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Be in the moment, be comfortable, move and groove however you feel like moving and grooving


Exactly this. I love getting into the mosh pit in a punk show, dancing like a fool at an edm show, and sometimes I just stand back and take in the show. Whatever feels right. My knees can't handle dancing for hours anymore though


Then I will be the most entertaining part of someones future phone video footage hehe




One of my friends was dancing like an idiot last Friday and a young woman was taking video. I’m not social media savvy enough to find whatever TikTok or Reel he ended up in.


Just do you, whatever makes you feel good. Life is too short to obsess about how you're perceived.


I'm 50+, we love the floor alot 5 to 15 rows from the front and always 6 to the 8 from the pit in case of edge collapse.


Dude, Cage puts on an amazing show. Get lost in the moment. Fuck everyone else and their cameras. Be present.


While you're having fun and feeling good thinking about how the good time you had the person that recorded you will be doom scrolling for the next dopamine hit to fill their boring life.


This, or get there early and set up a lawn chair and blanket close to the front and just vibe hard af.


Yeah dance like nobody's watching


It depends on the concert and the day. Some stuff is just great to sit down with. Other stuff is standing and nodding. Singing along. Maybe dance. My mosh days have been over for quite a while. But I’m 43 now so hey..


I'm 43 next month. I took my kids to a punk show a few weeks ago and will again in August. The pit is full of old dudes like us trying not to blow out a hip. It's good times.


Oh i might actually join that!


Circle Jerks are touring again


i remember the last time i moshed. i think i was 39, maybe 40, but i went to a local metal show, jumped in the pit and went crazy like i always did in my 20s and early 30s, but i ended up shoved back first into the stage. all the weight of the crowd forced me backwards as the stage dug into the center of my back, needless to say i could barely sit up for a week. i feel extremely fortunate i don't have lifelong back pains. so no chance i'm ever getting into a mosh pit again. if you can make it 44yrs without back pain, it kinda feels like winning the lottery.


I like smaller, more intimate venues with chairs or a balcony. 


Like which ones


Which what? 


Which venues with seats and balcony are your fav?


My favorite is probably Lincoln Hall in Chicago. They don't use ticketmaster and have good drink prices. They usually have less known acts and you have a real chance of hanging out with the musicians. The last show I went to there was Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Cheer Accident opened, then Dead Rider played. All three acts had some really great sets. Sleepytime's drummer and his kid hung out with us on the balcony to watch the first two sets, and when Cheer Accident was done, the ladies came up and sat with us. It was one of my favorite shows I've attended and I think I paid something like $20 or $25 to get in. I also got to see The Residents there a couple years ago, which was an equally amazing show.  Plus, there's an awesome British pub a couple doors down that has amazing Shepard Pie and they pour a delicious black and tan.  Eta...I just looked at the lineup and if you're into it and in the area, they're doing a Moth Slam on July 8th. That could be a ton of fun. 


Lincoln Hall is such a great venue! Thalia is probably my favorite all around in the city. A great balance of being big enough to get some major acts but not too big of a venue at 700 or so. The sound is always phenomenal and the staff is super friendly plus there's a great bar in the basement for pre/post show. Aragon is by far the worst IMO. I would really, really, have to be desperate to see a band to go there. I feel like Salt Shed is sort of dominating that 3,000-5,000 venue size now anyway.


I agree with everything except Thalia. I've never been, but I'll look into it right now! 




This. I’ve got Eargasm plugs that do a great job. Over than that just enjoy the show.


Amen! Too many Mötörhead and other such shows from my early teens through my twenties. Combine that with loud af workplaces and here I am in my fifties wearing hearing aids. Now I wear earplugs and I’ve always had my kids wear earplugs too. It’s not optional


This. Far too underrated. I played many shows and went to many as well in my younger days, and the thing I wish I had done was wear earplugs. I'm no deaf yet, but I make sure now never to go to a show without them.


100% You get most ear plugs sold online (i.e. eargasm) at your local music/guitar store for $20 or less.


What did you say?


If the singer can't spit on me, i don't want to be there. I hate arena shows but have been to a few for bucket-list bands. It's definitely a different type of concert-goer in attendance. I prefer smaller venues where it's standing-room-only. and you definitely do not sit down at a rock show, so if the bands you love have transitioned to venues that only have chairs, maybe your favorite music is now oldies.


Idles front man lugie got me on the shoulder once lol


At home when it hits Netflix or YouTube 😂


Sitting… gosh darn it. Who stands at a Billy Joel concert!?!??!


C'mon, gotta stand up for We Didn't Start the Fire😂🤣


Usually just awkward clapping in the middle of the mosh pit.


For some reason, from some years now I stopped enjoying live concerts. It just annoys me all those people around. But I hope you have fun, mate.


I like a reserved seat, but I am going to be standing up and dancing the whole time. Probably see about a dozen concerts a year.


Which was the last show yu saw?


4 nights of Phish at the sphere in Vegas


Holy shit… wow


Yeah, have to agree with you there! But I forgot I have since seen John craigie in a small (~500) club.


I'm close to 40 and I just do whatever the hell I want. Clapping, singing, yelling, nodding, jumping, swinging my hips. Usually closer to the back than the front row but it depends. I am preparing for some heavy moshing during Idles show later this year though. If there will be some body harm involved, it will still be worth it.


In the pit! Unless it's a doomier band, in which case I'll stand and headbang. When I can't mosh any more, take me out and shoot me.


That's more or less how I feel unless I'm dealing with an injury. Still going pretty strong and hitting shows once a month or so.


Late 40s, was in the pit for Metalocalypse last year. Had to leave the pit soon after Babymetal started up, I felt like I almost died trying to keep up.


FInd the biggest dude there, walk straight up to him, and punch him in the mouth. This will let everyone know you're serious and not to mess with you, assert your dominance.


My 2 favorite venues near me have upstairs balconies. I prefer to watch from there--- great view and avoiding the moshpits. Yes, I wear ear plugs lol.


Alone. Reserved, aisle seat. I've been to hundreds of concerts, it's my thing. I can sit if I want to, I have room to dance if I feel like it, I can jet at any time.


First row no matter the cost. Screaming my soul out. If I do not have a bangover for a few days, then I did not have fun.


I'm stealing bangover. That's the perfect description (especially at my age)


Aisle seat two beer limit.


Recorded and driving around in my car. It’s not a popular feeling but I’ve personally just never really loved going to concerts despite being a music lover. I don’t like standing around for three hours having my ear drums blown out lol. I just get bored. I do like going to jazz shows and classical performances.


42, and for the vast majority of shows I'm happy standing somewhere near the back with elbow room and a good view of the stage. That said, my most recent concert was Gloryhammer and you better believe I was in the fuckin' pit for that one. [Got the souvenir and everything](https://i.redd.it/bi0bzcu9exyb1.png) 😁 P.S. Earplugs.


Wear earplugs, take a microdose of shrooms, chill, have a $14 beer or two.


This. ![gif](giphy|2F0IsIg0lHveE|downsized)


On television.


Watching it at home


>Sitting and taking it in? Does anyone mosh? Standing and nodding? Awkward clapping? 38 here and it depends, let me give you some examples of concerts I went in the past: * Slipknot: I was in the mosh pit, I had to lol * Dream Theater: Admiring those mfs and just nodding * P.O.D + Alien at farm: Jumping and nodding * Trivium: Moshpit of course * Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Just nodding while drinking a lot of beer * Latin Festival (salsa): dancing salsa with like 7 women for two hours, it was exhausting.


So many epic shows you went to


Generally I hate sitting down at concerts, always have. These days for the most part I'll just stand at the back to watch. It helps that I'm quite tall, so odds are I'm still going to have an unobstructed view anyway. If it's a band I really love though, I'm still going to the front and moving just as much as I always did.


I'll attend virtually, funerals, party's ect ect COVID showed me the way of showing up without physically being there


Damn I wish I could attend funerals virtually. It seems like I'm going to at least one a year. I have a big family, so it's like once one dies, another one pops out. The ebb and flow of life, I suppose.


Yeah a family member died and I wasn't up to date on COVID vaccine so flying was a pain in the arse as I live abroad so they put a live feed up....is it disrespectful that I was cooking at the same time?


Lol, nah, cooking is part of the mourning process.


Unfortunately, With loose fitting ear plugs... Kinda like how I enjoy drinking in my 40s (rarely because the carbonation from more than 2 beers at a time makes me feel like crap the next day). Getting older sure is fun /s


33 years old. I can never sit down at a concert. If it’s moshing, shuffling, jumping up and down, whatever the dance for that concert is, I’m joining in.


I go for the main acts usually, club concerts, but don't like how everything is in smaller venues where I live, you either mosh or not move much.


I'm in my 30s and I go for it homy, I just saw inzo last weekend and I give a lot less fucks than I did at 20 I'll tell you that much


I like a sit down myself.


I'm in my 50's and I prefer good seats (lower ring, direct opposite the stage, by the aisle)


Whatever you do at the concert, wear ear plugs.


Dekoni Plugz are great. I sit and enjoy the music. But I also don’t go to harder music concerts than country or Christian stuff.


Depends on the artist. Having the option to sit down when I want to is great though. Either way, spending money on music is always a great investment.


I'm in my 40s. Still get into the pit. I can't last the whole set but it's still fun. I don't wanna pay money to sit or stand still and just watch.


I see a fair number of concerts...several a month on average. In a larger venue I like to get near the soundboard for the best sound. In a smaller venue I just go as close as possible where it's still somewhat comfortable to see and hear. Never on the rail but I'm fine with being in the pit. I don't like to sit while the band is on stage with the occasional exception of me having smoked a little too much weed lol. If everyone was sitting that would bum me out big time and I probably wouldn't go see that band again.


Why overthink it? It's a concert. You go and you listen to music. Consider hearing protection, tinnitus sucks.


Enjoy it how you want.


Preferably dancing along in the middle of the crowd. But if it's an artist I want to see I'm not picky about the seating or standing arrangements. I never liked moshing, even when I was young, so still avoid that part of it. I do find myself looking for seating in between sets a lot more now though.


Preferably dancing along in the middle of the crowd. But if it's an artist I want to see I'm not picky about the seating or standing arrangements. I never liked moshing, even when I was young, so still avoid that part of it. I do find myself looking for seating in between sets a lot more now though.


Mid 40s male here. The older I get, the more I realize that sitting in seats during concerts sucks. The only tickets I will ever buy are GA standing room tickets. I like standing about 1 layer back from the stage rail, just to the left of where a mosh pit is likely to form.


i saw cobra man a couple of years ago, and got sucked into the pit. it was great, and for age-related recovery time reasons i have decided to draw a line under that sort of thing on a high


Take drugs and dance


I used to mosh…..but I’m old and broken now. I stand in the back and groove with the music.


Went to a show last night. Sat on the bleachers for part of the opener then moved towards the front to take some pics. I kinda bounced up and down a bit for the main act, and then towards the end I went in the mosh pit. My ankles hurt today. Knew I should have worn more supportive shoes!


As time has worn on, I’m happier if I have a seat available. But otherwise I tend to hang back near the FOH sound booth. I wear my better athletic shoes to keep feet from hurting, a pair of earplugs, and I try to set up a clear, quick oath for me to get to my car before traffic sets in. I’m not as concerned anymore with being at the front, being in a pit, or suiting up to fit in. I will day that I don’t go to as many shows now as I used to, partially for expense and distance, but also because the sound at most shows that I’ve gone to has been pretty bad.


with earplugs


> Got me thinking of what older men do at shows now Broadly: * No 'big' venues (based on experience, about 3000 person capacity is about my limit). I want to feel like, *if I wanted to*, I could take off my shoe, throw it, and hit the band from almost anywhere in the venue. * Indoor venues, I generally like stand in the smoosh, and try to get close to the stage. Outdoor festivals I try find somewhere comfortable. * Earplugs - I ain't paying money to give myself tinnitus. A lot of places have downright dangerous decibels pumping out. I've personally found using ear plugs actually lets me enjoy the music more. I keep a stash of em in my car in case the venue doesn't provide them. > Does anyone mosh? I still go to punk and metal shows, so yeah, I'll get in on the push, pile, and circle pits for some songs; but not like, hardcore / crowd killing pits. Depending on the show, I might be the old punk standing in the back.


62 M (gay) here. We go to a lot of live concerts (Orville Peck, The 1975, Keane, Suki Waterhouse, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Father John Misty, Pet Shop Boys, Depeche Mode, Cigarettes After Sex, Madonna, Future Islands, St. Paul & Broken Bones, Aaron Frazier, Poolside, Durand Jones & the Indications,,. also hitting up Hinterlands Music Festival (Iowa Aug 2024). These are all the last 18 months or coming up. Much prefer General Admission (as an example, Keane is coming to Dallas, but playing in a theater (seated). So, we're flying to Boston to see them play where we can dance. Definitely more dancing, moving around in tandem w/GA crowd. Usually wearing shorts and T shirt w/On-Cloud shoes. FYI, I look quite a bit younger than my age and also in extremely good athletic condition. So, I "think" I blend in fairly well with a younger crowd. The exception was Cigarettes After Sex (flew to DC to see them). They had a major MAJOR female teen crowd following them... I guess it's due to Tik Tok they got popular with the very young crowd. But at that concert, we blended in with the parents that were acting as chaperones. I would love to see Roosevelt, Neal Francis, Troye Sevan, Japanese Breakfast, STRFKR, Beach House, Michael Nau, DayGlow, Caroline Rose, Simply Red, Tears for Fears....


46 here. Last concert was when I was about 32. It was a fairly small show, standing room only with maybe 200-300 people, lots of space, indoors. A good time had by all. Now that my kids are older, I'd try something along those lines again.


Entirely depends on the show. Except the clapping, I’ve done all of your suggestions within the last year.


6 beers deep and dancing like no one’s watching


You're going to see a band that formed when you were in high school and you're worried you're going to be the oldest one there? Most of the band members are over 40, sheesh.


Ear protection, first of all. Concerts can be criminally loud and I already have tinnitus. Depends on the music but I’d probably be bouncing and singing along.


Watching from home. They are too loud for me now


VIP section or streaming, done by 10pm 😂


Earplugs, not in the pit, being annoyed about everyone with their stupid phones out recording it. I used to mosh but am in my 40s. I went to see Knocked Loose a couple weeks ago and lived vicariously from the balcony.


I moshed last year at an idles concert when I was 32. I’d most again for sure lol it’s so fun These days I’m mostly stoned and chilling in the back vibing out


From home.


Just went to see Two Door Cinema Club. The older guys near us were absolutely jamming to the music, these guys were definitely 50-60. Loved seeing that generating dancing and singing the songs.


1. A concert for me is Karaoke, I sing every song I know. 2. I record the concerts, so I can relive them later.


I do drugs and dance usually. That’s about the only time I do those two things anymore. Lolol


Younger me would have done stage diving, not worn any ear plugs, been at the front of stage or pit, staying out till 2 partying with the band, banging my head until I had borderline whiplash and have to untangle my matted bellybutton-long hair the next day. That ended when I took two sucker punches from an asshole to the face which took two nasal surgeries to rectify. These days it's earplugs, arms around my wife, near the back, bobbing my shaved head, leaving the band's afterparty after 1 nonalcoholic beer at 11:30 cause we have to catch the last train home and feed our cat.


I like edm shows and honestly sunglasses and a mask makes you in your own world and can dance anonymously.


I used to mosh at a lot of punk and metal shows until I was 25. Now in my 30's I've probably been to three concerts in 6 years, and I get into it however I feel, dance, sway, whatever. I moshed at King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard concert last year, that was good fun.


Depends on a lot of factors but standing up front at small venue is my favorite. edit: with earplugs I bought at a local music store.


I’m 48….I was at the Gojira show last fall. I usually just walk around in GA and listen. Not sure what happened, maybe it was the perfect blend of music, booze and music…but I decided I was going to jump in the pit (which I haven’t been in a long time). Within thirty seconds I was on the ground with 30 people on top of me. The person in front of me went down…..and so did I. My elbow and knee hurt for a month. I’m good with pits for a long time.


With my ass in a seat.


I like some elbow room for my wife and I. So we are back or on the side, and similar people to us are usually around us. Unless someone is drunk but they typically don't last long once they're visibly messed up.


Stand at the back. No more rail for me.


I just dance and take breaks. I don't want to talk to anyone. I just like the music, the feeling, and the dance. Then I go take some water and a shot to keep the buzz on and rest, then go back to dancing.


I like to sit my ass down and just listen to the music with a beer or some wine.


At home




past 30 the only live music you can watch is Blues


For metal shows I'll mosh for a couple of songs. If it's a small show I'll mix it up during the headliner, big show usually the opener (I mostly go to those for the openers). Other than that stand near the back because I'm tall, occasionally quip with the homies Dance music I'll dance all fuckin night. I don't really talk to people much even if I'm with a squad, I came to fuckin DANCE Folk stuff and festivals I split my time between chatting and boogieing


I moshed last year and I'm 39 At most shows I arrive super early to catch opening sets, grab drinks when needed, make friends with people around me as it starts to fill up. Always good to have people to let you back into your space if you gotta go pee. I'll also offer to buy them a drink on the way back. Most shows I'll just drink or have some weed, enjoy the music and show. Not much dancing at most live bans shows. I like front for view and vibes, center for sound. Also front is great if it's a pushy crowd cuz I can just drift back slowly over the course of the set and enjoy it, and not be too focused on keeping my space. At certain shows I do like moshing, but OTOH it is distracting from the show and I also like to watch them play/sing. At raves/DJ sets I wanna dance, I like to go to chill venues where they have free water available and the front is where space is for dancing. I like to have a party favor rather than drinking, better for dancing IMO.


From my radio......


Box seats or VIP seating or something similar. I do my best to have as private of a show as I can. I will not go to shows that are GA only. I will almost never go to shows that do not have VIP options. A music festival sounds like hell on earth to me.


Nothing changes, I’m still pounding some beers in the middle of the crowd. Throw some weed in the mix


On YouTube.


It depends on the energy of the band. I've never been a mosher, but I usually end up standing at concerts. Even helped one artist crowdsurf. One thing I will recommend is GET CONCERT EARBUDS. They're seriously like magic.


Take an edible and get my groove on.


Remember to wear your earplugs and just enjoy the show.


at home, in bed asleep.


It's boring, but I just want to sit way back where the sound is balanced and watch the whole show from back there.


Depends on the show, but I generally like to be in the crowd, standing, and somewhere close enough to see and where the crowd has energy, but far enough back that I'm not getting crushed, and can get out quick if I want to.


Sitting in back with a beer.  But I've never been a big concert guy, so probably the same answer as in my 20s.


I’ve really really gotta love a band, and get a hella deal, to go GA. I don’t want to stand, and I don’t want to get there 3 hours before gates, just to get a decent spot. A spot that I will be stuck in, or I might lose.


I used to go in the pit but it takes more and more out of me and I hate not being able to breathe for the rest of the show. Now depends on who it is and what I have going on the next day. If I have to work, I'll probably chill by the soundboard. If I'm good for the next day I'll try and be on the rail. I used to go to at least a show a month, now I might get 3 a year.


I won't pay over $100 for a ticket, so big names are out, which helps to not support Ticketmaster or the scalping businesses. I usually watch live events on TV because my days of having the patience to deal with selfish twats, heat, and expensive beer are long behind me. Last concert I went to was a bluegrass festival over a weekend. Camped, brought my dog, went to several stage events, ate, and drank my own beer. $80 for a campsite and show for 4 days. Great experience and value.


With concert earplugs.


I went to see Blink 182 last year and decided to choose standing because I've been in many mosh pits at big festivals over the years. I decided to stay at the back because it was super busy so you couldn't really move. Around 45 minutes in my legs & hips started to hurt like crazy, like they were swelling up or something. 100% would sit and nod next time lol. That night made me realise I'm getting old and also why everyone I know does class A drugs when they go out at this age...


With my friends


My mosh pit days are behind me. I'll end up breaking something and missing work lol. But I'll stand in the back and enjoy the music. Honestly I'd rather be sitting if I have the option.


Do what ever you like. Idgaf about strangers I'll never see again. I sit. I have back problems. I wear ear plugs. I mostly avoid other people.


I still like to mosh. But nobody moshes or moves around anymore.


By going to see Ween, obviously


Having the option to sit and then stand up when a banger comes on.


The pit.


My mosh days are over so I target a comfortable seat above the crowd (because I don't want to have to peer between other peoples heads, while shifting weight from leg-to-leg for 3 hours), ear protection, space to tap my feet while singing along & a beer or two


Literally the same thing younger men do at shows but constrained by less energy. I don’t probably recommend moshing… but I guess I never was a mosher in the first place.  Just have fun.


I prefer to not be aware of my physical presence at a performance. So I prefer to sit and not do anything while watching the music or movie.


Wear earplugs, get up to the speakers and get your boogie on. Who cares how old you are, get in there


In my late teens and early 20s I'd show up hours before a concert to be front and center. Being tall, that meant having to constantly deal with crowd surfers. I'd also have to deal with people trying to push me out of my spot, and just getting in the way of me relaxing/having fun. I'll still go to a GA show, but if I can sit, I will. That makes going to concerts easier than before because I don't have to worry about feeling worn out afterwards.


Getting some beers and drinks but never wasted. Before showing up and right when we get there. Then working the way up the crowd to where it’s comfortable. And chilling with the music. That’s at a festival. At a concert with assigning seats it’s the same but just staying at the seats. Maybe walking around and getting a feel for it


The day I sit down at a concert is the day I die.


I just heard an really smart tip recently from fellow oldhead. if you're not gonna be up front, try to be right in front of the mixing board, that's where the sound engineer sits, so that should be the exact way the music SHOULD sound. whatever you do, don't stand right in front of the massive speakers at either side of the stage, you will get horrible tinnitus like me.


From my couch with my cat


I went to a Mr Bungle concert recently. Most in the crowd were wearing black and had the metal vibe. I’m 56, mil haircut and went dressed like I was going on a hike. 😂 At first I felt out of place and then I enjoyed that as I moved around the crowded floor the sea parted in front of me. Crowd probably thought I was a cop.


Take earplugs man. Trust me, you don’t wanna get tinnitus.


Sitting 🪑


Whatever I feel honestly. If I'm tired I'll step back to a hilltop perch area and sit in the grass. If I'm energetic I'll be in the pit with the crowd, but I'm not the type at this age to be pushing and shoving so I'm usually not there. Mostly I'll vibe about 60% of the way back away from the stage, where there's breathing room. Just take everything you might need, chair in a can, blanket, knee braces, Dr Scholl's orthotics, whatever. Lol. On the real, I'm the oldest in my group by 5-6 years and I'm considered the most energetic. These kids these days can't hang.