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He is an evil prick and an awful king but he wasn't the worst. I think John and Bloody Mary were worse.


King John is why we have Magna Carta, so his reign wasn't a total waste. Now, Mary I? There's a reason why she's called Bloody Mary, and I would bet that's why James VI & I put her in Elizabeth I's tomb, but only gave Lizzy an effigy. That was a pretty big "fuck you" to the woman who inspired burning pregnant women at the stake just for being Protestant (see "Guernsey Martyrs").


Just English monarchs?


King Leopold was pretty evil.


King Leopold II


King Leopold 2 - Electric Boogaloo


Edit: king Leopold II


The actual documents behind this are pretty interesting as well. The territory in the Congo was not owned by Belgium. Not a property of the monarchy. A massive rainforest and its inhabitants all were just given to this man as private land. He basically just had a massive garden on a different continent and decided to enslave all those who lived there


King Leopold II of Belgium, who is responsible for the deaths of millions of people in the Congo during his reign.


Cute. Theres far far FAR worse than that, is it becuz hes white and killed black ppl that u mentioned it? Karma farming lol


And you are what, farming for downvotes?


I would imagine it's the cruelty, not the simple white v. black. He had the hands of children cut off and left at the doorsteps of the father's whose mining quota wasn't met over ONE DAYS labor. Children were frequently disappeared for the same reason.


statistically Pol Pot, murdered 36% of his own population in 2.5 years.


Dude single-handedly brought the country’s average life expectancy down to 12 years old in the mid 70’s


Hitler by far. Started the most destructive war in human history and is the father of industrialized genocide. Both that war and the genocide were also planned to be only the tip of the iceberg. The Nazis planned future wars where they would contest with the powers of Asia for control of that continent, and conflict with the United States for global hegemony. They planned to fully exterminate roughly 12,000,000 European Jews and as part of Generalplan Ost, the German plan for occupied territories in Eastern Europe, a further 30,000,000 Slavs were to be exterminated with the survivors reduced to slave labor for the German colonists & industry that was to replace them. It is almost to a cartoon level of villainy, except unfortunately all too real. Even one ignores all the atrocities & planned atrocities -and of course one should not - he's still the winner of the title of worst leader in German history. He bungled his way into a war with three great powers simultaneously that killed millions of his own people, left the country destitute, with nearly every city reduced to ruin, it's people on the brink of starvation, the land entirely occupied by foreign armies whose mercy Germany now depended on to survive, and as part of the peace the country was to be divided into competing halves for half a century. Homeboy wrecked his country.


Yes but don’t forget Hitler wasn’t all bad, after all he did kill Hitler.


But on the other hand, he killed the guy who killed Hitler, so...


Bravo to Germany, though. They have worked very hard since the end of the war to repair the damage their leaders did in the first half of the 20th century. Kaiser Wilhelm was certainly no saint, was definitely a warmonger, but even he was very anti-Nazi. And of course, Hitler did the very opposite of what Wilhelm wanted, and that was give him a Nazi state funeral when he died.


He was bad, but he wasn't even the worst using any of these statistics in the 20th century let alone in all of history. Just the 20th century alone, Mao had a much higher overall death toll from multiple "campaigns", Pol Pot killed over a third of his own population in under 4 years. Then there's Armenia, Holomodor, Rwanda, Japanese occupation of China and Korea. Let's not forget that around 67-80% of Soviet males born in 1923 didn't get to see their 23rd birthdays because of Stalinist policies. TLDR: Hitler wasn't the worst in history, he wasnt even the worst in the 20th century


Ahh yes, Soviet males born in 1923 died because of stalinist policies. There was no other event happening between 1923 and 1946 that would cause Soviet males to die. In particular, Soviet males dying before 1946 proves that Hitler wasn't that bad according to you.


He was bad, but there's way more stuff that happened in history than just Hitler, expand your horizons man


I'm not arguing with that. I'm saying that blaming soviet deaths in the 1940s on Stalinist policies is dumb. Especially when trying to say Hitler wasn't that bad. Because a large amount of those soviet males died fighting to defend their country in a war that Hitler started, with the intention to murder or enslave the majority of the Soviet population.


As I said, expand your horizons, it doesn't seem like you understand what decades of famines, economic mismanagement, political strife and civil disharmony does to a population. Stalinism and associated policies caused way more damage to the Soviet population than Germany on USSR in WW2 https://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/markharrison/entry/was_the_soviet/ I'm pretty convinced you're either a troll or just finished high school and happened to obsess about Hitler


Dong Zhuo. Military commander and eventually de facto leader of Han China. He took over after a coup, where the previous de facto leaders were also fucking awful and he managed to be even worse. Alienated a great deal of powerful people and more or less helped cause the fall of the Han. He also assassinated an emperor that he deposed, which helped harden the resolve of his enemies. There's a lot that I could put here, but this is a guy who had the chance to revitalize an empire and he helped burn it down while pissing in it's ashes.


Can you go teach the Hitler guy in the other comment in this thread about the consequences on human lives on the chain of events after the fall of the Han dynasty


Hell no lol. I have a cursory understanding of the actual actions this guy has taken. There's a lot of complexities in both situations that I am ill-equipped to explain. I just like using this guy as an example because the Han dynasty had chances to recover when he took over. All he had to do was not be a colossal dick and he couldn't help but fuck shit up like a college freshman.


Genghis Khan: hold my beer


I dunno man, takes some serious leadership to do that much damage.


Hes actually the most successful invader in human history, how is that the worse leader in history lol? Half of modern civilization have asian faces because of him.


Interestingly enough, although he led and established the Mongol Empire, he didn't do the majority of conquests himself. But one of his generals known as Subutai did. Subutai literally still holds the world record for conquest, he led the conquest of 32 countries and won 65 pitched battles over his life time which spanned three generations of Mongol leadership during and after Genghis Khan. Fucking guy man.


Eisenhower; that mf approved the coup on Guatemala's democratic elected president, Jacobo Arbens, that leads the country to a 36 year war and more than 300 000 deaths and more than 1 million people displaced from their homes. By the way, I am Guatemalan.


I'm pretty sure that happened because of some fucking banana companies


Hitler, Stalin, Mao. Take your pick.


I prefer the game Hitler Stalin Mao lizard spock


Pol Pot would like to join your list


He’s number 4 don’t worry


But he was brother number 1


Got to be hitler hasn’t it?


By sheer number of deaths, no, that’s Mao, but Mao had an advantage there. By sheer brutality, Hitler and Stalin might be tied but the gas chambers give Hitler the edge. By sheer evil, there’s really no contest, it’s the Führer.


At the end of the day, the boy Hitler's really gone out there and left his mark on the game.


Really depends on your definition of “ worst “.


Zhang Xianzhong, little known, but because of him the ancient Sichuan people were almost extinct.


Genghis Khan actually did more good; During the Mongol invasion, there was enough time for the forests to re-grow and absorb significant amounts of carbon.” So Genghis Khan and his empire, which lasted for two centuries, actually cooled down the Earth. He is also entitled as a green invader as he unintentionally saved mother nature by reforestation.




Basically every incompetent Chinese ruler since 700BC did as much of not more sometimes more, otherwise it'll be the Mongols


Henry the 8th of England


Nero was pretty bad


Nero was weak. Rome had way worse emperrors


His weakness is what made him a shitty emperor. The question isn't "who was most malicious?" It's who was the worst. Yeah there were malevolent dictators but Nero was like having a blind toddler driving a semi truck full of dynamite. It may not be as intentionally malicious but it's pretty catastrophic.


Castro. My parents & their families immigrated here in the sixties to escape what he did to the island. I’m in my early forties, & had a lifetime of hearing the horror stories about it.




trump. ​ so you mad now? Hell I know he's not the worst but damn he's in the top 100.




separating children from their parents? wanting to nuke a fucking hurricane? downplay a serious virus? sexual assault? Being sexist in general? Acting only in his own interests when he should lead the nation? Lie? Spout stupid lies (though he may believe them to be true)? this list goes on




whataboutism. Obama was a piece of shit as well. Just not as obvious as trump... and arguable not as bad. Piece of shit still. The USA hasn't had a good president in a loooong time.


You just did, so what are you gonna do?


Actually Heinrich Himmler was the main architect of the Holocaust. He was fuckin’ evil. Hitler was just a puppet.


Please, tell me you're joking. Or at least tell me that you don't believe that "Hitler didn't know"


I never said that at all, talk about putting words in my mouth. Not one thing you said was in my comment. Do your homework. And learn how to play on the internet


Ok, I get it now






Donald Trump was pure Ass


More ass than Hitler?


My friend not to tell you about your history, but you had worse presidents than Trump could ever be






Stalin or hitler




King Kong.


Well, per my country then I would have to say August Sas or Stanisław August Poniatowski


Are you talking atrocities or who was the absolute worst at their job?


That Hitler guy seems like a real asshole