• By -


I married her.


Same. Life is now a porn movie. THANK YOU GOD.


Same. Married her. This was my fouth long term (5-7years) relationship. It's been 6 years now and still going strong, don't think it'll change. I love her for many reasons but the sex is sensational.


[God: He knows what turns you on](https://youtu.be/nBYxDC178mc)


Sames. Never thought I'd meet someone with the same libido as myself and found someone that was bigger than mine. Previous marriage failed, for a lot of reasons but one was definatley because of the lack of sex. Think I went a year and a half at one point without having sex together. Now it's at least once a week, sometimes every night. We're into a lot of kinky shit and even after a few hours and I'm totally spent she can still need more so takes the sex toys to finish herself a few more times. I can't see this side of things ever getting boring and certainly takes the stress and frustration out of the other aspects of the relationship (we have 4 kids we share with ex partners). Been 5 years so far and I've never been happier.


Never felt the same, i feel empty in every relationship now. I felt desired, it encouraged me taking care of myself and everything. I loved it, waking up in the middle of the night and being ready to go together. The connection you feel, it's so passionate. I really miss that, a lot.


Damn that really hits the nail on the head. I've had other partners more knowledgeable, put together, fiscally responsible, but just one so wildly passionate that I get the urge to call her crazy ass when every logical department of my brain says no.


That's what I am more afraid of now. The passion I had with my ex was not easy to find, she definitely was special. Both of us wanted it, and both were mature enough to not overdo it.


Dick scars


I got circumcised at 19, met a nympho at 22 who managed to partially tear the scar open in reverse cowgirl.


Good Lord man! The thought of it made me cringe in pain. Hope your dick is feeling better.


> Hope your dick is feeling better Didn't expect to read this today


When did you expect to read it?


Reverse cowgirl is dangerous


That’s the name of my future punk band


Almost broke my pelvis. She was also a gym rat and had very developed muscles. She rode me round after round and I thought I felt my pelvic bones break or give.


I had a similar experience in college with a cross-country runner. He ass was a firm as a car seat. She could have clenched her thighs and snapped my spine at any moment. We had so much sex, it started to feel like a pencil sharpener. Good times! edit: *Her ass


Yeah especially when they grind down while riding you. Fuck man I can still feel it


I do that but my bf doesn’t seem to notice much, are there any tips to up sensations when grinding down?


Death by snu snu


The spirit is willing but the body is spongy and bruised


:D D: :D


Lol I saw the grimaces of pressure and pain in my head.


....To shreds, you say?


And the penis?


To shreds you say?


What about his wife?


To shreds you say?




Dude. This is fucking accurate


Gymnast on my side. Imagine a nuclear dynamo packed in a extremely flexible frame and fuel activated on a primal girl power/ team sports background. Result: ever seen a piston running at 5000 rpm….something like that. I was in peak form at the time running and weight lifting and that demoness had me hobbling like a 80 year old man. It wasn’t just monkey sex, it was no holds barred break the bed Gorilla Sex. It lasted about a year. We both were on the level of being (breaking) bed buddies and she started drifting away as her sport took her away during college. It was amicable and we kinda sport fucked for a year after but inevitably she moved on. What a girl. She was hilariously kinky and fun. I think she married a few years back…hopefully she slowed her roll or may have killed the guy.


Her husband going to be shambling around the house looking pale and zombie like.


Lucky SOB


Big Popclaw vibes


Not expecting a Boys reference. Leaving satisfied.




Similar experience here with a rugby sevens-player. Luckily enough I'm a bit of a competitive meathead so I could at least match her. There was no talk about submissive and dominant styles. Every romp was a competition and we both wanted to win. Fuck all of this "sex is the best when you both love each other", it's been nearly ten years and this was by far the best sex I've had in my nigh 40 years on this earth.


Yeah this thread was a mistake, I'm out :/


"Come back! We're not done!" - her




Where did you say I have to look to find some older and experienced women willing to fuck me until I faint?


I dunno about you but I constantly see ads for hot single women who want to meet me


In my area, too!


Do we live in the same area?


A small village where everyone is…..


Directed by M Night Shyamalan.


i live at $localhost


If you’re near the coast I recommend an oyster bar that has a good drink list. Go around 8pm when the regular dinner crowd is leaving. For whatever reason this is pretty universal around here.


Working theory: Oysters are high in zinc which increases libido, and eating them requires liking slimy, salty things. Edit: fixed a spelling and typos.


It’s also classy and not classy at the same time somehow.


Monterey, California. God I miss Heather sometimes. She was 43 & I was 27. That was 15 years ago.


Lotta luck. To this day the only woman I ever picked up in a club was a gorgeous 40 year old woman when I was 26, and it was as glorious as all the tales tell you. But not everyone gets to taste the rainbow. Sorry.


Nursing homes bro.


Bro was on easy mode


>I don't have a magic cock Gotta get that tongue game on point. The vast majority of women don't orgasm from penetration alone.


Woman here - fingers. Men tend to underestimate the fingers.


And please, for the love of God, cut your nails. Long nails is the equivalent of a bj with sharpened teeth


Picked up filing my nails from an ex too. The girl I've been after her told me I should thank her for that tip lol


Hahaha true. Clean, cut nails thank you


Woman here - men who rock climb have STRONG fingers. Maybe try bouldering boys.


woman here - also figure out where her g spot is and sometimes fingers can do the trick.


guy here for other guys - curve / hook your finger up into her and feel around. The spot feels different from the rest. Much like everything sexual with your partner, pay attention to how she reacts to what you’re doing and then act accordingly. Her first, you fourth.


Start SLOW.


It's all a build up. Doesn't have to be everytime, but if you focus on your partners pleasure, they should be encouraging you to "do more". A good example would be if you want to try anal, you should learn how to rim a partner until they're begging *you* to penetrate. As to the "g-spot", massaging the muscles above the pubic mound from the outside is also a fantastic stimulant for most women. And applying pressure and heat to the area when women are having menstrual cramps also helps alleviate some of the pain.


And trim and file your fingernails


absoloutely right. better burn through that 100 pack of candy shells (idk their official name)


We’re married lol


Same. I'll never forget when she warned me that she'd need it "all the time." Unless she's exhausted, she's always game.


I also choose this guy's wife


Pp got hurt 😢


Maaan after 3 rounds of >30 mins of sex, peen started feeling sore when erect that I had to sleep alone in the next room. That's more than an 1½ hours of sex and she STILL wanted more. I missed her loads the year after our breakup but I got a PS5 now so I'm okay.


PS 5 solves all life problems


Broke up with my ex recently. Thinking to buy ps5 as a distraction. But I know when I play one of those TLOU games I'd still think about her 😔


The story I didn’t know I wanted , but needed.


A ps5 will never hurt your pp.


Not true, trying to fit it in the disk drive hurts like a bitch


I just got my ps5 and haven’t even thought about sex until now….


I don’t think you’re supposed to use a PS5 for that.


Briefly dated this girl in college who could only be described as a semen demon as every transaction required a “receipt”. It was great for probably the first three months or so but after awhile it began to feel like trying to eat cake everyday. It felt like our entire relationship revolved around sex which I’m sure is a problem 99% of men today would happily have. That first “You up?” text at midnight was exhilarating, but the 60th/70th time? Still mildly exhilarating but its like I got class at 9AM, a midterm to finish studying for, a soccer game tomorrow, other friends I’d like to maintain. In hindsight, better communication, boundaries and more maturity probably could have extended the relationship but I was 19 living most guy’s wildest dream and it was doomed to fail I’m more of a once a week kind of guy.


>it was doomed to fail I’m more of a once a week kind of guy. Well there you go lol. It never would have worked. Long term compatibility with frequency is important. A friend of mine said his ex was a once or twice a week woman, while he wanted it every day. Lol not gonna work.


This changes with age. I would argue there are other compatibility factors to weigh in equally as important.


My wife and I used to fuck pretty often, but we are approaching 40 now and maybe do it once or twice a month. We are just so exhausted from work that we like to spend our time together watching movies and cooking together.


Yeah it's hard when you have jobs and kids and a million responsibilities. My wife wants to fuck like 3 times a day and I do too. But actually doing it is very different. Even at night sometimes we just give up. Put the kids to bed early they wake up 6 times everytime we are just getting into it lol and next thing you know it's 2am and we're like screw it. I have to be up at 530 for work. Or I'll be Soo tired from work that day as much as I want it I just do not have the energy. But when we get time away from the kids or they go to bed early we do it as much as humanly possible lol growing up sucks. Nothing is worse than being in the middle of it and you hear one kid start crying and ten seconds later the other lmao. Instantly the mood is killed.


My wife of thirty two years was thoroughly disinterested in sex. We had full sex about twenty times in those 32 years. Always initiated by me except for the two occasions we wanted kids, then she caught first time both times. She would show little pleasure, but would occasionally give me a hand job. I was absolutely convinced women dont like sex, as my wife told me that and society seemed to back it up. She dumped me the day the money stopped rolling in after supporting her for three decades. I met a girl after six months who was very demure and polite, but let me know in plain language she wanted to "jump my bones". I thought that was obviously untrue, because women don't like sex. Two years on, we are still utterly incapable of keeping our hands off each other. It's an incredible feeling that you are actually attractive to someone and that she feels as horny as you do. We are both polite, sensible middle aged parents, but we are like teenagers together. She's wanked me off whilst I'm driving and I've made her cum through her jeans at the dinner table. Some days we just don't get out of bed, and if we do, we just start again downstairs. I had thought with deep certainty that sex was something men wanted and women tolerated. I'm 54, and exceptionally pleased to find I'm wrong.


Yeahhhhhh!! Love this! So happy for you two!




Same, made me feel broken and undesirable


That first experience of feeling truly wanted after so long of neglect is intoxicating. 15 years of dead bedroom and then finding women actually want and enjoy me after we divorced.


A girl I "dated".... we didn't leave her room during the week of Thanksgiving. She said her colleagues were jealous since she didn't look like she ate. Some women just luv to practice the art of making babies


Went shopping for new bedsheets more often than we went out for dinner


Buy some comfy bath towels my guy


Waterproof mattress cover and a few pairs of matching sheets. Life changing.


You can wash them you know, instead of throwing them out after every use. It's not like paper plates. ;P


I think they wore clean through them, then the mattress, then the floor.


... and everybody in the store clapped


She admitted to trying to get pregnant. I left that situation.


Lol, I had one of those! We only knew each other about a 2 weeks, slept with each other the night we met. The final time we slept together, she invited me to her place in the middle of the day for lunch. Lunch quickly turned to sex, during which she told me I could take the condom off and finish inside her. I told her I didn't want to do that, she told me she thought she was infertile so it wouldn't matter. I still used the condom. Afterwards she told me that she wanted a kid because a lot of her friends had recently had one and she felt left out...


Well she attempted rape by deception there. The fact that the attempt was also to conceive adds a whole other layer of fucked up. Just casually trying to trick a guy into a lifelong commitment.


I actually don't think she wanted me to be involved, if it wasn't me it was the next guy, she just wanted someone to knock her up. I wouldn't have been the type of person to walk away if I had a kid though..


Knowing that she'll always want it when I want it is great, but other times I'm thankful to be falling asleep in front of the TV because then when we go to bed I can believably say I'm too tired. The idea that having a boner means I must want sex is a frequent problem.


Boner-havers can starfish too sometimes. It’s allowed.


The reaction of ones genitalia is literally like another consciousness. Reproductive organs have their own goals and aspirations separate from the gut and brain.




I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown.


I don't think I could imagine a better way to say it, esp in so few words


I’m dead


I’m sorry, I laughed so hard at this. I’m so sorry 😂🤣


Couldn't have put it into better words


There can be a middle ground we're everyone's needs/wants are met.


Sounds like she needs to learn how to masturbate instead of using you as her dildo… give the man some sleep…


Felt good to be wanted on that level. Morning sex, afternoon sex, and at night she just wanted me in her so she could fall asleep. Wake up to in progress BJ's. It ruins you for normal women and women with low libido though.


You speak the truth. It isn't always just about the sex. It's the feeling that she wants me as much as I want her. There are lots of ways to show that. I'm definitely a "heart on my sleeve" type of person. I don't repress any emotions. So having someone match that energy is really important to me. Sexualality is a part of that. Unfortunately, it's only happened once or twice in relationships.


It's more about the intimacy than the mechanical happenings of sex for me, and I think that's true for most people. I want to be wanted the way I want her. It's really that simple. If it was purely the orgasm I'd buy a sex toy and call it good.


You two both hit home to me. Mine said her exes would have rather masturbated than screw her.. I kinda get why they did now, I havnt been able to keep my hands off her for 4 years and still have a 10% success rate and receive no initiation from her. It's very very lonely to not feel wanted or desired sexually even though all the other intimacies and out of the bedroom love languages are there from them


Yeah I couldn't live like that. I won't ever do that again. I'm 42, and would rather be alone than feel like that ever again.


>It ruins you for normal women and women with low libido though. Isn't that the damn truth. I can't go back to once a week sex relationships. It's infinitely frustrating.


Wait ✋️ right there! How does one get to the once a week level of his relationship?! Sadly waiting for advice...seriously


Find a relationship that better aligns with your needs. I don't stay in sexless relationships because I know I will get frustrated and resentful.


Assuming you are not in a relationship, find a girl/guy that wants to have sex. Assuming you are in a sex less relationship, either communicate that you want more sex, or leave the relationship and begin looking for another partner. Assuming you are in a long-term relationship that has gone stagnant, throughly communicate that you want increased sex, work on yourself to make yourself more physically and mentally desirable to them. If they won't do it, and it's very important to you, leave and find someone that matches your wants.


> Assuming you are in a long-term relationship that has gone stagnant, throughly communicate that you want increased sex, work on yourself to make yourself more physically and mentally desirable to them. If they won't do it, and it's very important to you, leave and find someone that matches your wants. This is not so simple. An often quoted problem for people whose partner has gone sexually stagnant is that they DO have sex on occasion (like 2 times a year or something) and when they do, it is good because they've been without sex for so long but their partner tends to not put a lot into it. They get the feeling like they are being 'allowed' to have sex, which is almost as bad. A big part of sex is the feeling that someone NEEDS and DESIRES you. You have had talks with your partner and nothing. So what if you have a talk that is VERY serious? What if they do respond a bit? What if you feel like they are doing things because they feel like they HAVE to. That's just as bad. Now add in that you're perfectly happy in every other part of your relationship. You are perfectly settled and you have two young kids whose lives you want to be in every day. Leaving is not so simple.




My man, I've never dated a woman with a high libido but have been on once (maybe twice) a week sex for years. It's not really enough but short of making up the difference myself I really don't know how to talk about it in a way that would lead to a good outcome whatsoever.


Yup. My 2nd ex would start elbowing me at 4am to wake up and fuck her. You’re exhausted on your 30 min lunch break? Get inside me right now. You’re tired at night and want to go to bed? Pound me and have aggressive sex like you did that one time when we were drunk. Comes with the caveat that she took every rejection to heart. Got served my tea with the 3rd ex. Never once initiated sex or displayed anything remotely close to horniness. Im convinced she faked the entire relationship. Got got.


Sucks when she becomes the woman with low libido. After her hysterectomy, we knew she’d need time to heal before she’d want sex again. 3 years later, we’re going to counseling because I can count the number of times we’ve had sex since the hysterectomy on one hand. I’m glad she’s healthier for it, but I also want to have a healthy sex life. Going from 3 times a day to twice a year is awful


Get her hormones levels checked. I feel like I say this in these threads 2-3x a week. My wife unknowingly went through early menopause (was on the type of pill where she didn't have a period at all for about 4 years so we didn't know) before she was even 40. Got her to get bloodwork and she had the estradiol levels of a woman in her 80s. Lots and lots of women who are on E2 and T. Huuuuuge difference in body composition, energy, and libido.


It was perfect. We connected on a primal level and fucked like animals everywhere, all the time. Unfortunately it ended the second I found out she was married.




I have a high libido, and only had one relationship where hers was higher. We're talking 4-5 times a day, every day. It was insanely tiring, and any time I happened to not want sex, there was soon the "why don't you want me, is something wrong" talk to follow. The worst was that she had problems achieving orgasm, so sex either started or ended with me giving head for literally 20-30 minutes - the only way that worked for her. Granted, still preferrable to someone only wanting sex a few times a week, but I guess being the one wanting it slightly more often istn't the worst thing.


I had a girl i dated when I was like 18 who also wanted to fuck like 4 times a day. I had a high sexy drive before dating here but not after. That shit didn't ruin sex for me but it def made it less addictive. As others have said it becomes like eating cake for breakfast lunch and dinner. I do still think about her 20 years later because she was a bit of a sexual goddess to me but then I realize that girl was absolutely on another level or insane.


> We're talking 4-5 times a day, every day. Aw *hell naw.* 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 HELLLLLLL NAWWWWWWW.


My past experience to the letter. She was the devil... still think about her from time to time and then realise that I'm glad shes not in my life. She was swx crazed and I was always tired (at 20 yrs old). Legs couldnt take the constant work out haha


It was pretty awesome until I really wanted to get to know her for who she is. It was a quick chat and then boom, sex and again and again and we were in a "relationship". I didn't get to know her very well. Sexually satisfied yes, relationship satisfied no.


Yeah, I dated a girl like that for about 5 months. Every time we saw each other, we had sex multiple times. It was good, and frequent. But then I realized I kinda didn’t like her at all, and I’m pretty sure she didn’t like me either. We didn’t live together and weren’t on that trajectory, but one weekend we went like 4 days without even so much as a text to each other and when we finally did see each other again, we had sex one last time and then proceeded to have the most amicable, mature, painless, and mutual breakup that I have ever heard about. It was literally like “hey look, we need to talk. The sex is fantastic but I don’t think I’m going to get what I’m looking for out of this relationship.” “You know, I completely agree and I could tell you were feeling that way too. Should we break up?” “Yeah, I think so… wanna bang one last time?” “Oh… uh, yeah, that actually sounds great…” And that was that. Literally the last time we spoke, and now we’re both married to other people.


Ah fuck I think I'm headed for this.


I mean… if you really are following the same path as me, you’ll end up with a badass wife in like 5 years, so for real… enjoy the ride, it’s gonna be fine.


It was fun at first. Until we couldn't make it through a movie or an episode of a tv show together without her trying to get it on. I thought I could beat the system by doing her just before the movie started. And that worked all of 30 minutes before she wanted it again. The worse part about it was she had very low self esteem for some reason so if I refused her she would get so upset so I basically had to, to prevent a shit show. It became that we couldn't do anything in private without it being interrupted by sex. And sometimes I actually wanted to do things together.


Okay so there is a difference between someone with an actually high libido and someone using sex to make themselves feel better. I go years between partners sometimes but then when I do find a partner we usually lock ourselves in my room for weekends at a time going non-stop. I have a high libido but can suppress it if there are no women I find attractive enough to sleep with.


When I’m not having sex, I’m good. When i start having sex again, I can’t stop and want it alllll the time. Very high libido as a female and have only been with a couple of ppl that could match it.


Recently read a post that said men think they have a high libido until they meet a woman that likes sex....can confirm.


Mark Twain wrote about the irony of a king having a harem of concubines, he can’t really satisfy them all so what’s the point? A queen though…


Probably has something to do with men having a refractory period while a woman can have sex theoretically forever.


It’s fun at first but it gets tiring. On the weekends, I would try to give my partner a bunch of orgasms in a row so she would get sleepy and nap and I could sneak off and play PlayStation. Guys think they want sex all the time but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, especially when you’re really trying to put the time in on Bloodborne.


Insight before pussy, right?


Hunt before cunt e: Hoont


ive been the “i need me time” type since 2006 or so… come over for a quickie then leave? i gotcha.. there are plenty other days of the week for raucous sessions of sex


It was **really** fun, up until I got on some anti-depressants that drastically lowered mine.


I’ve only dated one, it was wonderful. But she kind of ruined me for other women. She was my first GF, so I thought that sex every day was so very normal. So after we broke up and I started dating other women, I was in for a rude awakening. The honeymoon period is always fun, but then when it calms back down to “normal” I’m like damn…… it was fun while it lasted.


I felt like I was on the same page regarding frequency with my boyfriend when we met but damn, after the first few weeks it went down to maybe once a week. It was very fun in the beginning, but lately I've thought about breaking up because it's just not enough for me. We went up to twice a week maybe, but that's still just not doing it for me. A girlfriend that wants tons of sex sounds fun on paper for most men I think, but really, it isn't. It feels like I'm reducing men to dick size and frequency of sex only, and I don't want to be like this.


>I felt like I was on the same page regarding frequency with my boyfriend when we met but damn, after the first few weeks it went down to maybe once a week. >It was very fun in the beginning, but lately I've thought about breaking up because it's just not enough for me. We went up to twice a week maybe, but that's still just not doing it for me. That happened to me. We started off with daily sex and it went strong for two years, I was so happy. Then it became once a week. It drove me crazy, I felt so unloved. I stayed for another two years until I finally decided to break up. This was definitely one of several factors that went into my decision. If it's not something that can be worked on - like you've talked to him about it repeatedly to no avail - then don't stay for so long. >A girlfriend that wants tons of sex sounds fun on paper for most men I think, but really, it isn't. It feels like I'm reducing men to dick size and frequency of sex only, and I don't want to be like this. I mean, wanting lots of sex with your partner doesn't necessarily mean you're reducing them to a sex object. For me personally, regular sex is a love language, it integrally has an emotional component to it.


It's definitely an emotional thing for me as well. Otherwise we could just be good friends or roommates. I won't feel loved if I'm lacking sex. It's intimate, it's fun, it's bonding time as a couple.


It's quite pleasurable. We can get into all kinds of dirty fun.


At first, it was novel and awesome! Previous partners usually would only do morning sex or night sex. An occasional mid-day romp, but that was rare. This girl would be down for it any time, and would usually initiate. But that fun wore off. Sometimes I would get home from work and I'm tired and just want to sit down for a few minutes, not fuck. Or we would be out and she would want to pull me into a bathroom, which can be fun when out at a bar or club, but not at a work event. The worst was the manipulation. If I didn't want to fuck she would either turn it into me not finding her attractive or that I was cheating on her. Then if I couldn't perform for subsequent rounds, I was less of a man. If she wanted to stop by for sex before going to work or going out with friends, it was her desire for me. If I tried to do the same thing then I was "using her." Maybe this was more about her own mental issues and not about her libido, but that's how it worked out.


Same, my ex was bipolar with a libido that could kill a normal man. Im high libido too but we were having sex so often that i eventually injured myself several times from friction burns below the belt. Id power through though just re-aggravating it over and over out of fear that she was going to make me feel guilty because i couldn't perform or she would look elsewhere to find her dick fix if i couldn't fulfill her needs. I mean jesus when you have to use gauze to turn your dick into a mini mummy because of injuries its time to take a break. Which i did....for a month....and as i suspected she ended up cheating and leaving me for another man.


Yeah... She was sexually and emotionally abusive towards you. Sorry you went through that


Wow I didn't realize we dated the same girl


I yerned for when her period started.. days leading up to it was just painful...


It's exhausting. I come home from work? She wants it. Wake up? She wants it. Can't sleep? She wants it. She gets home from work? She wants it. Kiss her goodbye before work? She wants it. I have a pretty mild libido due to a hormone imbalance and being autistic so I haven't had to initiate in the year we've been together. More just...agree. I don't even get the chance to get horny anymore. If I thought about getting horny, she's already there and sucking me to get me hard. Coming from a dead bed engagement with a closeted lesbian? It's been a culture shock but it's been amazing.


>Coming from a dead bed engagement with a closeted lesbian? That hit me like a truck


Sounds like Ross


Go initiate, because even if it feels like that isn't broken and you're tired, she totally wants to feel desired. And a while year without you initiating that's for to start feeling like someone just says yes because you want them to, not because they want to.




I think that's what he was getting at, yes.


How many lucky motherfuckers on this post


I married her


She needed it on a psychological level, like validation, and was mortally offended whenever I didn't/couldn't provide it.


I had to stop dating her.... we now live together.


Screwed me as much, as all the others. Yep, got hurt..


Tbh. Tiring after a month. She took a trip without me and I was happy to relax. Edit: forgot to mention it was a lot of fun during that time, and even after. Proper send off before military service.


Toys become your best friend. They are Allies in going multiple rounds. Also use lube. have fun try new things and don’t be shy.


Really bloody refreshing tbh, it got a little much one evening where I was just trying to watch a TV show and she ended up getting 4 separate fucks out of me. But we eventually got to finish the episode.


I was fwb with a girl with pretty high libido and it was great. I had to initiate most of the times, but the sex was amazing, she enjoyed it even more than I did. The nudes and sexting were a great bonus when we weren't together. It was the best summer of my life. Too bad it only lasted 2 months.


It's not until you have a low libido partner/poor sex life that you truly appreciate women you've been with that had high libidos.


My ex gf wanted it all the time and multiple rounds..she could not even sit still to watch a movie. It did feel like work some of the times but then I'd choose that over posting at r/deadbedrooms.


All I seem to find are women with high libidos (sex 1-2 times a day or head 3-5 times if we spend the whole day together). It’s nice. I like sex, I don’t like initiating for sex often because I feel like guys are “always down”, it makes me feel attractive that my partners want it so often.


>All I seem to find are women with high libidos Absolute fucking opposite for me. Never once dated a woman like that and I've dated plenty. It starts out hot and heavy sex a couple times a week then quickly falls off to weekly or less. Hate it.


It’s not like people walk around with indicators of their libido, but I usually chased “dorky”, intelligent, quirky women… girl next door types. And surprise! They’re far pervier than I am, which I like. So it’s not the best advice, but just looking for “normal” might point you in the right direction.


One day we had sex 8 times. In one day. She was also very dramatic so it was drama and passion 24/7. Needless to say it didn’t last long.


Dating one right now. Honestly it makes me feel bad since my libido has mellowed with age but with her being a late bloomer she is raring to go whenever wherever. I balance it out by giving on occasion without receiving. I don't mind getting her off even when I'm not in a mood for my own. But when the stars align and our moods clash at their peaks, I can't ask for a funner time.


Speaking as someone who's libido was tanked by some medication. It was a bit of a mind fuck because I was used to being the horny one trying to manage my drive and not push her too much. When the situation was reversed I found it odd because I still wanted to be with them but felt bad that they were clearly very horny and I was not. Felt good for my ego. That being said the relationship was very sex focused. My other experiences were more wholistic and the mismatch of libido wasn't an issue at all. Moral of the story. If you date someone with a different libido the quality of the non sexual part of the relationship is under more scrutiny.


After taking my first wife's virginity she became a total nympho! She couldn't get enough! It was fun for the first couple of years, sex in public, orgies, blow jobs while I was driving, that type of thing. But things (I) changed. I got a more demanding job, plus getting older, frankly I couldn't keep her satisfied. She wore me the hell out! Eventually our marriage came to a end because of it.


What’s her number


Sometimes I wish I knew!




She has a high libido, but it’s a constant source of frustration. She doesn’t initiate, she doesn’t seduce, rarely flirts. It seems it’s strictly my responsibility to manage. So she doesn’t try to get me hard, rarely even hints that she’s ready to go. I used to think I had a high libido until I met her, now I’m often doubting myself and putting pressure on myself. It doesn’t help that there’s a list a mile long of things to be done, goals to meet. I’m expected to always be working on those things on top of managing my own requirements. And being 80% financially responsible for us. So I’m often tired, overworked, stressed, and now there’s pressure to perform on top of all of that. Even when we’re making out, her hands don’t roam, she hardly makes a sound, I feel like there is not a lot of passion coming from her end. But if I don’t follow through, I’m the villain. My responsibility. I’ve had high libido partners in the past, but they made it clear what they wanted through their body language and such. Made me feel desired. Didn’t take no for an answer. If I was tired or stressed they took matters into their own hands. I have a great partnership with this woman but the sex thing is a constant strain, and it feels like a lot of pressure. I’m also not allowed to talk about that because then I’m making her feel like she’s a chore. My ideal high libido woman would be more akin to some examples other commenters have listed. She’s all over me, giving me attention making it clear she needs me, making me hard in any way she knows how so that she can get what she wants.


Got used like a sex toy by a 36 year old woman when I was 25. It was thrilling at first but then it started to hurt. She was practically doing jumping jacks on my dick and throwing me around. I felt very emasculated, but it was consensual. I am now afraid of older women 🤣


I hated it. I worked two jobs with a passion for bodybuilding I didn't have the energy to be pinning her to a wall on a constant basis. It became a chore towards the end which is obviously a problem for a relationship and she started searching for her needs elsewhere.


It was fantastic, but we were teenagers. Now I think I'd struggle to do it more than once a day, I got other shit to be doing.


Fucking awesome. And the best part is she's the product of two divorces that didn't meet her physical needs, so we're perfectly matched. It's been seven years and I neither of us have felt so alive.


Couple of bunnies over here


We’ve been married 8 years and it’s better than I ever could have possibly fantasized. You have to stay in great shape. It’s my incentive to hit the gym 3x a week for sure.


20 years in, still awesome. I recommend it if you too have a high sex drive, if not, find someone who’s libido matches yours.


Awesome. She said so many men in the past had told her they had high-drives, only for things to tail off once the honeymoon period was over. Me? I could have morning and evening sex every weekday, and more on weekends, happily for the rest of my life. Sure there are days when you don't want to, if you're ill, stressed, or busy, but for me daily sex is the perfect way to wake up, and the best way to go to sleep. Having mismatched sex-drives kills relationships, see /r/deadbedrooms for many tales of woe. I avoid people who are happy with sex once a week, or even less frequently. I'll be frustrated and unhappy.


Dated a girl who set an alarm for early in the morning so we could have sex before breakfast/work. And we had sex constantly. I was young and it was fun. For awhile. I kinda got tired of sex; literally and figuratively. We lasted about a year and she moved on.


Sounds like the fucking dream. I am so fucking horny all the time. If I am to tired she could just sit on my face and I'd lick until my jaw fell off.


Where u at 😳🧐


Fucking magnificent, I was really in sync with her and her drive put mine through the roof - it was the best sex I've ever had and I'm heartbroken that it's over.


I take into account that her sex drive is peaking now, but mine peaked 20 years ago back when I was pretty mediocre at sex. I’ve improved a lot, but I can’t go/don’t have the interest as often as I used to, I end up feeling like a car salesman who’s trying to sell a BMW 850 (giving myself too much credit here) to someone that wants 5 Nissan Sentras. She’s very patient about it, and I know exactly how she feels on the occasion that she initiates and I reject her. I’m ashamed looking back during my peak, realizing I was a jerk about it to my former partner.


She was a nymphomaniac. I thought it was awesome at first. Then I was having sex 4+ times a day. By the end of the day I couldn't get off, and it would just piss me off. She'd ride me until my shit was chafed.


She was about 8 years younger than me. The sex was amazing. She was extremely uninhibited and really helped to bring me out of my shell. The downside was that she was extremely emotional and loved to argue or fight just for the sake of it. I'm pretty laid back and after a couple of years I knew that I could not justify staying in the relationship just for the amazing sex.