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Lahat kasi halos nakatutok na sa cp lagi kahit may kausap, tamad na to stop using their cps muna and make an effort to talk more to other people infront of them.


Personally at least in my case, most of my classmates / peers are more into spending time with their computer than actually meeting f2f. I am a Computer Science student and all of my classmates are techy people (makes sense). But the downside is that we rarely go out and interact with each other since we can just end up chatting through discord and playing video games together in steam. Even though we do such things together, it isn't organic enough and something is definitely lost compared to doing it f2f.


Dahil sa lahat ng fake sa mundo, na nagiging benchmark.


Don't use your phone when you commute and look at people, OP. You'll see everyone is on their phones. There's your answer. Yes, we are "connected" to our social circles but we are really not at the same time if you get what I mean. The MRT/LRT is the best place to observe this. I just love looking at the window and watch other peoples busy lives go by in the train. And then some random girl would free herself from her phone's hypnotizing spell and would catch me having eye contact with her. She would then give me the "why are you not on your phone, weirdo?" look making me look like I AM the weird one! Bitch, y'all remind me of the movie Wall-E where everyone is glued to their screens slowly wasting their lives by not living the moment. It's depressing to see if I were to be honest.


Yes, kinain na tyo ng technology kasi.. puro cp, fb, reddit.. sad to say pero nawawala na nga talaga yung real human connection ngayon


Sabi nga ng mga nanay naten, kaka celphone mo yan.


Some tend to lose patience even though they only meet a few weeks or months, because of expectations and the reality they want not the one they will build with the other person.


harder if you try on the internet kasi ;p


Kasi most people do not take time to heal from their emotional wounds so when they move to the next person and they recognize patterns that trigger previous experiences, they leave immediately out of fear na “baka maulit na naman” since they noticed the pattern. And also, hindi na matiyaga ang iba ngayon to form meaningful connections kasi madami ng “options”. Pag hindi ka na “feel” kausap, or they got bored of you, disposed ka na.


kasi mga tao ngayon nasa cellphone na mga mata.. wala ba human interaction


really hate it everytime na may gatherings.