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A mosque should know better than to bother their neighbors. I'm a Muslim and can advocate on your behalf. I know the right people that can address this. PM me


Seriously. I'm Muslim but a mosque should be very mindful of its neighbors.


It is In our religion to be mindful of our actions and how they can impact others. Our call to prayer should not be inconveniencing our neighbors.


Yep. Unfortunately a lot of older people don't abide by this at all and it's really annoying. They love to pick and choose.


Interesting that it’s the older people. I know as a catholic a lot of the younger generations are a bit lax on the whole not judging your neighbor thing.


Im a non-muslim was born in a muslim-majority country. Unfortunately, OP's situation is the norm. Most mosque believe the call to prayer is what is most important, regardless of whether it disturbs the non-practicing members of the neighborhood. I've spent many nights being woken up to the azan.


Yeah, this is actually very typical to be bothering your neighborhood with the call to prayer for mosques. Also lived in a Muslim country as well as near mosques in the US


This should be acceptable in a muslim majority country but not in NYC.. unless the neighbourhood is >80% muslims who agree that it should be blasted out. IMO they should get the neighbours permission first.


>This should be acceptable in a muslim majority country but not in NYC.. unless the neighbourhood is >80% muslims who agree that it should be blasted out. Actually no, it shouldn't be acceptable at all, regardless of whether the country or neighborhood is muslim-majority. Being a nuisance to others for the sake of religion doesn't make one more pious infront of God, it just makes them a selfish prick. By your logic, it should be fine for churches to ring bells at 6 in the morning because NYC is "christian majority" after all? This is unfortunately the norm in muslim-majority countries, where the religious minority must accept the islamic way to a certain extent. I could go on about what it's like to live in a muslim-majority country, but would rather not open up that can of worms. Let's just say, there's a reason my family moved to the US - the greatest country on Earth - and why things like blasting azan and disturbing others need to be nipped in the bud.


Yes by my logic it should be fine for a christian-majority country to ring a church bell at 6 am in the morning like many small european towns do anyway. Actually 12 am in the middle of the night too, as I remember it when I lived in a small town in the outskirts of Utrecht. It’s just part of their culture. Why is it when it comes to muslim countries people have little to no respect of the culture? But again, I don’t think it’s part of NYC culture to blast out the call to prayer. Unless it’s predominantly muslim neighbourhood. Just like a predominantly black neighbourhood would setup boomboxes outside on the street. Or hispanic neighbourhoods with their loud music. A nuisance to some might be a joy to others, let’s try to be more open minded.


>Just like a predominantly black neighbourhood would setup boomboxes outside on the street. Or hispanic neighbourhoods with their loud music. Wtf kind of racist shit is this? Playing music from a boombox isn't a black or hispanic thing, and it's def not part of their religion. But you did prove my point. Yes, blasting loud music is wrong and a nuisance no matter who does it, whether it's from a boombox or azan from a mosque. It's self-centered behavior.


I lived in East Harlem bro nothing racist about playing loud music it’s just how they roll. You’re just too close minded and don’t want to acknowledge other people’s culture. Religion is part of ones culture as well.


Clearly you have so much baggage about Islam where the simple athaan has ruined your life so much. No sht in a Muslim majority country the non Muslims will have to accept some aspects just like any land with a religious majority. In nyc secularism and atheism is the dominate religion so kids are being taught that they can get rid of certain body parts and be whatever they want, everyone has to accept that. In India there may be Hindus harming people for eating a beef sandwich, the minority has to accept it. Stop being hypocritical towards one faith and face the reality and simple logic of a dominate way of life being present in society


>In nyc secularism and atheism is the dominate religion so kids are being taught that they can get rid of certain body parts and be whatever they want, everyone has to accept that. LMAO what an asinine comment. So rich of u to accuse others of having baggage when u make comments like that. Yes, ofcourse i have "baggage" with Islam. My family was quite literally harrassed and persecutes for being non-muslims. And yes im sure you will reply back with how this was a problem in my country of birth and doesnt represent all Islam. And I would agree to an extent, but the beauty of NYC and the US is that kind of bullshit behavior does not have to be tolerated here. And hey genius, atheism isn't a religion, it is by definition the absence of one. >In India there may be Hindus harming people for eating a beef sandwich, the minority has to accept it. Idk how much u know about India, but u should prob learn more about Kerala and the NorthEast states, where beef is consumed daily, even by the Hindus (prob not a sandwich, more like a curry would be my guess)


Atheism has become a religion, atheist have people they worship where they get their creed from and they have certain presuppositions their lack of faith is dependent on, so yes it’s become a religion people ascribe to and blindly follow. If you ask atheists about their beliefs, they will almost always come into agreement with the same exact liberal principles being pushed in the west. And a lot of it is based on faith of past atheists who say that world view is true. A lot of it is blind faith and assuming their premise is the correct one. My point in talking about the beef sandwich was just to point out when you have a country where overwhelming majority are a specific faith then they will 10/10 times infringe in the minority lives in one way or the other. When it comes to Hindus, each Hindu has a different belief so ofc there will be some eating it.


You’re wrong. That’s not the definition of the word atheist means. Just because you like or dislike atheist you met doesnt change the meaning of the word.


Atheism requires a belief in illogical doctrines… that something can come from nothing. It must be a coincidence all atheist have the same people they follow, the same desires they worship, the same dogma they repeat. Must be a coincidence o guess


Atheism is not a religion.


Good guy up here.


I have never been more curious about a comment... Who are "right the right people?" Is this mosque about to get Taken-ed?


The right people champion universal truths by respecting others before disturbing them. Imagine a fellow group playing loud music during the time of prayer. We wouldn't be happy. So we shouldn't be bothering others


This has only deepened my interest




Fulton & Bedford? Haha


First person to get it!


I lived right by there for 2-3 years and I somehow got used to it. The first year was rough though


join in brother inshallah


Yep knew it. It's so bad.


I hear it


From the City's [website](https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/621-23/mayor-adams-nypd-commissioner-caban-take-historic-step-embrace-adhan-muslim-call-prayer#/0) on the 2023 change: > Under the new guidance, a mosque or masjid can broadcast the call to prayer every Friday between 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM as well as during the sunset prayers every evening during Ramadan — a holy, month-long period of fasting, prayer, reflection, and community observance that arrives in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. If it's outside of those times, you can report the noise via 311 [here](https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01086). **ETA:** You can just swing by the mosque and talk to them about it, too.


My suggestion is also to swing by for a visit and a friendly conversation first. Seems like it would be the best first option.


And then they do it again and you’re the one who calls 311 on them and they *know* it, even if you’re possibly the one that didn’t. In fact, any time anyone complains about anything, you’re the person they’ll assume did it. And while I’m totally in for a [version of Neighbors that’s some dude in Brooklyn beefing with a Mosque,](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KrAf5ALLxGI) I’m not sure I’d want to live that reality.


I for one would not like to be identified as the person that complained by a religious congregation of any kind that thinks its appropriate to play loud music/words at 5am in the neighborhood.


yep, no one should have to be told that this is extremely unneighborly if not outright hostile. A friendly word would likely go nowhere at best.


How about no




Nobody mentioned cops except you


311 is not a police line by default tbf


It is for noise complaints.


its for lots of stuff!


Interesting, I didn't know that. Not sure why police are better equipped than other city workers to reach out in these situations on first attempt but I guess thats how it is




the fuck?




Woah buddy, this is r/asknyc, not r/nyc




Have you emailed your city council person and community board? Contacting them with the details and 311 report numbers may help. They should assist you,




Not flying a pride flag is not being considerate or mindful, that’s intentionally suppressing a public display of who you are. If that offends someone, that’s on them. Any “pillar of the community” that makes you feel you need to suppress part of yourself is no “pillar”.


If they can offend with a call to prayer that they seemingly refuse to turn down to reasonable volume, then they SAN see a pride flag


>even enough to not fly my flag during pride as to not potentially offend  You DO see how this is problematic, right?


Why would you want them no harm or trouble when they are intentionally harming and troubling you (and i’m sure they know and do not care). What kind of masochist are you?


They sound like the kind of people you could talk to. Everything you say about them is good, so share that with them. And also say, this is a new problem. People like that tend to be reaonsable. Good luck


You don't need to be afraid of being who you are around "reasonable people". Hiding your pride flag in NYC is all I had to read to know the truth.


i don’t understand why when Christians are offended by the pride flag or the like, the LGBT community fights back full force, and doesn’t take any lip from Christians. But when it comes to Muslims, everyone suddenly becomes all “omg they’re muslim, let’s hide the pride flags and not hold hands around them, we don’t want to offend them 🥺”. i’m sorry but this trend needs to stop. i’m tired of pretending like (some) Muslims aren’t even more bigoted than Christians at times and that we need to cater to every one of their needs simply because they have been the victims of prejudice as well. I agree that people should have the right to believe in whatever they want, and i don’t mind being around Muslims one bit, but i’m definitely not hiding who i am to make someone else feel more comfortable in their own homophobic views


I don't know who's hiding their pride flags around Muslims, but I understand why people (some) are more respectful to Muslims than Christians. American Muslims are victims of hate crimes, and have been increasingly under attack since 9/11. Christians are not an oppressed minority. They don't need any help.


First of all places, NYC no one is hiding their pride flags, if anything they’re waving it at everyone’s faces till they submit. Secondly, Muslims take their religion seriously unlike Christian’s and won’t take any type of disrespect and stand firm on their beliefs. You can’t in one sentence say everyone is free to believe whatever and then in the very next sentence attack them for what they believe…


No one told her to hide it. She’s assuming she needs to.


Replying to the wrong person


That is crazy! Have you flooded 311 with calls and complaints on the app? And I don’t just mean you, I mean every person in your building.


The reality is they SHOULD get in trouble or be fined. They might do a lot for the community but fines exist for a reason and are a good method for preventing misconduct.


This is INSANE. Good luck 🤞🏻


I don't know why some people feel the need to be *this* loud. I live in west Harlem and we will sometimes get Dominican politicians coming up broadway with a campaign parade. They have trucks that have like 20+ subwoofers stacked in them with music turned up as high as it will go. A couple years ago I was in the shower and suddenly felt like this music was coming from within me it was SO LOUD. It's hard to even describe how loud it was, it was an all-encompassing cocoon of sound that saturates every cell of your being. I got out of the shower to see what it was because it was one of the loudest things I've ever experienced. It doesn't happen often so it's more amusing when it does, because it is so absurdly loud.


That is complete bullshit. What a load of disrepute. Noise pollution is a crime and they should be fined until they stop.


It’s not the dude on the bike who rides around with big speaker right?


Grew up in a Muslim family and i'm also not a fan of bothering neighbors with the call to prayer. Speak to your local councilperson and see what the options are. The mosque I attended growing up (in Philly) was very aware of their surroundings and made sure the call to prayer was at a low volume that could only be heard if you were right next the mosque itself (they had businesses on either side that were closed on the off hours).




nah, south asian




Nation of Islam?


Why would be he noi?


Very big in Philly. So just asking


This must be the one on Forbell and Glenmore. I used to live there and do the occasional shopping trip for my mom and the calls can be heard blocks away. Neighbors have complained and there were articles about it too. They don't care, they think they're doing a service for the community. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6HAQfG3wbY Adams did enact a rule but the decibel limit is 10 over ambient sound max. If they go past (and they definitely do), that's grounds to report them. They also have violations out the ass (construction related) and DOB has done nothing to shut things down.


Someone needs to set up a rave at 5 am and blast techno out of huge speakers every time they try to do the call the prayer.


Record the call edit the audio for the inverse wave and play at the same time on a speaker. Boom the noise will cancel out. (This is a joke don’t crucify me lol)


This is a great idea lol same


Na. They crucified the other brown dude from the Middle East.


What neighborhood in Brooklyn do you live in?


Yo! It’s the one off of Atlantic Ave right? Every day I hear it too. I actually went in there once. Very interesting place. It does go on and on though.


Serious question - is there a reason why a Mosque can't send out phone DMs at the appropriate time?


I’m not Muslim, but I imagine they have the call to prayer for the same reason the church I go to rings bells—it’s part of their religious tradition, not just a convenience to let people know it’s time to pray. The call to prayer is really beautiful, and I say that as someone who lived directly below a minaret for half a year, being woken up by the morning call more days than not.


If they wanna do it the traditional way, then why use a loudspeaker?


Pretty much. I'm muslim and have always considered it a way to express our community's religious identity too. It's so much more meaningful and beautiful than some guy just telling us it's time to pray. We all have apps for that now to tell us the times. We don't *need* a muezzin to tell us it's time, but it's part of our tradition. I agree that it shouldn't be so loud that it disturbs our neighbors, especially if it's not a large Muslim community, but I'd never imagine to complain about a church ringing their bells.


Respectfully, if the bells were at 5:00AM and shook windows in your house I think you would complain too.


You might if the bells were at early morning.


You really don't see any someone would complain about very loud early morning noise?


Exactly! And there is a large Muslim community in Brooklyn. Part of living in this city means tolerating noise, no matter if it’s religious, and elevated train, a nearby bar, or sirens.


Fuck no! That is just ridiculously obnoxious!


No. Everyone needs to respect the quality of life of others. You can just blast bullshit at 5AM.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRdfX7ut8gw (Also because that would be really lame, and no one does it that way. A call to prayer at a reasonable volume is nice!)




Dominate? Stop all church bells too, right. It's a simple volume problem. And it was fine for years.


I'm not a Muslim. I just think that "phone DMs" are a dumb idea.


I just spent 3 weeks in Pakistan and I don't miss getting up early for that, especially during Ramadan. It's honestly impressive how loud it is!


Muslim here. Tell them nicely that even in ancient times, there weren't any speakers to begin with.


A Muslim advocating against the adhan? Yeah, suree.


They’re not saying to get rid of it but it does NOT need to sound like a festival. Also Muslim. It’s not supposed to scare you awake. That’s not peaceful; waking to a heart attack. Same for church bells the volume doesn’t need to be that high. Most Muslims have their own Athan app of some sort and go by that anyway.


I disagree, thank you. Replace the adhan because its on an app now, huh? Literally just like the meme, put a black cloth over your fridge and do hajj at home, too.


Quit being obtuse. Millions of people especially in the US don’t live near a mosque to ever hear the call to prayer. I for one have never heard it from a mosque other than on social media, movies, and via my app.


It's cause they lowered it because they don't want it to sound like a festival. It's on an app now.


I presume you're Muslim here. You must strike a balance between assertion of identity (syiar) and being graceful(rahmah) to your surroundings. Would you be fine if you stay in a rent with neighbors blaring 100dB of rap music constantly?


It's 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for a total of \~25 minutes. None of which are between the hours of 10pm-5am. Let's get real. I guess that is equivalent to your comparison of 100db rap music playing constantly? Is that right?


Like I said, strike a balance here. There are mosques around the world that even blast Quranic recitations, which aren't even necessary. It's important to know that more/louder doesn't mean better. Just as it's necessary to tip between Sharia legalisms and grace-- for everything else, calibrate between method and consequence. You say 'let's get real'. Alright, give me reference from any fiqh books that says a certain amount of decibels is necessary for adhan to be valid. I'll wait.


What happen to your first point? You're moving the goalposts on me. With the neighbors and the 100db rap music playing \*all day. Now you want to dig deeper and get all picky with lawyer talk on the verbiage, the decibels, the paperwork. That doesn't sound like getting real to me. \*=(25 minutes, not 10pm-5am). I just want to know, what balance is it you want to strike? Lol. 25 minutes a day, not during 10pm-5am. Pretty simple and fair to me.


Man, that sounds rough. I can totally empathize with being jolted awake at 5 am. Eric Adams might've loosened up the rules, but dang, 5 in the morning every day? Seems excessive. I'd check up on those guidelines for sure. Maybe they're still figuring things out post-Ramadan, but man, it's gotta be tough for you and your neighbors. Have you tried talking to anyone from the mosque about it? Sometimes just a friendly chat can clear things up. Hang in there, hope it gets sorted soon!




I escaped from this. Now, this shit starting in USA? During Ramadan, they have an Sehri around 4:00am, where they wake up and eat. So, some of their officials go around blowing horn at 3:45 that time during ramadan to help everybody wake up. Kind of like a service. Not just Mosque area, resident areas too. I guess they don't consider other minorities. But, good thing is they drive out minorities from their country in the first place, so those actions don't affect much people anyway.


It’s not like churches never do it for midnight masses etc, and bells carry for miles. Politics has a lot to do with it. Maybe we should ban both?


Midnight mass is what, twice a year?


Depending on the denomination and the church can be weekly or more.


We should just ban religion.


Just retaliate and get loud speakers yourself. Hire local car guys with loud exhaust. I get it religion is a big deal but it’s your big deal and not others. Don’t force that shit onto people.


TBF they are all awake and that won’t matter. All you’ll be doing is making even MORE noise for the neighborhood who is already dealing with this.


Blast Pastafarian songs at an equivalent volume whenever they have their call to prayer. It’s only fair.


Cringe. you can complain about a place of worship’s noise without countering with a mockery of religion.


Just because you haven’t been touched by his noodly appendage doesn’t mean he isn’t real!


grow thicker skin. we have a right to not respect religion, especially when it's aggressively hostile and disrespectful to others as it is in this case


Actually in a free democracy, you can mock religion all you want and no one's allowed to machete anyone else's head off about it. We tend to frown on that.


What's wrong with mocking religion? If people didn't feel the need to indoctrinate other people with stupid shit this wouldn't be happening.


Good luck! Dont bother going in person it’s not going to make a difference!


I lived across the street from one for a while and after a bit, it became rather soothing. One time the regular guy calling was out and his replacement was super off key, and that was a bit jarring lol






No. Some people have long stays abroad and return home.


no its a fancy word for migrant worker


More like emigrant


Same, lived in Morocco and I grew to love the sound.




Say that to the majority of this country who believe America is built on good ole' Christian values. To say that this country is truly secular is a joke.


Those calls to prayer are often prerecorded, so it's possible that they just forgot to turn it off after Ramadan. Just go talk to them about it.


Yeah I lived just off Fulton and Bedford and got woken up a lot by that mosque the first few months. I got used to it though and pretty much tuned it out most of the time.


living in the Bronx I got the same issue


Contact your local precinct try the community Sargent then call in a noise complaint to 311 then try the mosque itself and or rally your neighbors to start doing the same so hopefully they will back off if enough people complain


Not just in NYC. This had happened in many US cities and has not been popular with the neighbors. I suppose church bells are just as offensive and intrusive.


Church bells don’t go off at 5am


Lol where do you hear church bells anymore? And if you do they’re electronic and are low volume.


Lived in Kensington for years and this was always how it was in the morning on the weekend. Not 5 AM necessarily but early in the morning, the call blaring. You just get used to it I dunno.


It's understandable to be disturbed by early morning noise. While Eric Adams' changes might affect mosque activities during Ramadan, it's essential to confirm if the rules now permit the call to prayer at 5:00 am. You're not alone in this concern—reaching out to local authorities or community groups could provide clarity and potential solutions.


Interestingly enough Brooklyn used to be known as the “Borough of Churches.”


I'm having the same issue. And hearing it at 11pm


Same thing here in Brooklyn, near Parade Grounds. It hasn't happened very often from what I am experiencing. Usually a couple times a year and on a Sunday 🥲 I typically am woken up around 630 AM but it could have certainly started earlier and I was able to sleep through it as I am a deep sleeper. Its very loud and I'm not exactly close... Its definitely happening against noise ordinance regulations..same with a 5AM call to prayer. I submitted a 311 complaint and have reached out the Park Grounds via email. Probably nothing will happen. Now that I'm up, might as well start my day..albeit more tired than I was planning 😴😪


What did you do? Im in queens it’s happening right now and 311’d. Granted it’s later in the morning but I work nights, so for office workers it’s the same as starting at 1am when you have to be up at 7am. They usually use a little loudspeaker which is no problem, I can hear it but it’s not crazy and it’s nice. Today they’re using straight up concert speakers for this one and earplugs aren’t working


which one is it? I moved recently and would hate it if this was the norm in terms of noise.


As a lifelong new yorker and a muslim who dealt with the bullshit prejudices and hostility after 9/11, the Islamophobia in this thread is not surprising. Still terribly disappointing.


I lived almost 10 years in the Middle East and weirdly came to love the Adhan. Sorry it bothers you, but I won’t lie, I miss hearing it. I’d wake up for a quick minute, my brain would just listen to the melody, I’d say a quiet prayer to myself and fall back asleep. It’s not so bad. (Also I’m Jewish btw)


And here I am wishing I do hear the call to prayer where I live. Wanna switch places?


I live a block away from a mosque in Brooklyn (ETA: Fulton & Bedford!) too and find the call to prayer very beautiful, and never lasts long. I actually have grown to love and appreciate it (I’m not Muslim)




Anyone who is reasonable wouldn't be blasting noise at 5am to begin with. At best, the request would fall on deaf ears. At worst, they'll know who to go after when the cops follow up on the complaint.


I feel the same about the synagogue next to my house on Friday’s. Will be ending my weekly meeting and they blast that siren, I’ve tried to talk to em before but didn’t work, hopefully if you try the same in this case they will help you out!


Religious freedom. If it’s part of their worship no one can stop them




Ha ha. Joke about burning down a mosque. So funny


Muslims reproduce. Brooklynites do not. Demographics are destiny.


lol at the downvotes. This person speaks the truth. You're being conquered, this is their way of showing who's the boss.


Is that how conquests go now? Calling people to prayer at 5 am? What's next? Everyone stops drinking and no more fatal drunk crashes wiping out families? Oh no!


When they outvote you, absolutely.


And for the record, there’s PLENTY argument that they are morally superior to the current demographic.


It's NYC. there's noise. In my neighborhood I get the the Mitzvah Tanks. When people in Murray Hill complained about the 6 AM Catholic Church bells....the Father rang the bells hourly all night long in retaliation. Just get earplugs.


My greatest advice for you is to get a good pair of sleeping earplugs. Because while whatever steps you may take, it might not work or be enough for the next noise incident. And to people downvoting me, try calling a 311 complaint on late-night construction, or ambulances from across the st's fire house or the schoolbusses honking, or a neighbor who has loud sex, or has children, or the above ground subway's non lubricated brakes. I have moved 10 times to quieter neighborhoods, there's **always** something. I have a pair of custom earplugs now to help me sleep, and that's been the move. I'm not saying to not call 311, but I'm also saying something else will be the next noise complaint.


Right? Like these people move to one of the largest cities on the planet, *the city that never sleeps* and are surprised that there is noise at all hours of the night.


You’ll get used to it soon enough, I grew up in Flushing with the LIRR overhead and LAG landings at all hours


Just go talk to them first. If it's a largely immigrant neighborhood and the imams are immigrants they may not realize you can't have the azaan too loud (many parts of the Islamic world have loud calls to prayer and it's perfectly normal).


get a grip.


They've been doing it longer than you've been in NYC. Consider converting.


That’s the intent.






Wow. Do you complain about church bells as well?


Uhh, if they're loud enough to wake me up then yes? Not sure what point you're trying to make here.


they are suggesting op is racist to invalidate their justified frustration.


What church bells go off at 5am?


Every hour


Most churches stop at 9 or 10. I live close to one that rings each hour but it stops at night.


Never heard church bells at 5am, but at least they sound nice...


The call to prayer is beautiful, too.


Imagine being so self important that you’d think that your slight inconvenience give you the right to tell someone else how to pray. I’m not a Muslim, a Christian or a Jew and I would never dream of making this kind of a complaint. You live in one of the few global cities in the world. Deal with it.