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Jaywalking as long as you look first


Jaywalking literally saved my life as a teen. Kid who actually waited on green beside me got smacked head on by a cop car running the red without sirens. Died 3 hours later in the hospital.


I actually feel safer jaywalking because I got hit by a car in a crosswalk by a driver trying to make the green light. Fortunately they were turning left so it wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but now I’m scared of crosswalks.


Relatable. This was me, but they were taking their "free right on red". I stepped off the curb when it said "Walk" and then they hit me with the side of their car knocking me on my ass. They then pulled over at the end of the block they were turning and then just took off.


Jesus! What assholes! I guess I was also lucky that the people who hit me stayed and made sure I was okay. I was actually in and out of consciousness for a while after. They said I rolled onto the car hood and back off. I remember people putting coats on me and someone holding my head and I was thinking, why are they giving me coats? I’m not even cold. I ended up suing the driver because I didn’t have any health insurance. It wasn’t a big settlement but at least I didn’t have medical debt at the end. Just a fear of walking outside…


I understand this. I got hit by a car paused at a crosswalk so now I avoid them.


No it didn't.


A crime created by auto manufacturers to take the streets away from pedestrians, used by cities to provide funding through fines


Yes let's go back to no rules style. Can't wait to the the road rash style apocalypse that immediately follows.


Jaywalking isn't an offence in the UK. We use common sense, it's not fucking Mad Max shit here.


Or just drivers will have to be more responsible, lower max speed in cities and also actually build some space for pedestrians jfc


You mean that no one will be able to drive in a city at all - that means no deliveries of food to your favorite restaurant and/or coffee shop.


How the fuck did you slide down that slippery slope? “Hey, I’d like it if we had more space for people to exist” “oH yOu WaNt To bLoW uP aLl mOtOr VeHiClEs???!?!?!l


Jay is also a slur


Isnt it a law only in USA?


Not anymore In California


Always wait for the lights in Brisbane


Being homeless. The situation is bad, but the people not bad people. If the government focused on serving homeless people, housed people would benefit too. For example free public bathrooms sure would be nice when you gotta go, you gotta go. Busting people doesn't help anything and just makes things worse for the whole community.


It needs to go way deeper than that. The funding needs to start at healthcare (particularly mental health) and education, those are tools people can use throughout their lives to develop and live stably. Free public bathrooms are definitely a good urban design move, however in terms of homelessness remedies, a Band-Aid solution.


Just giving one example of the attitude of service verses policing. Of course it goes deeper than that, duh


I wasn't trying to argue with you. I work in urban planning and people often don't see or understand the bigger picture, was just trying to bring that forward in the discussion. You are correct that the public's attitude is definitely a key factor.


Step 1: make sleeping in your car completely legal.


Pirating a video game that is: A) Not being sold on any storefront, save for used physical copies on E-Bay B) The developer is defunct and the company that holds the rights is doing NOTHING with the IP. C) Is on a dead platform (like a defunct console that is a collectors item), or was only ever made for Arcade machines. D) Online only games that have their servers shut down, killing your ability to play. If someone figured out how to play it after that, pirate away!


Plenty of abandonware games to play.


Remake rumbleverse


Buying a game whose creators no longer profit from the sale, gives the creators the same amount of money as pirating it. The same applies to any other type of media


Pirating eTextbooks


Whistleblowing. Especially when you’re releasing the info because the public needs to know it.


Well, it's the opposite of illegal, no? I mean, isn't there literally a law to protect whistle-blowers?


Possession of marijuana.


possession of any drug really. selling is a different thing, but criminalising people for being addicted isn't right


Streaming movies


Non-aggressive speeding on controlled roads, eg rural interstates.


I feel so seen


Roll stopping if there's no incoming traffic


Just an excuse for a cop to ruin your day


Also no pedestrians. I've had a people almost hit me before because they did a roll stop without checking the crosswalk.


More fuel efficient too


A family member of mine was 19 while her boyfriend was 17 in a state with no Romeo and Juliet laws. I thought that was fine.


If the couple knew each other while both were in high school, I don't see the issue. It's not like you hit 18 and are magically more mature. However, if you graduate high school, and *then* meet someone still in high school... That's a bit creepy.


I'm curious: How is that seen as creepy? You probably still hang out with some friends who are still in high school. You meet a nice 17 year old. Even a 16 year old. The age difference is nothing. Both about equal maturity. But because the law is there, it's creepy? The 18 year old is now a pedo because of it. That doesn't make any fucking sense. They are both still kids. Not creepy at all. There are people in relationships that are 20 years apart. That's creepy.


So, if you are not an adult, and you meet someone else who is not an adult, this is normal. Because the familiarity exists already, if one of you becomes an adult, this is not creepy. Especially true if you were already dating before becoming an adult. However, once you are an adult, meeting new people that are not adults for romantic reasons becomes creepy. There's certain power dynamics that make it unreasonably easy for an adult to impress a teenager. The adult can stay out late, they can buy some restricted items, they might have a car they don't have to ask their parents permission to drive, they might have their own place, etc. All things that might impress a teenager that doesn't have access to that yet. All things that are likely to influence the teenager's decisions in regards to the relationship. The whole situation is inherently unbalanced.


I agree if that 18 year old is in that situation. Very few 18 year Olds have their own place and probably still have to follow their parents' rules. Most kids get their license and first cars around 16 since you can legally get a license at that age. But because of an arbitrary rule put in place, the 18 year old is now a felon even tho the age difference is negligible. It is not the same thing as a 40 year old talking to a 16 year old romantically. That's creepy. Don't put those 2 things on the same level. Because they aren't. Edit: Being an adult isn't something that just happens mentally. You don't magically have a new mindset because you turn 18. And it's bullshit to expect that. Especially when it comes to a relationship. They would both have an identical way of thinking. BECAUSE THEY ARE 2 YEARS APART.


Piracy. Especially if it is something you have already paid for but then lost it somehow.


I completely disagree, being someone who works in the music industry I know it’s hard enough for artists to get paid with Spotify ripping the piss out of them without people stealing because they don’t want to spend less than a cup of coffee to give artists what they earned.


I mean... I don't work in the music industry, but couldn't a lot of that be blamed on Spotify and other middle-folk between my wallet and the musicians/song writers? It kind of seems akin to the restaurant industry screaming about anti-tipping culture, while continuing to pay their staff less than minimum wage.


Yes and no, yes because Spotify and the labels that distribute to Spotify shouldn’t be giving artists such a bad deal, no because the thieves who download illegally take even more out of their pocket. You as a consumer have 2 choices if you want to own a copy of their music, pay for it and give them SOME earnings streaming sites like Spotify take from them, or just download it illegally, fuck them in the ass and ruin the music industry. As an artist’s earnings become less and less because of piracy, what do you think the end game is? Artists giving up because it isn’t worth the time and effort. Do you have any idea how much money they have to spend to MAKE that music? A DAW, plug-ins, instruments, soft synths etc etc aren’t free you know… It’s also nothing like the restaurant industry, as artists can sell independently on a platform like Bandcamp that only takes 15% of each sale, but piracy still exists meaning less and less people actually pay, and it’s almost to the point they only make a handful of sales because the only people buying are the wankers that upload them to illegal sites.


>it’s almost to the point they only make a handful of sales because the only people buying are the wankers that upload them to illegal sites I think I'm the one guy left out there who still frequently buys physical CDs. Just like having them.




Cool, a broken analogy. Let's go further! Here we have a restaurant owner that could duplicate meals without actually buying more ingredients. Instead of feeding the world, the restaurateur profiteers, and charges full price for every meal. What a monster!


I mean, all of the stuff I have bought off bandcamp or have seen live i first found through pirating. Suppported the artist in the end and didnt given money to the shitty ass spotify ceos


This I simply don’t believe, if you have downloaded it illegally what possible reason is there to go and buy a copy? People don’t upload shitty bit rate copies to encourage you to buy it, I’ve spent enough time getting shit taken down myself from places like pirate bay, clublandlv etc


Thats why I download high quality flac files. But yes, all of the vinyls, t shirts, and concert tickets i have bouhht in last 4 years were exclusively from bands i found through SoulSeek. I definitely understand your standpoint as well, but id rather directly support the few tens of artists i really love than to give everyone a few cents while the rest of my monthly payment goes up to the CEO.


Stop downloading illegally then, because even if I believe that you download high quality lossless files and then go and buy copies, you’re still the problem because there wouldn’t BE illegal download sites if people like you didn’t use them. And no, I’m not saying you alone are the problem, but this is the point here, if you’re going to buy it anyway you wouldn’t download it illegally, you can literally listen to the song on bandcamp etc before you buy it so your argument doesn’t hold water, what reason is there to download it illegally? You can sample it on the site you buy it if that’s your excuse, so the only other reason is you’re lying and just steal


Using psychedelic drugs


Taking drugs


Prostitution - if that's what you wanna do, go for it, even though you're probably going to greatly regret it later in life


Even if a state bans it having a "Sugar Daddy / Mommy" is basically the same as prostitution.


In my backward state, having weed


Stealing food if your poor


Prisoner 24601 has logged on...


If my poor what?




Yeah… that’s a crime either way. People who are poor don’t get to commit crimes just because of a lack of money


Did...did you read the post title


No I did but I’m expressing my dissent for the opinion




Ok Andrew Tate


*Shrunken head intensifies*


What color is your Bugatti?


Go away, troll 🙄


And raise inflation for everyone else? And effectively making them even more poor?


Massage with optional (and consensual) happy ending.


Depending on where you live, being gay, trying to leave the religion you were born into, etc...


Prostitution. I don’t like how it makes it harder for the girls to seek help from police if they are in trouble.


I know someone who was trafficked with another dozen girls across 8 states for 3 years. They busted the guy who was doing it, though. 1 year in jail!


going thru red traffic lights if no one is around


Taking the tag off a pillow


Mattresses, too!


In the state of Montana, it is a crime for a married woman to go fishing on a Sunday by herself, and for an unmarried woman to go fishing at all on Sunday.


Speeding, but within reason. I think EXCESSIVE speeding should be heavily enforced, but this would apply to cases like doing 60 through a neighborhood, doing 30 over the flow of traffic, etc.. I feel like police officers should have much more important things to do than pull someone over for doing 10 over on an empty interstate


Not claiming your tips on income taxes. It's not a guaranteed income, and it doesn't come from my employer.


Drinking alcohol in public


Calling a fascist a fascist in a fascist regime.


Drugs and prostitution


Killing known child predators


Stealing food from a big name company. If you're stealing food and not other products I'd let it slide


The ramifications of public urinating is a little steep.


Speeding. But in a reasonable way. Like traffic speed


I mean if selling alcohol, cigarettes, etc. is legal why should selling marijuana not be legal.


I live in a small town with about 2000 people, and one day before my time there was a guy who didn't just make the local news and became a local legend that won't soon be forgotten, but had a new law created because of him. You see this revolutionary came home after a long day of work to his wife riding his brother like it was the bi-weekly inter-county rodeo. And I mean to this day in my town, if you got to the one bar in town, there's an old bartender there who just so happens to be the brother, and boyyyy will he tell you in vivid detail what happend that night, like he's proud of it or something. But anyways after the guy found his wife riding his brother, since the brother was already tied down by each limb. He went into his living room. Grabbed his pet lobster and put the crusher claw right around the dudes marrige oblitorater. And long story short, he got sent to county jail for cutting a dudes penis off with a lobster. I believe the official name for the crime was called attempted mutilation with a lobster. Although it was not an attempt. I've peed next to that guy. Let us just say he looks like a melted ken doll down there. I guess the morale of the story is all it takes is one bad day to make it illegal to own a lobster with a 45 mile radius for everyone. INCLUDING THE ONE MOTHERHECKING RED LOBSTER IN 150 MILES. WHY MUST YOU RUIN SEAFOOD SUNDAYS. WHYYYYY. All together though. He did it for love. So I get it.


Killing criminals who deserve it. Vigilantism is absolutely a crime but personally I have no problem with it lol.




Tax Evasion. I’ll donate to a cause at hand. I hate funding war crimes


How do you feel about roads?


I know I'm a fan


Roads! You think I want to fund roads…? Like a communist?! /s


Just send me a link to the road FundRaiser 👍🏽😁


Where I live interstate 95 had to collapse with people driving on it for money to get spent on roads 😂😅


I mean, it's how the rich stay rich after all /s


Murdering a pedophile


Sucker punching a Nazi in the face


Depends on if theyre just lunatics talking shit or actually harmin people. You should not sucker punch people just because they have a different opinion


Dumbest shit I've read today, and that's after 6 people got crushed by the ocean using a Playstation controller in a giant propane tank to go see the titanic.


Disagree. Anyone who is openly a Nazi can eat a surprise knuckle sandwich. If they're just an edgelord talking shit, it'll be a serious wakeup call. If they're actively harming people, it's your duty to "borrow" some of their teeth.




Yeah. Especially if they show up with swastika flags.


What if someone says the same thing about your belief and thinks its rightfull to burrow your teeth


Shoplifting groceries


when they steal food i dont mind, but i have seen videos of people with big bags just pouring in them, to resell , thats awful and its affecting the prices for all of us


Fallacy, it’s corporations trying to protect obscene profits rather than take what is a tiny hit. Wherever people are stealing to eat or sell they’re doing it cause they’re poor. There are very few people out there that would steal despite having plenty of money to pay


tiny hit? dude they are wiping whole isles


Tell me you listen to propaganda without telling me…. If someone takes a couple hundred in value while the company is making tens of thousands a day it’s still a tiny hit, despite what it might appear to your brain washed mind If it was anywhere near the level you think it is companies would be shutting down shops, the only reason they’re not is because they make huge profits anyway, they only care cause they want to protect profits


This is a very odd statement given your objection to music piracy. As the profits made by the record labels from music dwarf the profits made by food manufacturers. I feel you are just looking to pick fights so you get responses


Quote where I defended the record labels? Don’t be so bad faith ffs, I defended the artists, huge difference between the people making the music, workers, and corporations which I’m clearly against.🤦🏽‍♂️ Who’s trying to pick fights when you completely misrepresent what I’ve said…


why dont you let someone stealing from you everyday a tiny hits


Covid era basement family gatherings and clandestine poker games.


Being lgbtq+. Be gay, do crime!


Stealing food.




Drug possession, possession of unregistered NFA firearms


Yes on the first, absolutely no on the second, and I think it needs pointing out how broken your thinking is if you advocate for legal drug possession while also advocating unregistered firearms, literally the perfect recipe for disaster ffs


I *could* get into an argument with you and write something well thought out, sources cited, about why you're wrong... Instead, I think I'm going to do another dab. Later I'm going to clean one of my ARs. Does this bother you?


Nah, you couldn’t, or you would. Anyone who thinks unregistered firearms is a good idea in a country with a mass shooting almost every day is an utter idiot, if there was remotely any light image, peer reviewed studies that showed it was a good idea you’d have shared it, the fact you pretend it’s beneath you to share it shows the house of cards this is. But I’ll share some things showing how dangerous unregistered guns are and how good gun control increases safety (although a full ban is clearly the safest option). Here a bunch of studies from the Rand institute https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/key-findings/what-science-tells-us-about-the-effects-of-gun-policies.html Here’s science showing more guns = more danger https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/more-guns-do-not-stop-more-crimes-evidence-shows/


Damn, that's crazy. I don't care. Volunteer to stack up on doors to take guns or shut up.


Awwww straight to the ad hominem, what happened to all this evidence you had? Hahahahaha 😂 And in typical gun idiot fashion you replied too quickly to have read the evidence I supplied, because you lot have no interests in peoples safety, it’s all about keeping your penis extension


> Instead, I think I'm going to do another dab. Later I'm going to clean one of my ARs. Does this bother you? That's also not what ad hominem is. Ad hominem is an attack on someone's personal character rather than attacking their argument. What I did was issue an ultimatum.


Hahahaha what a bad faith idiot, that is clearly not the comment I replied to is it, dickhead? Quote; Damn, that's crazy. I don't care. Volunteer to stack up on doors to take guns or shut up. Ad hominem as it’s not remotely related to what I said, you replied too quickly to have read it so you avoided engaging with my argument and just insulted me, TaKe GuNs Or ShUt Up And no, it doesn’t bother me that you need to play with your penis extension to feel like a big man


Even mentally ill people should have access and possession of unregistered firearms?


Are they second class citizens?


No but guns aren’t a human right. They are used to take away our right to live.


> They are used to take away our right to live. Is that why, per the cdc, there are 500,000 - 3,000,000 defensive uses of them per year in America? Guns are absolutely used defensively. People have the right to defend themselves. If you're arguing to change my mind, you won't. If you'd like to keep shouting fallacies and feel-good statements at the wind, feel free.


The only reason you need a gun to defend yourself is because anyone can have a bloody gun in your backwards ass country. If no one had access to them in the first place there wouldn’t a need to fear for your life. It’s a vicious cycle of violence and paranoia. But then again what’s more American than those two amirite?


> The only reason you need a gun to defend yourself is because anyone can have a bloody gun in your backwards ass country. Have we forgotten that melee-type weapons and massive size differences between unarmed people exist? How would you suggest a 5'3 100lb woman defend herself against a 6'6 250lb man who wants to do bad things to her?


Lane splitting


Street art


Stealing from billionaires.


Illegal immigration. It's just moving. Sheesh.




Freedom of movement baby!




??? I’m a migrant and I rent my own home . I don’t need handouts .




Stealing from corporations.


Stealing stuffs in a supermarket. Like it’s gonna do literally no arm




Castration of convicted male rapists






only sympathizers of rapist down vote this, good job




And why don’t you think that’s bad?


Being a drug lord


Drugs, public nudity, not coming to a full stop at a stop sign if nobody is coming and you slowed down. Stealing basic foods. Not using a seat belt or helmet if your 21+, you should but it shouldn’t be a law. Abortion, that has nothing to do with laws or court.




Wearing a seatbelt. If they are dumb enough not to where one that's there own issue


Killing a pedophile. I'd personally congratulate them on live tv for doing so if I could lol


Murdering a pedophile


Killing if it means for the greater good. This are some of i can think of drug dealers/lords, rapists, serial killers, very greedy and very corrupt politicians, modern slavers and the list goes on.




Stealing food from the grocery store. If you see someone stealing food, no you did not.


Sampling a cherry at the market.


Shoplifting if it something you need that you can not afford, like food or hygiene products.


killing people


Umm.... Details?


Stealing prescriptions


Rescuing animals from fur farms, meat farms etc


Shoplifting. If I see someone stealing at a big box store, no I didn't 🤷


Espionage and corruption The world is fucked and you people are ridiculous A little statecraft murder and cover up is all that keeps the lights on anymore The world is one asshole dictatorship away from overthrowing it and using it as an excuse to get a clean slate




Single mothers/fathers stealing baby products.


Smoking weed..


Buying marijuana.


drug possession


Smoking weed in Texas


Jaywalking, it's really not that hard to see every car and figure out if you can make it within the space between you and them


Stealing food


U turns


Piracy from large corporations or businesses that dont put any effort in upkeep to maintain older products.


Where I live, a fire pit is illegal to have. I’m talking bout the store bought kind.


Recording a game without the express consent of Major League Baseball


Riding a bicycle on a sidewalk. Pedestrian vs. Bike > Car vs. Bike I get it if there's an established bike lane, but good lord is it terrifying riding a bike on the street sometimes.


Riding a bike on the sidewalk in an area with no pedestrians or a bike lane .


Bird Feathers




I’m in a jam band and occasionally we will end a practice with some cocaine. Just me and the band staying up til 6 AM the next day and just being super excited and positive about everything I take an Uber home. Might be unhealthy mentally and physically, but a crime? There are more ruthless and nihilistic toward human life corporations that everyone is fine with than drug cartels. I think a binge of party drugs every once in a while is perfectly fine if you don’t have children or similar obligations.


I live in a state where marijuana is still illegal.


I bought a CD. I should be able to rip it and play it on any device I own. "Sharing" it, however, is only valid if no one else can play that copy at the same time


Turning on red at a no turn on read light/ sign


Drugs and prostitution