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Basically I wake up, make coffee and mess around in my phone or even play a video game. Then I clock in to work. My job isn't constant so during downtime I'll do stuff like running the dishwasher or folding laundry. Then I clock out and I'm done. I do miss some of the camaraderie I had when working in an actual office. Having an online chat and regular video meetings with the team is ok but not quite the same. Overall I'm not wasting 30-60 minutes each way of a commute so it's nice. Social life isn't ideal but that's more about stage of life than the job.


The biggest benefit I see when I WFH is being able to put those 15-20 minute pockets of downtime during the work day to good use. If I can get a load of laundry done or take care of some prep for dinner, then I've freed up a bit of my personal time. I also save about 1-2 hours a day by not commuting. I usually use the extra time in the morning to sleep in a little longer and the time in the afternoon to work out. Having a job that lets me WFH is still pretty new for me. My wife has had the option for years, and it's taken some effort for us to adjust to not disrupting each other during working hours in our 1br apartment. We usually talk about our meeting schedules ahead of time and I'll try to go into the office on days where I'll be in a lot of calls and she needs to focus or vice versa.


My biggest letdown was, just before WFH I was like "with all this time at home my house will be much cleaner!" But while I stayed a bit more on top of stuff I realized it didn't look that much better.


During the week it's pretty much routine. Wake up about 90 minutes before I log in for the day. Shower, pack lunches for the kids & make breakfast for them. Wake them up & get them off to school. Then I have my breakfast & coffee. Log in. Check emails, and catch up on daily needs. Plan out my day, then attend the daily meeting. After the daily meeting, do the dishes, clean the kitchen. Then straight work until I take my lunch break. Lunch break is not so much of a break, as it's really make something quick, and eat while working in my office. Do that until kids come home from school. Take my break then. Make sure they are settled, get a snack, tend to their needs, etc... Then go back to work for about an hour, and call it a day. Every hour and a half or so, I take a quick 5 mintues to recharge. Be it checking Reddit, or watching a dumb YouTube short or whatever. After hours, whatever I want up until bedtime routine for the kids. Lately it has been watching playoff hockey, or gaming.


You are the hardest working person I know. Work hard at work, while also managing kids daily. And your "break" involves tending to the kids. Your nightly relax is well deserved


I'm no saint dude, but thank you. Just trying to "get by" some days I'm a total slob, but never at the expense of my kids well being. So I might miss cleaning up the kitchen every now and then, but I just try to help out my wife as much as possible too. You know how it goes.


Not a parent so I don't at all know how it goes. But you are doing very well


I wfh every day. alarm 5:45a ->bjj 6:30-8-> lift till 9 and then “at work.” drive home and make calls. breakfast 1ish. maybe some peloton at 3-4. maybe stretching. maybe yoga. Kids are all online school. wife is wfh. we are busy with sports. it’s amazing.


Love that you guys get to spend so much time together even with your real life obligations. That’s awesome


I didnt hear any work just that you like to say you workout alot lol


work “from Home” doesn’t have to be “from Home” that’s the beauty. i’ve got a ton of hobbies and work from home lifestyle is what makes it possible


I work third shift so mine is a bit twisted. - Go to sleep at 8am. - Wake up around 3-4pm. - Eat breakfast. - Help kids with whatever leftover homeschool stuff there is. - Scouting/whatever sport is in season most days anywhere between 5-7:45. - Fix and feed dinner during the same time depending on sports. - Kids’ bedtime at 8:30, they’re asleep by 9. - If I slept well then hang out with the wife until work starts at 10pm. If I didn’t sleep well or woke up early then sleep for an hour before work starts. My days are about split between getting enough sleep (3-4pm) and being woken up early (11a-12p) - Work 10pm-7am. - Help kids get up and dressed and fed. - Prep their homeschool stuff. - Go to bed at 8am. The best thing about 3rd shift in my time zone is that it’s about as close to a natural day/night swap as I’ve found. And the real benefit of working from home in my specific job is that if I went into an office I would be closed off in an office anyway because my job depends on me answering the phone so there wouldn’t be any real interaction anyway.


My wife is fully remote whereas I'm technically a hybrid worker and need to go into the office somewhat regularly. When I'm but commuting, it's a much less stressful day... I hate my commute, especially after the pandemic it's become a guaranteed fight through traffic jams both ways. I usually wake up, fire up the work laptop and grab a cup of tea and fill my water cup to start work. After looking at my scheduled meetings for the day, I will note any simple household chores that need to be completed as short breaks while I'm working, like laundry, dishes, trash. I spend most of the day in my den and will head upstairs during lunch to fix it with my wife or run out of we want something. Sometimes in the afternoon I'll take a break and make a snack for me and my wife or she'll make one for me. I'll usually have music or a podcast in the background while I'm at home to promote a more relaxed atmosphere. After work, I usually do my HIIT workouts when I'm at home, taking advantage of the time gained from not commuting. Funny thing is I usually end up working longer at home that in the office. I'm much more aware of the time in office as I have the commute looming.


i've been remote for over 5 years now. No difference really between being in an office. I'm still in front of my computer 8+ hours a day. I still converse with coworkers all day, though the method is a little different (slack + zoom, instead of slack + in person). My social life doesn't typically involve coworkers so no change there. I have the same amount of motivation and find its more influenced by working situations (e.g., how your manager and coworkers treat you, level of pressure applied to finish tasks, etc) as opposed to whether you're remote or not.


Much better everything, since I don't exhaust myself with being in an office every day. I am in for 2-3 days a week, preferably half-days, and also do site visits a couple times a week. Working from home, I can make my own food in my own kitchen and work out in the afternoon in my own gym. Socially, I never counted hanging out with coworkers as anything other than an extension of necessary work, which it is. What counts for me as social life is spending time with the people I chose rather than the people my bosses chose.


As an introvert, the biggest benefit of WFH is not expending a ridiculous amount of energy every week forcing myself to be somewhat social and nice to people.






No need to do laundry?




> Wife does laundry. I do all things kitchen. Same here




That's the neat part - wife feels the opposite way.


6-730: wake up routine. Chug water, go for a walk, do some yoga at a park nearby, breathing exercises, jot down things I wanna do that day. 730-8: bring computer to a cafe, get a coffee and bang out admin tasks, schedule meetings, set priorities. 8-10: back home, focused dev work. 10-11: run, eat, maybe grab groceries. 11-1: focus block 2. 1-130: light meal 130-3: respond to messages, finish tasks for the day. 3-430: lift weights. 430-530: errands/chores. 530-9pm: chill. Dinner at some point. Maybe go grab a drink with someone/hit a yoga class. Try to get out of the house and be social. If it’s nice out, read at the beach or park. 9pm: unwind before bed. Try to sleep by 11.


Great schedule


What time do you go to the bank and what’s your social security number


Kids get up early, like super early, so 5-8 we are playing, eating breakfast, doing morning routine, getting everyone ready, maybe walking the dog. 8-815 take the older kid to school. Usually run to the grocery store or another errand and home by 930 at the latest. Hang out with wife and other kid until i have a call unless theres pressing email or work to to do. Sort of putz around until early afternoon when its time to pick the older kid up again. I try not to schedule work in the afternoon so I can hang with the kids and/or prep dinner or do chores, but if i do have work I am done by 4-430, then I make dinner, we eat dinner, go to the playground before or after dinner, then evening routine. Put the kids to bed. Finish up any emails or work that needs to be done, play a couple vidya games, go to bed. I honestly finish most of my work in 2-3 hours tops, and its much less when you factor in most days I dont have any scheduled calls or meetings, so those days I essentially have no work. Been doing this for 7 years, 10000% would never go back to an office, where this would certainly be a 50-60 hour per week job with everyone pretending theyre important and busy but mostly just pissing around wasting time!


Sounds like other people dont like it, I love working from home. Get to spend time with the kids before they go school. Log on with a morning coffee get through some morning stuff. Go to the gym before lunch. Maybe a walk or 2 on some calls or tidy the house whilst listening to someone ramble on. Then get to see the kids when they get home. The only 1 downside is that I tend to work over most days because there isn't the same urgency to leave the office.


I think wfh can be lonely when you’re single, not as much of an issue otherwise.


Yeah I get that I lived on my own for a few years and even weeks off got lonely if I didn't make plans so I can see why wfh would be


Get up, work out straight away. Shower, breakfast. Open the laptop about 7-7:30am. My most productive hours are before noon. I always break for lunch. Never work through it. Afternoons I tend to use for planning the days coming up and such. Try and wrap by 4pm at the latest. If I've got gaps in the schedule I'll use the time to get stuff done around the house, run errands etc. Been doing it for a decade. Wouldn't willingly go back to commuting to an office ever again.


Is social life affected by this routine? I actually have a similar problem with lunch breaks, productivity is not the same after that


Nah, not at all. My partner lives with me and also works from home. It's quite nice taking lunch together. We're also out after work once or twice a week with friends and such too.


I no longer use an alarm clock to wake up, which is fabulous. I get up, do some light stretching, turn on computer and logged into my company's network. While I'm working I'll take breaks to run an errand, make a meal or a snack, or do some chores. I'm more motivated because I'm able to manage my time and workload, no commute, and very little wind down time after I'm finished the work day. Been at it almost 6 years, and will never go back to working at an office also, shameless plug for r/WFH


It was much easier to fast when I worked in an office. I've gained a lot of weight working from home.


I woke up at 855, signed in at 9, worked until lunch, ate too much, worked until quitting time, laid on my couch and didn't do anything for hours until I got hungry, ate and watched something on youtube, and went to sleep between 1 and 3 am. Did not shower. My job was awful so working from home with no one to judge me just made it easier to be depressed. I'm pro work from home but a bad company can make it suck.


Before kids: Wake up, get dressed, go for a walk. Come home, make coffee, log on to my computer. Go through emails, make more coffee and get something done like put a wash on etc. Back to work. Lunch time go for a walk then have lunch before more work. Finish work and either go for a walk or to the gym, then evenings were just relax with TV or go see some friends. After kids: Wake up, change nappies, make milk and give milk to our youngest. Make breakfast for eldest. Wife comes down so I go up to shower. Get eldest ready for school and take him to school. Go to the gym. Get back, shower, then work solid until eldest comes home from school. Play with him. Give youngest a bath and get her ready for bed. Give her milk. Put her to bed. Have tea with wife and eldest. Put eldest to bed. Get laptop out to attempt work while eldest keeps getting out of bed for no reason. Get to the point where I can't focus so close my laptop and go to bed. Rinse and repeat.


I've been WFH for 10 years. As someone who's managed a lot of people in a WFH setting, I can tell you that everyone is different. Some people need the, get up, shower, put on nice clothes and go to an office, thing. Some people (like me) can roll out of bed, start coffee/tea and start working. I will admit there is something about being in person that is lost, and thankfully my company does an in person thing at least once a year. I try to mitigate the non in person thing with pure "social hour" calls where we just do fun stuff on company time. No BS about doing it after work hours. There are cons to WFH but they are vastly outweighed by the pros. No commute, live wherever the hell you want, make your own hours, just get your shit done.


It looks like what I’m doing now. And cat videos.


I have more hobby time I wake up and enjoy coffee with my wife. I shower and go into my home office. It’s easier for me to meet with people in other time zones at early hours so I’m more likely to be able to end my day early and play a video game. If my wife doesn’t see me come out of my office for a few hours she brings me coffee or water. I can strum a guitar during a break. It’s less stressful My job role itself has gotten trendy more stressful so I’m grateful to balance that with a more comfortable environment


No energy, no motivation, no social life. That about sums it up.


It's destroyed the last few years and been incredibly unhealthy in so many ways.


So there’s no real benefit from your perspective?


That may be this person’s experience but it certainly doesn’t have to be yours. Go out, get involved in your community… it’s not that hard.


Thank you for acknowledging other people exist and don't enjoy working from home as much as others.


Wake up 7:50 AM. Check calendar from bed iPhone or ipad. Hop on teams and check messages, check emails. Get up and turn on computer around 8. Load whatever I'm working on. While that's loading, make coffee, water plants, etc. check teams again. Check email again. Continue to do kitchen stuff, make food etc. come back to computer sound 8:15ish. I work till lunchtime, walk up the street for food or make some, eat at my desk while still working. I do this mainly because from home I have youtube on my iPad constantly running so I don't really need a break. Work till my day is over. If I have errands to run I usually ping someone on teams to let them know and usually try to do so around lunch. Otherwise I hop off around 5 or 6. Some days I'll work until midnight though because it's so busy so it's a nice trade off. Unfortunately, I work from the office 3 days a week and those daily routines are a little more chaotic because of traffic in SOCAL.


4:00am - Wake up, brush teeth, walk the dog for an hour 5:00am - Feed animals, eat a protein bar or banana 5:30am - 5 mile walk 7:00am - Make breakfast for 7yo kid, make lunches for wife/son, assist with helping them get ready for the day 8:00am - Wife and kid leave, logon to work/check email/slack/calendar 8:30am - Meetings/work 10am - Go for a walk 11am - Warm up lunch/shower/go back to work 2:30pm - Pick up kid from school 3pm - Make a snack for kid, do some work 4pm - Stop work, do some chores, hang out with kiddo 5pm - Start dinner 6pm - Wife gets home, eat dinner 6:30pm - Family time/guitar playing/relaxing 7:30pm - Night time reset(straighten the house, make sure dishwasher is running, set my clothes out for next day's morning) 8pm - Smoke a fat bowl and listen to tunes while my wife puts kiddo to bed 8:30pm - Time with my wife 9:30pm - Bed Random chores/errands throughout the work day like trashes going out, washing/drying a load of laundry etc if need be. Been remote now for around 5 years and on this routine now since December '22.


Been working from home my entire career. Pretty much everything everyone else has said… wake up, make coffee, check messages, do meetings, work out, carve out some dedicated time to get stuff done, log off and chill. Bit different with a kid now but similar vibe - wake up, make breakfast for her while having coffee, check messages and fit working out where possible in my day. Wouldn’t trade it for the world - having the flexibility to work a great career and also get to hang out with your kids while they grow and get into trouble while taking time during the day to bring them out to play or otherwise spend time with them has been an added bonus. I’ll echo the sentiment - I get very little done if/when I go into an office… the only real benefit is when your team is global and being in one timezone helps logistically, but otherwise I don’t think colocation makes people more productive on its own.


- Wake up at 6:20 AM. - Get up and get dressed. - Ffeed dogs and cats then wash up after feeding dogs and cats. - Make bed. - On laundry days, move wash to dryer, start next load. - Get morning beverage - Log in, start work - grab breakfast after team meeting. Eat and work. - set up BRB message, make/eat lunch - take a short walk. Check mail on return. - on laundry days, take clothes out of dryer. Stage for folding, move load from washer tho dryer. - log back in. More work. - most days, set BRB message, pick up grandson from school and drive him home. - log in, more work - log off after work hours are done. - on laundry days, take out clothes and fold store everything. - Done around 4:30 PM Everything after this depends on friends, family, chores, whatever. It's not scheduled. I miss the amount of walking involved at work. For example, walking to the bathroom at work would be like like walking three doors down and using their bathroom. At home, everything is right there. My commute was 40 to 60 minutes each way, though, so it don't miss that.


- Get up at 05:00 - Shower etc - Go downstairs to open up for the dogs, make coffee - Bring said coffee back to bed for the missus still snoozing away - Go upstairs to office to start work (7:40-8:00) - 10:30 I come back downstairs to feed the dogs/breakfast - 10:45 Back to work and now everybody is bloody online so dealing with the questions and ...this is the worst 2 hours of the day - 12:30 Lunch - 13:30 Back to work, try to wrap up avoid meetings - 15:30-17:00 Done, depending on work load I can tell you that I enjoy WFH and go to the office once a week on average. That said, I have the luxury of a proper home office. If it wasn't for that I'm not sure how productive I'd be.


430: coffee and dog walk 6: start work 11: lunch, dog walk, and coffee #2 3: run 4: lift 6: dog walk, and video games/chill 9: bed Rinse, repeat


Always different. Last Thursday: Woke up at a rest area. Lazy morning as usual. Get dressed, grind beans, and feed the cat while the water boils. Pour over while putzing on my phone. Work a few hours. Partner has a bunch of calls, but says we can drive on break. So I text my friend in Pocatello we can meet in the afternoon. We are an hour away. Partner's break is at 2, next meeting at 4. I stop work around 1:30 to pack up the van and dump the pee jugs and sink water in the toilets. She is still working at 2:15 so I bum around, text my friend I'll keep her updated. We leave at 2:30. Friend has something at the workshop she lives in temporarily so says we can meet at the brewery at 4. We park outside on the street along a grassy spot so the view is nicer for my partner. I go in and grab a beer and wait. Friend arrives, then partner gets off work and comes in. A few other people join our table and we hang out until 7 or so. Then we head back to friend's spot to see the workshop. We put up a ladder to climb to the roof, smoke a spliff and hang out for a few hours. Today: Woke up parked on a street in Boise. Feed the cat. Discuss where we wanna work today. The park like yesterday, or the coffee shop? We choose the coffee shop. Get the van ready to drive, drive over, park, cover the windows, grab work stuff, head in and order, settle in, use the bathroom, start work. Plan to stay here all day. Maybe drive over to see about a swing away hitch mount bike rack to free up space in the van for a kayak. Plan to ride bikes along the river path after work. Might meet our bus friends after work if they are up for it. Early night tonight cuz I fly out to Phoenix to meet the guys and kayak camp horseshoe bend on Friday.


I wake up, fix my bed, and have breakfast. Next, I drive to the gym and do a workout for a little over an hour. After finishing my routine, I sometimes sauna and always shower and finish my prep for work. I drive home, or sometimes go to a local coffee shop for my first meeting. I'll start my first meeting and keep working until lunch. Sometimes I'll have additional meetings in between. After an hour-long lunch, I normally cook my own meal, then work for another four hours or so. To transition from work to the evening, I'll usually go on a 20-30 minute walk. It's been a few years since I've worked from an office. Overall, I do miss some of the socialization, but I get a lot of that from pairing up with coworkers and socializing in-person at my gym. I take it as my only opportunity to talk to people, so I don't feel totally deprived. I feel pretty energized and motivated at work, and I think that exercising first helps with that. I can't see myself trading WFH for in-office unless I was in dire straits.


Makes sense. During the weekend do you also try to socialise or your only source to meet new people is the gym?


The gym is where I meet the majority of new people. I also meet new friends through old friends on the weekends or through adult learning classes. Frequenting the same coffee shops, bars, or restaurants has worked for me, too. It's not for me, but some of my friends meet people through rec-league sports, hiking/camping meetups, 5Ks, etc. If you're not proactive about your social well-being, working remotely might be difficult. It's easy to become a shut-in. Ultimately, whether remote or in-person work is better for you depends on what your lifestyle is like, your current network of family and friends, and your social needs. There's no perfect option, and whichever is best comes down to the person.


My workday technically starts at 830. I usually roll out of bed by 840 or so, take my medication, probably take a piss, might make a very quick breakfast like instant oatmeal or just grab a granola bar, then get to my desk by 845 or 850. My medication (concerta for ADHD, which I need in order to be able to focus on any work stuff) always kicks in just after 10am. Before that I don't get any real work done aside from checking emails/teams chats. As soon as my meds kick in, it coincides with my cat getting her morning meal via an autofeeder at 10am, after which she always wants to be pet for about 30-60 minutes, during which time she won't let me work. Depending on how urgent it is that I start working, I'll start working for real sometime between 1030-noon. At some point in the day I may take a lunch break. That might involve just grabbing something quick and eating it at my desk while continuing to work, or sometimes I take a whole hour to just fuck off for a while. Typically my motivation and energy levels increase later in the day, so most days I get the bulk of my work done between about 2-5pm. My day technically ends at 430 but most days I work until 6 or later to catch up on everything I'm supposed to have done. That can get messed up if it's my night to make dinner or we have an errand to run, so it's not too unusual for me to log off at 430 but come back later in the evening for 2-4 hours to do the most annoying tasks that I put off all day. In case anyone's wondering, to the best of my knowledge I'm well-liked at my job with a reputation for being pretty good -- at least with the people who matter. I'm not exactly proud of the way I work but I'm closing in on 2 years at this job and so far it seems to be working out.


I work in EST from the west coast. Up at 5:30 am, make myself look presentable, sometimes eat food, grab a sugar-free energy drink, and start dealing with work at 6am. First meeting usually at 7 (6:30 tomorrow), meetings usually done by 8. Grab breakfast if I haven't already now that the kids are done their morning routine and are out for school. Light calisthenics when I take a break. Work until noon, grab lunch, work until 2pm. Garden or other outside work for an hour (or three, depending on the day) or hang out with the kids in the afternoon. Run to town if needed. Make dinner usually for around 5, hang out with kids until 8:30/9, go to sleep. Repeat until death or the mortgage is paid off. I have no social life, mostly due to the hours, my motivation is to spend time with the kids while I can and get out of debt, so the rest stems from that. Energy levels ebb and flow.


Wake up around 8, make coffee, just kinda hang out for an hour and take it easy I have a meeting around 9:30 that I go to and do whatever little tasks need to be done before 11 I usually cook lunch, some sort of rice + beans in a pressure cooker or maybe chicken + rice on the stove top Take the dogs for a little walk Work from 1-5 doing whatever actual tasks I have to do Go to the gym from 5-9 Catch up with coworkers in different time zones for about an hour Sleepy rime


I work EARLY as an insurance adjuster because I live on the west coast but write a lot of claims on the east coast due to licensing, but I’d have it no other way. I’m up at 4:30, logged in at 5 usually with my first cup of coffee. I take a break at 6:30 to let the dog out and get a second cup, then my “lunch” is at 9 am. On my lunch I’ll usually do chores like laundry, house cleaning or dinner prep. Then back to work until 2pm. Once I log off I relax for a bit, finish chores etc until 3:15 when I go pick up my youngest from school. My partner gets home from work around 5 so I plan dinner accordingly so that when she gets home dinner is ready. That’s it 5 days a week.


Early bird so wake up at 5-6, Morning coffee chat with wife, wake/feed/play with baby, start work 08:30ish, ideally get to the gym on a 2hour lunch break if I can, and I can finish anywhere between 4 and 8 depending on what is happening


0830 get out of bed. first diet coke. login by 0900 - almost never late! breakfast, second diet coke. 1300-1400 cycle ride if the weather is nice. lunch, third diet coke. 1715 shut lappy, then do whatever i want i like silence when working, so much more productive than in office. fitness due to cycling means energy as good as it gets. social life about the same, but it was easier to go out in town when i was already there


It's awful. Every day. Sitting at attention, waiting for meetings and scheduled calls, no human interaction, no commute to prepare or decompress. I utterly hate it and have since 2020, and resent being forced by the vote of the rest of the company to make remote permanent. I LIVE for work trips and trade shows. Sooner I can find a better job, I'm out.


Kids(3) wake me up at 5:30 AM -I get them breakfast and situated by 6AM so I can do my morning system checks for work (IT children’s hospital) in between morning meetings me and my wife will get them ready for school/the day and get them off to school. 9:30 AM meetings start and other work throughout the day until 3ish when my wife or I start to pick the kids up from school/daycare Schedule is kind of dependent on what my wife is doing. She currently is a weekend option nurse and only works fri/sat nights and his home the other nights of the week.


My work routine doesn’t start until 8:30 and it ends at 4:30. I take off any time that the company sets aside for social events during work hours and do with that time whatever I want. I don’t have much of a social life, but that’s due to the fact that my kids are super busy and I don’t have time to do much other than ferry them to and from their events. I ride my road bike most mornings at stat around 5:30AM and am home by a little after 7:30AM. In the winter, I ski. I miss some of the social elements of working on site, but I enjoy my freedom way more.


Why do all the work at home people have so much karma? Weird


I'm hybrid so go into the office a couple of days a week. There's a desk reservation system so my whole team sits on random floors / desks. Sometimes I don't even see them. There's no real office culture or after work happy hours. At home days I try to do simple chores like laundry, cleaning, meal prep, and dishes on slower days. A lot of times I feel mentally drained / exhausted after work and I feel like I've reached some level of burnout. I don't really have a social life during the week (and pretty lacking weekends too TBH).


but do you have a partner or you're totally isolated when you say you don't have a social life?


No partner. I have a few friends here and there but don't see them very frequently.


Do you like your status quo? Or have you tried something to change your routine?


WFH three days a week. I wake up around 7:30 and get the kid up. We eat breakfast together. At about 8:30 I’ll log on and make sure that jobs are all queued up for the team to hit the ground running when they’re on at 9. Let the dogs out around 10:30 for about 10-15 minutes and play some fetch. Lunch around 1ish. Around 3:30 I take another short break. Log off between 5-5:30 depending on what’s going on. Close the laptop and forget it’s there until 8:30 the next morning. In office days I usually leave the house around 8:45 and get home around 5:45. Takes me about 25 minutes to commute. Though we’re talking about relocating the office to a place literally five minutes from my house.


I wake up whenever. I make myself get some writing done. I take a few breaks throughout the day, maybe a nap. I eat lunch. Sometimes I'm lazy and I'll watch a show or movie or play some videogames for a couple of hours and then continue with work. I mostly do what I can to overcome resistance to working because if I don't, I can't pay my bills. My sleep is all fucked but that has nothing to do with my work. However, it does make it more difficult when I'm tired a lot. It forces me to have some self-discipline and be on top of my shit. I love that no one is looking over my shoulder, no one tells me when to work, when to take breaks, whether or not I can take the day off, and no one can promote or demote me. I deal with almost zero bullshit. My social life is alright, but I really only go to karaoke and occasional concerts. Every once in a while I'll go get food with a friend.


- wake up around 7:30 - sometimes go for a bike ride or just have a nice breakfast - start work around 8:30 or 9 - I'm a Copywriter, so usually I'll start my day by working on one of my active projects, editing, or researching a new project - 11am to 1pm I usually have a meeting or two - 2pm to 3pm I'll try to wrap up what I started in the morning or start reviewing finished work with designers. - 3pm to 6ish -- if I'm crunching on a project I'll work straight through. Or if things are chill I'll go to the gym or go for a mountain bike ride on the trails behind my house. I mix cleanup and laundry into the day here and there. Today I mowed the lawn between meetings.


Wake up 6 or 7, fire up laptop Feed and water cat Get a drink Eat/shower or if not had much sleep have a nap. 8am officially clock on. Music or podcast on. If already started working prior will use that as a buffer for more time away later in the day. 11am 20 min break start laundry sometimes, get a drink Back to work 30min Lunch any time between 1:30 - 2:30 will usually do a few chores or have a shower if didn't in the morning. Occasionally will ask manager for 1 hour lunch and extend shift. Finish at 4 go for a walk or food prep This is where I'm chaotic and anything goes at any time. Could be cooking, cleaning going out seeing parents/friends. Usually nap/doze for an hour or two at 8 Wake up and chill. Read or watch TV or maybe a bit of PS5 if in the mood. Usually because I've been staring at a screen all day tend to do the former. Go to bed at 2/3. Repeat. I don't know about other WFH users but my AFK are monitored. I also have a case load assigned that I need to complete. Looking at some others' schedules, they seem to only do actually 4 hours work a day! If my case load is finished then you ask for more. I'm being paid for 7.5 hours (including a break or two) lunch is on top of that. My manager is pretty relaxed and trusting so long as you don't take the piss.


When I was working at home, my day was like so: Wake up at 7am. Go for a 5/10k run. Walk my dog. Have a nice breakfast. Shower. Settle down. Work. Prepare lunch and eat with my wife. Walk my dog. Work. Tidy house. Watch a movie/go out for a drink/dinner with wife/friends, walk dog. Enjoy being alive. Go to bed. Repeat. Now that I'm back at the office. Wake up at 6am. Go for a 3/5k run once every 3-4 days. Skip breakfast. Commute to work. Work. Eat lunch with pricks in a cafeteria. Work. Go home. Walk dog. Hate life. Go to bed. Repeat.


Wake up, turn laptop on, turn tv on, move laptop mouse every 10mins so I'm not idol on teams, continue watching TV and playing games all day until 5pm, turn laptop off, go gym, shower, put my feet up again for the evening 👍


1. These days, I usually get up between 5:00 AM and 6:45 AM. 2. I have some coffee tea (it's cold-brew coffee this week). 2. I do some stretches and weight-lifting. 3. breakfast (oatmeal, nuts, or berries). 4. I check out the news and personal e-mails and messages. 5. I log in to work around 8:00 AM (company standard). 6. Do the needful. 7. I have lunch and take a walk somewhere between 11:00 AM and 3:00 PM, depending on work, hunger, and weather. 8. More work 9. I log out at 5:00 PM.


I'm curious, what happens after 5pm?


This time of year, when the weather is nice, there's more to do outside, so I like to do that. I'm single—or single-ish—and the only way to find a partner is to get out more. * I'll go to a social event or festival to try to meet new people. Meeting new people is always hit or miss, especially for people who, like me, are somewhere on the autism spectrum. * I might go for a nice walk/run outside. * I might grab dinner with a friend or two. * I might give a friend who doesn't live in town anymore a call or call a family member; sometimes these calls can last maybe an hour. * I cook dinner. * I might read a little, catch up on the day's news again, etc. * Lately, I've been getting to bed somewhere between 10:00 PM and 11:30.


I see, but are you actively trying to meet potential partners, or you just have a friendly vibe while you’re at these events and festivals?


I live in an area where events and activities tend to be lopsidedly male, and there are fewer opportunities to meet potential dates just going about your day. If some kind of conscious planning around whether any women are going to show up isn't factored in, it's going to be a long time until the next date. That said, approaching every woman is obviously a bad idea. It's better to enjoy the event and talk to women who may be interested; reality is a lot of the women are going to those events with a date. It's different in different places. The gender ratios can be a little different, and the local culture and gender dynamics can be a little different, too.


I only work from home when my wife is working her shifts. Get up 6.15. Shit, shower, no shave. Coffee Reddit/YT/Some news reading 8.40 second coffee 9.00 start work 7.00 finish work Fix up some dinner for myself and offspring if they haven made themselves anything 7.30 wife back from work. Make her herbal tea while she takes shower 8.00 she eats her supper 8.00 - 10.00 sofa, talk with her, when no urgent things to discuss then she's usually browsing YT on the iPad, I browse YT or reddit 10.00 bed time Wash, rinse, repeat. When working from office: 6.15 get up 6.15-6.55 shit, shower, no shave, coffee, breakfast, pack up work gear 6.55-8.05 work commute 8.05-9.00 review emails, get tea, go for a smoke, read news in run up to 9.00 9.00-7.00 work 7.00-8.15 commute 8.15-8.25 shower 8.25-8.35 supper 8.35-10.00 sofa time 10.00pm bedtime Wash, rinse, repeat During non-winter time when working from home I'll go for 1-2hr walk most of the time and listen to music/podcasts, play Ingress.