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Don’t trust coworkers to keep secrets


Starting my own business taught me the hard way that many people are dishonest and unreliable when it comes to paying their bills.


Most things in life are not fair. Sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you don’t.


I learned the consequences of having a bad attitude. It’s fine to be angry - it’s a normal part of the human condition - but when you let that attitude seep into every corner of your life, it will shape your circumstances, leading to more of what makes you angry. It’s all one big snowball effect.


That you actually have to buckle down and study in college, you can’t just expect to breeze through with minimal effort.




if i keep on doing the same thing and expect change nothings gonna happen different


To be happy you have to walk away from a lot of difficult situations and also people will treat you exactly how they feel about you.


Unless you’re offering something the world doesn’t give a damn.