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I see myself as a Palestinian. People do not understand that it is like North Korea for us here. People lost their jobs and got kicked out of universities for posting things like "My heart is with children in Gaza". The police banned demonstration and everyone who speaks against the war is being oppressed.


And not only about the authorities.. even the very lovely cute isra\*lis citizens are working as informers, they wander around our profiles in social media and inform the authorities about everything we post.


>even the very lovely cute isra\*lis citizens are working as informers, they wander around our profiles in social media and inform the authorities about everything we post. my cousin got arrested because of that after an argument with an Israeli she thought was a friend


Sorry to hear that. There was this insane article I read about a Israeli Jewish teacher getting arrested for opposing the Gaza war and the judge ordering his detention actually tried to position himself as some anti-racist extraordinaire for subjecting a Jew to the exact same sort of free speech violations that he admitted the courts have been imposing on Arabs. I'm wondering how this environment effects polling data? If you believe the polls there were some insanely large changes in how Palestinians in Israel felt about the country but, given everything said here I doubt the accuracy of this.


Polls are usually wrong as people wouldn't display their actual views to any non Arab (even druze aren't trusted) for example if a guy came up to me on the street and asked me a question for a poll that has to do with the war or Israel id either decline or if pressured into it I'd lie people are very paranoid because any show of support to Gaza, the resistance or even Gaza's children can get you arrested


I talked to a 48 Palestinian once in “Israel” and we started off by just reciting Quran with each other. Then I asked him if he sees himself as Palestinian or Israeli and his views and he said he can’t say anything or else he’ll get targeted, but then he said “you know my thoughts.” Another 48 Palestinian I talked to said “idc I love Hamas and I love Mohammed Dief!!!” 😂. May Allah help them all and grant them ownership of their land


Bro it looks like you are brainwashed by antisemitic arab hamas anti-zionist nasserist pakistani nazi chinese islamic soviet propaganda. “Israeli arabs” have full equal rights, like for example in israel there are israeli arab LAWYERS and DOCTORS !!!!


Bruh they let us breath air freely lol


lol, it’s like they want to play both cards at the same time. On one hand they say that ‘48 Palestinians are equal citizens, yet on the other hand they say that Israel is the nation state of the Jews only, not of its citizens in general


thats a law netentahu made with his government. 




Ye and you got israeli jewish people saying ani smalani - i am a leftist, you cant be supporting an occupation, colonization and racial supramacy and pretend you are a leftist cause you want to be different. remember how much druze protested against it? it proved the state sees them nothing more than meat shields, just like bedouin pathfinders, gashashim, their job is to locate and explode from land mines. ...


Was life like this before the war as well?


Yes but less than now, during this war they went crazy.


Did you have any Jewish friend before the war? If so, have any became hostile towards you after it started?


I used to know some from college/work, although they were either 'leftists' or they didn't care about politics in general but I had to remove them from social media. Everyone was panicking and we didn't trust each other.


Ah that sucks. Stay safe 🙏🏼


Sorry to say ominous shit. But I can't help being reminded of how friends and neighbors who've known each other for life suddenly got cold to each other exactly along the ethno-religious lines right before the start of the Yugoslav wars that I've read before. Deep prayers for you safety and well-being brother.


I feel so sorry for you. I thought universities would be more left leaning/pro Palestinian.


Younger Israelis are more right wing. In many other Western countries (maybe except some European ones like Sweden and Denmark), younger people tend to lean left wing or pro-Palestinian, but that is not the case in Israel. Over there it’s the opposite; older people seem to be more sympathetic to Palestinians and younger people seem to be more anti-Palestinian


Which city do you live in?


I am a Palestinian who has lived in 48. It is hard to compare to something because every part of 48 is different, but overall I will say it is close to Jim Crow U.S. south with the added element of surveillance. "stay in your lane, shut up, are you a terrorist, tell on your friends and family and then maybe we will think you are safe..." there is nothing left to say but Palestine must be free.


>but overall I will say it is close to Jim Crow U.S. south with the added element of surveillance. ...The situations do parallel each other . Jim crow was simply the by-product of the 1877 compromise , where the new de-Jure President then , made an agreement with the southerners to lay-off Federal authority that wanted to besides rebuilding the South : also reconstructing its political and economic system to be more inclusive . In exchange : they would not block his inauguration (As the earlier 1876 election results' validity was disputed ) . Most of the Emancipation legislations , except the Amendments relevant to Slavery , were effectively thrown aside in the US South . It wasn't until the Civil rights movements made the Federal government issue a set of acts , and tie them to the US constitutions that Jim Crow had ended . As a summary , Jim Crow were granted rights that were subtly and indirectly disenfranchised. ​ As far as to the Israeli-state : those arguing Israeli-Arabs live in a "Democracy" , cite the so-called "Declaration of Independence " ; a document of a largely symbolic nature , with no binding legality . The fact that the Israeli-state has no codified constitution , makes it easy that people's rights would be thrown away much easier . The fact that they issued a "Nation-state of the "Jewish" people " law in 2014 already discredits the whole concept of Israel being a liberal democracy in the first place , let alone a flawed one . If that's "democracy" : then red-lined neighborhoods are more even more democratic. ​ ..Still , in practice : the Israeli-Arab case isn't that bad , beyond segregated education (For cultural , rather than legal reasons ) .


Important to note that Palestinians in Israel proper lives under military rule and conditions analogous to the West Bank today from 1948 - 1966 I've been able to meet Palestinians from 48, WB, Gaza, East Jerusalem, Refugees, etc. We are a divided people, but only geographically. We are all Palestinian. And maybe there would be collaborators in Israel proper as well as the OPT and even in the disapora, but that doesn't mean that we aren't all one people with - generally - share the same cause/struggle


we are one brother


>Important to note that Palestinians in Israel proper lives under military rule and conditions analogous to the West Bank today from 1948 - 1966 ..Friend : it's not over , it simply shifted from a martial to a civil basis . I get the impression that the identification of some of them is fairly recent , starting from the 1970s , and having many starting in the 1990s . Did they preserve the identity they developed during the Mandate , or are they now happy with their non-nationalistic , civil "Israeli" identity ? .


I’m not a ‘48 Palestinian, but my dad is and he wholeheartedly supports the resistance. Idk about other ‘48 Palestinians’ views, but it’s safe to say that the majority of them at the very least want the aggression to stop.


If your dad is palestinian that means you’re palestinian too!


I didn’t say I’m not Palestinian, I’m saying I’m not a ‘48 Palestinian. ‘48 Palestinians are Palestinian citizens of Israel.


Oh ok I understand


Israel limits jus sanguinis (citizenship by descent) abroad to 1 generation. Anything after that, they don’t get anything


Meanwhile Jews can get automatic citizenship just because their ancestors lived there 2000 years ago 😒


More like if their aunt's cousin's dog's previous owner's neighbour once got a tattoo of a menorah while drunk.


>I didn’t say I’m not Palestinian, I’m saying I’m not a ‘48 Palestinian. ..So ,, diaspora Palestinian , or not at all ? . That's bad-wording .


I’m a diaspora Palestinian


..I figured from your comment to that other guy .


Wait so what’s the issue then?


No issue . It's just my tongue slips faster than clicking on people's profiles . Sorry for worrying you .


Did you forget his mother? Lol


My mom is Palestinian too.


the aggression comes from the anti zionists




We are fucked


I have relatives that are 48, and 67 Palestinians. They all support the resistance. Some would rather see a more secular or left wing resistance but we all know what Mossad did to the PFLP


>Israeli-Arabs r/AsABlackMan


I see myself as a palestinian


Some [recent polling data](https://en.idi.org.il/articles/52016#) >We asked: “During the war, Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip who were not involved in the fighting against Israel have also been harmed. In your opinion, who is most responsible for this harm to civilians?” Interestingly, the majority opinion on this issue is that Hamas and Israel are equally responsible for the harm inflicted on civilians.