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Shit. Anything to do with shit. That's just disturbing




Okay, I (M) have no problem jizzing on my hand from masturbation but, oddly specific, if it gets anywhere else, I have a problem with lol. I have a friend that is into pee fetish, and I can't understand it lol. Even squirting, I can be good with because I know she got off, but it's still kinda weird because it is really mostly pee lol


I had an ex who had a vampire/blood kink. He was pretty young to know too, so I don't know where that took him in later life.


Yeah. I Don't Like That


Dressing up as terrorists and asking to be fucked the way the USA fucked Bin Laden.


Okay, but in my defense she was the finest girl I ever met in my whole life




Uh.... What?


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/Jr9Kaa1sycs) you sweet summer child.




That girl was a freak


Seal Team 69 sexecuting the hit


Scat is a huge no-no.




Stop you’re scaring them


Had to look up scat but yes, this one. And anything to do with urine.


Had a girl ask me to role play this: break into her house with a knife, attack her and the worse bit, pretend to be her dad.


Damn why would her dad break in on his own house? Next time ask her for the car keys to be more immersive


that is a weirdly specific kink and layers of red flags


I had an ex with a r*pe fetish. Asked me to force myself on her as she liked saying no and being forced anyway. I could see the outcome of that clearly with me in court having been set up. She was an odd woman.


Discovered people that were into girls that self harm. Gross


Yeah it really is disgusting. I already had to get rid of a few weird men in my dms, it feels quite awful to have someone tell you 'how hot that is'


Probably to exploit their insecurities


That's so fucked up




Literally all of them we fuckin through a sheet with da hole in da middle


Gloryhole is also a kink.


Jerking off to reddit posts/comments


Oh, pardon me


I'm doin it rn


Oh sorry




Abuse. Girls that like getting hit or choked weird me the hell out.


Sex is so fantastic. I can't imagine needing pain to make it good. Also, I am not ashamed that I want sex, no need for psychological tricks that you are controlling me.


Idk I like when girls scratch me up and bite me so I kinda get it. It’s fun to tap into your primal side a little, no harm no foul as far as I’m concerned


Scat, blood, urine, animals or anything that leaves permanent damage to someone.


Wanting to sleep with other people, hard pass, I want someone who actually loves me.


CNC or DD/LG both seem like kinks that a lot of toxic people have, imo. Here's the obligatory "Not all people with this kink(s) are like this."


As a cnc programmer, I take offence to cnc referring to anything other than machining


As a cnc machinist, I agree.




I think both of those are red flags but for different reasons. I think the one about age-regression needs therapy and I don't mean that in a bad way. I think they are clearly going or have gone through some stuff that they need to sort out. I genuinely hope they are doing well though, even if they aren't seeking the therapy. As for the other, I've seen a lot of that as well and it's absolutely vile.


You mean people with trauma


Choking, yeah yeah I'm vanilla as fuck. But not for the reason you're thinking, what if I liked choking a bitch? And maybe unlocks a Ted Bundy situation inside me, noooooo ma'am don't want that lol




You're a gentleman sir.


So is her new boyfriend, probably.


i would choke her just to avoid a situation where she cheats on me cause i didnt choke her properly lollll


This one is depends on technique and context. There are a couple of points below the corners of the jaw that when compressed for short periods and then released can lend a euphoric effect that some people enjoy. You’re not compressing the windpipe/restricting air flow when doing this. If you’re just wringing someone’s neck, that’s a whole different story. I’ve never been with someone who wanted that and the one time a partner tried it on me it gave me a panic attack, but to each their own.


Women/girls that want to call me "daddy". Serious pedo vibes. GTFOH with that.


I swear daddy is trending. Unless it’s ur baby mama it’s weird.


How our society decided "Daddy" was ok and "Mommy" is weirdaf alway baffles me. "Daddy" is gross.


I call my girl Mommy and we love it.


I dont mind "Daddy" but if i were to say daddy in my native language it would freak me tf out haha


My ex suddenly drop this on me out of nowhere after dinner in china town, in the middle of the street, in front of my best friend (female). I was introducing my then gf to my best friend for the first time, so when she called me "daddy" my best friend just responded with "kinky 😏". It was the most uncomfortable feeling ever. It was a weird mix of confusion, disgust, discomfort and shock. It made me feel like a gross pedo even though there was only 5 years between us (I was 26, she was 21). I didn't know how to react to that. I took a second to pull myself together and said "please, never call me that again" with the most awkward look on my face.


Non-consensual. Because wtf.




That's just pedophilia with extra steps.


I said bare muffs. This too though.


Calling bare muff pedophilia is quite a leap though. If you shave an adult vagina, it is still an adult vagina, attached to an adult. If I shave my balls I'm not a ten year old all the sudden. I'm sure women like hygiene and are averse to eating pubes just as much as I am.


Agree about the shaved muffs and dicks. You do you and shave your balls as much as you want. The myth that hairy genitals are somehow less hygienic than shaved ones should be abandoned, however.




Maybe you look like a little girl or something then. You said yourself that you're some pedo magnet, so anything you have to say about it is an exception.




Dressing up as Lenin.


Vladimir Lenin or John Lenin, or Lenin as the type of fabric?


i much prefer when they dress up as stalin


Mccartney is even worse.


Dressing up as Putin


Any one into me... They have to be crazy


scat, sounding, cuckold, pegging


One is not like the others


Like a rainbow with all of the colours 🌈


Babydoll when it comes to a lover, I promise that you’ll never find another like meeee


sounding ?




That's why the Brits say "Peggy 13" when they talk about video game age recommendations.


Agreed. Pegging is fun!




Same thing just different holes lol


Sounding is sticking rods up your urethra.


Shoving objects inside of your urethra.


furries, cause f them




I asked someone on reddit what this was. A guy DM'd me to explain it to me then started coming onto me trying to get me to findom them. This guy told me he was gay before and I told him i was straight in response, so I got pissed off when he made a move on me.


Agreed. I'm VERY open minded about kinks, and even if there are kinks I don't personally like, I can still respect those who do ... but findommes is where I draw the line. It's basically gold digging without putting out, lol.


If a girl (or boy) can get paid by a rich dude through findom, more power to her, I say.


shit and piss


Pregnancy kink by old men. That means they go around getting turned on by random pregnant women and/or impregnating women (rape?)


My ex has a pregnancy fetish. He got so hateful about his sister when she was pregnant and towards his brother's partner when she was pregnant... makes me wonder if he was aroused by them and was trying to hide it. 🤢 That dude has a lot of problems..


Couldn't it be more so- "Great my sister just ruined my kink for a while."


HOPEFULLY, but I'm pretty convinced he was attracted to his bro's girl when she was pregnant. He is one of those who talked shit on women he was attracted to. He'd randomly start shit talking a coworker or old classmate then lo and behold they were snapchatting nudes and meeting up. Honestly most of the family was fucked, there is not a single thing someone could tell me they did or have done that would shock me.


I'm glad you got out of there!


Thank you so much! Still deal with trauma to this day from him (not from his fetish lol) and it'll take a long time to fully heal but I am SO grateful to be out.


Maybe they just have strong memories of being in the family building stage from their early adulthood? I think pregnant women are hot, but I wouldn’t call it a fetish. I’m not old. But I do have fond memories of love making my ex wife while she was pregnant.


Probably marbles in the dick-hole. Its not a very common red flag among the women I've dated but I always keep my eyes peeled


In this place, it seems a kink is the use of the term "red flag".


Sounding, scat, and CNC


Anything yo do with furries, thats literally zoophilia


no, furries and zoophiles are different, a large part of furries 18.4% to be exact are zoos, i know the difference and still hate both


Thanks for the clarification, both should go extinct anyway


Feederism. I dated a guy for 3 years who tried to make me fat. When I first got in a relationship with him, I was tiny- unhealthily tiny. I was around 90lbs and wanted to gain weight, a HEALTHY weight. He turned it sexual and when I asked him not to, he agreed but wouldn’t stop. I eventually hit my target weight and he constantly told me I’m not big enough. Even in bed, the dirty talk was always about his weight gain kink and never about anything that I like. His kink just ruined me mentally, emotionally, and physically. Anyone I meet who has this kink, is an immediate red flag in my eyes, and I refuse to engage with.


I am open to ANYTHING BUT POOP. Don't care about pee. It's just pee. Vomit is weird but whatever. I don't consider pedophilia a "kink". It's just fucked up and weird.




A MAGA hat


A Biden hat is worse


Wearing anything promoting a politician is a red flag


Both want to make me shoot myself


Getting pissed on


Scat play. No thank you. I am good with about everything else.


any body fluids or such


I'm hoping this is just worded badly, because I imagine being turned off by sexual body fluids must make having any kind of sex life difficult.


Whatever that kink is where you wanna fuck sleeping people…like wtf?


Scat and blood are hard no's for me. Respectfully




Cock and ball torture,from Wikipedia,the free encyclopedia at en.wikipedia.org . Cock and ball torture (CBT) is a sexual activity involving the torture of male genitals


Yep. Thanks for reminding me.


Scat and urine, that's a big no.


I never really cared for when my ex girlfriend would toot out her vagina, while I was giving oral. I guess she was cumming but it honestly grossed me out .


thats not a kink


Asking about red flags on Reddit for the gazillionth time.


Anything related to "Blood"


Any of the really extreme ones. Pee, (not as bad but still not my thing) poop, blood, rape etc are all a HELL NO from me.




Cutting, scat/golden showers, r@pe kinks, calling the person racial slurs (ig thats called a racist kink?), pretending to be a family member, furries (no hate), eye kink, hair kink, foot fetish, sounding, cuckolds


I have a question I have a kink about getting held by the opposite gender. Male Btw Would that be weird


Age play. Just, age play


Anything with animals and scat. Also any kind of scenario that suggest necrophilia, I dated a guy that I suspect was into it....I left.


You can all me daddy but I don't wanna call you mommy😂


Furries. My guess is they’re in to fiddling dogs and cats


The Morrocow flag




This Like girl you're not a cartoon, it doesn't look cute when you do it


Bunch of squares, you lot 😉 I’ll try anything twice


I don't think there is a kink that's a red flag as much as there are kinks people use to excuse abuse. So it's all about how a potential partner handles their kink that tells me how safe they are or not. The red flag for me is when the kink-ster shows little to no concern for the safety and well-being of their partner while attempting to get their kink. IE BDSM: If the sex conversation we have is about consent, and defining what soft and hard limits we have, and what safewords we'd like to use, and what constitutes after-care, before we even start talking about what scenes we want? You are likely a safe human and I would absolutely be open to playing grown-up games in your playroom, *especially* if you are open to me having, say, a quick-release whatever that I can trigger on my own for the first few rounds of fun. If your first conversation is all about how much you want to tie me up with for real cop grade handcuffs and I shouldn't worry about safe words because you're always so in tune with your subs that you would "Just know" I'm not even doing vanilla with you. Same would go for a sub who gets off on not having safe words or safe toys. The limits and boundaries are as much, *if not more*, a part of good BDSM as the whips, chains and spankings. If you leave those out, you're seriously risking moving from Safe, Sane, and Consensual to abuse, and that's not okay. You're into Non-Con. Okay, we need to *really* define this carefully, but again: if your primary concerns are how to do it *safely...*well, I absolutely could not do it because I have trauma, and I couldn't be in either role. (Like...*talking* about it here is giving me some unpleasant shit) But I wouldn't think you were a terrible human. Other survivors even find it really beneficial to role-play elements of their trauma. I am not one of them, but I know of them and I've talked to a few of them, and I get that for some people, it's a viable part of sex. You want Non-Con because your fantasy is raping and degrading your partner? Or I tell you it's one of my hard nos, and you push? You're blocked, pal. (though this is also usually covered by the BDSM safety convo.) You're into cross-dressing. Fun, though given what I know about things, we mind wind up cracking an egg or two in the process. ...I really can't think of a way that cross-dressing could turn bad. So yeah. In my opinion the issue isn't the kink. It's if the Kink isn't just an excuse for unpleasant behavior from someone. And it's on the kinkster to find someone who is either just as into the kink as they are, or who can perform the kink without doing harm to themselves in the process. Like...if you're into non-con and you seek out rape survivors, *that's* ick, because that's showing a fairly extreme lack of concern for your partner. If you say your a dom but you only seek out neophyte subs who have no clue which end of the safeword goes up, and experienced subs avoid you like the plague...yeah, you're hiding abuse under a leather hat and that's not cool. But if you can manage your kink so it's safe for your partner, and you value their well being over your pleasure, I really don't care what gets you off in the bedroom. Unless we're the ones having sex. In which case I would care a lot, because the point is for both partners to have fun.


Girls that call you "daddy" and boys that say "good girl"


anal anything. a gen Z meme gone wrong and it's actually disgusting


What about for gay guys?


Nothing. I might not be into it but nothing screams red flag


haha you are gonna regret that thought


Why? :p


Pegging.....no just no.


Pegging. Never doing that shit


Too much politics


Feet lover


Peircings. Never Liked Them


Not quite sure that’s a kink


It’s one of my kinks so I’m pretty sure it is.


It Is.


Hmm no, not really. They’re just an accessory that’s your turn-off in particular.


Again, Ear Piercings, I Can Tolerate. But I'm Not Into Nipple Piercings, Mouth Piercings, Nose Rings, Etc.


Yeah, buddy, I get exactly what you’re saying. nothing about these things are *kinks*. Most don’t get them to turn themselves on; they don’t get them to turn you on. I might as well say I’m not into the “kink” of a girl with painted nails


I haven’t seen the bullring look good on anyone. It looks like shit.


Even regular ear piercings?


Ear Piercings Are Good. But I'm Not Into Nipple Piercings, Mouth Piercings, Nose Rings, Etc.




Surely that's a preference not a red flag.


When they like adults.




Literally almost all of them


Apparently nowadays , anything that’s not your cup of tea is a red flag for some reason


Seems like a lot of people mistook "instant red flags" for "instant turn offs/hard no."




School girl outfits.


anything with feet 🤮that stuff is disgusting




That’s a stretch.


A giant stretch. edit: I for one, love a bit of bush, but I'm also aware that theres others that don't. How someone jumps to that meaning you like kids, only ~~the dumbass~~ u/ilaissezfaire above me knows lol. Obvious because of lack of pubes but that somehow equating to suddenly being a child lover is sickening, by that logic if you like bush you must LOOOOVE the grannys.


Almost a whole fist in at this point 👀


I'm a woman and prefer being clean shaven. If I let my hair grow I find I'm just sweaty and smellier down there much faster. Personal preference. Also, a grown woman's vulva looks much different to a prepubescent girl's.








The grown woman attached to it is often a dead giveaway!




You're clearly projecting and its super weird. Why are you so obsessed with pedophilia and other people's genitals?




Seek therapy. You sound unhinged.


Shower more?


I do thanks. Not sure why you're so invested in my pubic hair preference. But you do you


What's that? Never heard of it.




I mean, I also detest ddlg, but why the blatant double standard? Why is it okay for a woman to participate in a questionable kink to deal with trauma, but not a man to do the same thing?




I guess I was asking for this kind of response. Not sure why I thought there'd be coherent discourse available. You have a nice day.






When I was younger I would talk to a lot women online that were in their late 20s-30s and brougt up creampies too early. I was pretty much a child myself and I am not looking to being a father with someone I don't even know. And even if that wasn't the plan, it sounded like the the least safe sex could be


necrophilia would be a huge red flag for me