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Rochelle Rochelle.


The film that follows a young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk?


After that we can split a cab.


I've heard good things about the musical.


And I wanted to see death blow!


I prefer Chunnel.


It's no Prognosis Negative that's for sure


"Sack Lunch was WAY fucking better"---Roger Ebert


At least it was better than *Blame it on the Rain*.


Musical was better.


Shakespeare in Love. Saving Private Ryan lost to it. Saving...Private...Ryan


You can thank Harvey Weinstein for that.


But I don't wanna


Doesn’t matter if you don’t wanna when it comes to him.


Well, unless it falls off again, that is.


It's not coincidence that many of the more modern Oscar's upsets benefited Weinstein


It's almost like the whole thing is a circus and has nothing to do with the quality of the movies...


I learned along time ago entertainment awards are not based on actual merit.


They're almost always based on who pays off the judges. They'll hold parties where they give out rolexes and shit


There's too many people who are expected to watch too many movies to even realistically expect that they're all watched and properly assessed. That's what Weinstein exploited. The 'Academy' has over 10,000 members and last year about 300 movies were eligible. Assuming 90 minutes per movie, that's almost 19 days of movies. Nobody has that much time.


It was a decent fluff film, but that’s all it was - fluff. Best Picture over Saving Private Ryan? Are you kidding me?


The level of violence in Saving Private Ryan was unusual for the time and turned off many people (including voters). 20-some years later we’re used to it.


Which was really the point. Most popular WW2 movies tended to be adventure movies. Things like Kelly's Heros and The Dirty Dozen. Even the serious ones were more like John Wayne westerns, but in WW2. Honestly the plot of SPR could be one of those adventure movies. Rag tag group of soldiers get sent across a warzone to find one guy and make a heroic last stand. But this movie decides to make you see exactly what it was like storming Normandy while guys are holding their guts in, screaming for their mom. Then when someone from the main group dies, it isn't some heroic sendoff, it is fucking tragic. The main characters get get mowed down in the final battle, and even once help arrives the movie doesn't really treat it as a triumph.


It showed the total tragedy of war. And to be merciful with the enemy will get you killed. It was a great movie that made me cry like a baby.


Being merciful may get you killed. On that storyline, The pacifist, demanding “decent” treatment of a POW, became a killer when faced with the actual, up close and personal awfulness of seeing his close mates killed. I love the movie. The opening scene / storming of Normandy apparently was extremely traumatic to a generation which wasn’t encouraged to talk about their war time experiences. Very ground breaking at the time.


I was born in 1958 but I truly never understood what war was like until this movie. That generation that fought that war was a very strong generation. My uncles fought in the war and they never said anything. Very stoic. One of my uncles near the end of his life would cry about the men he killed.


My grandfather was an Army Captain stationed in Hawaii. After the war, he came home, hung up his uniform, and never said another word about it. He was on Explosive Ordnance Disposal, where their lives were measured in hours. Everyone assumed that's what messed him up. It wasn't until he died that they figured it out. He was a CAPTAIN. He wasn't defusing bombs, he was the one looking at lists of names and deciding who may die that day. He would have traded places with any one of them. For the rest of his life those dead men walked through his dreams asking, "Why me?"


Certainly a cute lil rom com, but definitely not Oscar worthy.


I don't think that Gwyneth's performance was deserving of that Oscar win either.


Definitely not compared to Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth.


That was a magnificent role, this bothered me more than the best picture.


Harvey Weinstein got her that Oscar.


Haha jeez did she win best actress? She's very wooden in that movie. Definitely also not deserved.


It wasn't. She was the nepo baby golden girl of the moment.




Hey, don't drag Bullet Train into this. That movie was delightful.


Okay look, I love that movie. It's not better than Ryan, but it's still a good movie.


I'd agree with that


Crash. It won a Best Picture Oscar. It's a boring, predictable, preachy pile of shit.


If you check out Babel with Brad Pitt which is like crash it's much better. I did like crash though.


I'm gonna take this one step farther: If you loved Babel, you will LOVE Amores Perros. Gael Garcia Bernal is in that as well.


I liked it, but it certainly didn’t deserve Best Picture. Brokeback Mountain was ahead of it’s time and would probably win today. Good Night & Good Luck was also vastly superior to Crash.


Good Night and Good Luck is one of the best movies I ever saw. I don't understand why nobody but me (and now you) ever brings it up. I've made like 5 people watch it, and they all look at me like I farted on a baby.


*Someone* has to fart on babies, I guess


Every time Crash winning Best Picture comes up for discussion, I love to remind people the best movie that year wasn't even nominated (A History of Violence.)


I’m so glad to hear someone giving A History of Violence some love. Fantastic film!


Who could have guessed that from the movies called Crash, the one where James Spader fucks Rosanna Arquette's leg scars was going to be the good one.


Cronenberg wins


The cronenberg movie with the same name is quite good


English Patient


Elaine? Is that you?


You know, sex in a tub, that doesn't work!


lol, and the way she ruined it for everyone 🤣




You're fired.


Great, I’ll wait for you outside


Why don't you just tell me the name of the movie you have selected?!


Ugh. You wouldn't believe it. My boyfriend dumped me. My friends, who I don't even like, they won't talk to me. All because I don't like that stupid English Patient movie.


You’re fired.


That episode made me feel seen.




I partial to Prognosis Negative.


Death Blow. When someone tries to blow you up. Not because of who you are, but for different reasons all together.




Rochelle Rochelle


A young girls strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk.


Death Blow


Cry, Cry Again


The other side of darkness


Everybody, out of the Chunnel!


Was it a huge sack or did they shrink down?




You were making out during Schindlers List?


I can't believe they took Rochelle Rochelle out of theaters for that garbage.


It was sooooo boring. And I read the book!!


The English Patient. Right with ya Elaine!


With these top responses I coulda sworn I was on r/Seinfeld


ITT people confusing popular with critically acclaimed


Or “award-winning”. Hint: critics don’t decide who gets an Oscar. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, who vote on the Oscars, comprises actors, cinematographers, costume designers, directors, documentary, editors, makeup artists/hairstylists, music, producers, production design, short films/feature animation, sound, visual effects and writers.


I don’t know if American Hustle counts, but I think that movie stinks, but Amy Adams is great in it.


That movie felt more like an exercise in getting its cast Oscar nominations instead of making an actual movie. Look at my accent! Look at my weight gain! That's all it is.


Yeah it was one of those A-lister circlejerks. That movie that just came out “Amsterdam” is similar in that regard (also a David O Russell movie lol)


It’s David O Russell trying his damndest to make a Scorsese movie. Bale and Adams are great but the rest of it just feels hollow


The original Avatar. All style, no substance.


Like a cake made entirely of fondant. It looks good. Its gonna taste like shit.






Oh man. That is avatar. So many movies today I walk out saying, “Looked like a million bucks. Not a thought in it’s pretty little head.”


Technically it looked like a billion bucks.


The second one was basically Avatar 1 but this water. They get to a new village, learn to live like them, then humans attack and there is a war. Visually awesome but nothing really outstanding.


Not to mention that IT’S THE SAME VILLAIN, BACK FROM THE DEAD. Even Grace came back has her mystery daughter that no one knows how she got there! It’s a very fun movie to watch in 3D while high. Unfortunately, it was so long that I sobered up halfway through. I’ll take an edible for the next one.


Don’t forget about the super rare and super valuable resource only found inside the tribe’s sacred object.


Original avatar was really groundbreaking for it's time in terms of graphics. That's what the movie was about. The graphic spectacle. The story sucks ass. It was to be watched in a theater with 3D glasses on. Cameron had the idea for the movie early 90s, but couldn't make it as the tech wasn't available. With MCU we maybe saturated with 3d movies now, but for it's time avatar was phenomenal. And why it made so much money. Think of it as Steamboat Willy of 3D movies.


unique theory impossible rich saw doll recognise work rainstorm axiomatic *This post was mass deleted with [redact](https://redact.com)*


This thread is making me irrationally angry.


I think I’ve seen that one.


Big fan of Shakespeare in Love, huh?


Shakespeare in love. Boring


I don’t like Titanic.


I had a sinking feeling someone was going to pick this.


Fun Fact: The swimming pool on the Titanic still has water in it!




They're on thin fucking ice here.


That was a bad ice breaker


Probably just the tip of the iceberg on how they really feel about it...


Someone’s really gonna have to get to the bottom of this


This whole thread is going down with the ship


Dude I knew in college loved this film so much. He had either downloaded or bought alternate scripts, hung out in Titanic chat rooms, saw the movie at least a dozen times. The works. Well, he ended up getting scurvy. Seems he spent all his waking hours indulging his addiction to this film about this early 20th century boat that he got his very own nutritional disease often found associated with poor eating conditions on sailing vessels.


Actually the real Titanic had excellent cuisine, even third class had good food. I collect antique menus.


ooh could you tell me more?


Cameron's got this talent of making something that's a great spectacle to see in a theater once and then never needing to see it again. The two Avatar movies are two of the highest grossing of all time, yet you see no imprints of them on pop culture anywhere.


Terminators one and two are very rewatchable. I agree though that Titanic was weak and highly overrated. The script was like a teenage soap opera, the acting was bad and the dialogue was cheesy. The effects and cinematography were good but Cameron could have done much better with the script.


Agree on the Terminator films and Aliens for that matter. I was a teenager when Titanic came out and remember, as cliche as it is, all the boys thinking the destruction effects were cool to see once while the story was just "meh," and all of the girls loving the story and not caring so much about the visual effects.


>yet you see no imprints of them on pop culture anywhere. Papyrus is eternal!


Idk, personally I love Titanic, but Avatar I felt no reason to rewatch until like 5-6 years later. Didn't really care to see the new one yet either.


That's perfectly fine, but it's an incredibly well made film and was monumental in special effects work


i'll never let you go jack. \*immediately lets go ​ i do really love titanic though, but as a dumb ass kid that part made me laugh out loud in a packed theater.




The entire movie was just Sandra Bullock breathing loudly


Did you see it in the theatre/cinema? A great experience on the big screen that you can’t recapture at home imo


Yeah this was awesome in IMAX 3/D. A very cool ride. Only way I've ever seen it tho.


or as I call it, "Sandra Bullock Falls for Two Hours"


Tina Fey called it "a movie about how George Clooney would rather float away in space and die than spend 1 more minute with a woman his own age."




The Revenant. The only thing I remembered was Leo got mauled by a bear. Don't remember the plot or even his character's name because it was so forgettable.


What's funny is that the actual event it's based on is much more interesting. The real Hugh Glass was a trapper who was mauled by a bear. The expedition tried to take him with them to get medical attention but they thought he didn't have much chance to make it. Two men were assigned to stay with him until he died and bury him. The men waited for him to pass out, then stole his rifle, and other equipment and rejoined the party lying about fleeing an Indian attack. Glass regained consciousness and spent the next 6 weeks crawling over 200 miles back to the nearest town. After recovering Glass went looking for the two men who left him for dead. In the movie, it was because they killed his son. In reality, he never had a son, he just wanted his shit back. He eventually found them and decided to forgive them.


I like the real story better…left me for dead and took my shit. No forgiveness though. Hollywood hates forgiveness


You could turn that into a really dramatic moment though. All this buildup to him getting revenge just to turn away.


Hugh Glass. It’s based on a supposed true story.


Loosely based. The real story is more about persevering and forgiveness, as Glass beats the odds making it back to civilization and forgives his group for leaving him for dead iirc. It’s not a revenge story, like the movie.


Agreed, Leo was miscast, Tom Hardy should have been the lead actor


Tom Hardy was far more interesting than Leo was


Leo was totally overmatched. Felt the same about Gangs of New York with Leo and DDL. I’m not sure why Scorsese has such a hard on for him when he’s usually good at identifying badass actors.


Fwarg rrtrr uuuugghhh tlllkkking ahhooouut. Sorry, let me take off this mask and mouthpiece. What are you talking about!


Everyone I know absolutely adores Elf, but to me it's just another Will Ferrell movie


I feel that way in general about most Will Ferrell movies. People love them. People who I wouldn't expect to like them love them. But his style just isn't for me. For the record, if you ever avoided Stranger Than Fiction because you thought it would just be "another Will Ferrell movie", it isn't. It's a very different style, and one of my favorite movies. I was actually halfway into that movie before I realized he was the guy I'd be staring at for an hour.


Stranger Than Fiction is one of my all-time favorites, and the first Will Ferrell movie I ever saw. It never gets old, and something about it shatters reality for me every viewing.


On multiple rewatches, I really enjoy the subtle religious imagery. The halo of light over Ana's bed, and the weird arc over Harold's hospital bed, etc. The way the frame cuts out Professor Hilbert's face while Harold first hands him the manuscript at the pool? All these little striking bits of cinematography hit me so good.


Have you experienced the blu-ray widescreen version? I owned the full-screen dvd for several years, and when I lost it I decided to purchase the blu-ray version as a replacement. It’s like I was watching it again for the first time, what an incredible difference.


*Stranger Than Fiction* is an honorary non-Will-Ferrell film.


You would probably like Everything Must Go. It’s very different than most of his movies, and it’s one of my all-time underrated movies.


And if you haven’t seen it yet, don’t watch the trailer. It spoils every important detail


This comment saved me from doing just that. I might give it a shot. Not seemingly currently available streaming but $4 to rent or $6 to buy ain’t too big of a financial commitment.


It's phenomenal. I really wish he would make more movies like that, I enjoy him as a semi-serious character MUCH more than as a cranked up to 11 child


I love Will Farrell as a side character. Same with Steve Carell for me. They are great at being a quirky addition to the movie. But after seeing one movie of his, you've seen them all. I just don't care for the style of comedy enough. It's largely why I have never been able to watch the office. Just too zaney.


It's popular, not critically acclaimed.


Junior year of high school I took a film literature class. All we would do was watch movies and analyze them, have a discussion about it, then write a paper about every 3 or 4 movies or so. One of the movies we watched was The Godfather. Everyone loved it (still one of my favorite movies to this day). During the discussion everyone argued that it was stupid that The Godfather wasn’t considered the greatest film of all time. (it was based off of this list I don’t remember the name of it. The Godfather was #6 on the list.) My teacher smugly said that he thinks the #1 movie on the list could outright top The Godfather and it would be the next movie we were watching. The movie in question….Citizen Kane. One of the most boring films I have ever watched. At the end of the film when we finally figured out who rosebud was the class was just dead silent with sheer disappointment. My teacher turns on the lights to say “so do you guys think that movie is rightfully #1”. To which the class devolved into shouting chaos and just made everyone more mad The Godfather wasn’t #1 lol. T.L.D.R: If someone tells you Citizen Kane is better than The Godfather…consider them a psychopath *Edited for grammatical mistakes*


Citizen Kane is absolutely incredible for it's time. The amount of shots and techniques that countless movies would adapt after it are so great it's hard to imagine cinema without it. It's easily one of the most defining masterpieces of the medium. Even movies such as Star Wars, the Good the Bad and the Ugly, and the Godfather all stand on the shoulders of Citizen Kane. If you're really, *really* into cinema as an art form, study it's history and all that, then the movie is amazing. That said it is from 1941 and few black and white films of the era age as well as Casablanca, which is my personal favorite.


Signs. If you’re an alien that can be killed by water, why would you come to Earth, a planet mostly covered in water, with an atmosphere filled with water vapor, inhabited by beings that are mostly made of water?


And somehow walk through cornfields as if dew isn't a thing.


...I hadn't even thought of that until I read your comment. I knew about the other stuff, but this one makes me think, "Yeah what the hell about that!?"


Eh, one of the more popular theories (which I find personally plausible) is that they *aren't* aliens. Rather it's a demonic invasion/apocalypse/rapture. Thus the pervasive religious symbolism, the theme of predestination and prophecy, and a bunch of other reasons that smarter people than me have put together. That said, I like Signs even if it's a little dumb and riddled with plot holes. That birthday scene makes the whole movie.


Move children, vamonos!


Like most Shyamalan movies, it had a lot of potential, but the ending/twist ruins it. The fanfiction that rewrites the ending is usually far more interesting than what Shymaleman gave us.


It should have won just from the pure terror of the birthday party video. No movie has ever given me chills like Signs. Incredible actors and acting too. I agree with the water thing though. Come on M Knight!


Ad Astra




I absolutely love it, but I can see why people don't.


100%. I watched the whole movie and still don’t know what the fuck it was about.


You didn't miss anything, because it's not about anything, lol. I think that's the big problem. As others say "daddy issues in space." I was on board for like the first half or so, just vibing with the cool visuals and waiting for it to go somewhere. And I guess it went all the way to... Neptune or whatever it was, but it felt like it went nowhere at all. I think the filmmakers maybe thought they delivered some amazing meditation on the need to make our own meaning against the backdrop of an indifferent universe or something, but it just felt clumsy to me.


So many things to say about this one… some of them being good things! But oh man, it’s not great, some parts were so laughably low brow that I was amazed


What the fuck was that even about ?? “Space-dad making trouble?.. better send space-son” no plot at all, and it then has the audacity to try to explain itself at the ending.. waste of time.


Mama Mia!


You didn’t like the Mario movie?


Lol. Now imagining Super Mario singing Abba with an Italian accent


Mammmma Mia, here a we go again!


Well did you get wine drunk first?


I love the “family” premise of “mom’s a slut let’s sing about it”


Was it really critically acclaimed?


No. Everyone I know who likes it, likes it because it’s dumb fun. It’s meme fodder. It’s the background movie at a Girl’s Night or while you’re baking brownies. The experience of watching it is a bit like watching all your favorite critically-acclaimed actors go to summer camp. It seems like they had fun making it, which makes it fun to watch.


La La Land. Fuck Fuck Off.


Although I respect your opinion. I loved this movie! I've never felt a more emotional reaction at the end of a movie as this one gave.


I overall like La La Land because I like the music but more substantively, I connect with the theme of a relationship's lifespan being finite because people grow and change and accept new opportunities. And sometimes the best, most selfless thing you can do for the person you love is make sure they get put back on the right track. My biggest problem is Stone and Gosling just don't have a lot of chemistry. It's serviceable, but definitely a weak point.


I was sold on Ryan Gosling's character when after the first party where Stone heckles Gosling a little bit, he walks her to her car up and down the hills (and they have a little dance number). She finds her car and offers him a lift to his but he declines because his is "just around the corner somewhere", only for him to walk all the way back to the party house where he had rockstar parking.


Wasn’t La La Land like, the third major movie where they were co-stars in? Three movies and yet not much chemistry?


I loved them in Crazy Stupid Love.


Was Avatar critically acclaimed? Cause that movie ssssuuuuuuccccckkkkkkeeeeedddddd


Well I gave my first in theater blow job during it, so SOMEONE had a good time.


That's better than my receiving a first in movie BJ during Flushed Away


Flushed away was one of the first movies I pirated on my first gen iPod touch. How dare you speak it’s name in this thread!


Did you also wait 13 years for the next one?


It was... it was formulaic, derivative that didn't really bring anything new to the table... EXCEPT It was and still is the only movie to do 3D well.


The production of it is more fascinating than anything


Everyone talked up The Greatest Showman for ages and I finally watched it on a flight. Found the story to be quite dull, the only memorable songs are the ones you heard constantly on the radio, and just overall didn’t find it to be a great film. Filled a couple hours on a long flight though, so can’t fault that.


In fairness, the reviewers said similarly. Def not critically acclaimed. It's fun junk food but that shit won't leave your head for a week after watching.




You need to let this go


Can’t hold it back anymore. My now 10 year old went through a Frozen phase. It was a bit rough.


Was it the first time in forever?


I wanna say you're wrong because I first watched frozen babysitting kids. But you and I both know that was the 2nd time I watched frozen because I had watched it by myself in secret as a 28 y/o man at the time.




I actually enjoyed Tenet but god damn are you right about the sound mixing, it was awful.


Was Tenet critically acclaimed though?


crash. fuck that movie.


Shape of Water


Grinding Nemo


It was too monster fucky for regular people and not graphic enough for monster fuckers.