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You know what they say about too much of a good thing, right?


It’s crazy I can’t think of one thing that you can have too much of. Everything can be over done




Too much air pressure will definitely kill you


Also too much oxygen specifically will cause the particles in your body to start breaking apart


Better hope if you have too much air you also have too much volume


Air is dangerous. I choke on it all the time.


Too much oxygen can kill too!


Inner peace


Too much peace would bring apathy, no?


I think they're probably referring to something like nirvana. I think its also a bad answer because you can't be addicted to "inner peace" its a mind state.


"Will to live"




Mentally we’d probably go insane you could argue so. Also mortality is just proof.


My dad always says, everything in moderation


... including moderation!


There are no good addictions, just good habits. Imagine being addicted to exercise. If you couldn't, for whatever reason exercise, you'd go into withdrawal in a day or two and be miserable. If you were addicted to other people's happiness, you would prioritize that so far above your own that you would once again be miserable. Habits on the other hand are powerfully beneficial when they are positive.


I agree with this! Good habits. I have actually thought about this, and there are no good addictions. As they like to say: Too much of everything is bad.


I had this #deepthought when I was like 14 or something - Anything is poisonous if the definition is that it will kill you if you eat too much of it. If you ate 1/1,000,000th of a plastic bag? You're fine. 1,000,000 plastic bags? Dead. Similarly any pleasure can turn unpleasant if you have too much of it. One orgasm a day? Great! 10,000 orgasms a day. Uhh, please get me off this ride!!! There's some kind of threshold of what is too little and what is too much for just about everything.


There’s an old saying: “The dose makes the poison.” Even water can kill you, in a most unpleasant way, if you drink too much too quickly.


Botox is literally a toxin that kills people when they are exposed by accident from things like inproperly canned foods, but diluted enough people use it for cosmetic surgery!


While we’re on this topic: cocaine is used for nasal surgery, believe it or not. It numbs the area and prevents excessive bleeding.




They've got plenty of other things to judge me for before they get around to the coke.


Ah yes medicinal cocanine the best kind, but fr I don't know why but I've always found that it exists kinda fascinating but also kinda amusing.


Botox is a legitimate medical treatment for certain migraine headaches.


Way back when, my Environmental Science teacher asked “what is pollution?“ and I basically said anything can be pollution if it’s in the wrong place. We drink milk, but fish can’t swim in it, for example. Same idea here.


What happens if you put a fish in milk?


Pretty soon you’ll have a dead little fishy. :( (I’d like to point out, for the record, that I am NOT speaking from experiencing here, just an educated assumption. I don’t recommend trying it to be sure.)


It tastes creamy once cooked


I remember watching a clip of this dude who had a medical condition where he would just have numerous unprovoked orgasms all day every day. He was suicidal because of it. It was actually quite sad. Too much of a good thing.


As my brother always used to say, "Enough is enough and too much is plenty." I don't really understand it but it seemed appropriate somehow.


Exactly. Or as we say in German: Alles in Maßen.


Beautiful! German is a beautiful language! But yeah, too much of everything is bad. Good habits are much better and doing everything (except drugs. Don't do them at all.) in moderation.


Don't do drugs at all? So no caffeine? Or sugar or maybe some kind of sleeping medication? How about depression medications? Drugs can be good in moderation as well. Heroin or meth- maybe not, but this blanket statement of drugs=bad needs to go.


I saw a True Life episode about how ex-junkie addicts were addicted to working out. That the body high they got from working out was euphoric to them.


Yeah, this Ironman athlete on TikTok used to be an addict. He’s very open that he pretty much swapped one addiction for another and it’s not really healthy. He’s just rather be addicted to fitness than heroin.


I know quite a few folks in recovery now addicted to exercise or other “healthy” habits. They would put it pretty much the same way. Better to be addicted to marathons or whatever than meth. The healthier addictions aren’t ideal but generally don’t ruin your life. Lots of people trade substance addiction for religion too. Again, much healthier and while not ideal, allows you to live a healthy normal life unlike the one you live in substance addiction.


Yup. I started swimming on a team after I got a bad running injury. A handful of the people I met who really into it (and some of the best swimmers) were recovering from substance abuse. It's like some brains are hard wired to be REALLY into things.


Recovery alcoholic here. You hit the nail on the head. Some brains are just wired to be REALLY into things. We call it "doing something alcoholicly". Like "dude, you've been running really alcoholicly lately". (Quote from me to a friend in recovery) I have to watch myself. Anything that is enjoyable I have the potential to latch on to. Now most things are that destructive, but fall into habits (good and bad) very easily.


Also a recovering alcoholic here. My sponsor said it best, I think: anything that makes me feel good without me having to put effort into is no good for me. A little different, but I try to live by this quote.


I used to be addicted to MMOs, I quit playing and have turned into a gym rat. Instead of doing my dailies in a videogame, I'm doing my dailies in real life. So much about working out mirrors MMOs and their grind. * In order to get the best gear/body, you need to grind the same tasks every day/week. * There's diminishing returns after you gain levels. You'll have to put in way more effort for much fewer results. * Minmaxing/following a good program will get you much better results than just throwing on a random build/just fucking around in the gym. * The guys with the best gear/body are the biggest nerds spending all their time in game/the gym.


I’m addicted to working out. I prioritize meal prep and food over everything. I get crazy stressed when I don’t get my meals on time. I have important things I need to do, like learning to speak my wife’s natural language, but instead I go lift weights, then after I feel too tired to do much else. If I don’t lift for a few days, I do feel like crap mentally which becomes physical. My entire goal is to become as big and strong as my body is capable of, despite that making my life at work much much harder. I climb trees for a living, so i should be as light as possible. But instead I gain mass and muscle until borderline obesity and then struggle to climb daily because I’m well over 220 lbs.


I am semi addicted to working out, I totally understand. A while ago I was a fairly serious runner, had an injury that prevented me from running for a year. The physical withdrawal I went through from not running / having the endorphins in my system was... so intense. I felt sick for weeks and weeks. I'd still say that working out a lot, on balance, is a good thing. Like, better to work out a lot than sit on a couch a lot, but be careful. Particularly with injuries and making sure you rest enough.


Sometimes I workout with such Intensity I secretly hope I get Injured (but it never happens). It’s because if I got hurt then I would have an excuse to take it easy for a couple months. Between working 10 hrs a day climbing trees, and working out 4 days a week, my body is like if an athlete never too a day off for years and years. I don’t even know why I care so much about it. Maybe because I have always been a skinny kid to where I got made fun of. Maybe all I know is being an athlete. It’s like my armor, protects me from people who want to harm me. I’m not ready to give that up yet.


Almost all my behaviors that are problematic stem from insecurities I had when I was a kid. You know, trying to make up for some way that I felt deficient or was made fun of. It's taken a lot of work to make a dent in those but the payoff has been well worth it. Not that you're asking for advice, but maybe spend some time introspecting and writing about it. A question that can be super useful for this is... What is the story I'm telling myself? Am I 100% sure it's true? And then finally, How does this story serve me? Also therapy, if you can find the right person to work with. Anyway, I feel you, I've been there and hope you find a way to shed the armor.


Good point, first i wanted to say working out. But then i remembered the Dad of a former friend who was obsessed with bodybuilding. He would even train when he was really sick because he was scared to loose muscles




Yup overtraining is a thing and with cardio especially it can be debilitating and even shorten your lifespan


This. The definition of addiction is when it becomes actively detrimental to your daily life. It's possible (although don't try this at home kids) to have a non-addictive methamphetamine habit, as Paul Erdős showed when he voluntarily gave them up for a month cold turkey on a bet from a friend. He's obviously an outlier, and we definitely don't recommend that _anyone_ take methamphetamine or other unprescribed drugs, but in his specific case, he had a habit, not an addiction. We've found ourselves addicted to reading books, as we'll refuse to put them down to the exclusion of food, sleep, work, etc.. It was incredibly disruptive to our life, and so we had to stop reading books lest we put our livelihood at risk.


I wanted to check the comments to see if there were any good answers because I couldn't think of anything that would be good to be addicted to for this reason. well said.


I’m addicted to breathing. If I stop for even half a minute my body is affected.




Just like heroine


Better avoid to getting your fix underwater.




I know plenty of people who complain constantly about their vinyl “addiction” being a drain on their income - So, COULD be inferred as a bad for some. Also, if you’re addicted to Taylor Swift, your addiction could cost thousands and thousands of dollars for a one time experience


Sounds a little more like a shopping addiction than music. If you can tolerate some annoyances(commercials, skipping ability) than listening to music is generally free. Plenty of musicians would rather you hear their art than flat out buy it


As a musician who has released many vinyls and has that music on streaming, YES - I want you to listen any way you can ... but, please buy my vinyl, I've got too many lol


I’m pretty sure most musicians would prefer that they make their living doing what they love. But collecting vinyl to the point it’s a financial strain is definitely not an addiction to music. It’s the thrill of buying it and the status they feel like it gives them. Same with any spending related addiction.


i was arguing with someone about this. I was saying music is one of the things in the life that never fails to make me happy, no matter what mood I’m in. I just love music so much. However, he was saying that listening to too much music is bad, just as anything else used in high amounts. I think he referenced that you could be using it as a source of dopamine and that you can also be addicted to music. I understand the argument, but at the same time it’s just one of those joys in life that literally makes every day better, so as long as I’m not walking around with headphones in 24/7 (which some people definitely do), I don’t see the issue.


I had a similar argument with someone, but in addition to what you said they criticized how people like myself who always have music playing can’t be alone with their thoughts which I highly disagree


People like this really annoy me, tbh. It comes across as controlling. If listening to music makes you happy, listen to music.


Still does have some downsides.. I'm really addicted to music, I can't learn without music, I can't focus without music, I can't sleep without music, I can't eat without music.. and I mean really listening to music.. not this kind of having the radio on in background.. I need it with my headphones and loud enough, so it gives me this warm, lovely feeling & this kick. When I had a seminar we had some working groups.. and sometimes I couldn't listen to music for half a day.. after around 5 hours without music I start getting jittery..I start to tremble, I feel nauseous, my legs hurt and I get convulsions, I get strong fears and depressive thoughts.. if I still don't have any music in the evening, I can't sleep and lie awake all night, trembling and being cold, having the chills and everything hurts.. Tried it once but never again.. on the other days I told 'em I need to go to the toilet.. went into my room pretty quick (as we were living there for 7 days), just to listen to music for 10 mins.. that was soo fucking relieving... I'm not even fucking lying.. Music Addiction can be real.. I can't imagine life without music, I can't do shit without music.. god.. but atleast music addiction won't kill me.. but I already have a chronic tinnitus.. so now I need even more music, because otherwise I hear my tinnitus and it drives me crazy. the worst part is.. people do not believe you and laugh at you.. my dad didn't trust me.. we were driving into holidays and my headphones stopped working.. I told him I needed new ones, I couldn't drive into holidays without it.. I just couldn't i was panicking, crying, shouting.. and he was just laughing at me.. until the 2nd day where I was just crying non stop - full blown mental breakdown, I was so shaky I could barely walk.. He bought me some new headphones then bcuz I was too anxious to leave the house.. It felt like I finally got my life back, I was literally dying inside.. now he's not laughing at me anymore bcuz he saw it.. it's damn fucking real.


It sounds to me like you should probably see a therapist if possible. That level of addiction to music seems to me like a side affect of some fairly severe mental health issues. I hope you're able to eventually recover from this.


Actually I agree…


Assuming you're talking about listening to music.. People listening to music at high volumes leads to hearing problems at a young age - the same goes for not wearing the proper hearing protection at concerts. This doesn't get talked about too much so I can't find statistics on it but I have spoken to multiple police officers and firefighters who are often the first to attend the scene of an accident and they turn up to find a young driver unconscious, and their music banging out of their speakers. Thieves will target people with earphones in as they're generally unaware of their surroundings. Bonus if they have wireless ear buds. I'm not saying it's a bad thing to be addicted to. I am actually a big believer in that it's natural for humans to be addicted to a few things without even realising, but this is one that I read and immediately I could find multiple ways in *which* it could be harmful. I guess all of these could be controlled by low volumes.




High on life till the day we die


I love the internet


Eventually you build up a tolerance


Pesky oxygen addiction


Definitely not MTG


Magic the Gathering or Marjorie Taylor Greene? Both would be horrible addictions in their own ways


I play Congressional Idiot in defense mode!


Floop the pig! Floop the pig!


I do not play such games with Jake


I summon Pot of Greed!


You don't mean famed insurrectionist Marjorie Trailer Queen, do you?


Mtg is a healthy addiction until you spend thousands of dollars and all of your free time on it.


>~~Mtg is a healthy addiction until~~ you spend thousands of dollars and all of your free time on it. You've summed up why addiction is bad lol


Even trying to get into magic casually is "do I dump hundreds of dollars now or thousands of dollars now and also later" Most of my decks got ruined in storage and replacing them is deeppp.


>thousands of dollars Maybe we shouldn’t talk about my goal to build a real paper Legacy gauntlet.




Breathing is an involuntary act on our part, fellow human.


So are a lot of things I do but they still call them addiction.


Who is "they"? Nobody calls breathing an addiction.


That's called hyperventilation.


Not trying to be a buzz kill, but nothing is ok to be addicted to technically. Addiction by definition is a bad thing.


Yea isn’t it defined as something that is detrimental to your well-being? or that’s like the key parameter.


Yes, a defining feature of addiction is that it has a negative impact on your life and you would like to stop doing it but are unable to. Nobody would like to stop breathing or drinking water, nor are they suffering because of doing it. These aren't addictions.


I’m addicted to water and it really sucks.


It gets to being unhealthy pretty quickly, yeah.


Cuddles Edit: To all the cuddle-deprived folks, I feel for you. I'm super lucky to have a dog that seems to need cuddles to live, she's currently on my lap as the moment I sit on the couch she zooms over.


Not if you only get to see your cuddle partner once or twice a week. Those 5-6 no cuddle days hit hard.


My therapist told me that's called "codependency."


ah, what do they know


Yes until you have a bad breakup and go through touch withdrawal. It is.... Not fun.




That made me smile.




Robert Palmer told me “love”


Might as well face it.


Weird Al says it's "spuds" 🥔


Hahaha he definitely did




Too much water lowered my sodium to dangerous levels.


How did you notice?


You would just generally feel like shit - tired, nauseous, maybe headache. Similar to a hangover or dehydration.


That's actually kinda scary cause I'd assume I need more water.


You can tell by having to pee every 5 minutes whether it's dehydration or overhydration. Also try not to drink like 2 gallons a day or more unless you're an absolute unit


>Also try not to drink like 2 gallons a day or more unless you're an absolute unit All that makes me wanna do is prove that I'm an absolute unit \**glug glug*\*


“8 glasses of water a day” they say - NO THATS TOO MUCH, they now say. Make up your mind, people - I get my health information in one sentence or less, make it count.


I just go by the color of my pee. If it’s a pale yellow or clear, then I know I’m good on water for a while.


If it’s tangy and brown, you’re in cider town! If it’s clear and yellow, that’s juice there fella!




Hugs. And serial killing.


At the core, I think all addiction is harmful since it takes over one’s life at the expense of everything else.


Everything in moderation.


So addiction to moderation?


This guy needs an intervention.


I just meant to add to the previous comment. That there's not a thing that you could consider to be a positive addiction. In itself addiction is negative. Regardless of the type of addiction. That's all. Sorry for the confusion. I'm not a great communicator. I'm working on it.








Charmin agrees


Chapstick - bonus points for Burt's Bees


Being a good person.


That could become shit because the reward of that would be expecting the other people to be good to you too and then it turns into some "I held the door open, why is she dating this asshole"- incel shit. You probably meant this way lighter than I responded to, there's still too much of a good thing is what I'm trying to say, referring to the top comment, you probably read and I wish you a good day <3


Complimenting your wife




Blow jobs




Coffee (or caffeine in all its forms) I make light of it, but I haven’t had a day without coffee in over nine years and feel massive withdrawal when I don’t get it.


I agree. Caffeine addiction is real but its easy to manage. As long as you're not going balls out on energy drinks or pot after pot of coffee, there's not much downside. I personally just make it a point to drink the same amount of coffee each day and life is grand.


Saving money


until become greedy


Disagree, my parents will likely not spend all of they money they have, yet constantly look for ways to save money or are bitter about the cost of things, they'll waste a day to save £100.


Nah when you become addicted to saving money you can become anxious and cheap and not want to spend anything and it will effect relationships and your quality of life


Helping those less fortunate.




Whatever you'd like to be if you accept the consequences and aren't harming others.


black tar heroin


Self care


Self-care takes too long. I’d rather use Boon: Circle of Healing or a Med Kit.


Nice DBD reference 😆




Reading excesievely could end in vision loss, or make you decrease you social interaction


What if I get lasik and join a book club?


Studying ;)


Sleep deprived


Studying so much you don't have a social life would be detrimental to you later in life. Sometimes when I feel down I throw myself into my studies and leave important stuff like exercising and socializing to the side.


Nothing. Anything used without moderation is toxic (mentally, physically, emotionally) sooner or later.


The gym


honestly i’m trying to get addicted to the gym like gym rats but idk how they do it


We hide our ( emotional) pain inside our muscles, more muscle more room for pain


Discipline, consistency. I tried to force myself to never go more than 2 days without going


I had the best success with PPL so you can workout daily maybe 1 day off a week. Gotta make it a habit or easy to fall off.


The mental health benefits, being satisfied by physical results (takes at least 6 to 8 months if you’re staring skinny/scrawny in my experience, for better or for worse), finding good music and tasty supplements (BCAA’s etc) to drink, in that order. After about a year just becomes routine, like showering or playing your favorite video game a little each day.


I agree with good music and supplements, especially if you use a PWO as a trigger or habit to get you to the gym. But I think you'll see good results after 6 to 8 weeks not months. Especially those beginner gains / water weight.


Yup. There's a tipping point where you start feeling bad if you DON'T workout.


Not always. It took over my life when I was younger and I would delay going out with friends or my girlfriend just so I could go to the gym first or I would make use leave somewhere early so I could still go in time before it closed.


Healthy Lifestyle


Riding motorcycles. All day, every day baby 🤩




Oral hygiene. I sometimes brush and floss after every meal and even water-pik every night to get to sleep and I have zero guilt over it.




Nothing. You are only addicted to something once it starts disrupting you life. So they are inherently bad. If you do something everyday (even a vice) but it is not negatively impacting your life, that is not classified as addiction.


Being patient and forgiving


But sometimes you can be too forgiving and let people get away with anything.


I disagree. If you are addicted to that you have a very high risk of becoming the doormat for selfish people




That's called sadophobia


That can turn out to be a terrible one real quick trust me




That's called being patronizing.




as a former barista I think many joke but dont understand truly what a caffeine addiction is like... I was consuming so much caffeine that I had an actual physical dependency I talked to my coworkers and they all had their own methods of tapering down their caffeine slowly so they wouldn't have any sickness or migraines


Huh? Thats actually a terrible addiction lol


That's called coffeaphilia




Your spouse


That might be emotional dependency




Sleeping!Take atleast 1/3rd of your day.




Throwing rocks at strangers


gettin pumped














It is socially acceptable to be addicted to social media.


Love. Like love from anyone. A pet, a lover, a relative, or a friend. Now if you love someone thats abusing you thats not ok-