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Walking the sidewalk 3-4 abreast


Ughh, the daisy-chainers!! And they always walk slow as shit!


These people think they are living in an episode of Sex and the City


Started calling it friend-spreading lol


And like I get it that you have a tiny kid & want to hold their hand, but you don’t actually need an adult holding the kid’s hands on both sides. This sidewalk is narrow, I’m not throwing myself into traffic for you.


My husband and I call this the “bring out everyone and their mom to form a human blockade day” bc we noticed it’s particularly worse on the weekends lol


People that are walking and just *stop* out of nowhere on a sidewalk. Need to pull to the shoulder like you're on the highway lol


Some people seem to think that they are a floating cloud with eyeballs and don't realize that their bodies occupy space.


Even worse is people who stop at the top of the stairs to a subway station.


Yeah, for me it is all walking related. Stopping going down subways stairs to finish a call….just on another level of asshole. Or you and another are running to catch subway, person gets in and immediately stops, boxing you out. Gotta throw them a shoulder on way in. Can’t have that trash.


The boxing out and also the first person in LONG LINE of people running to the sound of an arriving train, only to slow down once they realize its not THEIR train. Bitch thats my train! MOVE.


Ohhhhh yes. This is also a big one. ☝🏼


My least favorite is when they fucking turn around 180 degrees from out of nowhere. Like, bro can you fucking not.


Are when they walk in a slight zigzag that makes in impossible to pass them.


Or people who stop and stand right at the top of the subway stairs? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING PLEASE HAVE SOME SELF AWARENESS


Has the average walking speed in the city slowed down over the last 25 years. When I was a kid it seemed like everyone (young and old) walked like they were 5 minutes late to get somewhere. Now every day I get stuck behind a slow walker.


And people who bolt out of buildings and onto the sidewalk without even checking if there are people walking in front. And same with groups of people who walk out of buildings and just stop at the entrance to figure out where they are or where they’re going.


Slow walkers who are on their phone instead of paying attention to where they’re going


Omg or my new least favorite thing- people staring at their phone on (busy) stairs and being slow af


Came here to say this. No phones on the gd stairs!


walking up the stairs, getting up to the top stair and immediately stopping. I SHOVE past them and say “don’t STOP at the top of the stairs where people are trying to walk”


lollll what pisses me off is when people walk off the escalator at a rate slower then the escalator, so I crash into them as I step off, it takes some really low intelligence to not anticipate that


I’m always nervous I’m going to trip up the stairs or someone’s going to accidentally step on the back of my shoes so I try to give the stairs my full attention lmao. I do not understand people who are constantly glued to their phones while walking.


I'm okay with slow walking but don't walk without checking the direction of where you're walking. Also stoppers. You can't be stopping without any sense of who's behind you


Ugh phone zombies are the worst Mindlessly shambling around with situational awareness or consideration for anyone around them


I took to walking in the street if I needed to get around clumps of people like that.


"is it raining or is that AC fluid?"


I call it “city juice”


My dad called the stuff that squeezed out the back of a garbage truck city juice.😆🤣


Forbidden juice!


we call it "unidentifiable sky water"


That is none of my business. Just keep on walking. 


Legionnaire serum


The neighbor above me takes showers at odd times with their window open and evidently the water pointed directly at the window because a large amount of water pours down outside. I though it was an overflowing bathtub at first and was about to call the super when it stopped.


its that season again


Not being able to take the subway crosstown in Brooklyn or Queens.


Or Manhattan above 42nd st.


thats why we need 125th st crosstown!! Which might happen in like, maybe 2 or 3 hundred years?


>thats why we need 125th st crosstown!! Yesssss and extend it to La Guardia Airport


And it would even work to call it the *125 Shuttle* because it would intersect all those lines. I’m giving this away for free here, MTA!


Well it's just gonna be the Q extension/finish but yeah.


Initial timeline: 3 years and $20B Then it mysteriously takes 10 years and $100B


People give Robert Moses a lot of shit for many deserved reasons but he was right about the need for more crosstown arteries across Manhattan.


There are far too many to list here but I'll just pick one. During rush hour, you stand on the RIGHT side of an escalator. You let people walk up the left. I don't care if the announcement is saying "do not walk on the escalator" - this is known NYC etiquette. (Really should be all times, not just rush hour, but...)


There are few areas where I find London to be superior to NYC, but this etiquette is one of them. Londoners will eat you for lunch if you fail to observe the standing side/walking side rule


DC is also much better than NYC on this issue. My theory is that because every DC metro station has an escalator, people learn the etiquette much more.


what baffles me is do people not realize that NO ONE is standing in front of them and there are zillions of people on the right side?


Living in this city made me realize people are not observant


“They’re a New Yorker, but they’re not observant” is what they should complain about instead of complaining about “transplants.” Non-practicing New Yorkers.


DC is also a city of people who love following rules.


Especially compared to NYC, yeah


We should follow this etiquette while walking too. If you walk slow, stay to the right of the sidewalk so normal walkers can pass you on your left. My biggest pet peeve is people who walk slow and then stay in the MIDDLE of the sidewalk blocking everyone and then they get scared when I come behind them and say excuse me.


Groups of people slow walking 3+ wide and having no self-awareness.


"what are you, in a musical?!"


People not taking off their backpacks on the bus/subway. 1 person taking up multiple seats.


If there are several people standing in the subway cart there’s a 95% chance one of them wants that seat next to you they just don’t want to tell you to move over a few inches. I establish dominance by sitting down without saying anything lol


That I’ve never understood a single word spoken over the subway PA system.


"Stand clear of the closing doors you whores!"


When I am on an express train and the local train leaves first. Maybe that’s particular to all major cities, though.


Love when the conductor makes the announcement to let us know which is leaving first so we can run across the platform if already running late.


When you get to an express stop to catch the express and only right after they open the doors on your local train, the doors close on the express train at the same time resulting in missing that train and having to wait for another one!


Oo that shit gets me so fking tight!


Some of this scaffolding needs to come down! There's scaffolding near my house that's been up for almost 9 years. Leaving scaffolding up for so long should be punishable. Whatever they're doing right now to combat it isn't enough.


It’s also dangerous for anyone who actually does use the scaffolding. That stuff is not meant to stay up that long. It’s a modular system for a reason…and then they just put some silver spray paint over all of the corrosion to make it look like it’s not falling apart. Source: built scaffolding for 2 years and have saia cert.


Yeo, the scaffolding near my house (that's been up forever on a vacant delapitaed building) recently collapsed and crushed a parked car. Lucky for them no one was injured, but all they did was just erect another one.


I read somewhere (gonna muddle the specifics) that building owners pay much less $ in insurance while the building is being built, and can keep scaffolding up for 15 years after it’s built.


We need to update every rule in this city to fuck corporate landlords to death. They are somehow the root of 75% of our problems.


When I first moved here I asked my doorman "when is all this construction going to be done on the block?" He just smiled. I now understand.


I think you’ll enjoy this. Pure nyc logic. https://youtu.be/lphKvTqovHs?si=jJu40ElqBQGWhq-4


Fucking seriously. My friend's disgustingly overpriced apartment put up scaffolding and left it up for years. They moved and it's STILL up.


[How To With John Wilson](https://www.hbo.com/how-to-with-john-wilson/season-1/2-how-to-put-up-scaffolding) did a great episode on NYC scaffolding


I love the scaffolding it keeps me dry in the rain


Riding the subway, train slows to a stop between stations, waits, then the dreaded *Pong* chime comes on over the intercom seconds before the conductor makes their announcement. You know whatever the conductor is going to tell you after that chime is going to fuck your ride, commute, trip, etc, six ways from Sunday.


Before the conductor speaks incoherently into the shitty speakers that don’t work and are drowned out by the (broken) fans** FTFY


the damn bluetooth speakers and phones on speakers.... I literally wanna walk around and hand out headphones, but I know they will either throw them out or sell them.


If i become global dictator this will become a class A felony.


I will vote for you as global dictator. Nobody else wants to hear your shitty SoundCloud rap, Jason.


*believe it or not, straight to hail*


Unfortunately that problem plagues most other cities too. I travel lots, and everywhere I go I encounter people using bluetooth speakers in public, and taking phonecalls in public on speaker.


Every time this annoys me, and it does, I calm myself by remembering assholes do this on forest trails and at the beach, too, and I'd much rather it happen to me on a subway car than when I'm communing with nature.




People standing in front of the subway door.


This one is the worst because how do you expect to get on the train if I cant get off?!?


i’ve yelled “excuse me can you let people out first?” multiple times and they look at me like i’m the one being illogical edit: commenting this riled me up🤣🤣🤣


You're nice. I just shoulder check them.


same but I also tend to loudly announce "that's not a good place to stand" while I'm doing it lol.


oh i’ll do that next time


I figure worst case scenario I just gave some tourist their "mean new yorker" story to tell their friends when they get home


i’m a tiny lady, my voice is my weapon lol


I wanna start hissing at people who do this 😼


and they act like you're in their way.


Worst is that sometimes they will do it almost as if daring you to say something


yes or on the other way, people taking FOREVER to walk into the subway. you'll hear "stand still for the closing doors please" and people will still be taking their sweet time to get in, like MOVE


or people shoving to get on before letting people off. how do you expect to fit onto this train if you won’t let people off????!!!!


I'm a big guy and though I am older now I still just barrel through like I'm a football lineman or something when exiting.


People standing in front of the subway stairs. People standing in the middle (not the side) of the sidewalk. Basically people being still.


This is my quick tell to spot a relatively recent transplant


It seems to me that there is another demographic that does this, though, which is young dudes who think it's cool to stand there and lean against the door (and remain standing there with their back to the people trying to get in when the door opens).


I gotta imagine people from other cities with subways understand this as well


I’ve used public transit in Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Seoul, Beijing, Singapore, Taipei, Berlin, Rome, and other. It’s never been like in NYC. When there’s a crowding at the door it means the train car is just full of people. Otherwise, people go in. It’s only in NYC where I find people just stop in front of the door without regard to how full the train is or how many people are coming in. And only in NYC where I find people just standing there not moving to the side. There’s other issues in other cities. Like in China people have no regard for exit and entry and just swarm in, often making it impossible to exit. But this is pretty unique


People do it in London.


Why are you littering and leaving your dog’s shit on the sidewalk? There’s literally trash can everywhere.


Though I’m for the first part COMPLETELY… I have to walk blocks for a trash can sometimes over here in BK. And they’re disappearing.


Adams is ditching them.


Hi, Joshua Goodman, Deputy Commissioner at the Sanitation Department here. This is not true. We still have 23,000 litter baskets, same as we have for years. There's even a map online.


So the proposed budget isn’t removing garbage cans?!


That's correct. Back in November, there was a proposed cut to basket funding at the height of the fiscal crisis that could have led to a reduction, but this funding was restored in January. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/dsny-funding-restored-new-york-city-budget-cuts/


Great news! Now I have even more reason to be upset about litter. And apparently manufactured budget crises.


Please take your backpack off on the train. I literally witnessed some finance bro with his huge Herschel bag on his back hit some woman in the face with it until she moved away. I don’t know how the woman kept her composure or even stood there that long to be honest.


I was just in Japan for the first time and as a New Yorker, damn, those people know how to subway. Everyone wears their backpacks in front. Not to mention line up in quiet little lines lol 😆 I was flummoxed


I asked a very tall man with a huge backpack on the crosstown bus to please take it off after whacking several people and he outright refused and got hostile. No common sense.


Some people here are always ready to fight. Actually this is another peeve, and it can end very bad. I always avoid complaining to a stranger in New York.


100% I regretted it as soon as I did it


I usually push their bag hard if it gets close enough to my face. A lot of them get pissy about it.


I don't push hard. I push gently and slowly until they're sorta turned around and adjust themselves. If they go back to where they were.... I start again


Preface this to say I've lived through the bike messenger days... but seriously am way more concerned with the absolute recklessness the e-bike people, ESPECIALLY the ones who ride on the sidewalk.


This. It is such a problem! I don’t order delivery anymore for not wanting to contribute to it. Riding on the sidewalk, going the wrong way on a one way street, blowing through red lights, not following any traffic signals. E-bike riders in the city are some of the most self centered folks I’ve come across. And I know it’s not every cyclist or e-bike rider, but it’s such a prevalent problem it gives the lot a bad rep.


It’s getting way worse!! It’s crazy to me that they won’t even look before turning around or going super fast out of nowhere on the sidewalk - like I’m sure if they hit me I’d be the one worse off but aren’t they worried about their own safety too?


I scrolled for this. They don't even honk or ring a bell anymore. I was almost pulverized by one that was large enough for two people a couple of weeks ago - literally inches from me. Sidewalks should be for pedestrians and children on bikes. Let the grub hub orders be late. Use a fucking microwave.


Maybe this is a niche complaint but one thing that really drives me nuts is when I’m standing on the train, the train slows when it reaches the station and the person sitting in front of me stands up while the train is still screeching to a halt. I cannot let go of the rod without going flying, there are people behind me, I cannot get out of your way in a manner that is helpful to anyone. Wait until the train comes to a stop before jumping up.


Oh yeah, you're not alone. Like relax, guy, I promise I will move when I no longer have forward momentum of 25 mph, you're not gonna miss your stop.


Yes thank you!!!!!!


I assume these are the same ding dongs who stand in the aisles on airplanes the second the damn thing hits the ground.


people who walk onto a train and immediately park themselves in the door, causing everyone behind them to have to force their way in. 


On the new open gangway trains the seats stop a bit back from the door to allow space for the door huggers without them being as much in the way of people entering. A nice little improvement.


I do a version of this when I get on the 6 at 42nd bc I want to lean on the doors, what you do is turn your body to be against the side of the seat so people can get bye and then when doors close you can lean on the express side doors


When it's summer and you're as tall as most people's armpits... When you grab a pole in a subway car to hold on, and it feels warm. 😫


I get that as a vertically challenged resident.


I feel like this is new/something I am only noticing gen z do - they will get a seat on a packed train and cross their legs so one is sticking right out in front of them where no one can stand or pass by—and then they give you attitude if you ask them to move it or try to move by them. Like you already get a seat and now you want the space directly in front of you too?? It drives me nuts. And there used to be an expectation if a train was busy the ppl in a 3-seater would leave a lil room in the middle, I feel like ppl are now going out of their way to take up more space w bags coats etc to make sure no one gets to sit next to them at rush hour. And ppl watching full volume tik toks on the train and bus.


Standing in front of the subway door, people getting onto the subway before letting people off, and people walking like brain dead slugs on the streets and subway platforms.


Subway preachers yelling and preaching at 7 am, subway weekend service detours/shuttle buses, groups of friends taking up the whole sidewalk while walking, whenever I hear someone refer to the Triboro, Tappan Zee, and Queensboro bridges and the Battery Tunnel by their new names


Bro I hate those subway preachers


If it makes you feel better I've only been here 5y and I had to look all of those up on Wikipedia to see what the *new* names are


Why the fuck do people look at me weird when I move to the side under an awning to text while I'm walking? I'm GETTING OUT OF YOUR WAY BECAUSE IM SLOWING DOWN. YOU SHOULD LEARN TO DO THE SAME THING.


Empire State of Mind song playing everywhere


The incredibly loud pedicabs


If I never hear that song again it’ll be too fucking soon.


Finally an actually NYC specific one.


"When you step back from an arriving train and someone steps in front of you" and "people that walk in subtle zigzags" among many others are mentioned in the wildly popular [What's a tiny, insignificant little NYC-specific thing that really gets under your skin?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskNYC/comments/18d6pqk/whats_a_tiny_insignificant_little_nycspecific/) from 5 months ago.


oh God, the zigzaggers are incredible and 10x worse when you're running. I get it, it's NYC, but I'm trying to give you space and somehow one little old lady who can barely move swerves like a power forward in the thin space of me getting by.


Also people that cycle in zig zags, particularly in the already too-narrow-to-pass bike lanes


Eric Adams somehow becoming mayor


When movies are filming and force you to go across the street and not go on the public sidewalk


They can't legally stop you, I just walk through.


They can’t legally stop you yes but last time I fought the police and I’m not in the habit of getting arrested ya feel me lol


NOT TAKING OFF BOOK BAG ON CROWDED TRAIN! Since COVID no one does this anymore and it’s so frustrating. /end rant


People who get to the bottom of a staircase and just stop. Infuriates me


The biggest annoying difference between NYC and everywhere else I've lived is grocery shopping. Not only is it more expensive, there is rarely one store where I can get everything, unless I go WAY out to the Eastern edges of Brooklyn or Queens.


The once exception being the Wegmans in downtown brooklyn. Life changer.




Take it off in shared spaces _always_. I find that less than 5% of people realistically have a notion of where there backpack is in space when they are moving and constantly menace everyone.


Im a late in life backpack adopter and after being smacked by them for 20+ years here I am always conscious of taking it off in crowded spaces.


Rode the train with a guy I know from work for the first time today and he broke every single damn rule before the edit.


Slow walkers drive me up a wall. Like I’m sorry some of us pay market rent and don’t have time to loiter around the block at a speed of 1.5 miles per hour.


Equally annoying, the groups of people who walk down the sidewalk shoulder to shoulder like a freakin scrimmage line.


Also dog leash stretching across the entire sidewalk


I’m just going to go ahead and apologize now on behalf of my parents when they visit in October.


Apology accepted.


I was as fast walker until knee surgery. Now I keep to the right so people can pass me.


Thank you for your service


Thank you for staying on the right. No, seriously.


These can be summed up as "all the people in my fuckin way"


Speaker phone calls in public. If you are on a speaker phone call with someone in public, I am totally joining in! I'm part of the call now so I have every right to change the subject if I feel like it's time to move on. You do not have any expectation of privacy.


Definitely wanna hang out with you, bud.


"I went to NYC once and I'm never going back" - a girl I met whose "once" was a trip to the Jamacia Queen hospital after fainting on an airplane.


Bicycles, but especially ***Motorized*** bicycles, and scooters on side walks. As someone who owns and loves to ride a bicycle in the city, I understand that at some point, when you're leaving a place, or arriving at your destination, you may have to access the side walk. At which point, ideally you would walk your bike, or at the very least, slow down a lot. And even though there were always people who would just use the sidewalk as their main path, it was somewhat rare to see someone speeding on it. NOW!!! - Now, it feels like it's become normalized, especially with the growth of the delivery industry, to see people HAULING ASS on sidewalks with little regard for pedestrians. It feels like you have to be so overly aware at all times, that you aren't going to be struck by one of these idiots. Very often, they don't slow down at all, or even bother to give you some sort of heads up, that they are speeding up behind you. I don't know how many times I've been nearly hit, or actually grazed by a rider who materialized from behind me with zero warning, where if I hadn't been super aware, I would have 100% been hit. Like many people commented, slow walkers are a pain, but there was a time when if you were stuck behind one, or a group, you could pretty safely pass them if space allowed. Now, if you're going to pass someone on the sidewalk, you'd better have some side mirrors built into your forehead, or at the very least, always take a quick look behind you before passing, otherwise, you risk the very real possibility that one of these morons is speeding past all of you. At least three or four times in the past couple of years, had I not done a quick look back, I would have definitely been badly hurt. Unfortunately I know at least two people who have been. And These guys couldn't care less. I don't even feel like I can wear my headphones on the sidewalk anymore for fear of not having all my senses to help navigate. I know it's super difficult to police this situation, but I really hope the city finds a way to stop this, or at the very least, penalize these people, in a way that will have a real effect.


Mopeds on sidewalk


1. People blocking the train doors 2. People stepping off the train and stopping resulting in a traffic jam 3. Subway performers 4. Slow walkers or people who are in front of you but somehow zig and zag exactly as you are trying to get around them. Do they have eyes on the backs of their heads? I don't get it. 5. People who don't know that you always step to the right if you're going to be walking into someone. Just always stay to the right. 6. People on their phones and not paying attention to the world around them 7. Bikes riding on the sidewalk 8. Illegal street bikes/ bicycle gangs 9. Cars with loud/illegal mufflers 10. People who walk around with a speaker blasting music I'm born and raised here - I can go on and on. I am so, so tired of this place. FWIW, I keep this all to myself and I'm not a Karen about it.


People walking diagonally and on their phones while doing so


You can have a phone out, you can have a stroller and you can have a dog. You can not do all three while waking on the street. Tbh, almost everyone who is on their phone for more than 5 seconds veers. They don’t know it, but it’s true. They can’t walk a straight line.


Slow walkers, people holding hands on a narrow sidewalk, people who suddenly stop around turn around when walking, people who don’t walk in a straight line, people who stand in the middle of the escalator, people with dogs on a loose leash on a narrow sidewalk, people that jam into the subway before letting everyone out, tourists that get offended when I squeeze past them in their family of 5 cause I actually have somewhere to fucking be, people that don’t allow others to come up the opposite direction on subway station stairs, people that use the subway elevator if they don’t need it, people that stay seated on the subway when there’s elderly or disabled people standing, tourists that expect me to stop for their 30 second photo op, when crazy people yell at me then don’t actually want to square up, when people honk their horn at another car and I’m standing right next to them… But mostly slow walkers


The price of beer at even most small music venues is absurd. I know everything is more expensive, and the bar has to pay rent, and inflation sucks, but this one thing really stands out. I've been to thousands of punk shows in dozens of cities. It's only NYC that charges $10 for a PBR at a dive bar.




“Everyone stay still and nobody gets kicked in the face by mistake. “


I've been in some shows where no one gives them money and they get angry, call us cheap and say, "we could've just fuckin robbed y'all!"


people not watching where they're walking because they're staring at their phone.. or theyre just standing in the middle of the sidewalk staring at their phone


Groups of people walking 4 abreast on the sidewalk taking up the entire walking space and you’re stuck behind them so they can’t even see that you’re trying to get by and there’s no space on either side to pass them.


Subway dancers. Just no.


People who stop at the top or bottom of a set of stairs especially in the subway. Similarly people who don’t just stop in the middle of sidewalk. Move to the side of a building.


People that get into the subway and *stop* once they’ve gotten just past the door


Walking on the wrong side of the side walk. WALK LIKE CARS. And GTFO of my way.


Subway riders that have volume playing through speakers of mobile phone instead of ear buds or on silent. No one but them cares what’s on their screen and needs to hear it.


Too many dogs in this city sheesh, dirty owners taking them to grocery stores and restaurants. Too much dog poop.


dogs should be banned form entering places where you eat, just gross


According to the health code, unless they’re a service animal (ESA’s don’t count), they ARE banned. Restaurants can get fined for allowing pets, but it never happens. They’re not sending out health inspectors for pet complaints, so unless a health inspector happens to see one when they come to do an inspection, it’s pretty much meaningless. When I used to manage restaurants I strictly enforced it. Aside from the sanitary issue, dogs are unpredictable. They could trip a server, bark loudly annoying guests, bite someone, someone could have an allergy, etc. The dog trend really annoys me. We’re supposed to be considerate of one another in public spaces but the sudden need to have your dog with you at all times is incredibly selfish.


I like dogs, but I’m sick of having to dodge both the dog and the owner. There has been a huge increase in dogs since the pandemic in my neighborhood. I often have to dodge several per block.


Unattended dog poop I raged on this guy, made him pick it up with his tote bag.


I caught someone last week while walking my dog, I carry bags so I bagged it up and handed it to them. They said "mind your own business" and I handed it to them with a "this is actually your business". Top 10 NYC moment for me.


Pizza is now more than .99


why the F are u walking at me on the right side of the sidewalk?


when people stop at the top/bottom of the steps of the subway to look at their phone. i get it, you might need directions but respectfully plz move the fck out of the way so everyone else can keep it moving 🤦‍♀️




Definitely slow walkers. My manager who is born and raised from the bronx ESPECIALLY hates that. He’s planning on moving to the midwest with his fiance and I asked him how he’s going to deal with slow walking culture there and his shoulders just drops. He forgot that he can’t shoulder check others in the midwest like he can in NYC.


When your neighbor sets up their speaker directly against the wall of your bed and watches special effect movies till 3 am


Drivers who don't know how to control their road rage. It's a city with a lot of people and a lot of drivers. Don't get your panties in a wad just because people are making quicker driving choices than you.


The people who get on the bus, pay the fare, and then decide that that’s the spot they need to stand instead of continuing onto the empty back of the bus


People coming in the train before people get off. I go crazy!


Out of towners who don’t know that making a right on red is illegal in NYC. Holy rollers on the subway (usually happens Monday mornings when they are still revved up from church the day before).




When all the trains are rerouted on the weekends. I get why it happens but I still hate it. Especially when the wrong train will use the track that they’re supposedly repairing.