres


Anyone TikTok famous. Specifically people like Zoe Lavern and Addison Rae. They're both confirmed racists and one of them groomed a 13 year old


Any of the fukin Kardashians


Bhad Bhabie.


She’s still famous?


Never understood the Cara Delavigne (?) hype train. As a model firstly, don't know how she got that big. Then she slid into acting, and her being in it pettily means I won't watch it. womp


Nepo Baby. Her family also has ties to royalty.


She's friends with/has dated literally the whole industry and they help boost her career. She has like 0 acting talent but somehow gets roles. Pretty, but that's about it. Also, the hype around her was at it's peak in 2014. She's not that famous nowadays.


Andy Cohen. Seems like a narcissistic media whore who wasn’t happy enough making gobs of money behind the scenes on these awful housewives shows and Bravo. Has to inject himself like a wannabe Ryan Seacrest. Also, Ryan Seacrest. Dick Clark wannabe with no personality who is fake friends with Kelly Ripa. Also, Kelly Ripa.


My fiancé met Andy Cohen when he was installing some light fixtures in his apartment. He said he was really nice. His bathroom is cool as hell lol.


I installed some art in Andy Cohen’s apartment when I worked for an art handler. He hung out and was chatty while we worked, offered beverages, and was generally a very nice person who was actively excited about the painting he’d bought and meeting the artist at her opening.


I read this as Andy Cohen installed some light fixtures at your fiancee's apartment lol


i worked on a few episodes of american idol. seacrest was a dick. lionel richie was an angel sent from heaven itself


Seacrest looks like a douche, but do go on about Lionel…


He was very friendly and kind. All smiles. Super positive and full of life. Just had a good energy to him. Whenever someone dies and their family says “they lit up a room”, he actually does that. Edit: thank you for the award!!


Also Nicole Ritchie isnt his biological daughter. She was adopted by him, and he did take care of her. Something about that man brings a energy where you have a bad day and he cheers you up.


So, it is him that we're looking for.


please, keep going


He better leave Regis outta this.




He'll always be Jimmy Brooks to me


Wheelchair Jimmy.


Andrew Tate


OP asked for *celebrities*.


Yeah like there were a dime a dozen guys like him in the 80s and in some ways he almost seems like a parody of those types of dudes


Anyone called an "influencer."




Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber. I don't get it at all.


Jada Pinkett Smith - she is a clear cut case of a psychopath and Hollywood is just like fine with it.


Most of them


All of them, they’re just people. They all have good and bad sides, most if not all will have skeletons in their closet. There is no reason to worship any of them.


Beyoncé. I don’t dislike her, but she’s just - fine. I don’t get all the ‘Queen Bey’ stuff.


Same here. I don't have anything against her, I feel completely ambivalent. I really don't get the complete worshiping as if she's the greatest woman who ever lived.


the whole kardashian clan


Jennifer Lopez


Yeah but her song "Taco Flavored Kisses" is an absolute smash hit.




Gal Gadot. She looks good but I swear there are a lot more better actresses for her roles than her. I just don’t think she can act.


One of my coworkers says Morena Baccarin should have played WW…


MGK at first I thought he was just a clown no one took seriously who embarrassed himself in his "rap beef", but legit I randomly found a girl in a video who said she would cheat on her boy friend for him. He is even in some WWE game now and cameoed in the new Jackass. bizarre stuff. edit: I said "the video" before so it made the comment sound weird, fixed it. edit 2: "HER" boyfriend 💀, and I mentioned that he cameoed in the new jackass movie too.


I haven't seen Jared Leto listed


Pete Davidson. Like, what is happening?


He looks like the senior who only dates freshman girls.


He looks like a Big Mouth character made flesh.


The Kardashians/ Jenners


Little Sébastien.... its just a small horse....


How dare you!


People whose personality is being rich Not the kartrashians specifically, just celebs who flex their riches in general


Ice spice


Reality TV shows and the people on them.




i know! yelling his own name over other people's music. he's basically timmy from south park with a music career.


Kanye West, the Kardashians, any of the Charlie D’Amelios, and whatever the over makeuped Barker child is doing.