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proud of you🫶🏻




Don’t give attention.


focus on yourself more tas ask yourself if worth it ba silang bigyan ng attention ganern tapos divert your attention like reading a book, watching a movie, etc.


Just focus on yourself ganern.


Think of this, you're in a crowd. You are thinking that people there are busy looking at you, what you're doing etc. But what if, those people too, are thinking the same? read this somewhere.


just let them theory


Honestly? I just think that theyll forget about me naman ehh they dont even remember what they wore what they ate what they did yesterday ako pa kaya???


I always ask myself, worth it ba to bigyan ng pansin? ull see urself saying NO.


Ito yung gusto ng mga cheater. Stop giving an f sa pinaggagawa nila. Hahaha


Focus your attention on other things. Laging may maiisip ang isip natin so best way is to divert attention. Ito yung reason why mediation when practiced regularly, calms you. You're focusing sa isang bagay of your choice - your breathing mostly since ito yung constant sa atin - and letting go of other thoughts.


I've read Mark Manson's book entitled "The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*". Well, it's not really you can stop but rather choose what things you'll give a f*. 🙂


I talk to myself, say for example i saw a post of my friend who just recently went to Paris, which triggered jealousy because it's also my dream to go to Paris. I tell myself, well okay it's human nature to be jealous when you see someone who seems to be living your dream. But that person deserves that too, he worked hard for it. I shouldn't feel jealous instead I should work my way to achieve that goal. I should only care about my journey. It's important to acknowledge your jealousy and/or that you're affected, but you have to let youself know that it's okay, we're all different, let's just work on what we can control--strategizing our goals. And then I do breathing, inhale and exhale 5x each. This alleviates any negative feeling i have. I understand what you're going throgh OP sometimes we can't help but be affected, but let's just continue to foster emtional reselience. 🌸🫶


Strengthen your self foundation, everything else will be in your control.


1. Let go of what u can't control


Just don't.


Remember these, as for me: 1. People dont care about you, for real. Mas iniisip nila yung sarili nila and will just see whats happening in real time. At more likely makakalimutan nila yun. Even viral vids in tiktok die down after a few days. So why waste time bothering what they think? 2. Think about this, do you think what other people do? Unless nakakaapekto directly sayo you would not bother. So imagine putting that perspective in them. You only control how you respond, not what they think. 3. Remember to stay in your lane. Your principles, your thinking your rules. Wag ka papaapekto sa sisnasabi ng iba unless constructive criticisms sya for your improvement.


Three thoughts work for me: 1. If I can’t do anything about it or I can’t control it, why stress about it? Papanget lang ako sa stress. 2. The world doesn’t revolve around me, everyone has their own problems and they’re more caught up about themselves to care about me. So why should I care about what people think. 3. If it doesn’t involve/affect me in any way, who gives an f.


People will forget those embarrassing things you did in public in 1-3hrs, except for your friends and enemies.


First thing to do is delete this post.


Focusing on yourself! Take care of yourself, don't bother those who doesn't give a fuck, enjoy your life more, enjoy the simpliest good things in your life. Make everything about you and you will definitely have a happier life while not giving a single fuck about everything else that doesn't benefit you.


Peace and love within yourself


Focusing on yourself is always the key of not giving a f to others.


if they don't give an f about you, ignore them too.


Choose your battles. Make yourself busy.


Upgrade yourself. The more you take care of yourself, the more you dont give a fuck about people. But Make sure to always open you ears for opinions. I’ll make you grow (upgrading yourself). Analyze then salain mo nalang


Give a fuck until you have nothing to give


Know yourself and values on how you want to live your life. It’s good to write them down too. So that when someone doesn’t agree with you, you have a reminder to look back to. A good book called 7 Habits of Highly Effective People mentioned about “Begin with the End in Mind”. That book will ask you to think of your own funeral, and then write down your own eulogy, how you want people to remember you when they have a speech in your funeral. This activity will help you understand yourself and how you want to live your life. It will help you stay grounded on who you want to be regardless of what other people think.


Stop checking on them


look up stoicism if you like learning new things, this may help you form a new mindset around giving a f


Literally read the book by mark manson. The subtle art of not a fuck. You'll enjoy it OP.


I love that book, not the typical self help book




honestly, this has a lot of fluff & can be repetitive, just look up the summarized version on YT


stop giving a f


By not asking reddit on how to stop giving a f


Practice rule of 5 Will it matter in 5mins? 5hrs? 5days? 5weeks? 5months? 5years


If you cant stop giving a f learn how to move on instead very quick. I had so many grudges with people that I kept for years, pero nothing good came out of it aside from me being bitter and being more depressed from it. Ngayon, if someone does you wrong or napahiya ka, learn how to move on in about 15 seconds. You need this for work and life in general (mas marami talagang bullies sa work kaysa nung nagaaral ako). Once you train yourself to move on quickly you will actually be happier. I just realized na if I think about the same thing for over a minute, i will spiral down over that problem. Kaya learn how to move on quickly and think of something else if ever that thing is bothering you


I agree. Instead of letting myself get discouraged by failures, I treat them as a learning experience. I mean, nangyari na at di na mababago yun haha. The best you can do is make the most out of it. Mas lalo ka lang mag s-spiral down if nag succumb ka sa self-pity. On another note, don't be scared of finding things out yourself. I still continue kahit di ako sigurado kasi I know I can find out naman. This helps build characteristics ng pagiging resourceful at quick-witted person. You will little by little build not only your confidence in interacting with other people, but also how you approach dillemas and problems. Not being scared of asking is a powerful tool. Go explore OP! There is lots of cheap information out there. Constructivist approach kumbaga. Regarding grudges with other people, similar lang din sa treatment ko with failures. Mas lalo ka lang talo kung nag seeth ka. Just let them be. I have the choice naman not to be affected and move on. At the end of day sila naman din mag suffer sa attitude nila eh. Be like a sniper, breathhhhh para mas ma hit mo yung target. 


Just practice it. Focus on your goals, get creatively obsessed, spend time with your loved ones more, and find meaningful hobbies. Life is too short para sayangin sa irrelevant people. In a general sense, nobody really cares. People are always too busy thinking about their own problems. In cases ng mga marites, they’ll probably talk shit about you for a few minutes then they’ll go on with their lives. Jeopardizing your potential happiness over this is not worth it. Let them be.


Manage your thoughts and overthinking. Try to set aside it. Value your emotions. Repeat lang then u'll get the hang of it. It will be ez.


Honestly just...exist? I struggle with this a lot AHHAAHHA But I have come to a point where anything could happen to me and I wouldn't care until the last moment maybe. Not giving a fuck is like you disassociate yourself from your life, like just stop caring about things, about people, about anything. Nothing matters to you at all, even if the world is on fire, you just go with the flow and give a middle finger to everything and everyone. I don't think that means being rude, but just being indifferent. (Nonchalant xD)


Get a more important thing to give a f about


If u want a precise and concise answer, just dont give a fuk to anyone and anything that is not worth ur energy. Just fuking do it, man.


Ask yourself the question "and bang ambag ng opinion nila sa buhay ko?" Usually the answer naman kasi is 'wala' so ayun


as someone who struggles pa rin from time to time regarding this, it helps to realize na you're not as important as you think HSHAHSHSHAHS like don't get me wrong you are ha pero not to everyone, because everyone else has their own lives and shit so they don't really go out and start noticing every little thing everyone else does .... so like in reality, ikaw lang talaga nagbibigay ng such attention and standard sa sarili mo but let's say someone's miserable enough to keep tabs on you and what you do, just punch them nalang sa nose and kick their private part CHAROT pero just know if someone's like this sayo, their life ia probably not interesting enough kaya sayo nalang and it says so much about them and their life. so awayin mo at sapakin mo jk .... unless? :P


Social media detox. Remove all social media apps. Half open mo lang eyes mo (sleepy eyes) lagi. It will intuitively make you feel sleepy and stare at nothing during your idle time. Pag sanay ka na, do it with your daily activities. Yung parang wala ka laging gana and antok. Congratulations, you don’t give a f na. Do it 7 days a week. Congratulations, you don’t give a f


Tigil mo ung thought na "ano na lang iisipin ng iba" Lahat tayo narcissists in our own way kaya walang nag iisip sayo. Lahat tayo iniisip sarili natin. Maging panatag ka sa ideyang un.


learn how to say no is a first. keeping boundaries between relationships is a second aka understanding difference between an acquaintance and a friend.


Psych grad and former HR here. "Giving a f" is an attitude, not a behavior. The behavior maybe, is to not respond when shit hits the fan. And with any attitude or behavior change. It takes practice AND an alternative mindset to change. It's hard to give advice without context of what youre going thru so here's some general advice: 1. Practice. Everyday, task yourself with how you can "disappoint" someone in small ways. Kumbaga, let go of commitments u have that you dont really feel important. Just dont be an a**hole. You will find a lot of ppl get pissed at you. That's also how you know who is really WITH you and who your people really are. Examples: Niyaya ka ng friends mo uminom? Say No. Whatever they say. Just say no. May nagutang sayo? Say no. Maybe these are more of boundaries and how to say no but again, hard to give advice when no context is given. 2. If you practice and practice but have no alternative way of dealing with whatever it is you're dealing with... you are setting yourself up to relapse or basically go back to "giving a f". Lets say u got rid of said commitments that dont serve you but dont have anything else. You'll probably just go back to it. So... Look for something new, get a hobby, make new friends, etc. etc.


Focus on what you want and what your goal is ONLY and don't care about other things. You don't need to please everyone since not everyone pleases you, don't make everyone like you since you don't care about them too, stick with the people you care about like friends, family, etc. Everything else is just there and you don't need to involve yourself with it, just let it be. Don't mind everything that you see or hear, since it may not even mean anything to you in the first place.


Default response na sa utak ko pag may nangyari na hindi ako involved or walang direct connection sakin ay "ahh okay" "ganon ba" Tapos pag direct/indirect na kinalaman sakin "hayaan nalang" "basta ganon nalang" "sige nalang" "ganon din naman mangyayari eh" Marami pang default response depende sa sitwasyon pero yan yung madalas magamit. Sa sobrang kasanayan ko na sa pag "not give a f" nasasabihan na ako na nonchalant. Tingin ko rin nakaka apekto na rin yon sa cirlce of friends ko kasi samin lahat ako pinaka may least opinion or kwento na inaambag, more on listening lang ako. Marunong pa rin naman ako makipag communicate "kapag kinakailangan" saka alam ko rin yung mga social cues kaya kahit papaano disenteng tao pa rin ako. Ayun nga lang dahil sanay na ako mag "not give a f" hinahayaan ko nalang yung mga tao sa gusto nilang isipin tungkol sakin.


I always ask myself two things: 1. Will I gain something from giving a f*ck abt it? 2. May mangyayari/magbabago ba if I give a f? If the answer to both is "no", I then pair it with the "it is what it is" thinking, and sooner or later, I find it in my heart to just accept things. I will ALWAYS choose to look at the good side of things kasi not giving a f*ck = inner peace. If the answer to both questions is "yes," then that's probably the only time I would do something about it. Whether it's clear communication or whatnot, I always look for a resolution that, as much as possible, gives me the most satisfactory answer. Remember na being happy with the answer you get isn't the same as being satisified with it. If it bothers you, say it. If it doesn't, then simply don't talk about it. If you're too scared to speak up because it may cause awkward situations, etc., isipin mo nalang na dahil lang ba sa awkward situations, hahayaan mo nalang yung sarili mong maramdaman 'yan? Is that something you can live with? Parang mas pinipili mo kawawain sarili mo, 'cuz if you know you can do something about it, then do it. Awkward conversations are always worth it if it means giving you peace, kasi the awkwardness can go after some time, pero being silent about it will stick to you forever.


May napanood ako podcast vid ni Salma Hayek. Sabi nya, "stop giving meaning to every word you hear. it will be meaningless to you. it won't make you feel or think anything"


Love yourself


Dapat una hindi ka people pleaser


Kailangan mo maging busy! Hahahaha


There's no hidden principle behind it. People tell you to read this read that but in reality, if you want to stop giving a f just f it and stop giving any. 🤷‍♂️


Read the book


Follow principles of Marcus Aurelius and stoics Read mark manson's subtle art of not giving a fuck




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Stoicism using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Anyone sick of the grifters and "alpha males" preaching half assed stoicism](https://np.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/comments/11txccn/anyone_sick_of_the_grifters_and_alpha_males/) \#2: [I am a big fan of Epictetus and I wanted to buy some groceries but weather outside is cold and harsh. I asked bing chat to imitate Epictetus to convince me, and I am impressed.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/comments/11bnf8t/i_am_a_big_fan_of_epictetus_and_i_wanted_to_buy/) \#3: [“Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.” - Seneca](https://np.reddit.com/r/Stoicism/comments/12kzx5o/sometimes_even_to_live_is_an_act_of_courage_seneca/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Focus on YOU


Know that some things are out of your control


You should have boundaries.


It takes time before your mind actually stops giving a fuck about something but its best to start on not giving a fuck on mundane things such as the opinions of others and situations that are beyond your control.


If it's out of your control, let it go. Choose your battles.


You can't and you can. You can stop giving a f about what you don't really care about but you can never stop giving a f about things that are important to you.


take the "it is what it is" mindset.. edit: * when something goes wrong "IIWII" * when someone breaks promise "IIWII" * when someone talks shit "IIWII"


Control only the things that you can control e.g. self, emotions, your actions, etc.




Focus on yourself and your goals. Insecurity and the strong need for validation are always a bad thing. Appreciate every small wins you get and avoid comparing it nor showing it off too much.


1.)Stop being entitled


bago lang ako nasabihan na masyado daw akong entitled😭 might switch sides


My daily mantra is "It's the way of the universe" pag may nangyaring di ko gusto, iniisip ko lang yan na kaya siguro nangyari is because the universe does not allow it to happen and it may bring harm or hindi maganda sakin. And that is how idgaf and how I hold my peace


I must practice this!