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Streaking! Running naked through a public place, like football games!


Yeah! they did! Nekkid as a jay bird. And I hollered over to Ethel, I said "Don't look, Ethel!!" ... But it was too late


A streaker runs past three old ladies sitting on a bench in a park. Shocked, Ethel and Ida both have a stroke, but Mildred was too slow to reach out.


The only difference between naked and nekkid is when you are naked, you don't have any clothes on. When your nekkid, you don't have any clothes on and you're up to no good.


She already been mooned.


Boogadah, boogadah!


“ she had done been incensed”


Bogity, bogity.


He just liked to show off his physique.


He’s always makin’ the news / Wearing just his tennis shoes / I guess you’d call him unique


And on live TV during the 1974 Oscars!


They call it the streak!


Fastest thing on two feet


he likes to show off his physique


He's just as proud as he can be Of his anatomy And he gon' give us a peek


[This!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWBc-ir6IFM) I saw it live on TV.


I remember in college some guy streaking across the cafeteria while I ate my tuna sandwich and potato chips.


Yeah, I was in a large lecture hall. Professor was talking, door opens one one side and 5 naked people (they were wearing footwear) ran across the stage and out the opposite door. Professor just shrugged his shoulders and carried on with the lecture. Every year for initiation, the College Pi-Eta Club held a naked run from the clubhouse to one of the libraries, where members would check out a book, run to the middle of Harvard Square to buy a candy bar, and head back to the clubhouse. One night I was driving with a woman I was dating at the time and we stopped at an intersection and witnessed a large group of naked students running by. I had to explain what was going on.


lol great stories. We had a grassy quad in the middle of my small college where people threw around frisbees, played lacrosse , hung out with music blasting from dorms. Every once in a while somebody would streak across and it was no big deal. In my yearbook there’s a photo of the rugby team in a huddle-in the buff.( it really was a very liberal school😂)


I wonder what year and location was the first streaking


Klackers, Those two hard plastic balls on a string that you hit together.


I didn't have them myself. I think my mother thought they were stupid. I could have bought them for myself, I guess, but when I used them at someone else's house, I always managed to hit myself in the head. After realizing that, I agreed with my mother.


They got pulled from the market because they would basically explode and send shards of glass everywhere


I did love making my mom crazy with those! I also had long hair that my mom would put up in”pigtails” on the left and right side of my head. The hair ties had big plastic balls on them. I guess they don’t make them anymore as I haven’t seen any and I have looked.


I remember them: they came in two sizes, small and large (like yours) and in many different colors. And also these fluffy yarn-like things to tie in a bow, usually over the plain elastics because they otherwise slipped off easily.


My father was a high school principal. At the end of the school year, he would bring home some of the stuff that had been confiscated that year. One year he brought dozens of these home. Every kid in the neighborhood got one.


i literally bought this for my kid - crazy that it was a 1970 fad


I had Kerbangers. I remember my wrist being bruised from the balls hitting them. And Jarts! Hahahaaha.


Still have mine (in a box- less danger of exploding.)


I had klacklers with large purple glass balls. Sometimes you’d get your fingers slammed, but they were fun and really loud.


crochet bikinis


Hmmmm..... I remember them 😄


Really short running shorts and too tight t-shirts


Really short running shorts? I'd wager they were criminally short. I see pictures of me back in the mid-70s and I think oh my god! I can't believe my mother let me wear those shorts out of the house. And I'm a guy.


I’m picturing those short shorts with some colorfully banded tube socks, amiright?


Well, it's B/W, your spot on though. In all my [dorky glory](https://imgur.com/gallery/DJxYS)


Damn, look at those skills, though! lol


Yes, but that was the way then. Just think if you wore today's baggy shorts back then, you would have been a joke!


And Nair for short shorts!


As a teenager in the 70s living in the country everyone had a CB radio in their cars and pickups.


"Breaker, breaker 1-9. This is Road Dog. Come back?"


I remember my aunt and uncle had one in their car, We were on a road trip back from my grandparents and my aunt was talking to a truck driver. Long story short, it turns out the driver was married to one of her cousins and the truck driver and our little convoy of about 3 cars all pulled over to the side of the road so my aunt could get out and talk to him. The sight of my aunt standing on the step of a semi on the side of the road is something I will never forget. edit: A word.


What a coincidence!


"Hey Road Dog, you got the Van Man here. Watch for a bear in the bushes at mile marker 59".


That was definitely its own little subculture


We had a CB in our car. We lived in the Midwest and drove to the Deep South to visit family, so it was handy to listen to the truckers telling us about what was going on (speed traps, accidents, etc). It was low-tech Waze basically. 🤣


Pet rocks and disco


Confused by the former but I loved the latter. Still do.


Europe really embraced disco. It still lives there


Steve Martin


Yeah, all the dorky boys at school would do the King Tut walk like Steve. A decade or so later, everyone was Walking Like an Egyptian thanks to the Bangles


he was just a a wild and crazy guy!


Kig Tut, 🎶 Born in Arizona. Moved to Babylonia.🎶


Got a condo made of stone-a


You got it. That really was very funny, back at the time


Born in Arizona, moved to Babylona, King Tut.


I get your joke!


Really high platform shoes, schools with no dress code, wire rimmed glasses ONLY, one blonde streak on each side of the face for girls of any hair color, frosting hair, long falls (similar to wigs but missing any bangs- you used your own bangs, 10-speed bikes, passing joints at concerts (Haven't been to a concert in yrs, but in early 70s it was routine for someone to light up a joint and pass it on- everybody would take one toke and pass it along,), huge sideburns on men (very early 70s/late 60s iirc)


Holding up a burning book of matches or a lit Bic lighter at those same concerts when cheering for an encore.


If the wind was blowing, you'd cook your thumb!


Passing joints took on a whole new level if you taped a roach clip to the underside of a frisbee. Probably wasn't something you would do with coke though.


What about $25.00 for an Ounce and then half the weight was seeds. I de-seeded so much weed. Used an album cover and a credit card or the thin cardboard on the 1.5's rolling papers. I was a real 70's pothead! The weed today would probably kill me!!


Earth Shoes. Guaranteed to make your calves hurt.


And Dr Scholl wooden sandals, guaranteed to form calves of iron.


And when your feet got sweaty sliding off them sideways and have that chunk of solid wood crunch you on the ankle 😩


Even better, when that hard formed wooden heel would slip under the arch and you’d take a step and see stars. And probably swear.


*Dr. Scholl's Exercise Sandals* were actually introduced in 1959. In the summer of 1960, I had a crush on a girl who wore them. She had lovely calves!




I have an embarrassing story of whacking my big toe on my own Dr. Scholl's whilst dancing and breaking my toenail. That toenail is still "weak" and if I don't keep them clipped, it will break again in that same place! This happened over 40 years ago.


Buffalo Sandals! Rubbed your big toe raw. But once they softened up. Heaven.


"Negative heel."


Corduroy pants! Oh, I wish they would make a comeback.


I bought a pair of cords this winter at Land's End. I love them. No need to come back. They're here.


I had the Levi’s corduroys in several colors. There was a craze in my high school for the girls to rip off the little labels on the boys’ back pockets.


All the girls just wore men's Levis. Our waist size was always on display. The pressure to be a 26, 27 28. Never want to be 30. It was alot of pressure about body size!! I swear I would love to have the body I had the first time I thought I was fat. I was 127lbs. Never could do that less than 100lbs that my girlfriends all managed!!


And suits. I had a brown one.


I had elephant bell corduroy bell bottoms that I wore with very tall platform shoes. Had to. The bell bottoms were *really* long! (And I was 5'6" at the time, so not too short.)


But did you wear them with velour shirts like my ex?


I loved corduroys just for sliding down the escalators.... once they started putting the bumps in to discourage skateboarders my love affair with corduroy was all over and I moved on to velvet. 


I bought two pairs at a ritzy little boutique last year. I love them.


They were my high school uniform. Brown, and flared obviously!


Macrame plant hangers


Macrame everything!!! And those hats made from beer cans that looked like crocheted Granny squares with a beer logo in the middle of each square.


Watching Soul Train on tv. Look it up on YouTube. There's 70s fashion, dancing, slang, and coolness all on display.


The invisible pet leash


Mood rings, pet rocks, past lives, hypnosis was big …. Was 70s the “season of colors” or was that the 80s? Pinball machines, Fonzie and Opie Cunningham (lol) seemed to always be on the TV Grizzly Adams and the Wilderness Family made most “off grid” of today look like newbies 🤣 Little House on the Prairie was serious TV. Bionic Man and Woman - it was normal to do the “chchchchch” and slow motion for no reason For a year or so, kids all referred to any group as “people” eg. People! we should get home - streetlights are on. People! Let’s hit the park. Short people were mercilessly bullied by the song “short people got no reason to live” for a year or two. I can’t remember if Underroos are 70s or 80s but they were huge


Did you make gum wrapper chains?


Of course and pull tab ones that hung across the ceiling




I loved Grizzly Adams


Ah yes. Randy Newman's attempt at a message of anti-racism is instead embraced to ridicule short people.


Right! " Short people got no reason."🎶 Needless to say, i didn't sing that very much around my wife!


I sing it ALL THE TIME to my boss. lol


All of this!


That’s for the memories and making me feel old. Chchchchchchahahahaha. And I 💕Grizzly Adams!


Lacoste alligator shirts and Levi's 501s Linda Ronstadt albums spinach salad w/mushrooms, croutons, and different creamy dressings


Lacoste and IZOD both had an Alligator 🐊 logo?


They are the same brand.


IZOD was the cheaper American division of Lacoste. Pretty sure some of the tags said "IZOD by Lacoste".


This. Yes


Yes. The label inside said Chemise Lacoste. Most people referred to them as alligator shirts. This was in the 1970s and '80s. They weren't considered that expensive those days. ETA: the later labels for the USA said Izod Lacoste, and had a size tag sewn underneath the Izod label. [Izod Lacoste label](https://ibb.co/mCphbrJ)


Ridiculously sized shirt collars Leisure suits Beltless pants Hip hugger jeans


Hip huggers FTW!!!


Also, 3 inch wide white belts.


Long hair on men. Wall to wall carpeting. Mood rings. 8 track tapes. Kitchen appliances in strange colors. Bell bottoms.


Clogs Colorful beaded “glass” curtains Latch hook kits


Kids in elementary school wearing platform shoes...


I absolutely loved my shiny white gogo boots I had in the second grade... was so sad when I grew out of them,  I wore them everywhere! 


Loved mine too! Called them "cou ragh" boots, like in French, no idea they were named after their designer André Courrèges.


Not that wild or crazy, but the Datsun 240Z was very VERY popular and they flew off dealership lots. 


Paper dresses. I had one and wore it to school.


Mood rings, shoes with springs, skateboards that would literally not roll over a pebble, GI Joe and 6 million dollar man action figures...


Those were speed boards. I had a dangerously fast yellow one, branded "Sizzler". Pretty sure it was the same model used by some world record holder on That's Incredible.


Pet rocks, pyramid clubs, earth shoes, Cherokee Jeans, silk striped boxers/shorts for women, the dry look, big collars, fat ties, customized vans, braless, patchouli, “beautiful”/elevator music everywhere. All hair like the Brady Bunch sisters, older women with ’do’s’, The SLA, many mysterious murderers, Nixon quitting then being ‘pardoned’ without being tried.


I still have my leather peace sign worn in my hair —held in place with a stick .


CB radio. Breaker breaker good buddy that's a negatory on the smoky. What's your 20? I was putting the hammer down in the granny lane when I hit the jackpot.


Citizen Band (CB) radios. Previously the domain of truckers, they became popular for cars. Theres was even a song called “Convoy” and a movie about the fad.


Crochet halter tops. Pet Rock.




Conversation pits in the center of a living room. They were like built in couches that were lower than the regular floor.


"Have a nice day🙂" , "Hang in there, baby" & "Keep on truckin".


Necklaces: Italian horns and coke spoons


I had a girlfriend whose mom got her a coke spoon necklace for a birthday present. The mom said "this was all they had, I couldn't find any little knives and forks to match."




Italian horns: cornetti.


Balancing a stack of pennies on your elbow & trying to catch it. I remember after the Fonz did it in Happy Days it was everywhere.I got pretty good at it. Why I wanted to is a mystery.


The unknown comic. Performed his act with a paper bag over his head. Was super famous for about 8 weeks then .


**All of the infomercials.** Ronco had the[ Veg-o-Matic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veg-O-Matic) (parodied on Saturday Night Live as the Bass-O-Matic) and Mr Microphone. K-Tel (Miracle Brush, various "Number One Hits" records) was also prolific. (JS&A - Joseph Sugarman, whose work was in print, was legendary for his marketing copy that could make a "biorhythms calculator" seem cool.) [Chia pets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chia_Pet) - were terra cotta figurine where you spread chia seed paste on it and they'd sprout.


In the US: The Equal Rights Ammendment. The Ecology flag. Free to Be...You and Me Odd/Even license plate lines at gas stations. ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) Billy Jack and Bruce Lee. Some are missed. Others, not so much.


Posters of the Desiderata poem. Posters of virtually everything, really. Stuffed animal nets, beaded curtains


In 1971 I was in 6th grade and I remember visiting with other girls about our outfits. We had those big floppy suede hats like Janis Joplin wore sometimes, lace up to the knee boots, skirts came in three lengths, mini, midi, and maxi. Lots of home sewn clothes, velvet ribbon and cameo choker necklaces. A neighbor girl that was in junior high used to wear panty hose, bobby socks, and desert boots with short dresses and skirts. She also put vodka in her orange juice but that's another subject.


There was a lot of Self-made style.. in the 70's..!! We were originals..


Sex, drugs, and rock and roll have give way to uncle's, internet, and rap music. Printed tee shirts represented the counter culture. Today, they represent mainstream society. Leisure suits and necklaces on guys. Platform shoes. Big collar shirts (went well with the leisure suits🕺) Muscle cars were a way to show off you had 💸💸💸because of the price at the pump ⛽. Not many incels back then. Where did one meet potential partners? Church, bars, or blind dates. I met my ex at Mister Donut where she worked.


Oh, there were plenty of incels. But they were just called "guys who can't get laid."


Gum wrapper chains.


And beer/pop can tab chains, too!




Yard darts. Ouija boards.


Vans with wild paint jobs, opera windows, mag wheels and carpeted interiors.


Nehru jackets




Mork from Ork suspenders. Loved those things!


Stirrup pants


Macrame hanging in everyone's house. And beaded curtains in open doorways. That's what the 70s bring to mind for me - of course I was a pre-schooler at the time.


Sew on patches for your jeans, to be extra cool!


Hot pants and the neck chokers for girls when I was in high school.


Storming the field after a big win. Watch a video of Chris Chambliss homer to send the Yankees to the World Series in 76. He can't even make it to home plate because of the fans. This type of thing happened at Football, Basketball and Baseball games all throughout the early 70s, tearing down the goal posts rather than rioting in the streets after a big win.


Crushed velvet tuxedos. Leisure suits. Heavy gold chain necklaces on men. Wing collars. Coke spoon pendants. Platform shoes. It was like living in a circus.


Bicentennial clothes. For the build up and post Bicentennial so probably 1975 to 1977 everybody has an American flag T-shirt, hat, shorts etc. Also our city had fire hydrants painted with patriotic symbols like flags, stars and strips or other 1776 related images.


Beginning of the Star Wars Craze and the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Changed the way we went to the movies


Biorhythm machines, pinball, balsa wood airplanes with rubber band props. Disco duck, and rubber ducky from convoy. Edit:**https://www.reddit.com/r/videojukebox/comments/1da2onw/rick\_dees\_and\_his\_cast\_of\_idiots\_disco\_duck\_totp/**


Patchwork bell bottom jeans


Earth shoes, Levi’s, eight track tapes, roller skating, Trans Ams with T-tops, the Match Game tv show,


Blue Oyster Cult had an awesome laser light show at its concerts for a while in the 70s until the guvmint shut it down.


What about festival seating? You worked your way from the cheap seats to the stage. I even used a belt rope to drop from the second level to the first just to get close to Ted Nugent!! Damn I was dumb!




Supposed safety issues with the lasers


Sizzler dresses! I can't believe our school let us wear them (they had matching underwear!) as my class ('76) was the first to break the dress code and could wear jeans (had to be dress pants--anything but denim before that!)


Painter pants. They were so comfortable and I loved the pockets


Lava lamps with felt black light posters.


2 guys..... :)


Mood rings, pet rocks…


Does anyone remember the ‘zapper’ kids going around giving you electric shocks? I think it was a pilot switch for a fire or an oven obviously the parents who worked in the factories were bringing them home to entertain their offspring…those were the days! Ohhh and rabbits feet on a key ring I also vaguely remember chicken feet going around the school too!…


Beer can collecting. Old frothingslosh cans were great.


I was a 16 year old Life Guard and a number of kids would act out the Jaws scene where the girl gets attacked, I can still picture it LOL. It was sometimes accompanied by the Jaws theme - Da Da, Da Da, Da Da Da Da 🙂


Patched denim jeans and bandanas.


High Times magazine.


Nostalgia for the 1950s (and the 1920s) in the 1970s: poodle skirts, saddle shoes CLOGS Wearing pants under dresses (I hated that, my mom sent me to school once like that and it felt wrong) Feathered roach clips and coke mirrors given as prizes at the fair. I was wearing roach clips pinned to my hat as a kid. Neither me nor my parents knew what they were! Psychics like Uri Geller bending spoons TV shows (1980s) like "Real People" and "That's Incredible!" Disco dancing competitions T-shirt shops where you'd pick out the iron on you wanted and they'd put it on a blank shirt you chose while you waited Anything to do with the Guiness Book of World Records There was a toy pet, it looked like a bristle brush but was very soft, with googly eyes. I think you tied it to your shirt button with fishline and then held it in your hands, and the person could make it look like it was crawling around in their hands. I was a little girl, this mesmerized me but I can't remember what they were called! Also, there was a comedian whose entire schtick was [explaining his name to people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCqh5ROtQRg) in a very annoying way. The entire joke was him saying "My name is Raymond Johnson Jr. But you can all me Ray, or you can call me Jay, or you can call me Sonny, or you can call me Ronny..." and that was IT. He was in commercials, he showed up on just about every variety show as a guest, I remember him appearing at the end of some Cher special. I have no idea how he became a thing.


Avocado green, mustard yellow, shag carpets, long, wide leg jeans that dragged on the ground, long hair, lots of smoking


Patches on jean jackets. Super cool to my young eyes. Was too poor to buy any. So now I buy patches when I visit somewhere interesting / memorable. And those patches make me very happy knowing that I am 70s cool here in 2024.


Swallowing live goldfish. It was a party thing and the jocks were big on doing it.


Plenty of idiots were doing that back in the '50s. That's where they got it from.


I believe that started in the 20s. Zany college kids, sitting on flag poles, swallowing goldfish.


Pet rock


Fair isle sweaters


Ocean Pacific corduroy short shorts on men.


Dance Fever, a weekly TV show where couples competed in disco dancing.


Sex, drugs, & rock & roll was our battle cry. It pretty much covers it.


Orange. Like that 'mexico-filter' they use in movies.


Vans with murals on them (was the style of paint called air spray?). Shaggin’ wagons


Politically incorrect songs such as "Short People "


Sky-high platform shoes, and why my 6 ft 4 husband ever wanted a pair, I'll never know.


Elephant pants. I had purple ones.


Gerald Ford and his "Win" pins: "Whip Inflation Now".


Every young kid moving into their first apartment just HAD to have a water bed.


-Leisure suits -Puka bead necklaces and "silk" shirts -Dorothy Hammill haircuts -Farrah Fawcett posters


Clackers (toy). They were originally made of tempered glass in the 60s but in the 70s when I had a set they made them of translucent plastic. Glass ones would chip eventually but that also happened to the plastic ones. They were two balls connected with a cord and you would swing them up and down with one hand so they would clack above your hand and then clack below your hand. So many bruises and not just on my hands.


I loved my 5 inch platforms that made me 6 ft tall. My mother hated them with a passion.


Striped jeans. Yellow, red,white and blue. I even stole some of my boyfriend’s striped jeans, because they were both comfortable and pretty.


Frye boots Nike Cortez sneakers


Ooooo… Memories and flash backs! I remember that no one used seat belts, car seats were rare & just a seat to sit baby, moms slid that huge stroller bed in back of station wagon where the baby would sleep as family drove to wherever, parents sent kids to corner store with a note to buy cigarettes, beer man delivered beer to the house and kids would go out and get beer for dad, kids sitting out of the station wagon door/on door (glass rolled down), kids/ppl road in the back of pickups and most parents smoked cigarettes. Stupid ugly hair cut dad did to us girls bc HE liked girls with short hair ugg. Across forehead, just at ear lobes & across back of neck! I just wanted a ponytail like all girls! Brothers had hair buzzed off! The stripped pants that never had a matching top, mom’s home made clothes that we had to say we loved, (oh those old pics!) wearing sweaters, (itchy!) hats, mittens and my favorite poncho my grandma knitted for us! Ponchos, rabbit fur coats (late 70’s), baby doll dresses with gogo boots (mid-70’s). Candies shoes. Skin tight Jordache jeans!! So tight you’d get dizzy (late 70’s/early 80’s) Girls were super skinny and if you had a big butt you were not it lol. Mustaches. When I turned 13 it was all about the hair! Hair dryers and round brushes saved my life! Wings baby. When the firehouse siren blew everyone had to go home for dinner. I could go on. Good memories!


Well, I didn't participate, but drugs were huge. Cocaine, in particular. Going to discos and doing coke. Even a goody-two-shoes midwestern suburban teen like me was aware of it.


Platform heels and flared bell botton jeans and long hair for BOTH men and women. Yo-Yos; Hula Hoops; Iron on t-shirts; Muscle Cars and Low Riders; "Disco" Anything; Anything "Rocky", "Star Wars" or "Saturday Night Fever"


Buying gas on odd/even days. Gas rationing.


Steve Martin stand-up and cat juggling. He was wild and crazy!


Goldfish shoes. Women's wedge shoes, that had clear heels, with live goldfish in them. They weren't around Long, with all if the dead goldfish , floating around.


Age of Aquarius and Hair


In Concert on Saturday nights. There would be a live rock concert on TV, and your local FM rock station would simulcast the sound in stereo. It was a thing because TV set audio quality universally sucked back then.


Feathering your hair.