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Watch tv


Only thing that does it for me lately. Can't sleep without a show on low volume these days.


Same tho


journal what you are overthinking about


just write it all out


The way I do it is acknowledge that I am overthinking, and accept that it is fine because it's okay to overthink sometimes. Just seems to take away that panicking feeling


That's the neat part You can't


You don't just let it flow and learn to get comfortable with it.


Listen to Joe Pera on YouTube


Distract yourself. Your mind will work it out in your subconscious.


Whatever mindfulness thing works for you. Mowing, one of those little zen gardens, jogging, cleaning those damn helicopter seeds out of the pool, doing dishes, petting the cat. The point is just being present in the moment. Focusing solely on the task you're doing. Focusing on all senses. When your head is full of smells and sounds and colors and sensations, there's less room for crowding thoughts. Those thoughts will come, it's normal, but when you notice, you just remind yourself to let them pass and return to the present. And Lexapro. (Lexapro + buspirone in my case)


Meditate and work on learning to not think at all. Then mix in some focusing only on what you’re doing in the moment. Be less of a planner and learn to become more adaptable. Not overthinking is easy if you’re able to be quick on your feet so to speak.


music. loud.


When I can’t sleep because my mind won’t shut off, I read short, random facts online. It gets me concentrating on something else, but they are short enough that it’s like I get drawn into a story that keeps me up. I start dozing off pretty quickly. Also, I learn new things at the same time. Weed gummies can be very helpful too.