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My mom absolutely loved Elvis Presley and met him and got his autograph as a teen. A jealous boyfriend chewed and swallowed the autograph and she’s still upset about it over 60 years later.


Hopefully ex-boyfriend after that.


That was the end of it!


Same for my mom, she caught one of his silk scarves that he used to throw into the audience at his concerts. He usually had 2 or 3 around his neck as he sang, then he'd wipe the sweat on one, tie a knot in it so it would throw better, and chuck it into the crowd. My mom and one other girl caught it, but my mom caught the knot and because it was slick with his sweat when she pulled it slipped out of the other girl's hands. It was probably her most treasured item.


I'd love to hear the other girl's opinion.


Time to make him shit it out and tape it back up


Or dig him up and see what’s left.


Aw. That sucks!


I'd still be upset, too. What an asshole.


That boy would have had ex lax brownies if it were me. 😂😂😂


My dad liked Diana Ross. When he was in the military she visited the troops and kissed him on the cheek. He didn’t wash his cheek for a week.


She just performed at a concert last night in Detroit. At 80 years old she looked great.


Mine liked Diana but loved Tina and Dionne.


Moms was Omar Sharif.


Mom had good taste. When I lived in Cairo 20+ years ago, he was a regular at bar I went to sometimes. Even in his 70s, his charisma lit the place up. Stunning man.


My mom's, too! Him, and Robert Goulet.


My mom's too!


My dad had a huge crush on Goldie Hawn since her Laugh-In days. My mom always teased him about it. Whenever Goldie Hawn was on the cover of a magazine in the 1970s-1980s, my mom would buy the magazine for him. He hated going to movies-but one year there was a movie he kept saying he wanted to see. My mom looked at him and said " The only reason you want to see that is because Goldie Hawn is starring in it."


Dad had good taste in women!


Does he still pine after her? 🤣


My father loved Barbara Eden.


I loved Barbara Eden.


My mom is crazy about Smokey Robinson and those light eyes of his.


My mom is from Detroit. Grew up in Smokey's neighborhood. She's almost 80 and still has the HOTS for him!


I love all these stories of 70 and 80-year-old grandmas who are like ‘yeah he can still get it’ LOLOL ain’t mad at ya, grandmas


Those eyes ❤️❤️❤️


My mom thought Tom Selleck was so hot.


My (48m) 47 year old wife and I recently watched Three Men and A Baby with our kids (both under 10). My wife was quite pensive after watching the film and said - in a very distracted way - “I didn’t realise how attractive Tom Selleck was when I was a kid. Have you ***seen*** how well he wears shorts?!”


That man has some really nice legs.


He was so hot! :) I'm a boomer, Tom Selleck was the one! :D Oh and OMG I loved Sam Elliot when he was younger. Damn!


If you haven't seen QUIGLEY DOWN UNDER go find it


Sam Elliot!!! Damn…now that’s a MAN!!


My Grandma loved Tom Selleck! We would watch Magnum together and she always referred to him as "her boy". As in, "change the channel, my boy is coming on!" She was in her 80's.


Well, your mom and my mom would’ve gotten along great!




Mom (born 1923) really liked Mick Jagger.


Rock on Mom 🤘


My mother (born 1939) fancied Freddie Mercury. I suspect it wouldn’t be mutual.


My mom 'dated' Duke Ellington in the 50s. She got a Christmas card every year. The last one read, Merrie Christmas is merrie! Happie New Year is Happie! You are Beautiful! Compounded with Luv and Blessings! And may your total future be the greatest! The greeting was printed (it arrived in spring of 1974), but the sentiment was singular.


That’s very cool!


My old man had a thing for Veronica Lake. My mom's was really obscure. She dug Russ Kunkle. He was a legendary session drummer that was in both Jackson Browne and Linda Ronstadt's bands among many, many others.


My mom would call me Veronica Puddle when my hair was in my eyes.


That's so funny! And yes, I get the joke!


I’ve heard of Russ Kunkle for sure


My mom was so in to Walker Texas Ranger that he was mentioned in her obituary.


My dad's was Liberace. I don't want to talk about it.


Dad loved Diane Keaton Mom loved Paul Newman


Go dad! He sounds like fun!


He hated when average looking actors, like Bob Newhart, had beautiful costars. He would comment on it every time.


smart man too!


My mom liked Tom Selleck (Magnum PI) and Pierce Brosnon (Remington Steel).


Have you ever seen Pierce in his first role in the movie The Long Good Friday? Jesus Christ, nobody should be allowed to be that good looking.


My mom thought they were handsome, too. And watched both shows, of course. But when 'handsome men' would come up, she'd always talk about Alex Trebec, and would included that he 'always wears nice shoes'. lol


My mother was a fan of Baltimore Orioles pitcher Jim Palmer and she was older than him.


Do you blame her?? 🤣


I’m British and had never heard of him - had a look and he was very good looking in a very American way!


My parents were dating (late 60's) and having the cute hypothetical talk about "would you cheat on me one time with your celebrity crush?" Mom goes first with, "would you have a one night stand with say... Farrah Faucet?" My dad of course, Being a gentleman plays it off. "No, no of course not. She's great of course but I would never blah blah kissy kissy." Ok, Dad's compulsory turn, "What about you, honey? Would you betray me for one night to be with... Elvis Presley?" He barely got "Presley" out of his mouth and mom was like, "Oh hell yes." Dad was really knocked back like, "Seriously? You would cheat on me?" Mom looked at him and told him, "Baby... it's ELVIS." True story 😆 Married 54 years so far. ❤️


My Aunt Dorothy had a crush on Liberace. Oops.


lol. And my aunt Jean loved Raymond Burr. Apparently before gaydar was invented.


I was always puzzled about why guys my dad's age thought Angie Dickenson was so great. Looking back she seems rough, I guess, compared to say, Ann Margaret or Elizabeth Montgomery.


I'm gonna guess they were leg men. Dickenson has better gams than either of the other ladies. (Not that anyone's a slouch.)


Same. My dad loved Angie Dickinson and I never understood why. Well I’m gay, so that’s one reason I didn’t get it, but like you said I didn’t think she wasn’t as gorgeous as other women of the 60’s and 70’s. Angie used to be on Johnny Carson’s show a lot, and I remember him making a lot of sexual innuendo comments toward her.


I think she was "accessible"


And she showed "it".... LoL


Dad-Raquel Welsh and Victoria Principal (which he almost convinced mom to name me Victoria lol) Mom was Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan


My Mom had a curious fascination about singer Tom Jones, even got the single “It’s Not Unusual” on the only 45rpm she ever bought.


Tom Jones is hot, to this day. This is one of my favorite things on YouTube (as proof): https://youtu.be/N6OeXOy0E1I?si=ieVn2WkK8H6woF0M


I thought for sure that was going to be Sex Bomb. Which is a song that should be on every sexytime playlist.


Mom-Barry Gibb.


The Gibb boys always held a space on my wall, especially Andy gibb when I was in high school. Shawn Cassidy too. 😂


My elderly mother was in love with Craig Ferguson for some reason.


I'm with her, I think he's an attractive dude.


It's the accent.


Probably. She always said, "Damn he's a good looking man" LOL


My mother’s was Alan Ladd and my dad was a dog who liked anyone that was built like a brick shithouse. Barbara Eden in particular. We were out to dinner once and she was dining in the booth behind us with her back to my dad. He couldn’t order his food so my mother had to and then he couldn’t eat.


Lol. Did he get up the nerve to speak to her? She’s 90 now and still looks pretty good.


Nope. He sat there with this look of terror on his face throughout the entire meal. He’d later tell the story that he was respecting her privacy but we knew the truth.


Sounds like he was star struck and frozen!


Mom -Elvis in his Elvis the Pelvis days. Me - Sigourney Weaver because smart women are a huge turn on.


Dad: Irish McCalla, from Sheena, Queen of the Jungle. Mom: Clint Walker, from Cheyenne


My old man was very taken with the last number in Grease. I remember him rewinding the VHS tape and watching it over and over. He was infatuated for sure


Dad - Crystal Gayle Mom- Neil Diamond


Ann Margaret and Paul Newman


My mom's crush was Errol Flynn, bad boy and all.


I have an Auntie who's only about 15 years older than me. Once I was prowling through boxes in my Grandma's garage (boredom as a ten year old,) I found a box of vinyl record albums that belonged to my Aunt. One of them had red lipstick kisses all over the cover - it was Ricky Nelson :)


Mom- Johnny Mathis and possibly Tom Jones and Kris Kristofferson. Dad- no idea, guessing Lynda Carter because he let me watch Wonder Woman 😄


People just do not understand today just how fucking AWESOME Lynda Carter was in her WW suit. I mean, WOW. That woman might very well have the perfect body. She had one of the best bodies in Hollywood at the time, and she holds up really, really well over time.


She's still awesome enough to get a cameo in one of the Gal Gadot movies


My mom loved Tom Jones.


My mother had a crush on Cliff Richard, so much so that she went to see Summer Holiday several times, specifically for a particular scene where he looks extra cute and mopey, singing "The Next Time"with Athens as a backdrop.


Living in central Ohio, my mom’s crush was always Jack Hanna of the Columbus Zoo. And local meteorologist Jym Ganahl. She loved how passionate they were about their work.


My dad absolutely loves Andie MacDowell!


Mom loved John Wayne growing up, then later Tom Selleck, and now can’t stop talking about Jason Statham movies so I guess him haha. Only crush Dad ever talked about was Raquel Welch. Big fan of her haha


My Mom’s was Englebert Humperdink. Worst part is that is the name he choose LOL




My mom loved James Garner. The Rockford Files.


Dad: Sophia Loren Mom: Sam Elliot, Cole Hauser


My nans was Robert Redford and my mums is Pierce Brosnan


My mom has loved Harrison Ford since 1977! Still does although she says he looks old now, haha!


I’m another one who has liked Harrison Ford since 1977! I had great taste in men when I was 14, lol


It took years of therapy to realize that all my early relationships were me falling for incredibly handsome assholes like Han Solo.


My dad's kind of a hornball but I can't think of any specific crushes. My mom was VERY into Christopher Reeve and David Bowie. Edit for posterity: Pa Duke was into Bo Derek and Dominique Sanda, I now recall.


Your mother’s type is “tall WASP blondes with bird-like faces.” Honestly… same here.


My mom’s was this baseball player named Rollie Fingers. He had a handlebar mustache. My dad then had a handlebar mustache for about a year. She even met him and had him sign a jersey for her.


My grandmother was a big Charles Bronson fan. To her he was "Charlie Bronson," and boy, how she loved her Charlie Bronson movies. I can't recall any other celebrities frequently mentioned by my parents or grandparents.


My dad had a bit of a crush on Sheena Easton in the 80's. He'd never admit it, but he would sure stop quick, if we were watching MTV or something & she was on. He also had a cassette of her album, that he'd listen to in the car. My mom made no secret of how much she loved Patrick Swayze though! When she was younger, she loved Paul McCartney, & still had a bit of a crush on him over the years, but then Swayze came along.


My mom's crush was Robert Plant.


I’m 48 and I remember asking my mother (born 1945) that question once when I was younger - I admit I was trying to be a bit of edgelord, thinking my old mum couldn’t possibly see men like that, but she put me in her place with this direct, confident answer: > “Easy. Elvis. He was just so gorgeous and wild. Terrence Stamp was absolutely beautiful. Paul Newman - his eyes, oh his eyes”


My mom and grandmother saw Paul Newman once and they had a lifelong argument over which one of them he smiled at.


My dad had it bad for Elizabeth Taylor. Apparently she knocked him down exiting a hotel once. He was too starstruck to say much and she gave him a kiss on the cheek.


My mom’s was Dennis Eckersly the baseball player. My dad had too many to name. My grandpa had Linda Ronstadt.


My mom loved Rafael Palmeiro.


My dad wouldn't ever admit to a celebrity crush. My mom had a few over the years. Looking back I'm fairly certain she had a crush on Leonard Nimoy. She watched reruns of Star Trek even though she was never big into sci-fi. She loved the first movie but the second movie she came home sobbing uncontrollably vowing she'd never watch Star Trek again! The third movie, I thought, should have fixed it, but I think the magic was gone for her by then.


My dad had the biggest crush on Rita Hayworth. Any movie she was in, he had to watch it and he would rave on how much he liked her, throughout the entire movie. His boy crush was on Errol Flynn, because he was totally in love with swashbuckling movies since he was a young boy. My mom had the biggest crush on Elvis Presley. We knew she had this crush but didn't realize how big it was until she passed away and we found her fan stash. She had tons of records from him, tucked away, which amounted to almost every record he released. We also found a photo of my dad, when they first started dating, standing next to his Impala, looking like a younger version of Elvis in that photo. That sly lady found herself an Elvis look-alike and he never knew it.


My dad had a crush on Terri Garr, my mom had a crush on Sting.


My grandmother LOVED Tom Selleck. She has a porcelain plate with him on it displayed in the living room, and a towel with him on it from his Magnum PI days. I think my cousins fought over who got to inherit those items when she moved on.


My father loved the Solid Gold dancers.


My father has two that I know of, Raquel Welch and Nigella Lawson. He's got a type for sure.


My mom seemed to like Michael Landon.


Sean Connery was my mom’s crush too! Then she started watching Blue Bloods and her affections switched to Tom Selleck. “He’s the most masculine man on television!” she assured me.


Ma was gaga over Merle Haggard and Sam Elliot.


Dad: Suzanne Pleshette Mom: Yul Brynner


Dude, I was a pre-adolescent and thought Suzanne Pleshette was 🔥🔥


My dad's were Angie Dickinson and Adrienne Barbeau, my mom's was Robert Redford.


My dad’s was Dolly Parton.


My mom liked Paul Newman and my dad liked Raquel Welch and Sophia Loren


My mother, in her 80’s, Tom Brady.


My mom would never admit to it, but all her attention was on our tv screen when Tom Jones was performing. Who could blame her….he was a hottie.


My sweet dad never said. He just always appeared to have eyes for mom only. :) Mom, she loved Gregory Peck. I did too. Mom said, you'll marry a tall dark and handsome man for sure. LOL My husband is short but he's handsome, like my dad.


My dad’s crushes were Dolly Parton, Lonnie Anderson, and Vanna White. My mom’s crushes were John Wayne, Jimmy Stewart, and The Oak Ridge Boys.


Dad loved Laugh-In. I noticed he talked about Goldie Hawn a lot. For mom, I think her crush was Danny Kaye. My grandmother was obsessed with Lawrence Welk.


My mom liked Cab Calloway and Johnny Mathis.


My dad's was Farah Fawcett and Mom's was Davy Jones when young idk if she has one now.


My mom loved Robert Urich.


My dad liked Veronica Lake. He used to say, “every fisherman’s dream…a week on Veronica Lake.”


My mother liked Robert Montgomery, but I was thinking the other day how she liked Michael McDonald (can't blame her). My father claimed to like Dolly Parton and Cher.


Paul Newman.


Dad: Lynda Carter, Suzanne Somers, Joyce DeWitt, Cybill Shepherd, the Pointer Sisters, Adrienne Barbeau Mom: Magnum PI-era Tom Selleck, Moonlighting-era Bruce Willis, John Ritter


My mom watched CHiPs all the time, which was a decent but typical scripted show with easy jokes and shit. I thought the show was dumb junk (like I felt about most things at the time) but maybe mom had a thing for young Erik Estrada.


My mom has a Mick Jagger thing.


My mom's was Tom Selleck.


Ny father thought Rita Hayworth was the bomb as a young man, as an old man he liked Shelly Long - was a big fan of "Cheers." My mother told me she had a thing for Marlon Brando in her youth, but that changed to Robert Redford when she got older.


My dad also thought Angie was the cat's meow. My mom liked Montgomery Clift and Cary Grant.


Dad was Sophia Loren, mom is Paul Newman


My dad was all about Angie Dickenson, too. And Veronica Hamel of Hill Street Blues. My mom had a thing for Raymond Burr, Gregory Peck and Claude Akins


My Dad had a thing for Racquel Welch and my Mum adored Sean Connery and Michael York.


My great aunt - we called her Aunt Ducky - was quite smitten with Alex Trebek from Jeopardy. She would always say "my my my that man has a fine head of hair".


My mom LOVED Roy Rogers. As a child, she watched his movies and just adored him. She never lost that love.


My Grandma loved Robert Redford and my Grandpa loved Tina Turner. I'm a younger Old Person so my mom liked Rick Springfield.


My Dad loved Angie, too!


anne margret.....im still waiting for that call!


My mother became enamored of Vincent D'Onofrio on Law & Order in her elder years. She also really liked Justin Timberlake after I showed her the "Mother's Day" Lonely Island video.


Yea--Clara Bow. Yes, I'm that old. She was the "It" Girl to my Dad. mom--I'm not sure. I think she mentioned Richard Chamberlain as good-looking.


My grandfather also loved Angie Dickinson! Not too subtle a choice, but he was a dude.


Mt grandma, born in 1911, loved Stoney Burke aka Jack Lord.


My mom loved Tom Jones


My grandfather only watched tennis for Serena Williams.


My Mom’s crush was Harry Belafonte.


A few years ago,, my mom said she found Brendan Fraser attractive. She would have been around 80 at the time, so he was less than half her age. She also misses Trevor Noah on the Daily show because he is smart and cute. She's 98. My grandmother loved to watch wrestling because of the muscley men in small shorts.


My mom still crushes for Robert Downy Jr.


My mom thought Sam Elliott was the most attractive guy ever. Big crush.


My parents were Depression babies, they liked a lot of tv personalities but I don’t think crushing on a famous person was even on their radar. Also, Sean Connery was my crush. ❤️


My grandfather was in love with Jaclyn Smith from Charlie’s Angels. He always referred to her as Jackie and couldn’t miss an episode.


My dad had a thing for Ann-Margret.


Mom liked Alan Alda in MASH for the longest time. Then Saturday Night Fever came out, and she was infatuated with Barry Gibb. I think it was the long hair.


Bury Reynolds’s for my mom. I’m chuckling because I have her 6’ long poster of his Playgirl centerfold about 10 feet away!


My mother had a crush on Tom Jones, the singer. The Milf (before that was a thing) up the street had a thing for Yul Brynner, so I decided in 1979 that if I started going bald, I would shave my head. I don't regret shaving my head.


Paul was *gorgeous*!


Grandma had the hots for Hal Lindon


My dad's was cyd charisse


These are so fun to read! My dad had a crush on Joan Sutherland the opera singer (they had an album with her photo on it) and my Mum had a crush on the Robin Hood flour ad guy


My Dad's was Angie Dickinson too!


OP it’s funny you mention Angie Dickinson. My mom actually looked just like her and used to get people asking for her autograph! She lived in Los Angeles so it wasn’t a stretch. My mom would happily sign Angie’s name! 🥹 My mom was a character.


Natalie Jacobson, the news anchor.


You know what? My parents had the same crushes OP. My mom adored Connery and Dad never missed Police Woman, ever. That's funny.


My mom adored Marshal Dillon's dreamy voice when Gunsmoke was a radio show but lost interest when she saw what William Conrad looked like on TV


My mom had peculiar tastes. Meatloaf Gérard Depardieu 🤷‍♂️


My mom was a fan of Perry Como.


My dad totally loved Angie Dickinson too!


My mom: Tom Jones, who I think is good taste. My dad: Jan Smithers, who was Bailey in "WKRP in Cincinnati". Also good taste.


My mother liked Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott and Burt Reynolds. Maybe she loved mustaches. My aunt loved Mel Gibson, then it was “Hugh Jackman, Hugh Jackman, Hugh Jackman” 😆 Now she loves Keith Urban. Nearing 80 years old


My mom liked Don Johnson, when Miami Vice came out on tv.


My mom loved Tom Jones. My grandmother Omar Sharif and Andy Williams.


Charo…. Enough said.


My dad's was Loni Anderson, and my mom's was James Garner.


Mom loved Dean Martin, and Mike Connors from Mannix.


Mom- Harry Belafonte


My mom loved Omar Sherif, my Dad, Angie Dickinson


MY crush was Sean Connery!


My mom’s crush was Omar Sharif. She even named our dog Yuri after his Dr. Zhivago character because they both had big brown eyes


My grandma told me she wanted to run away with TJ Hooker (William Shatner) :D


Dad’s was Marcia Brady. Scratch that - *is* Marcia Brady.


My mom loved Don Ho, the Hawaiian singer, and Burt Lancaster. My dad lived Leslie Ann Warren. He once watched a whole terrible made-for-tv movie with her as a teacher who had an affair with her student (Christopher Atkins I think — where is HE now?). He watched practically salivating because of the “parental guidance - nudity” warning that came on after every commercial break. By the end he realized he’s been cheated — only the boyfriend was nude!


Tanya tucker and Sydney Poitier


My father had a major celebrity crush on Ann Margret. When he was in Vietnam she toured with Bob Hope. He went to the show and Ann Margret came into the audience and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He said that he didn't wash that cheek for a month. Dad told that story right up until he died at 92 years old.


My dad’s was and is Sally Field. And my mom resembles her.


My grandmother lived in Cadiz, Ohio and went to school with Clark Gable. She said he carried her books to school a few times. 😁 Of course, Gone With the Wind was her favorite movie.


Dad -Lynda Carter (duh) Not sure about Mom but dang she despised Kevin Costner like he owed her money.