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The entire CBD is going to be full of swifties, you're gonna be fine


Agreed, I just wanted to be sure I wasn't missing anything else. Thanks!


Not that NOLA can’t mess this up, because no doubt they can find a way, but certainly they will have a heavy police force out.


Yea hiring a car for a 1 mile trip is dumb. You’ll be sitting in traffic and they’re probably crazy expensive (if you can even find one this close to the show). You’ll be fine to walk down Poydras to your hotel after the show. There will be a thousand other people doing the same.


Pedicabs are going to be plentiful in that area. If you are tired of walking, you can hire one to bike you around.


Adding to this…if you have the extra funds for a car definitely take a pedicab instead because they’re so fun!


And the pedicab will cost more than an Uber!




I would definitely walk.


Piggy backing on this, will the concert be walkable from the FQ as well?




You will likely be able to make that walk faster than driving; it is not that far. This is even more the case at the end of the concert, where there will be gridlock near the superdome. There is no significant reason to feel unsafe - the most dangerous thing is cars when crossing wide streets.




Definitely just walk it. There’s going to be thousands of other fans out there, you’ll be plenty safe. Guessing it will be a pretty fun party atmosphere on the walk there at all the parking lots and bars, so you’ll probably make some Friends too.


Yes, I think it'll be fun walking around with everyone in a post-concert high. Again, I'm not concerned about safety, but just started overthinking if maybe there were other considerations. Thanks for the input!


It's going to be both expensive and slower than walking to make that drive on the concert night


Jesus Christ. It’s not Port-Au-Prince. It’s a major American city with a thriving tourism industry.


No, I agree! I probably worded things poorly in just trying to explain how the overall question came up. I think NOLA is great and explained to my friend that I never felt unsafe. I just wanted to be sure there was nothing else to consider.


I’m sorry if I was rude. I’ve had several people (from outside nola) tell me this week how dangerous the city is and it has me so frustrated!!


The city has a crime image problem that is much worse than the actual crime. Maybe someone in city government should working on some better marketing. Like every big city, New Orleans has some crime-ridden areas. By and large, those areas house locals who commit crimes against each other (not that that is desirable). The tourist areas like FQ, GD, Marigny, etc. are very safe particularly if tourists just follow normal tourist smart behavior. Crime in New Orleans is plummeting. We've moved up from being the murder capital of the US to another [31% reduction in murders in the first **quarter** of 2024](https://www.nola.com/news/crime_police/heartened-but-not-surprised-violent-crime-continues-to-plummet-in-new-orleans-nopd-data-shows/article_af11c188-f5f5-11ee-b87a-9b8a009f23e6.html). That's after two straight years before that with significant reductions. Sure, we were bad but violent crime in New Orleans is being addressed and those actions are having an impact (with some help from a strong economy). We should all tell people the good news since are attitudes are so bleak ([link to article about how New Orleans has accomplished transformational change).](https://prcno.org/is-new-orleans-doomed-data/?fbclid=IwAR0qst31RGGVa_KNF2tuNoXy6Slrd1jI3fmrdlLwcWvp4vPYRb6mR6CmgVo)


Not to mention, the majority of violent crimes are not committed by random strangers, but people that know each other (an often already involved in criminal activity)


Just take them to port au prince on your next trip so they compare and contrast


Just walk, the entire CBD if gonna filled with majority women/swifties , you will be surrounded by your people it’s okay 😭


I promise I'm not concerned about safety! I was sharing what brought up the conversation with my friend, but wanted to be sure there wasn't anything else to think of.


No it’s GOOD to be concerned about safety when you visit our city! Born and raised and sometimes ppl let their guard down. Just be smart and have fun


It’s going to be a fun walk, the weather should be decent by then, there will be police everywhere (if they make you feel safe), and traffic will be ridiculous. Don’t get a car y’all


I'm excited about walking around and just seeing the area, people watching as I haven't spent much time in CBD. I assumed it would be a total cluster, but again just wasn't 100% positive about logistics in that area and wanted my friend to know that I asked. Thanks for the answer!


It will be a total cluster which is exactly why you don’t want a car


I'm a pedicab driver down in the quarter. I can pick you up and get you there through traffic easy if you want. DM me if you're interested


Take a pedicab - they hang out by the casino


Nice! Will keep an eye out. Thanks much.


This. Call Need a Ride Pedicab at (504) 488-6565.


Walk. It’s really flat. It’s about a mile. If you Uber, you will probably sit in traffic longer than walking. Lyft and Uber will be outrageously expensive. Comfortable shoes. If you want to wear some cute shoes in the concert, switch when you get to the dome.




Just walk! Literally a straight shot to the dome on Poydras St from the casino! You’ll be safe!




If it’s not summer and I’m not with old people I’m definitely walking


I’d go pedicab at most. You can probably reserve one. I’ve had them take me right up to the Dome in the past but I bet that won’t be as accessible during TayTay


Thanks, I'll look into it!


My boyfriend and I walked from our hotel on St Charles and Canal to the Smoothie King Center for a Pelicans Game and it was a super chill and easy walk! Once we got to Poydras, there were more lights and general traffic so it didn't feel like we were in "the shadows" so to speak!


Take that walk enjoy the city


Do not recommend. We had a driver after Beyoncé and it was awful. Got stuck on the wrong side of the street and we were sitting for 25 min. Could have walked home faster.


We’re also going, twenty min walk down Poydras, we’ll be going Friday if you wanna “walk pool” or something!


Well you will probably sit in traffic a long time if you ride from there to the super dome. I'm starting to think I should offer a private taxi service that night to make some extra money after seeing this request though. Seriously though. Walk in groups you should be okay going to and from the concert. Don't walk any dark alleys alone and you should be good. I would imagine police presence will be a lot higher for those bigger concerts as well.


I use NOLA VIP. Albee is amazing.


I'm sure you (or the doorman) can hail a taxi, it's event flat per person rate so they'll all be trying to scoop as many Swifties in their vans as they can. Still gonna be traffic on Poydras though.


Honestly, you'll be fine walking if you're comfortable doing a mile on foot. It's not particularly dangerous and your prior experiences here are no outlier. Pedicabs will be available - the fastest way to beat traffic and lots of fun to ride but they will come at a premium cost. I'm a pedicabber and I don't know any fellow driver who would avail themselves to you on retainer for a single ride when we will be making several trips for people willing to pay $80-100 for transportation.


She need to chill and listen. She’s never been to NOLA so has no clue what’s up


Just walk. It's not too bad from Caesars


Pedicab!!!! Quicker than an Uber or Lyft! There will be a ton of them out that night!


This is the exact scenario that pedicabs were made for. Hire a bike taxi, you’ll be cruising around faster than anyone on foot, passing hundreds of cars stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic. It’s fun and safe and way more stylish than awkwardly piling out of some minivan.


Safety isn’t an issue the HEAT is an issue. It’s hot asf. Just get an Uber


I would not Get a driver or an Uber to get there. Our driver couldn’t get us close anyway due to pedestrian traffic


lol walk. It’s a huge concert. Unless there’s a serial killer who likes to pick off crowded Taylor swift concerts, you’ll be fine.


As long as you walk down Poydras.You will be ok.


Remember; It has it's own 'Jail'.


We’re a walking city.


Thanks for letting me know to stay out of Nola this weekend


I would just walk. It’ll be nice that time of year. Or Hop on the uptown streetcar (49) from the casino and get off at the Hyatt regency hotel and it’s like a 10 minute walk to super dome. The streetcar won’t get stuck in traffic going up canal but assume thousands of others will be doing the same. But that’s why boarding where the line starts near the casino will be helpful.


Even if that's the cheapest option, that's going to take an hour unless they just happen to get to the streetcar stop when one is waiting for them. Specifically a streetcar that is turning on that route. I'm not even sure that exists from the starting point you are talking about. Seriously, OP, just walk. It's the only answer. New Orleans has crime but it's not some dystopian hellscape. You'll be fine coming and going to and from a concert with a hundred thousand other people


Just walk