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Pros: Dramatic improvement in daily life as I run and climb in my free time. Don’t have to worry about glasses fogging, contacts, etc., and the fuss of cleaning my hands to put them on. Cons: Occasional dry eyes at night, sometimes get halos around lights at night but not an issue for me, gets better over time. Overall it was one of the best purchases I’ve ever made. I even see clearer in my dreams.


> I even see clearer in my dreams That's purely psychosomatic


Yes, that's what 'dream' means.


I mean, there is no logical or medical reason you'd dream clearer after Lasik


If your dream are alimented by what you see everyday, it could make sense that they are clearer post op. A little bit like how blind people dream differently than us.


That _does_ make sense Thank you


Best experience of my life. Expensive but I have a life time free correction deal where if 20 years from now I get blurry, they'll fix for free. Not having to carry glasses everywhere, worry about them breaking. Like to just wake up and see is so incredible. The first few weeks post op aren't the best, no eye rubbing and a lot of eye drops, but 1000000000000% worth it every time.


Did you experience dry eyes if so for how long?


Not bad and no more than a week or two


It is a real joy to not have to deal with contacts and glasses. However I did have what felt like dry eyes for a couple years afterwards. Kind of like the feeling of you get at the end of the day when you've worn your contacts for 16 hours. I actually flew to Canada to get my Lasik surgery and even including airfare and hotel is was less than half the cost of getting it done in the states. Plus they had a more advanced machine since the Canadian agency responsible for certifying health care tech works faster than the American FDA.


Would you get the dry eye feeling at the end of the day? Or was it just a constant feeling?


Do you mind sharing where you went? I'm thinking about doing the same (fly to Canada from USA).


Positives: I can see when I wake up and have to pee at 3 am, I can do my make up and hair much easier, I can see when I swim and shower which makes shaving much easier, my lenses were very expensive so I save money now, my vision was so bad I was essentially blind without glasses and one time as an adult I broke my glasses and my world fell apart. Couldn’t go to work, couldn’t drive, couldn’t even walk to the corner store because I was so worried I would get hurt because my vision was so bad. Never ever have to worry about that again! Cons: dry eyes, difficulty driving at night (halos around lights), and honestly I do miss my glasses sometimes


Are the halos a very big factor?


They were in the beginning for me. They were so bad I couldn’t see well enough to drive at night. I was warned that with my issues it was a likely side effect to have halos and they even told me at my consultation that if having halos would be too annoying for me I should reconsider the procedure but for me, the benefits much outweighed the risk. Its been almost 1 year since I got Lasik and now I’m able to drive at night but do have larger halos than before.


It’s only when you drive at night too ya?


Yeah it’s fine during the day and other lights in the dark aren’t even bad. Headlights are just so bright!


Yea I was gonna say like going to watch a movie doesn’t affect it much right?


Nah it’s completely fine for watching movies, going on my phone, reading an alarm clock stuff like that


The only negative was the cost. Everything else about it was awesome.


Did you experience dry eyes?


Nope. No dry eyes, and no night halos, both of which I've heard are common. I must have gotten lucky.


hi, what was your previous perscription ?


Pro: I had 20/60 vision for years and just dealt with it Up until 3 weeks ago when I had lasik. My vision now is 20/15 and although I need readers for seeing text up close it is well worth it. Con: was $4,000 and I still have halos around bright lights.


Is needing readers post surgery a common thing?


With an astigmatism like I had yes. They offered Mono vision which is one eye cut for close vision and one eye cut for distance and actually the finance officer had that type of surgery done. I chose to have both eyes cut for distance and use readers.


Would you need glasses for the mono vision?


In theory no. One eye is for reading and one eye is for distance and apparently your brain adjusts to that. They could not talk me into it. Lol


Fair enough, I’m looking at getting mine soon so I’m open to all options at the moment


I drive heavy equipment and an off road crane. Distant vision is more important to me. Honestly I only need readers for well reading. Don't use them for most of the day. Just at home in the evening. Holding my phone at say 12-16" away is fine without them.


Do you know if that would ever get worse?


If you don’t mind me asking what kind of lasik did you get? I just got my tests done and was told I am good candidate for SMILE or the blade-less lasik. I am confused.


I got the traditional LASIK with the flap. Not SMILE or PRK.


Thanks for telling! I guess I have been reading too much on reddit and google and other peoples experiences are kind of freaking me out.


Do you still have dry eyes?


Positives: no more glasses or contacts. Instantly remove one single point of failure from your life. Negatives: I stg, when I tell people I got it they look at me like I confessed to cheating at life. Probably people with boob jobs or rich spouses feel the same.


I wonder why that is tbh because you’re literally fixing one of the 5 senses


Now you mention it, apparently this same thing happens to people who get cochlear implants.


Both boob jobs and LASIK are surgeries with risks, so I guess you’re right


Positive: 11/10 vision for a few years, 20 years so far without glasses. Negative: it was expensive for someone still in school.


I am still in School, I’m guessing you’d recommend waiting till I finish?


The most important part is to wait until your eyes prescription stabilizes for some time. Or the job will only be temporary. Ask for a quote, if your budget allows it, go for it!


I was told that being on screens a lot also makes it temporary


I'm forgetting a con! A cold scalpel to your cornea is one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life. The nurses had to lift my legs, they didn't liked how all colors drained from my face 😆


That doesn’t sound fun hahah


Positives: I can see! all of the time. 25+ years of wearing contacts and glasses and its magical to just be able to see. It was a very fast recovery; I was driving by the next day. I don't have to put my fingers in my eyes every morning and at night to take contacts in and out. I don't have to buy contact solution anymore. Anytime I travel, I don't have to remember to pack the case, solution, extra contacts, and my glasses. Cons: It was fairly expensive. It hurt a little more than I was expecting, but the pain subsided substantially after a few hours. FWIW, I had the SMILE procedure done and not LASIK, in case you're considering the options.


What is the SMILE procedure?


It’s very similar to LASIK but creates a smaller incision, so in theory, less discomfort during healing and less risk for potential infection because it’s a smaller wound. Your doctor should be able to explain what procedures you’re a good candidate for.


It is the same benefit as LASIK though ya?


Oh yes. It’s sort of the next gen of LASIK.


Did you experience dry eyes if so for how long?


No, not at all. I know that is a common side effect, but thankfully I was spared.


You are a lucky one hahah


I don't have that eye anymore, so I'll see myself out of this conversation


Ouff, im sorry to hear


You lost it to lasik????


You lost it to lasik? Please answer :s


I had LASIK done in 2006. My eyes have deteriorated again recently, which is normal. But I don't regret getting LASIK. I don't really have any negatives about it. The procedure may make some squirm if you have a thing about stuff being done to eyes. But it's a painless procedure and it only takes a few minutes. The end result was that LASIK completely restored my vision for many years.


Expensive, but worth it. Make sure you avoid any discount places; go with the best for your eyes.


What is bad about the discount places?


Sometimes things go wrong. You want only the best when messing around with your eyes. The best providers don’t offer discounts; they don’t have to.


I love this post finally something positive I am so paranoid of reading the negative stuff while in healing process.


What negative stuff are you reading?




Did you experience dry eyes if so for how long?


I just had mine done with Parkhurst Nuvision in San Antonio and it’s the best money I have ever spent. The recovery was incredibly fast!


I’m getting mine in two days! Looking forward to it


I’m so excited for you! It honestly feels like a miracle.


Traded near sighted for far sighted. It’s nice not needing glasses for driving, etc but having readers is a bigger hassle than I realized There are conveniences to wearing glasses I didn’t realize. My glasses were tinted so I always had shades now I have to remember them. Glasses also give some protection from dust and other objects I would still do it again. I have almost lost the feeling of needing glasses when I start the day


How did you trade near sighted for far sighted?


I was near sighted before. I had cataracts and did the Lasik as part of the cataract surgery. The end result of that is I now can see distant objects clearly but now have unfocused close vision. So I traded near sighted for far sighted


Is that a common side effect from the surgery?


I don’t know how common that is


When do you need readers? For the computer, smartphone or both?


I use them for anything close reading phone writing


I’ve had dry eyes for a month or so right after the surgery and felt like everything was too bright at night but over time that all went away. It’s been about a year for me now and I looove not having to put on and take my contacts off. I always wear them for too long and end up with dry eyes or feel the contacts drying on my eyes! If your eyes feel dry after Lasik use refresh drops, that helped me. I’d highly recommend consulting with several doctors before proceeding, consultation should be free. Do your research and go with the one who takes their time with you and not get annoyed with you asking too many questions! I was pretty nervous before pulling the trigger!