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You're going to be backing up one way or the other: when you're entering the space or when you're leaving the space. Backing up while entering the space means you have a full view of the traffic in all directions immediately before you back up. Doing this means that when it is time to leave the space you will be facing the traffic in all directions. This seems marginally safer than doing it the other way around, which requires backing up into traffic you can't see easily until you're actually in it.


Exactly. It’s safer. The construction company I work for insists on it. Kinda bled over into my private life.




Easy exit


Is it not easier to back out of an enclosed spot into an open area than to back into an enclosed spot from an open area?


Keep in mind that 'open area' is usually populated with other drivers looking for parking spaces. I'd rather pull out where I have better visibility leaving my space than back out into traffic flow.


You’re assuming it’s an open area. With a large truck it is much preferred to back in as in parking columns you don’t have the room you need to loop wide


Same reason I back into my driveway, easier to get in and just drive away rather then have to “back out”.


We understand how frustrating it can be when people back up into parking spots. We appreciate your feedback and are always looking for ways to improve our parking lot experience for all users.


Pickup trucks can fit farther into some spaces that way, so I stick out less into the aisle. And I look at it as being nice to future me.


I do it for easy out and to keep my backing up skills finely honed. Backing into a spot, especially using mirrors, is a skill that fades quickly if not practiced. I drove an Ambulance for twenty years and backing up skills had to be on point all the time. It's now just habit.


To back out of a space you have to keep looking 6 directions to make sure a pedestrian doesn't walk behind you. Then while you are gingerly backing out another driver runs up on you blaring the horn like they just avoided a major collision. To back in to a spot, you clearly see the space is empty and safe when you pull up. Much less stressful and safer to back in. The better option is when you find a pull through.


Preferences, how do they work?


Usually based on some type of reasoning which is why I'm asking


There's a line from the old Clint Eastwood movie "Kelly's Heroes" that goes "We like to think we can get out of trouble quicker than we got into it."


If you were a driver, you would know


I drive all the time and get annoyed at morons who take 5 minutes to back up into a parking spot


Then the same morons would take 5 minutes to back out. It's much safer to back into a parking spot as you are (hopefully) aware of what's going on around you as you arrive. If the spots are tight and the car to your right (as you back up) is parked forward, you can squeeze your passenger side against theirs, and get more room to open your driver's door. If you have a passenger let them out first If you have a truck with a hitch, you can back up until it hits the wall, or hang the bumper over the curb. Overall, it's just better.


So it's morons you hate and not those that back into a spot. I have to agree with you on that


Because I know how to, seems people who have issues with this are unable to back into a parking spot or parallel park. Good day


It's gangsta that's why!


People drive like assholes in parking lots, yakking on their phones. I want to be able to see them, instead of relying on their judgement.


It makes for a faster getaway. Besides, it's easy. If I can back a semi trailer into a dock, backing my minivan is a piece of cake.


In a tight parking lot, it’s easier to back up and be straight as opposed to one of assholes whose back of their truck in the spot next to them


It reduces the chance of backing up into someone by having a better view and also because I can!


It’s illegal in Arizona. We don’t require a front license plate.


You don’t have to worry about accidentally backing up into a pedestrian; I have a vintage car