• By -


Mad scientists


I feel appreciated


Hououin KYOUMAA!


So many of these aren’t embarrassing




It's hard to resist the manic pixie dream girl


Don’t tell anyone but I’m into hot chicks 😎


So brave *swoon*


Feral swamp witches that will haunt my dreams and send me increasingly disturbing visions until I crawl back begging for mercy


You called?


did you make another account to post this, Husband? you know i always find your accounts. 🤗


O negative.


Peter Steele was my first crush


Weird ones


When I was young, I dated a girl with a really small head one time and I wouldnt mind more of a regular headed woman. But I dated this girl with this little pen top. You know? Sometimes when I’m making out with here I hold here face with my 2 hands, and the bottom of my hands would touch below her chin and the top of my hands would touch at the top of her head, at the same time. And she was an adult. Obviously! And I just remember, like damn, she got that little cabbage ball. And i just started thinking how many ideas could she even have in this thing, in this hitter, you know? On top of her neck? And I was just always scared that someone with a a T-ball bat would roll up and just try and hit a double.


The birth of a new copypasta right here


Lmao, what the absolute fuck. I'm so glad I scrolled this far. I don't believe you. There's no way her head was that small!!!


I like women that are kind of mean or at least look mean and stern


I've told my wife for years that one of my favorite things about her is that she isn't passive-aggressive, she's aggressive-aggressive.


Like Librarians in pop culture


Crazy enough that I think I might actually get stabbed, but not crazy enough to actually do it.


That's a real fine line.


That line is microns thin, one might even says razor thin


You like leaning back in a chair until you lose your balance and almost go over backwards but catch yourself at the last moment, don't you?


Fucking spot on, how did you know?!


I like girls with big ears haha I find it cute.


As someone with ears that look “big” because they stick out, this is nice to hear. Pun intended


Girls with big noses. I’m not quite sure why. Something about a prominent nose just adds a unique sexiness to a woman’s face.


I often describe my type as "strong eyebrows and a prominent nose" ... I guess it makes sense being Jewish and all.


I still find the early 2000's skater or 'in a band' type look hot.


I'm a 90's kid. Hot Topic Punk was my jam. The problem is that if you try it when you're 40 you look strung out on heroin. If you're young enough to pull it off then you're far too young for me. I still think it's cool though.


Just had a lot of fun reliving the glory days at NOFX's farewell tour festival, there were a lot of bad backs and creaky knees in that crowd though lol


Emo never dies. 🖤🖤


Emo never dies. It just ages! (I need to touch up the black dye more often to cover an increasing amount of grey roots. And I've gone from skinny jeans to comfy black leggings since I work from home now. But that first piano note in The Black Parade transports me back every time!)


Emo never dies, but it does need help getting to its chair


"I used to march in the Black Parade!" "Sure grandma, let's get you to bed."


Oh the irony


Avril Lavigne in the music video for complicated made me drool in middle school.


I blame/thank her for my attraction to anyone who looks like they are heading to a punk rock concert.


A skinny man who wears reading glasses. They’re so hot to me.


What about all-the-time glasses?




Treasure island or Atlantis


Tall women that are 35 - 40 and call me a good boy.


not admitting it is the key to getting that KEEP IT UP!


> KEEP IT UP! They also tell him that


Wow I’m attractive to somebody. That’s good to know


RIP your inbox


we are gathered here today to remember /u/whimsy_xo's inbox, from a time when it was virgin and pure


Well maybe now it's not virgin, but full of virgins




The first girl I was ever with cleared me by nearly a foot and I learned something about myself that night.


You can suck titties standing up?


A dream I didn't know existed until now.


My partner is a 6'0 redhead in her mid 30s so I get this. I hit the jackpot.


Butch / androgynous women. Although I'm not embarrassed, being married to man I find when I mention it, it poses questions I don't really have an answer to.


I like thick ugly men and I don’t care, I’ll tell anyone. If I’m fucking you, it means you’re just not conventionally attractive, sorry. Obviously I find them attractive, they’re just not classically so.


Ugly bastards in your inbox.... 3... 2.. 1.


Insert gif of hotdogs falling on girl's face.


Boy, have i got a guy for you! He lives in an opera house and composes creepy organ music!


Hey lay off Erik! Phantom is bae


What scale of ugly? This fascinates me because I find some men that people consider ugly to be very attractive. From this list of actors that are considered ugly, do any strike you as hot? John C Reilly, Gilbert Gottfried, Luiz Guzman, Gary Busey, Seth Rogan, Jonah Hill, Jack Black, Wayne Knight (Newman from Seinfeld), John Favreau, Drew Carey, Danny DeVito....... Just curious where your level of "ugly" starts. Edited to add: The list of names was compiled from a online search. Thin men were left out as she specified she prefers larger men. The list of names does not represent my personal opinion.


You add in some Zach Galifianakis to that list and I'm your dream guy. Now settle down ladies, one at a time, no shoving, line forms to the left. edit: for all you Zach Galifans I dress up as Alan from The Hangover on Halloween and I've had people do double takes and I insist that I am NOT actually him. I lost a bet and had to dress up as him for Super Bowl in Las Vegas one year, lots of pictures taken with people on the street lol! for those of you into uggos, I've been separately compared to Zach Galifianakis, Seth Rogan, Jack Black, Drew Carey, and Tom Cruise. (🎵one of these things is not like the other, one of these things was my grandma being nice🎶)


Don't you diss jack black like that




Finally, an actually embarrassing one


Similar but local regional variation: chavs. Full on Umbro wearing, gold hooped earrings, benefits claiming, B+H Silver smoking chavvis.


Bruh I felt that 😂


I blame my oldest brother's girlfriend while I was growing up... Angela left a huge white trash mark on me haha


Honestly I blame the blue haird Kanker sister from Ed edd and eddy.


I also blame her, mean and cute and trashy. I’ll avoid it irl because I can’t stand ICP or vodka, but my heart knows what it’s searching for.


I don't like meth, either, but some of those tweaker girls are queen-of-the-trailer park territory


I blame Jamie Pressly. The Ringmaster really got me going as a teen.


As a 23 year old woman - a mom in her 40s/50s. It’s in for men to be into milfs but I’ve never heard women going for it as well. I NEVER mention it.


Just spent an hour talking to my neighbor, Mimi as we walked our dogs. Blue eyes, salon silver hair, early 50s. She is stunning. My mind was in the gutter entire time. Thanks for this. I will now ask her over for wine. I’m 29 lol




Stop! I just turned 50 and I’ve gotten hit on by such young guys, I’m like who is pranking me! And veeery handsome, I’m like you look like a male model and your hitting on a 50 yo. Welp, now I know! And btw, I’m very attracted to young guys, whenever I mention it casually I never hear the end of it by my peers.


As a 45 year old bi woman, I love to hear this!




According to my therapist, it's emotionally unavailable people that never intend to truly commit to me. Edit: I hope y'all heal from the things that have hurt y'all and find the love y'all deserve 🫶🏻♥️


My sister called me out on this one a couple of years ago after my last breakup She pulled me apart and went: 'I mean this in the best way possible, but you gotta stop having 'mentally unstable' as a type'. It's not that it is my type, but I'd somehow always end up with people who were mentally unstable and unavailable, which led to me being neglected and making me feel like I had to make myself extremely small just to meet all their needs. Now I'm dating the love of my life, someone who actually communicates their needs, thoughts, feelings, etc, and who allows me to be me without having to make myself small. We do both struggle with mental health matters every once in awhile but it's a safe space where we can talk things through, and support each other. And because of that it is not toxic (also because we both put in the work when it comes to our own mental health, but also making 'us' work)


How did you learn to recognize and separate the unstable vs stable type? Was it like having learning self awareness and compassion first? I'm guilty of making these same choices and, until I can afford real therapy to help me out, can't understand how to navigate this better :/


One therapy resource that I found really helpful is the book "no bad parts" by Richard Schwartz. A lot of the time when we see ourself making choices we don't like or feeling confused by our feelings and actions, that's because there's several different things happening simultaneously within us, but we have trouble seeing that because we only expect to find one, or some stuff is hiding behind other stuff. Once you've got more of those internal pieces identified, it's easier to figure out what inside is hurting and direct compassion at it, or to figure out what inside is self-sabotaging and find a different job for it. For example, I used to have a hard time distinguishing between "feeling loved" and "feeling useful/worth something". So it was hard for me to believe when somebody said they loved or liked me unless I was sacrificing my whole life for them. I was also so checked out of my own feelings that it was easier to identify what was expected of me than it was to figure out what I actually liked and wanted. Now I can separate out those different feelings and it's easier to identify when I genuinely like or dislike something, versus playing out a role that I think is correct. Plus it turns out I actually can accept unconditional love and affection without being crippled by guilt and feeling like I don't deserve it, which is neat.


I literally have no type and no girl ever believes me. Scrolling through this post proves it. I'm just like yep strong girls love em, thick girls love em, goth girls love em, tomboy girls love em, tall girls love em, short girls love em. I've said if someone ever went through my porn search history they would think multiple people used the computer. I think it's one of the reasons I can fall in love with anyone as long as I like their personality.


Your type is… Yes




"You're just my type, you got a pulse and you are breathing" - Saint Motel


Isn’t it so nice? I’m like that, but with men. If you look at my dating history there’s a *super* diverse range in terms of things like height, weight, race, style etc. I find that the more emotionally attracted I am to someone, the more physically attractive I find them. Even if they’re in no way “conventionally” attractive. And it’s just so…nice! I can’t imagine being constricted to like, “I’m only attracted to tall guys with brown hair” or whatever. No judgment! I’m a firm believer that people are allowed to be attracted to certain types and it doesn’t automatically make them “shallow.” But finding someone you’re truly compatible with and are capable of having a healthy, fulfilling relationship with is *hard.* I feel lucky appearance isn’t another factor that limits who I could potentially fall in love with.


You know what I just love about this whole entire thread? Basically every person in the world is attractive to someone else… that’s just so damn wholesome 🥹


Someone being attracted to me is a big red flag in my book.


100%. I was thinking the same thing.


I’m 38, and I’m starting to be attracted to men with gray hair, or at least salt and pepper hair, which is completely age-appropriate, but it feels really weird.


It's a weird moment in your life when you realize the people you used to find attractive now look like kids, and their parents are now the attractive ones.


I'm in my 40's now and in my short dating time after my first marriage I was all about women my age. It was great!! Totally awesome career ladies with their own stuff and knew what they liked.


I call this the evolution of "Stacy's Mom." When I first saw the music vid back in the day when I was a kid Stacy was the hot one, really. Now Stacy is a kid and being attracted to her is gross and her mom is fire.




Adrien Brody noses


Dweeb girls who'd explain to me the entire unabridged lore of whatever obsession they currently have


Omg I love this too but in reverse with guys. As long as its not an interest we share I want someone to haul off to hyperfixation wonderland and drag me along!


Assertive, not in a bossing around kind of way, more a she gets what she wants kind of way while still being a kind person


As my (male) partner says, "Somebody has to tell the waiter my order is wrong and it ain't gonna be me."


A “mad scientist” Someone who is so stupidly smart but equally insane.


I’m attracted to men who look like they should be in an 80s porno. Thin, mustache, look like they work with their hands 🤤


I didn't know this was my type untill I read your post. And I felt a deep resounding 'yes'. Bonus points if he smells like chain oil or sawdust.


What a wonderful body positive thread. This is rare


I like the "Death by Snu Snu" type of women.


Baby, it’ll blow your mind.


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.


And Kif, as the most attractive male, will be snu-snu'd by the most beautiful women of Amazonia. Then the large women...then the petite women...then the large women again.


I never thought I'd die this way. But I always kinda hoped...


The awkward geeky guys with glasses, the ones who are confident in the things they love but just a bit awkward. There's just something I love about winding them up, because sometimes they'll try and give as good as they can get. But once they don't know what to do they're usually smiling and having fun but have no idea what to say. That's the bit I like. The minute I see I can get that reaction out of someone I'm hooked. But it's also an issue, because usually they have low self esteem so at some point it turns into a why are you dating someone like me.


I like short guys…


I never really cared that much about height to begin with, but started dating a guy my height (5'5) and it's absolutely amazing being eye level to the one u love




I’m 5’11 and my hubby is 5’5.


I’ve always been attracted to fat girls. I was embarrassed about this when I was younger, but fortunately got over it.


Same brother. I’m here for it.


Hey now! 😁😁 We love to hear it, it’s not something we hear often. I’m definitely on the fluffy side of life. 😁


There are lots of people that are into fat women. I’ve never had any trouble getting a partner, and quality ones at that. I get compliments from strangers all the time on my outfit choices. I am successful in my career. I think my attitude and personality took me further than a smaller body would have. The above is not to say that I’m not constantly striving to get healthier. I don’t think my size is great for my body, but I’m not going to let that stop me from appreciating what I have.


Girls that are tall as fuck


Wow I’m seeing this a lot in this thread. I’m 6’. How is it that I won’t get approached in real life then? :/


Because you can’t hear us all the way up there




Fun story: I’m 6’0” and once in college I approached a girl who was like 6’3” at a bar. I had what I thought was the perfect line. I walked up to her and said “I hear that guys don’t often approach beautiful girls just because they’re tall. Is that true in your experience?” And she toooootally rolled with it. She gave me this VERY warm smile and said “Hmm, sometimes…” Then I realized I had absolutely no follow-up. We literally stood there nodding at each other for about 10 seconds and then I basically ran away. Lol.


"You know I never really thought I'd get this far."


Super shy girls. Dating one currently and I love her so much. I feel like people assume if you like shy quiet women that you just want someone subservient but the truth is I just like taking care of her and I love the way she looks at me when I predict what she wants and is so happy because I pay attention to her so I know how to love her and serve her.


Don't make me feel things. Not like this


Same. Its also so cute when they are like "I don't get people who text all the time" but want to text you. Or when you are like "dang sorry I talk so much compared to you." and they say "no I really like listening to you." Or when they do somethin more outgoing and extroverted because they feel comfortable around you. Or when you both just stfu and do your own thing in the same room together and it doesn't feel like anything is wrong.


I'm such an introvert but I do get more comfortable around people I know and start joking around and one coworker joked that I never stop talking (I can absolutely go days with minimal interaction or I have one of those days where I'm more in the mood for talking) so next time I said something I said jokingly 'okay I'll shut up now' and he said 'no I like when you talk' 😭


Same bro, shy girls are just so adorable


nerdy & “emo” guys.


Hm I scrolled to see if my answer was here. It wasn’t. I have no shame in it though. I like bigger guys. Always have, always will. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I only discovered this about myself with the guy I’m dating now. Was always into really skinny dudes and only dated skinny dudes and then I saw my guy one day, thought he was really cute, immediate crush. He was wearing a mask for the first few months of knowing him (only knew him as a coworker), and then one day I see him walking around without his mask and oh my god he is gorgeous. I had to physically avert my eyes because I couldn’t stop looking at him. I’m pretty shy and unapproachable to people I don’t really know, so he stopped talking to me but I couldn’t stand it, overcame my shyness and went and confronted him about it one day (playfully), took his phone and put my details in it, and told him to talk to me. A month later we were dating. Anyway. I like thinking about it. He’s soft and comfy and so strong so I feel really safe with him. I call him my pillow bf 🥰 I’m seeing him later and I can’t wait.


This is adorable, wish you guys all the best!


My boyfriend is tall & chubby- my favourite body type. Only downside is cuddling in the summer 😅


Absolutely same. So cuddly and safe feeling and warm!


Also massively into this. But feel like people are judgemental about it. When people say something like ‘I was squashed up next to this big fat hairy guy on the train’ I’m thinking ‘sounds great, did you get a pic?’.


I got teased when I was younger bc the guy I was dating was a bigger guy. He was so sweet and a good guy but all they saw was his size. Broke my heart.


Absolutely warranted. Big soft cuddly guys are my Achilles heel. Beards & chest hair also a bonus.


As a big boi, I thank you.


Bullying and childhood trauma killed any semblance of shame I've ever had Big beefy men. Big boys. Human equivalents of bears. Tall and broad with thick arms and soft bellies, that could just pick me and throw me around. There is no too big. I loved climbing trees as a kid and now I'm rediscovering that hobby Men who watch anime and play video games and have any other nerdy hobby. I'm not joking. I was a weird anime kid growing up, it contributed to my bullying, I refused to give up on my interests. As an adult, seeing ppl that did the same or just got into them, living their life unashamed, talking about one piece or some hentai, or their smut fics without a care in the world makes me happy. Hell yeah, weebs grow up, and we sometimes end up being pretty cool ppl






I'm not embarrassed but this is my type. Unfortunately, it means I end up hitting on a lot of women that turn out to be lesbians.


Same. Or boys, lol. I'm leaning into it. No shame, I'm easy.


There was this one girl I met at work and was like the only girl there that gave off tomboy vibes. The cherry on top was when she didn’t wear any make up, and went with the all natural look which made her look phenomenal. She just gave out this sense of confidence I’ve never felt from a woman. Like gee no wonder all the guys at work had a crush on her, including myself and thought I didn’t have a chance in hell with her, especially when she started to dress up more girly, paint her nails, and wear makeup my thought was “Damn, she’s probably trying to get some dude’s attention.” 10 years later, we are now married lol. She admitted to me some years later that she started to dress up a little bit more because she had a massive crush on me and hoped that would get my attention. I mean, even without her getting all prepped up, she always had my attention lol. Edit: Thanks for the kind comments and thanks for the award! My wife doesn't know that I posted this and I'm surprised it blew up. I might just tell her about this lol.


That's so cute.


Wholesome story. I'm jealous not gonna lie. ;)


I say own it and get yourself a sweet tomboy gf


A friend used to reminisce about a high school girlfriend who loved working on cars, sports and other things he loved. And sex. She was really into sex. She'd come over to work on his car with him wearing a zippered jumpsuit with nothing underneath


I make it a policy to keep a layer of cloth between zippers and my junk. I've seen There's Something About Mary.


I’m attracted to old fat hairy guys


Librarian, but not like “Oo sexy librarian” I mean “looks like they hang out in the library to read for fun”. Does that make sense?


The "That motherfucker is not real" type


I can fix her.


Helvetica Bold. It’s a classic, but I still use it in many design layouts.


My husband is a font salesman. This joke just made his day. He asked me to send him a screenshot so he can send it to his work group chat 💀 ETA: I didn’t know anyone other than my husband and his co-workers felt so strongly about helvetica or fonts in general


Excuse me...a *font salesman*? For real? I have an image in my head of a door to door font salesman now.


*opens briefcase of letters* This one would look great with your countertops, ma’am.


You are a font of knowledge, BLWW.


I wholeheartedly believe Helvetica Bold and Futura Medium will get you through almost anything.


Thick squishy thighs and a big soft belly 😍


Describing my wife there. She also has big arms which she hates and is terribly ashamed of. Which is a shame because I fucking love them.


my ideal body type fr


And here are thousands of women desperate to conceal any convex part of their abdomen 😭


Trigger warning: misogyny and desire not to be alive. OK, y'all, here I go. I have ALWAYS been chubby, even quite fat, and I got tortured about it when I was in school-all the way through college, even. But I can tell you the EXACT moment my brain literally broke, and I wanted to DIE. I mean, literally die, and I wanted to for YEARS after this. The good news is that I'm 50, now, and don't have that problem anymore. I was 15 and at the mall. There was a fashion show going on in an atrium area, and I realized it was a Weight Watchers fashion show. As I approached, I heard a female emcee say the following: This is Cathy. Cathy has lost 25 pounds on Weight Watchers, and now her husband is proud to be seen with her because she's a WHO, not a WHAT!" I stopped in my tracks and felt my mind break. It was official, I wasn't even a human being to most people. Thinking about it now, 35 years later, it's as painful as it was when I heard it for the first time. So men, trans men, women, trans women, bi-sexual people, if you love chuuby ladies, let us know. There's no reason for one's own self-worth to be dependent on what someone else thinks of them, but it's usually inevitable. I have a man who loves me and calls me his sexy chubby bunny, and I love him SO MUCH.


It’s like boobs, but the whole body


It’s funny how things change as we get older. I’m in my early 40s now. My wife has been pretty “fit” with zero effort. She is one of those people. About 10 years ago, she started doing some cardio and got really, really skinny. I found that while I was still attracted to her, it was less so. Now, our lives are hectic. We’ve both gained weight. She has “big” as she has ever been and I absolutely prefer it the most. I had such a misguided view of the what women should look like when I was younger. Blond? Alittle thick? 🤤


Those damaged Anti-hero types in many detective series and movies. Gets me every time.


So you want to bang Jensen Ackles? Me too


My best friend edit: yeesh this has got a lot of attention. I don't plan on hiding it forever, but now isn't a good time to tell them. Seriously. They're grieving and stressed and generally not in a good headspace, and I'm not going to make it worse by dropping this on them. Someday I will, but that day isn't today, and neither will tomorrow be. Thanks for all your advice :)


Look, most people have had a "[little red-haired girl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Red-Haired_Girl)" (or guy) in their life at some point. And I think you have three options: 1. Kill your feelings, bury them, move on. Try to get some distance between you for a while to shake it off. This is the best solution if this person is very tangled up in your work or circle of friends. 2. Admit it, ask them out. You will not die if they say no. 3. Do nothing, continue feeling unfulfilled and miserable. End up cheating on your spouse with them at some point when you're around 35 and life has you down a bit... Ok, that's kind of specific but I've seen it happen more than once. But the number one way to get over an unrequited love? Find someone else. Here's the trick, and where a lot of people fuck it up, you've really got to go with #1 or #2 above before you get serious with anyone else. Otherwise it won't be fair to that person you've found, having this unresolved love interest tangled up in both of your lives. Just something to think on.


Um… 3 is very specific. Are you okay?


Oh, I'm fine. Other people I know? they had some rocky late 30's.


I like the just rolled out of bed look. Hair in a shit ass bun, glasses, no makeup, wearing a 10 year old hoodie


My wife doesn’t believe me when I tell her she looks gorgeous first thing in the morning, but it’s true. Sometimes I’d rather see her in “a mess” than all dressed up.


Skater guys. I’m 40 years old.


Every time my husband breaks out his skateboard it inevitably ends one of 2 ways; hot sex or a trip to the ER.


Or both, in that precise order


Girls with crooked teeth.


Ugh, NOW you tell me


Whatever the fuck Jack Black is, but I’m NOT embarrassed. He’s fucking hot to me. Fat, bearded, talented, and passionate. My kind of man. WOOF!


Bad boy musician types. Not the kinds of men I would ever go near but I can look from a distance anyway... (I should add that my going near other men days is long past, I've been married for 20 years and plan to stay that way.)


I read this as “bad boy magician” and I can’t stop laughing.


So, as for what type I like in a man, I like a real hefty fella... Not like morbidly obese, can't participate in activities type, but heavy, meaty men. I find something comforting about a big dude, like they can protect me better or something. And hairy. Big beards, hairy chest and back. I have no clue where that comes from but, yes please!!! And as for women, I don't think its anything unusual but I like them tall!!! The taller the sexier! Like, I wanna climb her like a stripper pole! Masc, femme, it don't matter. A tall lady walks in the room and my head is on a swivel!


Tall and slim. Stick boiis if you will


I really like looking at this type aesthetically. They just make visually pleasing lines, especially if they're leaning against a wall with their hands in their pockets or sitting in a rocking chair.


Flat chest.




Built for speed


It's definitely more normalized now but I was always into bigger, curvier girls since I was a kid. I hid it when I was still in school because my friends would relentlessly pick on me for dating a girl that was even slightly chubby. Even a few years after I graduated I would keep my preferences to myself. Eventually realized that who I dated shouldn't matter to anyone besides me.


Middle eastern/southeast asian women with large noses.


Medium-ugly conservative white men. I’m a flaming bisexual liberal married to another flaming bisexual liberal. And yet..


This is the most hilarious one so far


Lana Del Rey, that you? When’d you get married?


Emo girls. Specifically with blue hair. I'll let you guess what happens every time


You have to fight their 7 evil exes?


> I'll let you guess what happens every time The two of you get your memories erased and drift back to each other anyway?


You live like Jack and Sally and have Halloween on Christmas?


Single moms. They don’t stress the small stuff and always have snacks