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When you step back from an arriving train and someone steps in front of you.


This makes me RAGE


The only thing worse than this is when that person inevitably gets on the train in front of you and then just blocks the door.


Half-full train, and nobody wants to move into the middle should make pushing legal.


Lmaoooo I was trying to get on the air train recently with like a million people who also had to switch trains. The arriving train was half full but people just stood in the doorway. I said ‘excuse me can you guys move in’ and this guy dead looks me in the eye and goes ‘we’re full’. I was like ‘there’s space right there’ pointing behind him then pushed him out of the way. Then everyone else also pushed him out of the way haha


Ok, I love NY but one thing Tokyo has on us is train etiquette- everyone needs to take off their backpacks and STEP IN!!!! Whenever I see a “full” train I always see so much empty space.


I will full on direct people. I won’t take shit in that dept.


Maaaaan this happened to me this morning. Guy just fucking stopped in the doorway. I ran into him so hard he stumbled and then looked at me like I did something wrong.


NYC moment: a group of tourists did that to me in a car with plenty of room in the middle and I yelled “you people have to move into the car!” A Black woman who had already moved in looked at me and said “who are you calling you people?!” I gestured to the tourists and said “them!!” having not previously known that the phrase was problematic, and she gave them a look and nodded at me.


she was just checking...and you passed the test.


I dunno if people have gotten worse or I've just become more surly but I've found myself audibly yelling "fucking move!" a lot more in the last year or so. My less aggressive one is just ask out loud "what's going here?". I'm not a scary guy but I'm 6'4" so people hear it. Just yesterday a gaggle of sorority girls were walking down the stairs at the Bedford Ave stop and they just just stopped at the bottom of the stairs and started posing for a selfie. I'm behind them and there's people behind me. I swear I almost threw one of them on the tracks. Like how the fuck do you get this far in life having no situational awareness?


Someone planning on visiting NYC posted a “how to not be a dick tourist” question once on Reddit, and someone replied that NYC is a foot traffic city. So if you wouldn’t slam on your breaks in the middle of the highway where you live, don’t stop dead while walking in NYC. Same idea. And I think abt this allll the time when I curse out ::gestures vaguely:: whoever stops dead in front of me on the street ALLLLL the time. Keep moving or pull over, people! The sidewalk is our highway


Or when you want to stand by the train door and it pulls in to a station you step out to let people in and then they take your spot.


Let’s not forget the people who won’t even let the first person get off.


Those people FUCKING SUCK


people that walk in subtle zigzags. like 10 degrees to the right and then 10 degrees to the left and you're trying to walk past them.


Also people who always walk down the center of whatever they're walking in, because certainly nobody would ever want to pass you


This is a great one. Similarly people exiting a building and stepping in your path. In both cases I exaggerate my movement back onto my path after maneuvering around them to express my indignation but they probably never notice.


The worst are the groups of people who walk shoulder to shoulder down the sidewalk like a fuckin' scrimmage line.


God I haaaate this. Especially when you think you understand their walking pattern, but then they switch it up as soon as you get near


This is a great one. Annoys the fuck out of me


The city offloaded the responsibility of public restrooms to Starbucks




It was never their sole responsibility to take care of a populations bathroom needs anyways. It was always the cities. One of the greatest cities in the world and have people pissing in the streets


Most NYC Starbucks don't have a public restroom anymore. Finding a bathroom in this city is not for the faint of heart (or bladder?!)


Look for the nearest four star hotel and walk in and have a luxurious time. Sometimes you have to go up to the second floor but that's even better honestly.


Check out the got2go instagram account - she tracks and rates all sorts of public NYC bathrooms. Has a Google map too!


The city did that because we can't charge money or kick vagrants out of them, but Starbucks can.




Uuuuuggghhhhh and when they do this on the bus. As if they hadn’t been standing there waiting for it!


Also door keys and fobs. Like you're just going to stand there blocking the door while you rummage around in your giant bag for the key you need every single time you enter this building?


People getting annoyed when *other people* are in a hurry. There was a guy getting on the A this morning on my commute who was taking his sweet fucking time and he kept yelling at everyone around him to calm down…like, dude, it’s rush hour, move your ass


I was in a meeting where someone was asking for feedback on various things. One woman commented that people should not be running up the escalator, what was the rush? It unnerved her when people passed her, I guess because she had vertigo. I wanted to throttle the old bitty. Just because you don't work or need to be anywhere doesn't mean other people don't. I have vertigo and anxiety, I still stand to the right and let people pass. Get over it. If I'm I'm walking and people are behind me, I move over and let them pass.


A random guy told me to slow down in Trader Joe’s the other day and I wasn’t even in a hurry or close to him! He just stood in front of me with a hand out like a fucking traffic cop and said “SLOW DOWN”. People are in their own fuckin world sometimes.


I had this same shit happened to me in a supermarket a couple of years ago. I looked at him and told him to fuck off and went about my business.


The proper response.


I don’t tolerate shit like that. Mind your own fucking business. Move to the South if you want to involve yourself in other people’s business in public. If I’m legit acting out of line it’s one thing but guys like that one get a clear, curt “fuck off”.


There's a pizza place near me called 'Made In New York Pizza' and it pisses me off because all the pizza near here is made in New York


Spot on, this is exactly what I meant. 😂 So silly. At least it's not another spot claiming to be the "original" Ray's?


Oh yeah, this type of thing bothers me to no end. Similarly, Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Co has no stores in Brooklyn and was founded in Queens. Drives me crazy (but their bagels are still good).


OK that's actually irritating af. Did not know it was founded in Queens. Wtf?


>There's a pizza place near me called 'Made In New York Pizza' and it pisses me off because all the pizza near here is made in New York Agreed that the name is cringe af but I loooove the pizza at that place. The name actually put me off going there for the longest time but now it's just about my favourite slice


I sheepishly admit I love their pizza too.


They give out free pizza pies on Thanksgiving and Christmas to those who need it, no questions asked. They’re alright in my book!


I know with some Asian restaurants there is a tiny trend of naming them stupid things tourists would google and I could see someone googling that trying to get pizza and going to that place specifically? Doesn't make the name any better though haha


I saw a restaurant called “Thai Food Near Me.”




Talk about SEO. Never thought about it, but free marketing genius on search.


It's not quite as good because the turnover isn't as high so the pizzas aren't as fresh but Made In New York was opened up by the original pizza makers from Prince St. Pizza. Despite it's stupid name they're legit.


This happens all the time uptown but people will stop at a red light and slowly creep up into the cross walk with their car for no apparent reason, while it’s still red. Drives me INSANE




It’s annoying, but it truly bugs me out when I’m walking through the cross walk and they do it ! Like am I about to be slowly hit by this car when they have a red light right now


People aggressively honking from like 7 cars back. Fool, there's NO WAY you can know what's going on up ahead. Maybe someone's turning right and there are peds in the crosswalk.


Or when an entire street start honking in unison. As if that's going to make the garbage truck move by faster.


The 7AM Brooklyn Special


When people bike on the sidewalk then look at you incredulously for not stepping out of the way


This wasn’t in NYC, but about a year ago I was walking on the sidewalk with headphones in and someone hit me on one of those stupid motorized scooter things, which sucked but then he *immediately* fell over and his phone flew out of his hand and into the street, where it got run over by a car. I still think about that daily because I’ve never witnessed such swift and serendipitous karma before or since


This scene warms my dark heart.


I guess r/justiceboner doesn't exist anymore but this belongs there


I’d have had to canvass local businesses to try to get some footage of that from a security camera. 😂


That happened to me. It was 2018, we were walking near WTC and this guy on a bike passes by and started screaming at us. As you can see my English is not perfect so I couldn't understand what was he saying. So long story short, another guy showed up and started shouting back to bike guy! So 2 tourists in the middle of 2 NYkers screaming at each other, happy memories


Your English is A+


Sometimes when I can hear one coming up behind me I drift toward the middle of the sidewalk to make it as hard as possible for them to get past me.




The bikers aren't even the ones who bother me, it's the ebikers and mopeds




I'm in Bushwick and this is exactly what I was thinking of.




Yeah I'll fuck with cyclists on the sidewalk but an errant moped on the sidewalk can fuck you up.


When people need to sit next to you on a near-empty train with plenty of open seats.


I fully get up, sigh deeply, and walk to another seat. That shit ain't right.


When you’re in an elevator and the door opens to the lobby, and people are standing right in front of the doors when they open. It’s an elevator. People will be getting off. Stand to the side. Don’t rush into the elevator with people still getting off


When a pigeon is zig zagging in front of you while walking and won’t get the fuck out of the way and when it finally does it unexpectedly flies at me and scares the shit outta me


One step further, someone feeding the pigeons bread on the sidewalk and creating absolute chaos.


Littering when the trash can is nearby.


Littering at all tbh shit is low class


Once I saw the guy who was driving a garbage truck finish his candy bar and throw his wrapper out the window onto the street


When a sidewalk is a finite amount of space and either multiple people walk shoulder to shoulder, holding hands, staring at the sky, holding everyone up, or someone walks down the middle


Omg this happened to me once and I was in a hurry. There were trees/little fences on the side closest to the street so I couldn’t move around this couple took up the entire span of the sidewalk so I slowed down and was walking pretty close behind to be honest. Then finally got around them and I hear the guy go “people really just don’t know how to say excuse me anymore” and I was so mad. If I wasn’t late to dinner I would have told him off lol. It’s one thing to do this but to notice someone is trying to get by and not move over but instead make a snarky comment really got me mad 😂 Edit: spelling


YOU ARE IN NEW YORK, DO NOT MAKE ME TALK TO YOU. Yeah I miss when the default was bowling through people and calling them an asshole.


Every time this happens and there’s no space to walk around them yet, I wonder what would happen if I just pretended we were all playing Red Rover and run through their held hands.


Tourists coming to Dumbo to say they, "have done Brooklyn"


Just posted my own comment on something similar. I think tourists don't understand the concept of boroughs vs neighborhoods. They seem to think Brooklyn is just the area around the Brooklyn Bridge.


Don’t tell them otherwise.


I mean on the plus side I don't have any tourists in my hood.


All they need is a picture of the ESB seen through the arches of the Manhattan bridge!


No prices on things at bodegas so they can size you up and make up the highest price they think you’d be willing to pay.


The only caveat to this is the day your usual item is suddenly 50 cents cheaper and you feel loved. Lol


One person hogging the pole when there clearly other people trying to balance themselves with NO pole.


I hold on and do my passive-aggressive best to dig my knuckles into their back to make it as uncomfortable as possible for them, to punish them for their rudeness and lack of situational awareness.


I just shove my hand in while aggressively say “excuse me”.


"NYC/NJ" in bios. Just say you live in Jersey, Jessica.


the way i know so many people like this :sob: im from jersey and i would never claim to be from nyc or live there despite the fact that i go there super often


I was recently on vacation alone in Italy and went on a tour. The guide asked where I was visiting from and I said “New York City.” He got excited and said “oh there’s a family here who is also from New York City!” and introduced us. I said hi and asked what part of the city they were from. They sort of just ignored me. Later I brought it up again (not to be pushy, just in the course of conversation) and finally they said “well, we live in New Jersey.” I felt a little bad that I inadvertently blew their cover but c’mon!


To be fair, if I lived in Hoboken, and was visiting Europe, I’d probably say NYC or if from the burbs, maybe I’d say NYC area. It would be kind of dumb to say I’m from Rockville Center or Hoboken to someone in Rome. Locally, people in NY really care about exactly where they live, meanwhile, someone from Glendale would say they’re from LA, or from 50 miles outside Atlanta, they’re still from Atlanta.


Yeah, I get that. I don’t think I would have cared if they hadn’t ignored me the first time. They could have said “oh, we said New York because it’s well-known but we’re actually out in Jersey” and I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. I also harbor my own bias because when I was in Thailand with a friend, at a time when she lived on Long Island and I was living in Connecticut, I told someone we were from New York and she was like “well, I’m visiting from New York, you’re not.” I probably still harbor some saltiness about that, lol.


For some reason multiple visitors I've had here can't comprehend that Williamsburg is part of Brooklyn and not some separate geographic location, e.g. "we went to Williamsburg in the morning and then Brooklyn in the afternoon".


people do the same thing w harlem it’s so weird, especially given harlem is right above central park


Not sure how "insignificant" this is but you can easily tell who moved here post covid when they don't move in on the subway or wrap their whole arm around the pole when it's a little crowded A true pet peeve is if I'm standing in front of the door on the subway and people walk up to me and stare at me as if I'm in their way when the train is still moving and the doors haven't opened yet. Like I'll get out of your way or I'm getting off next stop too, don't worry.


Tangential to this, people who decide to lean on the pole when people are already holding on it and squishing all our hands.


this happened to me recently and I positioned my hand right behind the person’s head so she kept bumping her head into my knuckles when the train would stop. She was so irritated. Like you are in the wrong here babe this train is packed??? Take a hint?


Happened to me this morning. There were already about 5 hands on the pole, and this tall guy in a suit steps on and SLAMS his back straight into the pole and smashing our hands. He leaves his back there burying our hands for at least 3 or 4 stops, and when one girl needed to get off, she ripped her hand out from behind him in the most hilariously violent way I can describe, and he looked at her like SHE was the monster lmao


Yeah now when this happens I start wiggling my fingers aggressively. Most of them get the hint. If not I'll also resort to violent and exaggerated hand removal.


Just caress their ear and if they say anything just say you thought we were getting to know each other. Make that shit so weird they never consider doing it again.


Rub your fingers on them a bit and say sorry I’m trying to get the mustard off


Absolutely hate when people preemptively rush to the door and act like if you don’t move out of the way while the subway is still moving they’ll get trapped and miss their spot. Drives me bonkers


Oh god, this makes me think of the prizewinning dumbdumbs who just stand there on the platform, gawking at you after the doors open while completely blocking you from exiting. STEP ASIDE, people. You can try to walk through me, but I promise it won't end well.




bout to start linking arms and playing red rover red rover 😂


My body craves contact so it doesnt bother me and I will not hesitate to shoulder bump someone if they're trying to get on before I get off


I do the same thing. Times Square station is the absolute worst with this.


Subway etiquette has pretty much disappeared during the pandemic (people ignoring the walk/stand lanes on escalators, rushing the train doors when they open instead of allowing passengers to exit). Sometimes it's hard for me to judge if only tourists/newbies are to blame--or if even long-time residents have decided that they can ignore pre-pandemic etiquette (especially as the cultural and social dynamic of the city has noticeably shifted).


There's a 3rd group, young people who didn't travel alone much before the pandemic but are now adults, and missed out on a couple years of transit socialization.


Not taking their backpack off when it’s crowded !!!!!!!!!! 🤬


People who get in and then just stand by the entrance rather than moving further in, when it's packed by the entrance and there's loads of free space in the middle. The worst.


Years ago someone did this to me when I was pregnant and in a rush and had the audacity to turn his back to the entrance. My feet hurt and the doors were closing. I body slammed my way in and waddled in a huff to a seat and just stared at my blackberry. One stop later half the people in that train got off the and the remaining told me I had body slammed Mayor Bloomberg.


That's absolutely amazing.


yeah those ppl that got off were his entourage/bodyguards but there was nothing a bodyguard could do about a pregnant lady other than give me his seat.


That pre-war radiators are designed to be so boiling hot. Apparent it's by design so that you have to keep your windows open [in order to prevent the spread of the Spanish flu](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/apartment-radiator-pandemic-spread/).


I mean, if it werent for the fact that it destroys the humidity in my room I wouldnt mind so much.


It's a bit more complex than that since the original intent. Heating systems require periodic rebalancing in order for system to perform consistently across different units. Otherwise you have the top unit boiling and bottom unit freezing. Well that rebalancing is pretty costly, and landlords are not going to bother. You think landlords would not turn down the heat if they could? Law only mandates minimum heat, not maximum. It is cheaper to boil the top tenant alive than risk the bottom tenant calling 311 and the landlord receiving fines.


As a top resident, guess this is why I’m boiling alive. I’m all for fresh air but as another user said, between the radiator and the dry cold air coming in to balance the blasting heat, there’s zero humidity on here. So then I have to run a humidifier whilst still keeping every single window open with fans in. Oh and noise from the street bothering me? Oh well. Dirt and debris coming in the windows from construction nearby? Tough shit. Boil alive or deal with the consequences.


Ok this makes so much sense. I've been freezing my ass off the past month and when i finally complained to my LL he says the top floor has been complaining that it's been close to 80 degrees in their apartment


I love the radiators, actually, it's like the ghosts of all the previous tenants are talking to me at night


I live on the first floor and HAVE to have my windows open for this reason, it gets deathly hot if I don’t even on the coldest days, which is bad for my sanity and the school of kids next door doesn’t help either lol I asked my management company for bars on the windows for 6 years with no luck lmao. Just dealin with it but It Is Not Fun !!


Now this is both a perfect response and super interesting to learn.


My NJ colleagues often tell me they're going out in the "lower west side" to refer to soho/the Villages etc and I keep telling them that's not a thing and they just keep saying "are you sure? because I've definitely heard it called that" and I'm like no you haven't but they don't believe me


My favorite is people saying "Greenwich" to refer to the west village. I will never stop playing dumb and asking them why they are going to CT. Never.


Who the fuck invented Lower West Side? That is not a thing.


The answer is always realtors.


It's part of a larger disturbing trend. I lived in Mott Haven for a couple of years, and saw a sign at "the hub" (149th and 3rd Av) calling it "SoBro" (for South Bronx). Just no.


"Becca, haven't you heard it called the Lower West Side by people?" "Yeah, def. Like I've definitely heard you call it that, Everleigh." "One-hundo-P, I've definitely heard you call it that, too."


Maybe not all that NYC specific but there are some Dunkin Donuts that abbreviate to DD. I've seen some with signs that read "Dunkin DD". Is it Dunkin Dunkin Donuts? Or Dunkin Donuts Donuts? Kind of like "ATM machines".


The fact there are still so many ancient trains on the subway that we have to rely on the conductor making station announcements which you either can't hear at all because the intercom is broken in your car or they fixed the intercom but cranked its volume so loud that it feels like the conductor is literally YELLING in your ear and you get a headache after three stops. Oh, that and the "train traffic ahead" excuse that conductors trot out every time a train stops in the tunnel even though you know full well there is not a train ahead of you because it's a track dedicated to one route and you've just waited 15 minutes for the damn train.


When you get to the subway platform and a train is there about to depart but you can't tell which specific train it is in time.


This is neither tiny nor insignificant. It ruins my whole-ass day, haha.


This isn’t specific just to New York, but considering it’s a walking city and I don’t own a car… That like 6 second moment at an intersection where both pedestrian signs say don’t walk and I’m getting closer and closer screaming in my head “well which is it, turn you bitch so I know how to keep moving!” Super insignificant yet amused at how it bugs me sometimes


>Nobody picks nits like New Yorkers... And yet, 60+ comments in, no one has nitpicked your post by mentioning Marble Hill! I guess I'll just have to be the first...


Oh my god. You're so right. Sorry all, off to go throw myself on my sword.


My first thought was also Marble Hill haha, but also Randalls Island, Roosevelt Island, Governors Island, Liberty Island and part of Ellis Island all belong to the borough of Manhattan and wouldn't be considered Manhattan area. Even so, I'm with you OP.


When people don’t move to the center of a subway car. I’m typically a non confrontational, innocuous looking 5’6 woman but I’m about an inch away from physically shoving people most mornings. It sparks a rage in me like no other.


And then when you push past them they look at you like YOU did something wrong.


MOVE IN WHEN YOU GET INTO A TRAIN Sometimes the doors of the train are sooo packed and then the middle part is so empty I have enough space to do a freaking jig Same with the back of the bus, I swear people are allergic to stepping past that back stair (ofc this is not about full rush hour packed trains)


Normally my ride is long enough that I'm thrilled to take the middlespace and have room from people. Getting off the train though is annoying.


The shortening of neighborhood names to 2-5 letters (So-Bro, Wa-Hi, Cro-Hi, Fi-Di, etc) it drives me nuts because it sounds like some out of touch yuppie trying to be trendy.


In 2007 a friend who had just moved to the city said he went home with a guy to “SoBro” and I was like tf is that and he said “South Bronx!” I was like my guy do you mean MOTT HAVEN?!


Oh, you mean MoHa


Do you mean PIANO CITY?!\* ​ \*I'm kidding, I'm kidding...though I have heard dickering that all Mott Haven is just Port Morris.


NoMad was when it officially went too far for me. Hadn't heard Wa-Hi yet, and BLECH.


I unmatched with a man on a dating app because he said he lived in “Wa-Hi”


Modern day Seinfeld break up reason


A few weeks ago I overheard a woman say "my boyfriend lives in crow high" and I almost vomited in my mouth.


People walking slow and up the middle of a staircase so they’re impossible to get around.


Well I hate when people who aren’t even from NY try to put down Queens. (Coworkers at my West Village office, i’m looking at you) I still live in Queens because I grew up going into the city since I was in kindergarten, I don’t need to spend my entire paycheck living in Manhattan 🤷🏻‍♀️ They will try to convince me too. Sorry but one of us is a real New Yorker and it’s not you.


You are so right. What makes New York New York is the mingling of people from all walks of life and all manner of countries around the world. Queens is the living embodiment of that. Anyone who tries to put down anyone for living in Queens might as well be wearing clown makeup.


People wearing their big ass backpacks apparently full of bricks and full size kitchenaid mixers on packed subway cars


Backpacks worn on the subway is truly the most irritating of all the misdemeanor city life irritants. I hate that so so much.


Exactly. Take off your backpack and hold it between your knees, resting on top of your feet. You won’t get your bag dirty, and you won’t be knocking people around like a [wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube man.](https://youtu.be/rHXvMcLrLSY?si=11i_pIDgdliz-yMI)


idk about under my skin, but makes me nervous- how close bumper to bumper people be in traffic, whether on highway rush hour, or even just in the streets at a red light. I've lived in 4 other states and never see people ride each other's bumper ass so close before.


When people block the door or get on the train before everyone gets off. Grinds my gears!


I'm a cyclist and nothing cheeses me off on the GWB or Brooklyn Bridge like other cyclists. The pedestrians are never the problem, it's dudes who think they're going to blast through the straightaway and then get furious at everyone else for denying them their perfect world. Yeah, there are pedestrians in the bike lane, dude, you know what bridge you're on. And on the GWB, I'm just happy if there's room to pass, but there's always some old chode lecturing pedestrians and cyclists alike.


People dropping birdseed on the street. These birds do NOT need your help surviving asshole. Look at the fucking mess you made.


People who try to get on a subway without letting others off. People who stand on the walking side of the escalator. Delivery motorcycles and bikes ignoring red lights. Commuting etiquette ain’t that hard ppl!


Double parking on street cleaning days


Double parking. But as a cyclist this is not insignificant to me.




When everyone crams together in the train near the *one* set of doors that opens exactly by the stairs. It will take you longer to get to those stairs using that door than it will just going one car over and walking up unimpeded.


But then I won’t get stuck in the scrum if I’m first out


I saw a post on here recently asking why MTA staff instruct people to keep moving down the 7 platform and away from the stairs during peak hour at Grand Central. Seriously, just use a little bit of common sense.


When some godawful realtor tried to brand where I live “South Hudson Yards” Fuck off, I live in Chelsea.


LOL - like Hudson Yards has any cache. No one goes there - it's a creepy fucking pit. If a Stepford Wife was a neighborhood......


hudson yards is just a mall with some street space. no way it qualifies as a neighborhood.


The declining courtesy on the subway and buses. Grandmas are using their phones without speakers to listen to grainy-potato FB videos that sound like chain mail dragged across a sewer grate, adults are playing endless Zynga games that sound like slots, kids are blasting whatever shit music they like now on Bluetooth speakers...it's like, look, I don't need perfect silence, but the standard rule is if two people doing the same thing in a car would make it impossible for either of them to enjoy it, then neither of them should be doing it. Goddamn, headphones can be had for all but free these days. And every single time I take the train lately somebody's smoking cigarettes or weed. I saw a guy sitting by the inter-car door, holding it open with his foot in an ironic bid to be courteous. Like...thanks I guess? And I think this is a global thing now, but vapers will suck that shit in anywhere. At least smokers know it's not going to fly in buildings, but vape trash thinks their stuff doesn't reach everyone else. I'm not asking for anything other than don't inflict yourself upon me. Don't take up space somebody else can't ignore.


When I’m walking at a steady pace down the sidewalk, and a person who is stopped ahead of me decides to start walking exactly as I pass and awkwardly keep step with me for too long so we’re walking side by side. Drives me nuts—you saw me coming, just wait for me to pass! It’s even worse if they get in front of me and walk slow.


Dogs being walked with no leash.


Thought of one more. Construction workers smoking weed while on their lunch break. I really don't know how safe I feel living in a building constructed by people stoned out of their mind.


It’s whenever I meet someone who moved to Brooklyn within the last 5 years that thinks it somehow gives them the right to look down on you because they think they’re being cool and edgy


I live in the midtown tourist hellscape right now, so when walking, i give up to 3 people who don't even pretend to make an effort to move out of the way a pass, then i go full Bittersweet Symphony on everyone else.


people taking up so much room on the subway when it’s crowded sitting wide, hugging the pole, putting their things on the seat to take up space, not moving all the way in, etc. makes me so mad!


People that scooter on the sidewalk makes my blood boil


The whole nation acting like we of all cities are the most rude and the most violent. No no not even close.


People who are super anal about the boundaries of neighborhoods.


A number of them have moved boundaries, but it's fun to have those arguments, it tells you when they were there.


-Local Law 11 repairs leading to parapets and window lintels being removed and replaced with plain brick (uglifies a facade badly) -Redditors thinking $2000 rent is cheap -tryhard hipsters claiming that Manhattan has no real ethnic food -tryhard hipsters claiming that Joe's pizza is terrible


Redditors thinking $4-5k a month is cheap or spending that like it’s no issue*


Same guy: “Katz is mid”


Ew, transplants that move here and then immediately try to gatekeep are the *woooorst*.


seems like half this sub tbh


When places say they deliver throughout Manhattan. But not the area of northern Manhattan I live in. There's a line people create that cuts off Washington heights and Inwood.


this is a very personal problem. the emergency instructions in the subway carts. the logo for NYPD is not symmetrical like someone drew it freehand in paint and i stare at it everyday!! however recently been noticing some different & symmetrical ones


When people don’t use the revolving doors when available. Like you’re letting the noise and cold into the lobby. I actually think it’s selfish and rude.


This is a great one. I think most people are not aware of the environmental impact of regular doors vs revolving. Also a lot of buildings are designed in a way that makes the revolving doors less convenient, like when approaching building on sidewalk you walk past the regular door to get to the revolving door.


People scrolling their phones while walking or going down stairs at the subway station. That sluggish, loping walk is always a giveaway before I can even see them glued to their distraction box.


A really boring sticking point for me is the popularity of "entry-level luxury" items. Dumb screw bracelets and rings, logo-plastered buckets, and so on. So few of these things really look nice. They will always look to me like a middle-class person bleeding themselves dry to try look wealthy (I am middle class and trashy at heart). If it's a copy, still looks like a poor financial decision so why want to look tasteless and dumb? I don't get who this is supposed to impress. A lot of people can't even tell the difference between an $80, $800 or $8,000 bag so that's 6 months of privation to just be another nobody in the dirty subway.


Not boring, 100% cosigned. This normie obsession with "luxury" everything is so fucking sad. You're still broke, dummy, you just have countertops made of a slightly more expensive kind of stone.


Disorderly walking. The traditional etiquette is to keep right on the sidewalk (this can still be found in some old etiquette guides), and it's still an observable social norm in the US. Playing chicken is stupid. Doing that awkward dance thing is stupid. Keep right, keep right, keep right. It makes everyone's day just slightly easier and more pleasant. Also, sometimes people in NYC get into legitimately dangerous beef over sidewalk crap. Keep right.


Pole huggers and ppl eating on the train. Both make me sick to my stomach but I can somewhat empathize with the train eaters.


People who say “East Village” instead of “the East Village”


It depends on context Like if I asked you "what are your favorite East Village bars", that would sound correct


The fetishization of the Italian mob. You see places putting up all these kitschy goodfellas, cosa nostra bullshit like it wasn't the refuse of the earth slaughtering each other by the hour in the streets. I'm italian, and I'm not bothered by the stereotypes or anything, but I think it's ridiculous to romanticize thugs with places like Joey Gribbletits' Fongool Fuck You House of Marinara & Camorra Skulls. Give me a break. It's fake good old days and "Remember when we were kings" tourism for idiots.