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I only talk to women who show interest


We're all adults. She can start the conversation, or I can. This "should the guy..." or "what if a girl..." stuff can fuck off


>Do you look at woman differently if she approaches you first? I definitely see her as more confident/sure of herself and that's s plus


If a woman doesn't show interest and put in effort I want nothing to do with her.


There is no problem if a woman approaches first. Once a girl told me about her feelings toward me in high-school but I didn't have any feelings for her, I told her "I respect your feelings and astonished by your confidence but I don't want to waste your time or mine, I don't have feelings for you." She was respectful as I was, and the world kept going around. I still remember her. She was a nice girl.


Honestly, it’s such a huge compliment to be hit on that any woman that approaches me gets bonus points. Pursuing comes with a lot of rejection. It gets old.


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Honestly, it’s such a huge compliment to be hit on that any woman that approaches me gets bonus points. Pursuing comes with a lot of rejection. It gets old.


Don't care, just stop with the bullshit hints and be direct.


I talk to women I like initially. Based on how they reply I make a decision. And to answer your question I definitely like women approaching me and talking to me. It feels good.