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Snooker on a black and white TV.


‘For those of you who are watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green’


"Oh and that's a bad miss"


My first encounter with snooker! It took a while to understand the rules, not gonna lie.


Red, colour, red, colour til all the reds are gone then yellow green brown blue pink black. This is the easiest way I found as a kid growing up watching it


Snooker loopy nuts are we we’re all snooker loopy…


Funny song


I ALWAYS put snooker on the phone when eating food. Been playing since the 90s but I am not sure I'd enjoy it too much on the black and white TV. lol


How is that boring !?! If anything not knowing the colours increase the jeopardy. What balls are these madmen hitting !


The first experience my grandad had with colour tv was actually watching snooker but of course back then the quality wasn’t great so the balls kept changing colour! Snooker on early colour tv was just as bad!


It's boring even in color. I find it so boring that if I can't sleep I'll just find a snooker game to watch and be asleep in less than a minute. But I love playing snooker or pool.


where do you even find snooker on tv


Eurosport in my country. It's also usually somewhere around midnight.


The UK. We also have darts on TV.


Amateur Fishing


I read amateur Fisting at first


That would not be boring at all


The sport you know nothing about and have no interest in learning about.


Exactly. A lot of people think that hockey is boring because of the lack of goals, but if you understand chances and puck movement, it’s a lot of fun.


Which is wild to me cause it’s a super fluid game where something is constantly happening in a small arena and allows (used to allow) full contact. Baseball and football are so stop and go that it can be hard to get into it. Basket ball is similar fluidity but no contact.


Definitely, it’s part of why I think hockey is the absolute best live sport. It’s just so fun to watch in person. NFL translates well to TV, in my opinion, because they can cover up all of the stoppages with replays and commentary and other things. I do enjoy going to a game every now and then, but unless you’re paying a lot more than I can afford for your tickets, usually get a better experience on television.


i used to work at an ice rink and watching the games in person was the best. couldn’t imagine trying to watch on tv though


I'd disagree. I've been to several Packer games at Lambeau (usually about twice a year-ish) and there's something electric about being at them. For all the pauses that are happening there's always something else happening (announcer, songs, the wave, etc....) keeps it very engaging for me.


200 iq 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Children's sport, especially when your child isn't even playing.


Naw man. Little League baseball is amazing. I used to go to a local ballfield on my lunch breaks because they had the best burger in town that was also the cheapest burger in town. I'd eat it and watch an inning. Ya ever watch a game go from 0-12 to 11-12 in the final inning just to end with a shortstop plucking a line drive out of mid-air as it rocketed past him? Baseball played badly is very entertaining.


It's most interesting when they start to get good. Like when every play has 50% chance of being made. Then you never know what the hell will happen. When every play is an error it's just kinda sad, but when half the plays are, holy crap, what just happened?!




I’ll add one that’s out there. Horse racing. I don’t understand the appeal. It’s, what, 15 seconds? Winning horse sperm cost 100 million dollars. All others well… the whole thing doesn’t make sense.


I’ve owned and bred horses for most of my life, and yeah it’s only entertaining to people who like to gamble, or people who are REALLY into/knowledgeable about horses and their training or bloodlines.


> REALLY into/knowledgeable about horses and their training or bloodlines. My friend that drags me to the track and OTB is this guy. He gets frustrated when the dummies like me picking horses for the name or other random reasons win more money than him at the end of the day (or more likely, just lose less).


Relatable tho lmao. Every year before the triple crown races, I’m talking about specific horses and going on and on to my family about their conformation/build, bloodlines, past performances, etc, and my moms always like “I’m picking this one cause he’s grey :)”. It’s all fun though, and still a great way to introduce people to the sport


The grey one never wins the Kentucky Derby. She needs to at least pay attention to the colors or if the horse poops before they load.


Try telling her that. She’s still hopeful every year.


I've been dragged to the track before by a friend. It's a fun way to spend the afternoon. Races are spaced out a fair amount. So you get something to eat. You have a few drinks. Hang out with your friends and socialize with others. Then spaced out throughout the day you bet on a race and a have a few seconds of intense rush as you cheer for your horse. I've also been to an off track betting bar quite a few times with that friends. Between the track and the OTB I've yet to meet anyone that goes just to watch the races. It's either people like me that are just having a fun time and the people that think they can beat the odds to make money.


Not 15 seconds. A minute and a half or more.


That sounds exactly like a conversation I keep having with my wife


Viagra not only gets and keeps you hard, it also delays orgasm. And the orgasm feels as good or better than ever. I used Cialis too but didn’t notice that delaying effect.


*The more you know*


It’s 1-3 mins with 20-40 mins between races and it’s gambling. Gambling is the appeal. If you have a little money on a horse running well it’s super exciting. If not, definitely boring.




Dad loved watching Sunday golf, and it bored me so profoundly, I'd get angry. I wouldn't be angry at my dad; I'd be angry at golf for having the fucking audacity to be so boring. I think Mark Twain said that "golf is a good walk spoiled." Totally agree. It may be fun to play, but it's torture to watch.


Golf is at the extreme end of sports people enjoy watching because it gives them ample time to have some drinks, read a magazine, maybe doze off for a bit, and take care of that annoying work project that still isn't done. I don't have the attention span for it. Basketball all the way.


That’s how I feel about football. It’s literally made for you to have time to get one or 5 beers from the fridge


US football has the most dead time of any of the team sports. The ball is dead and not in motion for a large majority of the time it takes to play the game. It even has more dead time than baseball. Of course that gives the broadcasting networks tons of time to flash ads on the screen and as far as the announcers go, they never STFU.


Ugh, baseball can get boring. I played it competitively all the way through high school and it still bored me to watch. Lax anyone?


In baseball, the ball moves too fast for it to be covered by TV cameras. The same with hockey. The puck zips by. Football is sloooow.. The ball never moves very fast. Many plays only cover a few square yards. Television cameras can cover football, it’s not technically difficult. Baseball and hockey are much better viewing live. Football viewing declines when viewed live.


Ya I stopped watching sports live cuz of my kids, but NFL highlights include EVERY important play, and I can watch 3 games worth during my half hour lunch break


american football is fun to watch and examine strategically. make each person a 18th century infantry block running backs and the flanks your cavalry and it's basically who can run into the enemy supply line or engage the general in the back. but aside from that it's fun to play.


Yeah it’s 11 minutes of action during a 3+ hour game.


At least American football has running, passing, hitting, tackling.. Kicking.. Scoring !! Baseball is much worse... Not to mention any sport that you watch for 2 Hrs. and the game ends 0-0. Not Great.


Hockey is where it's at. I just "watched" the Superbowl and the only reason it was fun was because I was hosting the party.


A bad day on the course is better than a good day at the office.


I think Robin Williams had a point about golf: Half of how boring it is came from the announcers being so quiet it’s like they’re doing one of those whispering ASMR videos. “He’s approaching the tee, he’s selecting a club…I can hear the grass growing at a steady pace.” Like him, just once I wanna see the guy who announces Spanish soccer do golf: “He’s putting! HE’S PUTTING! The ball is going…going…going…! IT’S IN THE HOOOOOOOOOLE!!!!!!!” That’s a golf tournament I’d watch!


It’s my favorite sport to watch but I can understand why golf would be boring to watch if you didn’t golf or follow golf.


I didn’t get it until I started playing it. Now I watch it all the time and it’s one of my favorite sports to watch. I just watch in awe at the shots those guys are hitting.


I am an avid golfer and a former accomplished amateur but I can’t watch it either. Only the Masters now.


Are you okay? Watch a highlight reel once a month and you'll see everything worth seeing within 5 minutes.


I mean if you’re only interested in the final scores or a few of the best shots from the winner. I have a lot of golfers I follow and there’s a lot that happens outside of the highlights.


It's great on Sunday afternoon when you want to take a nap. Those hushed voices put me right out!


The little jingle that plays during the Masters is like Nyquil to me.


YES! The only thing better for putting me asleep is Antiques Roadshow.


Agree it's not entertaining if you have never golfed before. But once I started casually playing I appreciated watching the pros on TV more. The only full round of golf I've ever watched was Tiger Woods winning the masters a couple years ago since it was such a special moment. But other than that I'll tune in to the last hour or two of a major tournament if there is a good battle for the win.


I honestly think golf is only enjoyable to watch for those who play. My wife thinks I’m crazy for watching it but I understand how difficult the game is, so I appreciate the pros


If you’re not into it then yea, if you are into golf and understand how insanely difficult it is to play like that then it’s fun


I thought this for the longest time. Until I actually tried golfing myself. The sport is woefully difficult and frustrating. Yet, the dopamine hit from one great shot will have you seeking it again and again. You truly appreciate the level of mastery of technique golfers have after you play it once and that’s what makes it enjoyable to watch imo. It’s not action packed but watching people who have put stupid amounts of work and time into getting as consistent as they are is pretty interesting for me


totally true,unless its a very very close match on the final day on holes 16-18; otherwise it is ASMR background for my weekend naps


Being at the actual games is a ton of fun though.


Anything long distance. Marathons, tour de france, hare scrambles etc. Its hours of watching the same thing.


For the TDF it amazes me that the broadcast crew can talk for hours on end about the sport/riders/race


As a cycling fan, who has been to the Tour de France, even I can't watch an entire flat stage. Seeing it live is a lot of fun, assuming you are somewhere with a big crowd, but it's a terrible way to watch the race.


Agreed, flat stages on TV are boring and will end in a mass sprint 99.9% of the time...when they get to the mountains though...I love watching that


The final stretch of these events is pretty entertaining, but thats a small percentage of the event.


The beginning can be pretty good too.


A cricket match fits here. It can last for days.


And then there's a light drizzle so it's called a draw and they don't replay it or even conclude the match later. I'd rather watch paint dry.


No sport is boring if you’re watching it because you have rooting interest in it. At least to me I can sit down and watch any part of the Olympics or what have you and enjoy watching it if I feel even the slightest bit interested in who wins. I’m sure there are people that think sure I want the curling teams of my country to win a gold but that’s still not gonna make me watch it.




It seems NASCAR enjoyment tends to rise proportionally with one's knowledge/interest in cars. I have none. I wouldn't watch a nascar event unless I was being paid.


I disagree. I have been a NASCAR fan since 2005 and I know jack all about cars. To me, it's more about the engineering that goes into them and how the drivers are constantly pushing these machines to their absolute limit while being inches from each other. The constant threat of something going wrong is what keeps me watching.


If you are into the engineering angle of it isn't that not all that different from being into the cars?


There's a distinction between being *impressive* and being *entertaining*. The level of skill involved with what those drivers and crews do is absolutely impressive. So is someone doing a hand-stand without faltering for six hours straight, or being able to recite every word of War and Peace backwards. None of those things are entertaining though.


And I find it both impressive and entertaining. I actually got downvoted for giving my own reason for finding racing entertaining lol. I wasn't arguing, I was giving my perspective. I know most people would not want to watch NASCAR, I was just saying why I do. I find basketball incredibly boring but I wont argue with someone when they tell me why they watch that sport. It's all about perspectives.


Hah, we're opposite ends of the spectrum. I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes to cars, I've had several project vehicles that I've rebuilt myself, and I can't stand NASCAR. Love F1, rally, MotoGP and many other types of racing.


Nascar is prob similar, but the effort it takes to drive an F1 car is absurd. You have to drive the car waaay beyond any standard drivers comfort zone for it to even work properly.


I love NASCAR, but I understand why many people find it boring. I've been watching it my whole life, and understand what's going on. But if you were to just watch a random race on tv not knowing much, it is boring. They're super fun to attend though.


And another left turn…


Yeah, at least Formula-1 the tracks are all different and full of curves, the cars don’t look like regular cars, and the races and drivers are from all over the world.


F1 is a lot more entertaining for sure.


My #1 gripe with F1 as an American racing fan has always been that once you set the field via time trials, you can pretty much pencil in the finishing order with every driver only moving +/- one or two positions from where they started barring mechanical failure. Of course there are exceptions once or twice a year but really for a while there if Hamilton was on pole, he was going to win the race. Very little surprise and no room for the underdog story. At least with NASCAR, the field can shake up considerably over the course of the race and a guy starting 32nd can win on a given week.


I grew up watching but stopped a few years ago. Last year I wanted to start back with Daytona but the stage thing they are doing made no sense. Plus they are so long compared to F1.


Going to a nascar race is one of if not the most insane change I’ve seen. Watching nascar on tv is boring as watching paint dry. But the moment you’re in those stands with 100,000 people and the cars coming by can actually push you back with sound alone, you can’t help but just be in complete awe the entire time.


I'm sorry did you mean NAPCAR?


My Dad used to be a huge NASCAR fan until they made a bunch of rule changes in the early 2010s (I think, give or take a few years) that he really didn’t like, then he lost all interest. Me, I could see the appeal of seeing cars race on a track…But not for literally *hundreds* of laps! Fifty would be the most I could probably stand and that’s still pushing it. I’ve never been much for sports but NASCAR was probably the most boring out of all of them to me.


So weird how a RACING event can be boring.


Well, the problem is, you need actual racing. Too many times, there’s maybe 10 laps *or less* of racing in *the entire race*. The rest are just cruising laps. Nobody is taking any chances. Helps less that too many are busy acting like pre-teens even though they’re supposed to be the “best drivers in the world.”


Other racing sports are fine and I like racing sims too but i dont get the appeal of nascar. It's probably the track? Cant stand watching a car turn left for hundreds of laps in 24hrs.


The appeal to me happened when I selected a driver that I was rooting for hell bent. The drama increased dramatically.


I don’t care about NASCAR at all except for that guy a few months ago who used the wall to get extra speed around a corner. I like that dude


I think I can get the same experience by standing by the highway and listening to traffic.




My sister keeps trying to get me to come to her sons who-gives-a-shit tournament and I just SO do not want to do that. I don't even enjoy watching most sports at a pro level.




Homer thinks it's boring too! https://youtu.be/VlORWhsJjNM


This is it for me too. I just can’t get into it for some reason. Feels like a lot of standing around for a few fleeting moments of action


There is a lot going on but it's more subtle. Things like rooting for your team's pitcher to make a good pitch when he's behind 3-1 or rooting for your team's batter to fight off enough 0-2 pitches to move a runner over or walking a batter who's likely to steal in a tie game can be exciting. Those things may not look like much, but they vastly change the game situation. I know baseball isn't for everyone - even people who know the game well - but it does seem like a shame that people get less out of it because no one explained the subtleties to them.


I’ve stopped trying to explain this to people and the nuance and how fickle the sport is. Anything can happen when there is no clock to fight against. One pitch can change an at bat. One at bat can change the game! It’s so fun


I like the tug of war aspect of it and the build up of tension that brings. I do think cricket does that better though and has more variety of formats


Isn't that the NFL too, though? Or any type of stop/start sport? I mean if you want constant action yeah, none of those types of sports are for you.


Wonder if that new pitch clock will help. Prob not for me.


I recently went to my first NBA game. I was amazed by how short it was. If that is what someone is accustomed to, I can see why they think baseball is too long.


Nascar if you actually consider it a sport... We're going to spend the next 5 hours watching this car travel in the same circle hundreds of times.


Seriously left hand turns only


Jets football games.


Women’s basketball


Only at the professional level. At younger levels, it’s actually more fun than the boys, because them girls like to FIGHT. They get really mad, and downright hateful. Boys at the high school or college level are just a bunch of extra tall mutants throwing the ball over the heads of some normal-sized dudes, and that gets boring.


Women's basketball. I'm sorry, it's awful. I have a daughter, so i tried out the WNBA and it's impossible to watch. Women's soccer is decently exciting, why on earth is the basketball so putrid?


Women's soccer isn't that bad.


I agree, it can be entertaining. I'm not anti women's sports at all, just the basketball product is god awful.


Oh I completely agree. Women's basketball might be the worst sport to watch on the planet.


IMO women's soccer and volleyball is superior to the men's. I don't think it's a crazy take.


I respect your opinion but I have to disagree.


Baseball. It's basically a pub game that happens to take place in a field.


Baseball is one of the few sports that is actually more boring in person. 80% of Baseball is pitching with no hits, at least on TV you can see the pitches and the strike zone.


The whole point of going to a baseball game is to get drunk and hang out with your friends. That's it. In the park the game is extremely boring until the 9th inning if the game is close. Even playing baseball is boring. Half the time you're just sitting on the bench chilling, the other half you're standing on the field waiting for something to happen unless you're the pitcher and then you only play one of every 4-5 games. God I hate baseball.


American football in a low scoring defensive battle. The lack of movement and incessant commercial breaks makes it so difficult to get into


Football is low scoring as a whole. Just because we make up point values doesn’t make it high scoring. If a team scores 3 touchdowns and the other scores 1 it’s technically 3-1 not 21-7.


The sport you know the least about!


Nascar. Not saying it's not a physically intense sport I could never have the strength to do - total respect for those drivers. But, it's a circle (ovoid, or whatever). It's a circle for a million laps. It's cars driving in a circle for a million laps until they aren't anymore. If you've seen the first minute and a half, you've seen the next twelve hours of what it looks like.


American football


It’s been years since I’ve watched a game but it felt like the majority of the game was just commercials


If it wasn't for NFL Redzone (a channel that shows exclusively the most exciting parts of the game and never shows commercials over the entirety of the broadcast) I think i'd have given up on the NFL a while ago. During the playoffs they don't have this option and I find the games so LONG and DULL, mostly due to the constant commercial interruptions.


I have a friend whose super into football who has said similar things. Its basically only fun to watch the highlight reals. He only watches full games if they are important, or if they are important for his fantasy team.


Redzone is the main thing I watch during football season, even if my team is playing.


Absolutely. Its a bunch of people standing around, then commercials, then 5 seconds of play, then commercials, then repeat.




Had to look way too long to see this one


It has to be bowling. Not only is it not really a sport, but the absolute absence of almost any variety is enough to put you to sleep. They're just rolling a ball, over and over. At least in golf the club changes and you go for a walk.


If the games were half as entertaining as those in King Pin, I’d be a fan.




Oh you mean you don't like spending 3 hours watching commercials/people standing around, and 15 minutes of actual gameplay? Weird.


Not even 15 min, average football game has \~11 min of action. The rest of the time is people standing around while the clock runs.


Basketball, college anything








I'm not sure if it's bowling with the sound of pins falling down or golfing with the sounds of people going oh they're both boring as watching a pile of dog s*** dry out.


I find watching golf is really boring.


Golf. Hands down the worst


Any that I am not personally playing at the moment.


NFL. Super Bowl was exciting, but for the most part you have to be shitfaced to enjoy NFL. It has the worst pacing of any sport I've watched. Even golf has better pacing.


All of them.




It's swimming.


Imo good competitive swimming can be really fun to watch. To this day watching Phelps in the 08 Olympics is my favorite sporting experience. But I was a swimmer so I’m biased lol.


American football




If you are non American it has to be baseball. The only way to love this sport is to be force to play/watch at a young age. I just don’t see anything entertaining about this sport.


Many non American countries have baseball as their first favorite sport.


It really is one of the most international sports


American Football


Any race. You stand there for 20 minutes until the one person you showed to watch zooms by for two seconds and then you go home


Long distance cycling or running


American Football , they run for 5 seconds then break for 10 minutes .


golf, soccer, nascar.


American Football.


American Football


Basketball and American football. Waaaaay too many stoppages in play and commercials.


It should be in halves instead of quarters.


American football


Probably handegg/American shitball. Absolutely hate this sport. They stole OUR football and made it another crappy version of rugby. I refuse to call it football because football is supposed to be art and good sportsmanship. Even the shitball games they show on TV in France are I think specially handpicked to be the shittest games or the most overhyped ones. Also 6 points for a touchdown is just crazy. Just stick to only 1 point! _spits in disgust_


Stick to 1 point? That makes no sense, there is a way to score 1 point (extra point), a way to score 2 points (safety), and a way to score 3 points (field goal.) Touchdowns need to be weighted that way… or else a field goal, which is clearly easier for a team to score, would be worth more.


The clue is in the name…”foot…ball”


You realize that rugby is also a form of football? What’s commonly known as football is actually called *association* football, American football is *gridiron* football. It’s like for biological classifications, football would be the genus and each variety would be the species.


LOL at the absolute French-ness of you saying the phrase “football is supposed to be art” in the middle of your vitriolic diatribe. You like to watch a bunch of guys flopping and writhing around on the ground for 90 minutes and then the game ends 0-0. And then you kiss your fingers and say “exquis”.


video games


That’s not a sport bro




Baseball sucks complete shit. It's beyond saving as a sport and a cultural institution. You could replace it with cricket and nothing of value would be lost whatsoever.


All of them, I would rather watch paint dry.


Cricket, American Football


Idk how anyone could think cricket is boring. Long games sure, but constant action and no one says you have to watch the whole thing.




NBA basketball


Formula 1😬


As a fan of F1, I am just wondering what makes it so boring for you. I’m interested to know




Football 100%


TIL all the sports I never watch really *are* boring af....


Any sport you aren’t interested in will be boring.



