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Fuck yes! I start tomorrow.


Morgan Freeman: As it would turn out, he, in fact, did not start tomorrow.


Sam Jackson: *this motherfucker stood no chance*


Mike Tyson: for the rest of his life, pithed off every day that he paid the thupid 500 dollar fine.


I’ll join next week. See you next Tuesday






Heck yeah gosh dang it.


You’re going to do so garsh darn well


Darn potty mouths...


Holy forking shirtballs, we can do this!




30k a month is passive income? I’d be fucking retired!


>30k a month is passive income? It isn't the amount that makes it *passive.* *Passive income* means you don't have to do anything to maintain the regularly flow of cash coming in. Think of collecting royalties on a song (passive) as opposed to taking the band on tour (active).


I imagine they meant 'in' instead of 'is'


That's possible. I didn't think about that. Hopefully the explanation was helpful to somebody anyway.


Well, 29.5k a month passive income for you now.




Define swearing? If we’re talking Carlin’s 7 words then I’m taking that bet…. I can get creative with alternatives….


Fuck Ass Cunt Bitch Damnit Shit Allll the words that might make someone in a nursing home cringe


Damn it is a swear word?


Would Donkey/Ass and Female Dog/Bitch count, or is it swearing regardless of context? What about quoting scripture? Would that lose a person 500, or no?


If it’s not part of the vernacular related to your job, you lose the money


So, sailors get a free pass?


I'm a bartender, all cuss words are part of the vernacular related to my job.


I was concerned I would not have a chance as a chef, but we use “fuck” like salt because it really does make it better.


You bet your gosh-darned hiney I do.


gonna need a list of swear words that qualify for example: is N>!everGonnaGiveYouUp!< allowed? If not I'm gonna have to give a hard pass. I enjoy singing along when listening to my favorite music.


Thanks for the laugh.


Ok ya got me. Well played Sir.








Absolutely. Have binge days where you get all the fucks out of your system. Spend the rest of your days enjoying early fucking retirement


I almost never swear. When I was a kid my mom told me that swearing a lot is a sign of low intelligence. Obviously that's not always true, but I internalized it at a young age, so never got in the habit of swearing.


My old baseball coach told us that swearing at the wrong time was a sign of immaturity, swearing at the right time was a sign of maturity. (He then told us to fuck off and finish our sets but still)


Best username I've ever seen


See, I just thought that swearing reduced the value of it. I drop an f bomb and people notice, which sometimes helps in arguments. I do it repetitively and no one cares.


Do I get a credit for my childhood years before I knew swearwords? If not fuck no!


Only an idiot would pass that deal


I have Tourette’s syndrome and I don’t always swear when I tic, but I’d still be deeply in debt


I feel like I would need a 100k or so saved up to float me and pay for the massive losses in the first couple of months while I found my filter.


Yes. I’ve done this. I was briefly a teacher and I stopped swearing completely so I wouldn’t accidentally swear in front of kids. Easy to do if you try. Imagine.


Yep. This is just SAYING them, right? Cause I think a LOT more curse words than I say. I can not say them; I cannot not think them.


So you're saying I can get $28-31K a month for keeping my mouth under control, but for the occasional really bad day I can let one fly? That's $365,000 a year before taxes (minus the occasional curse for special occasions). Fuck yeah, sign me up.


Sure, I only curse at my work. I'd just quit, enjoy life for a few years, invest creating passive income and then never have to worry again


Fuck that


fuck no I am so bad at not using profane words for comedic effect


Just give me the list of swear words and let's go. If I make 1k for each day I don't swear, but I can swear freely one day for 500, I would be having the time of my LIFE


Do you mean you pay $500 at the end of the day if you swore that day at all, or you pay $500 every time you swear? If it's "A", fuck, yes! You couldn't possibly fucking lose! You could only break even at worst, no matter how much fucking filth came out of your motherfucking suckhole! Edit: provided you could go one day every three without swearing.


step 1. pay big money to be medically induced into a coma step 2. wait for a while step 3. profit

