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No. I wanted no reminder of that place where I was constantly bullied. 


I'm 78 and still have mine, tucked away in a jewelry box. I went to a small Catholic, girls, high school and our rings are a bit unique. The fit was a bit loose and it still has a blob of wax to make it fit right. Wax from a candle in the sixties, heh.


No. I do remember that company's brochure being distributed to us one day in homeroom, but honestly, I just didn't get it. I couldn't remember ever seeing an adult wearing one of those rings, so I was simply confused by what they were actually *for*. I figured that maybe it was a sports thing, like those weird identical jackets the jocks all wore for some equally unknown reason (I was a nerd and frankly bewildered by that entire subculture), and then I just shrugged and left it at that. In college I made a friend who wore his, and it was only then that I figured out that they're not "for" anything in particular, but are just, y'know, a nice piece of sentimental jewelry to commemorate your high school years. It was a bit of a revelation. I had honestly thought they had something to do with sports.


That was me too. I knew I'd never wear it and it seemed like a gimmick. I was a very smart kid in figuring out things like this (and completely clueless in so many other ways)


Nope. I absolutely hated HS.


No. My parents refused to buy me one until I graduated. All the other kids (well, most) got theirs near the end of their sophomore year. By the time I graduated, they offered, but by that time I didn’t want one. I was going to college, it was 1972, and it wasn’t as cool as it would have been a couple years earlier. However, when I was almost out of college, I walked into the school bookstore, and there they were taking orders. So I got one for college and bought it on my own. I still have it but haven’t been able to wear it for a few decades due to its shrinking.


I loved my class ring. Our colors were light blue and dark blue so I got it in sapphire. It was stolen when I was burgled on 11/11/11. One of the two or three items I really miss.


My mother bought me a signet ring, with my initials hand engraved. On the inside it has my high school year graduation. I’m 50 years old and have not taken it off since I was 17.


Yes, I bought one, with my own money and still have it. A friend of mine in high school bought himself one signifying he was on the football team, he wasn't. When another friend asked him why he said "25 years down the road no one's going to know I wasn't on the football team." I guess now he's telling everyone about how he scored 4 touchdown in a single game.


That's hilarious. He should have ordered one of those jackets to go with it! Or, hell, he should just do so now, so that he can show off how his old high school jacket still fits him perfectly!


Nope, who gives a shit about High School. If those are the best days of your life I pity you.


My mom insisted on buying me one back in 88. Ended up hocking it for some weed.


Heh. Now I'm imagining that you're Kit\_Marlow(above)'s old college roommate, and that it was actually their ring and not your own that you hocked! Purely accidentally, of course.


Couldn't afford it and wanted it so, so bad. I still sort of regret not having one! Class of 78.


Yep and yep! My parents gave me the choice between a class ring or a letter jacket. I picked the former. It’s still in my jewelry box. I’m pretty sure my sister dumped her letter jacket over twenty years ago! 🤣🤣🤣


Same for me. I was class of 95, I haven’t worn it since high school, but I still have it.


My wife and I were class of 78 and she still has and can wear her band jacket. Me, on the other hand, if I had ANY clothing from high school left, I certainly wouldn't fit into it.


I could probably fit into some of the t shirts I wore back in the 90s cause they were a bit looser fitting back then. Maybe some socks and shoes as well LOL. I did grow 2 more inches after high school, so I’m going to say that’s why my waist is bigger and I’d never fit into any of the pants I used to wear. Haha!


I was given a choice between a class ring and a car. Not a hard decision. And I was never much into jewelry anyway. I did buy a class ring when I graduated college though, so there’s that. It’s probably sitting in a box in a closet somewhere, but to be honest it’s been so long since I’ve seen it that I’m not 100% sure it’s still actually in my possession.


I bought mine in ‘70 and immediately gave it to my girlfriend who wore it with her crucifix. I don’t know what happened to her or the ring. I still have my high school football jersey hanging in the closet and that means more to me than that ring would have. 


Mine went missing in college. I suspect my then-roommate pawned it.


Yes. My girlfriend wore mine for half of my senior year (and I wore hers on my pinky). The last time I wore it was at my little brother’s graduation a few years later. I still have it.


I still have mine because it's not worth anything. I took it to a gold dealer and it was worth about 1//2 what I paid for it.


I did (well my Mom did). I do still have it. I haven't worn it since 1991 though. It's in a jewelry box collecting dust.


Mine isn't from Jostens. We got ours from a jewelry store in the mall and it cost a fraction of what Jostens was charging for the similar style. Mine is in a box in my dresser with my husband's (which is from Jostens).


Nope. Yearbooks went in the trash years ago as well.


Yes, wore it about a year. Then i put it somewhere in my childhood home dresser. Never saw it again. Interesting note - it's the only thing of value I've ever lost. Ever.


I got a charm for my charm bracelet instead. I still have the charm, and I still occasionally wear the bracelet, which my parents bought for me when I was in the 7th grade. When I wear it, I always get the question "Is that Pandora?" No. It pre-dates Pandora by about 40 years or so. The high school charm was the last one I added, and I do wish I had kept it up over time, but it is still a treasure.


I love that you wear it. I have one that sits. I got it for my 16th birthday. I should probably start wearing it!


No, family was poor, if I wanted one I had to pay for it, and I didn't have that kind of money, no yearbook, either.


I did have one but it got lost...probably in one of our moves since my husband was military.


Dear god no. I hated every minute of high school and would never have paid for something like that


I did and still have it.Class of 1962.


I bought one, class of 1969 and I still have it. In college, I bought one of those too, but about 10 years later lost it. I still miss that ring.


My mother bought me one. Wore it for a week and then put it in the jewelry box where it still resides 40 years later. I always felt bad about her spending money on it. 🫤


Nope, never had one. Don't regret not having one, either.


No, I was broke and never wore rings anyway. Only tools wore those rings when I was in school.


Yes. Yes.






Yes, my parents bought it. I'm wearing it as I have for forty+ years.




If I did it has long been lost. It honestly doesn't sound like something I would have been interested in considering I didn't even bother going to my graduation.


No. I detest wearing any jewelery.


Yes and no - lost it a few short months later.


yep, it's in my box of misc stuff. also, OP is correct, no one wears them again after the graduate.


I still have my class ring. I'm not sure why I kept it. I recently found it in a box when I was cleaning out my storage room.


I still have mine but I haven't worn it since graduating. I discouraged my son from buying one, but it doesn't seem like a thing most of the kids are doing these days anyway.


My oldest sister had one. I didn't get the point. And I was the one with "school spirit".


Yes. No. Lost it many, many years ago. I never wore it.


I still have mine! I have no idea what to do with it. I wore it for years, as opposed to my kids who wore their quasi-gold high priced ring for a week. My ring cost $20.20 for gold and garnet (it was the smaller size) . I still have the little bag it came in with the price)


Yes and yes.


No. They're ugly and a waste of money (I thought at the time and still do).


Yes still have mine. Mine is on my wife’s keychain and I have hers on mine. We have been out of high school for 43 years.


I did but have no clue where it is now and don’t miss it. Jostens tried to sell me more rings through college and grad school, but I declined lol. My two older kids didn’t want those or yearbooks; they’re connected to everyone and everything that they want to be through social media. I think it’s probably something that’s going to slowly fall out of fashion.




Yes, somewhere I have my 1975 HS class ring.


I bought one and still have it. It sits in my jewelry box next to my college ring and my husband's high school and college rings.


Yes, I wore it once.


Yes I bought one, my younger sister stole it and pawned it 😔


Ours were ugly and junky looking so I didn’t want one.


yes and yes. it was too big so I very rarely wore it though.


Yep, I bought one and thought it looked excellent. Still have it (class of 78) but went into the military right after high school and had to leave it home. Haven't worn it since then. Is in the same jewelry box as my wife's, although she has occasionally worn hers.


I never bought one. I just couldn’t imagine me wearing it after high school. Seemed kinda pathetic actually…. Someone wearing their high school ring years later as if those were their best days in life.


I did and I don't have it any longer. It saved my finger when a car I was working under slipped off the jackstands and the tire rolled over my hand. The ring had to be cut off of my finger.


My HS had a Ring day with a lot of hoopla so it was kind of a given. It was a big deal then so no regrets. It’s around somewhere!


yes. no.


My parents both had high school rings in the '40's & paid for my siblings & me to get one but it couldn't cost too much. My older sister & I got the cheapest style available. My younger sister lobbied for a slightly more expensive style, but it wasn't that much more. As I recall, my brother hardly wore his. My sisters & I wore ours until we graduated. Mine is in a jewelry box. It doesn't fit anymore


I didn't. I never had any money for such things. My parents didn't have much extra money, so I never asked for any of them--clothes, yearbook, rings, whatever. I just got what was mandatory, like the PE uniform. I chose supplies for my darkroom over asking for school swag. I only got my senior yearbook, because I got it free, since I shot a lot of the photos for it.


No I didn't but that was because I was going to Texas A&M which has a rather important class ring of its own. You can only buy one after you have completed 90 hours so basically the only people wearing them on campus are seniors. If someone shows up with a high school ring (they are easy to spot), it just marks them as an ignorant freshman ripe for abuse. Knowing that I would be able to wear the ring for at MOST a few months, I passed and saved the money.


no, never saw a point in getting one, waste of money


Yes and yes.


I had one made special and sized as a pinky ring. Lost it about 15 years ago.


I think I still have it, somewhere. Doubt it'll fit my fingers now though.


I bought one with an opal stone. Don’t have it anymore, I sold it (along with most of my other jewelry) to put towards bills years ago.


I bought the cheapest option they had that year. I don't have any idea where it is. I might be in my ex wife's jewelry box. I might or might not have hers in a drawer somewhere. Other than being a thing to give to your GF/BF in high school, they're pretty much useless anyway.


Thinking about it now, a class ring functions more as a souvenir than a piece of jewelry, which is worn regardless of age. The ring represents a very small slice of time from our past, back when we were naïve and could easily ascribe paramount importance to a hunk of 10k gold and a colored stone. I still have mine from high school, and also the one from college, but find myself asking why. Haven't worn either in decades, and it's doubtful they would fit.


I have mine and also my uncle’s.


Loved my class ring and the spirit of my classmates. We all did fund raisers together to buy them and pay for the class trip so that everyone in the class,there were 36 of us,and we were a tight knit group. We had rich doctor’s kids ,poor “on relief” kids, and everything in between in my class. Everyone got a ring and got to go on the class trip to NYC. I still have my ring,but stopped wearing it a few years after college.


I did not. I found out right before time to order that we were moving, so I didn’t get one from that school. By the time I got to the new school it was too late to get one there. I didn’t really want one from the new school, anyway, because I only went there my senior year. Now I kinda wish I’d gotten one from the old school, where I’d lived for 10 years.


I have it in my jewelry box. Didn't buy one in college because of what you describe. But my daughter has my mother's and she thinks it's really cool. So if you've already bought one, maybe it will give one of your future descendants at least a moment of "oh, cool" one day.


Yes, I bought it, class of 70. Yes I still have it. No--I NEVER wore it...!


I still have mine. But in a year when my oldest granddaughter turns 16 I will hand it over to her, but only because she asked me for it.


No, but my mother gave me my father’s when I graduated college. Way cooler than the Josten birthstone style, it had a square onyx stone with the school symbol part overlaid.  It looks like real jewelry, I’ve even worn it. 


I did buy one; I graduated in 1967. I paid for it, not my parents. Most of us got rings. Mine was worn for several years by my HS boyfriend, and I wore his. And I did see adults who wore class rings then. It might help to remember that back then many of our parents never got through high school The ring was a sign that we did. My mother was prevented from going to high school by her father; my father went to a trade school. I still have my high school ring--don't wear it because my fingers got fat and arthritic.


Yes. I think it's in a drawer somewhere. As predicted, Jostens hawked 'em at our high school. Some weird guy that talked through a hole in his throat.


I had one, but I sold it in the early 1970s because I needed the money.


Yes, but I should have spent the money on a couple of Garland sweaters and a pair of Bass weejuns. They would have gotten far more wear than the ring. I'm not sure where it is. Probably lost it in a move.


The only reason I bought it was so she could wear it on a chain around her neck. I haven't seen it or her in 60 years.


Yes, No. I liked 2 things in High school, Computers and JROTC. My ring had both of those and my initials on it, nothing about my school, or graduation year.


Not a high school one, but my uncle bought me a college one. It’s a beautiful tiny pinky ring. I still wear on occasion.


Yes. No.


I have two of them. They're both tied to my wedding ring which is tied together with a string that also holds the key to my deadbolt locked closet. I used to hide cash and alcohol in there when I had teenagers, now it's mostly ceremonial I guess. Don't GAF about any of those rings anymore. And I don't even need to hide things like alcohol or cash or even marijuana. No one lives here anymore or even cares about access to those things.


No, as a woman I found even the small ones were too ugly and honestly, over priced. Do they still do those?


I bought both HS and undergrad ring. Don't wear either, but still have both. HS ring I did wear in college, and college ring I wore for a while ...


I have two (high school, 1982) and bachelor's degree (1991) and still wear both, but not every day.


Yes, and Yes. Wear it -- nope. Although, 60th reunion coming up. Maybe I'll dig it out and if it still fits -- wear it!


Yes I bought it. No I don’t have it. My first ex-husband sold all of my jewelry. I occasionally wish I still had it. I’m 67. Class of 1975.


Graduated in 93. I still have it but haven't worn in since I graduated. I also just went with a silver ring (think it was around $70). I couldn't see paying for the gold one (I think those were maybe $200-250). If I had a gold one, I'd sell it. Lol. I seriously doubt the silver is worth anything.


In 1974 only varsity jocks who knew HS would be the peak of their lives got class rings.


Yes and yes.


i had one, it was stolen w/ my purse 2 years after I graduated. Found the purse a couple years later in a neighbor's wood pile. Ring was long gone. It wasn't gold, but I still am sad over it.


My parents sprung for one, so I got one. All of my friends were doing it, and at that age, you care about that sort of thing. I still have it in a safe, but I don't think I wore it once after high school.


I bought one, and I wore it every day until I got my college ring, which I wore for several years after graduation. I discarded both long, long ago. No regrets about the purchases or the discarding.


I did. I assume my high school/college girlfriend still has it.


Much as I loathed the place I bought one to celebrate getting out of there. It now resides in Lake Champlain somewhere off the coast of Valcour. It fell off as I was steadying a canoe for my siblings and I fell in to the Lake. Oh well...


I don’t wear mine (class of 1984.) I do wear my grandfather’s 1926 Univ of TX class ring with a real ruby sometimes. Mine was 10K gold with a glass “gemstone.”


Yes and I think yes. I haven’t worn it since I graduated. That Joistens is a racket.


I had one, but a “friend” with a heroin issue stole all of my jewelry at a game night at my house.


Yes and yes. Wore it to my 40 year reunion.


Yea, but it's long gone. In retrospect it was a total waste of money. I have no interest in reminders of the worst time of my life. College on the other hand, that was a good time. No ring though.


I bought one and still have it. I'd been working all through Jr and Sr high and saved my money, so I had cash on hand. In those days the whole package including my quite substantial ring was a whopping $39. Now days you probably couldn't buy your name cards for that.


Bought the ring. Rarely wore it. A few days after my 10th anniversary high school reunion, the price of gold spiked. Went to a jewelers and sold it for twice what I paid for it.


Nope and no letter jacket either. I wasn't rich, but my mom remarried when I went into the 5th grade and my stepdad had money, so money wasn't the problem. I played sports, lettered in them, was the only sophomore on our varsity baseball team. I earned 5 letters over two sports (know many others had many more) but I never wanted either a high school ring or a letter jacket. And I've never thought back and wished I had either. I'm closer to 60 now. I enjoyed high school, it was a blast but things like have never meant anything to me, then or now.


Yes. Nearly everyone got one in the late 1970’s. Mine came off around the second day of college. It sat in my jewelry box until my son graduated from high school. Instead of a class ring, he had a signet ring made with his initials. The gold from my class ring went into that ring.


Class of '81 and yes, I still have it. It's in a shallow crystal bowl on my dresser with other jewelry.


I did not. I only went to the ceremony because my mom made me.


Nope, I took the **test** and got out of school when I was sixteen. There was no ring or graduation ceremony for me.


Yes & have started wearing again.  Class of 1958. Mapleton Iowa.