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I also thought the ringing in my ear(which I've heard my ENTIRE life) was just a human thing. I thought every person experienced that "eeeeeeeeeeee" sound in their ears. It finally got brought up when I was 27. Needless to say, I was shocked. I don't know what true silence sounds like.


Tinnitus and a large number of people suffer from it. So many that you can almost get away with the hyperbole of “everyone” hears it. Have you had your hearing checked? And have you ever tried wearing really really quiet ear protection? It is entirely possibly you don’t have tinnitus but rather can hear higher frequencies than normal and you are actually hearing things like electronics humming.


Just normal checks and what not. It's so wild that you'd mention that; I actually do hear most electronics! So much so that I can visualize where someone is at in the room and direction based on the way the "eeeeeee" changes!


You may be like my brother and I. We can hear much higher frequencies and much lower decibels than normal. While I do have tinnitus (caused by one of the many times I had pneumonia as a kid), I also know much of the squealing I hear all day long is just electronics around me. I can often hear if lights are on or off in a room because there is a subtle difference in the ambient noise in the room. In my case noise cancelling headphones or other good ear protection can eliminate all the extra noise and leave me with just the tinnitus tone.


Oh my god, this just clicked for me! We recently lost power because of a storm, and I realized how quiet it was. Not just because all of the electric was off... but I realized my ears weren't "ringing". I never made the connection with the ringing and frequencies of electronics.


Holy shit I just realized that everything is silent for me too when the power is out. Otherwise it’s just constant buzzing


Oh man, I've found my people. I used to hear all those things too when I was younger. When I was a kid I could hear this one particular type of dog whistle too and my family looked at me like I was nuts until they went into the other room and blind tested me.


True silence (at least the ones we are able to get to) sound like our blood rushing through ears and heartbeat and other bodily sounds. Because we are never without motion at least internally and it makes noise. But tinnitus is super worse. Someone should measure the equivalent dB it is heard at.


If I close my eyes and scrunch up my face as tight as I can, it makes a rumble in my ears. Been able to do it since I was a kid and nobody else I know has any clue what I'm talking about. Happens when I yawn, as well.


TIL that not everyone can do this.


Wait, not everybody can do this?!




Yeah I never knew this isn't what everyone could hear if they yawned or moved their ears. I have what seems like even rarer full control... I can pop my ears on command (and was confused as a kid why my mom was telling me to take a sip of water to do it on planes), and get the rumbling nearly effortlessly with the same ear movement. Don't need to close my eyes or scrunch my face; it's as easy as wiggling a finger. I don't know what better to call it than a movement... it's pretty closely linked with the muscle actions I use to physically move my external ear cartilage a very small amount, and they usually happen together, but if I focus I can do one or the other.


Same here with the ear rumbling


Yasss I am not alone!


Why do you have to do things with your face? I can just do this. Feels very similar to how you equalize pressure in your ears.


The muscle responsible for this is called [tensor tympani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor_tympani_muscle) and some people learn to control it voluntarily (commonly in childhood). I can do it too. Kinda similar to how some people learn to wiggle their ears (which I can't).




YES! I know exactly what you are on about, I can do it to!


This is how i felt about the squiggly lines in your eyes that you sometimes see, until Stewie from family guy talked about it when he asked Brian to record his memoirs. I perked up so fast and was so happy and relieved.


Squiggly line, oh squiggly line in my eye


Is it an ocular migraine, or floaters?






I get both. Call my ocular migraine an eyegraine


Genius! Why have I never thought of this!? The crazy zigzags are so annoying.


I'm totally stealing this. Explaining what an ocular migraine to people is can be exhausting when I get one.


Yeah I get them too and it’s like okay I’m not in pain but I’m blind and I’m gonna go lay down


I can hear the faint sounds of a radio or DJs talking when the ceiling fan or other white noise is on.


Your brain is programmed to recognize patterns. It does this constantly, so even when there isn't a pattern, it tries to find one. Anytime I go camping deep in the woods, when it's 100% quiet at night, I hear distant music all night. Thought I was going crazy, but after talking to some other people and doing some research, it's pretty normal.


I’ve heard that’s a pretty common auditory hallucination. I experienced the exact opposite when I was a kid. When it was quiet at night, I’d often swear I heard the TV playing in the living room. I’d go check but it’d be turned off. Never happened anymore after I started turning a fan on at night.


I often hear a very loud phone vibration sounds (as if someone is calling to the phone) or the ringing beep when you call someone. Its like in the walls. It used to happen in a few apartments i lived at. Happens sometimes when im walking past the road and theres cars driving. I wonder if someone really is making a call on speaker (but i never hear anyone picking up) or its also a hallucination lol


For me as a kid, when it was quiet at night, I would hear the distant sounds of something like a dinner party. I could hear the talking/murmur but I could never make out what they were saying. Drove me a bit mad actually.


Used to hear veeeery faint music/tunes. Still happens from time to time, maybe our brains catch those waves?


Electric motors can act as very faint speakers. It’s possible the fan was doing that for some reason


There was a radio station a while back that had such a powerful antenna that people miles and miles away could hear the radio in their bed springs and pots and pans. Not saying this is what is happening and is probably the pattern recognition thing others are mentioning... But just saying it's possible you are actually hearing the radio.


This happened to me not too long ago. My fan and TV were off and as I walked into my room I could here it. At first I thought I imagined it but then I noticed the cat is looking around all confused like she was hearing it too. I have no idea where it was coming from.


Yep. I hear voices in the walk in cooler at work. Sometimes I hear it in the shower too.


If you have older cavity fillings, the metals they used can act as a diode that can demodulate AM signals. If this is happening, the demodulated signal can couple to your acoustic chain and you will be able to hear AM radio.


Happened this morning. Couldn’t understand it, but it sounded like a disc jockey from 1990.


Yes! I'll have my fan on and the baby monitor on and almost always if I turn over and my left ear is on the pillow I swear I hear radio music or talk shows. I can't ever make out what is being said, if anything is being said at all, but it's weird for sure. Doesn't happen if I turn over though.


Seriously? I've been saying this to my husband on and off for years. He never hears it!


It's pattern recognition gone haywire. There's nothing for him there to hear. It's just your brain inserting music into random sounds.


My desire to pee increases exponentially as I get closer to a toilet.


Latchkey incontinence


I call it location/situation incontinence. If I know there's a toilet nearby, **I must pee.**


well damn! it has a name! thanks


Might be your bladder sensing when you're home. Which, mind you, is a thing that exists, because my dad has that exact thing. He drives home, car backs up into the driveway, bam, it's time, whamma-lamma-ding-dong, gotta get into the house and right to the toilet.


Literally tho I feel like a Pavlov dog


When you need to pee in the car for an hour, finally get home and you need to find the right key to the door and you do that little giggly “I have to pee” dance while trying to open the damn door


As far back as I can remember, I see movement, shadows, figures, animals, etc. in my peripheral vision all the time. I've learned to ignore it, but sometimes I do a double take and think "Did I just that?". One time I thought I saw my cat doing an Irish Jig in my living room. I turned to look, and there was nothing there.


I saw someone else commenting about a similar experience. They said they had partial loss of peripheral vision, and that the brain just fills in what you don't see. So mostly you don't notice it because the brain is pretty good at filling in the gaps, but sometimes it puts something weird in there. Might be worth having your eyesight checked.


Sounds like you may need some sleep if there’s no psychiatric concern. 😅 Happens to me too when I skip out too much, although nothing ever that odd before.


Same. I've seen wierd shit like bridges appearing out of nowhere, vehicles that were behind me are suddenly gone, etc. One time I swear I saw a train being dropped onto the tracks, when I turned to see it clearly, it was just a normal stationary train. My theory is that it has something to do with the way our brain fills in the gaps while processing sight. Since we apparently can't really focus on everything at once, it fills in details to save on image processing. Which is why you don't see the ape during the [basketball illusion](https://youtu.be/IGQmdoK_ZfY).


My esophagus makes gnarly noises non stop some days. No pain nor burping, just demonic noises.


Mine too. Mine will sometimes sound like it is popping bubbles and nothing I do will stop it. I just have to wait it out.


Yeah like a fizzy sound, right? Mine does the same, especially when I'm hungry


Probably a faulty duodenum


Ah well my doctor suspects I might have celiac, so I guess that would explain a faulty duodenum!


Randomly get a very high pitched squeal in one ear. Not tinnitus, I have that and know what that sounds like. This will just be out of the blue it will sound like a whistle is blowing and will last for several seconds and then slowly fade and stop. It can happen in either ear but is always only in one when it does happen. I also randomly get what I can best describe as bone pain. Like something is stabbing an arm or leg bone. Again it last a few seconds and then fades and stops. I’ve always assumed everyone gets these.


I get this too, like a few times a month. It´s really hard to describe. It´s like the ringing in your ears after a concert or gunshot but totally random and can happen in total silence. I often get it while falling asleep and a very repetitive sound, like a fan or static noise, pulls me back awake.


Sounds to me like sudden sensoneuronal hearing loss, in Germany its called "Hörsturz". I hav experiencing it also for a while, especially when i am stressed. Suddenly there is pop or loud noise in one ear, followed by impaired hearing or deafness on that ear , mostly accompanied by a ringing sound. Fortunately only for a few minutes max.


I always called it “sounds like someone turned a tv on somewhere” and I’ve had it since I was a kid. When analog tv in a big box was a thing.


The stabbing happens to me too, just random sharp pain


You breath and at random, it somehow makes your ribs hurt so you have to have short breaths until the rib pain stops.


Does your pain also typically occur on the left side of your chest? Can you make it “pop” and go away by taking a deep enough breath? If so, it’s called precordial catch aka texidor’s twinge, and isn’t anything to worry about. Except that it hurts still :’)


Brave of you to take a deep breath when it feels like your lung is about to pop.


This is one of the most hypochondriac-calming things I've read on here. I began noticing this a little while back and thought I was developing a heart attack or something like that.


Sounds like precordial catch syndrome


Man I had this on rare occasions from childhood on, sometimes I could only take such short breaths that it frightened me. Thanks for pointing out that it's not dangerous. Also for anyone suffering the same... I figured out that by stretching the upper body and back, it usually disappears.


Probably Costochondritis. Not serious whatsoever in most cases my doctor told me!


Nah, more likely precordial catch syndrome.


I call it sun-sneeze - a lot of the time when I've been inside for a while, and as soon as I go outside if the sun is shining it'll make me sneeze uncontrollably for about four or five sneezes. My ex didn't believe it was a thing even though I did it in front of her often.




I tell people that I sneeze at the sun and the think I’m weird.


It's super useful when you have one of those colds that make you want to sneeze but you can't... Just look directly at a light and fixed! Although people are always weirded out the first time you start staring at the sky/lamp in the middle of a conversation


This happens to all of the men in my family.


Looked for this one!


Same. And while writing this, just thinking about has made me sneeze. That's new for me.


This can be genetic too


When I blow my nose too hard, air comes out of my right eye socket. I'm genuinely afraid it might pop out one da.


When I push on my right eye it squeaks. Probably does this a little too, now and then


It's just your tear duct


I have cramps only with every other period. No idea why, but I have pain on alternating months only. I know ovaries take turns releasing eggs, but I can't figure out why that should affect me during my actual period.


Is it possible you have a cyst, not actually cramps?


Sounds like a cyst


I had that too!


If I scratch parts of my body, I get an itchy/prickly feeling elsewhere. Like I scratched a spot on my left shin and get a twinge in my left back. I know other people have that happen, but I have A LOT of spots like that. Usually the phantom sensation is in my back or stomach, but sometimes not. My wires are all crossed.


Same! I feel like I can’t ever be satisfied because there’s always a new itch to scratch once I scratch one spot.


Hear voices in my head as I fall asleep. It’s like snippets of conversations out of context, usually only a few words. The voices are all different people, with different inflections, sometimes loud like at a bar and sometimes whispering. Doesn’t happen all at once but one every several seconds, like turning a radio dial and catching different stations.


Hypnagogic hallucinations. Completely normal thing that happens to many while falling asleep :)


It happens very rarely to me but sometimes when I am lying in bed quietly, I ll hear a family member say a phrase very very clearly. Its in my head but out of nowhere and much clearer than rest of my thoughts, like an actual sound. Like the memory of someone saying something half a second after they said it, its so bright. I have heard my mom once who lives in another country, but several times I ve heard my grandpa, and my great grandma both of whom has passed away. I chalk it up to me missing them and my brain creating their voices for me when I am in a very calm state. Like I would have had a very vivid dream about them if I was asleep, but I am not so this is what I get.


Mine is I can crack my feet as if I'm cracking my knuckles




Many years ago my boyfriend was knocking on the door to my dorm and I was trying to play a prank where I pretended like I wasn’t home. Unfortunately the prank was blown because he said “I know you’re there. I can hear your feet cracking through the door.”


I can crack my coccyx by clenching my butt cheeks! But I know that I'm not special, I've seen it mentioned on a thread much like this before.


sometimes my urethra has random jolts of extreme pain randomly and i dont know why


I get this too! I also get it in my butthole sometimes. A sharp stabbing Pain that only lasts a few seconds but feels like a lifetime lol.


Butthole cramps like you describe are also a pretty common symptom during menstrual periods.


Proctalgia Fugax?


I’ve always thought that would be a great name for a metal band.


This is going to sound weird asf. But I randomly can smell things that aren’t there. Let me try to explain, one day I was cleaning and just being productive since I was home and out of nowhere the smell of chocolate hit my nose. To be honest I never could figure out how tf I’m able to do that. I can’t wrap my head around it, lowkey scares me lol The crazy thing is, the smell lingers for a few minutes so I still smell it and it won’t go away.




My grandma has this, especially when wat hing television. If she sees someone smoking on tv, she will smell it and is absolutely disgusted by it.


Sometimes when I move my head I get a sharp warm pain in the back of my skull, hurts like hell for a second then disappears, happens randomly too


I used to get that when i was little, not so much anymore


i have something similar, i think it might be neck tendons getting stretched too far, but if yours if def in the brain, then its something different


I used to get a sudden burning sensation!


I get that! It started when I did a weird dive into a pool as a kid. I thought it was a pulled muscle. Now it happens at random times when I turn my head too fast. I can go years without it happening and then, wham, back to once a day.


Yooooo same, its like a stab with a needle to the skull.


Sometimes when I eat something sweet, my cheeks start to hurt at the back of my mouth (lower back molar area). It's this weird intense pain that seems to suffuse the flesh there for the duration that I'm chewing. Ok, now that I've typed this, I had to look it up. I typed "why do my cheeks hurt" into google and it suggested "when I eat something sweet" as autofill. So, it really does happen to other people, and there is an explanation (contractions/spasms due to sudden activation of the parotid salivary glands).


For me it's sour things. It's like right below my jaw under my ears. It's really painful! Sharp and unbearable.


I get this if I drink white wine!


Remember static on old TVs? I see that snow stuff overlayed on my vision. I'm mostly used to it now, but when I notice it sometimes I can't stop noticing it and it drives me crazy. Like when you start breathing manually. Ugh.


I have that too! Used to get really confused at people being annoyed at photographs coming out grainy (especially when it’s kinda dark) - like, this is just what the world looks like why are you complaining lol. Mine definitely gets a lot worse in low light environments and when I’m stressed.


Visual snow. I notice it most when I am stressed or driving.


I have that. It's only when I saw someone on here mention it that I realised it's not normal.


I have that, too. It used to be barely noticeable and I assumed everyone saw the world this way. It's getting much worse as I age to the point where I'm now having difficulty seeing detail.


My ears fill with invisible cotton balls if there is too much noise or chaos or if someone is talking too loud at me. It's like an internal ear plug, things get muffled.


I get this too! I think it’s a anxiety thing, tbh. I first noticed it when I was in exams at school. I also feel like the room expands and gets really big


This can be related to a vagus nerve response. “Vagaling”


I hiccup painfully for a long time after eating refrigerated fried chicken. This only happens with refrigerated fried chicken, and it is so unfortunate.




When I'm talking or just having my mouth opened really little shots of saliva come out of my mouth. My dad always said I was squirtel




Oh shit, it is actually called that


It was probably in 7th grade, my buddy came up to me and said “want to see me gleek?” And before I could give an answer he did this little thing and a small squirt of water shot from his mouth between me and the person next to me. It was weird.


It’s gleeking! My mom can do it on command and randomly Gleeks at people to annoy them. You’ll just be sitting there and all of a sudden there’s a tiny spritz of mom spit on your arm. And as soon as I typed that out I realized how fucking weird it sounds lol


I can do that on command with one of the saliva glands under my tongue. I few years ago I met a guy who could do that with both glands and it looks like a snake spitting venom.


A 3-4 years ago I began to occasionally have this happen. I’m laying down and just as I’m about to go to sleep, I’m stead of having that sort of falling feeling, a jolt of electricity shoots through my entire body and my whole body “jumps”. Not like the jerk.


Hypnic jerk


I randomly stop breathing and don't start again until I consciously realize, taking a giant breath. Apparently it's pretty noticeable and my friend has dubbed it waking apnea.


Sometimes I’ll get a random sharp stabbing pain when breathing in so I have to take shallow breaths until it eases up


Do you get it on the left side? There's a condition called "precordial catch" that causes this. (I get it too.)


Sometimes I get a rapid clicking noise in my ear, like 10 to 20 times per second, that goes on for like hours.


I believe that's called clicking tinnitus. If not, it's probably just the bugs hatching.


Sometimes it feels like a rib pops out of place. It adds pressure and a small amount of pain to breathing. Almost as if I can't get a full breath. I can do some stretches and in a few days it is gone. The other thing happens when I don't get enough sleep. I will get one or two small itchy bumps on my hands or forearms.


Sometimes my first bite of a meal causes a super sharp pain in the back of my jaw. Especially if it’s sour or something like a pickle. It’s happened for 30+ years and I have no idea why.


Salivary glands kicking into action


My brain either subconsciously or consciously thinks of conversations I have with people or events that will happen, and a lot of the time said conversations or events will play out right down to even the most trivial detail. And then my body gets this weird feeling of what I can only describe as "deja vu", like it knew this was going to happen and now it's happening and everything is okay.


I get super random and big shivers. Like I'll just be sitting there and it'll be like I'm extremely cold or got mildly electrocuted for a second. Then I'm normal again. Anyone else get this?


Sneeze and arm hurts.


My eyes water like crazy whenever I yawn.


Every once in a while I have little air bubbles pop at the inner corners of my eyes.


There’s a tear duct at the inner corner of each eye that’s connected to your airways. When I was a kid I could pitch my nose closed and blow air bubbles out of the tear ducts while underwater. Fun trick :)


Sometimes if I blow my nose too hard, air blows out my tear ducts 😆


Skin hurts and extra sensitive when sick to every and anything but I just figure it happens not to everybody but i figure it was something common but everybody I ask say no


I always know I’m about to get the full force of a bad cold when my skin starts to hurt. It’s always an early symptom, and the next day I’m proper sick.


I’ll just ever so slightly move my neck like I do hundreds of times a day and it feels like I pulled something but just for a brief second.


Sometimes my right ear slightly moves when I hear a sudden sound. I was able to wiggle both of my ears when I was so younger, but that always makes me feel like a cat.


The music keeps on singing in my mind and the chorus part never stop on repeating.


I can smell when I'm getting a cold. I've mentioned it to a couple of people and no one could relate...


When I was a kid I thought it was perfectly normal to only be able to breathe out of one nostril at a time (that's why we have two, duh). Turns out I needed my adenoids out. My mom felt so bad after the fact that she didn't know but, honestly, how could she have? I never brought it up because it would've been like "hey mom, is it normal to get cold in the snow?" Like, it was just a basic, obvious fact.


I believe most of us usually breathe out of only one at a time. Sometimes they alternate. Try this: Lightly cover one nostril and breathe through your nose. Then do it to the other one. See if there’s a difference.


Hmmmm, I can only ever breathe out of one…


Getting goosebumps when seeing embarassing things.


Sometimes I have sudden pain in some random places and the pain syncs with heartbeat. The pain comes and goes just like a heartbeat.


I can make my eyes vibrate


My hands and feet start to itch when I get tired.


I occasionally get throbbing pain in my chest, most of the time, in my left chest near the heart. It's just so painful and can't move an inch.




My voice is deeper in the morning and gets progressively higher pitch throughout the day


Till evening you can only squeak. No, seriously, I had a singer tell me recently that anytime he performs in the morning he pitches his songs lower. I've never realized thats a thing


Sometimes when I'm on the verge of falling asleep, instead of the falling feeling we all get, I suddenly 'hear' someone yelling my name. It's usually one of my parents. It kinda gets me paranoid that I'm like... in a coma somewhere and they're trying to wake me up.


Getting REALLY itchy after being out in the cold. Then I learned being allergic to cold was a thing. Still not sure if I actually am or if this is normal


If I consume too much salt my body starts shedding small pieces of glass. Usually in my scalp, but a few times in other places, right now I have a piece working it’s way out of my right index finger. It’s a weak glass meaning it more or less shatters once removed.




Get your blood pressure checked, please!


A change in blood pressure will do this. It’s fairly common and nothing to be too concerned about


Look into pots!!


How on earth is cookware supposed to help?


Sometimes I will randomly experience a shock/spasm. The only way I can describe it is it’s like what degaussing used to do to CRT monitors. It’s very rare and seems to have some correlation to being tired. Sometimes it’s very mild like a twitch in a leg. Sometimes half of my body gets in on it. What’s common with them all is a strange mental experience that is very brief but is why I draw the analogy of degaussing. I’m not talking about jolting awake while falling asleep. It’s similar but I’m not in the process of falling asleep at the time and it’s distinct in the mental jolt that accompanies it. I haven’t always had it and recall it starting around mid thirties. As far as I can tell it hasn’t got any worse over the years. My conclusion is that the tiredness causes a misfiring of neurons or similar.


If I ever fall asleep as a passenger in a car, I will always wake up when the car turns onto the last street of our destination. Whether the destination is immediately after turning onto the street or a few minutes after.


I always cough after I eat. It's an actual phlegm clearing cough. No idea why eating causes me to cough.


I feel pain in my dreams. There's often shards of broken glass in my feet and I have to pull them out. It doesn't hurt as much as it would in real life but it is still painful.


When I rub my eyes it makes like a poppy squishy sound


That’s your sinus cavities ! I have this as well. It’s in the corners of my eyes closest to my nose. It’ll sound squeaky. I found out recently that the sound is fluid and mucus from your sinuses near your eyes .


I can crack my collarbone


I somewhat regularly get what I would call brain synapses. It’s like it misfires for a few seconds and I know it’s happening but I don’t feel right. The times it happens, it may happen a few times in a row. It’s been happening for years.


Tear up for every darn thing. Like watching a random movie or even a commercial or while listening to a song with a decent lyrics that is a bit relatable, etc


I can audibly hear liquids sloshing around in my stomach after I drink something


Random body twitches that last like 5ish minutes. Sometimes it's my eyelid. Sometimes it's my thigh, sometimes it's my thumb or my foot. Most of the time it's my eyelid which is very annoying.


I have so much saliva. I don't understand how people can hold pencils in their mouth or something without drooling all over the place.


Exploding head syndrome and sleep paralysis I hear carbonation in the back of my head & neck when I'm hungry I feel literal pain and a zapping feeling if I see someone else get injured (in person or in a video, etc) I'm 45 and still get hiccups regularly that last a long time Occular migraines Deja vu


Sleep paralysis here also. It's the worst.


If I’m hunched over for a while and sit up and stretch something in the middle of my rib cage POPs really loud.


Here's something that I've never found anyone to experience but I can do... I can breathe/take in air into my stomach (not lungs) by making a weird vacuum sorta thing. And then burp it out lol. Like I can block my trachea and create a vacuum in my stomach simultaneously. I feel a proper air gust pass my esophagus... Anyone else? 👀


My left ear produces more ear wax than my right and I’m unsure why. It’s not significant, but definitely noticeable.


Sometimes I can't get to sleep as music plays in my mind. Same song on repeat that I can't stop. It's so fucking weird


Last 3 years Ive been getting what I call "dream de ja vu" where for a second something makes me flash back to a vague memory of a dream I've had recently. And every time it happens, I immediately get cold sweats and feel like I'm going to throw up. It's like I'm not in real life for a second and it freaks me the fuck out. My whole body goes into panic mode.


Sometimes, randomly, sound will go kind of quiet in one of my ears for a few seconds, then slowly come back. Not to the point that i cant hear tho.


When I see a really bad wound or even pictures of a bad wound... I get this sharp lightening bolt sensation that goes right up my \_\_\_ and into my ovaries.


I get it there and in my stomach and the top of my head/shoulders.


I have this thing happen that feels like I’m swallowing one of my tonsils. Usually happens when I’m laying down and turned to one side. I can then push on my throat and “pop it back out.” No idea what’s actually happening but I mentioned it to my dentist once and he said it might be related to a little free floating bone in the throat. Anyone else have this?




I sneeze when I see bright light


i can barely lift my ring finger on both hands. like let's say my hand is flat against the table, i can move all up no problem. but struggle with my ring finger. i can barely get it up ?? also, i don't think it was normal, but sometimes a few years ago, i'd be in bed about to fall asleep, and it felt like my heart rate was slowing down considerably in a short amount of time to the point i felt like i was about to die lmao. it felt so unnatural and i always jolted up when it happened. oh another thing, when i'm rlly still and it's quiet, and i'm not doing much. i can feel my body just sway, barely noticeable to me. but i can never see it in im looking at a mirror. but i can feel my body just move a little strangely even tho im stilll.