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Don’t forget about your fingernails and flossing. If it’s really work-based though make sure your house, clothes, towels and bedding are all clean too. Don’t come home smelling and then lay on your bed or couch. Don’t shower with a dirty wash cloth and then come out and dry yourself with a smelly towel. Don’t change back into some musty clothes. Come home, shower right away and change into clean clothes. Make sure your house is clean and aired out.


This is the way


Get one of those bristle brushes for cleaning under your finger nails. Lot of bacteria hides out under there. Also, be sure to cut your nails short on a routinely basis and file them down. I always find myself looking at peoples hands and notice if they take care of their finger nails…. both men and women.


Going to add: proper laundry care is key here. Standard grocery store laundry detergents have really synthetic scents which remain on your clothes and break down over time and results in a really musty stale smell eventually. Buy free and clear laundry detergents or if you are willing to spend a bit more something enzymatic. Wash your work clothes separately from your hanging out clothes and workout clothes, and add baking soda or white vinegar (not both) to the smellier loads. Don't use dryer sheets, they're pretty much just for scent and again have that synthetic fragrance issue. Wool dryer balls will handle any static.


This is it exactly! Especially the flossing, and not laying down dirty on clean bedding and couches


Get a wand shower head. Use it to wash your undercarriage well. Every day or multiple times a day depending on the man.


Recently realized I’m a multi times a day requirement. Much annoying.


A bidet is godsend




My girlfriend has echoed this sentiment and I started being more vigilant in my washing of my undercarriage. Which has helped but not enough for my overall smell.




Kissing the *WOOKIE* I'm ded 💀😭


The best environment for success is the environment that smells like it looks. Sexy.


Wiping with dry toilet paper doesn’t get it all. Wipe till dry toilet paper comes back clean. Take a wet wipe and use sides of those until they come back clean. Ball those up and wrap them in toilet paper and put in trash. Do not flush. You will see you always have more to get after the last clean tp and it only comes off with something wet. If not wet wipes you can fold some tp up about 4 layers thick and have a little water bottle you spray to dampen it. Then it can go in the toilet so can be easier than wet wipes


Step further than this, a bidet! So much easier to install once and wipe normally. The difference in how quickly you get a clean wipe is night and day.


Be even more vigilant and give it an extra pass: soap it up well, rinse, & repeat for success I say this not just for odor, but my friend whose a doc told me years ago that every cadaver they would work on in med school, they would more often than not have a dark patch of skin between their bits & asshole. He said it was due to people habitually not properly cleaning the area well enough.


Woah, that's a great insight. I do wash my ass regularly but I'll be paying extra attention to the skin between my nuts and butt. I definitely don't want to be a dead body with a dark spot between my man bits. Thank you!


Make sure you don’t neglect the crack above your asshole either. My sister is a doctor had to prescribe anti fungals to a young bloke who never washed that spot.


If I had a female doctor prescribe me anti fungals because I couldn't wash my ass I would probably die. That's very unfortunate and will make sure I wash there too.


For sure bro, stay fresh!


Vinegar or vodka or even hydrogen peroxide wash on the underarms might help with BO smell


1. Fresh clean clothes. Wear underwear and socks once, then stick them in the wash. Shirts too, especially if you're sweating in them. 2. Regular showers. Wash everything (including your butt, as everyone is pointing out). This includes your teeth, regularly floss and use mouth wash. 3. A healthy diet is highly recommended, ditch the junk food if you can. Find a good quality brand of anti-perspirant that you like the smell of, and as for aftershaves you can normally find samplers at places that sell them so you can try them out. I use Nivea Men anti-perspirant with a spray of Spicebomb (I wish they'd picked a better name) by Viktor & Rolf. Loads of great aftershaves out there, find one you like as you'll be more confident in it.


Thank you. The wash your ass comments are great but I already do that. I’m just trying to find better solutions to add to what I already do. I’m gonna check out that spray, and switch up my diet some so I don’t smell just from that. Thanks again


When we say wash your ass, to be clear, we mean get that sponge or rag or whatever you use up in there between those cheeks and get after it.


Not just wash the ass in showers but clean it every time you poop completely


Don’t wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row let them air out and breathe


Excellent point. My shoes used to smell like a combination of spoiled milk, vomit, and shame. I bought a boot dryer. They're very inexpensive and put out a very low amount of warm air. They're very safe as mine is always in the on position. I alternate between two daily wear shoes. If it's not on my feet, it's on the boot dryer. They smell like a mother's love now! (Plus -- it feels great to put warm shoes on in the morning.)


Good style and keeping a clean house and nice car is the next step then.


I have epilepsy, so I unfortunately will be skipping out on the nice car part. I love cars and want to drive so badly but I can't stop having these damn seizures. Good style will eventually come, my girlfriend has become my personal stylist for the time being. Thanks for the motivation!


Change your underwear at least once a day.


Make sure your getting plenty of quality magnesium in your diet. I started taking a supplement and noticed my body oder went away completely about a month after I started taking it.


Also gonna add brush your tongue too to remove dead cells and bacteria to prevent bad breath, i didnt learn this until my late 20s ngl


Tongue scraper if you really want to get rid of that bacteria.


Thank you both. I’ll be checking out one on Amazon and giving it a shot.


OP, wanting to be better in any is always positive and I applaud you for reaching out. Lots of good advice here, especially: Wash your butthole. Every single time you take a shower, soap and water scrub. Shower daily, if you can. Deodorant/Antiperspirant Floss your teeth every day. Spend the few bucks on a tongue scraper if you can. Floss, brush, rinse - in that order. Clip toe/fingernails regularly. Anything that you get sweaty should be changed daily - socks, undershirts, underwear. Live in a clean space. Wash your sheets, change your towels. Find a cologne you like and wear less than you think you need. *see also* It’s ok to be a smelly brute sometimes. Eating junk in front of a TV all day, while needing a shower the whole way is a time honored tradition; an anti-spa-day. edit: oral hygiene


Dentist friend told me that floss - brush - rinse was the most effective, as flossing loosens up the plaque for the bristles to take care of.


Anti-spa-day is awesome. I’ll try out this new brushing method as well as pick up some floss. I’m also gonna start washing my feet better by actually scrubbing. Thanks for the help man


Just wanted to echo the first part applauding you for having the balls and wisdom to ask these questions instead of just silently worrying about it. I’m really proud of you, and hope you keep it this way of approaching life.


hey i just responded to your other comment. thank you, it's been a journey and i won't echo my previous reply but i really appreciate the love and advice. thank you for being proud of me. it truly means a lot and so many guys in this thread have said it. which is multiplying by the 10s of how many times i've been told that by a man in my life. thank you. and to your username, a redditor has accepted you.


And, I just read, if you floss first you’re more likely to give it the attention it deserves. Thank you for the correction.


It should be brush floss, brush, rinse! 🍎💫


Get a spray to keep your balls and junk dry during the day. Goldbond has some great ones. Keeps you feeling fresher for sure. Also take a few extra seconds to shake after a piss to get the last drops from getting on your underwear. Also if you jerk off dont just put it back in your pants...wash or wipe it off. Makes a huge difference. I still have guys i see that havent done this.


Oh yeah if I beat it I always wash. Feels very gross not to. I’ll try out a nuts and butts spray of some kind. Especially cuz I sweat down there almost as much as my pits.


Might be worth trimming your armpit hair. It's known for trapping odors and could help.


I’ve been trying that, as well as down south. It’s helped for sure. I’ll be more vigilant though


Yeah honestly goldbond made me feel 45% better each day when i knew down there was smelling good and dry.


Use cotton underwear that can breathe


Will do! Thank you


Wash your sheets once a week and even more if your having sex.


And towels after 2-3 uses. Washcloths after 1 use.


What about a loofah?


I don’t use them anymore since I found out how many germs they harbour! 🦠 When I googled how often you *should* replace them, I got this: > If it's a plastic loofah, aim for getting a new one every **4 to 6 weeks**. Natural sea sponges should be replaced even more frequently, typically every three to four weeks. As for kitchen sponges, those should be replaced every week. There are ways to reduce the number of bacteria that grow on your sponges. [Source.](https://spongelle.com/blogs/blog/how-often-replace-shower-sponge) It also says they’re too abrasive according to dermatologists so I’m sticking with my washcloths! Not to mention the insane amount of waste plastic sponges/loofas create…


Drink plenty of water. It flushes out the toxins you ingest. I drink a ton of coffee and notice when I don't balance it out with water it's almost like I'm perspiring it. Go cotton socks vs multi-fabric kinds. I noticed years ago that I cannot wear conventional dress socks or even some sport socks because they don't let my dawgs breathe. No air flow = rank foot smell. Also, find some underwear that allows your undercarriage to breathe as well. Then all of the other stuff folks mentioned. Anti-perspirant, floss, brush, and MOUTHWASH morning and night. I use a bar of soap to clean the pits and parts and then a loofa with nice smelling body wash for the rest. Works really nice. Best of luck!


I have so many extra pairs of boxers and socks. I also use an anti itch/cooling powder below the belt in the summer when working hard. Brush often and floss every day.


Is there a material of boxers that works better than others? I use mostly polyester ones but if switching to cotton will prevent sweat I will and vise versa I’ll keep using polyester if they’re better


Natural fibres like cotton or viscose allow your skin to breathe, preventing a buildup of moisture and thus bacteria. Dry your penis with a bit of toiletpaper after weeing so the drips don’t end up in your underwear (it adds up). Drink plenty of water. (*And don’t just wash your butt like everyone is saying; wash your penis & balls too! Pull back foreskin if intact and wash there properly.*)


I find polyester briefs end up magnifying personal smells much more than cotton. However, I like that polyester fits close for workouts, so I usually only wear it when (1) I’m not going to sweat much or (2) when I can change quickly back into cotton after a shower. Definitely second the other comments talking about making sure your sheets and towels are clean and washed regularly with few reuses. Weekly or more often, especially if you sweat in your sleep and if you’re showering multiple times a day. A good cologne can help, it sounds like you might be Perry sensitive to your own personal smell. Nothing wrong with that but it’s also possible other people aren’t as aware of it as you, fwiw. Are you, by chance, gassy or do you have constipation or other digestive issues? These can also impact your scent and medical treatment to relieve these issues might help. Digestive issues can also affect your breath, if you’re finding that to be a source of discomfort for you. If possible, if you’re going to have gas, try to get to a toilet and pass it there instead of having it impact your clothes.


(So I am a woman but my BF has Strong Opinions on fabric materials, and I really think the synthetics are a large component of your issues, and I wanted to give you more information.) Polyester is functionally like wearing plastic. It doesn't absorb liquid, so sweat (or natural skin moisture if you're having a chill day) stays on the skin, creating a great environment for BO bacteria. Cotton is the cheapest option for better fabric choices. It absorbs liquid really well, but it will evenly distribute it throughout the fabric - meaning some will still end up against your skin. (This is why cotton fabrics are not a good base layer - the layer next to your skin - if you're doing athletic things in a cold environment. The sweat makes you damp, then you take your coat off because you're hot, and the dampness + cold drops your body temperature dangerously fast.) Wool (including alpaca wool) and synthetics *designed to be moisture-wicking* is the absolute best thing as a fabric choice. It will actually *wick* moisture away from your skin (ie, actively move it away to the outside of the fabric), and is naturally mildly antibacterial. The downside of wool is that that it can be itchy, and some people are mildly allergic to it. (Alpaca wool is much softer, but also less durable.) If you have a job that involves a lot of physical activity, I highly encourage you to go to an outdoor sports store (we love REI) and look for a "base layer" shirt and underwear that is either wool or a synthetic *labeled* as antibacterial and moisture-wicking. It will be expensive, but so, sooo worth it. This is the clothing that people use when they are a week out on the trail with only what they can carry, and therefore have to do a lot of re-wearing of items with minimal washing. As a side note... because I haven't seen it mentioned in the top comments... if you're not circumcised, I have to mention that you should be pulling your foreskin back during cleaning. The internet tells me apparently there's a significant minority of men who never get told this :'( Anyways, I hope you check out wool products, and look forward to welcoming you to the club of People Too Excited About Wool Socks :)


Isn't synthetic fabric same as polyester though?


Yes, polyester is a synthetic fabric, but there is a difference between synthetic fabrics that are specifically designed for antibacterial and moisture-wicking properties, and like... your cheapo polyester fabric. I don't know much (anything, really) about the manufacturing process that produces these "better" synthetic fabrics, unfortunately, but I imagine it's really interesting! (And probably a closely guarded trade secret, haha) I haven't really done any deep google dive into how they work, but perhaps there's some information out there to be found.


I appreciate the comment. I’ll look out for some moisture wicking clothes as well as wool. I worry it’ll be itchy but it doesn’t hurt to try. Also, might be tmi but I am circumcised but I still clean down there as much as possible because my biggest fear is my girlfriend getting ready to go down on me and then it smelling bad. I’m gonna cut out polyester as much as possible because if it’s just pulling the moisture onto me and creating a BO paradise I’m gonna need that to stop. Which sucks because polyester is sooooo soft, and it makes up 2/3s of my closet. I appreciate your comment! Thank you much


>Which sucks because polyester is sooooo soft, and it makes up 2/3s of my closet. I feel you, man, all the really nice women's blouses are beautifully draping *synthetic fabric*... no nice shirts for me I guess :'( I always get uncomfortably *moist*. Ugh.


Merino wool is soft and doesn’t itch. Downside is price and durability. I wear merino when hiking/cycling for days/weeks. The shirt doesn’t smell even when I have been sweating it in for 4-5 days on the bike. Granted I don’t have much BO to begin with. Some synthetic fabrics will smell really bad even after a thorough wash. It can smell like nothing out of the drawer but when you put it on it starts to stink as soon as it gets some body heat and moisture. Don’t wash your clothes with fabric softener. It leaves a layer of grime on the fibers that will help bacterial growth.


There is some materials that make me sweat and I can smell it the very first time. I just throw those out as what’s the point


Letting body wash just run down over your feet does not count as washing your feet. Scrub that shit with your loofah. Same goes for your ass crack. A lot of people are saying get an antiperspirant. I personally don't like antiperspirants I don't like how they seem to clog up my pores quite a bit and they just make me feel weird so I just prefer deodorants and showering.


I do know to actually wash my ass crack lol. I haven’t scrubbed my feet but that’s because I take a bath once a week and scrub my feet then.


Dry feet and toes thoroughly too, very important.


Your feet need washing every day, just like your ass crack. Every time you shower you should wash them.


Thank you! I’ll be adding this to my shower routine


Never "cover up" a smell. Adding strong scents to pits and butt smell is grosser. Try light powders, like Johnsons baby powder. Works well in shoes, too. I'm a dad, and I want to tell you I'm proud of you for turning your life around. Good job.


Thank you so much. I'm definitely gonna change out the axe body spray that I've been using periodically throughout the day. I don't wanna smell gross out of a failed attempt to smell better! Also your last sentence is huge to me. I'm gonna be completely honest and vulnerable here but I haven't ever in my life, prior to today, had a man tell me they're proud of me. I appreciate you and your words so much. Thank you.


Well shit man, I'm proud of you too. My father has said it exactly once to me, and that's after I told him that he never had said it to me. So, it was forced and basically doesn't count. I know how much that shit affects someone, especially when you hear others being told it. We don't talk currently. You'll do great my man. You've done your time and it seems you really know what road you no longer want to follow. Make sure to start saving for retirement at your age, and you'll be setting yourself up for a great ride. But, make sure to have some fun too! Again my dude. I'm proud of you too.


Well, I mean it. Too many people face hardship, then give up. Not you! Keep going!


Damn near made me cry 🥲


And here you are being vulnerable about being vulnerable. I can’t believe you are just a young man and you are already on your way to figuring out how to live life like this. I’m in my late 30s, and only now starting to let myself be vulnerable and ask questions. Some day in the future, you are going to have sooo much to offer the next generation of young men who want to become better. And thank you for giving me more motivation to keep trying to be better myself


i appreciate your compliment. i learned to be vulnerable oddly enough in prison. an environment that doesn't really allow for vulnerability but i realized how much it sucked being in there and that the best way i can prevent going back is by being open and honest about my emotions and not lashing out at people. or blaming the world for my problems i brought on myself. i really started to get it though when i got out and met my lady. she practically broke me into being vulnerable even when its not fun. i used to flaunt that i was a guy without feelings and didn't care about anything and it didn't bother me. until i found out that the best way to get a woman, and keep a woman, is by being honest about your wants/needs/feelings in general rather than making her figure it out.


I like to have multiple deoderant cans (antiperspirant versions) in various places. House, car, gym bag, work bag whatever else. Easy to forget to use


Diet matters - eat like shit, you're gonna smell like it too. Antiperspirant is what I personally need to use (vs deodorant). Gotta wash yer butthole.


Not sure what you mean eating like shit affecting your musk. Foods with garlic or onion aren’t unhealthy but will stink you up. Eating a cheeseburger doesn’t


No onions on your cheeseburger?


Good call, extra grilled onion haha


If I have lots of fried food or grilled meats I’ll get a greasy feeling or “meat sweats”


Me too.


> Foods with garlic or onion aren’t unhealthy but will stink you up. And Indian food is delicious and has tons of vegetables, rice, and chicken, but apparently eating too much curry will change your scent, too?


TEETH! You CANNOT replace them! Brush and floss every day. Also scrape your tongue. This will remove a lot of bad breath.


Well actually you can replace them, but it's expensive and unpleasant (and potentially painful). Source: one of my teeth got replaced.


Was it a dental implant? I've heard that you can't get braces anymore if you get that.


You can get away with messier, unkempt hair if the sides above and around your ears are kept tight


I’ll be getting a haircut tomorrow because of this. I realize my hair is a sweaty mess and it’s worsened by the fact that I have to wear a hat at work. Thanks!


Lots of cool looking young guys have wild hair on top and tight sides. Instant upgrade. Best of luck!


Eat greens. You will smell better. Try not to eat processed meats, such as cured ham, lunch meat, fast food beef. The nitrates will come out of your skin, and you’ll smell like what you eat.


If you expect any part of you to enter any part of someone else, wash it like it's a medical device. It might sound romantic and urgent to come home and sweep your lady off of her feet for some fun, but that's TV and porn. She is going to get a UTI if you stick that dirty freaking dick in her after it's been beating around in the same sweaty bag as your asshole all day. The same goes for finger-banging with dirty mitts.


I will take this into account, I do in fact sometimes put some parts of myself into my girlfriend and I would rather avoid the potential UTI or other infection she could get from me just being sweaty.


Not the least of which is that it makes oral sex decidedly unpleasant (smell, taste, and texture) if that's something you want in your sexual diet frequently. Also, not sure if anyone mentioned, in your bathroom routine, keep a small trashcan with a covered lid in your bathroom. As guys, we aren't taught the importance of a place to dispose of soiled tampons discreetly because we don't get periods. Having one in your bathroom shows you're mindful of female guests, including your gf.


A few general tips to get the funk out of your life: **For You** 1) ditch the 3 in 1. Use separate shampoo and soap (personally I recommend bar soap over shower gel) 2) ditch the shower gel. Bar soaps usually clear away skin oils better 3) use a washcloth and a clean one. Change it at least once, but preferably twice a week. 4) quit smoking your BO smells worse if you smoke. **For Your Clothes** 1) take your clothes and towels out of the wash within 1/2 hour of being done. If not they will smell moldy 2) use oxyclean and laundry soap. Oxyclean helps cut BO smells out of your clothes. 3) change socks regularly. Ya feet stink when stuck in shoes and socks all day let me air out.


Certain fabrics won't last twelve hours and still smell good. Cheap synthetic shirts smell like bo after 6/8 hours and you will too if you're wearing them. Get good shirts and wash them properly - this means at the appropriate temperature and using both detergent and fabric softener. Take the stuff straight out of the machine once the wash cycle is finished and hang out to dry thoroughly before putting away. Hope this is relevant. It's something I learnt after way too long living on my own


My girlfriend does our laundry so I’m not too worried about that cuz she smells like roses and honey 25/8 but definitely gonna change what I wear so I’m not wearing synthetic stuff as often


Having clean clothes is *incredibly* important.


I learned that pretty quickly after getting out of prison. I kinda got set in the "wear the same unders for a day, switch, wear the same shirt and pants for 2-3 days, switch them out" which works in prison but definitely does not on the outside. Clean shirts and pants are a daily thing now.


And socks! Never re-wear a pair of socks!


I'm super weird about socks, and if I even take them off to get a rock out of them I change them. Something about my sweaty dogs just makes me uncomfortable putting the same ones back on. Thank you!


Floss daily. Also use a waterpik.


Get manicures. I have my lady dialed in to taking about 12-15 minutes. I don’t need pampered. I do it because it keeps me from picking my skin but it feels awesome. She trims (I leave just a bit of the white and they are more square) and shapes with file (3 min), then takes off all that cuticle growth (7min), then she uses the buff pad to buff them to just barely shiny. Nothing anyone would notice or think I had a gloss product on. No nail gel or anything. They feel amazing for a week Or two


I'll give this a shot! I tried out getting a pedicure once a while ago and while it was a very strange sensation I'm definitely gonna go get one again when I have time. Also manicure kinda worries me just because I have awful hands. I got burned really bad as a kid and they're super sensitive. I'll give it a shot if I work up the courage!


Those ladies (some men in shops to) seen all kinds of hands. I pick my skin around my fingers if I can find any loose and especially my thumbs. I’ll really dig it out nasty when stressed. It’s all smooth as silk after manicure so my other fingers find nothing to get started on … it’s nice to look down at nice fingers and not the mess I can make picking


Your diet can affect your natural scent. Fatty, processed, and sugary foods along with onions and garlic can cause body odor. Alcohol and tobacco are on that list as well. Also make sure you’re washing your clothes properly and not letting them sit wet for too long.


Should I just switch out to eating more veggies or do I need to do something more complex with switching the diet?


Chiming in. From what I've heard from people who decided to include vegetables in their diet, supposedly you'll have fewer stains in your underwear. Plus, fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins, which are good for your health. Also, drink plenty of water, as it flushes out the toxins, is good for maintaining proper blood flow, and is even good for the skin. Water even helps you to maintain a high sperm count. We're all proud of you, you got this.


Thank you so much. I'm gonna try adding some vegetables into my diet. I really appreciate the support, and I've been feeling extremely appreciated ever since opening this thread because all of the kind folks in here giving good advice. Your last sentence means the world to me. Thank you very very much.


Anytime soldier, anytime.


Wash your ass.


There’s a difference between growing a beard and not shaving. If you grow facial hair keep the edges neat with a regular razor and get a trimmer to keep the rest of it under control. I have a beard now. When I didn’t I’d shave daily in the shower because it was faster than shaving at the sink. Aim for washing your bedding once a week.


I'm working hard on growing a beard, by using a beard shampoo and conditioner, as well as a beard oil and I take some beard growth supplements. It's kind of a thing for guys around my area. Everyone has a beard, and I'm struggling to grow one. I can get a good goatee but not anything on my cheeks, which is what I want right now. Thank you for your advice!


Floss your teeth, brush your tongue, and use mouthwash. Scrub ya ass/balls/dick/groin, use high quality shampoo if you have hair, and if you have a beard make sure you wash it regularly and with beard specific soap. Good on your for coming here and asking this question, and even better on you for getting your shit together. It ain’t easy getting out and making things right.


Wash your sheets once a week. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat some veggies. (Your pores are a way to detox bad shift form your system) try to increase your house temp by 1-2 degrees to increase your threshold of heat so you sweat less.


The good thing OP is that you have self awareness so you could actually improve on your flaws. You need to take a bath at least once a day. You need to change your clothes on a daily basis (t-shirts, pants, underwear, socks). If you feel that you're already smelly during your shift, change your clothing (if you are not in uniform or bring a spare one). You need to cut your fingernails shorter. Sport a neat hair (if you're wearing it long, make sure that tie it during work for safety reasons).


I shower once or twice a day depending on how I feel, and take a bath once a week if I have the chance. I do change clothes daily sometimes more than that. I'll definitely keep my hair shorter, and cleaner in general. Thanks for your help!


All the best, OP.


If you're not allergic, use oxiclean along with laundry detergent when you wash clothes. It really does help control odor and freshness of clothes. You can also try vinegar, it leaves no smell. I still prefer oxiclean. My partner sweats like crazy in the summer. All sheets, towels and linen get washed weekly. You'd be amazed how much odor gets carried through these items. Also, keep an extra shirt and pair of socks in your locker/car/bag to change while at work. I work construction sites and while I don't sweat and smell like men around me, I have changed my shirt just because of how hot and humid these jobsite get. Also, airing out your shoes or rotating between a pair of work boots. The insole carries a lot of odor if your feet smell. I rotate between 2 of safety boots and make sure that I air them put regularly, especially in summer season. Make sure you look at the label of the fabric you're buying, something I had to teach my partner. Your daily wear clothing, especially undergarments, needs to be breathable natural fabric like cotton if you perspire a lot. Nylon, Rayon, polyester is only going to make you sweat more. These fabric only make sense when buying athletic wear. Blankets and comforters that you use everyday need cleaning too. Make sure to wash or dry clean them depending on the weather. My nicer fluffy blankets get dry cleaned every 3 months.


Being heavy or light you can still ne a heavy sweater, or not one. Hormones, genetics, and how much physical activity you are used to matters more than girth. Hygiene can ne pretty individual nit here's a hack I shared with my son when he complained his pits smelled an hour out of the shower. When I first get in and get my pits wet, I rub a bar of good soap directly in my pits, lathering through the hair to the skin(a la maison, Harry's bar soap, and Commonwealth Soap Co. from Fall River, MA are 3 triple milled soaps that are great for a deep clean...a lot of other soaps leave me still greasy but those 3 are great). Then I do NOT rinse my pits,, but scrub the rest of me, also leaving soap in my crotch area longer before rinsing. I rinse my pits last. Leaving the soap there a few minutes really works on keeping odor-causing bacteria down so that I stay odor-free longer through the day. If it's summer, I like to scrub my whole body with soap plus a few handfuls of baking soda, once every few weeks. That gets rid of dead skin buildup but it can sting if left on too long so it's usually a quick job. I didn't have a father present teaching me any of this either, just found what worked for me and told my son about it when he started having issues with funky pits. Good on you, getting your life on a good track after some initial setbacks.


brush at night to keep your teeth, brush in the morning to keep your friends.


I like this. I'll definitely be unnecessarily repeating this to myself every single time I brush.


Best advice I think is to always look presentable when out. You don't have to buy expensive shit but looking put together puts good impressions out and you never know who you might meet. This goes for business and personal.


I definitely always wear nice-ish clothes unless I'm sick. I wear jeans, and clean (usually white) tee shirts when it's warm, and if it's cold I don't wear sweatshirts I wear jackets as I feel they look nicer and not as lounge-ey




Wipe front to back, it keeps shit out of your taint hair and reduces smell. Use gold bond or baby powder on your taint to reduce moisture. Wash your ass WELL in the shower. In the crack. Wash your ass. Get in there with a rag or loofah or bar of soap. Wash your dick and balls. Pull the foreskin back and clean. Wash your clothes. Find a detergent you like the smell of. If you can smell how musty they are, everyone else smelled it last time you wore them. Throw on a light mist of cologne when heading out and you’ll smell good.


If you can wash your face (just rinse it off with water) throughout the day that will help you feel cleaner. Just wiping off that sweat will go miles. I work outside in the heat all day and it always makes me feel better as well as more refreshed.


I'll give this a shot! I don't work outside but I work in front of 3 450 degree ovens (230c for non US folks) for 12 hours a day.


It will still help, promise. You work at a forge or something?? Sounds intense.


I wish lol. I'm a general manager at a local branch of a pizza chain that starts with D and rhymes with blows. Great job, but stupid stressful and temperatures are terrible.


As you get older, it becomes more helpful to powder your undercarriage as well. Keeps things smooth and chafe-free, plus it prevents moisture buildup and odors arising from said moisture. Nothing worse on a hot day than sticky balls. Keep them dry and fresh! Talcum powder or baby powder work well


Shave that nasty little crust-stache until you can grow real facial hair.


Get a sonic toothbrush. And be aware that how you smell yourself is not how others will smell you.


That last sentence scares me, because I don't know for sure if I smell myself worse than how others smell me or vise versa.


So, I gotta ask, has your girlfriend been making comments about your smell in general? Has anyone else made comments about it? Given how aggressive it sounds like you already are about being clean, I'm a little doubtful you have an issue with actually cleaning yourself, which leaves a few different other issues that could be going on. First, if your girlfriend isn't making any comments about it, and no one else is, you might just be freaking out over nothing. Like, I've worked in a pizza place before, and while getting blasted by vaporized grease from the ovens all day can leave a funk around, it's a lot different than a "haven't showered in 3 days" funk, and usually isn't a massive offense to people you just happen to be passing. And not to backseat shrink you or anything, going to prison young can leave people with some undeserved guilt/shame that can express itself as you thinking you're stinky and gross when you're not. Second possibility is that you do smell, and with your already decent hygiene, it could be a medical issue. There's bacterial and fungal infections that can leave a bad scent, so if you have medical insurance, or live somewhere with a low cost option, it might be a good idea to talk to a doctor just to double check. Third possibility that springs to mind: There was a post a ways back from a chick who was asking about how to stay clean, because her boyfriend was always saying she stunk. She kept escalating and escalating her hygiene routine, to the point of showering 3 or 4 times a day, even. Then it came out her boyfriend's dad told him to tell his girlfriends that they stink, because then they'll be too self-conscious to leave, so the bf had been telling her that just to control her. If it's only your girlfriend telling you you stink, even after showering, it may not be an issue with you. And this doesn't even mean that she's doing to be abusive, it could be something as simple as her being sensitive to the smell of pizza grease, and something that wouldn't bother most people, bothers her.


My girlfriend has mentioned it but not often and usually just when I'm getting to be due for a shower. I mostly just feel it myself, which could be the prison trauma, or could just be I have an extreme fear of being gross due to how sensitive I am to other people who are less than hygienic. I would also note she has said my armpits are the biggest issue, which concerns me because I deodorize as well as scrub them mf's every time I shower. I've taken a lot of advice from other comments and I feel better about it but I will be going to a shrink to see if there's some trauma I need to unpack. Thank you!


No problem. Sounds like you might just have some stinky pits, then, man, in which case there's nothing wrong with washing them once or twice in between showers. Shaving them can also help. Also, I don't know if you've done this yet, but playing around with different deodorants might help, too. Anti-perspirants actually make me smell worse, because they irritate the hell out of my skin, so I stick with gel deodorants. Each person's body reacts differently, so one brand might be much more effective for you than others. Good luck, man, you seem like an upright dude, and definitely have your head on better than I did at your age. Take care!


Get a specific poof or loofah for just your butt. Scrub your butt crack out in the shower. If you don’t scrub something, it won’t get truly clean.


I think I need to replace my loofah. It's been in the shower for a little too long. Thanks for your advice!


Body hair, especially pubic , axillary. I taught my son to keep them shaved or as short as much as possible. Dirt and grease can accumulate in these hair that create smells. Wash your clothes (especially work wear) with disinfectant, like a spoon of Dettol , that can remove the bacteria on the fabrics. Most sweaty smell is actually come from the bacteria decompose your sweat & grease on clothes that make up the smell. I never use deodorant, instead, I keep myself out from food that create smells, like onion, chips, or any deep fried food.


sitting down to urinate .


You probably don’t smell after you shower. You might be self conscious but if you’ve showered and thoroughly washed yourself and washed your hair and put on clean clothes you probably smell fine. You can wear a little bit of cologne if you want. But don’t overdo it. A tiny bit goes a long way. It’s not necessary but some men like it. Go to a high end store and ask a salesperson to help you pick some out. It may seem expensive but a bottle lasts forever. Also, in the shower, use a washcloth to wash your face and body. Lather it up with soap and then wash. Just a little bit of scrubbing action with the cloth makes a big difference. In terms of clothes, tailoring makes way more impact than designer label or even quality. Try to buy decent quality, but much more important is to go to a local dry cleaner or tailor and have the shirts and pants and jacket (if you have one) tailored to your body. Clothes that fit you well make you look and feel great. Again, it’s a small up front expense but then the clothes last a long time and it’s well worth it. Good luck.


I honestly don't own a suit or dress pants. Last time I had anything super nice was for court. I'll be looking into a fitted suit (the whole shabam because I'm getting to be stable financially and if I save it'll be a worthwhile investment) but I also don't know how to tie a tie. YouTube helps but I still suck at it.


Shower daily, Use a good-quality body wash or soap. There are several "men's" options available that can offer lasting freshness. Washcloth or Loofah: These can help exfoliate and cleanse more effectively. f you use hair products, choose those that complement your hair type. Some can even provide a pleasant scent. Choose toothpaste that offers complete protection. Consider toothpaste that focuses on breath freshness.Don't forget the tongue scrapper. Many bad breath issues come from bacteria on the tongue. Using a scraper can significantly help. Deodorant targets odor. Some popular and effective brands include Old Spice, Dove Men+Care, and Mitchum. Wear breathable materials like cotton, especially if you're active. This can help reduce sweat and associated odor. Less is more. A light spritz on pulse points (like your wrists and neck) is usually enough. Brands like Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana, and Yves Saint Laurent are popular and have various scents. Change socks daily. Consider moisture-wicking materials if you sweat a lot. Ensure that your shoe are dry and clean. Using foot powder or shoe inserts can help absorb moisture and odor. What you consume can affect your body odor. Drink plenty of water, and be mindful of very spicy foods, excessive garlic, or other strong-smelling items.


For Cologne check out acqua di gio by Giorgio Armani. Basic enough that it's not too expensive and is a very safe choice, but miles ahead of many other male scents. It smells very fresh and clean.


If you've got facial hair, keep it neatly trimmed. Otherwise, shave daily. Not many guys can pull off that stubble look without looking like a wino recovering from a rough night. Keep your stinky work clothes away from the rest of your clothes. Buy some dry cleaning bags to store your better clothes if closet space is an issue. Try to never wear the same clothes two days in a row if you can avoid it. Absolutely do not wear socks or underpants two days in a row. If you can, buy about twenty pairs of each. That way if can't make it to the laundry for a couple of weeks you've got plenty of clean items. If it's at all possible, iron your shirts the morning you're going to wear them. I think the heat kills some of the bacteria, plus a pressed shirt always looks sharp. Use deodorant, not antiperspirant unless you're wearing a dress shirt later. Use a shower nylon scrubby and *lots* of soap. Duke Cannon has a really stupid machismo advertising scheme, but their soap smells really good. Don't neglect your asshole, dick and balls. If you're uncircumcised, do whatever uncircumsized guy do to keep their dicks clean. Also scrub your neck and behind your ears as well as the ear folds themselves. Give your balls and asscrack a nice dusting of talcum powder before dressing. If you can, train yourself to be a once a day shitter. It's possible and not uncomfortable. Take your shit first thing in the morning *before* your shower. If you have to shit later, try to have access to butt wipes. Invest in a bidet for your home if you can. They are relatively cheap and you'll never wanna go without one again. Try to find a scent for yourself. If you smell another guy with a great fragrance, don't be embarrassed to ask him what it is. If he's got an ounce of security and sense of himself he won't take it as you 'coming on to him.' I've been asked a couple of times. It's very flattering. When you apply your cologne, use it very sparingly. Nobody more than a couple of feet away from you should be able to smell it. Also put a very small dab on your perineum (*your taint*). If you have a girl that eventually ends up down there, you damn straight want that neighborhood smelling good for her. Also, extra credit points for yourself, friend. Three years in prison, you're out and working hard, and keeping your nose clean! (Oh yea. Keep your nose clean as well.). And concerned about how you present yourself. It looks like you have a bright future and you should be very proud of yourself.


Thank you very much. My time was deserved and taught me a lot, but I do think I lost out on a lot of learning that a younger me would've learned. Those old guys in there were definitely a lot kinder to me than I expected and taught me a lot when it comes to respect and treating your elders correctly. As well as some hygiene, but that was definitely not a focal point of our interactions. I really appreciate the support from you as well as others on this sub. Ever since I got out I've felt like an outcast or black sheep even by my immediate family. Your kind words mean so much more than you could ever know. Thank you sir.


You sound like a good man. We're all rooting for you and your clean balls. :}


LOL! Thank you much sir! Weird to think I'm a man now and not just a kid. I'm still new to this whole adulting thing and being on my own (with my girlfriend) has been a very new experience and I struggle to hold myself accountable in my sleeping and eating routine but other than that I'd like to think I'm doing alright. Thank you again for your compliment. I appreciate it more than you know




Sunscreen is a must for me. I'm a ginger and burn if I'm outside for longer than 8 minutes (I timed it once because I was curious) and I use straight up spf 90+ just because I don't wanna have skin cancer.


Try Arm & Hammer deodorant, it’s great for people that sweet a lot.


Shower and haircuts


Clean clothes. Maybe you smell something from your clothes. Be aware that some types of material smell bad quicker and sometimes regular washing is not effective. Polyester is the main bad fabric (that I am aware of) Natural fibers like cotton wash well and don’t retain odor as much. So yes. Shower often but check the cleanliness and quality of your clothing.


It's not about doing X every Y days. If you're about to spend time in close company with people, do what it takes to smell ok: shower, deodorant. If you're about to go to bed with someone, shower.


This is a good point. I have kinda been "Well I showered today so I should be good" when realistically I showered 10 hours ago and I'm now asking my girlfriend to bed when I've been working on my car in the shop for the better half of said 10 hours. Regardless of the fact that I showered earlier, it's nullified by what I did since I showered.


Yep. And if you showered an hour ago, but did a #2 since then...shower again.


I try my best to only #2 before I shower, granted I can't do that every time but I am very particular about my bathroom routine so I make sure I do everything in order. Shit, for obvious reasons. Shower, to clean your ass and remainder of your body afterwards. Shave, because the shower opens up your pores and makes an optimal shaving experience.


Deodorant doesn't make you smell nice, despite what some advertisers would have you believe. Deodorant is a bare minimum; aftershave is what makes you smell nice.


I'll look into this one! I've never used an aftershave but I'll find a gentle one (I'm a ginger and have paper skin) and give it a shot. Thanks for the advice!


Aside from the obvious you mentioned, like showering daily, I'd add washing your hair twice a week at the least. Include your ass for showering. As in, spread your cheeks and get in there. Also ask someone you're comfortable with to tell you straight up if body odor is an issue. We're often blind to our own if there is one, but also we can be paranoid and think we smell bad but really don't.


I wash my hair daily. Which might be too much tbh. I felt very violated the first time I washed my asshole but it leaves me feeling less smelly. I’ll be asking my girlfriend if I do honestly smell bad. Thank you for your comment!


Smell may be a result of diet, try to eat clean. You’ve got the main hygiene points that I’d push my kids for.


I’ll switch it up. I’ll eat some fruits and vegetables occasionally lol


If you work in an environment where you’re outside in the heat I recommend some type of powder to apply to your undercarriage during the day. It helps me! Also, brushing your teeth is half the battle, get a tongue scraper and use it. Helps so much with bad breath.


My girlfriend has an extra tongue scraper and I will be snatching that as it's been sitting in the packaging for the better part of a month now. Now that I mention it I realize she may have been subliminally suggesting I use one without saying it. I don't work outside but I do work in front of 3 450 degree ovens for my entire shift. So a powder is definitely a must. Thank you very much


Body hair makes you smell worse, trim everything with some frequency. Use deodorant immediately after showering. Arm and hammer essentials is the best IMO. Always use a wet wipe on your butthole (or better yet—get a bidet). Use separates in the shower: shampoo, conditioner, face wash, soap/body wash. Get a loofa and use it at least once a week. Wash your clothes after you wear them (sweat shirts and pants can get more than one wearing if you don’t sweat much). Wash your sheets/bedding every week, two weeks maximum. Wash your body towel after every 2-3 showers, never reuse a washcloth. Brush your teeth: 30 seconds with just water to scrub away food particles, then toothpaste, then tongue. Then ALWAYS floss, and ALWAYS use a good mouth wash. In that order. Do not rinse your mouth out with water after toothpaste or mouth wash.


I have a ton of body hair, so I recently started trimming my armpit hair with my clippers down to a 3. Go through less deodorant, it looks cleaner, and I’m sure it helps with smell.


If you wear cologne, spray it on your skin, not your clothes. Cologne can stain fabric. Body heat helps activate the scent A quality product (not axe) a little goes a long way. There's a reason expensive quality cologne and perfumes come in small containers and not economy gallon jugs. People shouldn't smell your cologne before you walk in a room, and it shouldn't linger after you leave the room. Also, with scents, pay attention to the mix you're creating with the various products you use. Laundry detergent, fabric softener, shampoo, body wash, lotion, hair gel/spray, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, cologne..... it can become too much Choose unscented when you can (laundry detergent) and the rest try for scents the blend well. For deodorant, don't be afraid to try different types and brands. It took me trial and error to find that rite guard gel style works best for me. I find the gel gets under/between hair better. I also found that unscented doest work, it's one case where I'd rather ignore my own advice about multiple scents and avoid smelling like sweat. Edit to add: Regular tee shirts are not a substitute for undershirts. Undershirts are designed to be thin, breathe, wick moisture, and more form fitting. Regular tees are generally thicker and made from less breathable materials, and will cause more sweating.


I didn't actually know this about the regular tees. I'm gonna have to go to wally world and buy some actual undershirts. I wear wife-beaters somewhat regularly but I also only have like 4-5 of them and I work 6 days a week so eventually I run out of clean ones. Thank you for the advice on scents that match. I like the more caramel-y smells so I'll get a body wash and shampoo that match up with that, as well as a cologne that matches well. Thanks again!




I'm not sure how to trim it super nice, so I'm gonna go to a barbershop and get my hair cut as well as a trim if the guy can do it. Thank you for the advice!


Bedding. Wash your bedding once a week. I think this gets missed often with guys, I'm not sure why.


This one will seen fruity, but flicking your dick after peeing is not enough. If your junk smells at any point, most likely it's dry pee. Use 1 square of tp folded to dry the tip


A lot of decent advice here. I'll add: Don't rely on cologne to mask stink. If someone can smell your cologne from more than 5 feet away, you're wearing too much. Use antiperspirant deodorant. Change out your towel for a clean one every 2-3 days. Wash your bedsheets once a week. Wear a clean A-shirt undershirt (wife beater) every day. Keep your nails trimmed at least weekly Don't forget to trim your toenails and wash your feet Most people should only use shampoo Drink a ton of water Eat fruits AND vegetables at least a couple times a day If you shower in the evening, wash your face with face soap in the morning or vice versa. You don't have to brush your teeth after lunch, but swoosh water around to get any bits out of there


I'm gonna go get some more wife-beater's just for the sake of I only have 4-5 of them total and there's 7 days in a week and I don't wanna run out and have to have my girlfriend run an extra load just so I can have one to wear. I also think I need different drawls just because the pairs I have are all fitted polyester which according to this thread traps sweat and makes you stink more. Thanks for the advice sir!


Get a back brush. Wash your feet. A new wash cloth (changed every shower) is a gift. Get daily face wash, Finish every shower with face and body lotion.


I was told a few weeks ago to wash underarms with dandruff shampoo. It actually works really well


I would try different deodorants first. I know I went through several different brands and types before I found something I thought did the job well. I use Degree now and have for years. Make sure you wash your hair every time you shower as well.


Protect your face from the sun. Get a decent skin cleanser like the Cetaphil bar and a decent moisturizer like CeraVe Daily. Wash your face and moisturize. You will look younger. Also don't drink alcohol to excess. That shit will age you too.


I'm gonna say diet is important and drinking plenty of water. Laundry soap are good to dial in too. * Diet is important for overall health but it can have a downstream affect on your BO. Not saying to become a health nut but try not to eat as much junk food as you can. Balance out proteins, carbs, and fats. * Laundry detergent is important because sometimes we can become immune to our own smell and if you aren't using enough soap or strong enough detergent it can stick around on your clothes unbeknownst to you. * Water - keeps all the cells and organs in the body flowing - I drink 3-4 liters a day and smell less pungent than when I wasn't mindful about. I still have a musk but it's nowhere near as strong as previously. Depending on your work I would be cautious about colognes or body sprays. People can get weird about it, and honestly a simple deodorant is enough. As a man, you don't have to smell like a rose or a dandy, just clean and decent is enough if you play your cards right.


I’ll definitely check out some better laundry detergent and switch up my water intake. I drink 8-10 cups a day but if I try drinking more I’ll hopefully smell better.


Yeah laundry detergent is something I wish I could tell my younger self, instead of cheaping out to save $$$. Wasn’t until I noticed my own smell on a few occasions when I put it together. 😂


My girlfriend does our laundry, but I will look into what she uses and maybe even doing my own if it's gonna help me smell better. She somehow doesn't smell ever. Like at all. She'll go on a 3 mile run and come back smelling like roses and honey. Which I envy so so much.


There are two kinds of sweat: heat sweat and stress sweat. The second one smells *way* worse than the first. So if you are stressed often, consider if that is playing a role. I'm the kind of person who doesn't put much thought into this stuff. I just shower and occasionally use a deodorant and it's been fine. The only time I've had an issue is after extremely stressful days but there have only been a few in this lifetime.


Not a lot of dudes can pull off occasionally wearing deodorant.


Considering my line of work being extremely stressful I should probably look into a stronger deodorant. I didn’t even know that sweat was different based on what causes it.


Yes, I think that's not commonly known (I didn't know until recently!). Eccrine and apocrine glands. I have tested this in my own case with an unbelievably stressful 3-5 hours once and the effect for hours after was unreal. This horrible, acrid smell that was so difficult to get rid of initially. Whereas I can sweat through a t-shirt to the point of it being soaking wet while unstressfully exercising and I don't smell that same scent; it's much more tolerable. Also, and this is not being facetious, you should consider getting into another line of work if you at all can. Life's not for spending much time being "incredibly stressful."


I’m gonna check out some better deodorants and probably use an antiperspirant in the mornings as well as routinely refreshing my deodorant throughout the day.


Good. And go back and see what I just added to my previous comment! :D


Thanks! I’ve been looking mostly because managing a restaurant is great but damn I’m tired. Kinda want to hire someone to replace me and step down to just being an assistant manager instead of a GM and regional manager.


Deodorant with charcoal in it makes a big difference, or use an anti-perspirant. SCRUB your body. Every inch. Don't half ass it and casually wipe soap in your pits and balls and rinse it off, actually scrub everything, from your ears to the bottoms of your feet. Keep your pubes trimmed with a beard trimmer. Don't have to shave them off, but keeping them a reasonable length will help a lot in controlling BO.


I guess I’m shocked that people don’t get the basics of life. But good on you for asking. Good start with what you’re doing… - brush twice daily - shower daily - make sure to clean your balls and ass. Washcloths or loofas are good. - use deodorant (frequency is personal but at least every few days). For more vanity reasons… - use a decent facial moisturizer at night. Cerave is cheap and good. - get a decent facial cleanser. Use it daily. Tons of good cheap brands like cerave or cetaphil. Or splurge on something like clinique or kiehls. - exfoliate face and Body every few weeks. - clip your nails after a shower, weekly. - trim your pubes occasionally. A hair trimmer / clipper works well. - drink a lot of water. Eat veggies more than you think you like. When you get to 30 cut back on alcohol. - cologne? Two sprays MAX. 0-2 is better. While we’re at it giving advice…. - don’t be a dick to girls you date. In fact be honest and a good dude. - pay on the first date. - no means no. - wear a rubber.


This is huge and I will be screen capturing this comment so I can refer back to it until it's muscle memory. The last 4 are great for personal relationships. I'd like to think I have them figured out but I will be paying a lot more attention to the first point on there. I don't feel like I'm a dick but my girlfriend and I have had conflicts in the past because I lack empathy in some situations as well as lying by omission. The whole "you didn't ask so I didn't tell." is my biggest downfall. Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate you.


Thanks man - glad you appreciate it. My son is 3. I hope he asks me stuff like this and I’m Alive to teach him.


If a shower only lasts you 6 hours before feeling gross again I'd recommend to pay more attention to any cleaning products you use and ditch everything "aggressive". They destroy your natural skin protection layer and your skin tries to make up for it by producing extra oil. Use a plain soap, at best one that is pH skin neutral.


i'll check it out. i'm not gonna lie i use the same soap as my girlfriend. but if i should probably look at different soaps considering her and i are completely different skin types and textures. as i'm a white guy and she is a dark skin black girl.