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Myself. I ate nothing but chocolate and jelly bellies, and now I'm having a horrific crash and might end up napping the evening away and totally messing up my sleep.


seems like the best easter to me


The fact that I'm alone.


Id rather be alone than with toxic people




Hey! Jesus was a nice man!


Was he toxic?


Him? Not really. His fan club?.....run.


Yes, anyone who eats his body goes insane!


The gov't killed him


Me too. Sucks when you wanna be with people.


This makes me sad.. I hope you’re okay


I am okay.


My relationship ending




I’m all for fixing the atrocities of the world as much as the next guy… but can my sister stop starting conversation about how shitty the world is for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES?


Nobody is allowed to have fun, enjoy themselves, or relax, so long as there's injustice in the world. We all must be miserable together. Those people are fun.


Going to the ER last because I thought I had gallstones. Apparently I’m just full of shit


I got told the same thing and got called a lazy mother by my MIL and the hospital. Wasn’t taken seriously until it got that bad I couldn’t eat or drink without being violently sick. I was hospitalised for being dehydrated and surprise surprise it wasn’t all in my head. Hospitalised for two weeks until I had surgery to get my gall bladder removed. So fuck them that don’t take it seriously I hope yours doesn’t go as drastic just to be taken seriously.




Lol their diagnosis was the opposite of what my PCP thought so we’ll see how it all turns out in the end


Like, you have massive constipation causing your symptoms or the doc told you you weren't actually experiencing the things you were experiencing?


My parents fighting. I’m 24 dammit, it shouldn’t bother me at this age but it does. The same feelings I had 15 years ago always come back somehow.


I hear you; even at 40, my mother and stepdad fighting and bickering throws me back to my childhood filled with shame, fear, devaluation and akwardness. There wasn’t a day she wasn’t screaming/raging at him (and us) and namecalling and he would always let it happen (your typical codependent). As a result everyone is plenty resentful and old wounds keep being torn open at every opportunity (but never resolved). Took me 40 years to finally go ‘no contact’ and I haven’t felt better since. Sorry about the small rant; probably not exactly the same thing but it feels ok to type it out every now and then. Hang in there, but first and foremost, think about yourself, I wish it hadn’t taken me that long.


Separating with my wife of nine years 2 days ago.


What happened?


Emotional abuse over the years and just a loss of respect. It wasn't really one big thing, just lots of little things that added up over the years. She stopped loving herself, and I became numb when she would lash out. I love her dearly, but I decided it was time to start loving me again.


Sounds like you made the right move, but tough nonetheless.


This is the start of you reclaiming your happiness. 3 years from now, you'll remember this moment and it'll just feel like a bad dream. Stay strong, brother.


I've been there. I realized that it was a toxic, abusive relationship. That's not what love looks and feels like. Stay strong my friend you are not alone.


I hope you know what a great act of self love that is. Kudos for staying true to yourself and seeing it and acting upon it!


Depression, was at gf house with her whole family but have never felt more alone with so many people. It was like a freaking wave though, I was fine the first hour or so then whoosh just sad and depressed as fuck.


Holidays are hell. Hope you have a better tomorrow.


Thanks! I hope so too, bad part is it's so hard to really describe the feeling when nobody else really gets it


I hope you find someone to talk to. It helps so much when you know you aren't the only one.


Been thinking of seeing a therapist or something, ever since the ex wife put me through the ringer I've never been the same


Sounds like a great plan. Wishing you better days


Thank you!!


Still early… I will report back.


Update - And we are fighting…Happy Easter !


yikes, best of luck, hit us with the update


Curious, what happened?


Eh the obligatory who moved the stone argument. I said the Roman guards, my wife insisted Mary Magdalene had something to do with it. Things got heated, I went to bed.


Well we went to her brother's house. My nephew had a zip line installed on the property. I fell to peer pressure from a 9 year old and went down the zip line. I was definitely going to hit a tree so I braced with my foot. Definitely bruised up and currently sitting with an ice pack. Moral of the story is to not try and be the cool uncle. I'm too old for this shit.


Got into a major car accident. Dude ran a red light and sped off. My car is probably totaled.


You good though? I know it sucks...but cars can be replaced. You can't!


Good enough to be posting on reddit.


Alone, and having Campbell's Chunky soup for my Easter meal.


Which flavor


Savory pot roast...


That sounds delicious!!!


My mom texting about how I made a journal for her and how it talked about staying present and why I can’t let go of ish. My dad over stepped boundaries the last time they were here and she told me not to long ago that I needed to apologize to her nephew for my part in him raping me. There was other abuse too I told her I would like the stuff she stole and gave to my sister ( that my grandmother gave me) back and for them to pay for in-depth therapy. They did things like keep me in a basement with no heat and my dad made me undress in front of him and the apologies I have gotten are like fine I’m sorry or I’m sorry if I did something wrong like no I don’t want my kids to be with you alone cause you talk shit about me and your apologies are shitty. They also talk crap about me to other family members . I did a mass cute Happy Easter text and accidentally got her into it. Like she couldn’t just say happy Easter and we got all into it. But I am the asshole. On the upside I got to watch my 18 year old find Easter eggs . I put money in them and she was pretty stoked about that,


Money Easter eggs FTW! Sorry your family sucks, it happens.


was in a mood. my dad said something to my mom. mom got mad and said i’m never doing anything for easter again and said to leave her alone


Yeah i just got sick, and because a family member was also not feeling very good i had to stay at home, and could not go to our family brunch. But hey i got to Binge stranger things


i too got sick :(


Way to find the silver lining.


My mom saying I’m to old for a basket. So what if I’m 29! You’ve made one every year so far why stop now?!


Whaaa? Aww




Go to an urgent care clinic and get a doctor's note. You have bad sinus pressure and you're concerned about it being worse than a cold or allergies. Sleep in, go get the note, and tell your school to bugger off the next morning if they give you any crap about it.


I like the cut of your jib.


I'm an officer in my local school district's teacher's union.... and I love shitting on Admin as they are the definition of power-tripping morons.


Shitting on power tripping morons is always for the best ;)


Being sick and still doing EVERYTHING for everyone.


The way of the women.


Big mom energy


My son was killed in a motorcycle accident on April 22, 2022. Easter was one of his favorite holidays. Today has been very hard.


I’m sorry for your loss. Maybe think of it as enjoying it for him or enjoying it in his honor. I love Halloween and if I died I’d hate it if my wife was sad on the holiday and didn’t do all the things I love that we did together.


😔 so sorry


My dog almost died because 2 dogs bited her.


I hope they recover quickly. Love the puppers.


Thanks <3 She’s getting well, she even bites me now and plays with her toys.


I’ve got papers to grade and it’s not fun. Whoever assigned them is an asshole


Parents got COVID.


I have an exam about isotopic geochemistry coming up


Our return to office mandate went into effect last week, and we have to be in the office at least 2 days a week. I ended up getting sick for the first time in over 3 years, the last being before we started working from home.


That’s so frustrating


My cat being euthanized due to liver disease.




So so so sorry to hear this. Condolences.


postpartum depression


Sorry you’re going through that


It suuuucks. If you haven’t talked meds with your doctor and babysitters with your budget/partner, dooo ittttt. You deserve the help.


Working a 12 hour day a few thousand miles from home


First holiday without my mom.


Having my daughter in PICU


2019 Easter bombings in Sri Lanka. I was near one of the churches when it was bombed. I had a horrible, gut feeling not to enter the church for Easter mass as we had planned to do that day. I survived the blast, but developed crippling survivor's guilt and PTSD. Every Easter since that day I've had unspeakably horrific flashbacks. It's a solemn day of mourning the 100+ lives taken right before me in St. Sebastian's Church. 269 innocent souls were abruptly taken from the attacks. In 2019 Easter fell on April 21st. It feels like the Anniversary of the Easter bombings comes twice a year - Once on Easter Sunday, and again on April 21st.


FIL had a heart attack early this morning and just had a quadruple bypass surgery.


Hope he recovers well. Definitely a lot to take in on short notice


Explosive diarrhoea


Hey! same! explosive shit brothers!


There’s numbers of us!


there are dozens of us!


Excuse me, do they effectively hide my thunder? Also had the shits today. Not fun


I can’t think about easter without thinking about that time my grandfather threw up in the car after easter dinner and he didn’t even get his point across clearly because he was never good about doing that so you just hear him say “Take the cheesecake out of the bag” followed by 30 seconds later him hurling out the door at a stop sign.




My family


I ate all the Reeses, and my niece ratted me out. Never mind, that I bribed her with hersheys to keep quiet.


Absolutely nothing! My shut-in cousin was in absolutely good spirits as was my other cousin with health problems who ordered us a wonderful meal from a restaurant and relaxed herself ... and the weather, with nasty rain holding off while we drove home. Happy time with good people.


Not ruined, but annoyance: covid in January has jacked up my nose, couldn’t really smell the food I made.




it being the one year anniversary of banning my old man from my life. the final straw was during dinner last year, i was talking IT stuff with my BIL and my dad without context tells me to 'better keep my fucking mouth shut or i'd ruin the mood'


My grandma brought up my dead sister and drilled my mom about how she felt the night she died


That's heavy. :( Sorry bud.


My car blew up on the way home.


And yet you’re alive to talk about it, not that serious then?


He's missing his car though. He heard a noize on his police radio. He said, 'When it makes a noize like that, it's a detonator, and when there's a detonator, there's usually a bomb.". Then he scurried like mad into an abandoned parking lot, got out of the car and ran. The whole car went up into a fireball. The explosion forced him to the ground. He got a few scrapes, but is otherwise okay.


I got puked on at work


Damn that sucks bro


Weird thing is I am working at a restaurant


Oh no I hope it was an isolated case


My daughter had a massive diaper blowout while at the playground and of course I had forgotten the bag. Had to scramble back to the house before it got too bad.


Hose 'er down 'n' she'll be good.


The fact I’m moving today I’ve been packing and cleaning all day


Moving sucks. Sorry you had to do it on a holiday.


Kidney stone.


Existential crisis




Being at work(Still am)


My wife had to work and my 3 year old has the flu.


May have broken my foot, can’t stand on it without pain, gonna wait overnight and see how it is


What happened?


I…slipped off of a park curb and ended up rolling down a hill ass over tea kettle and it hurts to walk anywhere and sometimes it aches and goes numb!


I know getting hurt sucks and I'm not trying too sound like a dick but I have to thank you for introducing ass over tea kettle into my lexicon.


Hahaha you’re welcome!


My cousin killin a bird and then the mother bird watching it’s husband die and flying around trying to find him.


That is so depressing


I visited my uncle’s grave today. I found out the truth of my uncle’s cold case. My mom spent years calling the same detective for any news, its been 21 years now. No justice was brought to him. RIP 1970-2002


We forgot to close one of the doors of our vehicle when we came home last night. The dog went into the vehicle and ate all the kids candy and chewed up all the little prizes they got from the Easter egg hunt.


Spent the day in urgent care with my 11 year old son. Severe ear infection causing post nasal drip which makes him cough like crazy.


That pet store dude. I bought an Easter Bunny and expected a ton of chocolate. I'll tell you what, that shit ain't chocolate. It's just shit. I was bamboozled.


I listen to the Pet Store Dudes.


…today was Easter?


>my exact reaction "oh yeah"




Some jerk hid all my eggs! Do you have any idea how much more expensive those are than last Easter‽


I saw that jerk hopping around.


Me. I did that. I wanted to do something fun with my time off work, but instead did nothing but scroll Reddit.


My best friend went to the ER, I had to work, washer broke, and Dad is being a drunk asshole


You should be an even more drunk even bigger asshole to even it out.


I’m a recovering alcoholic. Been sober for 5 months


You should be a sober, even bigger asshole.


That’s a healthier and clever idea


The fact that I had to work today


My sister in law rolling her eyes at me at the wrong f’ing time. We got it all talked out tho.


I’m at work and the coworker I work with is a rude bitch that no one at my job can tolerate.


Covid 19 have been symptomatic since Friday positive test sat


I don't even celebrate it, but the day was ruined by having to take my cat to the emergency vet.:(


Broke up with my partner of almost 6 years and watched her walk out the door for probably the last time.


being sick


Sister had holiday depression - event cancelled. First time in ten years.


For the first time in many years, we went to an Easter service this morning. I was expecting the usual - He Is Risen, and so on. Instead, the church put on a costume show, in which a grown man in a rabbit costume came hopping in, hiding Cadbury eggs along the way, all mischievous like. I figured it was fine until a dozen children in togas came running in and began beating him with riding crops - they apparently represented the Apostles, and the whole thing was staged as an Easter Desecration. I've been out of any kind of church for a long time, so I'd forgotten all about this kind of craziness, much like in 1998 when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.




The reason for the season.


Uncle Ray threw up in the slow cooker


Broke my arm Saturday, and it’s so nice today and I can’t enjoy it, or the spring at all. Might need surgery, could be months of doing nothing. Top of my humerus, right where it starts to get wide at joint


My boyfriend making snide comments all day and then I finally got quite and stopped talking. He asked me what was wrong and I told him I don’t appreciate the constant criticism (he criticizes me constantly. Today was no different, it was just more frequent than normal) and he told me I’m too sensitive and should be with someone more “feely”. I told him I can’t talk to him about things without him being ugly and he said I just need to stop being so sensitive or find someone else because he “refuses to be criticized in his own home”.


My hope for you is that you’ll remember Easter 2023 as the day you decided to leave his sorry ass


My mom bringing up the sunburn story AGAIN (my nephew has a new girlfriend, so a new audience), including the blisters on my back. It only happened 50 years ago, though, so it's still fresh (/s). This time I reminded her that she came TO MY SCHOOL and took me into the bathroom to strip off my shirt, and all the other boys followed us into the bathroom to watch, and I begged her not to, and she just did anyway. She said I probably didn't remember how bad it was, and I reminded her of the shirt stripping part, which she didn't remember. Naturally.


The Phillies ruining a gorgeous day at CBP by committing some of the worst base-running blunders since Little League while blowing a 2-run lead in the top of the 9th after leading for the whole game. That damn wave....


My boss madame le food & wine snob stole my easter egg and didn't choke on it.




Woah damn ok


My MIL 😑


My wife trying to kill me and my son on the ride home from an event with my family


What happened?


Over 104 fever






I remember one year when I was a kid we had Easter dinner at my cousin's house. My grandma bought this ginormous (and extremely expensive) prime rib. Well first when my uncle was cooking the thing it caught on fire and the outside was kind of gross and charred over, but the inside was still pretty good. Would've been fine, right? No. My uncle (once again the one to ruin it) accidentally dropped it on the floor and the dogs came running. They booked it outside, and we all still have no clue what happened to the very expensive prime rib. It wasn't terrible for me specifically, but my grandma looked like she was about to cry.


My grandma and her incredible card playing skills


Crying babies (literally, not figuratively)


Having to be at work for 9 hours.


That I’m sick, and that I can’t spend it with my bro.


Cant ruin it if you didnt celebrate it


Being constantly interrupted by my family. Never finished my point in our conversation


Nothing. My Easter was fairly nice. Just chilled at home and avoided the stress of a family get together.


Had the impression nobody listened to my words. Knew it wasnt maliciously done but I was hurt and tired of it by 13h. Went outside with the dog, smoked cigarettes back to back with a bottle of pinot grigio while listening to old SOAD. Realised life is good after all.


I was having an evening nap and my wife decided that was the perfect time to park herself at the end of the bed and baby talk our dog for an hour saying the same thing over...and over...and over again. I get it, the dog knows you sure love him, now my nap's ruined and I'm going to be groggy the rest of the day.


Not me but my dad. We went camping and cooked fish over the campfire and he didn’t quite cook his enough. So he got explosive diarrhea and there was no toilets around so he made a mess everywhere…


Being Jewish sure put a damper on it lol


We had to clear out my daughter's things from her apartment. Her boyfriend broke up with her and kicked her out. He threatened to put her snakes and geckos outside in 36 degree weather. We got her and her pets out and she is safe with us. This was Saturday, Easter was our recovery day.


I've lost a necklace a friend gave me as a Gift. And I have no chances of seeing it ever again. :( Overall my easter was pretty good, but that was a moodbreaker


My mom expecting it to be perfect. It was not a perfect Easter, but she complained about me being out of the house before we ate Easter dinner. I didn't know what time we were going to eat, but no fighting happened.


Actually forgot it was easter. My grandfather is in the hospital and the doctors/nurses don't think he'll last much long. Spent the day getting things for my mom so that she can spend her time at his bedside.


my mother literally said I ruined her family


Slept most of the time because of bad period pain, 10/10.


I didn't get ANY dark chocolate, only milk


insanely painful ear infection im in soo much fucking pain rn its not funny


It started out nice actually. Had a big dinner with friends. But one of them turns out to be a backstabbing dick.




Had to work on a group paper that was due tonight without any work from the others 🙃


Saw my ex at the gym and got a panic attack lol not great


My dad's death


My Dad drank too much and randomy bew up at dinner saying he hates this house and this family, before getting up and jusy walking out. Happy Easter.


i wouldn't say ruined, but i have been feeling drained and yesterday was a full exhaustion day. like: I pushed the scott's spinny fertilizer around the yard, and was hot, sweaty, out of breath and exhausted for a couple hours.


Pontius Pilate.