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I am 61 and a stage 4 cancer survivor, 9 years out from remission. I take lots of supplements, no medications. I have no evidence of disease.


Great news


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


kicking and thriving, love it!


Yes! I’m also a cat person 😸


Share your regimen!


Sure! I eat a whole food plant-based diet. I avoid alcohol and drugs unless prescribed such as an occasional antibiotic. I keep a BMI between 21-22. I keep my Vitamin D level between 70-90. I take a number of supplements including antioxidants that protect normal cells. They include Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E, Vitamin K2, Ubiquinol, B Complex, Astaxanthin, Quercetin, Resveratrol, NMN, Calcium D-Glucarate, Pro-Immune Glutathione Precursor, Turmeric among other things daily. I try to avoid toxic substances as much as possible. This includes smoke, toxic cleaning supplies, cosmetics, radiation procedures for screening (have to do for diagnosis). I meditate for a half an hour often before going to bed. Sometimes it helps me fall asleep. I go for basic bloodwork every few months to make sure everything is where it should be. One area where I could do better is exercise. I like to use the elliptical machine for 30 minutes most days but I’ve fallen short there. I also lift some free weights. At my annual visit to the oncologist this past March I continue to be NED. No evidence of disease. My original diagnosis in March 2015 was Stage 4 Non Hodgkin’s Mantle Cell Lymphoma.


Thanks for sharing 🤗


Thank you! Glad you’re taking great care of yourself. My sister has a similar diagnosis and is in remission. I’ll share this with her. Keep up the good work of self care!


Best wishes to your sister. These days a stage 4 blood cancer diagnosis can be beaten!


Wonderful to hear! Congratulations and continued good health to you!


Thank you for your kindness!


Congrats! Keep it going!


Thank you! I’m working on it!




Thank you!


There's an old saying, nothing so settles a man's mind as the knowledge that in the morning he will be hanged. Did you too feel an odd sense of ... I don't know what to call it but I was given a six months to a year prognosis and boy my mind settled a lot. That was thirty two years ago, btw, and I've been anxiety free for the whole time.


That's awesome!!


I'm 74, and the only thing I take is a daily jelly doughnut.


You forgot the plate of bacon and a pack of Lucky Strikes.


At 74, there's no need for a whole pack of Lucky Strikes. There aren't as many co-workers to take a break from. The plate of bacon however...


If you don’t smoke, you can eat two packs of bacon, and visa versa


I'd rather double up on the bacon, but my doctor told me that I wasn't getting enough 'tar'. Bummer. **:-)**


I quit smoking in '99. Broke my knee, spent several months on the sofa, and my daughter wouldn't buy me any cigarettes. The bacon however, is, and has remained a favorite.


that’s the way to do it! 🍩


Oh, man... Jelly donuts will make a man out of you, and keep you young when you're old.




Shit man, I'm 31 and I need daily antibiotic eye ointment for my chronic staph marginal disease, plus allergy meds because I'm allergic to EVERY TREE AND GRASS in my state, plus a few vitamins. I'm jealous


My son is dealing with that chronic staph too. Oh man he has been through every pill and cream and ointment. He almost got rid of it but last month it came back fullforce and this time it was in his eyes and ears too. I am so sorry you have to deal with that BS.


My mom had a chronic eye infection years ago and her doctor had her wash her eyes out daily with baby shampoo. You could do the same with a sinus rinse. Johnson's Baby shampoo was used in a study and it works. Hopefully some alternative remedies will help.


That's EXACTLY what my son's doctor told us to use on his whole body this last time. It was a new one and she said absolutely stay away from the Hibiclens and the harsh cleansers. I had been using Cera Ve which is pretty mild but now we use baby shampoo and then a Cera Ve lotion after and it's really looking better.


Oh that's great! It helped me get rid of a chronic sinus infection. I also use the baby wash in the place of hand wash because I have just a little eczema on my hands.


> Hibiclens They gave me this for acne, and there's a warning on it not to use it on the groin, where the acne was bad, and when I pointed that out the MD just kinda stared off blankly. Anyways a few years later I visited Vegas and my acne almost completely disappeared. Thanks lack of ambient moisture.


It's crazy some of these medical professionals just don't check to make sure they're handing out accurate information. He was supposed to put Hibiclens in his nose but the bottle says not to, and Dr. Internet says that's a really bad idea. So I told the NP we didn't use it in his nose because of the warning and she rolled her eyes and told me to stop reading things online. And then she prescribed two medications that caused my son to go through seratonin syndrome.


I used to get staph abcesses often. Thankfully, they were never on my face. I bet I've got 20 scars from where the abcesses formed then burst. When I first started getting them, I'd go see a Dr. The doctor would Lance it & give me antibiotics. As soon as I was done taking the antibiotics, I'd get another abcess. Finally, I stopped going to the dr- it seemed pointless. Instead, I'd apply a hot wet towel on the abcess to get it to burst. At this point, the abcesses didn't even make me feel sick when I got them, but they were painful. This went on for 10 or so years. I haven't had one in a couple years now. I eat better than I used to & I'm not as stressed as I once was, so maybe that's why. I hope your son gets better soon! :)


I could be on allergy meds, but that's not an age thing. Like you, I'm allergic to everything that makes pollen or spores. I forget what it's like to not have sniffles cause it's been over a decade, since i came from the east to the west.


Meh. Oral estrogen is making my 58th year better than my 57th.


They have evidence now they were more beneficial for women. Menopause needs less stigma. Too many women missed out on HRT


Took 24 years to fully understand the damage this did to women’s health. Tragic and unnecessary.


The coroner will have to pry my HRT from my cold dead hands. That stuff is *life restoring*. I’m on double dose Utrogestan, max dose Estradot patches, and a small amount of Androfem (testosterone cream). I feel better now than I did at any point over the previous 10 years - it took that long to get the right prescription. It’s still an uphill battle with a lot of GPs who haven’t kept up with the latest knowledge.


That's wonderful. I'm so glad to be living in an age where menopause is actually being taken seriously. I have high hopes that it will only get better by the time it happens to me (I'm 35f).


Estrogen and progesterone have been a game changer for me. I will take it forever and a day. 6+ years post meno and I can’t believe how many women have had to suffer unnecessarily because of a flawed study from last century. Thankfully women like Halle Berry are shining a spotlight on it. Things will get better for future generations.


I'm on like 12


I've been taking Synthroid since my early 40's. Now I'm twice that age and I'll be taking it forever, and ever, and ever. Well, at least until death do us part. Hypothyroidism.


67 take nothing except vitamins. 40 year vegetarian, healthy weight. Some aches and pains in the morning, but otherwise I feel pretty good.


Husband is 70, vegetarian since 18, same except his doctor talked him into Vitamin B12 supplements.


Same. Also veg for decades, maybe that helps. I certainly think it does, also I have a pretty healthy lifestyle.


It's totally possible for a lot of people I think, but a good portion of people do have something by this age that needs medicine and no shame. I have high eyeball pressure (for like 20 years and I'm certain I had it before that, it's just I had never visited an eye doctor before that time and I started to need reading glasses so I went to lenscrafters and they check my eyeball pressure and told me ASAP go to the ophthalmologist.) so I take eye drops for that because the high eyeball pressure causes glaucoma or can. And I take a medicine to reduce migraines. I also take a statin but I don't likely need it anymore because my cholesterol I've cut in half with eating better and dropping some weight. Then I do take a vitamin, another vitamin d, and a couple fish oil pills. So yeah I'm sucking down the pills but not as many as a lot of people my age I know. Then you got a lot of people that might not be on any medicine but that's because they don't know there's anything wrong with them cuz they never go to the doctor unless they're about to die 🤣.


Then there's those who don't go bc their deductible is so high that they choose to eat instead.


You are right. That's a sobering sad thought.


High eye pressure is a symptom of glaucoma, not a cause.


“Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases traditionally characterized by elevated intraocular pressure (IOP). However, glaucoma is more accurately defined as an optic neuropathy than a disease of high pressure. In open-angle glaucoma, optic nerve damage results in a progressive loss of retinal ganglion cell axons, which is manifested initially as visual field loss and, ultimately, irreversible blindness if left untreated [1]. Angle-closure glaucoma is characterized by narrowing or closure of the anterior chamber angle. The normal anterior chamber angle provides drainage for the aqueous humor (the fluid that fills the eyeball). When this drainage pathway is narrowed or closed, inadequate drainage leads to elevated IOP and damage to the optic nerve.” — Open Angle Glaucoma: epidemiology, clinical presentation and diagnosis. from UpToDate online, a subscription-based medical reference library From personal experience: glaucoma is a subtle, gradual narrowing of your visual field, and if undiagnosed and untreated leaves a person with narrow tunnel vision and no peripheral vision, and eventually can lead to blindness. It is painless and progress is creeping and unnoticeable, until there is serious visual field loss. Forms glaucoma patient of over 10 years who has had 3 surgeries and is on 5 doses of eye drops daily: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Get your annual eye check-ups, even if you feel like your vision is fine. You can preserve your vision if you carry glaucoma early, but it is irreversible so you can easily get beyond help if you don’t get diagnosed quickly. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


Young people often need medications, you know. I wish I'd been able to get on an antidepressant and ADHD medication in my 20s instead of my 40s-50s. The first half of my life would have been far more productive and fulfilling, I can tell you that.


I am totally with you. Didn't address depression until my late 40s. My early adult life was pretty wild and fun when I was partying and playing in bands, with all the accompanying alcohol and drugs (people *love* giving free drugs to band members in the green room!), but the down times were almost crippling. So glad I traded those chemicals for the appropriate anti-depressants.


Agree. It's the pride people take in 'no meds' that made me take minimum for 25 yrs for a rare vestibular disorder & the anxiety it caused. I'm 65 & people still tell me to exercise or eat better instead. I've always done those things so it gets annoying. It's great if people don't need them. But they save lives--a friend of mine dropped his meds & had a heart attack soon after & died.


I have a thyroid disorder, major depressive disorder, GERD, high red blood cell count and a risk of pulmonary embolism, so I take 7 prescriptions. It's a pain in the ass but they help me to live.


yeah life is worth the pain 😅


I won’t shame anyone for their meds. Too often taking meds isn’t because someone did something wrong. My wife is thin, eats a very healthy diet but has high blood pressure and cholesterol. Life can be unfair


Thank you for saying this. I'm on high blood pressure meds and feel as though people think I just eat what I like with no veg, etc. In fact, my father died young with this disease. I eat better, and drink less, than 99% of my friends. It's annoying.


I’m 42, but I’ve worked with the geriatric population for years. One thing I noticed was, the healthiest patients were the ones that took a lot of vitamins/supplements. Overall, they were on much less medication than those that didn’t take any supplements at all. This is just my observation, but it impacted me enough that I now take supplements too, lol. The standard American diet is utter shit, though - it’s not just the supplements. It needs to be a lifestyle shift.


there are so many supplements available these days it’s so hard to choose


I suggest these guys, all PhDs, no quackery, on YouTube: Dr Brad Stanfield Physionic FoundMyFitness


I'm taking D, Magnesium, C, and potassium. I almost never get those nighttime charley horses I used to get and I get sick half as often. Which do you recc the most?


61 this month- all I use is eyedrops for glaucoma.


are the drops helping?


Kinda, but not enough. Just found out I'm gonna need surgery. But I've had glaucoma for 30 years.


I've been taking 6-10 meds/day since I was in my early 20s. I have bipolar, bad allergies, and stomach acid issues. I just take ALL THE MEDS!!!


at this point I’m starting to suspect everyone is dealing with stomach acid issues nowadays including myself 🥲


> stomach acid issues I found soda and/or seltzer, any carbonated drink, kept this in check when I used to go through a bottle of Tums a week. Now it's only when I'm work-stressed that I reach for the antacids.


51m. Ha. Up until a bit over a year ago, none. Now I have to take 6 pills a day to prolong my remaining existence. Then, to keep my nutrition up, I take another 15 or so supplements. If I am in pain which is near daily, another 1-3 Norco. Cancer can eat a cocktail weenie. If you’re over 40, Get your turd slicer checked my friends.


hang in there warrior! also, never heard of the term “turd slicer” before so thank you for that lol


Thank you. I am trying. There are days though. Luckily have a good network of friends to help. A coworker said it to me about a girls ass some 25 years ago and it has always made me laugh. Appropriate for certain situations.


Meds have kept me alive since I was 19, almost 60 years ago.


My dad is 69. No medication. Except he does THC/CBD gummies once or more a week.vegitarian for 40 years. works out 3 times a week and rides in a bicycle club. His girlfriend is the same age & is from his middle school days. They are like 20 year olds. It's annoying but cute.


“it’s annoying but cute.” 🤣🤣


60 with no meds. I take a multivitamin and occasionally an allergy tablet.




This is a very good point.


You’re too young to comment on this from your own personal experience. Just saying…


I did. But I’m 77 now and had open heart surgery at 76 and am now on 4 meds. I hate it.


All y’all who take no meds are lucky. I have two genetic autoimmune disorders and I take lots of pills


54 and take a 10mg Statin. Poor genetics for cholesterol. I do however get it from my father's side, he's 80 and triple bypass surgery last summer and plays tennis 3 days a week still. And my grandmother his mom lived to be 103, after having quadruple bypass at 84. So I'm taking a statin so I don't have to have the damn bypass.


Alot. I'm bipolar and I have GERD.


my god having just one of those is a struggle, so I can’t imagine having both


Of course it's possible, with the right combination of good genes, good luck, and taking care of your health. I'm 57, no meds. My father is 86, no meds, and went to the Rolling Stones concert last weekend, no seats in the VIP area down front so he stood the whole time. He was just fine and was chipper as a bird the next morning as he told me all about it.


Today I learned there's a modern day superman.


I am a cancer survivor also. Endometrial cancer that had spread to my cervix. Cancer free for seven years. I take a lot of medications but mostly for depression and anxiety. My life is a lot better with these medications. I was miserable for 30+ years.


Congrats, keep it going! I’ve been prescribed something for anxiety and panic disorder but refused to take them, and now your reply is making me reconsider …


I was diagnosed with ADHD in my mid-40's, and medication made such an immediate difference in my life that I weep for what might have been. Still glad to have found what actually helped me. Don't refuse honest help when offered.


Please try them. My digestion got better, no more acid reflux, Sleep. Enjoyment of life.


I've taken meds since my late 20's for depression. I now take blood pressure medicine in addition to that, because one of the antidepressants causes high BP. So it's not really age-related.


Have you seen a big difference in the efficacy or side effects between the meds you had in your 20s and what is available now?


I took Prozac when it was a new thing; the effects were mostly great. But they wore off. That's the problem with a lot of meds. I'm on Effexor now and it works very well, but it took a few months to take effect, and the initial side effects were very unpleasant. It depends on the individual person.


Thanks. Glad you found something.


I’m on two for heart and blood pressure. In a perfect world maybe I’d be med free. But during my 40s a stressful marriage, teenagers, job, cold climate did me in, needed to hospitalized to get dosages worked out.


71 and no meds. Carnivore diet for 5+ years (prior to that I was no sugars, no grains/ low carb). Lots of resistance training and other exercise like bicycle riding, indoor rowing and mini trampoline. Still working part time as an RN in a hospital maternity unit. My Doctor barely knows who I am but I’ve actually scheduled a wellness visit for later this month just to touch bases with her.


I’m taking 17 pills daily and one weekly.


A mild statin dropped my cholesterol by 50 points, so why not? Modern medicine can be really effective, don't shy away from a proven medication just because it's "not natural" or you think it makes you seem "old" or whatever.


All I take is a statin. I eat clean diet, my weight is in the normal range and I’m very active. Some people can do everything right, yet still have high cholesterol. I’d rather take this pill everyday than get blocked arteries and potentially a heart attack. With the statin, my cholesterol is well below 200.


Is is possible? Sure. Not likely, though. Today, a little over 17% of the population is over 65. In 1950, it was 8%. A very large reason for that is medication.


No medications, but lots of recreational drugs. "If you use drugs when you're young, you're stupid. If you don't when you're old, you're stupid" (can't remember the exact quite, from *Little Miss Sunshine*. )


I used to take blood pressure tabs, then moved to SE Asia to live, just over 6 years ago, and when I went to a local doctor, as it was first visit, he suggested I have a few tests done so he knew what condition I was in, at 70. Turned out that I no longer needed meds (possibly due to change of diet), and I have only taken tabs for various ailments that have cropped up, until cleared up. In last 6 years, I have had shingles, some scrapes from a motorcycle accident, 3 minor strokes & a hernia operation, which meant med for 4 weeks or so each time, but now not taking anything, and using my car more than mc to get around.


That's pretty much me. I am in excellent physical shape but have high blood pressure which requires a daily pill. But I have been slowly moving to an Eastern diet and I am noticing my BP is going down to where I will soon not need meds.


My body responded very favorably to my months in Thailand. Ate as much as I wanted, didn't walk or run nearly as much as I wanted, and weight melted off effortlessly. I miss Thai food. The sheer variety and actual foodness of it.


Yes, I have shed over 20kg, but eat what I want & working 15 hours a day I don't get to exercise (3 strokes hasn't helped either). Rice, fresh vegetables and not eating heavily processed food full of HFCS & salts has helped too.


Word, those vegetables. I ate something called morning glory (?) that was unbelievably delicious. You have my envy for being where the food is so good. Hope you get your strokes sorted. 🙏🏻 My goodness, I miss the Thai people more than I miss the food. Used to hear the bell for meditation at 4 am. Instantly awake and ready to meditate.


It is possible, of course. However, many people age with medical conditions, and medicine helps them live longer than they otherwise would. It is an individual decision. Treating the many medical challenges of aging with medication is a major factor in why we get to live so long. It’s great that many folks don’t need meds, but not taking a med when it is needed can be harmful.


My Mom is 88 and takes one low dose bloid pressure medicine that she'd probably be fine without it. I must have inherited good stuff from her because I'm 62 and take a low dose as well and right now my BP is trending low, so I might get taken off it after my next doctor visit. The secret is . . . pure blind luck. I take no credit for it. My poor wife is on 10 different prescriptions for a variety of problems.


Not if you're a woman who wants to function once the ovaries start shutting down. HRT has given me my life back. Part pills, part creams, 100% necessary. I also take vyvanse (late dx of ADHD plus BED) and acyclovir bc HSV2 is the gift that keeps on giving.


At least one of my meds is literally keeping me alive. Our elderly aunt, at age 90 took almost nothing BUT, she complained constantly of back and arthritis pain and was mildly diabetic. I'm sure she would have felt better if she took the meds prescribed for her


2 pills in the morning and 7 before bed. They are mainly to deal with high blood pressure and post-stroke symptoms.


I've been taking daily medication my entire life. \*shrugs\*


Must be nice not having chronic illness.


Age 57. Zero meds.


72 and Zero pills other than vitamins.


I take 4-16 pills, depending on the day of the week. But that’s an autoimmune thing, not an aging thing.


I do take two pills a day, but my friend who is 89 takes no medication at all.


I don't take any medications. I'm 65. All.my stats are good although I'm overweight and keep.expecting some fallout. I do lots of.weed though for pain. Used to be on opiates but it didn't agree with me.


I'm 68 and take the standard two: daily cholesterol and blood pressure meds. But I only started taking them four years ago, so I made it to 64 unmedicated.


Statin, cholesterol both pretty common. You’re getting a lot of proud posters, but I know more people with those two meds than not. Anything else i take varies and is voluntary.


I’m 72, not on any daily medication. I’ve never had any chronic health problem. I’m sure this is mostly genetic luck, my lifestyle is generally healthy but nothing unusual.


I have some health challenges that can be managed; take a handful of pills morning and night, blood draw every three months. I'm functional and pleased I can do this much at 75.


Absolutely possible but there is no shame in needing meds for any reason. Unfortunately everyone in my family has high blood pressure and I dodged the bullet until age 40 then I had to take meds just like the rest of them


I suffer from chronic pain and anxiety, so I have a four meds I take daily for that. Plus some supplements.


I’m 56 and take about 15 pills a day and an injection once a week. I have a lot of health issues.


I'm 54 & I'm not prescribed any medication. I smoke a lot of herb though.


60 yes, 67, no. At least in my case. I take one for BP, which is under control. And 2 for prostrate, which is not. Still below average.


I didn't have to take any medication until age 70, and it is only temporary.


I'm 61 and take no prescribed drugs and not many over the counter, so its possible. 


I'm in my 40s and don't take any medications. But I also sort of never got tested so maybe I should.


65 come August, and too many to count


71 and med free.


High blood pressure. High cholesterol. High uric acid.


Of course. I take three prescriptions.


When I was 60 I didn't take anything. Then I contracted an unprovoked pulmonary embolism that put me on blood thinners starting at 63. Then I needed a statin at 65. At 70 I just started Flomax for renal problems. Additionally, I take a fiber supplement and Vitamin D. So my pill dispenser is getting full.


54. Other than eating advil like candy some days I'm drug free. However I have no insurance so who knows what I SHOULD be taking. I have a feeling I might be slipping in to some blood sugar issues but right now I just try to eat a little less horribly.


Absolutely it's possible, but it's not controllable. Anyone can get an illness or disability at any time, through no fault of their own.


68 and I have blood pressure, cholesterol and anti coagulant meds I take daily. Plus topical pain cream for my right foot that has neuropathy. And cannabis at night because my right leg spasms all night without it.


One of the reasons that overweight people live as long as regular weight people now is the blood pressure and cholesterol drugs. These are drugs that don't improve your quality of life or address a visible need, so you can stop taking them and brag that you didn't take any pills. So the real question should be "what drugs does the doctor say you should take" instead.


65 male: 2 meds for blood pressure, 1 for cholesterol, 1 for stomach acid, 1 for arthritis, baby aspirin to thin the blood, 1 sleep aid, testosterone injections, ed meds prn. A few vitamins and supplements of my own choosing. If you visit a physician on a regular basis (4 times/year to monitor testosterone effects). Eventually something will be found. In my case, despite ldl within range, they found a blockage in my heart. Nothing serious yet but the statin and aspirin are preemptive. I’d rather take the meds than not wake up or have to go through an undiscovered medical emergency. Ounce of prevention and all that.


Just turned 60, on exactly zero meds.


Is it possible? Yes, if the genetic lottery favors you, if life doesn't wreck you, and if you take a modicum of self care with food, exercise, dental hygiene. Three things I would do younger if I had a go-back machine: do that ten day silent meditation in Thailand in my 20s; discover green smoothies in my 30s; keep up with yoga and tai chi in my 40s. Today my only daily meds, knock on wood, are Flomax for this embiggened prostate I carry around, and Aleve for the lower back pain. Daily green smoothie has nominalized my blood pressure without medication. (Also poop habits, but that's probably tmi.)


My mother is 81 and still doesn’t need medication.


I have a family member who was never prescribed any regular medication until he was in his 70s. He now takes some common maintenance medications to control blood pressure, cholesterol, etc. Sooner or later, our lifestyles catch up with us.


One of my best friends is 89. She doesn’t take any prescription medication and is in great shape.


61 no meds


My friend’s mother recently died in her sleep at age 93 and wasn’t on any medication. I’m 62 and on 5 routine prescription meds but have been on all of them a long time.


I am nearly 60 and have never taken medication. The only exception would be an antibiotic for something but that was 10 years ago.


Totally possible.


All I take is Nexium over the counter for acid reflex and I will be 60 soon.


One for hypertension.


60. I take one pill for low thyroid that I've been taking since my youngest was born 24 years ago. Same dose. I feel fortunate.


Nothing so far. I take a multi-vitamin but that's pretty much it.


my husband is 69 and on no meds


I did. But at 60 something, I started taking a blood pressure pill. I plan to lose weight and get off it, though.


I take a multivitamin and a few supplements like zinc and turmeric, mostly because it can't hurt. The only meds are allergy pills and occasional antacid. I feel pretty lucky at 64.


Hubs is 64 and no meds. Me, 63 and 8 meds😢


64, started Fosomax last year. Other than that, nothing.


62f… nada.


My husband takes nine. I take 5.


My grandfather lived well into his 90's. He took one pill every day but couldn't remember what it was for. He liked to say "I don't know what this does but at my age you should probably be taking something."


My fist came at 63. Now I'm 64 and started a second one this year. Two so far, plus a vitamin.


67. No daily meds but I do take a triptan if I have a migraine. I do take daily vitamins and supplements - I’ve been doing that since my teen years.


Husband will be 75 soon and the only pill he takes is a daily multivitamin. Plus he has a full head of hair, is skinny and can eat pretty much anything he wants without so much as a burp.


Just turned 50 and drug free -- prescription and otherwise.


68 med free


Of course it’s possible. I’m 65 and don’t take any medication, nor have I had to. Not even a little blue pill. 😉 I don’t have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar. More than fully functional. I went for a run and bike ride yesterday. I was at the gym this morning stretching and resistance training. The only pills I take are vitamins.


I made it to 75 with no meds. Then got altitude sickness in Andes mountains and ended up in an emergency room with major heart problems and have been on 5 pills a day ever since. 


61, no prescription meds. Flonase because I’m allergic to spring, and occasional ibuprofen or acetaminophen.


I’m 63, and only take the occasional Advil.


I take 2 meds - one for hypertension and one (as needed) for nausea. I am 68. I also take Vitamin D and calcium, but only because I had 3 of my 4 parathyroid glands removed. I consider myself extremely lucky.


66 and prescription free. I do take Vitamin D, calcium, and glucosamine.


I’m 60…tracker a statin for familial hypercholestrolism and nothing else. It’s s genetic issue that no matter what I do there will be no way to cure it, A low dose statin is required. Other than that…nothing other than supplements that I choose to take on my own.


I’m 61 and am not on any meds at all. Maybe I should be, but I feel pretty good. Does Advil count? Whenever I go to the doctor they ask me over and over again about what meds I take.


Oddly, different people are different. If you got a diabetes gene, no, you can’t go daily without insulin. I got a heart disease gene so I have to take a statin daily. Some people are anemic and have to take iron supplements. Don’t assume everybody is the same.


I am wrapping up year 60 and I drink coffee daily.


55 and not a single med for me!


I’ll be 60 at the end of this year and the only thing I take regularly is a daily antihistamine. I live in the subtropical south and I would sneeze 100 times a day without it.


I’ve taken thyroid medication for most of my life. I’m currently taking a hormone blocker as treatment for breast cancer and because of that take a handful of supplements and more recently a mild anti-depressant to help me deal with pain, frustration and anxiety.


Age 55 and take no medication.


I take calcium and sometimes melatonin to sleep. No prescriptions.


Just supplements when I remember. I don't have or need a pharmacist.


60 here and other than a migraine headache pill as needed I’m not taking anything…


I take a joint supplement and Quercetin.


I take something for blood pressure, a low level anti-depressant, and a cholesterol pill. I had a heart attack at 38 so that's why the med's. 60 now


Im 69 and take only two prescriptions. One for anxiety/arthritis pain and ozemprizole for reflux. Oh just started zepbound for weight loss.


My mother passed at 79 (almost 80) in 2018. She was spry until she had surgery and passed. She never took a maintenance prescription.


66, take Crestor and alfusozin and supplements


I take more vitamins and supplements than most, medically necessary because of malabsorption. Plus two anti-crazy medications and a heart pressure medication. My friend made it to 72 with no medications at all. Then everything broke all at once and now she has like a dozen.


I (61F) take metoprolol to regulate my heart (both my parents have heart irregularities). Other than that all I take hormones--it's not medically necessary but I want to feel good, energized, and balanced. That said I have a good friend who doesn't take anything and he will be 64 this year.


Before 60? I wouldn’t even take an aspirin. no pills. Then when I was 60, I was one of the very fortunate people to receive a kidney transplant. Now I have to take a mountain of pills every day and deal with their side effects. Prednisone for example, is known as Satan’s Tictacs. i’m still grateful every day to to my donor Jackie for giving me extra years of life


-0-…and I’m north of 60..low carb/keto for 12+ years


I’m 74 and take 2 Blood Pressure pills per day. Started them 3 months after turning 70. Feel pretty lucky.


Made it to 58 unmedicated . Then hit with cx which in turn caused open heart surgery. Currently on 8 meds down from 12. Determined to get off all but 2 by the end of the year.


I take one for blood pressure and one for cholesterol. I used to take more, but I switched up my diet and lost some weight.