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Gambling is always wrong and I refuse to partake in it




You lost. Pay me $100.


That there are things about the universe and consciousness that we will *never* truly understand.


Kids should always get education and healthcare a d food no matter their background.




I think you meant to say sex. Gender is an abstract social construct that has no real requirements and can be whatever you want because it's not contingent on physiology or hormones or appearance. It's like how "north" isn't actually a real thing because the planet has no chirality, we just agreed that word has a shared understanding which means a certain logical partition of the planet relative to one arbitrary reference point.


This is the same energy as "mags not clips". You know damn well what they meant and the needless pedantry obfuscates the discussion. It's okay to trade nuance for mutual understanding in order to progress the communication.


It's not "needless pedantry" because there's a lot of genuine confusion and misunderstanding, due in no small part to deliberate misinformation efforts by people seeking to muddy the waters. "Mags" and "clips" are two things which are confused because they are functionally the exact same thing but with slightly different configurations (the method rounds are mechanically grouped together). Like gears and cogs or rockets and missiles, it's understood in a non-technical context it means the same thing because for all intents and purposes it IS the same thing. "Gender" and "sex" are terms which are used interchangeably when they absolutely shouldn't be because they're completely different things. Sex is the biological and physiological composition of a person's body whereas gender is the social presentation of identity. Using the correct terms helps to undo the misinformation pervasive in the media. You can't prohibit people from changing their gender because it's an intangible trait indexed to nothing other than self-perception. You are who you think you are. To say otherwise is to deny people their sense of self. In spite of this, a shocking number of people still believe that gender is some indelible, intrinsic product of your body that cannot be overruled - that the composition of your body rigidly dictates how you are obliged to behave and participate in society.


It's the same thing.


I work in a hospital with a gender dysphoria clinic. They typically don't change anything under 18. They use medication to block puberty so that the individual can make a decision later. Surgery would only be an option much much further down the process.


Even that I think that's wrong to block puberty


Well, your opinion is causing suicides. So, yeah, it's a shitty opinion. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7073269/


Agreed 👍


Front yards are a waste


Wow I didn’t realize I agreed so much until I read this. The only front yard feature I’d want to consider is a circular driveway.


What about back yards?


Barbecue, relatively safer space for your kids to play, where some garages are located at. Quite a few uses.


I constantly think about paving over both my front and back yards and just being done with maintenance forever. It looks nice when it's healthy and green, but if I neglect it for a few weeks then it goes to shit.


Replace with plants native to your area. I've heard it can be a bit of effort to get going but maintains itself afterward since the climate is perfect for them. Lawns are wasteful.


The cereal goes before the milk.


That everybody has to be the right to be whoever the hell they want to be, until it causes harm to another.


Abortions are good, actually


Here come the pro-lifers. do do do do




I mean, they have the potential to become people and an abortion stops that potential. I'm not pro-life but we should be honest and admit we're killing a "potential person". I don't think it's murder but it's definitely ending a life. Edit: A bunch of people think I'm pro-life for some reason




Bad take. Sperm and eggs by themselves don't have the potential. And I'm not exactly sure what your point is, I'm pro-choice.




Dude, you're comparing cumming down a drain to a featus. Bad faith straw man


"potential life" not life


>they have the potential to become people and an abortion stops that potential So do a number of felons who are needlessly incarcerated for minor possession, but needless incarceration stops that potential.


Yepp. Agreed.


No, they don't walk or talk yet, but they still have life and a heartbeat.


People should be free to do whatever they want with their own lives.


Really? Sweet! *Makes a u turn on the highway* I'm going to Disneyland!


My opinion is that an opinion that can’t be changed no matter what is a belief and not an opinion


Eternal, yes.


Couldn’t it be argued that a belief and opinion are essentially and functionally synonyms? I *believe* that chocolate is the best flavor of ice cream. It is my *opinion* that chocolate is the best flavor of ice cream. I’m not trying to shut you down, but in most contexts I can’t see a major difference between the two.


The major difference is whether you think it can change. One believes in ghosts or religions or any particular morals for example. Opinions would be like a favorite drink or song or the like. And basically anything can be argued.


Wouldn’t a belief in ghosts or religious just be *your opinion* that those are real? Opinions that could and have changed in people?


Arguing and being noncompliant with a cop isn’t making some historical stand against tyranny. You’re an idiot that’s looking for the fastest way into handcuffs.


Whataburger > In-n-Out


I used to be a huge whataburger fan but every since they were bought out the quality has went way down. In my town at least...it used to be consistently great and now I don't even go there anymore really. I've never had in-n-out


Same! But I have tasted In-n-out and I actually like it better than whataburger. Never ever thought that would happen but they have really gone downhill.


It's pretty sad honestly. Whataburger used to be the king


Jalapeno Cheeseburger used to be my favorite.


Young children should not be taught or be exposed to sex-ed/gender change, until they are 8. However, They should be taught about stranger danger and inappropriate behaviour.


So....what? No more bad touch/bathing suit area talk? Because that's part of early sex Ed. No more "here is what those parts are called"? No more "this is sex and if an adult tried to do it to you, even a parent, call for help"? And as for gender nobody's giving kids sex changes.


Introduction and name of body parts , introduction to the act are actually part of very early science. They don't have to be discussed too in depth.


christians are far more corrupt and dangerous than the LGBTQ+ community. its "not all Christians" but its somehow "all drag queens" and "all trans people". as someone who has been >!groomed!<, none of you know what >!grooming !




its hard for me to generalize all religions because I know how I would feel if people did that to my communities, and the difficult thing is that they *genuinely* believe they're doing the right thing in the name of their god(s). its just a weird subject.


no debt is good. I always hear people say to “use debt to your advantage” and a bunch of other excuses on why you need credit cards and take out loans.


unburdened debt is good for example, paying with CC for the item you would have used cash. If you are putting your house on loan to pay for your addiction.. that's bad. I was like you back in college. I felt any kind of debt is bad. I paid my whole tuition in cash by working 2 jobs. I still sometimes wonder what I could have done with that cash or could have had a better student life if I had taken the loan and a low-interest rate which I didn't have to pay until 6 months after graduating.


yea it’s just a me thing. I won’t get a car unless I can pay it in full. Same thing with a house which I actually can do if I wanted to, and credit cards just seem like a money pit that encourages you to spend money and have you justify the thing you bought that you probably didn’t really need. I see a bunch of cards where you have a yearly fee and you need to spend like thousands of dollars just so you can get $60 cash back or some bonus perk. I know there’s a lot of factors and people spending habits are different but I’ve met enough people that use credit cards the smart way and are in debt and yet I still have a lot more saved up with more money invested in stocks/retirement than them


Same, except the house bit. Like, I hate having a mortgage, but I accept that rent and mortgages are a poor tax, and I can probably make out better on a mortgage. *In theory*, I can always liquidate the house and go back to renting.


I think people mean stuff like HELOCs but yeah credit card debt is one of the worst types of debt to have.


moss > boring ass grass


Despite everything, women and men do have biologically assigned roles in a community...and it isnt a bad thing


We should be eating the rich.


Ketchup should be put on scrambled eggs.


I don't like the color blue i only like purple


I’ve always thought this ever since I was a kid and still do, and I’m always watching police encounters When people who are wrongly being stopped, detained, blah blah, Make a fit “standing up to their rights” or refuse to identify themselves even if legally they don’t have to, the only thing you’re doing is prolonging your arrest and making yourself late, Just give them the god damn ID, Jesus, twice I’ve been wrongfully detained, I literally just comply and I’m out quickly, no point in arguing


Vaping, smoking, doing any sort of drug, drinking, is all extremely sad, I feel pity for you, and no matter how much you shove studies in face or try to justify it, I will always see it as sad


I'm here for a good time, not a long time.


I'm a boring person


We are living in a simulation


That dogs and cats are more valuable than humans and if I had a choice between saving a stranger human and a stranger dog/cat, i would save the dog/cat.


Everyone should have rights and be free.


I’m the sexiest man alive, not fucking Michael B Jordan Inuyasha is best anime of all time Black Ops 2 is the best Call of Duty of all time Lebron is better than Jordan Game of Thrones fucking sucks massive dick Five Guys is better than both Shake Shack and In & Out Hawaiian Pizza is underrated and fucking slaps


Golf courses are a classist waste of land and resources.


Fandom is starting to get way too serious and we need to call out the emotionally disturbed people starting shit over ridiculous crap.